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Created July 26, 2018 01:36
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* Create a Vuex store module to represent states for an asynchronous API getter.
* Includes defaultState, actions, and mutations for a standard value gotten via asynchronous call.
* See defaultState() function for list of states included.
* Usage:
* Assuming we have an async call to get documents (getDocuments) which takes a payload object as an arg, here's what we can do:
* ----- store.js -----
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import buildAsyncModule from './vuex-async-module-builder'
import actions from './actions'
import getters from './getters'
import mutations from './mutations'
import { getDocuments } from '@/api'
const modules = {
documents: buildAsyncModule({ fnApiCall: getDocuments })
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: rootStateData()
* ----- Documents.vue -----
<button @click="$store.dispatch('documents/GET')">Get Documents</button>
<div v-if="documents.pending">Fetching documents...</div>
<div v-else-if="documents.spinning">Displaying delayed spinner while still fetching documents...</div>
<div v-else-if="documents.empty">No documents found</div>
<div v-else-if="documents.error">Error getting documents</div>
<div v-else-if="documents.hasValue">
<pre>{{ documents.value }}</pre>
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: mapState([
* Options object:
* @param {*} fnApiCall - The API call to get the item(s)
* @param {*} fnIsEmpty - (OPTIONAL) A callback function that when passed the result of the API call, returns true if the result is empty. If your expected result is an array, the default should work fine.
* @param {*} initialValue - (OPTIONAL) The store state value assigned initially
* @param {*} spinnerDelay - (OPTIONAL) The number of milliseconds to delay before committing the "spinning" mutation
var vuexAsyncModule = (function () {
return { build: buildAsyncModule }
function buildAsyncModule ({
fnIsEmpty = (result) => (!result || !result.length), // a default for array values
initialValue = [], // a default for array values
spinnerDelay = 1000 // number of milliseconds to wait after the api call starts before committing the "spinning" mutation
}) {
if (typeof fnApiCall !== 'function') throw new TypeError('Must pass functon: fnApiCall')
if (typeof fnIsEmpty !== 'function') throw new TypeError('Must be a function: fnIsEmpty')
if (!Number.isInteger(spinnerDelay)) throw new TypeError('Must pass number: spinnerDelay')
return {
namespaced: true,
state: defaultState(),
actions: actions(),
mutations: mutations()
function defaultState () {
return {
empty: false, // whether we got a value, but it was essentially empty
error: false, // whether there was an error getting the value (and so the value is meaningless)
hasValue: false, // whether we've gotten a value (non-empty, non-error) from the async call
pending: false, // whether we're currently in an async call getting this
spinning: false, // whether the spinner should be visible in the UI
value: initialValue // the value resulting from the async call
function actions () {
return {
GET ({ commit, state }, payload) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (state.pending) {
}, spinnerDelay)
return fnApiCall(payload)
.then(result => {
? commit('SET_EMPTY')
: commit('SET', result)
return result
.catch(error => {
function mutations () {
return {
RESET (state) {
state = replaceState(state, defaultState())
PENDING (state) {
state.pending = true
SPINNING (state) {
state.spinning = true
SET_EMPTY (state) {
state.empty = true
state.error = false
state.hasValue = false
SET_ERROR (state) {
state.empty = false
state.error = true
state.hasValue = false
SET (state, payload) {
state.empty = false
state.error = false
state.hasValue = true
state.value = payload
function endPending (state) {
state.pending = false
state.spinning = false
function replaceState (state, newState) {
Object.keys(newState).forEach(newStateKey => {
state[newStateKey] = newState[newStateKey]
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