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Last active November 3, 2017 16:21
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JS Project 1
// JS Project #1
// Group 1 - Data
// HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=xoxb-254477195828-yKXenoY5BXI6pZibTVlrhbxr ./bin/hubot --adapter slack
*************************** READ ME ******************************************
#1 - Random yo momma jokes
Description: Hubot will tell a random "yo momma" joke when prompted.
Instructions: Ask @Data the following questions to generate a response:
Type: Tell me a yo momma joke
This will return a response of a random "yo momma" joke based on an array of 6 jokes.
#2 - World's Top 25 Most Livable Cities
Description: Hubot will list the top 25 livable cities around the world based on Monocle magazine's Quality of Life Survey of 2017.
Instructions: Ask @Data the following questions to generate a response:
Type: Where are the world's most livable cities for 2017?
This will return a response with a list of the 25 cities based on an array as well as a link to a video explanation of the ranking.
Type(any of questions below):
Are there any cities from Asia?
Are there any cities from Europe?
Are there any cities from Australia?
Are there any cities from North America?
Are there any cities from South America?
Are there any cities from Africa?
Are there any cities from Antartica?
This will return a response listing all the cities from the list according to their location by continents.
This is retrieved from an array and uses array.length.
#3 - Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
Description: Challenge @Data to a game of rock, paper, scissors.
Instructions: Ask Hubot the following items below to play a game of rock, paper, scissors:
Type: Let's play rock, paper, scissors
This will return a response as well as the instructions for the game
Type: I choose ____
Type either rock, paper or scissors after the phrase "I choose " and this will
return a response of what @Data has chosen and will also declare a winner.
@Data's choices are based on a math.random code, the messages returned are based
on if/else statements.
*************************** READ ME END ******************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// Code Starts below
// ********************************************************************************
module.exports = function(bot) {
// #1 - "Random yo momma jokes" - start
bot.hear(/Tell me a yo momma joke/i, function(res) {
var randomJoke = function () { //randomJoke function starts
var jokes = [
"Yo momma is so fat when she got on the scale it said, \"I need your weight not your phone number.\"",
"Yo momma is so fat she takes selfies in panoramic mode.",
"Yo momma is so stupid she brought a spoon to the super bowl.",
"Yo momma is so dumb that it takes her 2 hours to watch 60 Minutes.",
"Yo momma is so ugly, her portraits hang themselves.",
"Yo momma is so ugly, when she threw a boomerang, it wouldn't come back."
var yoMomma = jokes[Math.floor(Math.random() * jokes.length)];
return yoMomma;
}; //randomJoke function ends
return res.send("Here's one - " + randomJoke() );
}); // end - random yo momma jokes
// ********************************************************************************
// #2 - World’s Top 25 Most Livable Cities for 2017
var cities = ["1. Tokyo", "2. Vienna", "3. Berlin",
"4. Munich","5. Melbourne","6. Copenhagen",
"7. Sydney", "8. Zürich", "9. Hamburg", "10. Madrid",
"11. Stockholm", "12. Kyoto", "13. Helsinki", "14. Fukuoka",
"15. Hong Kong", "16. Lisbon", "17. Barcelona", "18. Vancouver",
"19. Dusseldorf", "20. Amsterdam", "21. Singapore",
"22. Auckland", "23. Brisbane", "24. Portland", "25. Oslo"];
var citiesString = cities.join(', ');
var asia = ["Tokyo", "Kyoto", "Fukuoka", "Hong Kong", "Singapore" ];
var asiaString = asia.join(', ');
var asiaLength = asia.length;
var australia = ["Melbourne", "Sydney", "Auckland", "Brisbane" ];
var australiaString = australia.join(', ');
var australiaLength = australia.length;
var europe = ["Vienna", "Berlin", "Munich", "Copenhagen", "Zürich", "Hamburg",
"Madrid", "Stockholm", "Helsinki", "Lisbon", "Barcelona", "Dusseldorf",
"Amsterdam", "Oslo" ];
var europeString = europe.join(', ');
var europeLength = europe.length;
var northAmerica = ["Vancouver", "Portland"];
var northAmericaString = northAmerica.join(', ');
var northAmericaLength = northAmerica.length;
var none = ["none listed", "0"];
var logo = "";
// var vidLink = "";
var vidLink = "";
bot.hear(/Where are the world's most livable cities for 2017?/i, function(res) {
return res.reply("According to Monocle magazine's Quality of Life Survey of 2017, the \"World's Most Liveable Cities of 2017\" are: "
+ "\n" + logo + "\n" + citiesString + "\n" + "\n" +
"For additional information, please view the video below: " + "\n" + vidLink);
bot.hear(/Are there any cities from Asia?/i, function(res) {
return res.reply("There are " + asiaLength + " cities from Asia. " + "\n" + "They are - " + asiaString);
bot.hear(/Are there any cities from Europe?/i, function(res) {
return res.reply("There are " + europeLength + " cities from Europe. " + "\n" + "They are - " + europeString);
bot.hear(/Are there any cities from Australia?/i, function(res) {
return res.reply("There are " + australiaLength + " cities from Australia. " + "\n" + "They are - " + australiaString);
bot.hear(/Are there any cities from North America?/i, function(res) {
return res.reply("There are " + northAmericaLength + " cities from North America. " + "\n" + "They are - " + northAmericaString);
bot.hear(/Are there any cities from South America?/i, function(res) {
return res.reply("There are " + none[1] + " cities from South America. " + "\n" + "They are - " + none[0]);
bot.hear(/Are there any cities from Africa?/i, function(res) {
return res.reply("There are " + none[1] + " cities from Africa. " + "\n" + "They are - " + none[0]);
bot.hear(/Are there any cities from Antartica?/i, function(res) {
return res.reply("There are " + none[1] + " cities from Antartica. " + "\n" + "They are - " + none[0]);
// end - World’s Top 25 Most Liveable Cities for 2017
// ********************************************************************************
// #3 - "Rock, Paper, Scissors Game" start
bot.hear(/Let's play rock, paper, scissors/i, function(res){ // RPS game starts
return res.send("Ok, it's on! " + "\n" + "\n" +
"Instructions: start by typing the following message: " + "\n" + "\n" +
" \"I choose\" followed by either \"rock\", \"paper\" or \"scissors\" (without the quotes) " +
"and I will reveal what I chose as well as declare a winner.");
bot.hear(/I choose (.*)/i, function(msg) {
var user;
user = msg.match[1];
var computerChoice = Math.random();
if (computerChoice < 0.34) {
computerChoice = "rock";
} else if(computerChoice <= 0.67) {
computerChoice = "paper";
} else {
computerChoice = "scissors";
} console.log("Computer: " + computerChoice);
// var choices = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"];
// var computerChoice = function() {
// choices[Math.floor(Math.random() * choices.length)];
// return(computerChoice);
// }
var tieMsg = "The result is a tie!";
var rockMsg = "Result: Rock wins!";
var paperMsg = "Result: Paper wins!";
var scissorsMsg = "Result: Scissors wins!";
var errorMsg = "Invalid!!! Please select either rock, paper or scissors";
var game = function(choice1, choice2) {
if (choice1 === choice2) {
if (choice1 === "rock") {
if(choice2 ==="scissors") {
} else {
if (choice1 === "paper") {
if(choice2 ==="rock") {
} else {
if (choice1 === "scissors") {
if (choice2 === "rock") {
} else {
if (choice1 !== "rock" || "paper" || "scissors") {
return msg.send("Data chose " + computerChoice + "\n" + "\n" + game(user, computerChoice));
}); // end - Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
}; // end - module.exports funciton
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donoage commented Nov 3, 2017

Overall Thoughts

I would've done something like this.

    // create one big object that contains all info about an area.
    var cities = {
        asia: {
            name: 'Asia',
            cities: ["Tokyo", "Kyoto", "Fukuoka", "Hong Kong", "Singapore"]
        europe: {
          name: 'Europe',
          cities: ["Vienna", "Berlin", "Munich", "Copenhagen", "Zürich", "Hamburg", "Madrid", "Stockholm", "Helsinki", "Lisbon", "Barcelona", "Dusseldorf", "Amsterdam", "Oslo"]

    bot.respond(/Are there any cities from (.*)\?/i, function(res) {
        //take user input and make the city name lowercase.
        var userCity = res.match[1].toLowerCase();
        // try to find the city from cities object above.
        if (cities.userCity) {
            var selectedCity = cities.userCity;

            var cityName =;
            var numOfCities = selectedCity.cities.length;
            var cityList = selectedCity.cities.join(', ');
            // Using template literals to concatenate strings. 
            // (
            return res.reply(`There are ${numOfCities} cities from ${cityName}. They are ${cityList}.`);
        // our default response if there is no region by the user's input.        
        // use res.match[1] to return original input.
        return res.reply(`There is no region by the name - ${res.match[1]}.`);
  • Other than that, I really appreciate the variety and the effort you put in for this project. Awesome stuff.



Let me know if you have any question or you're welcome to come to my office hours.


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