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Created December 10, 2018 17:20
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A visualization script to create frames of an animated gif of WBD accumulation where all paths terminate on the last time step.
wbd_gdb <- "WBD_National_GDB.gdb"
proj <- 5070
wbd <- read_sf(wbd_gdb, "WBDHU12")
write_sf(wbd, "temp.shp")
system("mapshaper temp.shp -simplify 10% -o simp.shp")
wbd <- read_sf("simp.shp")
unlink("temp.shp", "temp.dbf", "temp.shx", "temp.prj")
unlink("simp.shp", "simp.dbf", "simp.shx", "simp.prj")
# Used to identify problem HU toHUCs
# fromHUC <-sapply(wbd$HUC12, fromHUC_finder,
# hucs=wbd$HUC12, tohucs=wbd$TOHUC)
# aggrHUC <- sapply(wbd$HUC12, HUC_aggregator, fromHUC = fromHUC)
wbd$TOHUC[which(wbd$HUC12 == "090203160905")] <- "CLOSED BASIN"
wbd$TOHUC[which(wbd$HUC12 == "031300130600")] <- "OCEAN"
wbd$TOHUC[which(wbd$HUC12 == "100500080502")] <- "100500080504"
wbd$TOHUC[which(wbd$HUC12 == "100500010301")] <- "100500010302"
wbd <- filter(wbd, !grepl("^19.*|^20.*|^21.*|^22.*", wbd$HUC12)) %>%
# Integer ID for HU12s
lookup <- data.frame(HUC12 = unique(wbd$HUC12),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
mutate(ID = seq(1:nrow(.)))
# Just the dendritic network.
wbd_net <- st_set_geometry(wbd, NULL) %>%
left_join(lookup, by = "HUC12") %>%
left_join(select(lookup, toID = ID, HUC12), by = c("TOHUC" = "HUC12")) %>%
select(ID, toID, nameID = GNIS_, area = AREAS) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
summarise(toID = toID[1], nameID = nameID[1], area = sum(area))
# from nhdplusTools
area <- calculate_total_drainage_area(distinct(select(wbd_net, ID, toID, area)))
wbd_net[["total_area"]] <- area
wbd_net[["nameID"]][[["nameID"]]) | wbd_net[["nameID"]] == "0"] <- " "
# from nhdplusTools
level_paths <- calculate_levelpaths(select(wbd_net, ID, toID, nameID, weight = total_area))
# Add a headID, didn't use in the end, but worth demonstrating.
level_paths <- level_paths %>%
group_by(levelpath) %>%
arrange(desc(topo_sort)) %>%
mutate(headID = first(ID)) %>%
# Create a data.frame we will use for plotting later.
wbd_plotter <- select(wbd, HUC12) %>%
group_by(HUC12) %>%
summarise() %>% # Combines geometries from single part to multi-part
left_join(lookup, by = "HUC12") %>%
left_join(select(wbd_net, ID, toID), by = "ID") %>%
left_join(distinct(level_paths), by = "ID") %>%
mutate(toID = ifelse(, 0, toID)) %>% # terminals have ID = 0 now
arrange(desc(topo_sort)) # Sort from upstream to downstream.
paths <- st_set_geometry(wbd_plotter, NULL) %>%
group_by(levelpath) %>%
summarise(length = n(), outletID = outletID[1], headID = headID[1]) %>%
left_join(select(st_set_geometry(wbd_plotter, NULL), ID, outletID_toID = toID, topo_sort),
by = c("outletID" = "ID")) %>%
arrange(topo_sort) # This sort gets things in downstream to upstream order.
# Moves all the terminals to the front.
paths <- bind_rows(filter(paths, outletID_toID == 0),
filter(paths, !outletID_toID == 0))
# Going to fill this in with the required plot order.
wbd_plotter$order <- rep(0, nrow(wbd_plotter))
for(i in seq_len(nrow(paths))) {
lp <- paths$levelpath[i]
if(paths$outletID_toID[i] == 0) { # If it's an outlet
# Start headwater of current path at the max path length minus current path length.
start_step <- max(paths$length) - paths$length[i] + 1
} else {
# Start headwater of current path at order of the downstream
# trunk minus the length of the current path.
start_step <- wbd_plotter$order[(which(wbd_plotter$ID == paths$outletID_toID[i]))] - paths$length[i]
# Insert the sequence for this path.
wbd_plotter$order[which(wbd_plotter$levelpath == lp)] <-
seq(start_step, start_step + paths$length[i] - 1)
# The above results in negative values in some cases.
# This normalizes everything to start at 1
wbd_plotter$order <- (wbd_plotter$order - min(wbd_plotter$order)) + 1
states <- read_sf("states.shp") %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
# Bonus fun plot.
plot(states$geometry, col = NA, lwd = 0.4)
for(i in 1:100) {
plot(filter(wbd_plotter, levelpath == paths$levelpath[i])$SHAPE, add = TRUE, lwd = 0.3)
plot_hu_fun <- function(wbd_plotter, ids, png_file) {
pd <- filter(wbd_plotter, ID %in% ids)
png(png_file, width = 1024, height = 768)
plot(st_geometry(states), lwd = 0.5, col = NA)
# plot(wbd_plotter$SHAPE, col = NA, lwd = 0.1) # for testing
lwd = 0.5, col = NA, add = TRUE)
# Could do with other methods, but this uses more cores and speeds things up a bit.
par_union <- function(g, wbd_plotter) {
sf::st_union(sf::st_geometry(wbd_plotter)[which(wbd_plotter$ID == g)])
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(rep("localhost", 4), type = "SOCK")
id_toid <- select(st_set_geometry(wbd_plotter, NULL), ID, toID, order)
wbd_plotter <- select(wbd_plotter, ID, toID, order)
for(i in seq(1, max(wbd_plotter$order))) {
png_file <- paste0("wbd", stringr::str_pad(i, 4, "left", "0"), ".png")
ids <- filter(st_set_geometry(wbd_plotter, NULL),
!wbd_plotter$ID %in% wbd_plotter$toID & # is a headwater
wbd_plotter$order == i)$ID # and is on this step
plot_hu_fun(wbd_plotter, c(0, ids), png_file)
# update ID to next down and create group size.
wbd_plotter <- mutate(wbd_plotter, ID = ifelse(ID %in% ids, toID, ID)) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(g_size = n()) %>%
# These need to get unioned together.
to_combine <- unique(wbd_plotter$ID[which(wbd_plotter$g_size > 1)])
# Could use group_by and summarize(do_union = TRUE) but this scales better.
combined <- parSapply(cl, to_combine,
par_union, wbd_plotter = wbd_plotter)
# Update wbd_plotter removing stuff that just got combined and binding on combined stuff
combined <- left_join(st_sf(ID = to_combine, geometry = st_sfc(combined)),
id_toid, by = "ID")
wbd_plotter <- filter(wbd_plotter, g_size < 2)
wbd_plotter <- bind_rows(select(wbd_plotter, -g_size),
combined) %>%
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