Just paste it into the browser console, and it will count contributions for you.
const currentYear = String(new Date().getFullYear());
const targetElement = document.querySelector(".col-12.calendar-block.gl-my-3");
if (targetElement) {
const userContribElements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".user-contrib-cell"));
const totalContribution = userContribElements.reduce((acc, el) => {
const accumulatedValue = isNaN(+acc) ? 0 : acc;
const titleParts = el.getAttribute("title").trim().split(" ");
const isValidValue = titleParts.length > 1 && !isNaN(+titleParts[0]) && titleParts.join(" ").includes(currentYear);
const contribution = isValidValue ? +titleParts[0] : 0;
return accumulatedValue + contribution;
}, 0);
const pElement = document.createElement("p");
pElement.innerHTML = `<strong>${totalContribution}</strong> contributions in <strong>${currentYear}</strong>`;
pElement.style.textAlign = "center";
} else {
console.error("Target element not found");