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Dedmen Miller dedmen

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//Header File:
#pragma once
struct ISpVoice;
struct ISpStreamFormat;
namespace Speech
class TextToSpeech
GetMatrixFromDirAndUp = {
params ["_vectorDir", "_vectorUp"];
private _xAxis = vectorNormalized (_vectorDir vectorCrossProduct _vectorUp);
[_xAxis#0, _vectorDir#0, _vectorUp#0],
[_xAxis#1, _vectorDir#1, _vectorUp#1],
[_xAxis#2, _vectorDir#2, _vectorUp#2]
// ACE Medical
force force ace_medical_ai_enabledFor = 0;
force force ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold = 0.8;
force force ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient = 0.4;
force force ace_medical_blood_bloodLifetime = 300;
force force ace_medical_blood_maxBloodObjects = 200;
force force ace_medical_fractures = 0;
force force ace_medical_ivFlowRate = 2.5;
[]spawn {
fps_sum = 0;
fps_count = 0;
for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {
fps_sum = fps_sum + _this;
fps_count = fps_count + 1;
}] remoteExec ["call", remoteExecutedOwner];
["dedmen"] call {
missionNamespace setVariable [_this select 0,player, true];
[0, {
params ["_myName"];
private _curVarName = _myName+"Cur";
if (!isNil _curVarName) then {
[-1, compile format["if (player == %1) then {%1 sideChat 'deleting Curator';}", _myName]] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute;
deleteVehicle (missionNamespace getVariable [_curVarName, objNull]);
missionNamespace setVariable [_curVarName, nil, true];
[] spawn {
Author: Karel Moricky
Export list of objects for Community Wiki
0: NUMBER - duration in seconds for which an objects remains on the screen before its screen is captured (default: 1 s)
//Arma #scripting 03.03.2019 10:41
[] spawn {
private _Crates = nearestObjects [SearchObj, ["plp_ct_LockerBig"], 100];
private _weaponsArray = [];
private _magazineArray = [];
private _itemArray = [];
private _WeaponCargo = getWeaponCargo _x;
private _MagazineCargo = getMagazineCargo _x;
13:10:19 "_this call UK3CB_BAF_Vehicles_LandRover_fnc_ContainerClosed_EH;"
13:10:19 "_this call UK3CB_BAF_Vehicles_Wildcat_fnc_engine_EH;"
13:10:19 "_this call UK3CB_BAF_Vehicles_Apache_fnc_engine_EH;"
13:10:19 "_this call UK3CB_BAF_Vehicles_Merlin_fnc_engine_EH;"
13:10:19 "_this call ace_common_fnc_handleEngine;"
13:10:19 "if (local driver (_this select 0)) then {_this call ace_vehicles_fnc_startEngine};;"
13:10:19 "_this call asr_ai3_hitreactions_fnc_handleExplosion;"
13:10:19 "_this call asr_ai3_hitreactions_fnc_handleExplosion;"
13:10:19 "_this call asr_ai3_hitreactions_fnc_handleExplosion;"
13:10:19 "_this call asr_ai3_hitreactions_fnc_handleExplosion;"
params ["_unit"];
//calc sun pos and set night/day time in map view
VKN_fnc_sunEval = { //TO-DO may wanna move this to CfgFunctions
private _lat = -1 * getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "latitude");
private _day = 360 * (dateToNumber date);
private _hour = acos ((24 * sin(_lat) * cos(_day)) / ((12 * cos(_day) - 78) * cos(_lat)));
_daytime = _hour / 360 * 24;
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
author = "[W] rufix";
onLoadName = "xru ZGM";
onLoadMission = "xru ZGM";
overviewText = "Zeus Guided Mission";
loadScreen = "";
class Header {
gameType = "Zeus";
minPlayers = 1;
maxPlayers = 128;