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Created July 24, 2016 15:07
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Which {sparse or numpy array} * {sparse or numpyarray} work ?
""" Which {sparse or numpy array} * {sparse or numpy array} work ?
Which combinations are valid, what's the result type ?
Here try-it-and-see on N^2 combinations
with `safe_sparse_dot` from scikit-learn, not "*" .
See also: (lots)
# Keywords: scipy sparse dot-product basics tutorial
from __future__ import division
import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
np.set_printoptions( threshold=20, edgeitems=5, linewidth=140,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x )) # float arrays %.2g
def safe_sparse_dot( a, b ):
""" -> a * b or, b) """
# from sklearn
if sparse.issparse(a) or sparse.issparse(b):
return a * b
except ValueError: # dimension mismatch: print shapes
print "Error: %s %s * %s %s" % (
type(a).__name__, a.shape,
type(b).__name__, b.shape )
return, b)
# def asum( ndarray or sparse ): summary, shape type min av max [density]
n = 10
# to change these params in sh or ipython, run a=1 b=None c=\"str\" ...
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
n = (n // 5) * 5
numpyvec = np.tile( [0,0,0,0,1.], n // 5 )
numpyarray = np.ones(( n, n ))
rowvec = sparse.csr_matrix( numpyvec ) # (1, n)
colvec = rowvec.T # (n, 1) csc
Alil = sparse.lil_matrix((n,n))
Alil.setdiag( np.ones(n) )
Acsr = Alil.tocsr()
Acoo = Acsr.tocoo()
D = sparse.eye( n ) # scipy.sparse.dia.dia_matrix
print "\n-- safe_sparse_dot( various scipy sparse, numpy array ) --"
names = "Acsr Acoo D rowvec colvec numpyvec numpyarray ".split()
for Anm in names:
A = eval(Anm)
print "%s: %s %s " % (
Anm, A.shape, type(A).__name__ )
for Anm in names:
A = eval(Anm)
for Bnm in names:
B = eval(Bnm)
print "%s * %s = " % (Anm, Bnm) ,
AB = safe_sparse_dot( A, B )
# AB = A * B
print AB.shape, type(AB).__name__
except StandardError, errmsg:
# print "Error", errmsg
print ""
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