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Lower-risk stochastic programming: the Dakota problem 29may2019

Easy lower-risk stochastic programming: the Dakota problem

Keywords: stochastic programming, risk, linear programming, python

Users of stochastic programming sometimes look only at "expected" payoff and ignore risk. For example, a well-known tutorial problem, Dakota furniture from Higle 2005, gives a max-expected profit $ 1730, but with 30 % chance of $ 650 loss, 70 % $2750 profit. That looks risky to me (an engineer, not a businessman).

The profit - risk tradeoff


It's easy to run SP for less risk: constrain profit to be >= for example $ 0, no loss. 4 runs of Dakota LP with constraints None, $ 0, $ 500, and $ 1000 give this table of profit when demand is low, medium or high:

          low  medium  high demand
          30   40   30 % probability
profit $ [-650 2750 2750]  average $ 1730  cost $ 6450  -- Higle
profit $ [   0 2415 2415]  average $ 1691  cost $ 5800  -- constrain profit >= $ 0
profit $ [ 500 1902 1902]  average $ 1481  cost $ 4581  -- constrain profit >= $ 500
profit $ [1000 1342 1342]  average $ 1240  cost $ 3234  -- constrain profit >= $ 1000


  1. don't optimize expected payoff alone, look at risk too
  2. Dakota is only one (1) textbook problem; I'd appreciate links to more.

The Dakota furniture problem

Dakota furniture makes desks, tables and chairs on a monthly schedule, as follows:

  1. on the 1st of each month, buy lumber etc. (3 resources) for the whole month
  2. then get a forecast whether demand for the month will be low, medium or high. Based on that, decide how many desks, how many tables, and how many chairs to make and sell over the month. Desks sell for $60, tables $40, chairs $10. There are resource limits: Dakota bought only so much lumber etc. on the 1st.

(Of course, this model is unrealistically simple, but.)

The "recourse" stochastic programming solution on Higle p. 36 is:
buy lumber etc. on each 1st for $1300 + $540 + $325, then make

     Desks Tables Chairs  Profit
low:    50   20  200     $ -650 (loss)
medium: 80  110    0     $ 2750
high:   80  110    0     $ 2750

(The general problem of stochastic programming is to decide what and how much to buy now, to meet uncertain demand over the next say 7 days or 30 days or 12 months. Examples: chain store inventory, cars, buildings. There are many approaches to such a range of problems, with subcultures who think differently: business, finance, optimization ...)

Program outline build LP matrices A b c in numpy or scipy.sparse format solve with scipy linprog interior-point
(Run python T=2 to see the structure of A.)

The parameter T= builds larger matrices, 3T+1 x 3T+3, for T time periods. But there's no coupling between time periods, so solutions are independent of T.


There are many papers on Benders etc. decomposition schemes that claim to speed up big stochastic-programming LPs. How do these compare with sparse interior-point linprog, on other opensource problems on the web ?

See also

Higle 2005, "Stochastic Programming: Optimization When Uncertainty Matters", 24 pages, pdf
Wikipedia Stochastic programming
splib test cases -- rather a tangle

Comments welcome, test cases most welcome.

-- denis 29 May 2019

Theory and practice are closer in theory than they are in practice.

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" expand the Dakota stochastic programming problem from Higle 2005 p. 35 """
# see
# linprog == Higle low medium high for T > 1 too
from __future__ import division, print_function
import resource
import sys
import numpy as np
from numpy import r_, c_, inf
from scipy.optimize import linprog # $scopt/ linprog.doc
from dakota_abc import dakota_abc
import znumpyutil as nu
np.set_printoptions( threshold=20, edgeitems=11, linewidth=140,
formatter = dict( float=nu.numstr ))
# formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x )) # float arrays %.2g
print("\n" + 80 * "=")
# Dakota problem parameters --
T = 1 # > 1: stack A (3T, 3 + 3T) T=100: A (900, 903)
probs = r_[ 3., 4, 3 ]
ccost = r_[ 2., 4, 5.2 ]
csell = r_[ 60., 40, 10 ]
a = np.array([ # a . [sell D T C] <= resources x
# D T C
[8., 6, 1], # <= Lumber aka x_b
[4, 2, 1.5], # <= Finishing x_f
[2, 1.5, 0.5] ]) # <= Carpentry x_c
demand = r_[
# D T C
50., 20, 200, # low
150, 110, 225, # medium
250, 250, 500 ] # high
save = 0
# linprog --
sparse = False # False: print A
disp = True # patch $scipy/optimize/ clock, alpha NaN not "-"
maxiter = 1e3
tol = 1e-6 # default 1e-8
minprofit = - inf # T=1 dense
# to change these params, run a=1 b=None 'c = expr' ...
# in sh or ipython --
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
probs = np.asarray( probs, dtype=float )
probs /= probs.sum()
params = "%s T %d probs %s ccost %s csell %s tol %g sparse %s minprofit %g \n" % (
sys.argv[0], T, probs, ccost, csell, tol, sparse, minprofit )
print("#", params)
def dakota_print( x, c, ccost=ccost, csell=csell, probs=probs ):
""" unpack, print cost profit x c*x """
ncost = len(ccost)
nsell = len(csell)
cost = x[:ncost] .dot( ccost )
nsell = x[ncost:].reshape( -1, nsell )
profit = ( csell ) - cost) .reshape( -1, len(csell) )
av = profit[0].dot( probs )
print("\n" + 80 * "-")
print("cost: $ %.0f = %s * $ %s lumber, finishing and carpentry " % (
cost, x[:ncost], ccost ))
print(" low medium high %s %%" % (probs * 100))
print("profit $ %s average $ %.0f cost $ %.0f " % (
nu.ints( profit[0] ), av, cost ))
print("number of desks tables chairs sold: \n", nu.ints( nsell.T ))
print(80 * "-")
cmax = - c
print("cmax:", cmax)
print("x: ", x)
print("c*x: ", cmax * x)
# expand the Dakota stochastic programming problem from Higle 2005 p. 35
# -> A 3T, 3T+3 for linprog
A, b, c = dakota_abc( a=a, ccost=ccost, csell=csell, probs=probs, T=T,
sparse=sparse, minprofit=minprofit )
hibounds = r_[ len(ccost) * [np.inf], T * tuple( demand )]
bounds = c_[ np.zeros_like( hibounds ), hibounds ]
print("bounds: lumber finishing carpentry D T C low, medium, high demand")
options = dict( disp=disp, maxiter=int(maxiter), sparse=sparse, tol=tol )
print("\nscipy linprog interior-point --")
res = linprog( c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b, method="interior-point", bounds=bounds,
options=options )
x = res.x
if disp is False:
if res.status != 0:
print("linprog: -f %g " % (-
u = resource.getrusage( resource.RUSAGE_SELF ) # man 2 getrusage
print("max memory: %.0f M" % (u.ru_maxrss / 1e6))
dakota_print( x, c )
# b_Ax = b - x ) # >= 0 ?
# print "b - Ax:", b_Ax
if save:
out = "%d-dakota.npz" % T
print("\nsaving to", out)
np.savez( out, A=A, b=b, c=c, x=x, T=T, params=params )
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" expand the Dakota stochastic programming problem from Higle 2005 p. 35 """
from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
from numpy import r_, c_, inf
from znumpyutil import blank0
def dakota_abc( a, ccost, csell, probs, T=1, sparse=True, minprofit=-inf ):
""" expand the Dakota stochastic programming problem from Higle 2005 p. 35
-> A 3T, 3T+3 for linprog( c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b )
from scipy.linalg import block_diag # (*args)
if sparse:
from scipy import sparse as sp # eye hstack vstack
# from scipy.sparse import block_diag # (tup)
sp = np
cprobsell = np.outer( probs, csell ).reshape(-1) # [p0 csell, p1 csell ...]
c = r_[ - T * ccost, T * tuple( cprobsell )] # maximize
Tp = T * len(probs)
I = - sp.eye( a.shape[0] )
minusIs = sp.vstack(( Tp * [I] ))
blocks = block_diag( *( Tp * [a] )) # a, a, a sparse ?
A = sp.hstack(( minusIs, blocks ))
if minprofit > -inf: # add constraint - ccost . x + csell . y0 >= minprofit
assert T == 1 and not sparse
row = np.zeros_like( A[0] )
ncost = len(ccost)
nsell = len(csell)
row[:ncost] = ccost
row[ncost : ncost+nsell] = - csell
A = np.vstack(( A, row ))
if sparse:
A = A.tocsc() # ?
nbytes = + A.indices.nbytes + A.indptr.nbytes
nnz = A.nnz
nbytes = A.nbytes
nnz = np.count_nonzero(A)
print("dakota_Abc T=%d: A %s %.3g bytes %d nnz" % (
T, A.shape, nbytes, nnz ))
buy lumber finishing carpentry, make and sell desks tables chairs
L F C D T C low demand
D T C medium demand
D T C high demand
if not sparse:
print(blank0( A[:4].A ), "... sparse")
print("c:", c)
b = np.zeros( A.shape[0] )
if minprofit > -inf:
b[-1] = - minprofit
return A, b, - c
# from: T=1 minprofit=1000 sparse=0
# 24 May 2019 10:02 gmt ~bz/py/opt/lp/linprog Denis-iMac 10.10.5
versions: numpy 1.16.3 scipy 1.2.1 python 2.7.15 mac 10.10.5
# T 1 probs [0.3 0.4 0.3] ccost [2 4 5.2] csell [60 40 10] tol 1e-06 sparse 0 minprofit 1000
dakota_Abc T=1: A (10, 12) 960 bytes 42 nnz
buy lumber finishing carpentry, make and sell desks tables chairs
L F C D T C low demand
D T C medium demand
D T C high demand
[[ -1 8 6 1 ]
[ -1 4 2 1 ]
[ -1 2 1 ]
[ -1 8 6 1 ]
[ -1 4 2 1 ]
[ -1 2 1 ]
[ -1 8 6 1]
[ -1 4 2 1]
[ -1 2 1 ]
[ 2 4 5 -60 -40 -10 ]] -- cost - profit >= 1000
c: [-2 -4 -5.2 18 12 3 24 16 4 18 12 3]
30 40 30 % * $ 60 40 10
bounds: lumber finishing carpentry D T C low, medium, high demand
[inf inf inf 50 20 200 150 110 225 250 250 500]
scipy linprog interior-point --
Sec Objective Primal, Dual Feasibility Gap Step Path Parameter
0: -98.8 1 1 1 nan 1
0: -96.6318 0.432 0.432 0.432 0.578 0.432
0: -108.421 0.113 0.113 0.113 0.761 0.113
0: -154.069 0.0292 0.0292 0.0292 0.75 0.0292
0: -486.968 0.00597 0.00597 0.00597 0.813 0.00597
0: -991.449 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013 0.803 0.0013
0: -1223.89 8.92e-05 8.92e-05 8.92e-05 0.963 8.92e-05
0: -1236.61 1.49e-05 1.49e-05 1.49e-05 0.846 1.49e-05
0: -1239.65 3.33e-08 3.33e-08 3.33e-08 1 3.33e-08
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: -1239.653881
Iterations: 8
max memory: 39 M
cost: $ 3234 = [610 305 153] * $ [2 4 5.2] lumber, finishing and carpentry
low medium high [30 40 30] %
profit $ [1000 1342 1342] average $ 1240 cost $ 3234
number of desks tables chairs sold:
[[50 76 76]
[20 0 0]
[43 0 0]]
cmax: [-2 -4 -5.2 18 12 3 24 16 4 18 12 3]
x: [610 305 153 50 20 43 76 0.00018 0.00061 76 0.00024 0.00062]
c*x: [-1220 -1220 -793 900 240 130 1830 0.0028 0.0025 1373 0.0029 0.0019]
0.48 real 0.86 user 0.28 sys
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