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Created August 5, 2020 19:29
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Coursera ML course, exercise 1, ported to Julia
using LinearAlgebra
using DelimitedFiles
using Plots
warmup() = I
J(X, y, θ) = sum((X * θ - y) .^ 2) / (2 * length(y))
function ∇J(X, y, θ)
err = X * θ - y
(err' * X)' ./ size(X, 1)
function gradientdescent(X, y, θ, α, n)
J_history = zeros(n, 1)
for i in 1:n
∇ = ∇J(X, y, θ)
θ -= α * ∇
J_history[i] = J(X, y, θ)
θ, J_history
data = readdlm("ex1data1.txt", ',', Float64, '\n')
X = data[:, 1]
y = data[:, 2]
m = length(y)
p = scatter(X, y)
X = [ones(m) X]
θ = zeros(2, 1)
println("J = $(J(X, y, θ))")
iterations = 1500
α = 0.01
θ, _ = gradientdescent(X, y, θ, α, iterations)
println("θ = $θ")
scatter!(p, X[:,2], X * θ)
θ0 = range(-10, 10, length=100)
θ1 = range(-1, 4, length=100)
c = contour(θ0, θ1, (θ0, θ1) -> J(X, y, [θ0, θ1]),
levels=exp10.(range(-2, 3, length=20)))
scatter!([θ[1]], [θ[2]])
surface(θ0, θ1, (θ0, θ1) -> J(X, y, [θ0, θ1]))
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