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Last active January 31, 2018 07:55
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Iron Scripter Prequel 3
function Get-BlogXmlFeed {
Returns posts from the (or other blog) XML feed.
Returns posts from the (or other blog) XML feed and optionally opens the post link in the browser or displays the raw HTML.
The XML feed URI to retrieve.
Open post link in the operating systems' default browser or display the raw HTML.
One or more index numbers of post to retrieve.
C:\> Get-BlogXmlFeed
Returns the latest posts in the XML feed.
C:\> Get-BlogXmlFeed -Index 0
Return the first post from the XML feed.
C:\> Get-BlogXmlFeed -Index 0, 1 -OpenIn Browser
Return the first two posts from the XML deed and open in the browser.
C:\> Get-BlogXmlFeed -OpenIn Console
Get all posts from the XML feed and display the raw HTML text of the post links.
[string]$Uri = '',
[ValidateSet('Browser', 'Console')]
[int[]]$Index = @()
# Get XML feed and extract relevant properties
$feed = [xml](Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -UseBasicParsing)
$itemIndex = 0
$posts = $ | ForEach-Object {
PSTypeName = 'Blog.Post'
Index = $null
Title = $_.title
PublicationDate = [datetime]$_.pubDate
Link = $
Author = $_.creator.InnerText
} | Sort-Object -Property PublicationDate -Descending | ForEach-Object {
$_.'Index' = $itemIndex++
# Filter posts by index
if ($Index.Count -gt 0) {
$posts = $posts | Where-Object {$_.Index -in $Index}
# Return post(s) or optionally open link(s) in browser/console
foreach($post in $posts) {
switch ($OpenIn) {
'Browser' { Start-Process $post.Link }
'Console' { (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $post.Link).Content }
default { $post }
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