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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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vCAC: Dynamically execute Scripts in ExternalWFStubs Workflows with PowerShell (1)
PS > $Machine.GetType().FullName
PS > $m.GetType().FullName
# script main
$Write-Host ("{0}: Processing Machine entity: '{1}'." -f $Machine.VirtualMachineID, $Machine.VirtualMachineName);
$null = $m.LoadProperty($Machine, 'VirtualMachineProperties');
$hp = @{};
$m.LoadProperty($Machine, 'VirtualMachineProperties') | Select-Object PropertyName, PropertyValue, IsEncrypted |% {
if($_.IsEncrypted) {
$hp.Add($_.PropertyName, [DynamicOps.Common.Utils.ScramblerHelpers]::Unscramble($_.PropertyValue));
} else {
$hp.Add($_.PropertyName, $_.PropertyValue);
} # if
# Get all properties for current machine state
$WorkflowStubIdentifier = 'ExternalWFStubs';
$ServerScripts = 'Scripts';
if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('VirtualMachineState')) {
$VirtualMachineState = $Machine.VirtualMachineState;
} # if
$ap = $hp.Keys -match ('^{0}\.{1}\.{2}\.' -f
$WorkflowStubIdentifier, $VirtualMachineState, $ServerScripts) | Sort;
$al = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
$PropertyScript = '';
$ScriptName = '';
foreach($p in $ap) {
# Get script name
$fMatch = $p -match ('^{0}\.{1}\.{2}\.({3}|{3}\.{4})$' -f
$WorkflowStubIdentifier, $VirtualMachineState, $ServerScripts, '([^\.]+)', '([^\.]+)');
if(!$fMatch) { continue; }
if($Matches.Count -eq 3) {
if($PropertyScript -And $ScriptName) {
Write-Host $PropertyScript
$ScriptCommand = New-ScriptCommandline
-Machine $Machine
-ScriptName $ScriptName
-htScriptParam $htScriptParam
-Path $Path;
if(!$ScriptCommand) {
Write-Warning ("'{0}': '{1}' FAILED to extract command line." -f
$PropertyScript, $ScriptName);
} # if
$null = $al.Add($ScriptCommand);
} # if
$PropertyScript = $Matches[2];
$ScriptName = $hp.$p;
$htScriptParam = @{};
} elseif($Matches.Count -eq 4) {
$PropertyParam = $Matches[4];
$ScriptParam = $hp.$p;
$htScriptParam.$PropertyParam = $ScriptParam;
} else {
Write-Warning ("{0}: Matches.Count - continue" -f $p);
} # if
} # foreach
if($PropertyScript -And $ScriptName) {
Write-Host $PropertyScript
$ScriptCommand = New-ScriptCommandline
-Machine $Machine
-ScriptName $ScriptName
-htScriptParam $htScriptParam
-Path $Path;
if(!$ScriptCommand) {
Write-Warning ("'{0}': '{1}' FAILED to extract command line." -f
$PropertyScript, $ScriptName);
} # if
$null = $al.Add($ScriptCommand);
} # if
# This is an example output from the above generated array $al
# all scripts are constructed from the properties attached to the virtual machine (including credentials)
C:\data\scripts\Set-DomainMembersip.ps1 -Username 'SHAREDOP\myUser' -Domain '' -Passwod 'P@ssw0rd'
C:\data\scripts\New-CmdbEntry.ps1 -Machine 'vc100228' -Username 'SHAREDOP\Edgar' -Password 'P@ssw0rd'
C:\data\scripts\Set-VcacVirtualMachineName.ps1 -Name 'myNewVMName' -Fqdn ''
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