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Peter Dedene dedene

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dedene /
Created August 31, 2021 18:40 — forked from karstengresch/
Podman on Mac OS
$ export PATH=$(pwd):$PATH
$ podman-machine create box
Podman machine "box" already exists
$ podman-machine start box
Starting "box"...
dedene /
Created August 22, 2021 17:49 — forked from gbaman/
Simple guide for setting up OTG modes on the Raspberry Pi Zero

Raspberry Pi Zero OTG Mode

Simple guide for setting up OTG modes on the Raspberry Pi Zero - By Andrew Mulholland (gbaman).

The Raspberry Pi Zero (and model A and A+) support USB On The Go, given the processor is connected directly to the USB port, unlike on the B, B+ or Pi 2 B, which goes via a USB hub.
Because of this, if setup to, the Pi can act as a USB slave instead, providing virtual serial (a terminal), virtual ethernet, virtual mass storage device (pendrive) or even other virtual devices like HID, MIDI, or act as a virtual webcam!
It is important to note that, although the model A and A+ can support being a USB slave, they are missing the ID pin (is tied to ground internally) so are unable to dynamically switch between USB master/slave mode. As such, they default to USB master mode. There is no easy way to change this right now.
It is also important to note, that a USB to UART serial adapter is not needed for any of these guides, as may be documented elsewhere across the int

dedene / reclaimWindows10.ps1
Created June 2, 2021 07:40 — forked from alirobe/reclaimWindows10.ps1
This Windows 10 Setup Script turns off a bunch of unnecessary Windows 10 telemetery, bloatware, & privacy things. Not guaranteed to catch everything. Review and tweak before running. Reboot after running. Scripts for reversing are included and commented. Fork of (different defaults). N.…
# Tweaked Win10 Initial Setup Script
# Primary Author: Disassembler <>
# Modified by: alirobe <> based on my personal preferences.
# Version: 2.20.2, 2018-09-14
# Primary Author Source:
# Tweaked Source:
# Tweak difference:
# @alirobe's version is a subset focused on safely disabling telemetry, some 'smart' features and 3rd party bloat ...
dedene / notify.yml
Created April 2, 2021 12:43 — forked from trung/notify.yml
Notify slack about Github Actions workflow and its jobs status. `notify` job must be the last job in the workflow and it must depend on all other jobs
if: always()
name: Notify
- job1
- job2
- job11
- job3
- job4
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: postgresql
db-user: postgres
db-password: postgres
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
dedene / .babelrc.js
Created July 11, 2019 07:39 — forked from nodkz/.babelrc.js
Babel 7.0 with .babelrc.js
/* eslint-disable prefer-template */
const path = require('path');
const aliases = require('./aliases');
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ////////////////// PLUGINS ////////////////////////////////
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
const commonPlugins = [
dedene / .gitignore
Created September 29, 2018 10:34 — forked from smoser/.gitignore
cloud-init ubuntu nocloud example with network config
dedene / package.json
Created July 25, 2017 17:01 — forked from addyosmani/package.json
npm run-scripts boilerplate
"name": "my-app",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "My test app",
"main": "src/js/index.js",
"scripts": {
"jshint:dist": "jshint src/js/*.js",
"jshint": "npm run jshint:dist",
"jscs": "jscs src/*.js",
"browserify": "browserify -s Validating -o ./dist/js/build.js ./lib/index.js",
dedene / tz_identifiers_to_rails_identifiers.rb
Created December 21, 2016 17:13 — forked from jpmckinney/tz_identifiers_to_rails_identifiers.rb
Maps tz database time zone identifiers to Rails time zone identifiers
# blog post:
"Australia/Adelaide" => "Adelaide",
"Australia/Broken_Hill" => "Adelaide",
"America/Anchorage" => "Alaska",
"America/Juneau" => "Alaska",
"America/Nome" => "Alaska",
"America/Yakutat" => "Alaska",
"Pacific/Gambier" => "Alaska",
"Asia/Almaty" => "Almaty",
dedene / spotify.applescript
Created July 10, 2012 19:12 — forked from elliottkember/spotify.applescript
Spotify Applescript
property baseURL : ""
if application "Spotify" is running then
tell application "Spotify"
set theTrack to name of the current track
set theArtist to artist of the current track
set theAlbum to album of the current track
set theurl to spotify url of the current track
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/wget --delete-after \"" & baseURL & "&t=" & theTrack & "&a=" & theArtist & "&al=" & theAlbum & "\""