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Created June 10, 2017 19:50
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# 1de8015 on Dec 19, 2016
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
import os
import pipes
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.plugins.connection.ssh import Connection as SSHConnection
from contextlib import contextmanager
__metaclass__ = type
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
class ConnectionBase(SSHConnection):
class Connection(ConnectionBase):
''' ssh based connections '''
transport = 'sshjail'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# == jailname@jailhost
self.inventory_hostname =
self.jailspec, ='@', 1)
# self.jailspec == jailname
# == jailhost
# this way SSHConnection parent class uses the jailhost as the SSH remote host
# jail information loaded on first use by match_jail
self.jid = None
self.jname = None
self.jpath = None
self.connector = None
# logging.warning(self._play_context.connection)
def match_jail(self):
if self.jid is None:
code, stdout, stderr = self._jailhost_command("jls -q jid name host.hostname path")
if code != 0:
display.vvv("JLS stdout: %s" % stdout)
raise AnsibleError("jls returned non-zero!")
lines = stdout.strip().split('\n')
found = False
for line in lines:
if line.strip() == '':
jid, name, hostname, path = line.strip().split()
if name == self.jailspec or hostname == self.jailspec:
self.jid = jid
self.jname = name
self.jpath = path
found = True
if not found:
raise AnsibleError("failed to find a jail with name or hostname of '%s'" % self.jailspec)
def get_jail_path(self):
return self.jpath
def get_jail_id(self):
return self.jid
def get_jail_connector(self):
if self.connector is None:
code, _, _ = self._jailhost_command("which -s jailme")
if code != 0:
self.connector = 'jexec'
self.connector = 'jailme'
return self.connector
def _strip_sudo(self, executable, cmd):
# Get the command without sudo
sudoless = cmd.rsplit(executable + ' -c ', 1)[1]
# Get the quotes
quotes = sudoless.partition('echo')[0]
# Get the string between the quotes
cmd = sudoless[len(quotes):-len(quotes+'?')]
# Drop the first command becasue we don't need it
cmd = cmd.split('; ', 1)[1]
return cmd
def _strip_sleep(self, cmd):
# Get the command without sleep
cmd = cmd.split(' && sleep 0', 1)[0]
# Add back trailing quote
cmd = '%s%s' % (cmd, "'")
return cmd
def _jailhost_command(self, cmd):
return super(Connection, self).exec_command(cmd, in_data=None, sudoable=True)
def exec_command(self, cmd, in_data=None, executable='/bin/sh', sudoable=True):
slpcmd = ''
''' run a command in the jail '''
if '&& sleep 0' in cmd:
slpcmd = True
cmd = self._strip_sleep(cmd)
if 'sudo' in cmd:
cmd = self._strip_sudo(executable, cmd)
cmd = ' '.join([executable, '-c', pipes.quote(cmd)])
if slpcmd == True:
cmd = '%s %s %s %s' % (self.get_jail_connector(), self.get_jail_id(), cmd, '&& sleep 0')
cmd = '%s %s %s' % (self.get_jail_connector(), self.get_jail_id(), cmd)
if self._play_context.become:
# display.debug("_low_level_execute_command(): using become for this command")
cmd = self._play_context.make_become_cmd(cmd)
# display.vvv("JAIL (%s) %s" % (local_cmd),
return super(Connection, self).exec_command(cmd, in_data, True)
def _normalize_path(self, path, prefix):
if not path.startswith(os.path.sep):
path = os.path.join(os.path.sep, path)
normpath = os.path.normpath(path)
return os.path.join(prefix, normpath[1:])
def _copy_file(self, from_file, to_file):
if self._play_context.become:
# display.debug("_low_level_execute_command(): using become for this command")
copycmd = self._play_context.make_become_cmd(' '.join(['cp', from_file, to_file]))
copycmd = ' '.join(['cp', from_file, to_file])
display.vvv(u"REMOTE COPY {0} TO {1}".format(from_file, to_file), host=self.inventory_hostname)
code, stdout, stderr = self._jailhost_command(copycmd)
if code != 0:
raise AnsibleError("failed to move file from %s to %s:\n%s\n%s" % (from_file, to_file, stdout, stderr))
def tempfile(self):
code, stdout, stderr = self._jailhost_command('mktemp')
if code != 0:
raise AnsibleError("failed to make temp file:\n%s\n%s" % (stdout, stderr))
tmp = stdout.strip().split('\n')[-1]
code, stdout, stderr = self._jailhost_command(' '.join(['chmod 0644', tmp]))
if code != 0:
raise AnsibleError("failed to make temp file %s world readable:\n%s\n%s" % (tmp, stdout, stderr))
yield tmp
code, stdout, stderr = self._jailhost_command(' '.join(['rm', tmp]))
if code != 0:
raise AnsibleError("failed to remove temp file %s:\n%s\n%s" % (tmp, stdout, stderr))
def put_file(self, in_path, out_path):
''' transfer a file from local to remote jail '''
out_path = self._normalize_path(out_path, self.get_jail_path())
with self.tempfile() as tmp:
super(Connection, self).put_file(in_path, tmp)
self._copy_file(tmp, out_path)
def fetch_file(self, in_path, out_path):
''' fetch a file from remote to local '''
in_path = self._normalize_path(in_path, self.get_jail_path())
with self.tempfile() as tmp:
self._copy_file(in_path, tmp)
super(Connection, self).fetch_file(tmp, out_path)
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