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Created October 13, 2011 15:15
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Python script to prefilter environment maps, computing spherical harmonic lighting coefficients
#!/usr/bin/env python2
"""Python script to prefilter environment maps, computing spherical
harmonic lighting coefficients.
Python port of the prefilter.c code from
import math
import array
def input(fname, width):
fp = open(fname, "rb")
d = array.array('f')
d.fromfile(fp, width*width * 3)
hdr = {}
counter = 0
for i in range(width):
for j in range(width):
pixels = []
for k in range(3):
val = d[counter]
counter += 1
hdr[(i,j)] = pixels
return hdr
def sinc(x):
"""Supporting sinc function
if (abs(x) < 1.0e-4):
return 1.0
def prefilter(hdr, width):
coeffs = {}
for x in range(9):
coeffs[x] = {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 0.0}
def updatecoeffs(hdr, domega, x, y, z):
for col in range(3):
c = 0.282095
coeffs[0][col] += hdr[col] * c * domega
c = 0.488603
coeffs[1][col] += hdr[col]*(c*y)*domega # Y_{1-1} = 0.488603 y
coeffs[2][col] += hdr[col]*(c*z)*domega # Y_{10} = 0.488603 z
coeffs[3][col] += hdr[col]*(c*x)*domega # Y_{11} = 0.488603 x
# The Quadratic terms, L_{2m} -2 <= m <= 2
# First, L_{2-2}, L_{2-1}, L_{21} corresponding to xy,yz,xz
c = 1.092548
coeffs[4][col] += hdr[col]*(c*x*y)*domega # Y_{2-2} = 1.092548 xy
coeffs[5][col] += hdr[col]*(c*y*z)*domega # Y_{2-1} = 1.092548 yz
coeffs[7][col] += hdr[col]*(c*x*z)*domega # Y_{21} = 1.092548 xz
# L_{20}. Note that Y_{20} = 0.315392 (3z^2 - 1)
c = 0.315392
coeffs[6][col] += hdr[col]*(c*(3*z*z-1))*domega
# L_{22}. Note that Y_{22} = 0.546274 (x^2 - y^2)
c = 0.546274 ;
coeffs[8][col] += hdr[col]*(c*(x*x-y*y))*domega
def _prefilter(hdr, width):
for i in range(width):
for j in range(width):
v = (width/2.0 - i) / (width/2.0) # u ranges from -1 to 1 */
u = (j-width/2.0)/(width/2.0) # u ranges from -1 to 1 */
r = math.sqrt(u*u+v*v) # The "radius"
if r > 1.0:
# Consider only circle with r<1
from math import sin, cos, atan2
theta = math.pi*r ; # theta parameter of (i,j)
phi = atan2(v,u) ; # phi parameter
x = sin(theta)*cos(phi) # Cartesian components
y = sin(theta)*sin(phi)
z = cos(theta)
Computation of the solid angle. This follows from some
elementary calculus converting sin(theta) d theta d phi
into coordinates in terms of r. This calculation should
be redone if the form of the input changes
domega = (2*math.pi/width)*(2*math.pi/width)*sinc(theta)
updatecoeffs(hdr[(i,j)],domega,x,y,z) # Update Integration
# Modifies coeffs (made non-global by wrapping this in a function call)
# TODO: Refactor this into a class or something
_prefilter(hdr, width)
return coeffs
def tomatrix(coeffs):
"""Form the quadratic form matrix (see equations 11 and 12 in paper)
matrix = {}
for a in range(4):
matrix[a] = {}
for b in range(4):
matrix[a][b] = {}
c1 = 0.429043; c2 = 0.511664 ;
c3 = 0.743125 ; c4 = 0.886227 ; c5 = 0.247708 ;
for col in range(3):
# Equation 12 */
matrix[0][0][col] = c1*coeffs[8][col] #; /* c1 L_{22} */
matrix[0][1][col] = c1*coeffs[4][col] #; /* c1 L_{2-2} */
matrix[0][2][col] = c1*coeffs[7][col] #; /* c1 L_{21} */
matrix[0][3][col] = c2*coeffs[3][col] #; /* c2 L_{11} */
matrix[1][0][col] = c1*coeffs[4][col] #; /* c1 L_{2-2} */
matrix[1][1][col] = -c1*coeffs[8][col]#; /*-c1 L_{22} */
matrix[1][2][col] = c1*coeffs[5][col] #; /* c1 L_{2-1} */
matrix[1][3][col] = c2*coeffs[1][col] #; /* c2 L_{1-1} */
matrix[2][0][col] = c1*coeffs[7][col] #; /* c1 L_{21} */
matrix[2][1][col] = c1*coeffs[5][col] #; /* c1 L_{2-1} */
matrix[2][2][col] = c3*coeffs[6][col] #; /* c3 L_{20} */
matrix[2][3][col] = c2*coeffs[2][col] #; /* c2 L_{10} */
matrix[3][0][col] = c2*coeffs[3][col] #; /* c2 L_{11} */
matrix[3][1][col] = c2*coeffs[1][col] #; /* c2 L_{1-1} */
matrix[3][2][col] = c2*coeffs[2][col] #; /* c2 L_{10} */
matrix[3][3][col] = c4*coeffs[0][col] - c5*coeffs[6][col] ;
# /* c4 L_{00} - c5 L_{20} */
return matrix
def print_values(coeffs, matrix):
print("\n Lighting Coefficients\n")
print("(l,m) RED GREEN BLUE")
print("L_{0,0} %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f" % (coeffs[0][0],coeffs[0][1],coeffs[0][2]))
print("L_{1,-1} %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f" % (coeffs[1][0],coeffs[1][1],coeffs[1][2]))
print("L_{1,0} %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f" % (coeffs[2][0],coeffs[2][1],coeffs[2][2]))
print("L_{1,1} %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f" % (coeffs[3][0],coeffs[3][1],coeffs[3][2]))
print("L_{2,-2} %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f" % (coeffs[4][0],coeffs[4][1],coeffs[4][2]))
print("L_{2,-1} %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f" % (coeffs[5][0],coeffs[5][1],coeffs[5][2]))
print("L_{2,0} %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f" % (coeffs[6][0],coeffs[6][1],coeffs[6][2]))
print("L_{2,1} %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f" % (coeffs[7][0],coeffs[7][1],coeffs[7][2]))
print("L_{2,2} %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f" % (coeffs[8][0],coeffs[8][1],coeffs[8][2]))
for chan, name in enumerate(("red", "green", "blue")):
print "\nMATRIX M: %s" % (name.upper())
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
print "%9.6f " % matrix[i][j][chan],
def main():
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print "%s <input .float file> <width>" % sys.argv[0]
fname = sys.argv[1]
imgwidth = int(sys.argv[2])
print "Loading image"
hdr = input(fname, imgwidth)
import pngcanvas
c = pngcanvas.PNGCanvas(imgwidth, imgwidth)
def clamp(a, lower = 0, upper = 255):
return max(min(a, upper), lower)
def eightbitify(a):
return clamp(int(round(a*255)), lower = 0, upper = 255)
print "Writing PNG preview"
for xcoord in range(imgwidth):
for ycoord in range(imgwidth):
color = [int(clamp(x**0.454545*255)) for x in hdr[(xcoord, ycoord)]]
c.point(xcoord, ycoord, color = color)
f = open("checkprobe.png", "wb")
print "Prefiltering"
coeffs = prefilter(hdr, imgwidth)
print "Coefficients"
matrix = tomatrix(coeffs)
print_values(coeffs, matrix)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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What does the 'width' argument represent when entering it into the command line?

For example:

python example.hdr [width]

If I enter the width of the image, which is 2400, I get the error:

EOFError: not enough items in file

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