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Last active February 10, 2023 09:02
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Simple example of reproducible research, using global leaf traits database
# get data, from publication Wright et al 2004. DOI: [10.1038/nature02403](
download.file("", "wright-2004.xls")
dat.Wright <- read.xlsx2("wright-2004.xls", sheetIndex=1, startRow=11, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=TRUE)
## Clean data
dat.Wright <- dat.Wright[names(dat.Wright) != " "] # Drop blank columns
for(v in c("log.LMA","log.LL"))
dat.Wright[[v]] <- as.numeric(dat.Wright[[v]])
LMA_plot <- function(LMA,LL, G){
sm1 <- sma(1/LL~LMA*G,log='xy')
plot(NA, xlim = c(0.01, 2), ylim = c(0.04, 15), log="xy", type='n', xlab="", ylab="")
plot(sm1, add= T, col=make.transparent("grey", 1), lwd=0, pch= 19, cex=1.2)
plot(sm1, add= T, col="darkgreen", type='l', lwd=2.0, p.lines.transparent =0.15)
title(paste0(length(unique(G)), " sites, ", length(! &! ), " species") )
mtext("Leaf mass per area (kg/m2)", line =3, side = 1, cex=1.5)
mtext("Leaf turnover rate (/yr)", line =3,side = 2, cex=1.5)
## Make colours semitransparent:
make.transparent <- function(col, opacity=0.5) {
tmp <- col2rgb(col)/255
rgb(tmp[1,], tmp[2,], tmp[3,], alpha=opacity)
to.pdf <- function(expr, filename, ..., verbose=TRUE) {
pdf(filename, ...)
to.pdf(LMA_plot(G = dat.Wright$Dataset, LL = (10^dat.Wright$log.LL)/12, LMA= 10^dat.Wright$log.LMA/1000)
, paste0("Wright2004.pdf"), height=6, width =6)
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