/ Entry.
// Initialize the engine based on the IDE.
if (window["Laya3D"]) Laya3D.init(GameConfig.width, GameConfig.height);
else Laya.init(GameConfig.width, GameConfig.height, Laya["WebGL"]);
Laya["Physics"] && Laya["Physics"].enable();
Laya["DebugPanel"] && Laya["DebugPanel"].enable();
Laya.stage.scaleMode = GameConfig.scaleMode;
Laya.stage.screenMode = GameConfig.screenMode;
Laya.stage.alignV = GameConfig.alignV;
Laya.stage.alignH = GameConfig.alignH;
// Screen adaptation starts.
if (typeof getAdapterInfo !== "undefined") {
var stage = Laya.stage;
var info = getAdapterInfo({ width: GameConfig.width, height: GameConfig.height, scaleMode: GameConfig.scaleMode });
  // Note: GameConfig.width and GameConfig.height indicate the width and height of the quick game in the demo, respectively. Set them based on your needs.
stage.designWidth = info.w;
stage.designHeight = info.h;
stage.width = info.rw;
stage.height = info.rh;
stage.scale(info.scaleX, info.scaleY);
// Screen adaptation ends.