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kevinburke / curl.jinja
Last active April 28, 2022 23:38
Turn a requests request back into (roughly) the HTTP request that went over the wire. Also translates the request into a curl command
curl -X{{ method }} {{ url }}
{%- if query_string|length %}?{% endif %}
{{- query_string }} \
{%- for header, value in headers.iteritems() %}
-H '{{ header|urlencode }}: {{ value|urlencode }}'{% if not loop.last or params|length or auth %} \{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{% if params|length %}{% for param, value in params.iteritems() %}
-d '{{ param.decode('utf-8')|urlencode }}={{ value.decode('utf-8')|urlencode }}'{% if not loop.last or auth %} \{% endif %}
{%- endfor %}{%- endif %}
{%- if auth %}