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Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

function compileStyles(strings, ...expressions) {
let styles = '';
strings.forEach((string, i) => {
const expression = expressions[i];
let expressionResult = '';
if (expression !== undefined) {
expressionResult = expressions[i];
styles += string + expressionResult;
import { useEffect, useState, useLayoutEffect, useRef } from '../lib/react.js';
import compileStyles from './compile-styles.js';
let globalIdentifier = 0;
function css(strings, ...expressions) {
const styleElementRef = useRef(document.createElement('style'));
const compiledStyles = compileStyles(strings, ...expressions);
const [className, setClassName] = useState();
const DialogContainer = ({ visible, onClickOutside, children }) => {
// ...
return (
enter: 0,
exit: 400,
import React, { memo, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
export default function State(initialState, setterHandler = value => value) {
const subscriptions = [];
let shouldUpdate = true;
let state = initialState;
function subscribe(fn) {
return function() {
Executing (default): SELECT `id` FROM `authors` AS `author` ORDER BY `author`.`createdAt` DESC;
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt` FROM `authors` AS `author` WHERE `author`.`id` IN (3, 2, 1);
Executing (default): SELECT `id` FROM `books` AS `book` WHERE `book`.`authorId` = 3 ORDER BY `book`.`createdAt` DESC;
Executing (default): SELECT `id` FROM `books` AS `book` WHERE `book`.`authorId` = 2 ORDER BY `book`.`createdAt` DESC;
Executing (default): SELECT `id` FROM `books` AS `book` WHERE `book`.`authorId` = 1 ORDER BY `book`.`createdAt` DESC;
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `title`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `authorId` FROM `books` AS `book` WHERE `book`.`id` IN (3);
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `title`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `authorId` FROM `books` AS `book` WHERE `book`.`id` IN (4);
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `title`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `authorId` FROM `books` AS `book` WHERE `book`.`id` IN (2, 1);
import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
const Center = styled.div`
position: fixed;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
const Spinner = () => (
import { useState } from 'react';
export const useFormState = initialState => {
const [formState, setFormState] = useState(initialState);
const onChange = event => {
const target = event.currentTarget;
const value = target.type === 'checkbox' ? target.checked : target.value;
const name =;
if (!name) {
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react';
const Icon = props => {
return (
viewBox="0 0 500 500"
"scripts": {
"build": "babel src -d dist",
"start": "node -r dotenv/config dist",
"watch": "NODE_ENV=development nodemon --watch src --exec babel-node src/index.js"
"engines": {
"node": "10"
"dependencies": {
// Place your snippets for JavaScript here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and
// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the
// same ids are connected.
// Example:
"Print to console": {
"prefix": "log",
"body": [