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Last active July 2, 2019 05:56
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Solution for Range Minimum Query & Lowest Common Ancestor
Solves both Range Minimum Query & Lowest Common Ancestor
in O(n) space & O(1) query time following Farach-Colton and Bender's algorithm.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class RMQLin
IList<int>[] cartesianTree;
IList<int> eulerTour;
IList<int> firstVisit; // representatives; holds indices in eulerTour
IList<int> depths; // depths of the nodes
IList<int> logTable; // precomputed logarithms
int[,] sparseTable;
int blockSize;
int blockCount;
int[][,] blocks;
IList<int> blockMasks;
public RMQLin(int[] items)
int root = this.ConstructCartesianTree(items);
this.PrecomputeLca(root, items.Length);
public int RMQ(int i, int j)
int result = this.LCA(i, j);
return result;
int ConstructCartesianTree(IList<int> A)
var parentChildMap = new int[A.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < parentChildMap.Length; i++)
parentChildMap[i] = -1;
// Stores the indices of the rightmost nodes.
var stack = new Stack<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < A.Count; i++)
int last = -1;
// Move through the right spine towards the root
// until finding an element smaller than the current one
while (stack.Any() && A[stack.Peek()] >= A[i])
last = stack.Pop();
if (stack.Any())
parentChildMap[i] = stack.Peek();
if (last >= 0)
parentChildMap[last] = i;
int root = -1;
this.cartesianTree = new List<int>[A.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < parentChildMap.Length; i++)
if (parentChildMap[i] == -1)
root = i;
if (this.cartesianTree[parentChildMap[i]] == null)
this.cartesianTree[parentChildMap[i]] = new List<int>();
return root;
void DepthFirstSearch(int current, int nodeDepth)
this.firstVisit[current] = this.eulerTour.Count;
this.depths[current] = nodeDepth;
// Reached a leaf node
if (cartesianTree[current] == null)
foreach (int child in this.cartesianTree[current])
this.DepthFirstSearch(child, nodeDepth + 1);
int MinByDepth(int i, int j)
return this.depths[this.eulerTour[i]] <= this.depths[this.eulerTour[j]] ? i : j;
void PrecomputeLca(int root, int itemCount)
// Get Euler Tour Indices of first occurrances
this.firstVisit = new int[itemCount];
this.depths = new int[itemCount];
this.eulerTour = new List<int>(itemCount * 2);
this.DepthFirstSearch(root, 0);
// Precompute all log values
int eulerTourLen = this.eulerTour.Count;
this.logTable = new List<int>();
for (int i = 1; i <= eulerTourLen; i++)
this.logTable.Add(logTable[i / 2] + 1);
// Determine block size
this.blockSize = this.logTable[eulerTourLen] / 2;
if (this.blockSize < 1)
this.blockSize = 1;
this.blockCount = (eulerTourLen + this.blockSize - 1) / this.blockSize;
// Precompute minimum of each block and build sparse table
this.sparseTable = new int[this.blockCount, this.logTable[this.blockCount] + 1];
// Inital Step
for (int i = 0, positionInBlock = 0, blockIndex = 0; i < eulerTourLen; i++, positionInBlock++)
if (positionInBlock == this.blockSize)
positionInBlock = 0;
// The first element of the block is the initial minimum
if (positionInBlock == 0)
this.sparseTable[blockIndex, 0] = i;
// A new minimum is found. Overwrite the existing.
if (MinByDepth(i, this.sparseTable[blockIndex, 0]) == i)
this.sparseTable[blockIndex, 0] = i;
// Fill in the dynamic programming table
for (int j = 1; j <= this.logTable[this.blockCount]; j++)
for (int i = 0; i + (1 << j) <= this.blockCount; i++)
int leftIndex = this.sparseTable[i, j - 1];
int rightIndex = this.sparseTable[i + (1 << (j - 1)), j - 1];
this.sparseTable[i, j] = MinByDepth(leftIndex, rightIndex);
// Precompute mask for each block
this.blockMasks = new int[this.blockCount];
for (int i = 0, posInBlock = 0, blockIndex = 0; i < eulerTourLen; i++, posInBlock++)
if (posInBlock == this.blockSize)
posInBlock = 0;
if (posInBlock > 0)
// If depth increases the bit is 1, otherwise 0 so skip the step
if (MinByDepth(i - 1, i) == i - 1)
this.blockMasks[blockIndex] += (1 << (posInBlock - 1));
// Precompute RMQ for each unique block
int possibilities = 1 << (this.blockSize - 1);
this.blocks = new int[possibilities][,];
for (int blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < this.blockCount; blockIndex++)
int mask = this.blockMasks[blockIndex];
if (this.blocks[mask] == null)
this.blocks[mask] = new int[this.blockSize, this.blockSize];
int currentBlockStartsAt = blockIndex * this.blockSize;
for (int left = 0; left < this.blockSize; left++)
this.blocks[mask][left, left] = left;
for (int right = left + 1; right < this.blockSize; right++)
int minIndexSoFar = currentBlockStartsAt + this.blocks[mask][left, right - 1];
int rightIndex = currentBlockStartsAt + right;
this.blocks[mask][left, right] = MinByDepth(minIndexSoFar, rightIndex) - currentBlockStartsAt;
int RMQInBlock(int blockIndex, int left, int right)
int mask = this.blockMasks[blockIndex];
int blockStartsAt = blockIndex * this.blockSize;
return blockStartsAt + this.blocks[mask][left, right];
int LCA(int first, int second)
int left = this.firstVisit[first];
int right = this.firstVisit[second];
if (left > right)
right = left;
left = this.firstVisit[second];
int leftBlockIndex = left / blockSize;
int rightBlockIndex = right / blockSize;
if (leftBlockIndex == rightBlockIndex)
int rmqInBlock = RMQInBlock(leftBlockIndex, left % blockSize, right % blockSize);
return this.eulerTour[rmqInBlock];
int ans1 = RMQInBlock(leftBlockIndex, left % this.blockSize, this.blockSize - 1);
int ans2 = RMQInBlock(rightBlockIndex, 0, right % this.blockSize);
int ans = MinByDepth(ans1, ans2);
if (leftBlockIndex + 1 < rightBlockIndex)
int blockSeqLenPower = this.logTable[rightBlockIndex - leftBlockIndex - 1];
int ans3 = this.sparseTable[leftBlockIndex + 1, blockSeqLenPower];
int ans4 = this.sparseTable[rightBlockIndex - (1 << blockSeqLenPower), blockSeqLenPower];
ans = MinByDepth(ans, MinByDepth(ans3, ans4));
return this.eulerTour[ans];
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