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Created January 14, 2017 11:37
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#!/usr/bin/env python2
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
__version__ = "2017-01-13 jan denis-bz-py t-online de"
class Covariance_iir( object ):
""" running Covariance_iir filter, up-weighting more recent data like IIR
covariance_filter = Covariance_iir( a=0.1 or halflife=7 )
for x in data: # e.g. 3d
cov = covariance_filter( x ) # 3 x 3
FIR the first `nfir` data points, then IIR with factor `a`: see
def __init__( s, halflife=7, a=None, nfir=1 ):
if a is None:
a = 0.7 / halflife # a, 1 - a ?
assert 0 < a < 1, a
s.a = a
if nfir is None:
nfir = 0.7 / a
assert nfir > 0, nfir
s.nfir = nfir
s.t = -1
def __call__( s, x ):
""" state `av += a * (x - av)`, fraction `a` of the way towards `x`
`deltadelta = (x - old av) * (x - new av)`, * = outer product
state `cov += a * (deltadelta - cov)`
s.t += 1
if s.t == 0:
s.av = np.copy( x ) # init x0, not 0
s.cov = np.zeros( (len(x), len(x)), dtype=x.dtype )
# a_t = 1 1/2 1/3 ... FIR coefs, then IIR a --
a_t = 1. / (1 + s.t) if s.t < s.nfir \
else s.a
delta = x - s.av
s.av += a_t * delta
delta2 = x - s.av
s.cov *= (1 - a_t)
s.cov += a_t * np.outer( delta, delta2 )
return np.copy( s.cov )
def __str__( s ):
return "Covariance_iir-halflife%.3g-nfir%.0f" % (.7 / s.a, s.nfir)
#!/usr/bin/env python2
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
def normalcloud( N, scale=[1,1], tilt=30, add=[0,0] ):
""" -> N x 2 cloud scale tilt add """
scale = np.asarray(scale)
add = np.asarray(add)
cloud = np.random.multivariate_normal( [0,0], np.diag(scale**2), (N,) )
return cloud, rotate(np.radians(tilt)) ) + add
def rotate(rad):
""" rotate . [1 0] -> [cos sin] """
c, s = np.cos(rad), np.sin(rad)
return np.array( [[c, -s],
[s, c]] )
def normalcloud2( nx=1, ny=1 ):
""" 2 normal clouds in unit square, ~ L """
nxy = np.array([nx,ny])
n3 = int( N * 1.3 / 3 )
clouds = np.vstack((
normalcloud( n3, nxy * np.r_[ .25, .05 ], 10, [.5, .1] ),
normalcloud( 2*n3, nxy * np.r_[ .4, .1 ], 80, [.3, .6] )))
clouds01 = clouds[ np.all( (0 <= clouds) & (clouds <= 1), axis=1 )]
# print len(clouds01)
return clouds01[:N]
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import pylab as pl
from etc import numpyutil as nu, pca # ~/py/bz/etc/
np.set_printoptions( threshold=20, edgeitems=10, linewidth=140,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.4g" % x )) # float arrays %.4g
N = 100
tilt = 0
plot = 0
seed = 0
# to change these params, run a=1 b=None 'c = ...' in sh or ipython
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
print "\nN %d tilt %g" % (N, tilt)
cloud = normalcloud( N, scale=[10,100], tilt=tilt ) # N, 2
print "cov:\n", np.cov(cloud.T)
x, y = cloud.T
jx = x.argsort()
print "x:", nu.ints(x[jx])
print "y:", nu.ints(y[jx])
xlen = nu.av2(x)
ylen = nu.av2(y)
print "|y| %.0f / |x| %.0f = %.2g" % (ylen, xlen, ylen / xlen)
# tilt 0: |y| 102 / |x| 10
# tilt 30: |y| 89 / |x| 52 = 1.7
print ""
p = pca.PCA( cloud )
print "pca Vt:\n", p.Vt
projx, projy = p.project( cloud ).T
print "projx:", nu.minavmax( projx )
print "projy:", nu.minavmax( projy )
if plot:
pl.figure( figsize=[10,10] )
pl.plot( projx, projy, "+" )
#!/usr/bin/env python2
from __future__ import division
import sys
import numpy as np
from etc.filter.covariance_iir import Covariance_iir
from normalcloud import normalcloud
# def normalcloud( N, scale=[1,1], tilt=30, add=[0,0] ):
np.set_printoptions( threshold=20, edgeitems=10, linewidth=140,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.4g" % x )) # float arrays %.4g
N = 100
tilt = 30
halflife = 7
nfir = np.inf
plot = 0
seed = 0
# to change these params, run a=1 b=None 'c = ...' in sh or ipython
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
print "\ncloud: N %d tilt %g" % (N, tilt)
covfilter = Covariance_iir( nfir=nfir, halflife=halflife )
cloud = normalcloud( N, scale=[10,100], tilt=tilt ) # N, 2
for x in cloud:
cov = covfilter( x )
print "%s: \n%s" % (covfilter, cov )
print "np.cov:\n", np.cov( cloud.T, bias=True ) # bias: / N not N-1
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