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Created August 9, 2016 04:55
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Joseph McCarthy's diff function in WonderScript
; vim: set ft=clojure
; Joseph McCarthy's diff function
; see:
; J. McCarthy, Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I, April 1960
; diff [y; x] = [atom[y] →
; [eq[y; x] → ONE; T → ZERO];
; eq[car [Y]; PLUS] → cons [PLUS; maplist[cdr[y]; λ[[z]; diff[car [z]; x]]]];
; eq[car [y]; TIMES] → cons[PLUS; maplist[cdr[y];
; λ[[z]; cons [TIMES; maplist[cdr [y];
; λ[[w];
; ¬ eq [z; w] → car [w];
; T → diff [car [[w]; x]]]]]]]
; Subtraction and exponents are an addition
;(module 'pbnj.examples)
(define-function diff [y x]
(cond (or (nil? y) (nil? x))
(throw (str "x and y cannot be nil"))
(symbol? y)
(if (= y x) 1 0)
(or (= (first y) '+) (= (first y) '-))
(cons (first y)
(map (rest y)
(lambda [z] (diff z x))))
(= (first y) '*)
(let [values (rest y)]
(cons '+ (map values
(lambda [z]
(cons '* (map values
(lambda [w]
(if (not= z w)
(diff w x)))))))))
(= (first y) 'pow)
(let [var (second y)
exp (second (rest y))]
(list '* exp (list 'pow var (list '- exp 1))))
(throw (str "'" y "' is not a valid expression"))))
(define expressions '[x
(+ x y)
(+ x (- a y))
(* x y)
(* x (+ x a) y)
(pow x a)
(+ (* a x) (pow x b))])
(map expressions
(lambda [exp] (str exp " => " (diff exp 'x))))
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