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Last active July 27, 2022 19:16
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fun with lark and PHDwin
%import common.SIGNED_NUMBER
%import common.CNAME
%import common.WS
%ignore WS
?start: expr
?expr: comp_expr
?comp_expr: addsub_expr [comp_op addsub_expr]
?addsub_expr: muldiv_expr (addsub_op muldiv_expr)*
?muldiv_expr: factor (muldiv_op factor)*
?factor: sign_op factor | atom_expr
// TODO: not equal?
!comp_op: "<" | ">" | "=" | "<=" | ">="
!addsub_op: "+" | "-"
!muldiv_op: "x" | "/"
!sign_op: "+" | "-"
?atom_expr: identifier "(" [args] ")" -> funcall
| atom
// TODO: I see some function calls(?) inside { } - what are these?
?atom: "(" expr ")"
| identifier
| number
?args: expr ("," expr)*
// TODO: we need to know the escaping rules here...
?identifier: (CNAME | "{" /[^}]+/ "}") -> var
?number: SIGNED_NUMBER -> const
import sys
import lark
from enum import Enum, auto
from collections import namedtuple
class UnaryOp(Enum):
Pos = auto()
Neg = auto()
class BinaryOp(Enum):
Add = auto()
Sub = auto()
Mul = auto()
Div = auto()
Lt = auto()
Gt = auto()
LtEq = auto()
GtEq = auto()
Eq = auto()
class Constant(namedtuple('Constant', ['val'])):
__slots__ = ()
def eval(self, var_dict):
return self.val
def pprint(self):
return f'{self.val}'
class Var(namedtuple('Var', ['name'])):
__slots__ = ()
def eval(self, var_dict):
return var_dict[]
def pprint(self):
return f'{{{}}}'
class BinaryOpApply(namedtuple('BinaryOpApply', ['op', 'lhs', 'rhs'])):
__slots__ = ()
def eval(self, var_dict):
lhs_val = self.lhs.eval(var_dict)
rhs_val = self.rhs.eval(var_dict)
if self.op == BinaryOp.Add:
return lhs_val + rhs_val
if self.op == BinaryOp.Sub:
return lhs_val - rhs_val
if self.op == BinaryOp.Mul:
return lhs_val * rhs_val
if self.op == BinaryOp.Div:
return lhs_val / rhs_val
if self.op == BinaryOp.Lt:
return lhs_val < rhs_val
if self.op == BinaryOp.Gt:
return lhs_val > rhs_val
if self.op == BinaryOp.LtEq:
return lhs_val <= rhs_val
if self.op == BinaryOp.GtEq:
return lhs_val >= rhs_val
if self.op == BinaryOp.Eq:
return lhs_val == rhs_val
raise ArgumentError('invalid binary operator')
def pprint(self):
lhs_pp = self.lhs.pprint()
rhs_pp = self.rhs.pprint()
if self.op == BinaryOp.Add:
return f'({lhs_pp} + {rhs_pp})'
if self.op == BinaryOp.Sub:
return f'({lhs_pp} - {rhs_pp})'
if self.op == BinaryOp.Mul:
return f'({lhs_pp} x {rhs_pp})'
if self.op == BinaryOp.Div:
return f'({lhs_pp} / {rhs_pp})'
if self.op == BinaryOp.Lt:
return f'({lhs_pp} < {rhs_pp})'
if self.op == BinaryOp.Gt:
return f'({lhs_pp} > {rhs_pp})'
if self.op == BinaryOp.LtEq:
return f'({lhs_pp} <= {rhs_pp})'
if self.op == BinaryOp.GtEq:
return f'({lhs_pp} >= {rhs_pp})'
if self.op == BinaryOp.Eq:
return f'({lhs_pp} = {rhs_pp})'
raise ArgumentError('invalid binary operator')
class UnaryOpApply(namedtuple('UnaryOpApply', ['op', 'expr'])):
__slots__ = ()
def eval(self, var_dict):
expr_val = self.expr.eval(var_dict)
if self.op == UnaryOp.Pos:
return expr_val
if self.op == UnaryOp.Neg:
return -expr_val
raise ArgumentError('invalid unary operator')
def pprint(self):
expr_pp = self.expr.pprint()
if self.op == UnaryOp.Pos:
return f'+{expr_pp}'
if self.op == UnaryOp.Neg:
return f'-{expr_pp}'
raise ArgumentError('invalid unary operator')
class FunCall(namedtuple('FunCall', ['fn', 'args'])):
__slots__ = ()
def eval(self, var_dict):
if self.fn == 'If':
# if has special rules - it only evaluates one or the
# other of its arguments!
cond, do_if, do_else = self.args
if cond.eval(var_dict):
return do_if.eval(var_dict)
return do_else.eval(var_dict)
if self.fn == 'Abs':
val, = self.args
return abs(val.eval(var_dict))
raise ArgumentError(f'function {self.fn} not yet implemented!')
def pprint(self):
args = ', '.join(a.pprint() for a in self.args)
return f'{self.fn}({args})'
class ASTBuilder(lark.Transformer):
def var(self, args):
return Var(name=args[0].value)
def const(self, args):
return Constant(float(args[0]))
def sign_op(self, args):
if args[0] == '-':
return UnaryOp.Neg
elif args[0] == '+':
return UnaryOp.Pos
raise ArgumentError('invalid unary operator')
def addsub_op(self, args):
if args[0] == '+':
return BinaryOp.Add
elif args[0] == '-':
return BinaryOp.Sub
raise ArgumentError('invalid add/sub operator')
def muldiv_op(self, args):
if args[0] == 'x':
return BinaryOp.Mul
elif args[0] == '/':
return BinaryOp.Div
raise ArgumentError('invalid mul/div operator')
def comp_op(self, args):
if args[0] == '<':
return BinaryOp.Lt
elif args[0] == '>':
return BinaryOp.Gt
elif args[0] == '<=':
return BinaryOp.LtEq
elif args[0] == '>=':
return BinaryOp.GtEq
elif args[0] == '=':
return BinaryOp.Eq
raise ArgumentError('invalid comparison operator')
def comp_expr(self, args):
lhs, op, rhs = args
# either just an expression
if op is None and rhs is None:
return lhs
# or a comparison between two expressions
return BinaryOpApply(op=op, lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs)
def addsub_expr(self, args):
# either just an expression
if len(args) == 1:
return args[0]
# or a sequence of left-associative operations
# (this looks a little crazy, but it's going to turn
# x + y + z into (x + y) + z and so on)
ex, *args = args
while len(args) > 0:
op, next_ex, *args = args
ex = BinaryOpApply(op, lhs=ex, rhs=next_ex)
return ex
def muldiv_expr(self, args):
# same logic as addsub_expr
if len(args) == 1:
return args[0]
ex, *args = args
while len(args) > 0:
op, next_ex, *args = args
ex = BinaryOpApply(op=op, lhs=ex, rhs=next_ex)
return ex
def funcall(self, args):
fn, fnargs = args
# we have to account for the way Lark handles [args], and ensure
# that we always end up with a list
if fnargs is None:
fnargs = []
elif not isinstance(fnargs, list):
fnargs = [fnargs]
# fn will be a Var, having been already transformed;
# however, functions can only have certain hard-coded names,
# so we just want the string
return FunCall(, args=fnargs)
def args(self, args):
# function args should just be in-lined into the FunCall tuple
return args
def main(argv):
with open('formula.lark') as f:
p = lark.Lark(f, parser='lalr', transformer=ASTBuilder())
for l in sys.stdin:
tree = p.parse(l)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
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