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Last active May 27, 2020 08:38
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Utility function to manage global variables such as hyper-parameters in python projects.


This gist helps you to handle global variables such as hyper-parameters in your python projects.


  2. sample_params.yaml
  3. sample_params.json

How to use

  1. import module with from hyperparamsloader import load_params
  2. prepare/edit parameters-file in YAML/JSON format (see sample_params.yaml/.json FYI)
  3. load parameters; params = load_params('sample_params.yaml')
  4. In your code, the loaded variables can be used in this way; params["param1"]

If you want to assign a default value to a variable, you can set it in the load_params function. Please add the pairs of keys and values of the variables into parameters={} on line 12 in script. When a variable having the same name as the one set here is brought by a parameters-file written in YAML or JSON format, it will be overwritten by the value in the YAML/JSON file.

from os.path import splitext
import yaml
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
def load_params(param_file=None, verbose=False):
To load hyper-parameters in param_file; JSON and YAML format can be accepted.
# Provide default values if necessary.
parameters = {}
# Example:
# parameters = {key1: 'value1',
# key2: 123,
# key3: False}
if param_file is not None:
# check file-extentions (JSON or YAML)
file_type = check_filetype(param_file)
if verbose:
print('> Using hyper-parameters')
print('> The file type of', param_file, 'is checked as', file_type)
if file_type == ".yaml":
hyper_p = load_yaml(yamlfile=param_file, isshow=verbose)
elif file_type == ".json":
hyper_p = load_json(jsonfile=param_file, isshow=verbose)
# overwrite parameters
return parameters
if verbose:
print('> No additional parameters. Use defaults.')
return parameters
def check_filetype(param_file):
To check file extension
root, ext = splitext(param_file)
return ext
def load_yaml(yamlfile='sample_params.yaml', isshow=False):
To load param_file given in YAML format.
def construct_odict(loader, node):
return OrderedDict(loader.construct_pairs(node))
yaml.add_constructor(',2002:map', construct_odict)
with open(yamlfile) as file:
params = yaml.full_load(file)
if isshow:
print('>> The default hyper-parameters:')
print(yaml.dump(params, default_flow_style=False))
print('>> The rest of parameters are set as default')
return params
def load_json(jsonfile='sample_params.json', isshow=False):
To load param_file given in JSON format.
params = json.loads(open(jsonfile).read(), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
if isshow:
print('>> The default hyper-parameters:')
for key, value in params.items():
print('{:25s} - {:12}'.format(key, str(value)))
print('>> The rest of parameters are set as default')
return params
"param1": 111,
"param2": 222,
"param3": "cat",
"param4": "dog",
"param5": true,
"param6": false,
"param7": 0.1286286267849,
"param8": "yes",
"param9": "no",
param1: 111
param2: 222
param3: cat
param4: dog
param5: true
param6: false
param7: 0.1286286267849
# param8: 'yes'
param9: 'no'
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