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Created June 9, 2021 15:38
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CLJ(S) Local Websocket Benchmark
(defn ws-latency-conn
{:keys [on-open on-close on-message binary-type]
:or {binary-type :arraybuffer}}]
(let [socket (js/WebSocket. url)]
(set! (.-binaryType socket) (name binary-type))
(set! (.-onopen socket)
(or on-open
#(js/console.log "WebSocket opened:" url %)))
(set! (.-onmessage socket)
(fn [e]
(on-message (.-data e))))
(set! (.-onclose socket)
(or on-close
#(js/console.log "WebSocket closed:" url %)))
(def times (atom []))
(def latency-socket
{:on-message #(do (swap! times conj (- (js/ %))
;; 10000 requests
(when (< (count @times) 10000)
(.send latency-socket (js/
;; start benchmark
:on-open #(.send latency-socket (js/}))
(count @times)
; => 10000
;; compute average
(/ (apply + @times) (count @times))
; => 0.23315749996108934
(require '[org.httpkit.server :as httpkit])
(defonce latency-ws-chan (atom nil))
(defn latency-ws-handler [req]
{:on-open (fn [ch]
(println :opened ch)
(reset! latency-ws-chan ch))
:on-receive (fn [ch msg]
(let []
(println :msg msg)
(httpkit/send! ch msg)
:on-ping (fn [ch data]
(println :ping data))
:on-close (fn [ch status]
(println :closed status)
(reset! latency-ws-chan nil))}))
(def ws-server
{:port 4500
:legacy-return-value? false}))
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