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Last active October 15, 2019 20:41
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Verify RxSwift resources and scheduler actions after finishing the tests.
import Quick
import RxSwift
final class MySpec: QuickSpec {
override func spec() {
it("fails") {
_ = Observable<Int>.interval(.seconds(1), scheduler: MainScheduler.instance).subscribe()
it("passes") {
_ = Observable<Int>.just(10)
import Nimble
@testable import Quick
@testable import RxSwift
// MARK: Verifyinig Number of RxSwift Resources
func verifyRxResourcesAreReleased(
beforeEach: @escaping (@escaping BeforeExampleClosure) -> Void = Quick.beforeEach,
afterEach: @escaping (@escaping AfterExampleClosure) -> Void = Quick.afterEach
) {
var numberOfResourcesByExampleIndex: [Example.Index: Int32] = [:]
beforeEach {
let example = currentExample()
let numberOfResources =
numberOfResourcesByExampleIndex[example.index] = numberOfResources
afterEach {
let example = currentExample()
let expectedNumberOfResources = numberOfResourcesByExampleIndex.removeValue(forKey: example.index)!
let currentNumberOfResources =
let expectation = expect(currentNumberOfResources, file: example.file, line: example.line), resource: "Rx resources"))
func verifyRxResourcesAreReleased(configuration: Configuration) {
verifyRxResourcesAreReleased(beforeEach: configuration.beforeEach, afterEach: configuration.afterEach)
// MARK: Verifyinig Number of Actions in Main Scheduler
func verifyMainSchedulerIsEmpty(
beforeEach: @escaping (@escaping BeforeExampleClosure) -> Void = Quick.beforeEach,
afterEach: @escaping (@escaping AfterExampleClosure) -> Void = Quick.afterEach
) {
var numberOfActionsByExampleIndex: [Example.Index: Int32] = [:]
beforeEach {
let example = currentExample()
let numberOfActions = MainScheduler.instance.numberEnqueued.value
numberOfActionsByExampleIndex[example.index] = numberOfActions
afterEach {
let example = currentExample()
let expectedNumberOfActions = numberOfActionsByExampleIndex.removeValue(forKey: example.index)!
let currentNumberOfActions = MainScheduler.instance.numberEnqueued.value
let expectation = expect(currentNumberOfActions, file: example.file, line: example.line), resource: "scheduled actions in MainScheduler"))
func verifyMainSchedulerIsEmpty(configuration: Configuration) {
verifyMainSchedulerIsEmpty(beforeEach: configuration.beforeEach, afterEach: configuration.afterEach)
private extension AtomicInt {
var value: Int32 {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
return mirror.children.first { name, _ in name == "value" }!.value as! Int32
// MARK: Example
private struct Example {
typealias Index = Int
let index: Index
let file: FileString
let line: UInt
private func currentExample() -> Example {
let metadata = World.sharedWorld.currentExampleMetadata!
let callsite = metadata.example.callsite
return Example(index: metadata.exampleIndex, file: callsite.file, line: callsite.line)
// MARK: Matchers
private func haveLessThanOrEqualTo<T>(_ expectedCount: T, resource: String) -> Predicate<T> where T: Comparable {
let failureMessage = "have less than or equal to <\(stringify(expectedCount))> \(resource) after finishing the test"
return Predicate.define(failureMessage) { actualExpression, msg in
let actualValue = try actualExpression.evaluate()
switch (expectedCount, actualValue) {
case (nil, _?):
return PredicateResult(status: .fail, message: msg.appendedBeNilHint())
case (nil, nil), (_, nil):
return PredicateResult(status: .fail, message: msg)
case (let expected, let actual?):
let matches = actual <= expected
return PredicateResult(bool: matches, message: msg)
import Quick
class TestConfiguration: QuickConfiguration {
override class func configure(_ configuration: Configuration) {
// This will break the tests because:
// * `` doesn't decrease in a specific case:
// * `UIViewController` is not deallocated synchronously:
verifyRxResourcesAreReleased(configuration: configuration)
//, use this first
verifyMainSchedulerIsEmpty(configuration: configuration)
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