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Last active September 25, 2019 16:55
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attempt to try and change environment variables used in .eslintrc.js for CRA dev server without restarting the dev server
/* Usage:
const initGetEnv = require('./dev-scripts/get-env-var.js');
const env = initGetEnv({
useLiveEnv: typeof process.env.USE_LIVE_ENV !== 'undefined'
if (env('foobar')) doSomething();
// The idea is that you'd be able to change variables on the fly by editing the file.
// didn't work inside .eslintrc.js, could work in other contexts.
// for this to work a file needs to not be re-required each time it's used
/* globals process, module */
/* eslint-disable security/detect-object-injection */
const fs = require('fs');
const convertToBool = rawVal => {
if (typeof rawVal === 'undefined') return false;
if (typeof rawVal === 'boolean') return rawVal; // good luck to you
if (rawVal === 'true' || rawVal === '1') return true;
if (rawVal === 'false' || rawVal === '0') return false;
if (parseInt(rawVal, 10) + '' === rawVal) {
return !!parseInt(rawVal, 10);
if (typeof rawVal !== 'string') {
console.log('rawVal is not a string.. rawVal:', rawVal);
return !!rawVal;
// if not run from cli, then we don't want to change behavior.
module.exports = function initGetEnv({ useLiveEnv }) {
return useLiveEnv ? liveEnv : processEnv;
const processEnv = varName => convertToBool(process.env[varName]);
const liveEnv = (function liveEnvClosure() {
// setup liveEnvVars
const liveEnvVars = {};
try {
let dotEnvFileText = false;
let readEnvFile = false;
try {
dotEnvFileText = fs.readFileSync('./', { encoding: 'utf8' });
readEnvFile = true;
} catch (e) {
'missing / file. Try adding this to an .env.local file:' +
'echo "ESLINT_FOR_GITLAB_CI=1\\n',
if (readEnvFile) {
// console.log('read .env file', dotEnvFileText);
(dotEnvFileText.match(/[^\r\n]+/g) || []).forEach(function forEachEnvLine(line) {
if (!line.includes('=') || line.trim().startsWith('#') || line.trim().length < 1)
const [key, value] = line.split('=');
liveEnvVars[key] = convertToBool(value);
// console.log('liveEnvVars', liveEnvVars);
console.log('successfully parsed file');
} catch (e) {
console.log('caught error (probably while trying to parse ./', e);
return function liveEnvCore(varName) {
if (typeof process.env[varName] !== 'undefined') {
return processEnv(varName);
} else {
return liveEnvVars[varName];
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