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Created September 17, 2013 14:42
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eZ Publish 5: Is this a viable pattern for handling sub-items of a content object, for example children of a folder?
{% extends ... %}
{% block content %}
{# Render the full view of the content object #}
{% if content.field['title'] is defined %}
<h1>{{ ez_render_field( content, 'title') }}</h1>
{% else %}
<h1>{{ ez_render_field(content, 'name') }}</h1>
{% endif %}
{% if content.fields['short_description'] is defined %}
<div class="attribute-short_description">
{{ ez_render_field( content, 'short_description') }}
{% endif %}
{% if content.fields['description'] is defined %}
<div class="attribute-description">
{{ ez_render_field( content, 'description') }}
{% endif %}
{# Render sub-items using a sub-request #}
{{ render( controller( "MyBundle:Default:subItems", {'locationId': }), {'strategy': 'esi'} ) }}
{% endblock %}
Render a content object in line view
<div class="class-{{ content.contentInfo.contentTypeId }}">
<h2><a href="{{ path( 'ez_urlalias', {'locationId': content.contentInfo.mainLocationId} ) }}">{{ ez_render_field( content, 'title') }}</a></h2>
{% if content.fields['short_description'] is defined %}
<div class="attribute-short_description">
{{ ez_render_field( content, 'short_description') }}
{% endif %}
* Renders sub-items of the current location
* TODO: add content type filtering, and possibly more
* TODO: add template to be used for rendering
* @param int $locationId
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function subItemsAction( $locationId )
$response = new Response;
$response = $this->cacheResponse( $response, $locationId );
$locationList = $this->fetchLocationListIncludingContentTypes( $locationId, array() );
$contentList = array();
foreach ( $locationList as $location )
$contentList[] = $this->getRepository()->getContentService()->loadContent( $location->contentId );
return $this->render(
"locationList" => $locationList,
"contentList" => $contentList
* Returns list of locations under given parent location, optionally pnly for given content types
* @param $locationId
* @param array $includeContentTypes
* @return array
private function fetchLocationListIncludingContentTypes( $locationId, array $includeContentTypes = array() )
$includeCriterion = array();
if ( !empty( $includeContentTypes ) )
foreach ( $includeContentTypes as $contentTypeIdentifier )
$contentType = $this->getRepository()->getContentTypeService()->loadContentTypeByIdentifier( $contentTypeIdentifier );
$includeCriterion[] = new Criterion\ContentTypeId( $contentType->id);
$criteria = array(
new Criterion\ParentLocationId( $locationId ),
new Criterion\Visibility( Criterion\Visibility::VISIBLE )
if ( !empty( $includeCriterion ) )
$criteria[] = new Criterion\LogicalAnd( $includeCriterion );
$query = new Query(
'criterion' => new Criterion\LogicalAnd(
'sortClauses' => array(
new SortClause\LocationPriority( Query::SORT_ASC )
$searchResult = $this->getRepository()->getSearchService()->findContent( $query );
$locationList = array();
if ( $searchResult instanceof SearchResult )
foreach ( $searchResult->searchHits as $searchHit )
$locationList[] = $this->getRepository()->getLocationService()->loadLocation( $searchHit->valueObject->contentInfo->mainLocationId );
return $locationList;
Process a list of children content objects and render them using line template
TODO: select default line view template based on content class
<div class="content-view-children">
{% for content in contentList %}
{% include "WebmanufakturSiteDruckformBundle::line.html.twig" %}
{% endfor %}
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