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Created December 23, 2020 18:11
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aoc2020 day23
;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+
;;;; | Advent of Code 2020 |
;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+
(defpackage #:snippets/aoc2020/day23
(:use #:cl)
(in-package #:snippets/aoc2020/day23)
(defstruct cups
(defun circular (list)
(let ((copy (copy-list list)))
(nconc copy copy)))
(defun parse (input)
(let ((head (circular input))
(pointers (make-hash-table)))
(setf (gethash (car head) pointers) head)
(do ((sublist (cdr head) (cdr sublist)))
((eql sublist head))
(setf (gethash (car sublist) pointers) sublist))
(make-cups :head head
:length (length input)
:pointers pointers
:lowest (reduce #'min input)
:highest (reduce #'max input))))
(defun cmember (item cups)
(gethash item (cups-pointers cups)))
(defun select-destination (cups three)
(let ((needle (1- (car (cups-head cups)))))
(cond ((< needle (cups-lowest cups))
(setf needle (cups-highest cups)))
((member needle three)
(decf needle))
(return (cmember needle cups)))))))
(defun move (cups)
(let* ((three (loop repeat 3 collect (pop (cdr (cups-head cups)))))
(dest (select-destination cups three)))
(mapl (lambda (cons)
(setf (gethash (car cons) (cups-pointers cups)) cons))
(setf (cdr (last three)) (cdr dest))
(setf (cdr dest) three)
(pop (cups-head cups))
(defun moves (cups n)
(loop repeat n
do (move cups)
finally (return cups)))
(defun cups-after-1 (cups)
(format nil "~{~A~}" (subseq (cmember 1 cups) 1 (cups-length cups))))
(defun crab-product (cups)
(let ((after-1 (rest (cmember 1 cups))))
(* (first after-1) (second after-1))))
(defun extend (input)
(append input (loop for i from 10 to 1000000 collect i)))
(defun day23 (input)
(list (cups-after-1 (moves (parse input) 100))
(crab-product (moves (parse (extend input)) 10000000))))
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