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Last active December 25, 2018 17:28
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Regrid daymet data to a collection of polygon cells.
# Need:
# Need:
get_time_nc <- function(t_dim) {
time_units<-strsplit(t_dim$units, " ")[[1]]
if(nchar(date_origin) == 10) {
date_origin <- paste0(date_origin, "T00:00:00Z")
if(grepl("hour", time_step, = TRUE)) {
multiplier <- (60^2)
} else if(grepl("day", time_step, = TRUE)) {
multiplier <- (24 * 60^2)
} else {
stop("only hour time steps supported so far")
origin <- as.POSIXct(strptime(date_origin,
format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ",
tz = "UTC"),
tz = "UTC")
as.POSIXct(t_dim$vals * multiplier,
origin = origin,
tz = "UTC")
input_cells <- st_simplify(read_sf("SanJuanSimplify"), 100)
### Used for testing a smaller grid ###
# subset_box <- c(510000, 4050000, 530000, 4080000) %>%
# setNames(c("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"))
# class(subset_box) <- "bbox"
# subset_box <- st_as_sfc(subset_box)
# st_crs(subset_box) = st_crs(input_cells)
# input_cells <- st_intersection(input_cells, subset_box)
# Will not work with CRAN ncdf4 which is not compiled with OPeNDAP support.
dmt <- nc_open("")
# Uses:
prj <- ncdfgeom::get_prj(ncatt_get(dmt, dmt$var$lambert_conformal_conic))
# Buffer out a bit to be sure we have all centroids in output.
bbox <- st_bbox(st_transform(input_cells, prj)) + c(-1000, -1000, 1000, 1000)
# Grab stuff in bounding box.
x_inds <- which(dmt$dim$x$vals > bbox$xmin & dmt$dim$x$vals < bbox$xmax)
y_inds <- which(dmt$dim$y$vals > bbox$ymin & dmt$dim$y$vals < bbox$ymax)
# Finicky conversion to matrix and adding an id.
x_vals <- matrix(dmt$dim$x$vals[x_inds],
nrow = length(y_inds), ncol = length(x_inds),
byrow = T)
y_vals <- matrix(dmt$dim$y$vals[y_inds],
nrow = length(y_inds), ncol = length(x_inds),
byrow = F)
ids <- matrix(seq(1, length(x_inds) * length(y_inds)),
nrow = length(y_inds), ncol = length(x_inds),
byrow = T)
dmt_points <- st_as_sf(data.frame(x = matrix(x_vals, ncol = 1),
y = matrix(y_vals, ncol = 1),
id = matrix(ids, ncol = 1)),
coords = c("x", "y"), crs = prj, agr = "constant")
# Buffer out half a grid cell for intersection ov voronoi.
correct_bbox <- st_bbox(dmt_points) + c(-500, -500, +500, +500)
# Build Cell Geometry
dmt_polygons <- st_geometry(dmt_points) %>%
st_union() %>%
st_voronoi() %>%
st_cast() %>%
st_intersection(st_as_sfc(correct_bbox)) %>%
dmt_polygons <- st_join(dmt_polygons, dmt_points, join = st_contains) %>%
select(dmt_id = id)
input_cells <- st_transform(input_cells, st_crs(dmt_polygons)) %>%
select(input_id = OBJECTID)
intersection <- st_intersection(dmt_polygons, input_cells)
write_sf(dmt_points, "sj_dmt_points.gpkg")
write_sf(dmt_polygons, "sj_dmt_poly.gpkg")
write_sf(input_cells, "sj_input_poly.gpkg")
write_sf(intersection, "sj_intersected_poly.gpkg")
# Get individual intersection areas. (as.numeric removes units)
intersection <- intersection %>%
mutate(area = as.numeric(st_area(intersection))) %>%
group_by(input_id) %>%
# Get sum of area by input_id and join to intersection.
id_area <- summarise(intersection, id_area = sum(area))
intersection <- left_join(intersection, id_area, by = "input_id")
# Calculate percent of id_area of each incremental area.
intersection <- mutate(intersection, percent_covers = area/id_area) %>%
select(-area, -id_area) %>% ungroup()
# How many steps to run.
n_steps <- 100 # All is dmt$dim$time$len
# Setup output matrix
out <- matrix(nrow = n_steps, ncol = length(input_cells$input_id))
# Step through time steps here.
# Could do this in a few ways to improve scalability.
# If one time step is small, could ncvar_get many time steps at a time and unpack.
# If all time steps in out is too large, could write output incrementally.
for(i in 1:n_steps) {
# One timestep at a time.
dmt_data <- ncvar_get(dmt, dmt$var$tmin,
start = c(min(x_inds), min(y_inds), i),
count = c(length(x_inds), length(y_inds), 1))
# Unpack dmt_data and add id
dmt_data <- data.frame(d = matrix(t(dmt_data), ncol = 1, byrow = TRUE),
dmt_id = matrix(ids, ncol = 1))
# Only needed for plotting output.
dmt_p <- dmt_data
dmt_data <- right_join(dmt_data, intersection,
by = c("dmt_id")) %>%
mutate(d = d * percent_covers) %>%
group_by(input_id) %>%
summarise(d = sum(d, na.rm = T)/sum(percent_covers, na.rm = T)) %>%
# Append to output
out[i,] <- dmt_data$d
time_steps <- get_time_nc(dmt$dim$time)
# Write output for gsflow
cat("daymet data test\n", file = "daymet_test.cbh")
cat(paste0("tmin ", length(input_cells$input_id), "\n"),
file = "daymet_test.cbh", append = TRUE)
file = "daymet_test.cbh", append = TRUE)
for(i in 1:n_steps) {
cat(paste0(paste(format(time_steps[i], format = "%Y %m %d"), "0 0 0 "),
paste(round(out[i,], digits = 2), collapse = " "), "\n"),
file = "daymet_test.cbh", append = TRUE)
# plot(st_geometry(dmt_polygons))
# plot(st_transform(st_geometry(input_cells), st_crs(dmt_polygons)), add = T)
# Lots of checking here. Only use with 1 time step above.
dmt_p <- left_join(dmt_polygons, dmt_p)
plot(dmt_p["d"], border = NA)
write_sf(dmt_p, "sj_dmt_check.gpkg")
pd <- st_transform(left_join(input_cells, dmt_data), st_crs(dmt_polygons))
plot(pd["d"], border = NA)
# Use to check order of output text file.
write_sf(pd, "sj_dmt_out.gpkg")
# plot(st_geometry(dmt_p))
# plot(st_geometry(pd), add = TRUE)
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