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deniok/Fp05.hs Secret

Last active October 1, 2020 14:01
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{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Fp05 where
import Data.List ( find )
-- Значение незавершающегося вычисления
bot :: Bool
bot = not bot
GHCi> :set -fprint-explicit-foralls
GHCi> :t undefined
undefined :: forall {a}. a
GHCi> :t error
error :: forall {a}. [Char] -> a
-- Нестрогая функция
ignore x = 42
GHCi> ignore undefined
GHCi> ignore bot
-- Пример использования seq
factorial n = helper 1 n where
helper acc k | k > 1 = helper (acc * k) (k - 1)
| otherwise = acc
factorial' n = helper 1 n where
helper acc k | k > 1 = (helper $! acc * k) (k - 1)
| otherwise = acc
-- Сопоставление с образцом (pattern matching)
-- переставляет элементы пары местами (определена в Data.Tuple)
swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
swap (x,y) = (y,x)
-- перечисление
data CardinalDirection = North | East | South | West
deriving Show
hasPole :: CardinalDirection -> Bool
hasPole North = True
hasPole South = True
hasPole _ = False -- Wild-card
isAnswer :: Integer -> Bool
isAnswer 42 = True
isAnswer _ = False
bar (1, 2) = 3
bar (0, _) = 5
-- декартово произведение
data PointDouble = PtD Double Double
deriving Show
midPointDouble :: PointDouble -> PointDouble -> PointDouble
midPointDouble (PtD x1 y1) (PtD x2 y2) = PtD ((x1 + x2) / 2) ((y1 + y2) / 2)
-- полиморфные типы
data Point a = Pt a a
deriving Show
midPoint :: Fractional a => Point a -> Point a -> Point a
midPoint (Pt x1 y1) (Pt x2 y2) = Pt ((x1 + x2) / 2) ((y1 + y2) / 2)
-- стандартные алгебраические типы
head' :: [a] -> Either String a
head' (x:_) = Right x
head' [] = Left "head''': empty list"
-- экспоненциальные типы
data Endom a = Endom (a -> a)
appEndom :: Endom a -> a -> a
appEndom (Endom f) = f
-- рекурсивные типы
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
deriving Show
len :: List a -> Int
len (Cons _ xs) = 1 + len xs
len Nil = 0
-- выражение case ... of ...
head'' xs = case xs of
(x:_) -> x
[] -> error "head': empty list"
-- As-образец
dupFirst :: [a] -> [a]
dupFirst (x:xs) = x:x:xs
dupFirst' :: [a] -> [a]
dupFirst' s@(x:xs) = x:s
-- ленивые образцы
(***) f g ~(x, y) = (f x, g y)
-- (***) f g p = let (x, y) = p in (f x, g y) -- тоже подойдет
-- образцы в лямбде
head''' = \(x:_) -> x
-- охранные образцы (pattern guards)
firstOdd :: [Integer] -> Integer
firstOdd xs | Just x <- find odd xs = x
| otherwise = 0
firstOddIsBig :: [Integer] -> Bool
firstOddIsBig xs
| Just x <- find odd xs, x > 1000 = True
| otherwise = False
-- Метки полей (Field Labels)
data Point' a = Pt' { ptx :: a, pty :: a }
deriving Show
absP p = sqrt (ptx p ^ 2 + pty p ^ 2)
absP' (Pt' {ptx = x, pty = y}) = sqrt (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2)
data Homo = Known {name :: String, male :: Bool}
| Unknown {male :: Bool}
-- приведет к ошибке компиляции
data Bad = Bad {male :: Bool}
-- Объявление newtype
newtype AgeNT = AgeNT Int
data AgeDT = AgeDT Int
fNT (AgeNT n) = 42
fDT (AgeDT n) = 42
GHCi> fNT undefined
GHCi> fDT undefined
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
-- Фантомные типы
{- Нужен GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving -}
newtype Temperature a = Temperature Double
deriving (Num,Eq,Show)
data Celsius
data Fahrenheit
comfortTemperature :: Temperature Celsius
comfortTemperature = Temperature 23
c2f :: Temperature Celsius -> Temperature Fahrenheit
c2f (Temperature c) = Temperature (1.8 * c + 32)
GHCi> :t comfortTemperature
comfortTemperature :: Temperature Celsius
GHCi> comfortTemperature + Temperature 2
Temperature 25.0
GHCi> c2f comfortTemperature
Temperature 73.4
GHCi> :t c2f comfortTemperature
c2f comfortTemperature :: Temperature Fahrenheit
GHCi> c2f comfortTemperature - comfortTemperature
error: Couldn't match type `Celsius' with `Fahrenheit'
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