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dgnsrekt / trekGPT.js
Last active January 30, 2023 04:18
tampermonkey version of trekGPT -
// ==UserScript==
// @name trekGPT
// @namespace
// @version 0.6
// @description Use chat GPT like the Star Trek TNG LCARS OS. Has TTS & STT. Plus common TNG sound effects.
// @author dgnsrekt
// @match
// @icon
// @grant none
// @license MIT
dgnsrekt / talkToChatGPT.js
Last active January 25, 2023 02:47
Talk to ChatGPT in the browser.
let lastSentences = [];
const targetNode = document.getElementsByTagName("main")[0];
const observer = new MutationObserver(onMutation);
const textArea = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];
let listening = false;
function readOutWords(words) {
const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(words);
utterance.rate = 1;
utterance.pitch = 0.85;
dgnsrekt / trekGPT.js
Last active January 18, 2023 22:33
This version listens for the wake word computer.
let lastSentences = [];
let listening = false;
let voiceResponse = true;
const inChat = window.location.hostname === "";
const targetNode = document.getElementsByTagName("main")[0];
const observer = new MutationObserver(onMutation);
const textArea = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0];
const synth = window.speechSynthesis;
const WAKE_WORD = "computer";
dgnsrekt / chatGPTTextToSpeech.js
Created January 16, 2023 08:23
Chat GPT TTS in chrome written and refactor by ChatGPT.
function readOutWords(words) {
var utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(words)
utterance.rate = 1;
utterance.pitch = 0.85;
let lastSentences = [];
function readSentence(string) {
dgnsrekt /
Created December 8, 2021 17:51
from requests_html import HTMLSession
import pydantic
class WineModel(pydantic.BaseModel):
name: str
price: str
varietal: str
description: str
dgnsrekt /
Created December 1, 2021 01:46 — forked from jdrew1303/
Market Order Matching Engine


The computer driven markets for instruments like stocks and exchange traded stock options, have transformed finance and the flow of capital. These markets are enabled by order matching engines (and the infrastructure that supports this software). Before computer trading networks and matching engines, stocks where traded on cavernous exchange floors and transaction costs where high. When electronic trading fully matured, floor traders were a fading anachronism and transaction costs had been reduced to pennies a share in many cases. Electronic trading could not exist without advanced network infrastructure, but without the software matching engines no shares would change hands. The computer trading networks, the matching engine software has also created a concentrated nexus of potential failure. Failures in these systems have increased as the frequency and volume on the electronic networks has increased. The position of order matching engines in the trading infrastructure makes these systems o

x Coverages = [100000, 150000, 200000, 250000, 300000, 350000]
y Factors = [0.971, 1.104, 1.314, 1.471, 1.579, 1.761]
Write a function that takes x2 (coverage selected by customer), a list of coverages (x) and a list of factors (y) and returns y2 (interpolated factor)
Performance is important. Build a solution for a list with 1000 elements. The Coverages list will always be sorted.
linear interpolation formula:
y2 = (x2 - x1) (y3 - y1) / (x3 - x1) + y1
dgnsrekt /
Created June 5, 2020 01:33
Playing around with tdameritrade stream api.
import pandas
from decouple import config
from time import sleep
while True:
table = pandas.read_sql_table("chartdata", DATABASE_URI)
"I": 1,
"II": 2,
"III": 3,
"V": 5,
"X": 10,
"L": 50,
"C": 100,
"D": 500,
"M": 1000,
dgnsrekt /
Created September 5, 2020 01:50
solution from
from requests_html import HTMLSession
from pprint import pprint
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import re
import time
URL = ""
session = HTMLSession()