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Created September 24, 2008 20:48
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module Gem
def self.activate(gem, *version_requirements)
options = version_requirements.last.is_a?(Hash) ? version_requirements.pop : {}
sources = options[:sources] || []
if version_requirements.empty? then
version_requirements = Gem::Requirement.default
unless gem.respond_to?(:name) and
gem.respond_to?(:version_requirements) then
gem =, version_requirements)
matches = Gem.source_index.find_name(, gem.version_requirements)
report_activate_error(gem) if matches.empty?
if @loaded_specs[] then
# This gem is already loaded. If the currently loaded gem is not in the
# list of candidate gems, then we have a version conflict.
existing_spec = @loaded_specs[]
unless matches.any? { |spec| spec.version == existing_spec.version } then
sources_message = { |spec| spec.full_name }
raise Gem::Exception,
"can't activate #{gem} for #{sources_message.inspect}, " \
"already activated #{existing_spec.full_name}"
return false
# new load
spec = matches.last
return false if spec.loaded?
spec.loaded = true
@loaded_specs[] = spec
# Load dependent gems first
spec.runtime_dependencies.each do |dep_gem|
activate dep_gem, :sources => [spec, *sources]
# bin directory must come before library directories
spec.require_paths.unshift spec.bindir if spec.bindir
require_paths = do |path|
File.join spec.full_gem_path, path
sitelibdir = ConfigMap[:sitelibdir]
# gem directories must come after -I and ENV['RUBYLIB']
insert_index = load_path_insert_index
if insert_index then
# gem directories must come after -I and ENV['RUBYLIB']
$LOAD_PATH.insert(insert_index, *require_paths)
# we are probably testing in core, -I and RUBYLIB don't apply
return true
# Make the app's "lib" directory a place where ruby files get "require"d from
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(Merb.root / "lib")
#monkey patch didn't work - force this
dependency 'merb_activerecord', '= 0.9.4'
# this works with my patched merb-core kernel
# default does not take a version arg
#use_orm :activerecord #, '= 0.9.4'
Merb::Config.use do |c|
c[:session_secret_key] = '6b4a97f4af2e5928b91deb954b16918e89698032'
c[:session_store] = :activerecord
# two hours
c[:session_expiry] = 7200
### ActiveRecord Extensions
# This is actually a rails plugin, but this should work
# Documentation is very sparse for these libs, but more info
# can be found here:
dependency "acts_as_state_machine"
dependency 'has_many_polymorphs'
dependency 'ar_fixtures'
use_test :rspec
require Merb.root / "config/application"
dependency 'merb_helpers', '= 0.9.4'
dependency 'merb_has_flash', '= 0.9.2'
dependency 'merb-mailer', '= 0.9.4'
dependency 'merb-haml', '= 0.9.4'
dependency 'merb-assets', '= 0.9.4'
dependency 'merb_paginate', '= 0.0.4'
dependency 'merb-cache', '= 0.9.4'
# dependency "merb-action-args" # Provides support for querystring arguments to be passed in to controller actions
# dependency "merb-jquery" # Provides a #jquery method to insert jQuery code in to a content block
# dependency "merb_param_protection" # Lets you have better control over your query string params and param logging
# These need to be loaded prior to loading models and
# controllers.
dependency "auth/controller"
dependency "auth/model"
dependency "auth/orm_map"
dependency 'spam_protection'
dependency 'enkoder'
dependency 'validatable'
dependency 'validatable/validates_as_email'
dependency 'custom_exceptions'
dependency 'html/tokenizer'
dependency 'html/sanitizer'
dependency 'html/node'
dependency 'exception_loggable'
dependency 'find_or_create_extensions'
#dependency 'json/pure'
#dependency 'json/add/rails'
#dependency 'json/add/core'
# Mostly adding local pathing shortcuts for Merb.
require Merb.root / "lib" / "merb_ext" / "merb"
# Load all required libs in subdirectories of lib/
%w[core_ext merb_ext].each do |path|
$LOAD_PATH.unshift Merb.root / "lib" / path
Dir.glob(Merb.root / "lib" / path / "**" / "*.rb") do |file|
dependency file
# Now the application mixins
Dir.glob(Merb.mixins_path / "**" / "*.rb") do |file|
dependency file
Merb::BootLoader.before_app_loads do
### Add dependencies here that must load before the application loads:
ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
include ScottBarron::Acts::StateMachine
include FindOrCreateExtensions
# This is to compensate for a mismatch between the rake tasks
# for the db in merb_activerecord, which uses hard-coded symbols,
# and activerecord itself, which transforms everything to a string.
ActiveRecord::Base.configurations =
Merb::BootLoader.after_app_loads do
# Add our own error template, as a hack until a patch for ActiveRecordSession propagates.
Merb::Dispatcher::DEFAULT_ERROR_TEMPLATE = Merb.dir_for(:view) / 'exceptions/default.html' unless Merb::Dispatcher.constants.include? "DEFAULT_ERROR_TEMPLATE"
Application.send(:include, Merb::GlobalHelpers)
require 'superredcloth'
rescue LoadError
require 'RedCloth'
require 'hobosupport'
# This gem somehow resets Array#hash, leads to an error in app load.
require 'bcrypt'
Merb::Plugins.config[:merb_cache] = {
:cache_html_directory => Merb.dir_for(:public) / "cache",
#:store => "database",
#:table_name => "merb_cache",
#:disable => "development", # disable merb-cache in development
#:disable => "production",
#:disable => true, # disable merb-cache in all environments
:store => "file",
:cache_directory => Merb.root_path("tmp/cache"),
#:store => "memcache",
#:host => "",
#:namespace => "merb_cache",
#:no_tracking => "false",
#:store => "memory",
# store could be: file, memcache, memory, database, dummy, ...
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