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Last active March 11, 2019 03:57
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Shows sklearn cross validation w/ unweighted metrics return different optimal param values than when using sample weights in metrics.
# ============================================================================
# R.M. Deak
# Runs scikit-learn's cross validation with GridSearchCV and shows that
# different optimal parameter values may be returned by GridSearchCV than
# when using cross validation with sample_weights passed to the scoring
# function.
# ============================================================================
from typing import NamedTuple
import numpy as np
import pytest
import sklearn
from hypothesis import assume, given, settings, PrintSettings
from hypothesis.strategies import (composite, integers, floats, lists, sampled_from)
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, StratifiedKFold
Data = NamedTuple('Data', [
('X', np.ndarray),
('y', np.ndarray),
('sample_weight', np.ndarray),
('search_cv_random_state', int),
('cv_split_random_state', int),
('clf_random_state', int)
imp_wt_metrics = [
def dataset(draw, n):
rs_mc = draw(integers(min_value=1))
w_mc = draw(floats(min_value=0.2, max_value=0.8, allow_nan=False))
flip_y_mc = draw(floats(min_value=0.05, max_value=0.2, allow_nan=False))
return make_classification(
weights=[w_mc, 1 - w_mc],
def sample_weights(draw, n, min_value, max_value):
return np.array(
lists(floats(min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, allow_nan=False),
min_size=n, max_size=n)))
def _data(draw) -> Data:
n = draw(integers(min_value=10, max_value=50))
X, y = dataset(draw, n)
sample_weight = sample_weights(draw, n, min_value=1.0, max_value=1.0e3)
seeds = [draw(integers(min_value=1)) for _ in range(3)]
return Data(X, y, sample_weight, seeds[0], seeds[1], seeds[2])
def is_close(a, b):
# Used to determine if two cross validation scores are about the same.
return np.isclose(a, b, rtol=1.e-4, atol=1.e-8)
def best_results(weighted_cv_results):
# Given weighted cross validation results, get the best score and the set
# of parameter values that can achieve the best weighted cross validation
# score.
def param_val(x): return x[0]
def score(x): return x[1]
optimum = max
best = optimum(weighted_cv_results, key=score)
best_score = score(best)
best_params = list(map(param_val, filter(lambda v: is_close(score(v), best_score), weighted_cv_results)))
return best_score, best_params
def get_cv_best_params(cv_results, best_score):
# Given the cross validation results from sklearn and the best score returned
# during cross validation, find all parameter values that have an "equally good"
# score.
def score(i): return cv_results['mean_test_score'][i]
ind = range(len(cv_results['mean_test_score']))
best_inds = [i for i in ind if is_close(score(i), best_score)]
# Assume just one parameter name.
param_name = list(cv_results['params'][0].keys())[0]
best_param_values = cv_results[f"param_{param_name}"][best_inds]
return best_param_values
def weighted_cv(clf, scorer, param_name, param_values, X, y, sample_weight, cv_splitter):
# This is similar to the cross validation in sklearn but uses sample weights in
# both the scoring function and weights the mean across folds.
cv_results = []
for v in param_values:
n_splits = cv_splitter.get_n_splits()
train_ind, test_ind = cv_splitter.split(X, y)
m = []
for split_i in range(n_splits):
train = train_ind[split_i]
test = test_ind[split_i]
c = sklearn.clone(clf)
c.set_params(**{param_name: v})[train], y[train], sample_weight=sample_weight[train])
score = scorer(c, X[test], y[test], sample_weight=sample_weight[test])
w_sum_test = np.sum(sample_weight[test])
m.append((score, w_sum_test))
scores, sum_wts = list(zip(*m))
weighted_avg_score =, sum_wts) / np.sum(sum_wts)
cv_results.append((v, weighted_avg_score, np.array(scores), np.array(sum_wts)))
best_score, best_params = best_results(cv_results)
results = {
"cv_results": cv_results,
"best_score": best_score,
"best_params": best_params
return results
def report_error(unweighted, weighted):
u = set(unweighted)
w = set(weighted)
intersection = u.intersection(w)
u_outer = sorted(list(u.difference(intersection)))
w_outer = sorted(list(w.difference(intersection)))
return (
"best parameter values don't match."
f"\n\tunweighted best param values: {u}."
f"\n\tweighted best param values: {w}."
f"\n\tunweighted not in weighted {u_outer}."
f"\n\tweighted not in unweighted {w_outer}."
# The test is expected to fail because there are differences when taking
# the sample_weights into account in the metric calculations. If we find
# one the test succeeds; otherwise the test fails.
@given(metric_name=sampled_from(imp_wt_metrics), data=_data())
@settings(max_examples=1000, deadline=None, print_blob=PrintSettings.ALWAYS)
def test_wt_cv_eval_is_different_from_unweighted(metric_name, data):
# For certain metrics, we need a positive and negative example per fold.
# So we can ensure this this property with the following ``assume``.
n = len(data.y)
assume(np.sum(data.y) not in [0, 1, n - 1, n])
scorer = sklearn.metrics.scorer.SCORERS[metric_name]
clf = LogisticRegression(solver="lbfgs", penalty="l2",
cv_splitter = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=2, shuffle=True,
# 'C' argument is the L2 penalty
l2_penalties = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000]
iid = True # To suppress deprecation warning. Works with 'warn'.
scv = GridSearchCV(sklearn.clone(clf), {'C': l2_penalties},
scoring=metric_name, cv=cv_splitter, iid=iid), data.y, sample_weight=data.sample_weight)
# Find all parameter values with the same score as the best score.
cv_best_params = get_cv_best_params(scv.cv_results_, scv.best_score_)
wt_cv_results = weighted_cv(
clf, scorer, "C", l2_penalties,
data.X, data.y, data.sample_weight, cv_splitter)
unweighted_best = set(cv_best_params)
weighted_best = set(wt_cv_results["best_params"])
assert unweighted_best == weighted_best, report_error(unweighted_best, weighted_best)
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