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Created January 9, 2020 17:19
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yf - yaml flattener
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# License: MIT
# Most content reused from
use strict;
use warnings;
use CWD ();
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename qw/basename dirname/;
use JSON::PP qw//;
sub envset {
my $var = shift;
(defined $ENV{$var} and scalar($ENV{$var} =~ m/^(1|y|yes|true)$/i)) ? 1 : 0;
my $__is_highcolour = $ENV{TERM} && $ENV{TERM} =~ /256color/;
sub _color {
my ($fg,$bg) = @_;
my @c = ( # NOTE: backgrounds only use the darker version unless highcolour terminal
'Kk', # dark grey/black)
'Rr', # light red/red
'Gg', # light green/green
'Yy', # yellow/amber
'Bb', # light blue/blue
'MmPp', # light magenta/magenta/light purple/purple
'Cc', # light cyan/dark cyan
'Ww' # light grey/white
my $fid = (grep {$c[$_] =~ qr/$fg/} 0..7 || ())[0] if $fg;
my $bid = (grep {$c[$_] =~ qr/$bg/} 0..7 || ())[0] if $bg;
return "" unless defined $fid || defined $bid;
my @cc;
if ($__is_highcolour) {
push(@cc, 38, 5, $fid + ($fg eq uc($fg) ? 8 : 0)) if defined $fid;
push(@cc, 48, 5, $bid + ($bg eq uc($bg) ? 8 : 0)) if defined $bid;
} else {
push @cc, "1" if $fg eq uc($fg);
push @cc, "3$fid" if defined $fid;
push @cc, "4$bid" if defined $bid;
return "\e[".join(";",@cc)."m";
sub _colorize {
my ($c, $msg) = @_;
$c = substr($c, 1);
return $msg if envset('NOCOLOR');
my @fmt = ();
push @fmt, 3 if $c =~ /i/i && !$ENV{TMUX}; # TMUX doesn't support italics
push @fmt, 4 if $c =~ /u/i;
my ($fg, $bg) = grep {$_ !~ /^[ui]$/i} split(//, $c);
my $prefix = (@fmt) ? "\e[".join(";", @fmt)."m" : "";
if (($fg && $fg eq "*") || ($bg && $bg eq "*")) {
my @rainbow = ('R','G','Y','B','M','C');
my $i = 0;
my $msgc = "";
foreach my $char (split //, $msg) {
my $fr = $fg && $fg eq "*" ? $rainbow[$i%6] : $fg;
my $br = $bg && $bg eq "*" ? $rainbow[($i+3)%6] : $bg;
$msgc = $msgc . _color($fr,$br)."$char";
if ($char =~ m/\S/) {
return "$prefix$msgc\e[0m";
} else {
return $prefix._color($fg,$bg)."$msg\e[0m";
sub csprintf {
my ($fmt, @args) = @_;
return '' unless $fmt;
my $s = sprintf($fmt, @args);
$s =~ s/(#[-IUKRGYBMPCW*]{1,4})\{(.*?)(\})/_colorize($1, $2)/egi;
return $s;
sub explain {
explain STDOUT @_;
sub waiting_on {
waiting_on STDOUT @_;
sub debug {
return unless envset("DEBUG") || envset("TRACE");
_log("DEBUG", csprintf(@_), "Wm")
sub error {
my @err = @_;
unshift @err, "%s" if $#err == 0;
print STDERR csprintf(@err) . "$/";
sub bail {
my @err = @_;
unshift @err, "%s" if $#err == 0;
$! = 1; die csprintf(@_)."$/";
sub dump_var {
return unless envset("DEBUG") || envset("TRACE");
my $scope = 0;
if ($_[0] =~ '^-\d+$') {
$scope = -(shift);
local $Data::Dumper::Deparse = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
my (undef, $file, $ln) = caller($scope);
my $sub = (caller($scope+1))[3];
my (%vars) = @_;
_log("VALUE", csprintf("#M{$_} = ").Dumper($vars{$_}) .csprintf("#Ki{# in $sub [$file:L$ln]}"), "Wb") for (keys %vars);
sub dump_stack {
return unless envset("DEBUG") || envset("TRACE");
my $depth=0;
my ($package,$file,$line,$sub,@stack,@info);
my ($sub_size, $line_size, $file_size) = (10,4,4);
while (@info = caller($depth++)) {
$sub = $info[3];
$sub_size = (sort {$b <=> $a} ($sub_size, length($sub )))[0];
if ($file) {
push @stack, [$line,$sub,$file];
$line_size = (sort {$b <=> $a} ($line_size,length($line)))[0];
$file_size = (sort {$b <=> $a} ($file_size,length($file)))[0];
$file = $info[1];
$line = $info[2];
print STDERR "\n"; # Ensures that the header lines up at the cost of a blank line
my $header = csprintf("#Wku{%*s} #Wku{%-*s} #Wku{%-*s}\n", $line_size, "Line", $sub_size, "Subroutine", $file_size, "File");
_log("STACK", $header.join("\n",map {
csprintf("#w{%*s} #Y{%-*s} #Ki{%s}", $line_size, $_->[0], $sub_size, $_->[1], $_->[2])
} @stack), "kY");
sub trace {
return unless envset "TRACE";
_log("TRACE", csprintf(@_), "Wc")
sub _log {
my ($label, $content, $colors) = @_;
my ($gt,$gtc) = (">",$colors);
unless (envset "NOCOLOR") {
$gt = "⮀";
$gtc = substr($colors,1,1);
$label = " $label ";
my $prompt = csprintf("#%s{%s}#%s{%s}", "$colors",$label,$gtc,$gt);
my $out = join("\n".(" "x(length($label)+2)),split(/\n/,$content));
printf STDERR "%s %s\n", $prompt, $out;
sub run {
my (@args) = @_;
my %opts = %{((ref($args[0]) eq 'HASH') ? shift @args: {})};
$opts{stderr} = '&1' unless exists $opts{stderr};
my $prog = shift @args;
if ($prog !~ /\$\{?[\@0-9]/ && scalar(@args) > 0) {
$prog .= ' "$@"'; # old style of passing in args as array, need to wrap for shell call
local %ENV = %ENV; # To get local scope for duration of this call
for (keys %{$opts{env} || {}}) {
$ENV{$_} = $opts{env}{$_};
trace("#M{Setting: }#B{$_}='#C{$ENV{$_}}'");
my $shell = $opts{shell} || '/bin/bash';
if (!$opts{interactive} && $opts{stderr}) {
$prog .= " 2>$opts{stderr}";
trace("#M{From directory:} #C{%s}", Cwd::getcwd);
trace("#M{Executing:} `#C{$prog}`%s", ($opts{interactive} ? " #Y{(interactively)}" : ''));
if (@args) {
unshift @args, basename($shell);
trace("#M{ - with arguments:}");
trace("#M{%4s:} '#C{%s}'", $_, $args[$_]) for (1..$#args);
my @cmd = ($shell, "-c", $prog, @args);
my $out;
if ($opts{interactive}) {
system @cmd;
} else {
open my $pipe, "-|", @cmd;
$out = do { local $/; <$pipe> };
$out =~ s/\s+$//;
close $pipe;
my $rc = $? >>8;
if ($rc) {
trace("command exited with status %x (rc %d)", $rc, $rc >> 8);
dump_var -1, run_output => $out if (defined($out));
if ($opts{onfailure}) {
bail("#R{%s} (run failed)%s", $opts{onfailure}, defined($out) ? ":\n$out" :'');
} else {
trace("command exited #G{0}");
if (defined($out)) {
if ($out =~ m/[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e\x1f\x7f-\xff]/) {
trace "[".length($out)."b of binary data omited from trace]";
} else {
dump_var -1, run_output => $out;
return unless defined(wantarray);
$opts{passfail} ? $rc == 0 :
$opts{interactive} ? (wantarray ? (undef, $rc) : $rc) :
$opts{onfailure} ? $out
: (wantarray ? ($out, $rc) : $out);
sub lines {
my ($out, $rc) = @_;
return $rc ? () : split $/, $out;
sub load_json {
my ($json) = @_;
return JSON::PP->new->allow_nonref->decode($json);
sub load_yaml_file {
my ($file) = @_;
my ($out, $rc) = run({ stderr => 0 }, 'spruce json "$1"', $file);
return $rc ? undef : load_json($out);
# Because x FH args... translates to FH->x args, it is required to monkey-patch
# IO:File to facilitate printing to different streams instead of STDOUT. With
# this in place, the Genesis functions just become wrappers.
package IO::File;
sub explain(*;@) {
my $self = shift;
return if main::envset "QUIET";
print $self main::csprintf(@_)."\n";
sub waiting_on(*;@) {
my $self = shift;
return if main::envset "QUIET";
print $self main::csprintf(@_);
package main;
sub process_branch {
my ($content, @path) = @_;
dump_var path=>\@path;
if (ref($content) eq 'HASH') {
for my $key (sort keys %$content) { # TODO: sort?
process_branch($content->{$key}, @path, "#C{$key}");
} elsif (ref($content) eq 'ARRAY') {
my $i = 0; for my $val (@$content) {
my $index;
if (ref($val) eq 'HASH') {
$index = (grep {exists($val->{$_}) && ($val->{$_} !~ '^\(\(')} qw(name key id))[0];
# TODO: Drop the key field from further output? Prevents `thing[name=bob].name`
$index = "[#mi{$index}#Ki{=}#y{$val->{$index}}]" if $index;
$index ||= "[#Yi{".$i++."}]";
process_branch($val, @path, $index);
} else {
# Node
my $path_str = join('.',@path);
$path_str =~ s/^\.//;
$path_str =~ s/\.\[/\[/g;
$path_str =~ s/([\.\[\]]+)/#K{$1}/g;
print csprintf "%s#K{:} %s\n", $path_str, defined($content) ? $content : csprintf("#gi{(null)}");
# -- MAIN --
bail "#R{ERROR:} No file given\n" unless @ARGV;
for my $file (@ARGV) {
bail "#R{ERROR:} File '$file' not found\n" unless -f $file;
explain STDERR "\n#Wk{--- Reading YAML from $file }";
process_branch(load_yaml_file($file), "$file>");
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