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Created September 4, 2024 15:59
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Change the target framework of a csproj, fsproj, or vbproj file
open System
open System.Xml.Linq
let targetVersion = fsi.CommandLineArgs |> Array.tryItem 1 |> Option.defaultValue "net6.0"
let xsproj = fsi.CommandLineArgs |> Array.tryItem 2
let isProjFile (filename: string) =
match (IO.Path.GetExtension(filename)).ToLower() with
| ".csproj" | ".fsproj" | ".vbproj" -> true
| _ -> false
let tryFindProj () =
let curDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory
printfn "Finding proj files in %s" curDir
|> Array.tryFind isProjFile
let loadFile (path:string) =
let changeTargetFramework (newTargetFramework: string) (projectFile: XDocument) =
// Find the <TargetFramework> element
let targetFrameworkElement =
|> Seq.filter (fun elem -> elem.Name.LocalName = "TargetFramework")
|> Seq.head
// Update the value of the <TargetFramework> element
let saveDoc (path:string) (projectFile: XDocument) =
// Save the modified project file
let swapTargetFramework target projPath =
loadFile projPath
|> changeTargetFramework target
|> saveDoc projPath
let dotvto targetVersion optFile =
|> Option.orElseWith tryFindProj
|> (swapTargetFramework targetVersion)
|> function
| Some _ -> printfn "TargetFramework set to %s" targetVersion
| None -> printfn "No proj file found"
dotvto targetVersion None
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