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Created March 26, 2015 14:54
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Scanning /home/dgryski/work/src/cvs/go repo
Found 8517 bugfix commits, with 6545 hotspots:
- last-minute fix: convert to ANSI C
- - fixed a couple of grammar errors
- - more grammar fixes
- - fixed double-definition of StructType
- fix a few nits in the typography so HTML is right
- fix grammar for struct and interface types to make final semicolon optional
- - added 'nil' keyword to lang doc
- examples contradicted text: '\octal' and '\hex' are fixed size
- - fixed typo in go_lang.txt
- - added another test
- - fixed my scripts
- Fix date stamp
- fix bug30
- bug28
- bug36
- - essentially reverted my change of yesterday with respect to char/string syntax
- fix description of iota to reflect reality.
- - completed syntax for import declarations
- Fixed a typo (changed ' -> ") and shortened a production name slightly to match the naming convention elsewhere.
- - fixed a test
- fix double declaration of g
- - changed literal syntax to use the convert notation
- fix up the 'basic types' section. strings were missing
- add a couple of TODOs
- - fixed a typo
- fix loader problem loading main from a library
- fix different ANON flag between
- - fix to func.go
- - fixed a few tests and added 3 incorrectly succeeding tests
- check in the bugs and fixed bugs
- - fixed golden.out
- - fixed test commands
- fixed \\ secape in strings
- fix erroneous test
- Fix a few tests
- fix string_lit test to be more thorough
- move file for fixed bug
- fix float lit to return 1, print error
- fix bug in closeness for float literal test
- fix up mkfiles to use $GOROOT instead of $PLAN9
- - fixed minor issues in spec
- better version of op=
- fix name of mach_amd64 library source dir
- Bug fix. Without rounding, .shstrtab is written on top of data segment
- add support for debugging in MACH binaries
- fix up grammar for optional elements in if and switch conditions
- 'default' bug in switch statements is fixed
- a couple of bugs around nil are fixed
- improve bug054.go
- - a couple of fixes for integer.go
- fix a few spelling mistakes in messages
- add a test
- fixed fncall both sides
- fix two (!) bugs printing floating point zero
- update golden
- add test that was mistakenly not checked in, now fixed
- - fixed .x file permissions
- - more minor fixes
- fix typo in file name
- fix some tests
- one bug fixed
- more coroutine
- fixed three-way decl
- fix ldexp, frexp, and make math package compile and test correctly
- - fixed scanner and parser issues to be able to parse math lib
- - more fixes to parser
- redefinition fix for autolib: if first ATEXT is already defined, skip this file
- - minor bug fix
- - fixed bug in parser.go
- fix traceback to know about new segmenting
- fix comment
- fix a couple of minor errors
- - added universe, universe initialization
- - no column info in error messages for Rob
- fix bug names
- - fixed issue with parsing function literals in statement lists
- back out last chan fix
- - moved struct Compilation into globals.go, adjusted deps
- len(fixed array)
- - made initial export work
- start of select
- fix some bad spaces
- - fixed several parser issues
- fix ordering problem: flag depends on fmt
- random bug fixes
- really fix it this time
- add lstat
- fix type error caused by recent change
- fixes for linux system call linkage
- fix a comment
- - import and export code, bug fixes
- - mark syscall support routines as non-stack-generating
- various fixes:
- - fixed import bug (import "...")
- - fixed a bug w/ exports (wrong package info)
- fixed bug in FixExt routine
- more import/export stuff:
- go method bug is fixed.
- fix bug - need to read final message in daisy chain to avoid hang
- first cut at multithreading. works on Linux.
- fix go build
- * comment, clean up scheduler
- - fixed another export bug
- - added more semantic checks - more to come
- fix erroneous code in bugs; reported by iant.
- include syscall in default build
- fix a couple of tests that had shell errors
- fix minor bug uncovered by new constant evaluator
- mp fixed arith
- fixed unary ^ opcode (bug082)
- fixed op=, ++ and -- on maps (bug060)
- - fix signedness bug in sys.Inf()
- fix a typo in the comments
- fix two print statements
- fix bug depot:
- fix one syntax error in declaration.
- fixed bugs in const/case
- update bugs
- delete redundant bug.
- fix fat copy of overlapping data
- fix type of (1<<x)
- - declaring large fixed arrays is causing runtime crash
- fixed labels/break/continue/goto
- update tests.
- fix bug: was writing off end of array
- - fixed typo
- - clarification of type of array literals (always fixed array)
- fix bug in stack overflow check.
- Update fmt, refl, and rpc to exploit bug fixes in compiler
- use a makefile to build math
- go linux x86-64 kernel fixes:
- fixed sorting.go to use proper composite literal {}'s instead of
- fix bug in stack limit calculation - was setting limit reg in wrong place.
- - added missing language to almost all types
- fixed bug in certain
- - added convenience wrappers for sort
- - incorporated bug fixes, todo's as suggested by rsc
- - fixed missing return issues
- fixes for funcs without returns
- fix silly portability bug
- fix up linux trap handling - INTB 5 gives SEGV
- acid fixes etc. still not perfect.
- var bug is fixed
- fix some broken tests (tests themselves were wrong)
- fix / work around bugs in bufio test
- fix printing of -(1<<63)
- - fixed bug which prevented parser.go from compiling
- - fixed old test cases with wrong syntax
- - fixed another parser bug, now correctly parse more tests
- - fix for out-of-bounds error found by rsc
- Updated spec:
- - heuristics for parsing composite literals in some cases
- fix bugs in asynch select
- bug103 - but the fix caused other
- fix some tests
- compiler changes:
- re-fix bug067, update golden.out
- change string([]byte) to pass array, rather than &a[0],
- fixed export sort for methods
- better debuggers:
- Snapshot.
- fix ELF bugs found by iant
- 1) Fixed spec w/ respect to result types.
- handle negative numeric constants in import.
- test and fix non-blocking chan ops on buffered chans
- - fixed Go statement syntax (only notational change)
- fix build: new net Makefile
- Storing an out of range constant into a variable should
- fix some typos, mostly
- - type of array literals is always fixed array
- fix up arg list parsing to handle any names:
- fix export bug for /usr/r/rpc
- - fixed semicolon handling in pretty printer
- - fixed Makefile, added more tests
- Clarifications re: anonymous fields in structs:
- names now println/panicln
- - precise scope rules
- add method test & fix method name bugs
- fix method use bug in powser1.
- bug026 and bug060 are fixed. update.
- change type names to go live at the name, so that
- fix bug:
- Fixes breakage caused by semicolon restriction.
- - make optional semicolons explicit in grammar in all places
- - more cleanups (simpler code for optional semi's, bug fixes)
- - Fixed bug in spec: PrimaryExpr is too restrictive in most places
- add some tests
- snapshot
- bug is fixed
- snapshot:
- - added test script
- - stronger syntax checks
- update fixed bugs (and delete an irrelevant one)
- - fixed a couple of corner cases (empty statements, empty composites)
- - fixed bug that wasn't caught by 6g (but by gccgo)
- fix typo causing infinite recursion
- Added mechanism for very precise self-testing:
- fix compiler warnings
- - fixed missing parens in some cases of unary expressions
- fix a couple of inconsequential glitches in regexp code.
- fix handling of *f() = 1
- - expanded parsing heuristics to deal with new(T, ...)
- fix method function type compare bug
- Automated g4 rollback of changelist 17815.
- fix method function type compare bug (again)
- fix JMP main(SB)
- fix top-level comments
- - added simple facility to print Makefile dependency rules given a Go source file
- - bug fixes, cleanups
- fix strings bug from CL 18024
- minor int/float fixes
- more simple test fixes
- - added shl operation, extra tests
- - fixed another test (arithmetic vs. logic shift bug)
- make %Z handle embedded NULs; remove fixed-size buffer
- - changed general div/mod implementation to a faster algorithm
- fixed tests
- fix bugs parsing functions in reflect library.
- Fix powser1.go to compile with the current 6g, which doesn't
- fix renamed-package bug in exported names:
- - fixed typo in parser.go
- - fixes to sprintf (by rob)
- 6g ninit fixes - fixes the two test cases
- - language to define type equality rigorously
- fix start/stop bug in prof.
- fix error-handling bug.
- width fixes.
- fix bug in FullyReader
- This bug has been fixed; moving it from bugs to fixedbugs.
- temp fix for map not multiple of 8
- * 6l:
- * pretty printing snapshot: towards printing comments nicely
- code coverage tool
- buf fix: make FD.Read, FD.Write work for empty buffers
- fix bugs in package locals
- update golden.out.
- fix the easy parts of bug120
- fix build for newbies
- essentially 100% coverage of strconv in tests.
- - removed uses of vector in favor of array in a few places
- fix build - missed update that added tabwriter
- fix 6l bug - moved symbol table without
- indexing optimizations and bug fix
- fix %g 20 -> "2e+01" want "20"
- make a (rudimentary) ByteBuffer and put it in package "io".
- - fixed a problem with flushing
- change meaning of $GOMAXPROCS to number of cpus to use,
- - enabled comment printing by default
- The flag and fmt libraries are now available from gccgo by
- - oversight: extra allow source-level line breaks inside statement lists
- - fixed a bug with import printing (missing separator between alias and string)
- fix build - forgot these files
- bug128 is fixed
- malloc fixes.
- - fixed bug with unicode text formatting: the number of bytes
- - snapshot if current state
- fix historical editing glitch
- string hash function faults w empty string
- Snapshot:
- assorted cleanup and fixes
- fix race with fresh perforce checkouts
- update tests - 119 is fixed
- - fixed minor bug in example (found by ken)
- If ByteBuffer has never been used, b.buf is nil but Data() should still work.
- fix type/name thing, again
- fix syntax error (syntax accepted by 6g, but not by pretty printer)
- - fixed a bug in Natural.And()
- [] fixes
- another [] fix
- change *map to map; *chan to chan; new(T) to new(*T)
- malloc bug fixes.
- fix new(bool) error message
- portability bug
- fix some tests. only 3 remain broken (complit, hilbert, initcomma).
- fix new(T) if type T []int.
- put array test in table, with TODO to fix when arrays work in interfaces.
- diagnostic to catch pointer to
- fix 6a line number bug -
- bug020 is fixed
- - fix parse heuristic: make(x) must accept a type for x
- fix newfn
- closed arrays including [...]
- fixed and added more tests
- uncomment a BUG that is now fixed
- conversion from closed array to slice
- - fixed a bug with building right-recursive trees iteratively
- many interface bug fixes.
- fix:
- second pass on interface fixes and tests.
- bug046 and bug080 are fixed
- simplify flag interface. no more BVal etc. you just get a pointer.
- Tweak code to make it easier to compile with gcc.
- - use new letter definition for pretty
- - fixed untab.go to compile again
- - more bignum_test letter case fixes
- - language for export via capitalized identifiers
- - cleanup todo list
- - added comment with various viewpoints so we have whole story
- fix build - missed this file
- fix typo in comment. s/put/Put/
- interface speedups and fixes.
- pragma textflag
- change dotdotdot interfaces to be structs,
- bug135 is fixed
- fix possible infinite recursion in eqtype.
- if take address of local, move to heap.
- two uses of uninitialized memory,
- - changed pretty parser to parse and print new function type syntax
- keep line number history even when
- can finally close this TODO - 6l was broken
- slightly better code for the frog fix
- 6g return struct fix:
- bufio:
- fix build. missed this file
- fix interface not satisifed message:
- clean up flags package a bit.
- fix build on thresher - missing constants
- - preparation for setting up types
- snapshot:
- - removed todo and restriction from spec (closures)
- fix up syscall for darwin after StringToBytes change
- gc funarg return fix.
- add error to catch 6g alignment bug.
- fix int64/int error - build broken
- fix Getdirentries: base comes back in r2.
- Fix Readdirnames to behave properly if reading in little pieces. Requires storing some
- fix export bug Rob tripped over.
- change DirInfo->dirInfo now that 6g export bug is fixed
- - language for embedded interfaces (as discussed this morning)
- fix gc bug. i think this is tgs's second bug.
- - syntax for composite literals use () instead of {}
- - fixed bugs related to the empty statement
- fix build
- bug fix for &x[0] when x is slice
- cleanups:
- assorted changes:
- fix build - missed this file before
- fix unsafe.Sizeof("abc")
- Fix most HTML errors.
- - fixed a bug with //-comment parsing
- bug130 is fixed
- fixed a typo
- fix a bug: do not print a ';' after a label if there wasn't one
- fix names: s/fd/r/
- - allow ()'s and {}'s for now when parsing calls/composite literals
- change Go logo to link to home page
- fix build
- fix an HTML glitch.
- weekend snapshot
- 1. type switches
- - allow unicode digits in identifiers
- fix old-style print call in constant
- - scanner to track line/col number instead of byte position only
- fix unqouted &
- fix language regarding type of numeric literals
- chan flags close/closed installed
- make 6g constants behave as ken proposes. (i hope.)
- warn -> yyerror in mparith.
- close/closed on chans
- daily snapshot:
- fix b/1722502
- range over channels.
- fix wording of &T{x}
- rewrote switch
- bug141 is fixed
- add test for close/closed, fix a few implementation bugs.
- fix build:
- fix scanner initialization, add test
- - receiver syntax verification
- fix last 3 references to 'type guards'
- fix build (moved decl to go.h earlier
- fix http://b/1748082
- test for and fix bug involving reflect v.Interface() and ==.
- fix runtime stack overflow bug that gri ran into:
- Daily snapshot:
- use _f007·filename for func literals.
- type n t;
- - moved functions before types in doc output (per rsc)
- - renamed hasPostfix -> hasSuffix
- Daily snapshot.
- fix both of anton's bugs:
- Extremely minor fix to ByteBuffer.
- undo workaround pending real fix
- fix typo breaking linux build
- Fixed optab to support SWI with long constant (the mode used
- bug142 is fixed
- fix string range to have full unicode range (up to 10FFFF).
- fix stringrange test
- fix error return in Remove
- enable test and fix bug in white space before {
- fix infinite loop in Readdirnames: bufp > nbuf can happen
- tweak interface warning heuristic.
- test & fix template used twice
- fix traceback prints - %S was not advancing pointer enough
- document and partially fix a race
- fix one word for consistency.
- fix gotest by fixing nm -s to print in file order by storing a sequence number
- regenerate Makefiles.
- Convert go tree to hierarchical pkg directory:
- fix linux build
- Add Inject function to iterable package.
- - book-keeping in the TODO section:
- bug143 is fixed
- Bug 143 is fixed, so clean up some of exvar.
- remove lots of accumulated crud:
- Clean up some more code after bug143 was fixed.
- Extend fixedbugs/bug143.go with function return values,
- fix template.
- add {.tab}
- fixed typo in EBNF of ENBF
- daily snapshot:
- - fixed a couple of potential end-less loops
- Fix the chunked encoding - terminate the chunk with CRLF.
- fix for broken build
- bug131 has been fixed with no change
- allow "defer close(chan)"
- Fix channels used by WaitWrite (http server hangs on writes
- Ignore SIGPIPE such that write returns EPIPE.
- - incorporated feedback per rsc
- Fix mismatched quote in a comment.
- - remove wrong fix
- bug117 is fixed in 6g; now an errchk
- error handling had a bug in execute: the error channel was being shared.
- makefile fixes
- fix a few type errors, make ErrorString a value
- next step for 6.out on Borg: fix and test
- Name change to improve embeddability:
- fix build - missing file
- fix comment
- gobuild: command printing bug fix
- fix build: proto depends on fmt now
- fix indentation
- fix spelling error in message
- fix Truncate comment:
- godoc fix: relative paths were incorrect
- fix abstract unix domain sockets
- close TODO
- fix handling of line numbers for first function
- rewrote initialization to save space.
- fix typo
- fix implicit star for range on *map, *[].
- missed Makefile before; fix build
- fix build again; this time for sure.
- channel direction fixes
- fix regexp to strip comment markers
- channel direction tests
- - fix regexp once more in doc.go:
- md5 Reset fix; preliminary hmac
- add hmac.NewSHA1 and hmac.NewMD5.
- bug150 is fixed
- 32-bit stack switching bug fix
- add NUL when allocating strings, to make use
- 8g: 64-bit arithmetic and assorted bug fixes;
- fix bug154; tweak bug153 exit status
- clean up gmove:
- Rebooted 5g effort from 6g. Tons of minor fixes and tweaks to
- Fix godoc deadlock.
- prevent multiple similar errors
- Fixes to URL functionality:
- 8l fixes, cut and paste from 6l.
- 32-bit fixes in lessstack.
- 8g:
- fix build. i would love to know why my other client
- fix handling of floating point zero constant 0p+0
- more 386 runtime fixes.
- bug161, fixed
- 386-related fixes and guards
- fix 386 log test
- fix 386 malloc tests,
- fix build: testing depends on regexp now; re-ran deps.bash
- bug140 is fixed
- Fix Makefile in runtime to create proper /pkg subdir.
- add exec example to http triv.go.
- - bug fix: no need to add extra '.' when renaming custom formatters
- bug fix: literals can be empty
- mksyscall was treating 64-bit systems as 32-bit,
- - parser bug: return keyword may be followed by case or default keyword as well
- Switch http client_test to use to avoid redirect loop.
- fixed typo (slipped in with previous submit)
- Fix a proto encoding crasher whereby a nil in a repeated group field would crash the server.
- fix garbage collection race: save stack trace
- fix another gc bug, one that i have only imagined,
- fix build
- grab bag of changes aimed at getting stack splitting to work:
- fix nesting level for parameters
- 386 system call fixes:
- fix for incorrect type switch clause:
- Forgot to check in 386/asm.h.
- fix 386 build.
- add Addr() string to net.Listener interface.
- - removed duplicate definition of StringLit
- 1) Fix a problem with tabwriter.Flush: any pending text not yet
- fix for conversion rule
- fix build
- fix io.Bytebuffer.Read for new EOF semantics
- fix a 6g crash after type errors.
- fix gobuild.
- Fix http client handling of status messages with spaces (e.g. "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad
- Fix compile warnings in 5l.
- fixes to 5g object file generation. arm specific regalloc.
- add reflect.Typeof; test for and fix nil interface bug in DeepEqual
- fix build
- the any fix was too aggressive; allow any in any import.
- fix gobuild bug
- Fix a doc typo.
- add test, fix bug: structs that differ in their
- fix bug in decoders: got indirection wrong when allocation not required.
- fix bug in $GOROOT handling: error calling Getenv.
- encode and decode for nested structures.
- fix atoi test
- maps have == so maps are okay as map keys.
- maps have == so maps should work as map keys.
- fixed bug that cause -g to segfault
- fix float32 comparison. was doing l op l instead of l op r.
- - bug fix: do not strip lower-case parameter and result names in signatures
- fix forward struct declarations
- fix bug involving typed nil constants:
- statements after panicln are unreachable, just like after panic.
- - removed implementation restrictions for creation of small
- fix test
- - ast.FilterExports: filter non-exported anonymous fields
- - print comments associated with declarations
- bug fix: encOpFor etc. need to indirect
- reflection for functions
- archive/tar cleanups:
- bug168 (dsymonds) + fix
- store ids rather than Types in the structs so they can be encoded.
- Show BUG comments in godoc:
- fix to scanner_test after change to //-style comment token
- fix error messages
- a better encoder test, with a couple of fixes for bugs it uncovered.
- Fixed minor typo in asm file.
- fixed typo where output arguments where pushed on to R0
- fix undefined function error.
- fix bug in codegen when we modified move instruction instead
- fixed typo
- Fix handling of non-waitable zombie threads. Now they are not
- clean up the decode loop and fix a couple of bad prints
- fix some bad testing prints
- fix up prints in flag.go
- Gather errors in a go.scanner.ErrorList instead of printing
- fix memset in fmtnull.
- Fix typo. MUL_ASSIGN is "*=", not "+=".
- fix cut-and-paste bugs in error messages
- You can't set a fixed array to nil.
- Don't cast nil to a fixed array type.
- add a .interp section and fix vaddr in INTERP prog.
- runtime: fix init scheduling bug.
- fix SliceHeader: len and cap are int, not uint32
- fix bug in CL 30057: missed if+continue in one place.
- fix build - broke with uint32 -> int change in reflect SliceHeader
- Implement single-valued, non-variadic function literals and
- fix gc bug causing make smoketest to die in cmd/gofmt.
- Fixed a small bug with compress/flate/Inflater. It incorrectly checked
- Fix bug where nothing could ever be added to a code buffer.
- bug170; fix test for bug175
- move bug148, already fixed, to fixedbugs
- Fix bug where typeArrayMap was using the address of the
- Ring ADT.
- Fixed typos in comments.
- Fix segfault on unnamed function arguments. Make continue
- fix error that gcc thinks is a warning
- Add a unique list ID to list elements, and verify it as necessary.
- break and continue fixes
- fix typo
- fix build
- fixed golden.out, which is what 32496 should have done.
- fix build on amd64
- fix a long-standing typo
- bug fix
- Implement type compatibility and fix places where I thought
- printer:
- fix long-standing bug in doc reader:
- fix build
- add info about Sqrt instruction
- fix division bug
- get function calls out of the way before
- fix amd64 build
- Make os.RemoveAll return no error if path does not exist.
- minor fix
- - bufio.ReadRune fix for empty reads w/o errors
- clean up a few error messages;
- another plateau - almost done
- Regenerate v7.tar with a real V7 tar.
- Partially fix build: don't assume . is in PATH.
- fix indirect error
- fix linux build for whole package compilation
- fix bug187 not to crash
- fix build
- change the names to have .sh suffixes.
- fix test
- makefile fixes; convert runtime to use new makefiles
- fix typo
- Make the runtime correctly decode the symbol table history
- Fix build
- fix up some irregular indentation
- fix a couple of scripts
- fix build (Makefile comment convention)
- fix runtime and compile regression
- fix 386 build:
- - fix performance bug (makeN always allocated a new vector)
- fix spelling that is correct but bothers me anyway
- temporarily fix linux-arm by building less
- fix import dot bug
- more work on adding in pieces. fixed my bad assumptions about
- Fix inflate.go's decompressing of a fixed Huffman block that has
- fix build
- fix 386/arm builds
- Enable these tests. Fix divconst.go and modconst.go to
- mostly 64 bit support.
- fix crash in bug194; add bug196
- fix bug195
- avoid duplicate field names, so that bug132 can be fixed
- - fix for multiple fields at same depth error
- fix duplicated word
- cgocall bug fix.
- Make the expression compiler not use the AST visitor. The
- add Close() and Closed() to ChanValue
- fix codec test bug - uint -> uint8
- fix bufio bugs involving readers that return os.EOF with
- fix build. changing var to const, which it should be anyway,
- doc fixes (no lang changes)
- Build fix: fix typo in sort pkg.
- Run the tests for the testing package. Fix them so that they
- fix ", First" ", Last" ranges from UnicodeData.txt
- Fix named types being defined to named types. In general, the
- Fix .alternates execution: it was skipping every second token.
- fix line numbers, again.
- fix 386 build
- two gob nits found with stricter 6g
- fix bug introduced in 33293
- Update asInterface now that 6g type switch is fixed.
- fix build
- fix initialization of noreturn
- fix one bug involving [...] constructors.
- Fix uninstalling of breakpoints when a process exits. Process
- fix bug187 (itself buggy)
- fix range on invalid utf8 bug
- fix linux 386 build
- cosmetic changes:
- error message fixes
- - blank identifier
- fix bug206 output on different platforms
- fix indentation
- better gofmt formatting:
- fix bug206.
- fix build
- fix "declared and not used" errors in non-test code.
- make SimpleStmt include EmptyStmt and the grammar simplifies a bit.
- declared and not used error, but disabled.
- fix "declared and not used" in tests;
- fix build: added missing files
- final batch for "declared and not used"
- fixed register usage and removed some dead code.
- bug fix: allow function types as operands
- fix build: updated Make.deps
- floating point constants and symbol export fix.
- fix code generation of CMP to use registers properly. also fix
- Rudimentary command shell for Ogle. Hack to prevent linker
- - added heading to operator precedence section so it's easy to find
- fix build - missing file
- fix 5g -S and -g output
- fix build again; this time for sure. sigh
- changed 5c calling convention to use stack exclusively for in
- fix build
- ideal bools and related fixes
- fix bad code generation.
- nacl - run tests under emulator.
- change code font to "monospace", which will
- go/printer: fix sync bug - avoid sending on errors twice -
- Fix declared and not used errors in old sym package (ogle
- Fix declared and not used errors and unused import errors in
- Fix declared and not set errors in old ptrace package (still
- Fix declared and not used errors in ogle.
- Switch ogle over to the in-tree debug/proc package. Fix
- missing files; cleaned up g4 nothave output.
- Fix unused imports
- - fixed sieve.go example (channel directions were wrong)
- fix to be able to run full gofmt test
- - added gcmp for proper ACMP generation, changed all call
- fixed alignment issue resulting from confusion around the
- fix munging of pointer.
- fix 386 build - register allocation and shift bug
- - completed section on built-in functions
- fixed a few calls to gcmp and some really bothched OINDEX code
- fix build
- various go printer fixes:
- fix arm test to actual return success/fail and expose runcgo
- fix build
- more comment work.
- fix build - missing from 35404
- add & fix bug207: rewritten if condition
- dupok, gcc compile fix, sync and syscall asm fix
- add & fix bug208, from ken.
- fix nacl build
- acid bug fix.
- fix float <-> int64 conversions
- fix bugs in gob.
- fix build
- fix comment on strings.LastIndex.
- new builtin.c.boot from arm.
- stack overflow debugging and fix.
- changed 5c 64 bit word ordering to little endian so it matches
- bug fix: convert \v's into \t's if there's no tabwriter
- align the tutorial with the renaming of SortInterface.
- fix links in tutorial
- Minor fixes and additions to the GMP wrapping.
- fix build:
- bug fix: do not modify (string) literals in any way even if they
- - bug fix: must not insert indentation tabs into multi-line strings in RawFormat
- add exp/eval to pkg list
- close file after use
- Implement error handling on process monitor exit. Now, before
- fix arm build
- fix OINDEX address generation, leftover misunderstanding about
- Trivial documentation fix for func ListenAndServe().
- fix minor typo in float conversions
- fix linux build:
- fix pre-submit editing typo; text is garbled.
- fix arm build, add 64 bit cgen_asop
- test and fix http redirect handling
- - method names in method sets/interfaces must be all different
- 6g bug fixes:
- start the concurrency discussion. work from the outside in because this is a toughie.
- Fix typo in documentation.
- fix typo/oversight: s/Title/ToTitle/. the comment was already correct
- have http server in-line PDF files.
- fix build after Mercurial move.
- fix handling of escaped characters like ' " & < >
- fix build: no acid
- Fix printer_test.go to invoke Fprint as a method of cfg.
- Fix the sigaction declaration to match the system for Linux.
- fix computation of sync delay
- fix off by 4 in newproc arg copying.
- fix broken code produced for ominus
- fix off by 4 bug in morestack (lr again). remove storing of r0
- all of pkg now compiles, fixes a few more tests
- one more argsize fix. we were copying with the correct
- fix build issue cause by transition to hg
- fixed len/cap for chan. disable gc for now.
- fix conditional branch instructions for unsigned ints and
- fix defer. gave up on unified code for defer and go for now.
- - gofmt-ify walk.go
- Get the right sigaction struct for the 386 rt_sigaction system
- godoc search bug fixes:
- fix for long label names impacting column width of previous lines
- mysterious bug: runtime.acid wasn't getting rebuilt
- Fix bug when sending via select.
- fix build
- code review fixes
- code review: avoid subject changes, fix http_proxy submit bug
- nil pointer checks in 8g.
- Fix cgo for GCC 4.4
- remove goroutines from template parsing.
- fix divide by zero in old glibc dynamic loader
- pdf cleanup: fix links, remove internal references.
- forgot to count newlines when scanning white space.
- fix build
- crypto/rsa: fix blinding when using a null random source.
- document the gc go compilers.
- fix bufio test case
- avoid infinite recursion in matcher.
- 2nd attempt: no noIndent for string lists
- gofmt-ify reflect
- codereview: new commands
- big: add Div, Mod, Exp, GcdExt and several other fixes.
- fix broken link
- fix a comment formatting bug:
- manual fix for better gofmt result
- fix UTF-8 upload bug
- - fix elf.go manually so it is idempotent for gofmt
- Fix add-back division test so that it triggers the add-back case on
- crypto/x509: build fix for 32-bit
- big: fix carry error, add test case.
- fix argument order bug for float
- Typo fixes.
- fix a few style nits; arrange the doc list in
- tutorial fixes
- contribute.html fixes
- fix authentication in parallel LoadAllCL
- fixes to spec. mostly minor but several of significance.
- effective go: tiny fixes
- go for c++ programmers; fixes.
- fix sentence extraction
- fix for nodeSize computation, used to determine if
- fix for incorrect composite literal grammar
- TBR:
- net: fix dns bug reported on irc.
- fix final program to have Html->HTML
- net: fix error for connect to /etc/ on some systems
- sanity check environment variables better.
- install.html: ed needs to be installed too
- gotest: avoid problems with grepping for ·
- Fix go-mode.el to work on empty buffers
- docs: list make as a build dep.
- gopack: convert long to time_t before taking a pointer.
- use fully qualified names for hash interfaces
- os: do not test error case of TestRemoveAll when root
- gc: increase maximum path size in getwd from 100 to 1000.
- work with GNU Make 3.80
- log test: don't assume a fixed set of letters for $GOROOT
- avoid clash with stdio's getc, ungetc.
- two gopack nits.
- point at how to get easy_install on Ubuntu.
- getc/ungetc in assemblers; BUFSIZ everywhere.
- cc: correct handling of allocn(0, 1, d)
- os test: do not use symlink > 255 bytes.
- typo
- make.bash: detect and warn about SELinux policy that crashes us.
- fix TestRemoveAll again (tested as root this time).
- fix BUFSIZ redeclaration warnings
- json: support \u escaping in strings
- vector: s/Element/interface{}/
- Fix capitalisation of "Git".
- fix typo in ByteSize example
- gopack: work around gcc bug in hash function
- avoid seg fault when return type is unknown
- cc, ld: fix more gcc 4.3 -O2 compile bugs
- fix a couple of typos.
- exp/draw: correct Makefile.
- add a paragraph about semicolons to the tutorial.
- produce helpful error when gotest doesn't find a Makefile
- os.TestSeek: use a smaller but still 64-bit seek offset.
- test/run: unset GREP_OPTIONS
- fix style nit ignored in previous cl
- Remove -align flag from gofmt.
- json: fix addressing of slice indexes that are multiples of 8.
- path.TestWalk: disable error case if root
- Explain why
- json: minor comment fix.
- Correct indentation for go-mode where a close brace following a semi-
- fix typo
- Created new Conn.Flush() public method so the fd pipeline can be drained arbitrarily by the user.
- typos
- xml: Fixed CDATA parsing.
- move evaluation of null-matching instructions one iteration earlier.
- gc: do not try to constant-evaluate (interface{})("bar")
- complain if GOARCH != arm. fix build break caused by gomake
- cc: eliminate two fixed-size buffers
- cc: drop redundant strcpy
- Use // to start comment instead of #.
- fix bug in bytes.Map and add test cases for Map in both strings and bytes packages.
- fix some typos in the documentation
- gotest: show the test file pattern in "no test files" error
- http.URLEscape: escape all bytes required by RFC 2396
- gc: five bug fixes, one better error.
- runtime: avoid crash in Caller
- cgo: arrange for English error messages
- makefiles: use correct gcc order in case --as-needed is in use.
- godocs.js: fix bad variable name
- godefs: avoid gcc 4'isms in command line.
- crypto/md5: fix comment typo.
- gc: fix up floating point NaN comparisons
- Use ElementType consistently.
- - Clarify that struct composite literal keys are field names not selectors.
- doc: fix typo.
- s/AJMP/AB/ to fix build breakage.
- Don't emit line tags when source code is printed as part of
- unsafe: documentation typo.
- 6l: fix divide by zero in glibc linker.
- fix typo in Append return type
- fix bug causing empty strings to be become non-nil errors on client side of rpc connection.
- Rework gobs to fix bad bug related to sharing of id's between encoder and decoder side.
- syscall: use correct pointer in recvfrom/sendto.
- net: enforce timeouts for ReadFrom/WriteTo
- Make.pkg: have "make coverage" invoke 6cov with correct binary
- math: fix argument names in Atan2
- cmd/cc: Fix -I switch to handle a path with blankspaces correctly
- fix botch
- runtime: do not create new threads during malloc.
- http: do not crash accessing r.Form if ParseForm fails
- reflect: document that PkgPath and Name return
- runtime: two trivial but important bug fixes
- cgo no longer translates function args that are void* into
- Mangle C struct fields that happen to be named after Go keywords by prefixing them with _. Collisions with existing fields are resolved by prefixing the new Go identifier with _ until it matches nothing else in the struct.
- net: remove race condition on Close.
- runtime: fix bug on darwin/amd64 - bad g in bsdthread_start
- big: fix large division.
- runtime: mask signals during signal handler on OS X
- os.ReadAt doesn't return EOF at EOF.
- gc: reject large channel values at compile time
- big: fix arm build - forgot how to spell JMP
- Map support for template.Execute().
- fix arm build.
- reflect fixes
- cgo now renders types with unknown size as [0]byte instead of raising a
- add unimplemented %+ and % (space) flags to floating-point print.
- fix build
- mention arrays of arrays and slices of slices
- Fix doc striing for NewReadLogger.
- fix bug in prefix code: must stop one character before any potential match of an empty string
- io.ReadWriter: fix doc comment (ReadWrite -> ReadWriter)
- Fix crash in xml.Unmarshal. Occasionally while running a scrape of some xml with many goroutines
- gofmt -r: documentation and minor fixes
- go: makes it build for the case $GOROOT has whitespaces
- Provides implementation of MD4 hashing algorithm.
- cgo translates empty function arguments into void instead of dying with 'unexpected type: ...'.
- chameneosredux test modified, bug fixed, faster
- A quick fix to ensure that json.Marshal returns errors correctly, as well as some error-related tests
- Change to container/vector interface:
- fix for broken build (built-in new was invisible due to a parameter called 'new')
- bad sin/cos for large angles.
- make.bash: clear CDPATH to avoid output from cd
- gc: correct type check for x, ok map assignment
- Replace sort.Sort call with heapify algorithm in Init.
- fix weird all.bash failures by running deps.bash before make clean runs in pkg directory.
- Correct expression level for argument lists.
- Make comment-start/-end changes buffer-local instead of global.
- cgo: use C type void for opaque types if dwarf.Common().Type returns nothing
- crypto/md4, exp/draw/x11: fix makefile to build when GOROOT has whitespaces
- websocket: avoid $GOROOT in case it has spaces
- Fix example Makefile to avoid $GOROOT in case it has spaces.
- template: two bug fixes / nits
- Handle \r as a whitespace when parsing JSON string.
- Typo in comment.
- Fix typo in spec
- 8g: fix 386 floating point stack bug
- gob: fix build
- FreeBSD needs #!/usr/bin/env bash (fixes broken build on FreeBSD)
- net: fix netFD.Close races
- time: fix handling of Jan 1 1601, 1201, 801, ...
- Add Shutdown to 32-bit GNU/Linux build.
- time: another bug in SecondsToUTC.
- fix segfault printing errors. add test case and improve messages.
- net: test and fix support for 0-length datagram packets.
- Add flag -tabindent to gofmt: forces use of
- Runes: turn string into []int
- gc: make 'invalid rune in string' a little less cryptic
- gc: function argument ordering bug
- gc: minor import grammar bug fixes
- gc: better diagnosis of initialization loops
- gc: recursive type error
- gc: handle _ = <-c in select.
- - include type-associated consts and vars when filtering a PackageDoc
- runtime: malloc fixes
- Make.conf: fix if $HOME has spaces
- runtime: fix Caller crash on 386.
- crypto/rsa: fix shadowing error.
- net: turn off empty packet test by default
- 8l: fix print line number format, buffer overflow
- make Native Client support build again,
- Add syscall.Rename for NaCl. Fixes NaCl build.
- libmach: fix disassembly of MOVLQSX
- 6g/8g optimizer fix: throw functions now in runtime
- test/bench: use range in reverse-complement
- Fix syscall.Statfs and syscall.Fstatfs for 386 GNU/Linux.
- the AST walker currently provides no way to find out how the
- test/bench: faster fasta (mostly due to bufio fix)
- 6l, 8l: make string buffer big enough for 8 chars (and then some)
- Fix stack on FreeBSD / add stack check across the board
- json package: Fixed handling of nil values
- Continuation of issue 221 fix. When 8g or 6g or 5g are called with a
- syscalls can return negative i/o counts. fix bugs in ReadAt and WriteAt not to include
- added SHUT_RD, SHOT_WR and xSHUT_RDWR to fix net compilation error
- fix calling convention and make memmove restore the g and m
- encoding/binary: Add support for slices of arrays of fixed-size values.
- fix printer test for new syntax
- gc: semicolons
- fix bug for large counts: used a one-byte buffer.
- Update goyacc to new syntax, still with semicolons.
- gc: fix comment
- syscall: fix error return bug for 64-bit return on 32-bit platform
- fix naked < as reported by
- archive/tar: bug fixes.
- generate replacement rune when asked to encode a negative rune value.
- simpler fix for the negative rune problem, spotted seconds after submitting the previous fix.
- improved formatting of import declarations and
- xml: handle unexpected EOF while parsing and fix a bug in name
- fix TODO: insert semicolons before any sequence of comments
- gc: var x, ok = m[y]
- gc: double-check usage of ...
- gc: bug fixes.
- Add basic http authentication support.
- gc: fix import name resolution
- runtime: return zero value in x, ok = <-c when ok == false
- rand: add explicit Int31n to avoid 64-bit divide on 32-bit machines
- syscall: RawSyscall must not call exitsyscall
- Fix for scanner bug (introduced with most recent change).
- os/signal: new package
- doc/install.html: how to update to a new release
- This patch enables cgo utility to correctly convert enums in the C source
- add the ability to invoke niladic single-valued methods in templates.
- Basic image/jpeg decoder.
- - Parse expressions as opposed to statements for gofmt rewrite patterns.
- runtime: if os/signal is not in use, crash on
- Use BitSize instead of the field's type native ByteSize when calculating
- Allow cgo to accept multiple .go inputs for a package
- time: add ISO 8601 time format
- gc: fix compiler crash
- fix for gofmt rewrite matcher bug
- cgo: include line number information to keep go/printer happy
- Make.pkg: fix cgo for TARG=a/b
- fix build, enable an exp/eval's assignment check
- runtime: fix race condition
- 8g: add TESTL etc to reg opt
- Allow %p on reference types, for debugging.
- json: fix doc comment
- fix up %p
- fix documentation bug in example
- Fix comment for Chmod.
- cgo: don't overwrite p.Crefs
- make 6prof (sic) architecture-independent.
- implement .repeats for maps.
- fix naked < and > as reported by Peter Williams <>
- Update documentation around time.Sleep to specify its precision, and suggest
- fix dumb bug: must write out default values inside arrays and slices
- Clarify section on tokens.
- Fix bug in godoc tab conversion filter:
- remove all references to gobType() from the decoder.
- PNG decoder now handles transparent paletted images.
- Improved Xcode support
- trivial bug: []byte is special but [3]byte is not.
- fix up YB and add ZB, EB in example
- syscall: add nanosleep on FreeBSD
- Fix missing explicit GOBIN in src/pkg/Makefile. Clean up creation of QUOTED_GOBIN
- big: fix ProbablyPrime bug, comments
- Update Emacs go-mode for new semicolon rule.
- xml: Fix comment so that example code compiles
- 8a, 8l: Add FCOMI, FCOMIP, FUCOMI, FUCOMIP instructions
- Propagate error to the caller in json.Marshal. Fixes issue 445.
- Fix missing explicit GOBIN in src/pkg/Makefile. Clean up creation of
- cgo: Use -fno-eliminate-unused-debug-types when calling gcc to for dwarf stabs.
- Use remove-text-properties instead of
- time: fix Makefile so deps.bash is happy (fixes build)
- runtime: close TODO now that 8c bug is fixed
- http: most of a URL shouldn't use URL-escaping
- Rewrite tokenizer to clean up and fix a bug with spaces before delimited block.
- gc: bug241
- gc: bug219, bug239, bug240
- gc: bug238
- fix typo
- math: fix pow10 comment, test portable Sqrt
- cgo: Make constants #define'd in C available to Go (as consts)
- math: special cases for Fmod
- asn1: fix parsing of elements after a string in a structure.
- asn1: fix marshaling of structures with >1 elements.
- Fix bug that prevented the gofmt test script being run on more
- runtime: fix bug in preemption checks; was causing "lock count" panics
- fix typo found by kevin ballard
- Fix minor issues with updating go-mode in an empty buffer
- cgo: handle C99 bool type
- cgo: Only allow numeric / string / character type constants for references
- clean up handling of numeric time zones
- doc/devel/release.html: fix dumb typo
- fix +0000 time zones.
- Fix s/Width/Height/ typo in draw.go.
- Don't check array bounds if we have been told not to.
- give bufio.Writer.WriteString the same signature as
- Urgent parser/gofmt fix.
- spec: mention Inf and NaN are supported at run time.
- net: enable UDP broadcast before it is needed (instead of after)
- reflect: fix garbage collection bug in Call.
- gc: be more specific about copy type errors
- gc: more precise handling of import .
- gc: bug243
- gc: multiple return value at top-level invoked multiple times
- gc: bug245
- libc: add goos, goarch, goroot. fixes build
- hash: document that Sum does not change hash state
- compress/zlib: add example to doc comment
- http: handle old HTTP/1.0 unchunked "read to EOF" bodies.
- codereview: accommodate recent change to ui.prompt
- Add authentication.
- Fix build: add new file to Makefile.
- 5a/6a/8a: avoid fixed-sized file name buffer
- list awk in the dependencies needed for installation
- gc: cut some dead code, fix 6g -S output
- ld: do not load the same object file multiple times.
- A <- token in an expression may introduce a channel type.
- salvaging 183105 from dead client
- spec: allow func() func().
- gc: fix chan <- chan precedence.
- Bug in go/parser when coverting identifier lists.
- net: fix segfault if /etc/hosts fails to open or doesn't exist
- cgo: update for package global name space
- gc: implement defer print/println/panic/panicln
- Allow underscores in XML element names (except for leading characters)
- Cosmetic bug or compliance fixes in http.Response.
- io: fix nil Write bug in Pipe
- move comment on StringHeader to fix godoc output.
- two minor build fixes
- math: Change veryclose to close for Sinh and Exp tests.
- fix bug in tick
- Long-overdue update for semicolon change.
- http: increase header line limit, let req.Host override req.URL.Host
- Fix expected string.
- Fix redirection if the page is in a subdirectory.
- nacl: fix build, finally fixed 8l convergence bug
- Corrected broken assertion.
- Fix for gccgo, which uses a package prefix.
- allow any scalar type in xml.Unmarshal.
- io: revised Pipe implementation
- math: add functions; update tests and special cases
- math: change Cosh test to close, not veryclose (needed on some x86 chips)
- gc: bug250, bug251 - recursive interface types
- fix build - misc ... vs ...T fixes
- sort: fix comment typo
- ld: include main and runtime in the library loop
- debug/gosym: fix test for new 6l
- Add RFC822 formats as named constants.
- 6l: move mapped symbol table lower in memory
- FreeBSD: Kill only takes pid & signal
- 5a/6a/8a/5c/6c/8c: remove fixed-size arrays for -I and -D options
- crypto/tls: typo fix
- asn1: Fixes and additions to marshalling
- dashboard: present benchmarks
- fix comment
- testing: Fix comment typo
- Fix *l/*c -V flag segfault
- gc: fix method expression bug
- runtime: allow arbitrary return type in SetFinalizer.
- math: add functions Log2, Nextafter, Fdim, Fmax, Fmin
- runtime: fix FreeBSD build
- fix NaCl build for latest runtime changes
- bug fix in 6c/8c/5c mis-aligned
- fix garbage benchmark Makefile.
- gc: fix mkopnames and color grep interaction
- 8l: pe executable building code changed to include import table for kernel32.dll functions
- arm: fix build on android
- runtime: dummy gettime for mingw/386.
- gc: diagnose invalid array bounds
- http: clarify ServeHTTP return
- Fix printing of named floating point types.
- gc: test & fix handling of very long string constants
- Don't print ()'s around a range clause's expression.
- godoc: fix initialization issue
- The prefix optimization applies only to the first iteration.
- runtime: fix bug in Caller documentation
- gc: fix build (signed char bug)
- gc: undo attempt at fixing recursive interface embedding
- time.Ticker: fix bug arising when all tickers are dead.
- 8g: respect ullman numbers in float comparison
- 5g/8g: fix build
- gc: recursive interface embedding
- godoc: path cleanups, fixed a race condition, initial support for a menu on pages
- gc: fix this morning's bug fix
- exec: add dir argument to Run.
- godoc: fix path resolution for command-line one more time (sigh...)
- websocket: fix binary frame size decoding
- fixed bug in mpconst float multiply by 0.
- json: fix quoted strings in Marshal
- http: fix bug in Post
- Fix xgb/example.go typo.
- net: disable UDP server test
- runtime: work around Linux kernel bug in futex
- goyacc: fix handling of / and comments in goyacc
- crypto package documentation fix
- http: fix handling of Close, use Close in http.Post
- go/ast: streamline representation of field lists
- path: Fix bug in Match with non-greedy stars
- go/printer, gofmt: correct indentation after certain /*-style comments
- Fix small typo in net package.
- go/printer, gofmt: align comments in multi-line expression lists
- Fix a couple of bugs referencing data values in template.
- go/scanner: the position of '\n's chars must be the last position of the current line
- 8g: fix out of register bug in byte(x) code
- Count utf8 runes, not bytes when determining string width. Note
- Minor mistake in docs.
- http: corrected comment for Response.GetHeader.
- fix for compatibility with hg >=1.4.3
- gofmt: fix alignment of multi-line var declarations
- more on type complex.
- test: fix 386 build (missing complex)
- net: correct DNS configuration
- net: fix network timeout boundary condition.
- encoding/binary: fix error reporting bug
- gc: fix imported and not used message - show path
- net: fix nil deref in testTimeout when Dial fails
- cc: disallow ... argument unless NOSPLIT is set.
- gofmt: modified algorithm for alignment of multi-line composite/list entries
- godoc: don't throw away function documentation
- big: fix mistakes with probablyPrime
- bufio: WriteRune
- gc: fix crash on complicated arg to make slice.
- fix bug in complex printing: imaginary didn't have same format as real.
- crypto/rsa: don't use safe primes.
- runtime: clock garbage collection on bytes allocated, not pages in use
- 5g/6g/8g: fix double function call in slice
- gc: avoid fixed length buffer cleanbuf
- encoding/base64: fix typo in comment
- fix bugs compiling things like
- fix amd64 build (golden.out)
- fix 386 a[i] = cmplx(r, j)
- go_spec.html: fix typo and link
- math package: minor documentation fix
- math, path: minor comment fixes
- godoc: fix formatting of -src output
- go/printer: fix a couple of hidden crashes that become
- gofmt: make sure there is a newline after
- gofmt: fix for gofmt rewrite feature
- image/jpeg: fix typos
- net: fix IPMask.String not to crash on all-0xff mask
- goinstall doc: fix link to godashboard/package
- json: add MarshalIndent (accepts user-specified indent string)
- Fix build: don't assume that . is on PATH.
- Fix src/pkg/syscall/ don't assume that . is on PATH.
- template: fixed html formatter bug where it would turn a []byte
- godoc: improved comment formatting: recognize URLs
- os: drop File finalizer after normal Close
- gc: various map-related bug fixes
- Go spec: map indexing never raises a runtime exception.
- fix build - unused import
- gc: fix build in France
- arm: fix build
- cc: fix typo
- runtime: fix mingw build, implement missing destroylock()
- gc: tests omitted from the last bug fix
- Add strconv.Atob, Btoa.
- xgb: fix request length and request size.
- fix spelling of align
- fix build
- fix build
- gc: allow taking address of out parameters
- arm: fix build
- spec: typo in switch sample code, missing semicolon
- comment typos
- fix build
- gc: bug265
- go/printer: fix a comment
- runtime: run deferred calls at Goexit
- godefs: fix handling of negative constants
- go/printer: follow-up on CL 802043
- runtime: fix arm build, slightly.
- godoc: support for title and subtitle headers when serving .html docs
- Unicode: provide an ability to supplement the case-mapping tables
- Unicode: fix stupid typo in comment.
- gc: fix alignment on non-amd64
- debug/macho: fix error message format
- debug/proc: fix typo in package documentation
- godashboard: fix benchmarks page (first pass)
- runtime: various arm fixes
- http: fix documentation example
- runtime: fix Caller
- io/ioutil: fix bug in ReadFile when Open succeeds but Stat fails
- fix deps.bash. \t does not mean tab in some seds.
- runtime: two proc bug fixes
- net: use chan bool instead of chan *netFD to avoid cycle
- arm: fix build, attempt #1
- arm: fix build, attempt #2
- gp_spec typo fix: code example in the "Handling panics" section
- gotest: update URL printed by failure message.
- runtime: use explicit flag when finalizer goroutine is waiting
- runtime: work around kernel bug in Snow Leopard signal handling
- runtime: fix bad status throw
- runtime: fix build (panic) for FreeBSD
- fix bug in os_test.go checkMode
- freebsd: fix build, maybe
- time: fix comment typo
- exp/eval: Fix example and add target to Makefile
- debug/elf: Fix doc comments
- fixes for rpc:
- os, syscall: mingw bug fixes
- support for printing floats:
- "godoc -src pkg_name" excludes duplicates entries
- rpc: Add Close() method to rpc.Client to allow graceful connection teardown.
- net: fix bugs in packStructValue
- syscall: match linux Setsid function signature to darwin
- gc: cmplx typecheck bug fix
- big: fix build - start with zero in scanN
- runtime: switch state back to Grunning after recovery
- spec: Fix run-time panic header id
- go_faq: typo fix
- os/stat_freebsd.go: maybe fix build for freebsd
- runtime: closures, defer bug fix for Native Client
- template: fix handling of pointer inside interface
- xml: fix innerxml handling of & escapes
- net: introduce net.Error interface
- crypto/tls: simpler implementation of record layer
- os: Fix build for MinGW
- syscall: fix mingw build
- time: remove incorrect time.ISO8601 and add time.RFC3339
- pipe: implementation #3; this time for sure!
- json: preserve field name case by default
- godoc: use int64 for timestamps
- gofmt: don't strip mandatory ()'s around composite literals in control clauses
- gc: fix islocalname on windows
- fix build
- go spec: fix wrong comment
- net: fix bug in internetSocket introduced by error cleanup.
- iterable: expose iterFunc as iterable.Func
- net: drop non-RHEL-4.6 ports from test
- wiki codelab: typo fix
- 5l, 6l, 8l, runtime: make -s binaries work
- xml: allow text segments to end at EOF
- net: do not require newline at end of resolv.conf
- darwin: bsdthread_create can fail; print good error
- go spec: fix iota description
- net: parser should handle EOF without newline properly.
- gc: bug268
- gc: never include ( ) on singleton func return type
- syscall: force O_LARGEFILE in Linux open system call
- fix build
- 8l: fix absolute path detection on Windows
- gc: bug270
- gc: bug271
- 8g: bug272
- big: use fast shift routines
- gmp: fix bug in SetString
- gc: be pickier about slice, chan, array, and map sizes
- codelab/wiki: switch edit/view, as they were backwards
- math: fix typo in Cbrt description
- fix nacl build
- dashboard: fix benchmark json output
- Add _cgo_export.[ch] targets so that make knows how they are
- syscall: fix arm build (fix bugs in generator, to add O_LARGEFILE)
- test: fix run-arm to count bugs correctly
- runtime/arm: fix build
- big: fix memory corruption in nat.shr
- gc: bug264
- big: completed set of Int division routines & cleanups
- Fix a typo in net/unixsock
- gob: add test for indirect maps, slices, arrays.
- codelab/wiki: fix typo in demo URL
- fix build (typo in arith_386.s)
- gob: bug fix: errors encoding the payload were not
- template: regularize the handling of interfaces, pointers, and
- json: fix array -> non-array decoding
- http: prevent crash if remote server is not responding with "HTTP/"
- go/printer (gofmt): don't lose mandatory semicolons
- big: bug fix for division
- fix build - no netchan tests under NaCl
- fix build - arm tests
- big: potential bug fix, cleanups
- runtime: allow large map values
- runtime: avoid allocation for fixed strings
- Fix Rectangle.Canon()
- netFD: fix race between Close and Read/Write
- fix issue 798
- gc: disallow · in Go programs
- fix bug 275
- gc: line number bug fix
- gc: handle use of builtin function outside function call
- big: fix Int.SetString comment, simplify implementation,
- syscall: regenerate zsyscall_linux_arm.go - fix build
- syscall: add Utimes, Futimes stubs for NaCl - fix build
- runtime: correct tracebacks for nascent goroutines, even closures
- roll back 1193046 - fix build
- go/printer, gofmt: fix printing of labels,
- spec: Fix a code tag
- fix windows build
- gc: fix unsafe.Sizeof on ideal constants
- gc: bug278
- go spec: fix and clarify syntax of conversions
- Fix typo in exp/draw/x11.
- gc: bug280
- fix build - forgot golden.out
- gc: bug281 - bad overlap in stack copy
- gc: fix shift/reduce conflict in go.y export syntax
- fix build - nacl stubs
- 8g: out of register bug
- go spec: minor fix, to match conversion rules 4 and 5
- spec: Fix link to fallthrough statements
- fmt: fix 386 build. error strings differ for overflow on 386.
- Add Rectangle.Eq and Point.In.
- netchan: improve closing and shutdown. there's still more to do.
- net: fix typo
- Correct _cgo_free when C ABI does not pass first arg on stack.
- fmt: fix end-of-array error in parsenum.
- Fix typo in gob docs. They were introduced in revision 3199778baf
- doc/code.html: fix error string format
- runtime: Fix printing -Inf
- big: bug fix for Quo aliasing problem
- gc: fix export of complex types
- big: fix spelling of Euclidean
- Fix typo in xml comments.
- netchan: fix typo in test
- math: fix typo in Exp2 benchmark
- fmt.Scan: field widths
- Fixes #836.
- tutorial: fix one-word mistake in echo example
- http: fix erroneous comment
- go spec: clean-up and consolidation of spec with implementation
- gc: backslash newline is not a legal escape sequence in strings
- gc: better error message when ~ operator is found
- bug284: make conversion legal, fix error patterns
- fix build
- gc: new typechecking rules
- fix build: invalid character literals
- exp/eval test: fix build
- asn1: allow '*' in PrintableString.
- runtime: fix 386 signal handler bug
- Add IndexFunc and LastIndexFunc.
- Add test for division by zero.
- fmt.Printf: write tests for %T.
- bytes.Buffer.ReadFrom: fix bug.
- fmt.Scan: fix %c in the case where the input does not implement ReadRune itself.
- nacl: fix build
- gc: fix build - subnode not addable in complexgen
- errchk: fix build - allow matches in multiline error messages
- net: Fix ICMP test.
- debug/dwarf: update PDF link.
- regexp: bug fix: need to track whether match begins with fixed prefix.
- gc: fix crash for nested complex division
- fmt.Scan: fix handling of EOFs.
- 8g compiler missing call to splitclean().
- gob: allow transmission of things other than structs at the top level.
- fmt.Printf: fix bug in handling of %#v.
- syscall: Add syscall_bsd.go to zsycall_freebsd_386.go
- compiler fatal error in switch.
- Only catch all signals if os/signal package imported.
- runtime: fix windows build
- code gen bug in len(nil) and cap(nil)
- strconv: fix %.2g, 40
- strconv: fix %.1f, 0.09
- runtime: fix scheduling bug - world wasn't stopping
- net: add support for DNS SRV requests.
- ld: fix implementation of -u
- time: implement timezones for windows
- http: client_test nil pointer fix
- io: Avoid race condition in pipe.
- io/ioutil.TempFile for Windows
- x509: fix English.
- template: fix typo in doc comment
- gc: do not crash on bad [...]T
- 8g: out of register bug fix
- cgo: use slash-free relative paths for .so references
- 6l: implement MOVLQZX as "mov", not "movsxd"
- gc: implement new len spec, range bug fix, optimization
- ld: fix handling of "". names in #pragma dynimport/dynexport
- http, crypto/tls: followup fixes from 1684051.
- io: fix SectionReader Seek to seek backwards
- big: Improvements to Rat.SetString
- go/spec: fix typo
- fix build: adjustest a few tests that I missed before
- test/fixedbugs/bug243.go: instead of closing stdout,
- fix build
- http: fix ParseURL to handle //relative_path properly
- add missing argument to usage message.
- pem: print \n after 1 header line too
- tweak comment for %#X
- websocket: fix comment indentation
- os: Use TempFile with default TempDir for temp test files
- fix build
- go spec: specify len/cap for nil slices, maps, and channels
- fix build: reverting exp/eval Makefile to old form
- channel tests: added a couple of tests with closed channels
- go spec: clarification of channel close()
- codereview: Fix for Mercurial >= 1.6
- cgo: various bug fixes
- cgo: use new command line syntax: -- separates cgo flags from gcc flags
- gc: fix handling of types inside function bodies
- gc: bug291
- gc: issue 901
- gc: issue 894
- gc: bug292
- gc: bug293
- gc: bug294
- big: attempt to fix arm build
- fix typo in lex.c comment
- 5l, 6l, 8l: reject invalid input files
- 1. got 29 (Mpscale) more bits of precision
- utf16: fix cyclic dependency when testing on Windows
- linux/386: use Xen-friendly ELF TLS instruction sequence
- http/transferWriter: Write body when content length unknown
- time: fix parsing of minutes in time zones.
- tabwriter: fix a comment to fix godoc output
- strings: add Title
- more soft float support. passes several basic tests
- fix build
- gofmt: fix some linebreak issues
- gobs: fix bug in singleton arrays
- gc: various bug fixes
- arm: fix build by disabling list copying optimization for 5g.
- arm: fix build2, tweak test/nul1.go arm exclusion
- io: Avoid another race condition in pipes.
- strings.Bytes: fix typo in comment
- ld: various bug fixes
- gotest: fix the glob pattern in the top-of-file comment
- fix build
- libmach: correct handling of .5 files with D_REGREG addresses
- fix windows Make.cmd:
- net: fix crashing Read/Write when passed empty slice on windows
- prof: fix typo in usage string
- gc: fix smaller-than-pointer-sized receivers in interfaces
- godoc: display synopses for all packages that have some kind of documentation.
- runtime: fix goc2c for rename to goc2c and *.goc
- fmt.Scanf: handle trailing spaces.
- codereview: avoid crash if no config
- 6l: more invalid input files
- gc: more crash avoidance
- gc: include signal.h (fix build)
- net: add nil checks to several String methods to avoid panics
- bufio: fix optimisation test
- 5g: fix build
- arm: fix build (dodgy floats)
- fmt: move comment into doc.go.
- http: add https client support
- gc: fix SIGBUS
- runtime: fix bug introduced in revision 4a01b8d28570
- fmt.Print: fix bug in placement of spaces introduced when ...T went in.
- go_spec: don't allow parens around the literal type of composite literals
- fix build
- websocket: fix bug involving spaces in header keys
- strings: fix Split("", "", -1)
- gc: index bounds tests and fixes
- gc: bug301
- crypto/x509: unwrap Subject Key Identifier
- A+C: fix email address
- cgo: generate correct multiple return value function invocations
- gofmt/go/parser: strengthen syntax checks
- amd64: use segment memory for thread-local storage
- fix build: literal types cannot be parenthesized anymore
- path: fix comment for Split()
- bytes: add IndexRune, FieldsFunc and To*Special
- fix windows build
- math: fix amd64 Hypot.
- fmt.Scan: empty strings are errors
- os: fix ForkExec() handling of envv == nil
- asn1 incorrectly encoded signed integers. When determining the
- big: Several fixes to bitwise functions
- goinstall docs: fixed typos
- regexp: document that backslashes are the escape character.
- image: fix comment typo.
- gopack documentation: fixed typo
- godoc: report Status 404 if a pkg or file is not found
- fix build: update exp/draw/draw_test.go
- rpc: catch errors from ReadResponseBody.
- exp/draw: fix drawRGBA when x0 > x1 and we have to draw right-to-left.
- libbio: fix Bprint bug
- gc: bug302
- template: added ParseFile method for template.Template
- gofmt: if a semicolon is found unexpectedly, report detailed cause
- gopack: handle long lines in export data
- Fix issues with leading tabulation in the Files: section of CL description.
- partial correction for CL 1983043: fix various godoc-related regexp calls
- os: implement env using native windows api.
- runtime: fix another stack split bug
- fix bounds check in error recovery
- fmt/print: give %p priority, analogous to %T
- spec: trivial syntax fix
- test/garbage: do not try to parse package bignum, which is gone.
- os: preserve "=C:" like env variables in env block on windows and bug fix in Clearenv()
- gofmt: do not modify multi-line string literals
- Fix template package so that data items
- reflect: allow PtrValue.PointTo(nil)
- jsonrpc: use `error: null` for success, not `error: ""`
- http: parse query string always, not just in GET
- cgo: fix build: use $GCC, not $CC
- run.bash: fix freebsd build (i hope)
- clean.bash: fix standalone runs
- fix build
- libmach: implement register fetch for 32-bit x86 kernel
- http: fix typo in http.Request documentation
- net/ipsock.go: fix error checking bug
- arm: fix build, regenerate syscall files
- effective go: fix errors caught by HaWe
- gc: fix parenthesization check
- runtime: fix freebsd/386 mmap
- time.Parse should not require minutes for time zone
- build: fix build - last CL missed Make.clib
- build: fix build again - not sure where the " went. sigh.
- websocket: fix missing Sec-WebSocket-Protocol on server response.
- libcgo: update Makefile to use
- http: obscure passwords in return value of URL.String
- crypto/hmac: make Sum idempotent
- misc/emacs: make _ a word symbol
- codereview: fix hang on standard hg commands
- netchan: Fix race condition in test.
- build: fix cgo with -j2
- doc: fix wiki codelab title and srcextract.go
- doc: fix margins in root.html
- go/printer: align ImportPaths in ImportDecls if PackageName is given.
- 8g: use FCHS, not FMUL, for minus float
- template: finally fix space handling around actions.
- Documentation: Fix a bug in the example in Constants subsection
- rpc: fix bug that caused private methods to attempt to be registered.
- doc: various changes for validating HTML
- crypto/tls: Fix doc typo
- codereview: Fix uploading for Mercurial 1.6.3
- strconv: fix comment for godoc
- spec: fix a couple of tiny glitches
- spec: delete spurious space (missed fix from previous review)
- template: fixed documentation formatting
- fmt: fix typo in package comment.
- Fix incorrect reporting of error in when Read reads > 0 bytes but returns os.EOF.
- 8l: suppress emitting DWARF in Windows PE.
- goinstall: added -a flag to mean "all remote packages"
- gc: fix spurious syntax error
- runtime: add GOOS, GOARCH; fix FuncLine
- exp/iterables: fix typo
- image: introduce Config type and DecodeConfig function, to decode an
- goinstall: assume go binaries are in path
- tutorial: regenerate HTML to pick up change to progs/file.go.
- fmt.Scan: fix integer overflow on 32-bit machines
- arm: use the correct stat syscalls
- cgo: silence warning for C call returning const pointer
- runtime: fix linux/amd64 build: wrong name for munmap
- go_spec: fix typo (pointed out by Hiroshi Iwatani)
- build: work with GNU Make 3.82
- http: do not cache CanonicalHeaderKey
- path: fix typo in path.Visitor
- cgo: add typedef for uintptr in generated headers
- runtime: fix windows build
- gc: implement new slice spec
- runtime: fix bug in tracebacks
- gofmt, go/printer: update internal estimated position correctly
- fix build for tiny.
- exp/draw: rename Context to Window, and add a Close method.
- fix build
- doc/tutorial: update for slice changes.
- syscall: fix windows Gettimeofday
- arm: fix a couple of build bugs.
- exp/draw: fix double-counting of pt.Min for the src and mask points.
- gc: remove &[10]int -> []int conversion
- ld: handle quoted spaces in package path
- net: fix freebsd build
- net: fix windows build
- crypto/tls: don't return an error from Close()
- arm: work around reg allocator bug in 5g, in two parts.
- runtime: fix crash trace on amd64
- websocket: Add support for secure WebSockets
- arm build: try to fix it by removing reference to deleted file syntax/slice.go
- gc: const nil bug
- http: check https certificate against host name
- build: avoid bad environment interactions
- libmach: fix new thread race with Linux
- 5g: register allocation bugs
- libmach: fix whitespace.
- gc: fix symbol table generation on windows
- goinstall: warn when http:// is found at beginning of package name
- libcgo: fix NaCl build.
- arm tests: disable zerodivide.go: compilation fails.
- go-mode.el: Fix highlighting for 'chan' type
- gc: bug306
- gc: implement new comparison rule
- fmt.Fscan: use UnreadRune to preserve data across calls.
- doc: fix typo in Programming FAQ
- godoc documentation: fixed typo, more precise comment
- godoc: use correct delay time (bug fix)
- godoc: better handling of deep directory trees
- libmach: fix build on arm host
- fix line number printing
- fix build
- netchan: fix bug for imported send.
- cgo: show preamble gcc errors
- fix various comments
- doc: fix typo in go_for_cpp_programmers.html
- pkg/Makefile: disable netchan test to fix windows build
- windows: fix netchan test by using
- doc/go_mem.html: update location of "once".
- 5l: avoid fixed buffers in list
- 6l, 8l: clean up ELF code, fix NaCl
- nacl: fix zero-length writes
- test: fix NaCl build
- syscall: fix NaCl
- netchan: fix unimportant typo in test error call.
- Fix certificate validation.
- doc: fix typo in go_spec.html
- loader fix
- exp/nacl/av: update color to max out at 1<<16-1 instead of 1<<32-1.
- env.bash: fix building in directory with spaces in the path.
- misc/dashboard/builder: fixes and improvements
- doc: variable-width layout
- misc/dashboard/builder: fix bug that caused old revisions to be rebuilt
- cgo: bug fixes
- build: fixes for native arm build
- strings: fix minor bug in LastIndexFunc
- os: make Open() O_APPEND flag work on windows
- http: don't always escape all reserved chars (fix build)
- http: fix redirect test for international users
- netchan: fix comment typo.
- tests: fix prints
- io/ioutil: use _test not _obj in test
- exp/spacewar: fix build.
- os: check for valid arguments in windows Readdir
- bufio.UnreadRune: fix bug at EOF
- runtime: fix unwindstack crash
- xml: Allow entities inside CDATA tags
- asn1: make interface consistent with json
- crypto/ocsp: update for asn1 change (fix build)
- debug/proc: ... changes (fix build)
- syscall: fix permissions on
- syscall: fix for nacl
- syscall: fix socketpair in syscall_bsd
- gofmt: don't substitute invalid positions with valid ones in rewrites
- net: fix crash in DialIP
- net: enable v4-over-v6 on ip sockets
- go spec: ... changes
- syscall: add IPPROTO_IPV6 and IPV6_V6ONLY const to fix nacl and windows build
- bytes: fix typo in AddByte comment
- syscall: fix windows value of IPV6_V6ONLY
- gc: allow select case expr = <-c
- gc: fix non-canonical import error message
- gc: eliminate duplicates in method table
- http: correct escaping of different parts of URL
- math: Fix off-by-one error in Ilogb and Logb.
- gc: fix reflect table method receiver
- json: do not write to unexported fields
- codereview: fix upload of hg copied file
- runtime: fix build
- runtime: fix freebsd build
- build: clear custom variables like GREP_OPTIONS
- 6l, 8l: fix -K implementation
- install.html: minor sentence fix
- http: fix http handler signature changes previously missed
- runtime: serialize mcache allocation
- fix arm build on darwin leopard
- libcgo: fix comment
- gc: bug308
- code gen error for
- gc: various bugs
- os: make tests work on windows
- fmt: allow %d on []byte
- websocket: enable tests on windows
- bufio: minor documentation fix.
- net: fix comment
- gc: ... bug
- build: disable archive/zip for nacl (fix build)
- runtime: correct iteration of large map values
- net: comment pedantry
- runtime: faster strequal, memequal
- gc: fix error for 1 <- "foo"
- gc: better error for method non-call
- life: fix for new slice rules
- runtime: fix argument dump in traceback
- net: allow _ in names
- runtime: fix tiny build
- big: fix panic and round correctly in Rat.FloatString
- crypto/tls: better error messages for certificate issues.
- crypto/tls: make SetReadTimeout work.
- 6l: fix Mach-O LC_RPATH
- 6l: correct offset for __nl_symbol_ptr in Mach-O.
- netchan: zero out request to ensure correct gob decoding.
- ld: be less picky about bad line number info
- build: fix darwin/386 build
- image: another build fix regarding ColorImage.
- arm: fix build
- arm: regenerate ztypes_linux_arm.go (fix build)
- arm: fix syscall build again
- log: new interface
- netchan: export before import when testing.
- doc: add Sydney University video, fix hlint warnings
- log: fix out-of-date package comment
- 5l, 6l, 8l: first pass cleanup
- fix arm bug in
- arm: enable 8 more packages
- bufio: bulletproof UnreadRune
- log: delete deprecated functionality
- syscall: fix arm networking
- arm: enable 6 more tests after net fix
- log: fix custom output bug
- log: roll back deprecation of old API to apply fix to log.Output in public release.
- 8l: blind attempt to fix windows build
- 8l: fix windows build.
- [68]l: fix off by one instruction in dwarf frame unwinding.
- runtime: fix amd64 build (broke by 386 support for Plan 9)
- runtime: fix arm softfloat again for R12
- netchan: add new method Hangup to terminate transmission on a channel
- fix bug in example. need to convert Value to float in Abs example
- goplay: fix to run under windows.
- 5l, 6l, 8l: separate pass to fix addresses
- 5l, 6l, 8l: link pclntab and symtab as ordinary rodata symbols
- 8l: fix references to INITDAT in windows pe.c
- 8l: fix windows build
- http: do not close connection after sending HTTP/1.0 request
- arm: fix typo in softfloat
- runtime: don't let select split stack
- gc: select receive with implicit conversion
- encoding/hex: fix typo
- build: add gobuilder and goplay to run.bash
- goinstall: fix documentation typo
- web socket: fix short Read
- go_tutorial: change wording slightly and sync .txt and .html post-gofmt
- misc: update python scripts to specify python2 or nothing
- arm: prop up software floating point
- net: fix comment on Dial to mention unix/unixgram.
- go/parser: consume auto-inserted semi when calling ParseExpr()
- fix build
- fix arm build
- fix windows build
- goinstall: don't wrongly error out with "multiple package names"
- container/list: fix Remove bug and use pointer to self as identifier
- container/list: elide redundant tests and fix comment typo
- build: only print "You need to add foo to PATH" when needed
- arm: fix signal handler
- gotest: generate correct gofmt-formatted _testmain.go
- godoc: show page title in browser title bar
- arm: enable all tests
- gob: package doc fixes.
- gob: must register basic types to store them in interfaces.
- big: arm assembly, faster software mulWW, divWW
- godoc: bug fix (bug introduced with revision 3ee58453e961)
- syscall: fix Stat(path) where path is directory with trailing '/' on windows
- syscall: fix windows build
- gob: several fixes.
- go/scanner: don't accept '\x0g' character escape (bug fix)
- 6a/6l: fix MOVOU encoding
- build: fiddle with make variables
- codereview: fix 'hg sync' and 'hg download' in Python 2.7
- go/printer: do not remove parens around composite literals starting with a type name in control clauses
- fix build
- 8l: pe generation fixes
- netchan: fix locking bug.
- Fix a deadlock bug in the rpc client. The panic will trigger
- sync: fix typo in documentation
- units: fix compilation
- net: fix LookupSRV
- runtime: fix windows build
- 6l: More SSE instruction fixes
- net: provide public access to file descriptors
- net: fix windows build
- os: add Expand function to evaluate environment variables.
- strconv: quote erroneous string in errors
- json: don't indirect before testing for custom unmarshaler
- doc: fix go_spec spelling error
- doc: fix go_spec spelling errors
- fix error converting result of complex
- path: Fix Glob when it finds a file in directory position.
- sort.Search: fix typo in documentation
- crypto/x509: policy OID support and fixes.
- Fixed recover() documentation.
- gc: fix arm build
- exec: enable tests on windows
- godoc: bug fix in relativePath
- position.go: test cases for token.Pos
- sort: edit doc comment for Search
- net: add ReadFrom and WriteTo windows version.
- Documentation: how to write Makefiles for commands.
- doc: add link to codewalks.
- runtime: fix SysFree to really free memory on Windows
- compress/flate: fix typo in comment.
- exp/eval: build fix for parser.ParseFile API change.
- doc: fix docs typos
- doc/code.html: fix reference to "gomake build"
- godoc: fix doc typo
- big: fix (*Rat) SetFrac64(a, b) when b < 0.
- fmt.Scan: accept Inf and NaN
- fmt: fix documentation format glitch. no content to change.
- runtime: fix windows breakage
- log: ensure writes are atomic.
- http: consume request body before next request
- go/printer: preserve newlines in func parameter lists
- go_spec: fixed a couple omissions/type errors
- doc/install: describe GOHOSTOS and GOHOSTARCH
- flag: fix format error in boolean error report. just use %q; the values are strings.
- netchan: fix dumb locking bug introduced in recent editing.
- time: fix build
- 8l, runtime: fix Plan 9 386 build.
- net: fix TestDialGoogle
- godoc: don't call flush if position is not valid
- html: unescape numeric entities, and complete the named entities table, including two-character entities.
- runtime: fix build for nacl
- sync: small naming fix for armv5
- gc: fix method offsets of anonymous interfaces
- crypto/tls: fix build of certificate generation example
- crypto/tls: add *Config argument to Dial
- gc: skip undefined symbols in import .
- http: fix build
- throughout: fix broken calls to Printf etc.
- go/parser: Better comment for ParseFile.
- ld: fix dwarf decoding of 64-bit reflect values
- runtime: fix windows build
- syscall: restrict access rights param of OpenProcess() to the minimum needed
- doc: fix installation $GOOS choices
- path: fix printf glitch in test
- syscall: fix linux/arm build
- fix build: more libcgo references
- 5l: fix build
- 5l (and 6l, 8l, ld): more arm build fixes
- arm: more fixes
- doc: fix invalid id attribute in faq
- gob: fix bug sending zero-length top-level slices and maps
- go/token,scanner: fix comments so godoc aligns properly
- go/ast: fix ast.Walk
- gc: syntax error for incomplete chan type
- os: fix test of RemoveAll
- xml: disallow invalid Unicode code points
- tutorial: a couple of minor fixes.
- dashboard: fix project tag filter
- os: make MkdirAll work with symlinks
- cgo: avoid self-interference of global names
- 5g/8g, 8l, ld, prof: fix output of 32-bit values
- godoc: improved textual search
- Fix windows build.
- runtime/linux/386: set FPU to 64-bit precision
- gc: emit reflect correct reflect types
- gc: introduce explicit alignments
- cgo: do not reset tag generator between files
- gc: another shift bug
- gc: complex(0)
- godefs: guard against structs with pad fields
- build: add a few missing --no-print-directory
- json: check for invalid UTF-8
- gc: align structs according to max alignment of fields
- gc: issue 1231
- time: fix bug in Ticker: shutdown using channel rather than memory
- runtime: remove paranoid mapping at 0
- go spec: fix two grammar typos
- gob: Register should use the original type, not the indirected one.
- godashboard: support submitting projects with non-ascii names
- test/bench: a couple fixes to
- crypto/tls: commit fixes which I hadn't saved.
- fix freebsd build
- 5l: fix arm build
- build: add another --no-print-directory
- govet: fix comment
- darwin, freebsd: ignore write failure (during print, panic)
- misc/cgo/life: fix, add to build
- ld: ignore stab symbols
- cgo: handle references to symbols in shared libraries
- fix cgo build
- json: fix Fatal call in test
- tls: fix argument mistake in Error call.
- template: fix trivial bug: integers are not "empty"
- hash/crc64: fix typo in Sum.
- testing: fix error message on invalid regexp
- 6l: fix documentation of -L flag
- goinstall/download.go: Add checkout concept and helper functions to clean and fix implementation (Issue 1265)
- crypto/cipher: fix OCFB
- simple fix to not have 'exp/eval' panic in presence of slices like s[:2]
- Fix documentation typo.
- regexp: fix performance bug, make anchored searches fail fast.
- regexp: fix prefix bug.
- goinstall: fix -u for bzr
- net: fix close of Listener
- go/ast: provide complete node text range info
- gc: rewrite complex /= to l = l / r.
- encoding/binary: reject types with implementation-dependent sizes
- The Dec 06 change
- fix occurrences of occur[^sr .,?!;\n]
- strings: fix description of FieldsFunc
- syscall: Make Access second argument consistently uint32.
- http: permit empty Reason-Phrase in response Status-Line
- gc: return constant floats for parts of complex constants
- syscall: correct Linux Splice definition
- io: fix Copyn EOF handling
- effective go: explain the effect of repanicking better.
- crypto/cipher: make NewCBCEncrypter return BlockMode
- gc: fix &^=
- runtime/cgo: fix stackguard on FreeBSD/amd64
- Make.pkg: use installed runtime.h for cgo
- cgo: disallow use of C.errno
- gofmt: rewriter matches apply to expressions only
- bytes.Buffer: Fix bug in UnreadByte.
- time.NewTicker: panic for intervals <= 0.
- arm: fix build
- time: fix tick accuracy when using multiple Tickers
- bytes: fix TrimSpace typo
- arm optimizer bug fixes
- go spec: remove Maxalign from spec
- godoc: support for regular expression full text search
- cgo: fix enum const conflict
- cgo: output alignment fix
- godefs: better handling of enums
- ld: Permit an Mach-O symbol to be exported in the dynamic symbol table.
- syscall: fix
- ld: Fix exported dynamic symbols on Mach-O.
- http: fix text displayed in Redirect
- ld: Fix exported dynamic symbols on 386 Mach-O.
- net: use closesocket api instead of CloseHandle on Windows
- encoding/line: fix error call (missing argument)
- goinstall: Fix template to use exported fields
- godoc: don't double HTML-escape search result snippets
- http: fix scheme-relative URL parsing; add ParseRequestURL
- CONTRIBUTORS: fix bradfitz entry
- cmath test: fix format (%g does not print booleans)
- fix build (submitted a modified parser.go file by mistake)
- fix build (this time for real): adjust typechecker test, ogle
- godoc: remove tab before <pre>-formatted section
- fix tst instruction on arm to set overflow bit
- gofmt, go/printer: do not insert extra linebreaks where they may break the code
- runtime: fix arm boundary case
- bytes.Buffer: fix typo in comment (doubled 'to')
- gc: fix typed constant declarations
- godoc: bring back "indexing in progress" message
- syscall: correct WSTOPPED on OS X
- gc, runtime: make range on channel safe for multiple goroutines
- cc: fix vlong condition
- crypto/cipher: fix build (missing file in Makefile)
- syscall: fix build. WUNTRACED isn't defined for win32.
- http: fix Content-Range and Content-Length in response
- go spec: adjust language for constant typing
- regexp: reject bare ?
- net: fix build on freebsd
- 5a, 5l, 6a, 6l, 8a, 8l: handle out of memory, large allocations
- runtime/debug: fix build (missing Makefile)
- codereview: fix hg change on Windows
- syscall: attempt to fix windows build, supply missing constant
- net: fix windows build (?)
- net: get tests working to fix windows build
- runtime: make select fairer
- runtime: fix tabs in windows/386/sys.s
- 5l: document -F, force it on old ARMs
- http: follow relative redirect in Get
- 6g: fix uint64(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&x)))
- unsafe: add missing case to doc for Pointer
- gotest: new cgo does not require LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- runtime: drop CLONE_PARENT
- godoc: show line numbers for non-go files (bug fix)
- Fixed documentation for netchan import()
- test/chan/doubleselect: fix various races
- spec, runtime, tests: send on closed channel panics
- net: Fix race condition in test.
- gc: clearer error for struct == struct
- gob: fix the grammar comments to match the encoder
- gob: report an error when encoding a non-empty struct with
- encoding/line: fix up a few typos and infelicities in the doc comments
- net: return cname in LookupHost
- codereview: handle file patterns better
- codereview: fix windows
- scanner: error handler must be provided to Init
- cc: fix -q and build break.
- scanner: fix Position returned by Scan, Pos
- runtime: prefer fixed stack allocator over general memory allocator
- runtime: fix windows build
- doc/codelab/wiki: update to work with template changes, add to run.bash
- net: fix build
- codelab/wiki: fix build
- codelab/wiki: fix freebsd build
- faq: fix minor errors in programs reported by Wojciech Mikanik
- go spec: clarify address operators.
- net: fix build on old Linux kernels
- gofmt -r: match(...) arguments may be nil; add missing guards
- go/scanner: fix build (adjust scanner EOF linecount)
- 8l: fix ldpe sym name length == 8 strdup incorrect.
- spec: remove non-blocking channel operators
- godoc: tiny bug fix - use correct filename when comparing files against the index whitelist
- doc/codelab/wiki: fixes
- gob: make nested interfaces work.
- gob: fix build
- fix windows build
- runtime/cgo: fix cross-compiling windows packages
- 8l/6l: pe fixes
- unicode: add maketables to build, fix build
- enable arm peep.
- cgo: improve error reporting slightly.
- suffixarray: fix construction bug
- doc/progs: make sure all programs compile and run
- misc/vim: Document better syntax sync parameter
- misc/vim: Define import commands on buffer switch
- gc: fix send precedence
- 6g: fix registerization of temporaries
- gc: handle invalid name in type switch
- 5l, 8l: pass stack frame size to morestack when needed
- release.2011-02-01.1
- regexp tests: make some benchmarks more meaningful
- Effective Go: fix typo
- runtime: correct runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH
- runtime: more detailed panic traces, line number work
- gc: select receive bug fix
- cgo: rename internal f to avoid conflict with possible C global named f
- gc: correct rounding of denormal constants
- cgo: fix _cgo_run timestamp file order
- codereview: fix hgpatch on windows
- windows: fix build?
- build: fix spaces in GOROOT
- crypto/openpgp/armor: bug fixes
- godoc: minor internal fix
- os: implement new Process api
- spec: fix Typeof() return type
- runtime: fix asm.h on Windows
- 8l: fix crash writing Plan 9 binaries
- scan: permit base prefixes 0nnn and 0xnn when scanning
- template: allow a leading '*' to indicate that evaulation should
- template: Add simple formatter chaining.
- go/printer, gofmt: smarter handling of multi-line raw strings
- Codelab/wiki: fix typo
- loader: move the XputY routines into the ld directory.
- ld: fix build (uvlong vs uint64 conflict on freebsd)
- syscall: fix arm build
- peep: fix bug in peep optimizer.
- peep: fix optimization bug
- netchan: graceful handling of closed connection
- go spec: fix a few typos
- fix build clean.bash
- http: handle unchunked, un-lengthed HTTP/1.1 responses
- cgo: fix handling of signed enumerations
- runtime: fix memory allocation on 386
- peep: bug fix
- godoc: optimizations: don't call Write for 0-length data
- src/*: fix incorrect prints found by govet
- debug/pe: ImportedSymbols fixes
- json: correct Marshal documentation
- fmt: fix minor typo
- runtime: complete windows SysReserve
- godoc: Use IsAbs to test for absolute paths (fix for win32).
- godoc: godoc: Use IsAbs to test for absolute paths (fix for win32).
- fix example in inotify
- bytes: fix bugs in buffer.ReadBytes
- gc: correct receiver in method missing error
- code.html: update to reflect that package names need not be unique
- gob: allow Decode(nil) and have it just discard the next value.
- go/printer: line comments must always end in a newline
- gob: decode into nil, this time for sure.
- archive/zip: handle files with data descriptors
- runtime: detect failed thread creation on Windows
- godoc: don't hide package lookup error if there's no command with the same name
- encoding/line: fix line returned after EOF
- doc: fix release notes anchor tag
- syscall: fix inverse checking of result code on windows.
- runtime: fix memory allocator for GOMAXPROCS > 1
- http: add proxy support
- os: remove ENODATA (fixes freebsd build)
- net: add IPv4 multicast to UDPConn
- gc: make string const comparison unsigned
- net: fix windows build
- syscall: fix windows SetFileAttributes
- arm runtime: attempt to fix build by adding casp (same as cas)
- misc/dashboard: notify golang-dev on build failure
- gc: interface error message fixes
- json: only use alphanumeric tags
- http: send full URL in proxy requests
- html: small documentation fix.
- 6l: pe fixes
- crypto/rsa: left-pad OAEP results when needed.
- fix build
- crypto/openpgp/packet: fix testing print (missing arg)
- net: fix multicast tests
- crypto/openpgp/packet: comment typo fix.
- testing: Fix typo on Logf doc comment.
- reflect: add a secret method to ArrayOrSliceType.
- go spec: fix local link
- misc/dashboard/builder: talk to hg with utf-8 encoding always.
- ld: detect stack overflow due to NOSPLIT
- go spec: make condition mandatory in if statements
- arm: fix build
- exp/eval, go/printer: fix build
- go/parser: if and switch statements still can have empty init statements
- codereview: fix clpatch with empty diffs
- compress/bzip2: fix bugs
- 5g: fix optimizer bug
- net: *netFD.Read to return os.EOF on eof (fixes windows build)
- 8l/6l: new -Hwindowsgui flag allows to build windows gui pe
- fmt: stop giving characters to the Scan method of Scanner
- godoc: fix writeFileAtomically utility function
- http: remove debugging log statement
- runtime: fix signal stack bug
- runtime: add empty windows/signals.h file to fix build
- gob: make recursive map and slice types work.
- sync/atomic: new package
- runtime: use kernel-supplied cas on linux/arm
- crypto/openpgp: fix test prints
- compress/lzw: fix the stupidity of allocating and zeroing a new buffer
- xml: permit nested directives
- gc: bug325 / issue 1566
- goyacc: provide -p flag to set prefix for names.
- fmt: make %#p suppress leading 0x
- http: initialize request Header for the transport
- runtime: record goroutine creation pc and display in traceback
- cgo: put temporary source files in _obj.
- build: fix race condition building enam.o
- fix build
- xml: fix typo in test.
- runtime: fix unused variable warning
- gc: fix init of packages named main
- unsafe: fix the documentation
- doc: remove reference to bug count from install.html
- fix build (observed in wild, not on dashboard)
- http: change localhost URL; maybe fix Windows
- gob: beginning of support for GobEncoder/GobDecoder interfaces.
- gob: enable the GobEncoder and GobDecoder interfaces.
- cgo: use correct frame size for 0 arguments
- compress/flate: fix test
- http: fix, use WriteProxy
- http: fixed race condition in persist.go
- httptest: fix docs out-of-sync from earlier renaming
- gob: clean up getTypeInfo (address a TODO)
- path/filepath: new OS-specific path support
- cgo: fix dwarf type parsing
- path/filepath: disable test on windows to fix build
- http: close after responding to HTTP/1.0 request without Connection: keep-alive
- runtime: scheduler, cgo reorganization
- goinstall: fix build
- runtime: fix windows/386 build
- rpc: clean up dregs from June 2010
- http: fix cookie_test
- gc: unsafe.Pointer is not a pointer
- net: fix test for Solaris: gopher and http are not in /etc/services.
- gc: fix handling of return values named _
- http: add test for recently fixed HTTP/1.0 keep-alive issue
- 6l,8l: fix gdb crash.
- time: fix Time.ZoneOffset documentation
- Make.cmd: also clean _test*
- govet: handle '*' in print format strings.
- big: implemented custom Gob(En/De)coder for Int type
- doc: update codelab wiki to fix template.Execute argument order
- ld: preserve symbol sizes during data layout
- gc: fix comments in go.h
- http: change ResponseWriter.SetHeader(k,v) to Header() accessor
- fmt: make ScanState.Token more general.
- rpc: delete unused field from InvalidRequest struct.
- gob: turn two panics into errors because they can be triggered
- crypto/openpgp: bug fixes and fix misnamed function.
- flag: visit the flags in sorted order, for better messages.
- go/ast: fix printing of maps
- http: fix transport crash when request URL is nil
- spec: remove closed from language, replaced by x, ok = <-c
- gc, runtime: replace closed(c) with x, ok := <-c
- go code: replace closed(c) with x, ok := <-c
- go/typechecker: fix build
- crypto/tls: fix compile error
- 5l: fix build
- debug/proc: fix build
- gofix: fix procattr registration, tests
- gofix: fix godoc doc
- doc: fix line wrapping for release.html
- testing: fix build
- gc: fix crash when using -u
- go/scanner: to interpret line comments with Windows filenames
- flag: fix example in doc comment.
- go/parser: fix memory leak by making a copy of token literals
- sinit.c: recursion in sinit
- godoc: fix path problem for windows.
- cgo: fix index-out-of-bounds bug
- path/filepath: fix TestEvalSymlinks when run under symlinked GOROOT
- goinstall: add -clean flag to docs
- time: give a helpful message when we can't set the time zone for testing.
- go/printer, gofmt: avoid exponential layout algorithm
- gopprof: fix bug: do not rotate 180 degrees for large scrolls
- go/printer, gofmt: simplify struct formatting and respect line breaks
- gob: use pointers in bootstrapType so interfaces behave properly
- gob: fix up ugly formatting introduced by buggy (now fixed) gofmt.
- Make.pkg: Always define _CGO_CFLAGS and friends.
- sync: fix example code
- misc/vim: remove 'closed' as a builtin function.
- misc/bbedit: remove closed keyword
- runtime: more stack split fixes
- runtime: fix print - no %v in C
- gotest: fix gofmt issue in generated _testmain.go
- http: don't chunk 304 responses
- syscall: StartProcess fixes for windows
- runtime: fix freebsd-amd64 (and part of 386)
- runtime: fix arm build
- http: modified perl cgi test to remove newline from env variables
- runtime: always set *received in chanrecv.
- runtime/pprof: disable test on darwin
- flag: fix error in documentation example.
- net: fix Windows build
- runtime: fix darwin/amd64 thread VM footprint
- build: add all-qemu.bash, handful of arm fixes
- runtime: fix gdb support for goroutines.
- go/ast: implemented NewPackage
- godoc: fix spelling error
- go/printer, gofmt: rely on existing line breaks when formatting expression lists
- fix build
- kate: reorganize, remove closed()
- os: fix FileInfo.Name returned by Stat
- net: move bind back to sock.go
- govet: fix bug introduced at 4313054
- prints: fix a couple of formatting errors caught by govet
- go/printer/gofmt: remove special case for multi-line raw strings
- go/parser: fix scoping for local type declarations
- gotype: support for more tests, added one new test
- net, syscall: fix windows build
- fmt: implement precs for %q.
- path/filepath.Glob: don't drop known matches on error.
- version.bash: strip changeset hash from 'hg tags' output
- http: make triv.go example compile again
- os: Fix MkdirAll("/thisdoesnotexist").
- gotest: fix build
- http: fix hanging bug with HEAD responses
- net: fix typo
- http: fix Transport connection re-use race
- os: fix windows build
- spec: add parens missing from "protect" example.
- gotest: fixes for [^.]_test file pattern
- gotest: fix a bug in error handling.
- gotest: fix windows build.
- pkg/path: enable tests on Windows
- fix build (sorry)
- syscall: fix typo in mmap comment
- codereview: fix clpatch
- ld: fix Mach-O bss bug
- ld: fix Mach-O X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED relocations
- syscall: fix build
- syscall: freebsd/386 Syscall9 (fix build)
- syscall: fix freebsd/386 again
- gc: bug327
- syscall: fix Windows Signalled
- go/types: New Go type hierarchy implementation for AST.
- go/types: fix build: use the right compiler to compile test case
- gotest: handle \r\n returned by gomake on Windows (fixes build)
- gofix: add -diff, various fixes and helpers
- gotest: Fix fix for \r\n on windows.
- ld: fix arm build
- io: fixes for Read with n > 0, os.EOF
- gc: fix weird error message
- go/printer, gofmt: use blank to separate import rename from import path
- archive/zip: add new type ReadCloser, make OpenReader return it.
- net: disable multicast tests by default.
- asn1: Implement correct marshalling of length octets
- syscall: fix StartProcess in Plan 9
- http: fix incorrect prints found by govet
- ld: fix dwarf decoding of strings for struct's fieldnames
- net: fix laddr typo in test code.
- openpgp: Fix improper := shadowing
- os: fix Readdir in Plan 9
- godashboard: Show packages at
- archive/tar: fix example's handling of os.EOF.
- builder: fix documentation s/\.gobuilder/.gobuildkey/
- go/ast: fixed bug in NotNilFilter, added test
- gofmt: avoid endless loops
- build: use gcc -Werror
- libmach: fix freebsd compiler errors
- gofix: fix embarrassing typo in osopen.go
- http: flesh out server Expect handling + tests
- fix build: disable gofmt test script, enable gotest testing instead
- libmach: fix the windows build.
- doc/install.html: document use of libc6-dev-i386
- gc: fix func syntax error
- runtime: drop chan circular linked list in favor of circular buffer
- lib9/create.c: delete unused variable
- runtime: fix set and not used in chan.c
- runtime: fix gdb support for channels.
- gc: fix use of typekind array in error messages
- ld: defend against some broken object files
- http: fix race in transport_test
- http: consume request bodies before replying
- for GCC4.6: fix a bunch of set-and-not-used errors.
- gofmt: don't crash when rewriting nil interfaces in AST.
- http: don't quote Set-Cookie Domain and Path
- gofmt: gofmt test harness bug fix
- gob: fix handling of indirect receivers for GobDecoders.
- gopack: fix prefix bug
- net: fix ParseIP
- libmach: fix warnings.
- expvar: add Func for functions that return values that are JSON marshalable.
- 6l: fix another "set and not used".
- http: handler timeout support
- gc: fix complex move bug
- mime: bunch more tests, few minor parsing fixes
- misc/goplay: fix Tab and Shift+Enter in Firefox.
- websocket: fix socket leak in test
- runtime: fix arm5 softfloat
- net: fix dialgoogle_test.go
- gc: fix complex move again
- mime: RFC 2231 continuation / non-ASCII support
- mime: add a TODO, fix the format of an error
- http: fix IP confusion in TestServerTimeouts
- crypto/x509: fix build
- gob: fix trivial bug in map marshaling.
- go spec: attempt at clarifying language for "append"
- gofix, gofmt: update documentation
- gc: fix error for +string
- reflect: add Type.Implements, Type.AssignableTo, Value.CallSlice; make Set match Go
- ld: remove MachoLoad limit
- http: don't proxy loopback addresses
- net: fix windows build
- syscall: correct Windows CreateProcess input parameters
- gc: correct handling of unexported method names in embedded interfaces
- net: fix EAI_BADFLAGS error on freebsd
- runtime: fix GOMAXPROCS vs garbage collection bug
- gc: fix copy([]int, string) error message
- mime/multipart: limit line length to prevent abuse
- http: close underlying gzip Reader too
- http: clarify docs on Request HTTP version
- os: Open with O_APPEND|O_CREATE to append to the end of file on Windows
- http: fix FileServer's default text content type
- syscall: fix Ftruncate under linux/arm5
- runtime: stop deadlock test properly (fix arm5 build)
- crypto/rsa: support > 3 primes.
- http: in ServerConn and ClientConn, rename Close to Hijack, add Close
- container/heap: fix circular dependency in test
- runtime: disable long test (fix arm build)
- ld: fix Plan 9 symbol table
- gc: fix line number at EOF
- gc: fix return variable named _
- gc: fix conversion of user-defined string type to []byte
- fmt: tweak the doc for %U.
- rc/env.bash: fix for Go tool-chain build on windows under msys.
- gc: allow complex types to be receiver types
- gc: fix import width bug
- codereview: various fixes
- runtime: correct out of memory error
- 8g,8l: fix "set but not used" gcc error
- fix tree for reflect rename
- ld: fix 6l -d on Mac, diagnose invalid use of -d
- gc: explain why invalid receiver types are invalid
- runtime: fix arm build
- websocket: include *http.Request in websocket.Conn
- dashboard: build most recent revision first
- gc: fix order of operations for f() < g().
- os: fix race in ReadAt/WriteAt on Windows
- runtime: more graceful out-of-memory crash
- doc: mention make version in install.html
- tutorial: replace the forever loops with finite counts in sieve programs.
- runtime: fix mkversion to output valid path separators
- cgi: improve Location response handling
- reflect: Fix Copy of arrays
- http: keep gzip reader inside eofsignaler
- cgo: handle versioned ELF symbols
- runtime: stack split + garbage collection bug
- gc: correctly handle fields of pointer type to recursive forward references
- runtime: fix typo in gc bug fix
- gc: preserve original expression for errors
- syslog: fix skipping of net tests
- xml: fix reflect error
- http: new error for reading a body after it's been closed
- mime/multipart: fix regression from previous ReadSlice change
- runtime, sync/atomic: fix arm cas
- net: fix ipv6 test
- net: enable SO_REUSEPORT on BSD variants
- os: make Setenv update C environment variables
- http: fix racy test with a simpler version
- godoc: added -index flag to enable/disable search index
- runtime: maybe fix Windows build broken by cgo setenv CL
- http/pprof: fix POST reading bug
- image: fix build
- go spec: clarify semantics of integer division
- godoc: if there is no search box, don't run the respective JS code
- ld: make ELF binaries with no shared library dependencies static binaries
- Make.cmd: create TARGDIR if necessary
- net: don't crash on unexpected DNS SRV responses
- reflect: allow unexported key in Value.MapIndex
- http: fix FormFile nil pointer dereference on missing multipart form
- wingui: fix Makefile after rename
- http: fix typo in URL.String doc comment.
- gob: Doc typo fix
- syscall: fix bug in
- effective go: update to new Open signature.
- go spec: fix up HTML glitches.
- gif: fix build
- go/printer, gofmt: fix alignment of "=" in const/var declarations
- gc: fix unsafe.Sizeof
- effective go: explain about values/pointers in String() example
- image/gif: minor fixes.
- http: fix transport bug with zero-length bodies
- http: write cookies according to RFC 6265
- http: fix two Transport gzip+persist crashes
- codereview: fetch metadata using JSON API, not XML scraping
- gc: fix type switch error message for invalid cases.
- ld: fix alignment of rodata section on Plan 9
- dashboard: fix for branches
- go/doc, godoc: when filtering for godoc, don't remove elements of a declaration
- go spec: clarify semantics of range clause
- html: parse empty, unquoted, and single-quoted attribute values
- codereview: fix clpatch
- go/*: various small fixes
- misc/emacs: bug fix: use UTF-8 when invoking gofmt as a subprocess.
- http: make HEAD client request follow redirects
- 5c, 5g: fix build with too-smart gcc
- go spec: fix error in production syntax
- contrib*.html: make "golang-dev" the default reviewer.
- go/types: fix (some) builds
- fix windows build: http.Get finalURL removal missed earlier
- unicode: build maketables during testshort too
- pkg: fix incorrect prints found by govet
- spec: fix copy to return "number of elements copied", not "number
- os: make Readdir & Readdirnames return os.EOF at end
- os: fix Windows build from earlier readdir change
- ld: do not emit reference to dynamic library named ""
- runtime: make StackSystem part of StackGuard
- net: protocol family adaptive address family selection
- doc/go_mem.html: close happens before receive on closed channel
- 8g: fix conversion from float to uint64
- filepath: make EvalSymlinks work on Windows
- pkg: fix new incorrect prints found by govet
- reflect: make allocation test less fragile.
- big: better support for string conversions
- image/jpeg: fix bounds calculation for grayscale JPEG images.
- 6l: fix emit windows dwarf sections
- cgo: use packed struct to fix Windows behavior
- fmt: fix minor documentation nits
- http: Client.Do should follow redirects for GET and HEAD
- crypto/rand: add utility functions for number generation
- flag: fix docs on flag.Var.
- go/printer, gofmt: fix formatting of expression lists (missing blank)
- mime/multipart: add a multipart Writer
- misc: syntax highlighting support on IntelliJ IDEA
- fmt: scanning doc fix
- 5l: fix set but not used warnings
- crypto/x509: fix incorrect prints found by govet
- flag: fix build
- doc: close paragraph tags in FAQ
- runtime: fix function args not checked warning on arm
- net: re-enable wildcard listening
- go spec: clarify rules for shifts
- encoding/line: delete package.
- http: fix Set-Cookie date parsing
- go spec: be precise with the use of the informal ellipsis … and the Go token ...
- gc: relax assignability of method receivers
- 6l, 8l: fix Mach-O binaries with many dynamic libraries
- doc: mention go/printer instead of container/vector in effective go
- os: Fix test to work on Solaris.
- ld: add -w to disable dwarf, make errors obviously from dwarf
- 5l: fix build
- 5g: alignment fixes
- quietgcc: fix typo, respect $TMPDIR
- net: If we stop polling, remove any pending events for the socket
- mime/multipart: misc code/doc fixes
- exp/eval: fix compile error.
- gc: patch to fix build when using Bison 2.5
- fix build: temporarily disable the use of strings.Reader UnreadRune in fmt
- compress/flate: fix Huffman tree bug
- cgo: support pkg-config for flags and libs
- runtime: fix mmap error return on linux.
- doc: put Release History link on 'Documentation' page
- os: another attempt to handle OpenFile flag parameter properly on Windows
- crypto/tls/generate_cert.go: fix misspelling of O_CREATE.
- cgo: restrict #cgo directives to prevent shell expansion
- time: fix Format bug: noon is 12PM, not 0PM.
- http: propagate Set-Cookie in reverse proxy
- os: improve Readdir test coverage, fix Readdir(0) on EOF
- os: yet more Readdir tests and fix earlier regression
- time: midnight is 12AM.
- os: fix windows version of Readdir(0)
- os: fix os.MkdirAll with backslash path separator.
- template: fix quote-handling with formatters
- gob: fix documentation on Decoder.Decode.
- image/png: fix encoding of images that don't start at (0, 0).
- gobuilder: fixes for windows
- pkg: spelling tweaks, I-Z
- template: fix and clean interaction between quotes and formatters
- runtime: save cdecl registers in Windows SEH handler
- syscall : add ProcAttr field to pass an unescaped command line on windows
- runtime: reset GOMAXPROCS during tests
- gc: check parameter declarations in interface fields
- gc: disallow ... in type conversions
- gc: fix m[x], _ = y.(T)
- http/spdy: fix data race in header decompression.
- goinstall: document GOPATH and support relative/absolute installs
- gobuilder: include file missing from change, fix build
- Make unix Readdir and windows Readdirnames return partially successful results on error.
- asn1: fix marshalling of empty optional RawValues
- crypto/openpgp: add support for symmetrically encrypting files.
- big: ~8x faster number scanning
- fix build: remove non-portable test case
- big: fix broken overflow test
- sync: always wake up previously sleeping goroutines on Cond.Signal
- fmt: return EOF when out of input in Scan*.
- runtime: do not garbage collect windows callbacks
- template: explain that fields must be exported.
- testing: fix MB/s computation, documentation
- sync/atomic: fix check64
- exec: add Cmd methods StdinPipe, StdoutPipe, StderrPipe
- big: do not modify divisor
- http: ServeFile shouldn't send Content-Length when Content-Encoding is set
- fmt: fix bug in UnreadRune: must clear memory of previous
- exp/draw: fix clipping bug where sp/mp were not shifted when r.Min was.
- testing: check that tests and benchmarks do not affect GOMAXPROCS
- 8g: compute register liveness during regopt
- net: fix windows build
- http: don't fail on accept hitting EMFILE
- go/build: fix windows build by commenting out references to stdout and stderr in cgotest
- dashboard: bug fix
- crypto/twofish: fix Reset index overflow bug.
- netchan: added drain method to importer.
- gobuilder: number of fixes
- big: Rat always outputs the requested precision from FloatString
- html: improve attribute parsing, note package status
- image/gif: fix buglet in graphics extension.
- gofmt: fix -d regression from exec change
- gc/lex.c: fix formatting of #include statement
- ld: fix and simplify ELF symbol generation
- godefs: do not assume forward type references are enums
- gofix: fix diff regression from exec change
- net: fix bug in net.Interfaces: handle elastic sdl_data size correctly
- runtime: SysMap uses MAP_FIXED if needed on 64-bit Linux
- os: fix Getenv for Plan 9. Truncate the rightmost char if it is '\0'.
- big: gobs for big rats
- ebnf: follow EBNF for EBNF faithfully
- go spec: handle a corner case of a special case for shifts...
- http: fix handling of 0-lengthed http requests
- runtime: increase maximum number of windows callbacks
- gc: compactframe breaks arm - fix build
- 5l: fix softfloat nits
- http: fix regression permitting io.Copy on HEAD response
- sync/atomic: fix arm check64 bug
- runtime: fix Plan 9 "lingering goroutines bug".
- crypto/openpgp: build fix (unreviewed)
- Go memory model: minor clarification
- io/ioutil: fix typo in comment
- go spec: clarify rules for append, scope rules for :=
- gc: handle go print() and go println()
- ld: dwarf emit filenames in debug_line header instead of as extended opcodes.
- cgo: handle new Apple LLVM-based gcc from Xcode 4.2
- build: stop early if commands are missing
- go spec: unsafe.Alignof/Offsetof/Sizeof return uintptr
- ld: fix link Windows PE __declspec(dllimport) symbol
- os: Plan 9, fix OpenFile & Chmod. Update tests.
- syscall: fix Plan 9 build.
- net: export all fields in Interface
- ld: make .rodata section read-only
- build: fix header files for Plan 9
- mail: cosmetic fixes.
- go/build: record all cgo intermediate files (fix build)
- go/build: fix build and clean ups
- gofix: Fix inconsistent indentation in help output
- go/printer, gofmt: print "select {}" on one line
- 6g, 8g: fix goto fix
- docs/GoCourseDay1.pdf: fix error in operator table.
- runtime/cgo: fix for OS X 10.7
- http: document http client/transport thread safety
- goinstall, go/build: support building cgo packages
- 8l: minor fix discovered by lucio
- 5g, 8g: fix build
- syscall: fix build for Sizeof change
- http: fix documentation typo
- Make.ccmd: fix build - libraries in wrong order.
- Make.ccmd: another build fix.
- misc/godashboard: Accept sub-directories for goinstall's report.
- mime: fix RFC references
- http: fix req.Cookie(name) with cookies in one header
- 5g, 5l: fix more set but not used warnings
- 5g, 6g, 8g: fix comments in method call generation
- http: add Server.ListenAndServeTLS
- os: change Waitmsg String method to use pointer receiver
- 8l: more fixes for Plan 9
- godefs: remove test from build
- Fix Windows build; ErrorString->NewError
- exec: better error message for windows LookPath
- exp/template: make -0 be an unsigned int.
- libmach: fix tracing on linux (for cov)
- libmach: fix disassembly of FCMOVcc and FCOMI
- runtime: don't use twice the memory with grsec-like kernels
- http: buffer Request.Write
- os: fixed PathListSeparator to ';' for windows.
- http: assume ContentLength 0 on GET requests
- http: better handling of 0-length Request.Body
- gofix: fixes for sort changes
- gofix: fixes for path/filepath changes
- http: do TLS handshake explicitly before copying TLS state
- 8a: fixes for Plan 9 build
- bufio: do not cache Read errors
- gc: avoid package name ambiguity in error messages
- http: respect Handlers setting Connection: close in their response
- exp/regexp/syntax: case-folding in character classes
- mime/multipart: parse LF-delimited messages, not just CRLF
- builder: minor fixes
- ld: fix ELF strip by removing overlap of sections
- runtime/cgo: fix build
- exp/template: fix build
- gc: fix package quoting logic
- gofix: fixes for os/signal changes
- run.bash: small fix
- time: zero-pad two-digit years.
- build: make version.bash aware of branches
- misc/vim: allow only utf-8 for fileencoding (fix CL4625078).
- html: fix nesting when parsing a close tag.
- exp/regexp/syntax: finish Regexp manipulation
- fix build; add simplify.go to regexp Makefile
- 8c: fixes for Plan 9 build
- windows: define and use syscall.Handle
- 5c, 6c: fix build
- os: fix build for Plan 9
- godoc: ignore directories that begin with '.'
- gc: fix %N for OGOTO nodes.
- exp/template: fixes and updates.
- json: fix test if rand returns 0.
- crypto/tls: fix generate_cert.go
- asn1: support T61 and UTF8 string.
- crypto/openpgp: fixed dangerous use of for loop variable
- os: fix documentation for FileInfo.Name.
- exp/template: add a tree-walking example to the test.
- image: change Pix[0] to mean top-left corner of an image's Rect instead
- exp/eval: delete binary
- exp/template: fix bug in argument evaluation.
- cgi: close stdout reader pipe when finished
- codereview: fix for Mercurial 1.9
- undo CL 4675045 / 0e11e08951f7
- codereview: fix for Mercurial 1.9
- http: support for periodic flushing in ReverseProxy
- runtime: fix data race on runtime·maxstring
- runtime: fix comment (lost in shuffle)
- gc: make size of struct{} and [0]byte 0 bytes
- debug/pe: fixes ImportedSymbols for Win64.
- csv: fix spelling errors in comments
- gob: register more slice types
- docs: fix wrong it's -> its
- runtime: fix data race during Itab hash update/lookup
- debug/elf: Read ELF Program headers.
- http: fix Content-Type of file extension.
- exp/template: allow niladic methods inside chained field references.
- filepath/path: fix a comment
- syscall: change missing from windows net fixes
- syscall: add Flock on Linux
- fix build from e904b6784768 breakage
- cc: fixes for Plan 9 build
- runtime: correct FixedStack value (fixes windows build)
- exp/template: escape < and > in JS escaper.
- mime: fix build
- json: escape < and > in any JSON string.
- gc: fix closure bug
- godoc: fix build (add Makefile change)
- json: add omitempty struct tag option
- 5a, 5c, 5l: fix for Plan 9 build
- 6a, 6c, 6l: fix for Plan 9 build
- http: fixes for sniffing
- fmt: Scan(&int) was mishandling a lone zero.
- 5c: attempt to fix build by silencing warnings about unused variables.
- fmt: fix a couple of documentation glitches.
- runtime: fix panic for make(chan [0]byte).
- path/filepath: fixes for windows paths
- doc: fix padding on h1 tags
- gc: fix silent sign truncation in pgen.c
- runtime: fix data race in Plan9 sysalloc
- runtime: fix select pass 3
- gif: fix local color map and coordinates
- go/build: fixes for windows paths
- 5l: fix arm linker bug introduced by 4742041
- sync/atomic: attempt to get the arm build green.
- sync/atomic: fix LoadInt32 on ARM
- net/textproto: avoid 1 copy in ReadLine, ReadContinuedLine
- net/textproto: fix build
- ld: remove overlap of ELF sections on dynamic binaries
- io/ioutil: improve performance of ioutil.Discard
- html: handle character entities without semicolons
- godoc: fix zip file directory lookup
- gob: send empty but non-nil maps.
- ld: fix freebsd build reverting .interp move
- undo CL 4808044 / 1bd754e69ce7
- runtime: faster select
- http: fix chunking bug during content sniffing
- exp/template: fix action variable declarations inside range
- runtime: add UpdateMemStats, use in tests
- pkg/http: fix a couple of error messages
- go/parser: report illegal label declarations at ':' rather than guessing the start
- godoc/zip.go: fix another zip file system bug
- ld: detect all import cycles
- ld: fixes ldpe link with SXREF global values.
- zip: add a test for the previous >65k files fix
- godoc/httpzip.go: use correct path in Readdir
- fix build: clean up file end in an attempt to fix build
- ld: fixes .bss for ldpe
- sort: fixed bug in (Float64Slice) Less; NaN less than anything else
- unicode: fix doc comment for Range32
- exp/regexp: implement regexp API using exp/regexp/syntax
- runtime: fix compilation of send select cases
- build: fixes for mingw-w64
- gc: fix mkbuiltin for Plan 9 build
- build: define getcallerpc in u.h (fix for Plan 9 build)
- ld: fix build on Plan 9
- net: fix memory corruption in windows *netFD.ReadFrom
- build: remove rm dreg
- runtime: fix freebsd build
- gc: disallow [...][...]int{{1,2,3}}
- gc: fix select line number
- gc, runtime: fix range+panic line number bugs
- reflect: doc fixes for obsolete types.
- runtime: higher goroutine arg limit, clearer error
- gc: echo literal in error message
- gc: iota outside const
- gc: zero-width struct, zero-length array fixes
- build: fix for noclobber users
- gc: diagnose (x) := 0
- gc: use more Go-like names for methods
- godoc: app engine configuration and updated documentation
- unicode: fix case-mapping for roman numerals!!
- gc: composite literal double eval bug
- gc: top-level closure bug
- rpc and exp/template: simplify tests for exported items
- ld: remove cseekend and redo pe writing
- gc: line number + type checking nits
- cgo: add GoBytes, fix gmp example
- exp/template: make Set.ParseFile etc resolve functions in the Set
- gc: shift type bug
- build: handle spaces in $USER
- 6g, 8g: divide corner case
- 5g: defer vs optimizer bug
- 5g, 6g, 8g: shift, opt fixes
- build: fix noclobber
- exp/template: fix build
- gc: more graceful errors during struct definition
- gc: fix pprof deadlock
- archive/zip: more efficient reader and bug fix
- runtime: fix data race in findfunc()
- godoc: allow form feed in text files
- xml: Header: fix close tag and newline
- runtime: fix scheduling race
- exp/template: fix endless loop
- exp/norm: correct package doc comment
- doc: fix typo in Effective Go
- 5g: fix set but not used error
- go/build: use GOBIN as binary path for GOROOT
- http: correct path to serve index.html.
- exp/norm: fix build by adding a test placeholder
- net: fix /proc/net/igmp,igmp6 reading bug on linux
- asn1: fix build
- time: fix windows build
- FAQ: lots of small tweaks plus a couple of new discussions.
- FAQ: variant types, unions
- exp/template: fix Must example.
- scanner: correct error position for illegal UTF-8 encodings
- ld: add one empty symbol into pe to make dumpbin works.
- html: parse malformed tags missing a '>', such as `<p id=0</p>`.
- json: fix []unmarshaler case
- http: fix ParseMultipartForm after MultipartReader error
- http: corrects undocumented side effects in http.DefaultTransport's RoundTrip method
- html: parse more malformed tags.
- exp/template: fix implementation of printValue.
- lib/godoc: fix typo
- godoc: first round of template cleanups
- godoc: fix godoc.html template bug: correctly display package roots
- exp/norm: fix incorrect prints found by govet.
- exp/template: don't panic on range of nil interface
- runtime: fix pseudo-randomness on some selects
- build: support versioning without hg
- godoc: fix escaping in templates
- godoc: fix lib/godoc/package.txt template
- builtin: correct description of a closed channel.
- 5c, 6c, 6l: fix Plan 9 build warnings
- runtime: fix GC bitmap corruption
- net: return correct local address for an accepted TCP connection
- go/parser: use correct precedence when parsing range clauses
- net: Added function SetTimeout() to interface Listener.
- misc: fix a couple of template uses preparatory to the big switch.
- xml: escape string chardata in xml.Marshal
- go/parser: do not accept type literals where not permitted in general
- net: Plan 9 support
- gc: fix mkbuiltin
- go/parser: fix type switch scoping
- undo CL 4896053 / c62cf48b7dc4: fix build
- net: fix windows build
- godoc: remove uses of container/vector
- godoc: minor fixes
- doc/tmpltohtml: update to new template package.
- effective_go: fix brace quotes.
- json: calculate Offset for Indent correctly
- gofix: osopen: fixed=true when changing O_CREAT
- exp/norm: a few minor fixes to support the implementation of norm.
- go/ast: fix ast.MergePackageFiles to collect infos about imports
- godoc: add dummy playground.js to silence godoc warning at start-up
- ld: remove duplicate bss definitions
- effective go: fix erroneous quoting of ampersands that cropped up
- http: add MaxBytesReader to limit request body size
- go/parser: fix type switch scoping
- runtime: fix void warnings
- gc: fix pc/line table
- http: delete error kludge
- http: on invalid request, send 400 response
- godoc: use virtual file system when generating package synopses
- math: fix Pow10 loop
- misc/emacs: refine label detection
- big: fix nat.scan bug
- bufio: handle a "\r\n" that straddles the buffer.
- gofix: forgot to rename the URL type
- gc: fix some spurious leaks
- template: Grammar fix for template documentation.
- build: fix unused parameters
- build: fix more unused parameters
- goinstall: report lack of $GOPATH on errors
- go/build: separate test imports out when scanning
- json: fix decode bug with struct tag names with ,opts being ignored
- xml: marshal "parent>child" tags correctly
- time: fix zone during windows test
- cgo: fixes callback for windows amd64
- mime: fix build
- 8g: fix build on Plan 9
- gc: tweak and enable escape analysis
- godashboard: fix utf-8 in user names
- gc: fix arm build
- fix windows/amd64 build with newest mingw-w64
- runtime: fix stack cleanup on windows/amd64
- doc/codelab/wiki: fix Makefile
- 5g: fix build on Plan 9
- 6g: fix build on Plan 9
- gc: fix build on Plan 9
- time: fix Plan 9 build
- runtime, syscall: use the vdso page on linux x86 for faster syscalls instead of int $0x80.
- os: fix WNOHANG Waitmsg
- libmach: support reading symbols from Windows .exe for nm
- doc/progs: fix windows/amd64
- godoc: fix bug in zip.go
- gc: fix for Plan 9 build
- runtime: windows/amd64 callbacks fixed and syscall fixed to allow using it in callbacks
- gc: fix div bug
- dashboard: yet another utf-8 fix
- gc: fix for Plan 9 build
- cgo: fix GoBytes
- http: add file protocol transport
- gc: make static initialization more static
- sudo.bash: print error/exit if problem with /usr/local/bin
- libmach: fix incorrect use of memset
- gc: fix label recursion bugs
- goinstall: better usage message
- template: fix deadlock.
- exp/norm: added Reader and Writer and bug fixes to support these.
- gc: zero stack-allocated slice backing arrays
- runtime: implement exception handling on windows/amd64
- misc/goplay: Fix template output
- websocket: fix incorrect prints found by govet
- misc/goplay: another template fix
- syscall: update routing message attributes handling, fix typo
- runtime: fix openbsd 386 raisesigpipe
- exp/norm: performance improvements of quickSpan
- gc: fix zero-length struct eval
- os: use GetFileAttributesEx to implement Stat on windows
- url: handle ; in ParseQuery
- gofmt: indent multi-line signatures
- template: indirect or dereference function arguments if necessary to match the type of the formal.
- gc: treat DOTMETH like DOT in escape analysis.
- gopprof: regexp fixes
- sort: use heapsort to bail out quicksort
- exp/regexp: bug fixes and RE2 tests
- 5a, 5c, 6a, 6c, 8a, 8c: fix Windows file paths
- gc: add -p flag to catch import cycles earlier
- path/filepath: Simplify Walk interface
- undo CL 4964067 / 661cb84cc6f0
- doc: fix date in weekly snapshot history
- sync/atomic: do not run TestStoreLoadSeq for too long (fix windows builder)
- codereview: Mercurial 1.9 fix for hg diff @nnn
- godoc: fix local link for factory functions
- exp/regexp/syntax: import all RE2 parse tests + fix bugs
- godoc: show packages matching a query at the top
- path/filepath: make UNC file names work
- ld: grow dwarf includestack on demand.
- image/png: don't use a goroutine to decode. This was preventing
- exp/template/html: fix JS regexp escape of an empty string.
- exp/norm: fixed typo. Bug exposed by gomake testtables. Changes did not affect other tests
- websocket: Fix infinite recursion in WebSockAddr String()
- exp/regexp/syntax: fix invalid input parser crash
- time: make Weekday a method.
- path/filepath: fix Visitor doc
- gc: clean up if grammar
- crypto/tls: handle non-TLS more robustly
- exp/template/html: fix bug /*/ is not a full JS block comment.
- time: fix Windows build after ceeedb519c4a
- time: another attempt to fix windows build
- os: Fix comment in generated signal_unix.go file.
- exp/template/html: escape {{template}} calls and sets of templates
- path/filepath: new signature for Walk
- runtime: syscall to return both AX and DX for windows/386
- image/jpeg: fix build
- go/printer: use panic/defer instead of goroutine
- crypto/tls: support SSLv3
- src: fix a couple of govet-discovered errors.
- go/build: fix build (revert test changes)
- http: fix WriteProxy documentation
- godoc: use go/build to find files in a package
- http: document that Response.Body is non-nil
- textproto: parse RFC 959 multiline responses correctly
- exp/template/html: type fixed point computation in template
- reflect: fix comment
- filepath: fix Glob to return no error on nonmatching patterns
- archive/tar: document Header fields and Type flags
- exp/ssh: fix constant in package documentation
- gc: handle complex CONVNOP
- http: prevent DumpRequest from adding implicit headers
- sync/atomic: replace MFENCE with LOCK XADD
- http: always include Content-Length header, even for 0
- gob: don't allocate a slice if there's room to decode already
- http: fix TLS handshake blocking server accept loop
- exp/ssh: refactor halfConnection to transport
- gob: fix allocation for singletons.
- codereview: save CL messages in $(hg root)/last-change
- suffixarray: improved serialization code
- exp/template/html: fix bug, '<' normalization for text nodes that change context
- http: add a (disabled) test for TLS handshake timeouts
- bytes: fix Replace so it actually copies
- godoc: simplify internal FileSystem interface
- syscall: mark stdin, stdout and stderr as non-inheritable by child process
- runtime: gdb support: gracefully handle not being able to find types
- http: add Location method to Response
- rpc: fix typo in documentation client example
- exp/template/html: fix infinite loop in escapeText on bad input
- doc: fix memory model read visibility bug
- unicode: fix make tables
- gob: protect against invalid message length
- exp/norm: fix benchmark bug
- runtime: check for nil value pointer in select syncsend case
- test: fix windows build
- crypto/elliptic: use %x consistently in error print
- archive/zip: fix Fatal call
- exp/template/html: do not escape the RHS of assignments
- hgpatch: do not use hg exit status
- http: don't send a 400 Bad Request after a client shutdown
- 5g: fix -f()
- math: remove the leading F from Fabs etc.
- runtime: gdb support, fix pretty printing of channels.
- go spec: remove notes about gccgo limitations, now fixed
- runtime: fix darwin build
- runtime: fix windows build
- freebsd: Add stubs for runtime·osyield and runtime·usleep.
- runtime: fix map memory leak
- runtime: fix usleep on linux/386 and re-enable parallel gc
- 5g, 6g, 8g: registerize variables again
- doc: update tutorial.
- Fix build, disabling flaky registerization test.
- 5g, 6g, 8g: fix loop finding bug, squash jmps
- time: make month/day name comparisons case insenstive
- codereview: fix hg change in Windows console
- runtime: fix Plan 9 build
- codereview: fix for Mercurial 1.9.2
- misc/emacs: fix indent bug
- websocket: add hybi-13 support
- runtime: fix spurious deadlock reporting
- runtime: fix malloc sampling bug
- Effective Go: IntArray -> IntSlice
- exec: add Command.ExtraFiles
- template: fix comments with different delimiters.
- godoc: documentation for all (not just exported) declarations
- godoc: use a bufio.Buffer to read search index
- testing: fix time reported for failing tests.
- doc: fix tutorial and Makefile PATH without dot
- fmt: fix doc typo
- net: fix socket leak in case of Dial failure
- runtime: fix crash when returning from syscall during gc
- godoc: show source code if -src flag is set in command-line mode
- syscall: add #ifdefs to fix the manual corrections in ztypes_linux_arm.go
- net: implement ip protocol name to number resolver for windows
- gofmt: fix a couple of crashes, disallow rewrites for incomplete programs
- runtime: append([]byte, string...)
- runtime: fix memory leak in parallel garbage collector
- net: fix "unexpected socket family" error from WriteToUDP.
- pkg: fix incorrect prints found by govet
- build: fix for new return restriction
- crypto/tls: fetch root certificates using Mac OS API
- gc: stricter multiple assignment + test
- runtime: run goroutines during init
- gc: disallow close on receive-only channels
- gofix: make fix order explicit
- html: rewrite the tokenizer to be more consistent.
- gotype: fix build (update test)
- html: fix some tokenizer bugs with attribute key/values.
- crypto/tls: disable root cert fetching to fix windows build
- crypto/tls: fix broken looping code in windows root CA fetcher
- http: shut up a false Transport warning on Windows
- ld: Fixes issue 1899 ("cannot create 8.out.exe")
- gofmt: fix //line handling
- http: RoundTrippers shouldn't mutate Request
- xml: match Marshal's XMLName behavior in Unmarshal
- http: DoS protection: cap non-Handler Request.Body reads
- runtime: fix crash if user sets MemProfileRate=0
- gotest: avoid conflicts with the name of the tested package
- http: fix panic when recovering from hijacked connection panic
- csv: fix issue 2366 - overly aggressive TrimLeadingSpace
- gc: treat uintptr as potentially containing a pointer
- go spec: clarifying variable declaractions w/ constants
- reflect: disallow Interface method on Value obtained via unexported name
- scanner: invalidate scanner.Position when no token is present
- fmt: fix test relying on map iteration order.
- reflect: fix test failure reporting.
- reflect: make map test independent of map iteration order.
- big: more explicit documentation for div/mod/quo/rem
- exp/ssh: general cleanups for client support
- http, crypto/tls: fix read timeouts and closing.
- godoc: fix ToAbsolute mapping
- big: handle aliasing correctly for Rat.SetFrac.
- godoc: generate package toc in template, not in JavaScript
- exp/template/html: fix bug in cssEscaper
- rpc: don't panic on write error.
- html: fix escape_test.go for CSS escaper change 5306042.
- crypto/x509: fix names in certificate generation.
- exp/types: fix crash in parseBasicType on unknown type
- exp/winfsnotify: fix test
- go/ast, go/token: actually run tests; fix go/ast test
- exp/ssh: server cleanups
- http: Transport: with TLS InsecureSkipVerify, skip hostname check
- big: implemented Rat.Inv
- html: implement foster parenting
- net: do not set SO_REUSEADDR for windows
- http: add package comment
- html: improve parsing of tables
- html: improve parsing of lists
- http: remove Connection header in ReverseProxy
- undo CL 5302057 / dac58d9c9e4a
- exp/winfsnotify: fix govet-found bug
- redo CL 5302057 / dac58d9c9e4a
- gc: fix [568]g -V crash
- html: close <option> element when opening <optgroup>
- doc: fix escaping in weekly.html
- go/parser: test and fix := scoping bug
- runtime: lock the main goroutine to the main OS thread during init
- html: fix print argument in test
- encoding/binary: fix type in test
- test: error-related fixes
- fmt: handle os.Error values
- exp/ssh: fix length header leaking into channel data streams.
- exp/norm: fixed bug that creeped in with moving to the new
- misc/emacs/go-lang.el: Fix restoration of multiple windows in a frame after gofmt
- net: Plan 9 fixes
- gc: clean up printing.
- syscall: fix Await msg on Plan 9
- json: Properly handle nil slices.
- math: Improved accuracy for Sin and Cos.
- time: add RFC1123 with numeric timezone format
- template: fix error checking on execute without parse
- html: process </td> tags; foster parent at most one node per token
- os: do not interpret 0-length read as EOF
- rpc: avoid infinite loop on input error
- doc: fix typo in spec example code comment
- gc: test + fix escape analysis bug
- textproto: prevent long lines in HTTP headers from causing HTTP 400 responses.
- gofix: error fix
- os: fixes for error (plan9)
- gc: fix spelling of "GOEXPERIMENT" in a comment.
- json: fix typo in scanner_test.go.
- gc: small fixes for printing.
- gc: helpful message instead of internal error on method call on pointer to pointer.
- exp/sql: finish transactions, flesh out types, docs
- gofmt, gofix: sort imports
- html: properly close <marquee> elements.
- websocket: return an error HTTP response for bad websocket request.
- 8a: fix IMULL grammar
- gopack: do not look for Go metadata in non-Go objects
- gc: Don't pollute the xmethod list with non-methods.
- deps.bash: attempt to fix the windows build
- gofix: make fix order implicit by date.
- runtime: fix set and not used
- gob: fix bug when registering the same type multiple times
- html: properly close <tr> element when an new <tr> starts.
- bytes: fix typo and resolve to be less idiotic next time
- runtime: fix openbsd nanotime?
- runtime: fix linux/arm nanotime?
- gc: detect type switch variable not used cases.
- math: improved high-angle test for Cos, Sin and Tan
- gc: Switch related errors should use plain format.
- gc: Better error message for range over non-receive channel.
- runtime: windows_386 sighandler to use correct g
- net/http: fix whitespace handling in sniffer.
- archive/zip: actually close file opened with OpenReader.
- runtime: fix prototype for openbsd thrsleep
- runtime/cgo: fix data declaration to be extern
- lib9: fix windows build
- go/ast: fix bugs in SortImports
- gc: Clean up dostruct/stotype, detect broken fields and propagate up to structs and functions to supress spurious errors.
- net: fix build comment
- html: fix typo in package docs.
- os, syscall: fix Plan 9 build
- fix .hgtags
- doc: fix anchor ID in weekly.html.
- net/http: fix sniffing when using ReadFrom.
- gc: Better typechecks and errors in switches.
- gc: Fail on implicit assigment to non-exported fields in copy and append.
- gc: Preserve original blank name for .anon substitution on out params.
- gc: better error for non-calling use of unsafe builtins.
- gopack: fixes for Plan 9 build
- regexp: fix doc comment
- builtin: document delete
- cgo: fix g0 stack guard
- runtime: add timer support, use for package time
- 6l: Fixes opcode for PSLLQ imm8, xmm_reg
- 6l: add MOVQ xmm_reg, xmm_reg
- cgo: print error instead of panic on undeclared enums/structs
- os/exec: Fix documentation references to os.DevNull
- effective_go: fix up the description of cipher blocks and streams
- misc/windows: Go for Windows installer in MSI format
- effective_go: a little more about comma ok and type assertion
- runtime: fix freebsd build
- runtime: fix semasleep() duration for openbsd
- godefs: delete, replaced by cgo -godefs
- syscall: fix zerrors for openbsd 386
- ld: fix .bss for ldpe.
- build: fix check for selinux's allow_execstack on Fedora 16
- gofmt: leave nil nodes of the AST unchanged.
- godoc: fix remote search (use correct URL)
- godoc: document -templates flag
- html: auto-close <dd> and <dt> elements
- exp/ssh: use ClientConfig.rand() for publickey authentication
- syscall: make windows Errno implement net.Error (fix build)
- syscall: fix linux arm build
- gc: fix newlines in %+N
- doc/progs: fix windows version to satisfy new error
- runtime: fix syscall test to satisfy new error
- syscall: more linux arm build fixes
- sql: add DB.Close, fix bugs, remove Execer on Driver (only Conn)
- runtime: fix timers crash
- time: fix test hang
- crypto/tls: fix handshake message test
- go/build: fix build
- xml: fix build
- html: auto-close <p> elements when starting <form> element.
- net/http: fix build
- os: fix windows build
- os: fix comment per CL 5370091
- exp/ssh: fix unmarshal test
- html/template: indirect top-level values before printing
- fcgi: fix server capability discovery
- net/http: fix EOF handling on response body
- cov: fix for Plan 9 build
- syscall, os, time: fix Plan 9 build
- go/printer: make //line formatting idempotent
- exp/ssh: fix test?
- gofmt: do not stop after 1 error
- http: fix serving from CWD with http.ServeFile
- syscall: hostname/domainname fix for openbsd
- mime: implement TypeByExtension for windows
- mime: remove ".wav" from tests (to fix build)
- html: fix doc after Err method name change
- exp/terminal: fix build after os.Errno changes
- undo CL 5395044 / d88e746d3785
- exp/terminal: fix Makefile formatting for deps.bash
- syscall: fix env routines for Plan 9
- crypto/x509: fix documentation typos
- html/template, net/http, websocket: fix import paths in comments
- html/template: fix documentation formatting
- misc/osx: Add scripts to create OS X package and disk image
- libmach: fix for Plan 9 build
- gofix: test and fix missorted renames
- syscall: fix for Plan 9 build
- os: make ReadAt comment clearer
- allow direct conversion between string and named []byte, []rune
- encoding/xml: fix copy bug
- crypto/openpgp/packet: fix private key checksum
- fmt: don't check for nil when printing arrays as Go syntax.
- effective_go: remove unused variable from a couple of examples
- text/template: fix bug in Clone
- html/template: fix documentation indent
- time: fix timer stop
- exp/ssh: messages now contain remote channel's id instead of local id
- math: fix typo in Log1p comments
- filepath/path: fix Rel buffer sizing
- exp/ssh: fix misleading spelling mistake in comment
- http: fix sniffing bug causing short writes
- gc: fix copying of types
- exp/ssh: fix three shift bugs related to packet lengths
- gc: don't inherit orig from subnodes in constant expression nodes.
- doc/tmptohtml: output fix
- bytes: fix test output
- strings: fix test output
- text/template: address a couple of issues for html/template
- goinstall: add -fix flag to run gofix on packages on build failure
- syscall: implement Syscall15
- runtime: make sure windows/amd64 stack is 16-byte aligned on syscall entry (fixes build)
- cgo: fix incorrect print found by govet
- dashboard: more tests, bug fixes, and /packages handler
- exp/ssh: Add Start(cmd string) and Signal(sig string) to Session. Rename Exec to Run.
- math/big: fix destination leak into result value
- os: fix windows build
- encoding/asn1: fix test on OpenBSD
- os: fix path/filepath test on Windows
- time: fix windows build
- ld: align ELF data sections
- syscall: fix openbsd sysctl hostname/domainname workaround
- html/template: make execution thread-safe
- time: fix windows build
- gofix: add a fix for hash.Sum.
- gofix: add time+fileinfo fix
- time: update doc string for Error method
- godoc: improved output of examples in html.
- encoding/gob: don't send type info for unexported fields
- asn1: fix incorrect prints found by govet
- goinstall: fix typo in comment
- gc: fix line number for redundant print
- gc: fix build (not sure how this edit got lost)
- net/mail: correctly compare parsed times in the test.
- gofix: fix for strconv API change
- godoc: Show type examples between variables and methods.
- hash: rewrite comment on Hash.Sum method
- exp/ssh: simplify client channel open logic
- cgo: fix typo in the documentation
- doc: fix weekly.2011-12-06 release notes typo
- ld: increase default stack size on Windows for cgo
- exp/ssh: Have Wait() return an *ExitError
- ld: fix memory leaks
- time: fix daysIn for December
- godoc: <pre> must not occur inside <p>
- test: make array smaller in nilptr test
- gc: fix spurious typecheck loop in &composite literal
- gc: keep pointer to original node in constant rewrites.
- strconv: fix documentation
- spec: fix typo in example comment
- gc: fix export of '\'' and '\\' constants
- exp/types: fix linux build
- gc: fix another blank bug
- html/template: make Must work
- expvar: fix typo in Publish documentation
- spec: adjust complex constant example
- time: fix Time.Add
- net/http: fix trivial example server
- exp/norm: fix rune/int types in test
- doc/go_tutorial: make clear the file example is Unix-specific
- doc: remove file.go from run (fix windows build)
- archive/zip: make zip understand os.FileMode.
- gc: allow colon in //line file name
- math: fix special cases in Nextafter
- gc: fix wrong arguments to error message for switches.
- time: fix Plan 9 build for new API
- os: fix Plan 9 build for new FileInfo API
- reflect: fix Slice cap
- sql: fix missing mutex unlock in an error case
- compress/flate: fix out of bounds error
- time: allow sleep tests to run for 200% too long
- misc/cgo/test: fix after latest time changes
- net: fix typo
- gc: fix use of stackallocated AST node in generation of static initialisation code.
- gc: small fixes to fmt.c
- exp/ssh: improve client channel close behavior
- godoc: text wrapping
- strconv: include package and function name in error strings
- 5g: fix build
- strconv: make QuoteRune etc. take a rune argument
- go: implement doc, fmt, fix, list, vet
- cypto/ocsp: fix tests
- codereview: fix path slash issue.
- gofix: add fix httputil
- http: close connection after printing panic stack trace
- go/printer, godoc: print comments in example code
- undo CL 5414048 / f6b994f33cf4
- math: delete non-Sqrt-based Hypot
- fix build, sorry
- spec: values of underlying type uintptr can be converted to unsafe.Pointer
- exp/winfsnotify: fix build.
- encoding/gob: better error messages when types mismatch
- gc: suppress non-root cause message for bad receivers.
- gc: Use %#F in error messages instead of %F.
- html: close <button> element before opening a new one
- gc: add forgotten typecheck in a lonely corner of sinit
- gc: use inferred type rather than original one when reporting non-assignability.
- net/http: fix bug in error checking
- undo CL 5477092 / c3c6e72d7cc5
- json: treat renamed byte slices the same as []byte
- http: fix failing Transport HEAD request with gzip-looking response
- gotest: use build.DefaultContext.GOARCH
- html/template: define the FuncMap type locally
- fmt: don't recur if String method (etc.) misbehaves
- gc: omit argument names from function types in error messages
- gc: inlining, allow empty bodies, fix _ arguments.
- os: make compatible with go/build
- json: some tests to demonstrate bad error messages
- sql: add Rows.Columns
- fmt: speed up floating point print, clean up some code
- exp/ssh: simplify Stdin/out/errPipe methods
- go/printer, gofmt: don't write too many newlines
- godoc: Allow examples for methods.
- govet: add checking for printf verbs
- os/exec: fix argument for new 'go test'
- codereview: Initialize "found" in
- gob: isZero for struct values
- runtime: fix build
- websocket: fix a trivial example server
- runtime: fix build
- runtime: fix build on gri's machine
- go/printer, gofmt: fine tuning of line spacing
- runtime: hg revert -r 6ec0a5c12d75
- goinstall: only suggest -fix for bad imports when appropriate
- vim: fix go filetype detection
- text/template: fix handing of nil arguments to functions
- archive/zip: add SetModTime method to FileHeader
- io/ioutil: close file in TestWriteFile before deleting it
- crypto/tls: don't assume an RSA private key in the API.
- encoding/json: cleanup leftover variables in array decoding.
- doc: delete go course notes
- exec: disable new test to fix build
- zip: fix data race in test
- old/template: close file in TestAll before deleting it
- cgo: support export for built-in types
- testing: allow benchmarks to print and fail
- panics: use the new facilities of testing.B instead
- runtime/cgo: fix build
- template: better error message for empty templates
- net: DialTimeout
- build: fix build
- build: fix on Linux
- effective_go: redeclaration
- net: fix Windows build
- build: a round of fixes
- build: fix the build with USE_GO_TOOL=false
- os: don't trust O_CLOEXEC on OS X
- dashboard: fix log recording and output
- build: fix for freebsd, openbsd
- build: multiple fixes to make "go install" work on windows
- dashboard: fix typo in css
- net, syscall: interface address and mask
- cmd/go: fix build (piece of 5489100 leaked in to last checkin)
- os/user: fix for arm (non-cgo)
- go/doc: steps towards collecting methods of embedded types
- crypto/x509: don't crash with nil receiver in accessor method
- path/filepath.Rel: document that the returned path is always relative
- doc/progs/run: go1 prints output; fix test
- build: fixes for Windows
- os/exec: enable inherited file descriptor test
- godoc: fix crash
- cmd/go: fix windows build
- exp/terminal: several cleanups
- gc: better linenumbers for inlined functions
- testing: make signalling safer for parallel tests
- testing: fix wording in explanation of potential bug
- testing: fix the fix to the wording about the bug
- doc: fix misspelt CSS properties.
- math/big: Rand shouldn't hang if argument is also receiver.
- strconv: fix bug in extended-float based conversion.
- fix build: updated build scripts
- fix build: correct build scripts
- partial build fix: add missing argument to NewPackageDoc
- runtime: delete old asm_*.h if still around
- cmd/go: two testing fixes
- dashboard: fix todo caching nil
- exp/norm: fixed two unrelated bugs in normalization library.
- log/syslog: add Alert method
- misc/windows: add src/pkg/runtime/z* files to installation script
- exp/ssh: various small fixes
- doc/codewalk/functions.xml: Fix broken function examples
- doc: Fix URL to the Xcode web page
- unsafe: refer to correct reflect functions
- exp/ssh: fix two flow control bugs in chanWriter
- crypto/tls: update generate_cert.go for new time package
- runtime: fix typo in comment
- cmd/go: include external test files in the files sent to gofmt, govet, and gofix
- net: update DialIP comments to mention protocols
- crypto/tls: Improve TLS Client Authentication
- net: fix incorrect mode on ListenIP, ListenUDP
- math: fix typo in all_test.go
- goinstall: use correct checkout URL for Google Code svn repos
- goinstall: fix test data
- various: fix prints
- gc: improve unsafe.Pointer type-check error messages
- time: fix godoc for After and NewTicker.
- gc: put limit on size of exported recursive interface
- undo CL 5504108 / 0edee03791f4
- go-mode.el: fix syntax highlighting of backticks
- gc: remove now redundant typecheck of ->ninit on switches.
- encoding/gob: fix panic when decoding []byte to incompatible slice types
- text/template: handle panic values that are not errors.
- cmd/go: fix import directory list for compilation
- syscall: make Environ return original order
- spec: pointer comparison for pointers to 0-sized variables
- strconv: return ErrSyntax when unquoting illegal octal sequences. This
- cmd/go: fix freebsd build
- undo CL 5530063 / 1d7295fdf62e
- gc: omit runtime.closure wrap for closures without closure variables
- gc: fix stray %#N in error message
- gc: disallow declaration of variables outside package.
- gc: Nicer errors before miscompiling.
- go: fix typo in comment
- gc: inlining fixes
- exp/sql: close Rows on EOF
- runtime: fix typo in comment
- syscall: fix windows build
- go/scanner: fix documentation
- net: fix windows build
- runtime: runtime.usleep() bugfix on darwin/amd64 and linux/arm
- cmd/go: fix test documentation
- gc: export nil literals without inferred type.
- gc: fix inlining bug
- misc/dashboard/builder: fix comment in http.go
- gc: fix inlining bug
- html/template: reenable testcases and fix mis-escaped sequences.
- net/textproto: always copy the data from bufio to avoid corruption
- goyacc: fix units.y build breakage
- doc: trivial comment typo fix
- cmd/go: fix linker arguments
- testing: fix defer race
- go/build: allow colon in #cgo flags
- sql: fix potential corruption in QueryRow.Scan into a *[]byte
- strconv: fix round up corner case
- json: better error messages when the ,string option is misused
- build: don't use a fixed filename in temp
- cmd/go: handle cgo pkg-config pragmas
- fix build
- cmd/go: handle path to cmd directory
- cmd/go: use relative paths in go fix, go fmt, go vet output
- go/doc: don't ignore anonymous non-exported fields
- godoc: fix missing name change
- xml: major Go 1 fixup
- cmd/go: fix data race during build
- template: for range on a map, sort the keys if feasible.
- exp/sql: fix statement leak
- go/ast: fix typo
- exp/sql: add time.Time support
- pkg/go/doc: fix undefined: doc.NewPackageDoc in headscan.go
- cmd/gofmt: fix simplify.go by running gofmt on cmd/gofmt
- gc: do not compile switch on interface values into a binary search.
- doc: fix comments referring to removed API funcs
- go/doc: print only one newline between paragraphs
- net: platform-dependent default socket options
- exp/inotify: fix data race in linux tests
- sync/atomic: fix data race in tests
- net/http: fix data race in test
- runtime: fix typo in comment
- net/http: send cookies in jar on redirect
- doc: fix anchor tag for latest weekly.
- exp/terminal: fix build on non-Linux using Makefiles
- gc: don't fault on return outside function
- math/rand: document default initial seed for global generator
- net: fix unintentional error variable shadowing
- exp/proxy: fix build after URL changes
- go/build: no back slash in FindTree returned pkg name
- old/netchan: fix data race on client hashmap
- gc: fix infinite recursion for embedded interfaces
- buildscripts: move to buildscript directory
- doc/docs: fix broken links
- exp/sql: copy when scanning into []byte by default
- fmt: enable and fix malloc test
- mime: make FormatMediaType take full type for consistency
- container/heap: better package documentation
- net/http/cgi: increase a flaky test timeout
- text/template: fix nil error on redefinition
- fmt: fix Malloc test
- image: fix typo in Rectangle.Sub comment.
- encoding/json: document angle bracket escaping.
- test: fix bug364 to actually run
- gc: handle printing of string/arrayrune conversions
- crypto/hmac: Add HMAC-SHA224 and HMAC-SHA384/512
- gc: fieldnames in structliterals in exported inlines should not be qualified if they're embedded builtin types.
- go/scanner: fix example
- crypto/tls: add FreeBSD root certificate location
- exp/ssh: handle versions with just '\n'
- fix windows build: always use / in filenames of go/doc test output
- net: change SetTimeout to SetDeadline
- encoding/json: allow / and % in tag names
- syscall: add Unix method to TimeSpec, TimeVal
- net: fix comments
- net: fix plan9 build
- cmd/go: skip _obj directories in package scans
- godoc: remove "need more packages?" link
- syscall: fix plan9 build
- regexp: add SubexpNames
- encoding/json: fix comments, tweak tests for tag names
- godoc: add anchors to cmd documentation headings
- go/doc, godoc: don't shadow receiver
- pkg: Add & fix Copyright of "hand generated" files
- testing: do not recover example's panic
- go/parser: expressions may have comments
- net/http: log handler panic before closing HTTP connection
- gc: don't emit pkgpath for error type.
- net: fix broken setDefaultSockopts
- net: fix windows build
- os: use FileMode instead of uint32 in various functions
- html/template: fix docs after API changes
- net: fix linux build
- misc/xcode/go.xclangspec: fix typo
- goyacc: fix indexing bug when yydebug >= 2
- go/ast: respect ImportSpec.EndPos
- gc: do not try to add a key with incorrect type to a hash
- doc/go1.html: fix broken links
- encoding/varint: deleted WriteXvarint
- bytes.Buffer: turn buffer size overflows into errors
- gc: undo most of 'fix infinite recursion for embedded interfaces'
- doc: fix typo in Go for C++ programmers
- os: fix Plan 9 build after more FileMode changes
- cmd/go: every test imports regexp
- net: Dial, ListenPacket with "ip:protocol" network for raw IP sockets
- compress/flate: fix a typo, improve compression rate by 3-4%.
- bytes: delete the test for huge buffers
- encoding/xml: improve []byte handling
- gc: fix recursion loop in interface comparison
- ld: fix Mach-O code signing for non-cgo binaries
- gc: handle function calls in arguments to builtin complex operations.
- gc: missed typecheck in subscripting a const string.
- spec: function invocation, panic on *nil
- dashboard: fix -commit for new xml package
- exp/norm: fixes a subtle bug introduced by change 10087: random offset
- cgo: -cdefs should translate unsafe.Pointer to void *
- cmd/go: implement go get + bug fixes
- cmd/go: add missing files (fix build)
- encoding/xml: bring API closer to other packages
- gc: static implements check on typeswitches only applies to concrete case types.
- cmd/go: fix get github
- test: Add the usual Copyright notice.
- build: do not build all C compilers
- encoding/binary: document that PutVarint, PutUvarint may panic
- encoding/xml: remove Marshaler support
- net/http: parse CONNECT requests
- archive/tar: fix race in TestNonSeekable
- gofmt: fix
- go/printer, gofmt: respect line breaks in signatures
- codereview: more fixes
- net/http: disabled test for Transport race / deadlock bug
- build: fix build
- net: fix dialing google test
- gc: fix order of evaluation
- net/http: fix Transport deadlock
- gofix: handle xml.Unmarshal in xmlapi fix
- go/doc: fix typo
- doc/go1: fix urls
- database/sql: add NullInt64, NullFloat64, NullBool
- database/sql: fix Tx.Query
- path/filepath: fix test
- doc/go1: minor html fixes
- net/rpc: fix race in TestClientWriteError test
- cmd/gc: forgotten recursion on ninit itself in order.c
- net/rpc: fix data race in benchmark
- net: make WriteTo fail when UDPConn is already connected
- net/http: make ParseForm ignore unknown content types.
- cmd/go: update doc.go with text generated from the usage strings
- gc, runtime: handle floating point map keys
- net/http: add Request.RequestURI field
- database/sql: convert SQL null values to []byte as nil.
- archive/zip: add functions to convert between os.FileInfo & FileHeader
- gc: remove extra paranoia from inlining unsafe.Pointer fix.
- net/rpc: fix data race on Call.Error
- flag: allow a FlagSet to not write to os.Stderr
- go/doc: don't show methods of exported anonymous fields
- os: remove SIGXXX signals variables.
- gc: use original constant expression in error messages.
- codereview: fix initialization check
- cmd/go: slightly less confusing error message
- cmd/go: add go tools to rearrangement
- cmd/goapi: expand embedded interfaces
- os/user: windows implementation
- net/http: Fix nil pointer dereference in error case.
- runtime: fix float64 hash
- pkg/go/scanner: Fix Typical use output
- cmd/go: fix including of _cgo_export.h
- 8g: use uintptr for local pc
- encoding/xml: fix decoding of xml.Name with sub-elements
- go: don't clobber command install paths
- build: fix buildscript breakage after all.bash
- godoc: sort list of "other packages"
- go: move compilers into the go-tool directory
- go/spec: Update language on map types.
- run.bash: s/make/gomake
- fix: add image/{bmp,tiff} to go1pkgrename.
- runtime: fix mkasmh.h
- runtime: fix for arm?
- build: force numerical comparison in version.bash
- build: fix buildscripts
- build: fix again
- os/exec: TestExtraFiles - close any leaked file descriptors
- cmd/ld: fix gdbscript
- crypto/x509: use case-insensitive hostname matching.
- net: fix windows build
- crypto/tls: better error message when connecting to SSLv3 servers.
- net: ListenMulticastUDP to listen concurrently across multiple listeners
- net/http: close client fd sooner on response read error
- go/doc: enable AllMethods flag (and fix logic)
- cmd/go: fix handling of gccgo standard library.
- cmd/go: improvements
- build: remove ./ from buildscripts
- go: record location of failed imports for error reporting.
- cmd/go: improvements
- fmt: fix caching bug in Scan
- go/doc: added error, rune to list of predeclared types
- cmd/go: improvements
- net: fix windows build
- encoding/base64: ignore new line characters during decode.
- godoc: fix redirect loop for URL "/".
- cmd/go: fix including of _cgo_export.h
- mat/big: add raw access to Int bits
- os/signal: move to exp/signal.
- net/http/httputil: fix race in DumpRequestOut
- syscall: fix build directive in types_linux.go
- all packages: fix various typos
- os/exec: make sure file is not closed early in leaked fd test
- gophertool: fix link to the build status dashboard
- vet: fix comment typo.
- runtime: add runtime.cputicks() and seed fastrand with it
- gc: describe debugging flags
- cmd/go: fix error message on non-existing tools.
- encoding/json: call (*T).MarshalJSON for addressable T values.
- syscall: fix // +build comments in types_*.go
- go/doc: Fix URL linking in ToHTML.
- math/big: API, documentation cleanup
- go/doc: don't lose factory functions of non-exported types
- spec: 9 only looks prime
- godoc: fix identifier search
- math/big: more accurate package comment
- tools: update references to "x" to be "go tool x"
- test: fix bug headers
- go/printer: update documentation
- test: fix copyright year in new test case
- expvar: revise API.
- cmd/dist: fix build on openbsd
- cmd/dist: fix build
- cmd/dist: add BSD gohostos cases
- cmd/dist: more build fixes
- cmd/dist: fix arm build
- cmd/dist: fix memory bug (fix builders?)
- unicode: document large var blocks and the SpecialCase vars.
- build: fix sudo.bash.
- cmd/dist: fix bug in bsubst
- image: add package docs, rename s/UnknownFormatError/ErrFormat/ and
- net: fix Plan 9 build
- html: add package doc.
- gob: fuzz testing, plus a fix for very large type names.
- cmd/go: build: print import errors when invoked on files
- io: API tweaks
- bytes: API tweaks
- net/http: Don't set Content-Type header for HEAD requests by default
- cmd/gc: fix codegen reordering for expressions involving && and ||
- cmd/gc: another special (%hhS) case for method names.
- runtime: fix float64 hash on 32-bit machine
- misc/goplay: use go tool "run"
- cmd/gc: disallow switch _ := v.(type)
- cmd/go: fixed panic on `go clean -n` and `go clean -x`.
- runtime: delete UpdateMemStats, replace with ReadMemStats(&stats).
- cgo: print line numbers in fatal errors when relevant.
- syscall: add Timeval.Nano, Timespec.Nano, for conversion to Duration
- path/filepath: repair and simplify the symlink test
- fix build: wrong godoc code submitted before
- cmd/dist: prevent race on VERSION creation
- encoding/xml: fix documentation for Decoder.Skip
- encoding/gob: document CommonType
- test: disable bug408
- go/printer, gofmt: don't print incorrect programs
- io/ioutil: document EOF behavior in ReadFile and ReadAll
- encoding/hex: canonicalize error type names
- net/http/httputil: preserve query params in reverse proxy
- bufio: drop error return for NewReaderSize and NewWriterSize
- encoding/binary: hide TotalSize
- encoding/csv: document ReadAll behavior at EOF
- archive/zip: tweak API and docs.
- encoding/xml: add support for the omitempty flag
- 5l: attempt to fix arm build
- fmt: diagnose invalid verb applied to pointer
- strconv: handle very large inputs
- time: clean up MarshalJSON, add RFC3339 method
- regexp: allow substitutions in Replace, ReplaceString
- cmd/go: connect os.Stdin for go run
- regexp: fix typo
- 6g,8g: make constant propagation inlining-friendly.
- runtime, pprof: add profiling of thread creation
- cmd/dist: fix copying of cmd/prof
- encoding/json: document buffering
- net/http: panic on duplicate registrations
- spec: add forward links from 'method set' to where it gets used
- spec: disallow recursive embedded interfaces
- go/scanner: clean up error interface
- spec: send on closed channel counts as "proceeding"
- cmd/go: let go tool invocation use stdin
- runtime: fix "SysReserve returned unaligned address" bug on 32-bit systems
- text/template/parse: fix comment
- encoding/binary: slices are allowed; say so
- fmt: scan FALSE correctly
- log/syslog: fix documentation for NewLogger
- gobuilder: fix windows builder
- gc: implicit type bug fix in export data
- runtime: fix compiler warnings
- os: talk about errors and PathError in the package documentation
- runtime: Linux/ARM: exit early on OABI systems, and give an error message
- cmd/dist: fix GOROOT_FINAL
- net/http: add ServeContent
- cmd/api: follow constant references
- container/heap: add example
- database/sql: remove Into from ScannerInto/ScanInto
- regexp: name result parameters referenced from docs
- text/scanner: update comments
- net/http/fcgi: don't mention threads in docs
- make.bat: remove double quotes
- testing: fix references to "gotest"
- time: improve commentary about standard time and formatting/parsing
- os: delete Exec, NewFile takes uintptr, rename ShellExpand, doc fixes
- template: refer HTML users to html/template
- unicode: various documentation tweaks
- testing/script: delete
- testing/iotest: adjust adverbial imprecision in package comment
- testing/quick: documentation tweaks
- strings: delete method comments implied by interface satisfaction
- os/exec: add Cmd.Waitmsg, fix a misleading comment
- reflect: documentation tweaks
- dist: prevent recusive loop on windows when fatal() is called.
- math: fix gamma doc, link to OEIS
- regexp/syntax: add package and Parse commentary
- compress: make flate, gzip and zlib's NewWriterXxx functions all return
- go/printer: implement SourcePos mode
- go/printer: test that formatted code is parseable
- exp/types: Use build.FindTree in GcImporter
- os,syscall: fix windows build
- compress: add comments to gzip and zlib.
- cmd/dist: reset version during bootstrap
- net/http: fix reference to URL.RawPath in docs
- flate: delete WrongValueError type.
- fix build: update image/png test
- net: enable SO_REUSEADDR, SO_REUSEPORT options on stream, multicast listeners only
- net: fix comment, make use of listenerBacklog
- 6g: fix out of registers bug
- 8g: fix opt bug
- gc: eliminate duplicate ambiguous selector message
- gc: diagnose init loop involving func
- gc: add test case for issue 1743
- 5g: fix out of registers bug
- gc: optimize interface ==, !=
- gc: fix import of struct type in struct literal
- gofmt: fix error message in test
- gc: make constant arith errors a little more friendly
- gc: fix bug introduced earlier
- gc: diagnose field+method of same name
- effective_go: use new map deletion syntax
- go1: update recipe for recovering Stat_t
- net: fix windows build
- pprof: fix import path in the documentation
- go1: fix old reference to Sys method
- godoc: static ids should be #lowercase
- net: disable wild use of SO_REUSEPORT on BSD variants
- go spec: method names must be unique
- build: reject make.bash on Windows
- net/http: document use of DetectContentType
- cmd/go: respect test -timeout flag
- net/http: fix http_proxy parsing
- net/http/pprof: link to blog post
- strconv: add tests for issue 2917
- net: avoid TCP self-connect
- cmd/fix: warn about exp, old, deleted packages
- gc, 8g, 8l: fix a handful of warnings
- crypto/...: more fixes for bug 2841
- os/signal: selective signal handling
- spec: clarify implementation restrictions on untyped floats
- exp/norm: fix typo
- go/printer, gofmt: don't indent line directives
- go/doc: don't lose exported consts/vars with unexported type
- fix: add fix for crypto type change
- runtime, syscall: fix freebsd build
- runtime, syscall: fix freebsd-386 build
- fix build for Linux/ARM.
- cmd/api: fix typo.
- mime: unexport some internal details
- net/http: fix client goroutine leak with persistent connections
- runtime, syscall, os/signal: fix windows build
- cmd/dist: cross-compiling fixes
- build: set $PATH during make.bash
- go/parser: better error messages for missing commas
- godoc: list examples in index
- build: fix windows build
- runtime/debug: fix build
- net: disable TestDialTimeout on Windows
- cmd/go: go get scheme detection
- cmd/dist: exclude cov and prof from releases
- net: avoid Shutdown during Close
- syscall: regenerate z-files for openbsd
- net: fix windows build
- net/http: more robust test
- 5g: fix memory corruption
- go/doc, godoc: regard lone examples as "whole file" examples
- runtime: on 386, fix FP control word on all threads, not just initial thread
- builder: fix windows environment
- go1.tmpl: fix merge
- cmd/vet: give warning for construct 'Println(os.Stderr, ...)'
- go/doc: treat predeclared error interface like an exported type
- gc: fix comment in mkbuiltin
- cmd/go: a raft of fixes
- build: fix sudo.bash.
- godoc: make godoc go work
- bytes: add Reader
- runtime: fix grsec support
- lib/godoc: fix subdirectories html reference
- doc: fix codewalk/markov.go
- reflect: fix panic strings
- doc: fix snapshot notes
- fix: add fix for bufio, gzip, zlib NewWriterXxx changes.
- text/template: evaluate function fields
- html/template: add Clone and AddParseTree. Make text/template's Clone
- doc: fix links
- 5c, 6c, 8c, 6g, 8g: correct boundary checking
- build: fix clean.bash
- cmd/go: go test -i correctly handle cgo packages
- cmd/go: suggest 'go test -i [args to test]'
- runtime: define NSIG to fix plan 9 build
- go/printer: don't lose relevant parentheses when rewriting selector expressions
- net/http: fix race in sendfile test
- godoc: support for package examples, display example suffixes
- bufio: don't return errors from good Peeks
- cmd/gc: error on constant shift overflows.
- cmd/go: fix 'go help'
- windows: fix build
- exp/inotify: remove use of _test
- os: fix build
- cmd, pkg/go/*: fix "go vet" warnings for go/ast and go/printer
- dist: add clang specific -Wno options
- os,syscall: fix plan 9 build
- cmd/go: fix 'go help <command>'
- path, path/filepath: polish documentation.
- syscall: fix bounds check in Error
- go spec: struct comparison only compares non-blank fields
- cmd/gc: correctly typecheck expression lists in returns.
- path/filepath: fix test on darwin
- net/textproto: add Conn to doc comment
- debug/dwarf: address TODO in doc comment for New
- net, os, syscall: delete os.EPLAN9
- net: package doc overview / examples
- runtime: Permit default behaviour of SIGTSTP, SIGTTIN, SIGTTOU.
- fix: walk ast.Ellipsis values.
- net/url: API
- faq: add entry about nil interfaces vs. nil pointers
- net/rpc: fix spurious panic in test
- godoc: don't print spurious suggestion when running "go doc foo"
- runtime: remove use of ?:
- cmd/gc: fix comparison of struct with _ field
- go/doc: move Example code from go/ast to go/doc.
- os: fix existential typo
- math/rand: Intn etc. should panic if their argument is <= 0.
- doc: fix tables
- encoding/gob: fix mutually recursive slices of structs
- encoding/gob: cache engine for user type, not base type
- html/template: replace obsolete reference to template.Set
- net: make LocalAddr on multicast return group address
- time: use Go distribution zoneinfo if system copy not found
- runtime: API
- gc: fix error for floating-point constant %
- os: remove Getenverror
- runtime: fix tiny memory leak
- runtime: fix another memory leak
- 6l, 8l: fix build for ELF systems
- doc: Fixed type in documentation for FormatFloat.
- cmd/cgo: bug fixes
- doc/install.html: fix link
- cmd/fix: add runtime renamings
- doc: update contrib.html
- syscall: force Windows to always use US English error messages
- doc/go1: update for runtime, unsafe API changes
- 5a, 5c, 5g, 5l: fix build for Linux/ARM.
- build: implement clean.bat
- os,time: fix Plan 9 build
- godoc: fix tag mismatch validation errors
- FAQ: many small fixes and adjustments
- go/doc: update golden file to fix build
- strconv: run garbage collection before counting allocations in test
- html/template: don't indirect past a Stringer
- database/sql/driver: API cleanups
- 5g, 6g, 8g: flush modified globals aggressively
- doc/go1: delete obsolete reference to FileStat
- net: more docs on deadlines
- misc/goplay: remain in work directory, build in temp directory
- doc: fix links in installation instructions
- cmd/gc: don't believe that variables mentioned 256 times are unused.
- test: fix broken test
- net: extend the workaround to DialTCP to try to get arm building again.
- cmd/api: record return type of functions for variable typecheck.
- test: fix bug423.go to actually fail with older releases.
- runtime: avoid malloc during malloc
- net/smtp: use EHLO then HELO
- cmd/dist: fix pprof permissions
- text/tabwriter: fix documentation by adding an example.
- godoc: fix playground url
- godoc: fix absolute->relative mapping
- spec: make all comparison results untyped bool
- ld: add NOPTRBSS for large, pointer-free uninitialized data
- ld: only set SNOPTRBSS during load
- misc/dist/windows: fix broken icon, other misc
- runtime: fix FreeBSD signal handling around thread creation
- cmd/fix: remove os.Wait gofix.
- godoc: fix potential index out-of-bounds error
- cgo: fix definition of opaque types
- godoc: proper index range checking when extracting example code
- go/printer, gofmt: improved comma placement
- net: delete debugging print
- os: make the system info a value not a pointer on unix
- net: make parseProcNetIGMP more robust
- cmd/dist: fix install cmd/5g on non-arm system
- 5c, 5g, 5l: fix arm bug
- 5a: fix same arm bug
- encoding/xml: move Unmarshal example to function
- go cmd: print more than one error when running go test
- exp/types: fix package comment
- cc: fix an out of bounds array access
- runtime: linux signal masking
- runtime: darwin signal masking
- dist: treat CC as one unit
- godoc: consistent placement of documentation sections
- html/template: make doctype check case-insensitive
- doc/go1: document ProcessState
- net/rpc: silence read error on closing connection
- cmd/cc: grow some global arrays
- ld: fix alignment of rodata section
- test: fix the fix of the rename tests.
- gc: fix escape analysis + inlining + closure bug
- runtime: fix arm
- reflect.DeepEqual: don't panic comparing functions
- os: fix minor typo
- encoding/xml: fix anonymous field Unmarshal example
- gc: reject import paths containing special characters
- net/http/cgi: fix empty response
- runtime: size arena to fit in virtual address space limit
- go/doc, godoc: fix range of type declarations
- go/test/chan1.go: fix typo
- go: fix help text documenting example functions
- doc/install: fix FreeBSD/Linux install command
- doc/go1: add justification discussions to major changes
- cmd/go: explain x... vs. x/... in help importpath
- crypto/x509: fix typo in Verify documentation
- os: implement sameFile on windows
- misc/dashboard: fix bug in UI template
- cmd/go: test -i should not disable -c
- go/printer: fix test for new import path restrictions
- godoc: don't show directories w/o packages in flat dir mode
- strings: make Count example show results
- go/printer: fix printing of variadic function calls
- doc/go1: fix broken link
- os: fix NetBSD build
- net: add stubs for NetBSD
- encoding/json: drop MarshalForHTML; gofix calls to Marshal.
- tutorial: delete
- text/template: fix redefinition bugs
- encoding/gob: fix "// +build" comment for debug.go
- crypto/tls: force OS X target version to 10.6 for API compatibility
- net/rpc: API changes, all documentation
- runtime/pprof: support OS X CPU profiling
- net: fix comment on Dial with unixgram
- net/http/httputil: fix DumpRequestOut on https URLs
- go spec: inside functions, variables must be evaluated.
- doc: remove Go for C++ Programmers
- net: minor fixes to test
- go/printer: replace multiline logic
- gob: trivial print fix
- spec: fix sentence
- net/http: fix ProxyFromEnvironment bug, docs, add tests
- spec: use the term "lexical token" (rather then "lexical symbol")
- net/http/httptest: make Server.Close wait for outstanding requests to finish
- gc: fix string comparisons for new bool rules
- go/printer, gofmt: improved comment placement
- text/template: add examples that use multiple templates
- encoding/gob: more hardening for lengths of input strings.
- os: release process handle at the end of windows (*Process).Wait
- encoding/json: escape output from Marshalers.
- runtime: run init on main thread
- reflect: make Value.Interface return immutable data
- go/build: replace FindTree, ScanDir, Tree, DirInfo with Import, Package
- cmd/go: fixes
- encoding/xml: fix xml test tag usage
- cmd/dist: Unix grammar fix
- spec: clarifications around exports, uniqueness of identifiers
- all: fixed various typos
- cmd/go: fix -I flag for gc command
- cmd/go: fix verbose command displaying
- go/build: document GOPATH
- go/build: fix build
- os: centralize documentation of Process and ProcessState
- os: fix grammar in ProcessState comment
- os: implement UserTime/SystemTime on windows
- os: sleep 5ms after process has exited on windows
- cmd/go: fixes for gccgo.
- cmd/go: fix test import dependency bug
- doc: fix some HTML errors in code.html
- cmd/go: avoid repeated include dirs.
- go/printer: simpler exprList code, more tests
- fix build for FreeBSD/amd64
- cmd/go: fix relative imports again
- text/template: clean up function values
- doc: fixed minor typo in article on defer
- godoc: fix codewalks
- doc: fix another typo in article on defer, panic and recover
- html/template: fix comment typo
- doc/effective_go: minor fix
- cmd/go: fix grammar error in help messages
- doc/progs: update for go 1
- doc: fix download link on front page
- encoding/binary: improve package comment.
- godoc: support $GOPATH, simplify file system code
- net: make Dial and Listen behavior consistent across over platforms
- godoc: quiet log spam
- encoding/json: document that nil slice encodes as `null`
- cmd/go: honor buildflags in go test.
- syscall: fix,, and regen for Linux/ARM
- test/run.go: fix build
- misc/emacs: fix extra indentation after comments that end with a period
- cmd/godoc: remove extra / in paths
- runtime/debug: fix test when source cannot be found
- cmd/gc: if $GOROOT_FINAL is set, rewrite file names in object files
- runtime: wait for main goroutine before setting GOMAXPROCS.
- misc/xcode: fix typos
- reflect: fix comment spacing
- net: improve server and file tests
- net: fix windows build
- build: use run.go for running tests
- cmd/godoc: fixes
- go/build: add dependency test
- go/build: fix windows and plan9 builds
- cmd/go: add -compiler
- cmd/go: allow go get with arbitrary URLs
- net: do not use reflect for DNS messages.
- crypto/tls: make the package description more accurate and less aspirational.
- go/parser: fix build (temporarily disable recent change)
- doc: remove unsued progs and makehtml script, update progs/run
- database/sql: fix typo bug resulting in double-Prepare
- os: fix SameFile to work for directories on windows
- doc: fix typos in laws_of_reflection article, add copyright notice.
- database/sql: add docs about connection state, pooling
- misc/dist: prepare source archives
- misc/dist: fix glob pattern under windows
- misc/cgo/test: fix build
- cmd/go, cmd/godoc, net: fix typo
- cmd/go: fix run errors
- net: fix TestDialTimeout on windows builder
- sync/atomic: disable store and load test on a single processor machine
- cmd/dist: fix build for Linux/ARM
- cmd/go: always provide .exe suffix on windows
- cmd/gc: do not confuse unexported methods of same name
- test/run: fix builders
- cmd/gc: unnamed struct types can have methods
- test: fix typo
- doc: delete faq question about 6g
- make.bash: fix old builds
- doc: update Effective Go init section
- cmd/cgo: document CGO_LDFLAGS and CGO_CFLAGS
- runtime/pprof: disable test on Leopard 64-bit
- net: delete usableLocalPort from test
- cmd/go: fix go test -compiler
- crypto/x509: new home for root fetchers; build chains using Windows API
- doc: give up on OS X Leopard
- test: fix testlib to not pass an empty argument to 6g
- runtime: try extending arena size in 32-bit allocator.
- testing: do not print 'no tests' when there are examples
- net, net/rpc, reflect, time: document concurrency guarantees
- go/parser: better error synchronization
- runtime: fix freebsd crash
- encoding/gob: fix memory corruption
- cmd/go: support -compiler for go list, fix isStale for gccgo.
- go/build, cmd/go: add support for .syso files
- doc: fix freebsd build
- cmd/cgo: silence const warnings
- cmd/gc: implement len(array) / cap(array) rule
- doc: add go command notes to the Go 1 doc
- doc: link to go1 and go1compat from docs index
- doc: fix metadata in go_mem.html
- cmd/go: rebuild external test package dependencies
- time: mention receiver in Unix, UnixNano docs
- net: document ReadMsgUnix, WriteMsgUnix
- cmd/gofmt: fix race in long test
- cgo, runtime: diagnose callback on non-Go thread
- misc/cgo: re-enable testso
- cmd/go: add env command, use to fix misc/cgo/testso
- runtime: fix windows build
- net: fix typo
- go/printer, gofmt: nicer formatting of multi-line returns
- cmd/vet: fix typo in documentation
- archive/zip: write data descriptor signature for OS X; fix bugs reading it
- net/http: fix crash with Transport.CloseIdleConnections
- net/mail: close minor TODO that was waiting on a 6g bug fix.
- database/sql: fix double connection free on Stmt.Query error
- doc: fix typo in contribute.html
- database/sql: ensure Stmts are correctly closed.
- cmd/go: local import fixes
- cmd/api: set compiler for all build contexts.
- crypto/tls, fmt: print fixes
- cmd/godoc: always include /doc files in union filesystems
- cmd/go: stop using $GOROOT and $GOBIN in script output
- cmd/godoc: fix directory read
- net/http: return appropriate errors from ReadRequest
- codereview: fix for Mercurial 2.1
- build: build correct cmd/dist matching GOHOSTARCH
- runtime: print error on receipt of signal on non-Go thread
- cmd/fix: add rules for net/http -> net/http/httputil renames
- log: fix doc comment for Ldate
- cmd/go: make go get new.code/... work
- runtime: fix windows/amd64
- cmd/go: respect $GOBIN always
- undo CL 5754088 / cae9a7c0db06
- os/exec: fix typo in documentation
- godoc: fix codewalk handler
- cmd/godoc: remove sync code
- os, syscall: windows really isn't posix compliant, fix os.IsExist()
- cmd/go: fix typo
- runtime: fix windows/amd64 exception handler
- go spec: fix inaccuracy in type identity definition
- doc: windows zip archive installation instructions
- gc: allow ~ in import paths
- go/build: fix match
- text/template: fix a couple of parse bugs around identifiers.
- fmt: remove dead code
- go/printer, gofmt: fix multi-line logic
- html/template: fix panic on Clone
- godoc: fix vet warnings for untagged struct literals
- runtime/cgo: darwin signal masking
- runtime/cgo: linux signal masking
- html/template: fix nil pointer bug
- misc/dist: remove exp and old before building
- cmd/go: trivial help message fix for go help get
- io/ioutil: fix crash when Stat fails
- cmd/go: fix directory->import path conversion
- os: return some invented data from Stat(DevNull) on windows
- cmd/godoc: add toys, tour button to playground
- lib/godoc: removing leading / from search links
- os: do not assume syscall.Write will write everything
- 5l, 6l, 8l: fix stack split logic for stacks near default segment size
- cmd/go: make build errors more visible
- runtime: fix arm build
- misc/dist: don't ship cmd/cov or cmd/prof
- cmd/cgo: add support for function export for gccgo.
- runtime: do not handle signals before configuring handler
- make.bat: Fix for old files
- reflect: panic if MakeSlice is given bad len/cap arguments.
- cmd/go: work around occasional ETXTBSY running cgo
- cmd/go: add -fno-common by default on Darwin
- spec: delete references to unsafe.Reflect,Typeof,Unreflect
- crypto/tls: always send a Certificate message if one was requested.
- gc: fix struct and array comparisons for new bool rules
- net: drop unnecessary type assertions and fix leak in test
- html/template: add Templates and *Escape functions
- api: update go1.txt after adding functions to html/template
- run.bat: disable test in test\bench\go1 to fix build
- build: unset GOPATH before tests
- sort: document two undocumented functions
- doc: general update of gccgo_install
- sort: fix computation of maxDepth to avoid infinite loop
- html/template: fix typo and make grammar consistent in comments.
- build: lengthen timeout for the lengthy runtime test
- cmd/cgo: fix handling of errno for gccgo
- godoc: use shorter titles for tabs
- exp/norm/normalize.go: fix typo
- doc: fix typo in The Laws of Reflection article
- doc/articles/go_command.html: nits
- cmd/gc: when expanding append inline, preserve arguments
- cmd/gc: fix comment typo, assignment spacing
- test: fix run.bash by spelling out the commands to use for bug424.go
- doc/articles/c_go_cgo.html: correct "C" comment to mention #cgo
- misc/dist: updates to installer script
- doc/godoc.js: fix error on IE8.
- doc/articles/image_draw.html: fix circle example
- text/template: fix typo in package comment
- codewalk/sharemem.xml: fix references to files
- doc/go1: add mention of packaged releases
- docs/articles/wiki: minor fixes
- effective_go: cleanups and fixes
- windows: install fixes
- cmd/go: explain versions better
- cmd/godoc: fix app engine version
- misc/goplay: fix error on IE8.
- doc: add doc/articles/index.html
- doc: move gdb doc back to /doc/ and de-emphasize on references page
- cmd/godoc: canonicalize custom path redirects
- path/filepath: convert drive letter to upper case in windows EvalSymlinks
- doc: move /ref/cmd to /doc/cmd
- doc: fix concurrency patterns rawhtml generation
- runtime: restore deadlock detection in the simplest case.
- misc/emacs: fix overindentation caused by mis-parsing lines ending with special chars
- undo CL 5844051 / 5d0322034aa8
- net: ignore ECONNABORTED from syscall.Accept
- cmd/dist: fix detection of go1 version
- doc: update wiki tutorial templates, and template discussion
- cmd/go: fix two bugs
- go/build: fix import check
- cmd/go: respect $GOBIN always
- runtime: work around false negative in deadlock detection
- misc/dist: it sucks hwhen you forget to fix typos
- doc/go_spec: fix broken link
- doc/go1: minor fixes
- doc/code.html: fix broken dashboard link
- doc/codewalk/markov: fix syntax and broken link
- gobuilder: work with codereview plugin enabled in .hgrc
- cmd/dist, sudo.bash: don't mention sudo.bash if cov or prof is not present
- runtime: fix a comment
- codereview: give advice on 'cannot create CL outside default branch'
- misc/emacs: fix go-mode syntax table and whitespace handling.
- doc/code.html: change 'affect' to 'effect'.
- time: fix handling of locations with no dst on windows
- text/template: pipelined arg was not typechecked
- encoding/base64: fix panic when input len is not a multiple of 4
- misc/dist: check return value from filepath.Walk
- time.RFC822: make the string standard-compliant
- sql: Propagate error from subsetTypeArgs in Exec
- math: update Gamma special cases
- encoding/ascii85: fix panic caused by special case
- build: unset GOROOT_FINAL before tests
- doc: shorten project dashboard link
- misc/dist: include directories in distribution tar and zip files.
- path/filepath: move out of temp directory before deleting it in TestAbs
- doc/go_spec: fix typo
- test/bench/garbage: fix parser benchmark
- net/url: Correctly escape URL as per RFC 3986
- syscall: manually fix z* for NetBSD/amd64
- doc/go_spec: fix a typo
- doc/code: update newmath.Sqrt test case to make sure test succeed
- debug/gosym: in test, use temp binary name in /tmp, and clean up.
- cmd/yacc: spring cleaning for units.y
- cmd/dist: don't fail when Mercurial is a batch file on Windows
- os: fix IsPermission on windows
- runtime: block signals during thread creation on openbsd
- syscall: support Getpid() on Windows
- cmd/8c: fix store to complex uint64 ptr
- cmd/6c: fix probable code gen bug
- 6c, 6g, 6l: add MOVQL to make truncation explicit
- runtime: fix floating point exception on Plan 9
- doc: fix minor typo in Go 1 release notes
- runtime: update openbsd thread related syscalls to match kernel
- crypto/rsa: fix Verify for multi-prime keys.
- html, exp/html: escape ' and " as &#39; and &#34;, since IE8 and
- encoding/pem: ignore spaces and tabs at the end of header lines.
- crypto/tls: don't always use the default private key.
- fmt: fix crash of %b on huge negative int64
- doc/effective_go.html: fixed the Request channel parameter
- strconv: make malloc tests more reliable
- text/template/parse: fix doc comment
- time: parse fractional second with single digit
- syscall: fix duplicate fd bug for Plan 9
- lib9: fix warning under clang 3.1
- os/user: simplify test
- net/http/httputil: Clean up ReverseProxy maxLatencyWriter goroutines.
- doc/articles/image_draw.html: Change ColorImage to Uniform
- net/http: add example for FileServer to mention StripPrefix
- exp/html: improve afterHeadIM
- doc: don't wrap package names in directory listing
- net: fix race between Close and Read
- compress/zlib: minor fixes
- reflect: document and test TypeOf(nil)
- text/template: detect unexported fields better
- cmd/gc: fix addresses escaping through closures called in-place.
- misc/dist: require 10.6 or later for OS X .pkgs
- time: change float expression to ensure it is an integer
- net: fix typo in Listener.File() documentation
- net/http: allow clients to disable keep-alive
- path: document that Clean deletes trailing slashes.
- cmd/5g: fix URL typo
- runtime: fix runtime.Breakpoint for ARM
- all: fix errors found by go vet
- vet: check values for named constants as well as literals.
- net: fix crash of Listen with "" or nil laddr
- encoding/json: allow punctuation in tag names
- mime: make ParseMediaType return zero results on error
- net/http: ignore paths on CONNECT requests in ServeMux
- time: doc fix.
- doc: update wiki article to use html/template properly.
- gc: use correct line number for EOF syntax error
- syscall: fix a number of exec bugs on Plan 9
- path/filepath: fix typo
- net: consolidate common socket functions
- os/exec: close all internal descriptors when Cmd.Start() fails.
- misc/dashboard/codereview: don't depend on map iteration order for unit calculation.
- encoding/base64: don't ignore underlying souce read error in decode
- runtime: give proper messages when user defined DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES on Darwin
- cmd/go: do not ignore DepsErrors in 'go run'
- encoding/json: don't match field name if a JSON struct tag is present.
- cgo: rename C names for Go types to avoid conflicting with package
- exp/locale/collate: fixed two bugs uncovered by regression tests.
- cmd/cc: add PREFETCH built-in (like SET, USED)
- crypto/x509: fix panic when using unavailable hash function.
- encoding/json: Fix panic when trying to unmarshal the empty string into an integer
- go/build: cgo is supported on Linux/ARM
- pkg/runtime: Plan 9 signal handling in Go
- math/big: fix superpolynomial complexity in Karatsuba algorithm.
- runtime, misc/cgo/test: fix build for Linux/ARM
- runtime: fix c compiler warning
- sync/atomic: fix 64-bit atomic cas for Linux/ARM
- exp/locale/collate: from the regression test we derive that the spec
- test/bench/shootout: fix gccgo binary-list-freelist test
- crypto/aes: fix comment
- go: fix the import path "./..." not matching ".".
- cmd/go: fix remote help reference to "go help packages"
- runtime: fix netbsd sigaction struct
- runtime: fix syscalls for netbsd
- runtime: fix complex division benchmarks
- crypto/tls: fix decoding of certLen in certificateMsg.unmarshal
- syscall: regenerate z* files for netbsd
- regexp/syntax: replace internal error on unexpected ) w/ ErrUnexpectedParen
- mime/multipart: fix handling of empty parts without CRLF before next part
- runtime: fix TLS handling for netbsd
- os/syscall: correct netbsd types/names
- runtime: fix counting of free objects
- runtime: fix netbsd runtime defs
- runtime: fix netbsd signal handling
- cmd/gc: make append(nil, x) error more precise
- cmd/go: invoke godoc with import path when possible
- runtime: fix netbsd syscalls
- runtime: implement getcontext and sigprocmask for netbsd
- go/printer: don't print newlines for empty statements
- log: fix typo in comment
- codereview: support mercurial 2.2.1
- misc/chrome/gophertool: lower CL number's lower bound and fix input focus on Mac
- pkg/runtime: Fix semasleep on Plan 9
- encoding/xml: handle anonymous pointer fields
- encoding/xml: fix decoding of unknown entities in non-strict mode
- cmd/go: fix typo
- go/build: fix some comments
- net/http: non-keepalive connections close successfully
- net: fix leak in test
- syscall: fix SockaddrDatalink on netbsd
- net/http: fix regression and mute known test failure for now
- net/http: add cookies from jar to POST request.
- net/http: fix duplicate status code in Response.Write
- debug/elf: Expose entry point from Header in File struct.
- runtime: relax TestGcSys
- crypto/ecdsa: fix case where p != 0 mod 8 and the hash length < p.
- net/url: better parsing of urls with @ symbol in authority
- go/scanner: strip carriage returns from commments
- go/parser: fix comment grouping (day 1 bug)
- unicode: fix comment about variable types
- undo CL 6112054 / 2eec2501961c
- runtime: support conditional execution in ARM softfloat
- sync/atomic: use cas64 to implement {Load,Store,Add}{Uint,Int}64 on Linux/ARM
- cmd/ld: take section symbols' value into account for PE
- cmd/ld, cmd/6l, cmd/8l, cmd/5l: fix hidden/local symbol import for ELF systems
- text/template: exec should accept interface value as valid.
- math/big: implement JSON un/marshaling support for Ints
- cmd/api: add api/next.txt
- cmd/ld: fix Linux/ARM build
- go/parser: minor cleanup
- net/http: fix response Connection: close, close client connections
- go/parser: resolve all parameter types
- encoding/json: documentation fix
- cmd/cc: fix uint right shift in constant evaluation
- cmd/6g: peephole fixes/additions
- math/big: make Rat.Denom() always return a reference
- spec: clarify evaluation order of "i, x[i] = range ..."
- cmd/gc: fix small integer bounds check bug
- exp/locale/collate: avoid 16-bit math
- archive/tar: add FileInfoHeader function
- runtime: fix docs for Caller and Callers
- archive/tar: fix windows test failure
- net/rpc: fix race condition when request write partially fails
- net/mail: more liberal parsing of Date headers.
- strconv: better documentation for FormatInt, FormatUint.
- misc/dist: use archive/tar.FileInfoHeader
- runtime: handle and test large map values
- cmd/gc: fix parallel assignment in range
- cmd/8c: better fix for 64-bit register smash
- syscall: simplify text returned by Errno.Error() when FormatMessage fails
- net/http: correct and faster hasToken
- net: fix comment on FileListener
- cmd/6l: Fixes for 64-bit Plan 9
- Emacs go-mode: fix Emacs freeze-up when copy/pasting from string or comment.
- undo CL 6248054 / 0f418a63cdf9
- net: fix comment on FileListener
- database/sql: use driver.ColumnConverter everywhere consistently
- time: fix deadlock in Sleep(0)
- exp/types: properly read dotted identifiers
- Emacs go-mode: don't indent the inside of strings.
- net: add CloseRead, CloseWrite methods to UnixConn.
- runtime: handle windows exceptions, even in cgo programs
- runtime: do not unset the special bit after finalization.
- runtime: disable new TestCrashHandle on freebsd to fix build
- go-mode: Works for both GNU-Emacs and XEmacs-21.5
- compress/flate: fix overflow on 2GB input. Reset hashOffset every 16 MB.
- cmd/6l, cmd/8l: fix chaining bug in jump rewrite
- cmd/5l: fix PLD
- net: fix test to avoid unintentional nil pointer dereference
- misc/dashboard/app: fix tests
- regexp: fix a couple of bugs in the documentation
- path/filepath: implement documented SkipDir behavior
- syscall: fix 32-bit uid calls
- cmd/5g: fix typo
- syscall: correct Win32finddata definition
- path/filepath: fix test
- net/http: change a Del to delete
- misc/emacs: make compilation-mode's next-error understand test failure output.
- doc: mention 'hg update default' in contribution guidelines
- net: fix botched cgo netbsd merge
- test/bench/go1: fix gzip test
- math/big: improved karatsuba calibration code, better mul benchmark
- time: accept .999 in Parse
- lib9: fix memory leak in p9getwd()
- go spec: clarify promotion rules for methods/fields of anonymous fields
- net/http/httputil: fix typo in comment.
- gc: fix typo.
- cmd/5c, cmd/5g, cmd/5l: fix array indexing warning under Clang 3.1
- runtime: fix tv_sec handling for netbsd/386
- build: restore PATH before "dist banner"
- net: fix cgoAddrInfoFlags() on FreeBSD
- fmt: fix inadvertent change to %#v
- fmt: fix doc typo
- misc/dashboard/app: fix build failure notifications
- runtime: include "typekind.h" to fix windows build
- encoding/json: fix panic unmarshaling into non-nil interface value
- cmd/gc: preserve side effects during inlining of function with _ argument
- cmd/gc: do not crash on struct with _ field
- cmd/gc: fix type checking loop
- cmd/gc: fix LEAQ $0, SI bug
- cmd/cgo: make Go code order deterministic
- test/bench/shoutout: fix compliation
- cmd/5c, cmd/5g, cmd/5l: fix cross compilation failure on darwin
- syscall: revert API changes in Windows Win32finddata fix.
- syscall: fix windows build
- encoding/gob: fix doc typo
- misc/emacs: Fix the automatic gofmt when creating a new file.
- exp/types: testing resolution of qualified identifiers
- fmt.Fscanf: don't read past newline
- encoding/gob: better handling of nil pointers
- doc/install: mention GOPATH and point to code.html
- misc/emacs: Fix a failure when /tmp/<file>.go exists.
- math/big: fix binaryGCD
- runtime: improved continuity in hash computation
- go/build: fix boolean negation
- godoc: show comments in various filtered views
- syscall: fix windows copyFindData
- net/http: use index.html modtime (not directory) for If-Modified-Since
- encoding/gob: don't cache broken encoding engines.
- crypto/elliptic: fix doc typo
- exp/types: clean up objects after test
- doc: delete Mercurial Queues doc
- bytes: fixed typo.
- net/http: clarify client return values in docs
- net/http: make client await response concurrently with writing request
- runtime: fix struct Sigaction for Linux/ARM
- doc/articles/slices_usage_and_internals: fix typo
- encoding/json: fix minor typo in documentation for Marshal
- net/rpc: fix typo in documentation, clarify semantics of error return
- runtime: fix struct Sigaction for Linux/386
- net/http: fix doc inaccuracy and typo; tighten test
- flag: fix indexing doc.
- runtime: avoid r9/r10 during memset
- runtime: avoid r9/r10 during memmove
- exp/inotify: prevent data race during testing
- test/bench/shootout: remove dependency on C libraries in test mode
- os: make POSIX StartProcess work with chroot again.
- runtime: fix potential GC deadlock
- exp/inotify: prevent data race
- spec: clarify receive operator
- encoding/csv, encoding/xml: report write errors
- go/build: fix doc typo
- net: fix lookup of AAAA-only hosts without cgo
- fmt: set p.field before nil check
- net/http: provide access to POST-only form values
- syscall: fix build
- go spec: clean up use of QualifiedIdent production.
- path/filepath: avoid allocation in Clean of cleaned path
- net: fix build (FreeBSD sendfile)
- runtime: fix string optimization
- go spec: clean up section on selectors
- net/http: Fix a verb-tense mismatch and a typo in documentation.
- net/http: support multiple byte ranges in ServeContent
- misc/emacs: Fix the gofmt patching when the TMPDIR is not the default.
- cmd/cgo: generate definitions for GoSlice
- path/filepath: avoid allocation in Clean of cleaned path even on windows (fix build)
- cmd/gc: add missing case for OCOM in defaultlit()
- image: fix doc typo
- net/http: fix comment
- syscall: use 32 bits structure for Getrlimit/Setrlimit on 386/ARM.
- syscall: fix FreeBSD 386 sendfile
- encoding/gob: fix bug in Register
- net/http: clean up fs tests a bit
- math/rand: avoid use of math.Pow in tests.
- misc/chrome/gophertool: fix manifest
- cmd/dist: Make verbose messages print to stderr
- encoding/asn1: promote untyped strings to UTF8 as needed.
- website: various html fixes
- crypto/rsa: left-pad PKCS#1 v1.5 outputs.
- net/http: fix Transport race(s) with high GOMAXPROCS
- math/big: correct quadratic space complexity in Mul.
- encoding/gob: fix check for short input in slice decode
- cmd/gc: fix error message for type errors involving conversions.
- cmd/gc: avoid an internal error on invalid type switch.
- cmd/gc: reject use of ... with multiple-valued expressions.
- exp/locale/collate: This CL includes the following changes:
- encoding/gob: disable fuzz tests unless command-line flag is set
- compress/flate: fix panic when nlit is out of bounds.
- faq: add status section
- testing: fix memory blowup when formatting many lines.
- net/http: revert back to (and test) Go 1 CheckRedirect behavior
- sync: mention that WaitGroup.Add panics
- unicode/utf8: reject out-of-range runes.
- net: fix typo
- bytes: make Join return a new buffer on len(a) == 1
- net: fix file descriptor leak on FileListener, FileConn and FilePacketConn
- encoding/binary: fix typo: ReadVarint returns an int64, not a uint64.
- text/template: fix bug in map indexing
- net: fix comment
- cmd/godoc: delete -path flag
- cgo: fix declarations in _cgo_export.c
- exp/types: process ast.Fun in checkObj; fix variadic function building
- go/printer: don't crash if ast.FuncType.Params is nil
- runtime: ignore signal 33 == SIGSETXID on GNU/Linux
- os: fix data race in epipecheck()
- os: move epipecheck from file_posix.go and into file_unix.go to fix windows build
- flag: fix bug in handling of booleans on error
- misc/cgo/test: only run setgid test on GNU/Linux
- misc/vim: fix :Import insertion heuristic.
- runtime/cgo: fix netbsd build
- syscall: workaround accept() bug on Darwin
- net/http: don't modify Request Method's case
- misc/dashboard/codereview: fix tag nesting.
- cmd/gc: point "no new variables" error at right line number.
- misc/dashboard/codereview: interpret zero reviewers as the CL being closed.
- net/http: don't allow zero byte in FileServer paths
- cmd/gc: fix initialization order involving method calls.
- regexp: fix glitch in doc for FindReaderIndex
- text/template/parse: fix data race
- text/template/parse/lex.go: fix typo
- httputil: accumulate X-Forwarded-For header info
- cmd/cgo: use 1 as last entry for __cgodebug_data
- misc/cgo/test: fix darwin build
- cmd/gc: fix inlining bug with receive operator.
- exp/types: implement Type.String methods for testing/debugging
- os: Rename error to fit IsExist
- runtime: round return value address in runtime.equal
- test/run.go: fix compiledir test on windows
- go/ast: ast.Print must not crash with unexported fields
- go/scanner: fix minor typo
- cmd/ld: add PT_PAX_FLAGS ELF header
- cmd/gc: accept switches on comparable arrays.
- cmd/8g: fix miscompilation due to BADWIDTH.
- bufio: discourage use of ReadLine
- net: fix TCPListener file leak to child processes
- syscall: fix plan9 build broken by CL 6458050
- net: fix spurious EADDRNOTAVAIL errors
- exp/html: fix foster-parenting when elements are implicitly closed
- math, runtime: use a NaN that matches gcc's
- cmd/go: remove $WORK paths in generated binaries
- doc: fix some HTML syntax errors
- net/http: disable TestServeFileFromCWD test on windows
- text/template: fix range example.
- io: document ReaderFrom and WriterTo
- image/jpeg: send a correct Start Of Scan (SOS) header.
- godoc: make id attributes unique
- misc/dashboard/codereview: fix obo
- misc/dashboard/codereview: fixes for non-reviewers.
- all: make Unicode surrogate halves illegal as UTF-8
- misc/cgo/life: explicitly specify library for assert function (fixes windows/amd64 build)
- testing: add Verbose() to expose whether -test.v is set
- spec: clarify evaluation order
- go/build: correct shouldBuild bug reading whole contents of file.
- godoc: report error for directories with multiple packages
- runtime: use sched_getaffinity for runtime.NumCPU() on Linux
- text/template/parse: fix bug handling /*/
- go/parser: exit early if source file does not contain text
- runtime/pprof: fix comments
- cmd/go: skipping relative paths on go test -i ./...
- os/exec: disable additional file descriptor test on netbsd
- text/scanner: report illegal hexadecimal numbers (bug fix)
- cmd/gc: Don't claim type assertion would help when it wont.
- test: change run.go to ignore \r in compiler output (fixes windows build)
- cmd/go: new cgo build procedure
- misc/cgo/life: remove -lmsvcrt to fix windows/amd64 build
- cmd/ld: explicitly ignore R_*_NONE relocation to fix build
- misc/cgo/test: disable test on windows (attempt to fix windows build)
- runtime: fix netbsd/386 stack pointer handling
- all: move defers to after error check to avoid nil indirection
- fmt: honor integer radix formats (%d etc.) for pointers
- pprof: make it work on windows again
- exp/locale/collate/build: fixed bug that was exposed by experimenting
- net/http: reduce mutex contention
- doc/install: we only need command line tools for Xcode on OS X
- cmd/ld: skip R_*_NONE relocations, fix Linux/386 build again
- os: fix data race on Process.done
- net/http: fix send on close channel error
- net/http: fix misplaced defer and example
- cmd/go: fix cgo linking on netbsd
- time: avoid data race in abs
- time: add YearDay method for time.Time structs
- time: fix spacing in comment.
- cmd/8g: roll back the small integer constant optimizations introduced
- cmd/6g: fix float32/64->uint64 conversion
- net: avoid nil pointer dereference when RemoteAddr.String method chain is called
- go/scanner: don't drop identifiers starting with non-ASCII letter...
- database/sql: stop reuse of bad connections
- text/template: allow grouping of pipelines using parentheses
- math/big: fix broken comment
- net/http: send an explicit zero Content-Length when Handler never Writes
- misc/vim: fix for autocompletion
- test/bench/shootout: pidigits is much faster
- net/http/httputil: fix race in DumpRequestOut
- syscall: extract an ExampleLoadLibrary from comment
- cmd/ld: handle a special case of scattered relocation 2/1 on Darwin/386
- cmd/yacc/units.txt: fix exchange rates
- text/template: make spaces significant
- cmd/gc: string conversion for surrogates
- cgo/misc/test: burn CPU to improve sleep accuracy
- net/http: fix inserting of implicit redirects in serve mux
- cmd/gc: mark broken type declarations as broken.
- net/rpc/jsonrpc: handles missing "params" in jsonrpc.
- cmd/gc: fix escape analysis bug with variable capture in loops.
- runtime: add vdso support for linux/amd64. Fixes issue 1933.
- syscall: add PtraceSyscall(pid int, signal int)
- strconv: faster FormatFloat for fixed number of digits.
- cmd/6g, cmd/8g: eliminate short integer arithmetic when possible.
- cmd/gc: Suggest *T in error for x.(T) if it would work.
- cmd/gc: fix PkgPath of byte, rune types
- run.bat: do not run misc\cgo\stdio test on windows (fix build)
- runtime: increase stack frame during cgo call on windows/amd64
- doc: link to references from docs page
- doc: fix typo in Concurrency Patterns article
- runtime: discard SIGPROF delivered to non-Go threads.
- net: fix {FileConn, FileListener, FilePacketConn} fd leak to child process.
- runtime: fix typo in openbsd-only symbol name.
- doc/go_spec: fix a typo
- image/jpeg: fix quantization tables to be in zig-zag order, not natural
- crypto/tls: fix data race on conn.err
- cmd/yacc: always import fmt, safely
- cgo: use debug data section for ELF
- runtime: arm: abort if hardware floating point missing
- cmd/yacc: allow leading underscore in token name
- faq: mercurial vs. git
- crypto/rand: typo fix from a69e30463bf4
- gc: initial BOM is legal.
- doc: Don't imply incorrect guarantees about data races.
- encoding/json: handle anonymous fields
- strings: more thorough Replacer tests.
- strings: fix NewReplacer(old0, new0, old1, new1, ...) to be consistent
- os: detect and handle console in File.Write on windows
- syscall: add linux specific Getsockopt for Ucred struct
- cmd/dist: emit \r in env -w output
- net/rpc/jsonrpc: fix test error message
- undo CL 6493071 / 56c7453d488f
- go/build: reject empty strings in Import
- cmd/pack: rename __.SYMDEF to __.GOSYMDEF
- html/template: fix URL doc
- crypto/tls: allow certificates and key to be in either order.
- cmd/gc: Specify which package import caused an redeclaration error.
- effective_go: use html/template instead of text/template
- cmd/yacc: allow utf-8 token values
- cmd/go: fix build
- spec: clarify section on string types
- text/template: towards better errors
- runtime: fix SI_USER for FreeBSD
- run.bash: fix a typo (fix build)
- strings: implement a faster generic Replacer
- misc/dashboard/builder: add timeout to all external command invocations
- cmd/gc: add missing conversion from bool to interface in switches.
- cmd/go: reject relative values for GOPATH
- cmd/ld: fix compilation when GOARCH != GOHOSTARCH
- build: fix various 'set and not used' for Plan 9
- runtime: arm: abort if VFPv3 support missing
- image/jpeg: ignore an incorrect but harmless trailing restart marker.
- cmd/gc: fix double evaluation in interface comparison
- doc/effective_go: Closed some tags; removed extra spaces.
- undo CL 6395055 / 2518eee18c4f
- builtin: Changed documentation for rune type.
- encoding/json: do not read beyond array literal
- cmd/api: allow extension of interfaces with unexported methods
- cmd/api: fix signatures like func(x, y, z int)
- api: fix build; regenerate api.txt with fixed signatures
- os: use small writes during console io
- misc/cgo/stdio: make it work on Windows and also test it
- src/all.bat: fix banner
- encoding/gob: fix comment
- misc/vim: fix Drop for imports after the first group.
- vet: fix rangeloop.
- cgo: process DWARF info even when debug data is used for value
- net: fix comment
- runtime: fix mmap comments
- runtime: fix typos in comments
- cmd/6g: use all 16 float registers, optimize float moves
- cgo: set alignment to 1 for unions and classes; avoids crash from divide-by-zero
- cmd/gc: fix a spurious -u compile error
- cmd/cgo: use debug data for enums on windows
- reflect: add Type.ConvertibleTo, Value.Convert (API CHANGE)
- cmd/5g: fix register opt bug
- cmd/gc: fix use of nil interface, slice
- effective_go: s/usr/home/ in example
- cmd/5g: fix build
- cmd/6g: fix internal error with SSE registers.
- net/http: use r.Body.Close to close connection during TestServeFileFromCWD
- text/template: allow .Field access to parenthesized expressions
- syscall: prepare for 64-bit ints
- test: minor fixes in run and testlib
- reflect: fix mistake in error message
- cmd/gc: fix comment for caninl
- lib9/fmt: do not put a main symbol into lib9.a
- cmd/gc: fix escape analysis bug
- testing: document -test.bench flag
- reflect: add MakeFunc (API CHANGE)
- build: make int 64 bits on amd64
- cmd/5c: fix dataflag annotation
- syscall: do not use int to test network syscall results (on windows)
- net/http: use tls host instead of proxy, when checking against a certificate
- net: fix plan 9 build
- cmd/go: assume that code in $GOROOT is up to date
- cmd/go, cmd/ld: fix libgcc order and add __image_base__ symbol for windows
- doc/go1.1: fix metadata json format
- spec: permit trailing comma in conversions
- codereview: use instead of os.spawnvp() for portability
- cmd/6g, cmd/8g: fix two "out of fixed registers" cases.
- fmt: allow # and x together for strings
- lzw: fix Write returning the wrong number of bytes written.
- text/template: fix typo of errorf as error in comment.
- doc: fix OS X download links
- container/list: Correctly maintain internal invariants
- cmd/godoc: fix minor bug in FormatSelections.
- go spec: arguments for append may overlap
- test/fixedbugs/bug454.go: add a test for CL 6564052
- archive/tar: fix inconsistent namespace usage in example
- go/parser: correctly parse <-chan T(x) as <-(chan T)(x)
- os/user : use username as fullname if all else fails (on windows)
- text/template: better error messages during execution,
- misc/dashboard: set charset utf-8 on build log downloads
- go spec: conversion types starting with "func" must be parenthesized
- cmd/api: add exception file
- src/run.bat: add new flag for api tool
- go/printer: don't forget the .0 in 1.0
- cmd/5g: fix out of registers in nested calls, add compiler torture test.
- test: Add rundir, rundircmpout and errorcheckdir commands to testlib and run.go
- runtime: fix a panic when growing zero-width-element slices.
- text/template: fix nil crash on Templates
- cmd/gc: make rnd() more 64-bit-friendly.
- cmd/6g: fix out of registers when chaining integer divisions.
- cmd/gc: avoid clobbering the AST in cgen_callmeth.
- doc/debugging_with_gdb: fix minor typo (space before comma)
- cmd/gc: Don't export embedded builtins
- cmd/gc: fix output filename generation on Windows
- cmd/gc: Don't accept qualified names as literal keys
- cmd/gc: replace "typechecking loop" by nicer errors in some cases.
- syscall: fix Statfs and Fstatfs on Linux/ARM
- testing: fix extra tabs when t.Log("string")
- net/http/httptest: mimic the normal HTTP server's ResponseWriter more closely
- os: make TestMkdirAllWithSymlink more robust
- test/run.go: use correct executable filename on Windows, fix build
- io/ioutil: fix data race under the race detector
- codereview: more mercurial interface fixes
- cmd/ld, cmd/5l: support R_ARM_PC24 and R_ARM_JUMP24, fix R_ARM_CALL
- go/parser: fix object kind
- fix build: use temporary variable to avoid compiler error
- test: Make run.go's errorcheck behave like testlib.
- net/url: report first error from ParseQuery.
- encoding/base{32,64}: add examples.
- testing: change -test.benchtime to a flag.Duration.
- debug/pe: support PE files which contain no symbol table (if NumberOfSymbols is equal to 0 in the IMAGE_FILE_HEADER structure).
- encoding/gob: fix data race in Register
- cmd/go: fix handling of build tags for standard commands
- cmd/fix: disable reflect test under race detector (very slow)
- cmd/ld: use 64-bit alignment for large data and bss objects
- cmd/ld, cmd/6l, cmd/8l: sort exported dynamic symbols for Darwin
- io/ioutil: fix data race on rand
- crypto/tls: fix NPN extension parsing.
- misc/cgo/test: add -ldl to LDFLAGS on Linux, ignore issue4029 on windows (fix build)
- net/http: fix name of result parameter in a comment
- gofmt: apply gofmt -w -s src misc
- go/printer: idempotent comment formatting
- bytes: fix tests and fix build
- runtime: fix race detector handling of stackalloc()
- cmd/gc: fix compiler crash during race instrumentation
- Fix crash on auth error handling.
- runtime/debug: fix the test
- cmd/go: don't ignore error when 'go clean'
- godoc: fix site for large displays
- godoc: restore toy selection to playground widget
- doc/articles/wiki: numerous fixes
- doc/faq: discuss virtual memory use by go processes
- doc/contribute.html: assorted fixes
- net/http: fix race on bodyEOFSignal.isClosed
- net/http: fix data race on countReader.n
- crypto/rsa: fix decryption benchmark.
- math/big: more conservative use of lock for divisor table
- time: delete erroneous word from documentation.
- bytes, strings: add (*Reader).WriteTo
- fmt: document some undocumented details
- cmd/dist: fix superfluous and confusing "binaries ... to be copied or moved" message
- time: accept numbers larger than 2^32 in ParseDuration.
- image/jpeg: decode progressive JPEGs.
- pprof: filter out runtime.settype and fix --svg mode to produce valid XML
- cmd/5g, cmd/6g, cmd/8g: fix out of registers.
- doc/godoc.js: put focus on div#page when necessary
- runtime: fix spurious deadlock crashes
- crypto/tls: make closeNotify a warning alert.
- math/big: fix big.Exp and document better
- net: return error from pollster rather than panicing
- path/filepath: better documentation for WalkFunc
- math/big: add 4-bit, fixed window exponentiation.
- cmd/go: Dedup package arguments before building.
- go spec: restrictions for index and slice expressions
- crypto/cipher: panic on invalid IV length
- cmd/gc: don't squash complex literals when inlining.
- doc/codewalk/markov: fix the highlight range of the step "The NewChain constructor function".
- net: add LookupNS(domain string)
- bufio: Implement io.ReaderFrom for (*Writer).
- bufio: make Writer.ReadFrom not flush prematurely. For example,
- unsafe: fix a typo
- gophertool: fix links
- runtime: update docs for MemStats.PauseNs
- cmd/gc: Friendlier errors on oversized arrays.
- cmd/gc: fix confusing error when using variable as type.
- reflect: make Index and Slice accept strings
- encoding/xml: expand allowed entity names
- os: fix documentation typos: s/an array/a slice/.
- cmd/gc: fix inlining bug for composite literals in if statements.
- cmd/gc: fix strict tree property for AST for OAS2RECV nodes.
- cmd/gc: Mark use of builtin functions as calls.
- cmd/gc, cmd/ld: use go.weak instead of weak as the weak symbol prefix
- exp/locale/collate/build: fixed problem where blocks for first byte need
- cmd/6g: fix crash in cgen_bmul.
- runtime: switch to 64-bit goroutine ids
- reflect: stop thinking that MaxFloat32 overflows float32.
- syscall: fix creds_test to reliably close os.File
- sort: Fixed a typo in the documentation for SearchStrings.
- container/list: fix typo
- misc/vim: fix reimport guard and remove K mapping.
- cmd/gc: inlining functions with local variables
- net/http/client.go: fix cookie handling on (*Client) Do()
- syscalls: annotate Sendfile() for race detector
- cmd/api: handle contexts re-converging
- cmd/ld: handle weak symbols
- archive/zip: handle corrupt extra data records
- go/printer, gofmt: trim trailing whitespace in comments
- reflect: improve documentation for DeepEqual regarding maps
- net: use read deadline in Accept on windows
- net: fix connection resets when closed on windows
- test: match gccgo error messages for bug358.go
- strconv: update to unicode 6.2.0
- src/lib9/utf: update to Unicode 6.2.0
- gofmt: simplify slices of the form s[a : len(s)] to s[a:]
- crypto/cipher: add examples
- spec: slight wording change to remove a formal contradiction
- encoding/json: clarify correct usage of struct tags in associated article.
- image/png: degrade gracefully for palette index values that aren't
- website: remove floating topbar
- net: fix a bad cast in dnsmsg.go
- cmd/gc: fix inlining bug with local variables.
- cmd/gc: fix incomplete export data when inlining with local variables.
- cmd/gc: racewalk: fix instrumentation of ninit lists
- cmd/go: fixes to gccgo support
- exp/types/staging: filling in more blanks
- cmd/gc, runtime: pass PC directly to racefuncenter.
- cmd/gc: racewalk: fix a bunch of minor issues
- cmd/gc: fix build
- encoding/binary: skip blank fields when (en/de)coding structs
- net: fix race in TestReadWriteDeadline.
- net: use better error messages on windows
- cmd/5g, cmd/6g: fix out of registers with array indexing.
- net/http: fix data race in test
- sort: make return value for 'not found' clearer in docs
- net: fix timeout slack calculation
- runtime: fix deadlock in parallel for test
- cmd/gc: check for array bounds overflow in slice expression
- test: fix index.go to pass with recent index checks
- cmd/gc, runtime: avoid unnecessary copy on type assertion.
- cmd/godoc: initialize filesystem and metadata for -url
- net/rpc: give hint to pass a pointer to Register
- sort: fix comment for various Search routines
- cmd/6g: fix use of large integers as indexes or array sizes.
- net: implement IPv6 support for windows
- cmd/gc: refactor racewalk
- cmd/gc: racewalk: do not double function calls
- cmd/gc: racewalk: instrument returnsfromheap params
- net: fix protocol number for IPv6 test
- cmd/gc: fix go:nointerface export comment
- cmd/gc: annotate local variables with unique ids for inlining
- crypto/x509: fix DecryptPEMBlock
- reflect: fix test of whether structs are identical
- cmd/gc: fix escape analysis bug
- cmd/6g, cmd/8g: mark used registers in indirect addressing.
- cmd/gc: fix internal compiler error with broken structs.
- image/jpeg: handle fill bytes.
- cmd/gc: warn about slice indexes larger than int in typecheck pass
- time: clarify why timer.Stop and ticker.Stop don't close the channel
- cmd/api: bug fix for goapi's lame type checker
- net: close fds eagerly in DialTimeout
- runtime: fix instrumentation of slice append for race detection
- runtime: re-enable crash test on NetBSD
- net: fix non-unixen build
- cmd/gc: fix export of inlined function body with type guard
- archive/tar: accept binary format when reading numeric header fields.
- test: change index.go to test size of int, not GOARCH == "amd64"
- runtime/pprof: fix typo in comment
- cmd/go: fix selection of packages for testing
- cmd/6c, cmd/8c: use signed char explicitly in mul.c
- archive/zip: Fix bounds check panic for ZIP files with a truncated extra header.
- encoding/json: skip unexpected null values
- cmd/5g, cmd/6g: pass the full torture test.
- cmd/6g: extend componentgen to small arrays and structs.
- net/http: handle 413 responses more robustly
- net: protocol specific listen functions return a proper local socket address
- cmd/gc: fix typos in clearslim.
- cmd/8g: eliminate obviously useless temps before regopt.
- runtime: allow up to 128 GB of allocated memory
- reflect: add ArrayOf, ChanOf, MapOf, SliceOf
- cmd/ld: fix build on elf systems
- reflect: fix FieldByNameFunc
- net/http: add missing error checking reading trailers
- cmd/gc: racewalk: fix instrumentation of structs
- debug/elf: do not skip first symbol in the symbol table
- debug/elf: fix offset for GNU version symbols
- run.bash: fix linux/arm build
- sync/atomic: fix race instrumentation
- sudo.bash: diagnose when the go tool is not in $PATH
- syscall: fix data races in LazyDLL/LazyProc
- runtime: hide mheap from race detector
- go/printer: leave indentation alone when printing nodes from different files
- archive/zip, crypto/tls, net/http: Fix print format errors.
- archive/zip: handle extra data headers with no body
- runtime/cgo: fix compilation on Windows with CFLAGS -Wall -Werror
- go/doc: fix identifier blank import handling for examples
- spec: fix constant expression example
- net: remove unused nil check
- net: fix data race on fd.sysfd
- cmd/gc: complain about invalid whitespace chars
- net/http/cgi: more windows perl test work
- doc/articles/wiki: fix racy test
- cmd/api: speed up API check by 2x, caching parser.ParseFile calls
- mime/multipart: transparently decode quoted-printable transfer encoding
- net/http: remove more garbage from chunk reading
- net/http/cgi: another attempt to fix windows tests
- net/http, net/http/httputil: fix TestChunkReaderAllocs failure when GOMAXPROCS > 1
- net: remove another unguarded sysfile == nil check
- cmd/8g: fix erroneous LEAL nil.
- all: fix the the typos
- cmd/cgo: fix alignment of bool.
- net/http: use runtime.Stack instead of runtime/debug.Stack
- cmd/go: fix data race on cgoLibGccFile
- net/http/httptest: fix possible race on historyListener.history
- net: check read and write deadlines before doing syscalls
- cmd/go: fix typo in comment
- time: add Now()/UnixNano() malloc tests
- runtime: fix madvise for freebsd/amd64
- bytes, strings: fix Reader WriteTo return value on 0 bytes copied
- net/http/httptest: protect against port reuse
- net/http: clarify docs of ParseForm and mention ParseForm in docs for FormValue
- net, cmd/fix: add IPv6 scoped addressing zone to INET, INET6 address structs
- runtime: duplicate code for runtime.nanotime to avoid stack overflow in vDSO clock_gettime
- cmd/gc: fix invalid indirect error at statement level
- cmd/go: racewalk: fix nested struct handling
- cnd/gc: fix build
- cmd/8l: fix data corruption for MULB SI,
- spec: add () to method calls in examples
- exp/types: fixed field/method lookup
- cmd/6l, cmd/8l: emit no-ops to separate zero-stack funcs from nosplits.
- cmd/gc: Make sure bools lose idealness when used with logical operators.
- net/http: fix Transport races & deadlocks
- go/printer: don't use 'infinity' value when it might lead to int32 overflow
- net: fix flaky test
- misc/emacs: fix go-mode hang
- regexp: add Split
- cmd/5g, cmd/8g: fix internal error on 64-bit indices statically bounded
- net: fix intermittent TestAddFDReturnsError failure
- net: fix ResolveIPAddr
- net/http: fix broken TestIssue4191_InfiniteGetToPutTimeout
- exp/winfsnotify: fix data race in TestNotifyClose
- os: include 0111 in directory file mode on windows
- spec: clarify use of built-ins in go/defer statements
- go spec: receiver, parameter, and result names must always be unique
- net/http: don't send chunked encoding on 204 responses
- net: fix data races on deadline vars
- undo CL 6855110 / 869253ef7009
- all: set GOMAXPROCS to 1 when counting mallocs
- cmd/godoc: fix `godoc net/http` on windows
- net: allow "" as a hint wildcard to Resolve{IP,UDP,TCP}Addr
- net: remove unnecessary Close contention.
- crypto/tls: fix loading keys labeled just "PRIVATE KEY"
- encoding/gob: Fix typo in doc.go
- cmd/gc: fix inlining internal error with T.Method calls.
- doc/articles/godoc_documenting_go_code: fix some format issues.
- net/http: clarify that Request.Host may contain a port number
- spec: BuiltinCall syntax must permit "..." for append
- net: add missing close socket code
- net/http: clarify DefaultTransport docs
- net: fix data races on deadline vars
- cmd/5g: use MOVB for fixed array nil check
- net/http: fix bug parsing http_proxy lacking a protocol
- net/http: implement CloseNotifier
- net: document that File reverts connection to blocking mode.
- cmd/5g: fix fixedtests/issue4396b.go test failure on arm5
- net/http: populate ContentLength in HEAD responses
- cmd/gc: do not overflow parser stack on a long chain of else if.
- spec: type assertions and type switches must be valid
- exp/types: checking of type switches and range clauses
- spec: receiver types in method expressions can be parenthesized
- fix build: remove a flaky test for now
- math/rand: add example / regression test
- math/rand: fix typo in example comment.
- cmd/gc: do not export useless private symbols.
- time: add Round and Truncate
- cmd/go: add GOOS/GOARCH to go version output
- net/http: fix text for ErrBodyReadAfterClose
- net/rpc: document that Register logs to standard error
- encoding/xml: fix typo in Marshal documentation
- mime/multipart: allow setting the Writer boundary
- pprof: fix https URLs and 'profiler in use' errors
- bufio: minor fixes
- godoc: move example list into index section
- net/url: fix handling of relative paths in ResolveReference.
- cmd/gc: remove bad check for BADWIDTH
- encoding/base64: new example for NewEncoder with emphasis on Close
- fmt: fix %v of complex slice
- regexp/syntax: export ErrUnexpectedParen
- net/http, net/url: permit Request-URI "*"
- math/big: add SetUint64 and Uint64 functions to *Int
- encoding/csv: add Error method to Writer
- net: TestDialTimeoutFDLeak failure
- cmd/6g, cmd/8g: simplify integer division code.
- go/build: give better explanation for "cannot find package"
- cmd/gc: Give better line numbers for errors in composite literals.
- net/http: follow certain redirects after POST requests
- net/http: remove a stale cookie TODO comment, add a test
- spec: calling delete on a nil map is a no-op
- spec: more explicit comments for constant expression examples
- log/syslog: fix flakey test on slow hosts
- database/sql: Alter *DB.begin to return driver.ErrBadConn when driver.Conn.Begin returns driver.ErrBadConn
- runtime/race: fix test for GOMAXPROCS>1
- net: make TestDialTimeoutFDLeak a bit robust
- io: SectionReader.ReadAt should return EOF when buf is not fully read
- lib/godoc/example.html: htmlify the play code
- runtime: deletion on nil maps is a no-op now
- test/nil.go: delete on nil maps no longer panics
- cmd/go: handle os signals
- database/sql: adds test for fix in issue 4433.
- cmd/gc: fix defaultlit of shifts used in interface context.
- net: change ListenUnixgram signature to return UnixConn instead of UDPConn
- cmd/fix: Add keys to printer.Config composite literals.
- net/smtp: add optional Hello method
- fmt: fix a typo
- cmd/gc: racewalk: fix compiler crash
- syscall: document that documentation is platform specific
- net/http/pprof: fix doc for /debug/pprof/
- os: fix docs for Expand
- net/smtp: remove data race from TestSendMail.
- cmd/cgo: access errno from void C function
- fmt, encoding/gob: fix misuse of Read
- exp/types: completed typechecking of parameter passing
- net/http: fix goroutine leak in error case
- time: fix panic with time.Parse(time.StampNano, ... )
- debug/elf: handle missing shstrndx in core files
- cmd/6g: fix componentgen for funarg structs.
- cmd/5l, cmd/6l, cmd/8l: fix function symbol generation from gcc compiled source code
- all: fix typos
- go/token: fix data race on FileSet.last
- net/http: fix server connection leak on Handler's panic(nil)
- testing: only capture stdout when running examples
- cgo: enable cgo on openbsd
- math: handle exponent separately in Log2
- cmd/godoc: redirect for file with trailing /
- go/doc: don't synthesize code for examples that are not self-contained
- cmd/gc: remove an incorrect assertion in escape analysis.
- cmd/vet: expand printf flags understood by %s and %q.
- net/http: simplify serve() connection close
- net: make unix connection tests more robust
- runtime/race: update linux runtime to r170876.
- cmd/dist: make GOARM detection better compatible with thumb toolchain
- misc/pprof: don't look for browser in current directory.
- cmd/8g: introduce temporaries in byte multiplication.
- net: fix timeout tests
- encoding/xml: Marshal ",any" fields
- cmd/gc: fix error line in switch expr eval
- encoding/gob: document that structs only encode/decode exported fields
- crypto/des: add an example to demonstrate EDE2 operation.
- regexp: fix index panic in Replace
- cmd/gc: Reject parenthesised .(type) expressions.
- cmd/gc: do not accept (**T).Method expressions.
- cmd/gc: fix wrong interaction between inlining and embedded builtins.
- flag: add implicit boolFlag interface
- fmt: document width and flags a bit more
- encoding/json: A JSON tag can be any valid JSON string.
- testing: fix example test fd leak
- runtime: aggregate defer allocations
- runtime: ignore failure from madvise
- runtime: coalesce 0-size allocations
- cmd/yacc: fix debug print of token name
- cmd/gc: fix eval order in select
- cmd/gc: make forward declaration in pure Go package an error
- cmd/gc: add diagnostic for var, type, const named init
- runtime/debug: document that Stack is deprecated
- net/http: match curl and others' NO_PROXY wildcard handling
- cmd/gc: fix race instrumentation of unaddressable arrays.
- exp/locale/collate: include composed characters into the table. This eliminates
- fmt: update an old comment; fix a typo.
- exp/types: configurable types.Check API
- exp/types: some comment fixes
- cmd/ld: fix valgrind warning in strnput
- runtime: fix potential crash in sigqueue
- io/ioutil: fix Discard data race
- doc: fix id attributes in links to godoc
- runtime: say 'fatal error' instead of 'throw'
- encoding/json: encode map key is of string kind, decode only of string type
- cmd/gc: do not generate code for var _ = ... unless necessary
- runtime: fix freebsd/arm instruction cache flush
- cmd/godoc: ignore misnamed examples and print a warning
- go/types: remove most remaining uses of ast.Object from exported API
- cmd/gc: make redeclaration between import and func less confusing
- cmd/gc: mark wrapper methods for unnamed types as DUPOK.
- cmd/dist, cmd/8g: implement GO386=387/sse to choose FPU flavour.
- cmd/8g: fix possibly uninitialized variable in foptoas.
- net/http: document Request.URL
- encoding/json: don't panic marshaling anonymous non-struct field
- net: fix docs for type IP: s/array/slice/.
- cmd/5g, cmd/6g, cmd/8g: flush return parameters in case of panic.
- encoding/json: documented that ,string applies only to string and numeric fields.
- bytes: fix docs: s/array/slice/.
- cmd/gofmt, bufio, image: Consistency and error handling.
- os: fix Open for empty root directories on windows
- go/doc: trim only first space or newline from example output comment
- bytes: Fix missing godoc punctuation.
- doc: two minor edits to contribute.html
- os: document that Exit does not run deferred calls
- image/jpeg: handle those (unusual) grayscale images whose sampling
- go/doc: recursively inspect selector expressions
- cmd/gc: fix uintptr(nil) issues.
- spec: s/char_lit/rune_lit/
- cmd/vet: fix doc typo.
- net/http/cgi: make it work without REQUEST_URI environment variable
- go/types: "inherit" type in constant declarations w/o initialization expressions (bug fix)
- misc/emacs: update go-mode syntax table and comment handling as
- doc: Mention godoc's handling of example functions.
- utf8: fix typo.
- spec: clarify short variable declaration corner cases
- go/parser: better error message for declaration error
- go/printer, gofmt: don't print unneeded parentheses around parameter types
- cmd/go: remove $GOROOT as a go get target
- cmd/ld: fix incompatible type signatures on Plan 9
- syscall: implement Pipe2 on Linux and use it in ForkExec
- encoding/json: improve performance of Unmarshal on primitive types
- bytes: fix UnreadByte failure after ReadBytes
- net/http: buffer before chunking
- database/sql: check NumInput on Stmt.Exec
- database/sql: document args, add a couple examples
- net/http/cgi: fix test case sensitivity on Windows
- testing: in example, empty output not distinguished from missing output
- text/template: Document that range can be used on chan types.
- testing: document whitespace trimming of example expected/actual output.
- cmd/5c: fix handling of side effects when assigning a struct literal.
- cmd/5l: fix invalid executable header on Plan 9
- encoding/gob: handle encoding of different indirects of GobEncoder
- encoding/gob: fix broken test (fix build)
- encoding/json: fix panics on type mismatches.
- html/template: Clarifying references to "text/template" in the documentation.
- time: fix race
- go/types: various minor fixes
- go/types: set type of lhs ident in type switch guards
- doc: fix various fragment links
- net/http: fix racy test
- go/types: correct result type for append (bug fix)
- time: add Timer.Reset
- doc/articles/json_and_go: fix some format.
- os: use SameFile in TestStartProcess
- cmd/vet: don't complain about Error()
- testing: catch panicking example and report, just like tests
- html/template: remove noescape support
- testing: allow examples to pass (fix build)
- cmd/gc: don't hash nor compare struct padding or blank fields.
- cmd/go: diagnose un-bootstrapped runtime
- cmd/gc, cmd/6g: fix error on large stacks.
- cmd/gc: fix handling of struct padding in hash/eq.
- syscall, os: fix a fork-exec/wait race in Plan 9.
- cmd/gc: more robust checking of OIND nodes.
- spec: clarify lhs syntax for range and select
- encoding/xml: fix decoding of attributes in to pointer fields.
- cmd/6c: Optimize rotate expressions to use rotate instructions.
- math/big: fix typo
- doc: fix effective_go: s/byte array/byte slice/.
- cmd/6c, cmd/8c: fix print format for Prog
- cmd/8g, cmd/dist, cmd/gc: fix warnings on Plan 9
- crypto/cipher: don't persist errors in StreamWriter.
- doc/go_spec: cap doesn't apply to maps
- syscall: fix arithmetic errors in assembly for seek function for 64-bit Plan 9
- time: standard time doc fix and format example
- cmd/api: fix type scrubbing
- encoding/json: ignore unexported fields in Unmarshal
- go/build: ImportDir reject directories that don't exist
- net/url: generate correct Path when hostname empty
- time: make TestReset more reliable
- go/build: fix TestBogusDirectory format and maybe Windows failure
- xml: Support fields not of type []byte when marshaling ",chardata"
- doc/articles/race_detector: fix some format.
- syscall: fix fork-exec/wait inconsistencies for Plan 9
- go/build: document blank line required after build constraints
- runtime: increase stack limit in a test
- net/http: fix Content-Length/Transfer-Encoding on HEAD requests
- all: make tests able to run multiple times.
- go/ast: Fix typo for the godoc of ObjKind
- net: fix windows build
- exp/gotype: fix build breakage due to
- exp/ssa: fix breakage due to
- encoding/json: add Decoder.Buffered accessor to get overread data
- cmd/go: add helpful error message when vcs is not found.
- runtime: implement range access functions in race detector.
- cmd/vet: detect misuse of atomic.Add*
- cmd/cgo: allow for stdcall decorated dynimport names
- cmd/dist: fix code example in README
- net: SplitHostPort: adjust error message for missing port in IPv6 addresses
- syscall: handle empty address in ReadFrom better
- cmd/gc: Error out on division by constant zero.
- cmd/gc: fix export data for aggressive inlining.
- exp/locale/collate/tools/colcmp: fixes some discrepancies between
- cmd/godoc: fix buggy use of strings.HasSuffix
- crypto/cipher: avoid out of bounds error in CryptBlocks
- cmd/go: fix build -n for cgo enabled packages
- net/http: fix race
- encoding/json: improve performance of Unmarshal on primitive types
- fmt: improve go syntax handling of byte-derived arrays and slices
- exp/cookiejar: update PublicSuffixList doc comment to match the
- os: provide access to file LastAccessTime and CreationTime on windows
- container/heap: split example into two
- cmd/8l: fix misassembling of MOVB involving (AX)(BX*1)
- encoding/json: document case-insensitive Unmarshal key matching
- cmd/ld: retry short writes, to get error detail
- cmd/vet: handle added string constants in printf format check
- cmd/go: many bug fixes
- net/url: normalize scheme to lower case (http not HTTP)
- io: guarantee err == nil for full reads in ReadFull and ReadAtLeast
- cmd/vet: check for misplaced and malformed build tags
- cmd/ld: support for linking with host linker
- encoding/base64: fix test for ReadFull change
- cmd/8l: fix build
- cmd/dist: fix build
- cmd/cgo: document //export preamble restriction
- cmd/cgo: fix line number annotations in generated C code
- cmd/go: clean cgo compiler errors
- runtime: cgo-related fixes
- sort: add Reverse as a function
- sort: delete now-duplicate example, fix build
- reflect: document that Value.Slice panics on an unaddressable array.
- testing: SkipNow, FailNow must be called from test goroutine
- reflect: explain StructField.Anonymous field as 'embedded'
- cmd/gc: clearer error for defer/go of conversion or invalid function call
- cmd/gc: put 'not used' message on correct line
- cmd/gc: silence redundant error prints for misuse of [...]int
- cmd/gc: reject non-Go constants
- cmg/gc: Fix evaluation order of map indexing during multiple assignments
- syscall: (*Proc).Call should return nil error when no error occurs
- runtime: fix windows build
- cmd/go: run examples in source order, not name order
- lib9/main.c: don't show the crash dialog on windows
- testing: add AllocsPerRun
- cmd/gc: avoid duplicate allocation during inlining
- cmd/gc: treat &T{} like new(T): allocate on stack if possible
- cmd/gc: allow new conversion syntax
- cmd/gc: elide self-assignment during return
- cmd/gc: remove reference to ? and @ symbols in error message
- cmd/gc: update ideal bool rules to match latest spec
- cmd/gc: clean up string index errors
- cmd/gc: make inlined labels distinct
- xml: omit newline at beginning of MarshalIndent output
- cmd/go: update 'go get' help message
- cmd/gc: implement latest rules for checking make sizes
- time: handle zone file with no transitions
- time: deal a bit better with time zones in Parse
- regexp: add (*Regexp).Longest
- container/heap: fix package doc comment about ordering.
- cmd/go, testing: revise docs for test flags
- time: fix error message from Parse
- runtime/debug: add controls for garbage collector
- cmd/gc: fix &^ code generation bug
- net/http: fix when server deadlines get extended
- syscall: fix marshaling of stat messages on Plan 9
- cmd/gc: fix escape analysis
- path/filepath: document that Walk does not follow symlinks
- net/http: fix Server blocking after a Handler's Write fails
- runtime/race: do not include pthread.h
- cmd/gc: add way to specify 'noescape' for extern funcs
- container/heap: fix comment typo in example test
- cmd/dist: add -Wstrict-prototypes to CFLAGS and fix all the compiler errors
- exp/inotify: close event channel before file descriptor
- lib9: fix build for windows
- log/syslog: retry once if write fails
- runtime/race: switch to explicit race context instead of goroutine id's
- syscall, net: Fix unix socket autobind on Linux.
- net: permit pollster DelFD to return whether to call Wakeup
- crypto/md5: fix for big-endian processors
- cmd/8g: add a few missing splitclean
- cmd/godoc: fix format strings.
- net: do not use RLock around Accept
- runtime: fix build for Linux/ARM
- runtime: fix integer overflow
- exp/ssa/interp: fix MS Windows breakage.
- net: fix unixgram
- spec: clarify that f(g()) requires that g return >= 1 value
- spec: clarify that any unsafe.Pointer type is okay in conversion
- doc: move os specific build instructions to wiki
- archive/tar: read/write extended pax/gnu tar archives
- doc: update contribute.html
- spec: reject top-level init names
- spec: document fp rounding during explicit constant conversion
- spec: only require parens around ambiguous conversions
- sync: add caution about where to call (*WaitGroup).Add
- test: a number of fixes.
- go/types: len(((*T)(nil)).X) is const if X is an array
- encoding/xml: fix htmlAutoClose and its generating script
- cmd/5l: fix print format
- cmd/8c: disable use of prefetch with GO386=387
- net/http: test that we preserve Go 1.0 Request.Write Host behavior
- database/sql: fix doc references to old package name
- runtime: tweak addfinroots to preserve original pointer
- sort: use fewer comparisons when choosing pivot.
- archive/tar: add Header.FileInfo method. Add more cases to FileInfoHeader.
- net: document OpError
- go/parser: stop ParseFile after ten errors.
- encoding/json: roll back Unmarshal optimization + test
- cmd/8g: fix sse2 compare code gen
- cmd/gc: replace x*8 by x<<3 etc
- encoding/json: document and test use of unicode.ReplacementChar
- cmd/go: fix vet
- cmd/gc: remove node printing in redeclare errors
- src/cmd/gc: fix some typos in the escape analysis comments
- log/syslog: fix channel race in test.
- cmd/ld: fix -s flag for ELF executables
- doc/contribute: fix some tags, remove extra space.
- runtime: expand error for signal received on non-Go thread.
- runtime: fix debug output
- crypto/x509: support IP SANs.
- runtime: fix running under nohup
- exp/cookiejar: fix windows builder
- runtime: fix build on linux
- exp/cookiejar: fix windows/386 build
- encoding/binary: make type error more specific
- runtime: ensure forward progress of runtime.Gosched() for locked goroutines
- runtime: allocate heap metadata at run time
- runtime/pprof: adjust reported line numbers to show call sites
- spec: clarify when range x does not evaluate x
- cmd/go: reject case-insensitive file name, import collisions
- runtime: make return from main wait for active panic
- runtime: show frame pointer values during throw
- runtime: allow mem profiles with GOGC=off
- build: clang support
- undo CL 7310096 / 59da6744d66d
- runtime: fix unused variable warning
- runtime: fix build on openbsd
- strings: better mean complexity for Count and Index.
- runtime: fix sigaction struct on freebsd
- misc/vim: update installation instructions to work better with some Linux distributions.
- runtime/debug: make TestFreeOSMemory repeatable
- cmd/6c: fix build
- reflect: document tie-breaking in Select
- path/filepath: document Dir better
- cmd/godoc: use go/build to determine package and example files
- net: return correct point-to-point interface address on linux
- net: Plan 9: open data file and set remote-addr properly
- windows: fix syscall.SidTypeUser so following consts have correct values.
- path/filepath, os/exec: unquote PATH elements on Windows
- doc: fix old broken link
- runtime: ensure forward progress of runtime.Gosched() for locked goroutines
- runtime: fix deadlock detector false negative
- bufio: new Scanner interface
- fmt: fix width for nil values
- mime: use Scanner to read mime files during init
- encoding/xml: make sure Encoder.Encode reports Write errors.
- misc/emacs: Present "godoc" documentation buffers using view-mode.
- runtime: allow cgo callbacks on non-Go threads
- database/sql: refcounting and lifetime fixes
- net/http: improve test reliability
- database/sql: clarify that DB.Prepare's stmt is safe for concurrent use
- exp/ssa: build fully pruned SSA form.
- cmd/fix: delete pre-Go 1 fixes
- cmd/5g, cmd/6g: fix node dump formats
- runtime: fix heap corruption
- database/sql: check for nil Scan pointers
- doc: mention go fix in go1.1 release notes draft
- archive/tar: make test pass on setgid dirs
- testing: fix output formatting
- net/url: fix URL Opaque notes on making client requests
- cmd/gc: fix FreeBSD build
- testing: document that example output must use line comments
- exp/ssa/interp: fix build for Plan 9
- exp/ssa: fixed bug (typo) in findPromotedField.
- mime/multipart: allow unescaped newlines through in quoted-printable
- exp/ssa: support variadic synthetic methods.
- reflect: stop using run-time code generation
- runtime: add cgocallback_gofunc that can call Go func value
- runtime: fix arm build
- cmd/gc: mark LOCALS argument as a constant to print correctly
- cmd/vet: use types to test Error methods correctly.
- runtime: fix windows cpu profiling
- cmd/cgo, cmd/dist, cmd/go: cgo with clang fixes
- cmd/vet: check argument types in printf formats
- crypto/rsa: fix infinite loop in GenerateMultiPrimeKey for large nprimes
- cmd/vet: eliminate false positives for slices in untagged literal test
- cmd/vet: fix up some nits in print.go found by
- cmd/godoc: show examples in text mode
- go/types: unresolved literal keys must be looked up in universe.
- net/rpc: avoid racy use of closing flag.
- cmd/gc: emit explicit type information for local variables
- cmd/5g: fix arm build
- cmd/go: fix vet
- cmd/gc: fix mkbuiltin (gc -A always write all symbols to export section)
- all: fix some vet-found printf errors
- runtime: precise garbage collection of channels
- doc: fix wiki codelab description of template parsing
- runtime/cgo: fix deadlock involving signals on darwin
- syscall: Plan9, amd64: fix syscall error handling in assembly
- libmach, cmd/5a, cmd/5c, cmd/5g, cmd/5l: enable DWARF type info for Linux/ARM
- doc: document that weekly.html is only a historical reference
- time: handle very large sleep durations
- strconv, fmt: clarify behavior of CanBackquote and "%#q".
- cmd/gc: apply escape analysis results to closures.
- cmd/gc: fix corruption in export of &T{} literals.
- cmd/gc: accept cases with same value but different types in switch.
- cmd/vet: silence error from type checker unless verbose is set.
- os: use windows ReadConsole to read from console
- go/types: fix sizeof computations
- runtime: fix stack cache typos
- cmd/vet: fix printf test for unsafe Pointer
- misc/emacs: Greatly improve go-mode for Emacs.
- syscall: fix FD passing on FreeBSD and NetBSD
- net/http: fix a bunch of test leaks
- libmach: fix build (set and not used)
- syscall: Fix FD passing on OpenBSD
- exp/locale/collate: fixed go vet error.
- cmd/gc: don't emit type instructions for nonexisting locals
- net: add DialOpt, the extensible Dial w/ options dialer
- net: fix windows build
- exp/ssa: a number of bug fixes.
- exp/ssa: fix *bsd breakage.
- doc/effective_go.html: use correct name in Interface Checks section
- net/http: add Transport.CancelRequest
- builtin: document appending a string to a byte slice
- exp/cookiejar: eliminate some "."+str garbage.
- misc/dist: handle previous installation
- net: fix slow network interface manipulations
- runtime: fix racefuncenter argument corruption.
- log/syslog: fix race in test between channel close and accept.
- cmd/go: fix "go run" cgo source when cgo is disabled
- net/http: fix handling of HEAD in ReadResponse and (*http.Response).Write
- cgo: fix reference to puts in implementation comment.
- all: fix a few more printf arg bugs found by go vet
- cmd/ld: fix symbol table sorting
- encoding/gob: fix copyright
- runtime/cgo: move common symbol overrides into 6c-compiled code
- go/types: fix type-checking of shift expressions
- doc/articles/image_package.html: fix x/y mistake
- net/http/cookiejar: move cookiejar from exp/cookiejar to
- doc: fix root.html styles
- net/http: don't special-case multipart/byteranges responses
- go/types: fix regression in type checking of RangeStmt.
- libmach: many pe handling fixes
- path/filepath: better error reporting during TestWinSplitListTestsAreValid
- html/template: fix doc typo
- runtime/cgo: fix arm build
- runtime/cgo: fix crosscall2 on arm
- cmd/ld: fix windows build
- runtime: fix new scheduler on freebsd, windows
- runtime: fix build on openbsd, plan9
- net/http/cgi: disable TestCopyError to try to fix darwin/386 on builder
- exp/ssa: fix bug in bridge method
- exp/ssa/interp: uncomment tests now passing thanks to recent typechecker fixes.
- runtime: add atomics to fix arm
- cmd/vet: use go/printer to pretty-print expressions in printf messages
- runtime/cgo: fix arm build, re-enable test
- spec: fallthrough may not appear in last clause of a switch
- cmd/go: pass -intgosize to SWIG
- go/types: fixed a few failure checks
- net: skip interface tests when required external command not found
- runtime: move TestGcSys into a separate process
- runtime: deadlock tests now work with GOMAXPROCS>1
- net: fix windows build
- net: disable unixgram test on Plan 9 and Windows
- doc/go1.1.html: fix typo in URL
- cmd/godoc: move note argument to godoc.go
- image/png: always set up palette during DecodeConfig
- container/heap: fix int overflow bug
- cmd/gc: unbreak exporting of composite literals.
- test/bench/garbage: fix parser benchmark
- cmd/gc: simplify and fix defaultlit.
- cmd/gc: disallow selectors to the blank identifier
- net/http/cgi: maybe improve darwin test reliability
- cmd/cgo: use explicit flag to emit dynamic linker path
- net: make some tests less flaky
- spec: cyclic imports are illegal
- spec: terminating statements for functions
- cmd/gc: implement new return requirements
- runtime: fix false positive deadlock when using runtime.Goexit
- syscall: handle getsockname for unix sockets on openbsd 5.2
- undo CL 7301062 / 9742f722b558
- cmd/vet: change some warnings to errors for consistency.
- image/jpeg: for progressive JPEGs, the first SOS segment doesn't
- net/http: close TCP connection on Response.Body.Close
- misc/emacs: Add compatibility for GNU Emacs 23 and XEmacs >=21.5.32
- libmach: fix amd64 pe handling
- text/template: improve error reporting for executing an empty template
- runtime: fix netbsd, windows build
- net/http/httputil: fix build
- net/http: remove allocations in HeaderWriteSubset
- all: Skip AllocsPerRun tests if GOMAXPROCS>1.
- go/types: implement constant string(x) conversions
- cmd/fix: remove redundant 0 port
- net: fix plan9 build
- net: fix typo in skip message
- net: fix accept/connect deadline handling
- runtime: fix cgo callbacks on windows
- runtime: fix deadlock
- net: more refactoring in preparation for runtime integrated pollster
- misc/emacs: Rewrite gofmt to use own function for applying patch instead of using diff-mode.
- lib9: fix windows build (don't use runesmprint)
- cmd/8g: fix code generation of int64(0) == int64(0).
- net: fix multicast listener tests
- syscall: Plan 9: use lightweight errstr in entersyscall mode
- spec: clarify unsafe.Offsetof
- cmd/6l, cmd/8l: fix BSD builds
- runtime: clear locked bit when goroutine exits
- database/sql: fix Conn leak
- runtime: fix integer overflow in amd64 memmove.
- cmd/ld: external linking fixes for linux/386
- runtime: Plan 9: fix errstr
- runtime: fix misaligned 64-bit atomic
- libmach: fix build
- cmd/go: send output of build and install to stderr
- doc/contribute: add instructions to fix codereview on windows
- cmd/5l: fix build (define stub machoreloc1)
- cmd/ld, runtime/cgo: allow a symbol to be both cgo_export and cgo_import.
- math/big: fix comment
- spec: result type of a comparison is always untyped bool
- net/http/httputil: remove hop-by-hop headers in ReverseProxy
- net/http: add a test verifying header case preservation
- os/signal: deflake test
- net/url: better path resolution
- net/http/httputil: fix string in test failure message
- cmd/gc: enable inlining in generated method wrappers.
- lib9, cmd/dist, cmd/ld: Plan 9: fix build
- go/types: update operand types early
- cmd/godoc: only show package documentation for commands
- cmd/go: fix description of -o flag to build
- cmd/addr2line: exit 0 for --help
- cmd/pprof: never use c++filt
- go/parser: better error message if = is seen instead of ==
- regexp: identify that submatch is also known as capturing group
- net/http: bit more docs on Client vs Transport
- encoding/xml: allow embedded non-structs
- encoding/xml: fix spurious "no semicolon" in error
- net: never use backlog > 65535
- encoding/base32, encoding/base64: fix issues with decoder whitespace handling
- runtime: deflake TestStackMem
- runtime: fix deadlock detector false negative
- net/rpc/jsonrpc: nil pointer deference on invalid reply.
- encoding/xml: name space bug fixes
- runtime: fix build
- effective_go.html: fix semaphore example
- runtime: Fix plan9 aes hash initialization.
- os/signal: windows is supported, update comment
- go/doc: set receiver type position for embedded methods
- go/printer, gofmt: avoid extra final comma in multi-line signatures
- encoding/xml: reject > chain with non-element
- test/bench/garbage: fix parser benchmark
- spec: rewrite the description of panic and recover.
- cmd/ld: fix 'use after free' error in new obj code
- runtime: Plan 9, 32-bit: fix build by updating call to open()
- image/jpeg: ignore extraneous data, the same as what libjpeg does.
- misc/emacs: Fix indentation for code following multiline function declarations
- net: fix windows and plan9 build
- unicode/utf8: fix insignificant typos in tests
- misc/pprof: fix address lookup regression on Linux
- encoding/xml: predefine xml name space prefix
- net: use original raddr if getpeername fails
- encoding/json: properly handle extra objects with fixed size arrays
- cmd/godoc: fix BUGS heading in text mode
- cmd/go: better documentation about profiling
- cmd/go: add go1.1 build tag, add -installsuffix flag
- encoding/xml: rewrite invalid code points to U+FFFD in Marshal, Escape
- cmd/go: allow ~ in middle of path, just not at beginning
- runtime: fix build
- runtime: do not memprofile settype_flush
- net: deflake TestDialTimeout
- runtime: refactor os-specific code
- runtime, net: fix arm build
- database/sql: document non-open of Open; add Ping
- runtime: freebsd, netbsd build fixes after reorg
- runtime: fix freebsd arm for hash change
- runtime: fix build for freebsd/arm after reorg
- runtime: fix netbsd again after reorg
- runtime: fix netbsd after reorg (again)
- database/sql: associate a mutex with each driver interface
- runtime: use 64-bit negative error code on 64-bit machines
- os/signal: add Stop, be careful about SIGHUP
- runtime: accept GOTRACEBACK=crash to mean 'crash after panic'
- cmd/gc: fix escape analysis bug.
- runtime: unbreak netbsd builds
- build: fix for 32-bit windows builds on 64-bit windows system
- net: fix build with CGO_ENABLED=0
- cmd/gc: ensure unique parameter and result names in function types
- doc: explain why cmd/go uses https for repositories and how to work around it
- spec: remove special int rule for shifts
- net/http: less flaky leaking goroutine test
- go/doc: fix TODO
- net/http: fix test breakage on Windows
- cmd/gc: missing type inference for untyped complex() calls.
- misc/dist: fix Windows breakage
- runtime: correct mmap return value checking on netbsd/openbsd
- os/exec: fix fd leak with Std*Pipe + LookPath
- database/sql: allow simultaneous queries, etc in a Tx
- runtime: fix build for NetBSD/ARM
- runtime: fix tv_sec 32-bit overflows in sleep routines.
- cmd/gc: steal escape analysis info when inlining
- runtime: fix erroneous overflow protection on netbsd/openbsd semasleep.
- cmd/fix: revert IPv6 scoped address zone support of IPNet
- go/doc, godoc: improved note reading
- cmd/ld: replace -hostobj with -linkmode
- cmd/ld: generate relocated DWARF in hostobj mode
- cmd/ld: fix typo
- runtime: prevent garbage collection during hashmap insertion
- cmd/5l: fix arm build
- cmd/ld: remove remaining occurrence of isobj.
- cmd/6c, cmd/8c: fix stack allocated Biobuf leaking at exit
- runtime: prevent garbage collection during hashmap insertion (fix 2)
- spec: define method values
- cmd/gc: reject methods on non-locals, even if symbol exists
- cmd/gc: add OCHECKNOTNIL to race walker (fix build)
- spec: fix description of initialization
- src/pkg: fixed various typos
- cmd/gc: fix escape analysis of method values
- runtime: explicitly remove fd's from epoll waitset before close()
- go/format: fix documentation
- cmd/ld: fix bad merge
- cmd/ld: portability fixes
- reflect: implement method values
- net/http/fcgi: fix a shutdown race
- bufio.Scanner: delete obsolete TODO
- cmd/gc: accept ideal float as indices.
- debug/elf: repair GNU version symbols.
- cmd/cgo: fix the cgo example on multiple assignment context.
- crypto/cipher: fix vet warning
- cmd/vet: add assembly checker
- cmd/gc: fix line number for 'missing return' in closure
- spec: remove most §links for the now more common in-text links
- net: fix documentation for UnixAddr
- doc/go1.1.html: fix broken links
- net: support IPv6 scoped addressing zone
- net: use original raddr if getpeername fails
- misc/kate: fix multiline raw string syntax highlighting error.
- cmd/cc: fix typo leading to index out of range.
- net/http: deflake BenchmarkServerFakeConnNoKeepAlive.
- net: band-aid for windows network poller
- runtime: optionally check all allocations in hashmap.c
- cmd/5l, cmd/6l, cmd/8l: fix segfault on reading LOCALS for a duplicate definition.
- runtime: store asmcgocall return PC where the ARM unwind expects it
- cmd/ld: permit sym to be both cgo_export_static and cgo_export_dynamic
- database/sql: don't close a driver.Conn until its Stmts are closed
- database/sql: link to driver wiki page
- database/sql: optimized []byte copy + []byte(nil) -> *interface fix
- image/gif: make test repeatable
- cmd/gc: fix nil pointer dereferences.
- net: fix test data corruption in repetitive test runs by -cpu
- runtime: does not report duplicate errors in netpoll
- doc: fix typo in go 1.1 doc
- godoc: link identifiers to declarations
- runtime: ensure forward progress when unwinding an arm stack frame
- reflect: add garbage collection info in ChanOf, MapOf, PtrTo, SliceOf
- lib/codereview/ fix crash when hg gofmt has no files
- godoc: pass *PageInfos instead of *token.FileSets in templates
- doc: fix go1.1.html typos
- cmd/gc: fix race instrumentation of append and type switches.
- runtime/race: mark failing test as such.
- cmd/6l: fix OpenBSD build
- cmd/ld, cmd/8l: Fix OpenBSD build.
- cmd/godoc: emit id's for constants and variables
- cmd/ld: fix OpenBSD (third try)
- cmd/vet: fix assembly test files
- vet: fix test_deadcode.go's tests
- text/template: fix bug in evaluating a chain starting with a function.
- cmd/godoc: don't crash if there's no documentation
- go/doc: fix typo in comment
- cmd/ld: only pass -rdynamic to host linker on ELF target
- net/http: unflake TestTransportConcurrency
- net: update documentation for FileConn, FilePacketConn, FileListener
- net: close TCPListener in example
- doc: fix typo in effective_go.html
- runtime: fix gdb printing of maps
- bytes: don't grow Buffer if capacity is available
- bytes: document that Buffer.Write grows the buffer
- cmd/dist, cmd/ld: GO_EXTLINK_ENABLED=0 defaults to -linkmode=internal
- net/http: ignore 100-continue responses in Transport
- misc/cgo/gmp: fix typo.
- include/plan9/libc.h: fix Plan 9 build
- os/exec, syscall: fix tests to pass when GOGCTRACE=1 is set
- cmd/6g: fix warnings on Plan 9
- cmd/gc, cmd/ld: fix warnings on Plan 9
- net/http: fix incredibly racy TestTransportReading100Continue
- net: update documentation for IPConn and related stuff
- net: update documentation for TCPConn, TCPListener and related stuff
- net: update documentation for UDPConn and related stuff
- net: update documentation for UnixConn, UnixListener and related stuff
- testing: report test as failed if the test panics.
- cmd/gc: do not reuse bool temporaries for composite equality.
- cmd/gc: use appropriate verb to print array type length.
- cmd/godoc: better error message for missing index files
- testing: document that Log and Logf do not usually produce output
- doc/codewalk/markov: fix slice error in description
- runtime: make map reads multithreaded safe.
- cmd/gc: recognize (a.b[0]<<1 | a.b[0]>>31) as a rotate, not just
- cmd/godoc: don't linkify index entries
- cmd/go: fix typo in docs
- cmd/gofmt: handle ... in rewrite of calls
- runtime: fix a comment regarding default floating point precision
- doc: add prominent download button to getting started page
- cmd/gc: be more tolerant with recursive types when checking map types.
- go/build: disable cgo when cross compiling
- go/parser: ParseExpr must accept type expressions
- bytes: don't leave mprotect-ed pages after unsafe test.
- net/http: don't allocate 0-byte io.LimitedReaders for GET requests
- doc/go1.1.html: state that the heap is bigger on 64-bit machines
- net/smtp: allow PLAIN auth when advertised
- doc/go1.1.html: document os/signal.Stop
- math/big: minor cleanups
- doc/go1.1.html: document the state of gccgo
- doc: link the race detector document into the release notes
- misc/dist: include race detector packages in binary distributions
- runtime: fix data/bss shadow memory mapping for race detector
- doc: fix typos and trailing spaces
- doc: fix typos in go1.1
- cmd/go: run main package when no files are listed
- misc/dist: only build race toolchain where available, fix file upload
- doc/code.html: fix typos
- cmd/gc: fix a typo
- godoc: enable visibility of element linked from URL hash
- cmd/gc: fix Offsetof computation.
- net/http: fix typo in ErrMissingBoundary
- cmd/go: fix capitalization of Bitbucket, document Git support
- runtime: fix deadlock in network poller
- test: fix flaky NaN-key map complexity test
- go/ast: fix typo in Fprint documentation
- runtime: fix race on hashmap flags field
- doc: document go1.1 build tag
- doc: fix typos in go1.1.html
- cmd/go: document usage of external test packages
- archive/zip: handle trailing data after the end of directory header
- cmd/go: clarify what "pkg.test" means wrt the -c flag
- cmd/go: fix a misleading sentence
- cmd/gc: properly set variadic flag on method values.
- test: fix mapnan.go build tag
- cmd/cgo: record CGO_LDFLAGS env var in _cgo_flags
- runtime: fix integer overflow in hashmap
- net: fix possible runtime.PollDesc leak when connect or listen fails
- dist: add .exe extension to tour.exe
- encoding/json: fix handling of anonymous fields
- cmd/ld: fix inconsistency in internal linking of common symbols.
- cmd/ld: fix argument passing in doc.go
- go/ast: distinguish between methods and functions in filtering
- cmd/ld: fix scope of static objects in symbol table
- bufio/Scan: fix error handling at EOF
- cmd/cgo, cmd/go: remove #cgo directive parsing from cmd/cgo
- gc: escape unicode BOM in exported string literals
- misc/dist/darwin: add execute bit to preinstall
- cmd/ld: always do external link for -linkmode=external
- cmd/gc: disable inlining of method values
- doc: fix typo
- runtime: fix build on openbsd/386
- database/sql: close driver Stmt before releasing Conn
- cmd/dist, make.bash: pass -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 to gcc on Darwin
- doc/effective_go.html: fix typo
- misc/cgo/test: fix a gcc warning
- go/token: fix grammar for precedence consts
- archive/zip: add docs on type of slashes in paths
- doc/go1.1.html, mime/multipart: document quoted-printable decoding
- mime/multipart: don't strip leading space/tab in quoted-printable decoding
- crypto/rand: better panic message for invalid Int argument.
- doc: misc tweaks, new links, fix broken links
- builtin: document true and false.
- doc: fix another broken link
- io: explain what (0,nil) means from Read
- doc: fix another broken link
- net/http: fix a panic in Redirect
- doc: fix typo in Effective Go
- misc/cgo/testso: enable test on windows
- time: fix typo in comment
- lib/time: update to IANA 2013c
- time: fix typo in comment
- net: fix protocol number for IPv6 test
- doc/effective_go.html: fix syntax error in code example
- doc: fix typo in race_detector.html
- all: fix typos
- cmd/dist: fix line numbers in goc2c generated files
- runtime: prevent the GC from seeing the content of a frame in runfinq()
- undo CL 8954044 / ad3c2ffb16d7
- database/sql: fix driver Conn refcounting with prepared statements
- math/rand: fix typo and add better crash message
- net/http/httptest: fix incorrectly-named ResponseRecorder example
- fmt: document that if String or Error panics, that value is printed
- runtime: fix stack pointer corruption in runtime.cgocallback_gofunc()
- fmt: fix crash for Printf("%.", 3)
- encoding/json: document that marshaling invalid utf-8 sequence will return error
- cmd/ld: fix some 64-bit issues
- cmd/gc: fix some overflows in the compiler
- cmd/ld: fix check for address wrap in relocation
- cmd/ld: another attempt at the relocation overflow fix
- syscall: fix exec_bsd.go to accompany exec_linux.go changes
- syscall: fix a bug in the shuffling of file descriptors in StartProcess on Linux.
- cmd/ld: emit relocs for DWARF info when doing an external link
- net: do not call syscall.Bind twice on windows
- cmd/ld: fix syms that are both cgo_import_static & cgo_import_dynamic
- libmach: fix build on Plan 9
- cmd/ld: fix another unsigned value causing bugs on Plan 9
- cmd/ld: fix SDYNIMPORT symbol test
- regexp: doc fix
- cmd/ld: add .note.GNU-stack section for external linking
- runtime/cgo: fix build for ARM
- doc: fix formatting in effective go code snippet
- text/template: comment fix
- image/png: fix error message to not return width twice
- go/doc/example: Fix bug causing false negatives for Example playability.
- syscall: fix prototype of Fchflags (API change)
- runtime: fix crash in badsignal()
- effective_go.html: be more accepting in the guidelines for interface names
- net: fix dial race on plan9 and windows
- cmd/cgo: pass -Wsystem-headers when looking for errors
- spec: fix incorrect example
- runtime: fix crash in select
- runtime/race: improve public documentation
- go/token: let FileSet.AddFile take a negative base
- doc/go_spec: fix typos
- cmd/gc: improve syntax error for "import testing"
- archive/tar: skip NUL-filled unused octal fields
- net/http: Fix basic authentication with empty password
- cmd/vet: fix for changes to go/types package
- runtime/bytes: fast Compare for byte arrays and strings.
- cmd/gc: fix race instrumentation of selectors T(v).Field
- testing/quick: fix for aliased types, delete duplicate uint8 test, and fix randFloat64() to give random numbers from (-math.MaxFloat64, math.MaxFloat64).
- misc/emacs: Add support for methods with unnamed receiver
- os/user: faster user lookup on Windows
- cmd/yacc: don't emit line comment when -l is given
- cmd/godoc: don't warn about HEAD requests
- misc/cgo/test: add missing import
- crypto/tls: ignore empty TLS records.
- runtime: fix GC scanning of slices
- time: add Time.FormatAppend
- cmd/gc: repair make(T) in export data for inlining.
- os: use small buffer when reading from windows console
- crypto/tls: fix flakey test.
- runtime: fix scanning of not started goroutines
- cmd/ld: emit .tbss section when doing dynamic internal linking
- misc/cgo/test: deflake TestParallelSleep once more
- cmd/go: Update documentation of go run to match current behaviour.
- runtime: fix newproc debugging print
- runtime: zeroize g->fnstart to not prevent GC of the closure
- test: do not run the test that relies on precise GC on 32-bits
- crypto/x509: provide better error messages for X.509 verify failures.
- spec: fix language about "range" clause
- cmd/gc: clear n->list of OFOR range loop after walk.
- crypto/tls: don't send NPN extension if NextProtos is not set.
- cmd/go: fix LDFLAGS handling, enable misc/cgo/testso on Darwin
- cmd/gc: fix confusing error with broken types and defer/go
- time: remove Time.FormatAppend
- database/sql: remove extra RemoveDep call
- net/http: don't send Accept-Encoding on HEAD requests
- doc/go_faq: fix example.
- cmd/go: support new location for vet
- log/syslog: report errors from Fprintf
- runtime: fix and speedup malloc stats
- undo CL 9658043 / ac7877558dce
- runtime: detect deadlocks in programs using cgo
- log/syslog: report errors from write
- go/ast: fix FuncType.Pos() impl. and FuncType.Params documentation
- bufio: fix SplitFunc docs
- test/errchk: use "#!/usr/bin/env perl" shebang line
- go/doc: fix build
- cmd/go: check GOROOT directory is present before acting
- codereview: close the head tag
- cmd/cgo: use intgo, not int, for string and slice structures
- cmd/cgo: change GoStringN and GoBytes from intgo to int32
- log/syslog: fix deadlock in test
- cmd/cov: delete
- build: fix make.rc on Plan 9
- effective_go.html: Fix two links
- runtime: make arm signal handler call runtime.badsignal
- runtime: fix runtime·netpoll() to call runtime·netpollready() only once per event.
- runtime: fix heap corruption during GC
- os/exec: fix test hang
- doc: Fix typo in approximation of square root
- misc/dist: remove lingering ~ file
- cmd/[568]l/obj.c: NULL is not recognised in Plan 9 build, use nil instead.
- cmd/gc: use escape analysis result for make([]T, constant
- runtime: introduce helper persistentalloc() function
- runtime: fix heap coalescing bug introduced in cl/9802043
- spec: better wording re: receiving from closed channels
- cmd/go: Add support for including C++ files in packages
- doc/go1.1.html: remove extra space; close some tags.
- cmd/gc: fix overflow in array bounds calculation.
- testing: fix rounding error in roundDown10
- cmd/fix: check type assertion in netipv6zone rule.
- cmd/fix: remove obsolete testdata.
- cmd/cgo: using __typeof__(a->r) instead of putting invalid TYPE in "a->r = (const TYPE)"
- cmd/gc: do not corrupt init() with initializers of _ in closures.
- doc: add Go 1.1 to release.html
- test/stress: fix a goroutine leak in threadRing stresstest
- cmd/go: document flag passing for tests
- cmd/gc: fix missing slice/array types in export data.
- cmd/6c, cmd/8c: avoid generating long multiplication when not necessary.
- encoding/gob: consistently use unsafe.Pointer for pointer values
- cmd/ld: fix gcdata and gcbss symbols
- cmd/5c, cmd/6c, cmd/8c: isolate textflag and dataflag
- runtime: fix description of SysAlloc
- image/jpeg: avoid documentation argument over whether it's luma
- cmd/cgo, cmd/go, go/build: sort flag lists
- runtime: fix comments (g->gobuf became g->sched long ago)
- cmd/6c: use full 64-bit address in block copy
- doc/contribute: add "Understanding the extension" section
- io/ioutil: make WriteFile notice errors from Close()
- time: provide timezone abbreviations on windows
- godoc: always use local jQuery script
- all: fix typos
- misc/pprof: fix html5 doctype declaration
- cmd/cgo: use gcc_struct attribute for packed structs to work around GCC PR52991.
- os: return io.EOF from windows ReadAt as documented
- runtime/race: tell race detector what memory Read/Write syscalls touch
- net: introduce netgo build tag to build a pure Go net package.
- runtime: catch races between channel close and channel send in select
- runtime: fix one-time memory leak on linux
- cmd/5l: use BLX for BL (Rx).
- cmd/cc: fix lexbody for negative chars
- os: request appropriate access rights before calling windows TerminateProcess
- cmd/gc: move genembedtramp into portable code
- cmd/gc: avoid creating circular lists when compiling with race detector.
- cmd/gc: compute initialization order for top-level blank vars too.
- cmd/ld: supply -s to gcc if -s is passed.
- cmd/gc: turn race detector off for tail-call method wrapper functions
- cmd/gc: save local var list before inlining
- cmd/go: clarify test filenames in help messages
- runtime: fix build
- runtime: fix plan9, windows builds
- runtime: fix scheduler race condition
- runtime: more flexible heap memory mapping on 64-bits
- testing: add -outputdir flag so "go test" controls where the files are written
- runtime/race: update runtime to r183644
- cmd/gc: properly race-instrument for loops
- runtime: fix bug introduced in cl/10256043
- runtime: improve scheduler fairness
- runtime: fix race condition between GC and setGCPercent
- runtime: fix test for new closure representation
- crypto/cipher: StreamWriter.Closer docs + behavior change
- testing: use -bench flag and fix flags doc link
- net: fix LookupNS on Plan 9
- net/smtp: close conn in SendMail; add Client.Close method
- misc/vim: Added filetype settings for comments.
- doc: style tweaks in preparation for Google Feedback link
- cmd/cgo: avoid leaking fds
- cmd/gc: fix race detector on tail-call wrappers
- math/big: fix Errorf verb
- cmd/go: document that files beginning with . or _ are ignored
- all: fix shadowing bugs found by go tool vet -shadow
- net/http: fix confusing shadowing in ProxyFromEnvironment
- spec: fix spec on conversions to match implementations
- time: handle integer overflow in Sub
- cmd/gc: fix pointer composite literals in exported if statements.
- misc/notepadplus: add missing delete keyword
- misc/notepadplus: add missing operator keyword
- compress/bzip2: don't panic on invalid input.
- time: avoid garbage collector aliasing bug
- misc/{bbedit|IntelliJIDEA|kate}: add missing delete predeclared identifier
- net/rpc: call client.Close() when test exit
- net/rpc: fix RegisterName rejects "." character.
- net/http: Transport should return an error when response body ends early
- libmach: trivial: resolve unused parameter warnings
- runtime: change netpoll in preparation for windows implementation
- libmach: trivial: resolve unused parameter warnings
- runtime: do not mark os memory as executable on windows
- sync: fix race instrumentation of WaitGroup
- cmd/ld: fix line numbers when using fieldtrack
- cmd/gc: fix escape analysis ordering
- cmd/go: proper rebuild of affected packages during go test
- crypto/sha512: provide top-level Sum512 and Sum384 functions
- misc/emacs: fix godef-jump on Windows.
- syscall: handle empty environment variable values properly on windows
- runtime: record proper goroutine state during stack split
- runtime: fix argument printing during traceback
- runtime: fix CPU underutilization
- undo CL 9776044 / 1e280889f997
- crypto/elliptic: add constant-time, P-256 implementation.
- runtime: fix goroutine status corruption
- flag: add Getter interface; implement for all Value types
- cmd/5g, cmd/6g, cmd/8g: fix comment
- include/plan9: define size_t to fix build breakage
- net/smtp: preserve Auth errors
- net/http: fix memory leak in Transport
- runtime: shorten hash lookup stack frames
- cmd/gc: fix missing export data for inlining in a few other cases.
- image/gif: do not allow pixels outside the current palette
- misc/vim: Add compiler plugin for Go
- runtime: fix memory leaks due to defers
- runtime: disable preemption test (fix build)
- cmd/godoc: set up playground for examples that are already visible
- time: prevent a panic from leaving the timer mutex held
- sort: fix 32-bit build
- cmd/gc: fix computation of equality class of types.
- cmd/gc: fix issue with method wrappers not having escape analysis run on them.
- runtime: fix runtime.sigreturn_tramp for NetBSD/ARM
- net/rpc: remove unnecessary code
- go/parser: accept optional indices for all parts of an index expression
- image/gif: close the lzw.Reader we create.
- cmd/6g, cmd/8g: prevent constant propagation of non-constant LEA.
- cmd/go: fix "go get -u" for git repositories.
- misc/dist: clean files from GOPATH after building tour
- cmd/ld: trivial: fix unhandled switch case
- builtin: document print and println
- cmd/go: fix a couple of bugs in coverage tooling
- encoding/xml: fix typo in docs
- spec: define notion of named type
- time: find correct zone abbreviations even on non-English windows systems
- go/format: fix failing test (fix build)
- net/rpc: fix a test bug
- runtime: fix CPU underutilization
- runtime: correctly handle signals received on foreign threads
- runtime: fix build for windows.
- spec: move decl in example closer to use
- misc/goplay: use `go run x.go` instead of `go build x.go`
- make.bat: incease runtime test timeout to 300s (fixes build)
- json: unmarshal types that are byte slices.
- cmd/gc: fix error message for import as 'init'
- misc/cgo/test: make test work with -linkmode=internal
- encoding/json: escape U+2028 and U+2029.
- runtime: fix 386 build after cas64 change
- misc/cgo/test: relax the threshold in test3250.
- cmd/ld: fix large stack split for preempt check
- cmd/5g, cmd/6g, cmd/8g: fix line number of caller of deferred func
- run.bash: enlarge timeout of runtime tests
- cmd/5a, cmd/6a, cmd/8a: fix flag parsing
- undo CL 11161044 / ba455262a9db
- log/syslog: fix typo: change Wanring to Warning
- dist: fix postinstall script for Darwin
- cmd/gc: tweak interface satisfaction error message
- runtime: switch to os stack in windows osyield and usleep
- cmd/gc: fix race detector instrumentation of type switches.
- cmd/gc: fix incorrect error when using f(g()) form on ... args
- cmd/gc: do not race instrument syscall.forkAndExecInChild
- cmd/ld, runtime: new in-memory symbol table format
- net: fix setsockopt for openbsd
- syscall: record argument size for all assembly functions
- cmd/8g: Make clearfat non-interleaved with pointer calculations.
- runtime: disable preemption again to fix linux build
- cmd/ld: trivial: fix unused parameter pedantry
- debug/gosym: avoid test failure on Windows
- cmd/ld: refine test for history stack pop (fix Windows build)
- runtime: mark concatstring as variadic (fixes 386 build)
- runtime: prevent sysmon from polling network excessivly
- test: fix error output in the test
- runtime: prevent GC from seeing the contents of a frame in runfinq
- cmd/gc, cmd/ld: fix build: remove unused var, use correct var in printf
- libmach,lib9: override unused parameter warnings (fixes windows build)
- libmach,lib9: override unused parameter warnings (fixes netbsd and openbsd builds)
- regexp: use a very fast random generator for benchmarks.
- doc: fix wiki content error
- cmd/ld: fix warnings on Plan 9
- runtime: Stop arm memmove corrupting its parameters
- database/sql: close statement before connection
- net/http: respect tls.Config.ServerName in Transport
- math/rand: mention Seed in overview, add another top-level example
- runtime: fix windows build
- runtime: fix throw message in netpoll
- runtime: more cgocallback_gofunc work
- misc/emacs: Make godef-jump behave more like find-tag by supporting pop-tag-mark
- cmd/cgo: Fix issue with cgo cdefs
- bufio: check buffer availability before reading in ReadFrom
- cmd/gc: avoid passing unevaluated constant expressions to backends.
- cmd/cgo: gccgo fixes
- syscall: prlimit argument error for Getrlimit and Setrlimit on Linux 32-bit
- spec: update prose in Constants section
- go/parser: restrict ParseDir to files with suffix ".go"
- 5c: fix pc recalculation in the presence of AFUNCDATA
- undo CL 11788043 / 62d06cccc261
- gc: fix line directive processing on windows
- cmd/pack: support removing of leading file prefix on windows
- runtime: handle runtime.Goexit during init
- misc/notepadplus: use new User Defined Language system (UDL2)
- runtime: fix potential deadlock in netpoll on windows
- cmd/dist: fix crash on windows
- misc/dashboard: fix typo in comment
- all: move examples into package *_test.
- doc/articles: state that slices/arrays start at the 0th element
- runtime: allow SetFinalizer with a func(interface{})
- net: fix memory leaks on windows
- runtime: fix freebsd build
- runtime: fix openbsd build
- runtime: fix linux/arm build
- runtime: fix arm build
- runtime: fix arm build
- runtime: fix timediv calls on NetBSD, OpenBSD
- build: fix build
- doc/codewalk: test source code
- encoding/xml: Do not pass through invalid utf8 bytes
- net: fix comment on SetKeepAlivePeriod
- cmd/gc: insert \n at end of every input file
- cmd/gc: don't report mark if other things are broken
- net: fix memory leak on unix
- runtime: fix race builders
- runtime: enable goroutine preemption
- runtime: fix code formatting
- container/list: document complexity of Len
- net/http: skip TestDirJoin on Windows, even if /etc/hosts exists
- runtime: cut struct Hmap back to 48-byte allocation
- runtime: ARM _sfloat has no arguments
- text/template: fix type of ComplexZero in test
- runtime: fix build on FreeBSD
- fmt: put a ! in all error output generated by Printf-like functions
- fmt: remove "Scan:" prefix from error messages
- runtime: optimize some hash lookups.
- fmt: treat \r\n as \n in Scan
- text/template/parse: print TextNodes using %s not %q
- time: Allow Parse and Format to handle time zone offsets with seconds
- fmt: make all errors begin with the string "%!", always.
- path/filepath: Panic in Match when parsing invalid character range.
- cmd/gc: record argument size for all indirect function calls
- spec: clarify index and selector expressions
- undo CL 11884043 / bfd5ed8236d5
- container/list: added MoveBefore and MoveAfter
- spec: clarify a couple of issues about channels
- runtime: save 8 stack bytes in timediv on arm.
- doc: don't invoke go build with -o /dev/null during test
- build: remove builder from test suite (fix build)
- runtime: fix arm preemption
- runtime: mark arm _lsvh nosplit (may fix arm build)
- spec: clarify index and selector expressions
- runtime: fix arm build.
- net/http: don't MIME sniff if handler set an empty string Content-Type
- runtime: fix netbsd/arm build
- strconv: fix doc comment for IntSize
- net/http: don't write out invalid cookie lines
- compress/flate: Fixed two panics on bad data
- runtime: fix traceback across morestack
- net/url: prepend slash to path in String()
- image/draw: fix typos found by "go vet".
- build: on OS X 10.8 and later, use clang instead of gcc
- cmd/dist: fix build
- cmd/dist: fix build again
- cmd/go: Fix go get when the fetched XML uses ASCII encoding
- cmd/go: fix build
- cmd/dist: fix windows build.
- cmd/dist: generate cmd/cgo/zdefaultcc.go on windows (fixes windows build)
- html/template: handle nils during indirection
- runtime: disable dynamic priority boosting on windows
- net/http: fix Response.Header documentation for multiple headers with same key
- net: fix concurrent Accept on windows
- time: match month and day names only when not followed immediately by a lower-case letter
- doc/effective_go.html: remove spurious word
- net: fix some test bug
- doc/progs/slices.go: fix typo in comment
- misc/notepadplus: add Function List support
- os, syscall: implement Getwd on darwin using getattrlist
- compress/bzip2: support concatenated files
- cmd/gc: fix inlining of unnamed structs with embedded fields.
- runtime: tune append crossover on amd64 and 386
- strings: use runtime assembly for IndexByte
- reflect: Get rid of the test for the error message when
- container/heap: add Fix and document the min is element 0.
- runtime/pprof: test multithreaded profile, remove OS X workarounds
- runtime: Use old implementation from cgo.
- net: reduce number of memory allocations during IO operations
- net: fix intentional build breakage introduced in 12413043
- runtime: change int32 to intgo in findnull and findnullw
- runtime: fix Plan 9 build
- syscall: fix IPv6 wrong network mask on latest FreeBSD
- os: fix plan9 build
- runtime: use correct types for maxstring and concatstring
- fmt: fix up zero padding
- doc/articles/laws_of_reflection.html: fix name of variable
- all: fix up language in a couple of comments
- net/http: treat HEAD requests like GET requests
- net/http: do not send redundant Connection: close header in HTTP/1.0 responses
- net: fix small bug introduced by 48f7c4dd87fe
- test: fix return.go to not use fallthrough in a type switch
- test: fix return.go to remove unused labels
- net/http: Various fixes to Basic authentication
- runtime: do not run TestCgoSignalDeadlock on windows in short mode
- runtime: fix traceback in cgo programs
- runtime: Record jmpdefer's argument size.
- flag: export commandLine, the previously internal default FlagSet
- container/list: fix typo in comment
- regexp/syntax: make it clearer that \b and \B are ASCII-defined
- net/mail: AddressList fails to parse addresses with a dot
- encoding/xml: allow attributes stored in pointers to be marshaled.
- os: make Readdir work as documented
- cmd/gc: move large stack variables to heap
- runtime: print scavenger details when forced with debug.FreeOSMemory
- misc/notepadplus: fix functionList regex issue
- os: fix windows and plan9 builds
- cmd/gc: make bitmaps shorter
- cmd/gc: fix stkptrsize calculation
- net/http: fix early side effects in the ResponseWriter's ReadFrom
- cmd/api: rewrite using go/types
- reflect: avoid allocation when interface's contents are not addressable
- cmd/cc: restore correct meaning of %Q
- text/template/parse: nicer error when comment ends before final delimiter
- misc/pprof: pprof on windows does not provide demangled names
- cmd/go: install godoc into correct directory
- cmd/5c, cmd/5g, cmd/5l: turn MOVB, MOVH into plain moves, optimize short arithmetic.
- encoding/csv: always allow trailing commas
- cmd/gc: make missing package error fatal
- runtime: traceback running goroutines
- cmd/go: cgo programs depend on syscall
- encoding/binary: speed up writing slices of integers
- encoding/binary: fix 32-bit build
- net: add special netFD mutex
- runtime: fix netbsd build
- net: fix LookupSRV ordering on plan 9
- net/http: Make ReadResponse work with a nil Request parameter
- net: move InvalidAddrError type into net.go
- strconv: fix typo in docs
- bufio: drop buffer recycling, add Reader.Reset and Writer.Reset
- runtime/pprof: add block profile test
- crypto/rand: simplify example to exploit properties of ReadFull
- bufio: make it clear that the client must call Writer.Flush
- cmd/8g: factor out prog information
- runtime: fix ARM assembly formatting
- cmd/5l: fix encoding of new MOVB, MOVH instructions
- sync/atomic: specify argsize for asm routines
- runtime/race: add end-to-end test
- net/http: do not send malformed cookie domain attribute
- cmd/6g, cmd/8g: proginfo carry fixes
- cmd/6l: fix printing of frame size in TEXT instruction
- cmd/gc: add temporary-merging optimization pass
- runtime: fix network timers related crash
- syscall: disable cpu profiling around fork
- sync/atomic: add Swap functions
- runtime: fix handling of network deadlines
- runtime/pprof: fix test
- net: implement DNS TCP fallback query if UDP response is truncated
- io: prevent write to PipeWriter after Close
- sync/atomic: fix ARM nomenclature in comments
- runtime: fix false deadlock crash
- runtime: fix LockOSThread
- undo CL 12787044 / ed695cdf962b
- runtime: tell GC not to scan internal hashmap structures.
- undo CL 12840043 / 3b9f54db72a1
- net: fix windows build
- net: fix build fix
- runtime: fix build on arm
- cmd/go: add -t flag to 'go get' to download test dependencies
- misc/notepadplus: support Calltips
- encoding/xml: add, support Marshaler interface
- undo CL 12603044 / 2ca230b93195
- cmd/5g: fix temp-merging on ARM
- sync/atomic: fix new swap on arm linux
- runtime: improve block profiler support for channels
- runtime.cmd/ld: Add ARM external linking and implement -shared in terms of external linking
- database/sql: fix accumulation of bad conns on prepared statements
- cmd/cgo: fix windows build
- cmd/dist: fix darwin build
- runtime: Fix netbsd/arm and freebsd/arm build
- runtime: Fix build on older ARM
- runtime: implement SysUnused on windows
- runtime: fix windows build
- runtime: make SetFinalizer(x, f) accept any f for which f(x) is valid
- encoding/xml: add, support Marshaler interface
- net: fix TestTCPLookup
- runtime: fix SetBlockProfileRate
- cmd/go: fix detached heads that are remnants of bad git clones.
- cmd/go: fix bad error message in coverage for package without non-test files
- go_spec.html: clarify that tags are part of struct type identity
- os/exec: document that LookPath's result may be a relative path
- time: expand acceptance of time zones when parsing
- runtime: fix plan9 build
- net: enable runtime-integrated network pollster on freebsd, openbsd
- runtime: fix wrong syscall numbers on freebsd/386, openbsd/386
- cmd/go: delete 'go doc'
- net/http: don't send an automatic Content-Length on a 304 Not Modified
- cmd/gc: ensure addable in checknil (fix race build)
- database/sql: make Rows.Next returning false always implicitly call
- image: Inline example image data to make it runnable on playground.
- runtime: impose stack size limit
- misc/emacs: Refactor coverage code into multiple functions
- cmd/gc: remove mentions of "ideal" from error messages.
- cmd/go: fix at least some instances of double compilation
- misc/emacs: when defining prog-mode, define it like GNU Emacs 24 would
- undo CL 12822043 / 96fefaa02ae3
- time: fix time zones yet again.
- net: fix bug in fdMutex
- runtime/race: update runtime to rev 188542
- runtime: fix goroutine stack accounting
- test: say that nilptr2.go requires 256+MB stack
- runtime: impose thread count limit
- net: limit number of concurrent cgo calls
- net: fix garbage connection close in dual stack tests
- net/textproto: use ReadDotBytes instead of non-existent ReadDotAll.
- testing: don't start timing a Parallel test until it's actually starting
- archive/tar: Fix support for long links and improve PAX support.
- cmd/dist: join with TMPDIR more carefully to avoid // in path.
- math/big: fix nil bug in GobEncode
- cmd/gc: better error messages for C-style if statements.
- cmd/gc: don't attempt to generate wrappers for blank interface methods
- test: fix build
- cmd/go: diagnose import cycles better
- cmd/go: only try to clean executables for package main
- runtime: do not preempt race calls
- net: annotate Read/Write for race detector
- os: be consistent about File methods with nil receivers
- os: fix windows build
- net/http: support WriteString on the ResponseWriter
- net: enable runtime-integrated network pollster on freebsd/arm
- misc/xcode: use `xcode-select` to determine path
- archive/tar,zip: implement the os.FileInfo interface correctly.
- doc/go1.2.txt: archive/tar's fixed FileInfo
- reflect: Fix Convert to add indir bit when the value is actually a
- runtime: do not trigger GC on g0
- syscall: fix stale URL for linux/arm unistd.h
- doc: hide playground on front page if playground disabled
- net: add minimal internet protocol number information base
- net: fix misspelled variable name (fixes windows build)
- net: fix race in TestDNSThreadLimit
- net: fix dial to raw IP networks on Windows
- doc: correct a minor go_mem.html mistake
- syscall: add Cloneflags to Linux SysProcAttr.
- cmd/api: be more robust against OS deleting temp files
- syscall: update routing socket parser for NetBSD 6 and beyond
- doc/go_faq.html: fix non-grammatical sentence
- text/template: make the escapers for HTML etc. handle pointers correctly
- net: have separate read and write processing threads on windows
- go/ast: fix comment formatting
- misc/pprof: pprof http used with net/http/pprof not working on windows/amd64
- cmd/5g: avoid clash between R13 and F3 registers.
- cmd/gc: tag builtin error, byte, rune to avoid exporting them.
- net/http: document Request.Body more
- text/template: allow {{else if ... }} to simplify if chains
- cmd/go: add -race flag to 'go list'
- net: BUG section for ReadFrom, ReadFromIP methods of IPConn on "ip4" network
- runtime: re-enable TestParForParallel
- sort: use a very fast random generator for benchmarks
- encoding/json: add "overflow" struct tag option
- os/exec: return idempotent Closer from StdinPipe
- undo CL 13180043 / 318540e7857f
- cmd/go: make it work for cloned repositories
- cmd/gc: fix method values whose receiver is an unnamed interface.
- cmd/gc: fix detection of initialization loop.
- cmd/8g: add descriptions for some missing instructions.
- cmd/gc: make method names for function scoped types unique
- misc: add linkcheck tool
- compress/flate: implement Reset method on Writer.
- regexp: fix a benchmark case
- misc/pprof: work with either LWP::UserAgent or curl
- misc/dist: remove Xcode files from the darwin binary distribution
- database/sql: add SetMaxOpenConns
- undo CL 10726044 / c9bea548fb6f
- go/build: fix deps_test for Plan 9's os/user dependencies and to
- database/sql: add SetMaxOpenConns
- net: keep lookup IP stuff close
- cmd/5l,cmd/6l,cmd/8l: fix dragonflydynld path
- runtime: record type information for hashtable internal structures.
- net: fix TestFirstFavoriteAddr failure on single IP stack kernel
- net/http: sniff less
- cmd/cgo: don't let #cgo directives mess up line numbering
- cmd/ld: don't allocate unused garbage space in pclntab file table
- html/template: export the parse.Tree for the escaped template
- cmd/dist: don't print misleading warning when using GOROOT_FINAL
- cmd/ld: emit relocations for .debug_frame in external link mode
- test/nilptr: add more tests
- cmd/go: don't leave test binary around for coverage
- net: Fix inaccurate docs for AcceptTCP and AcceptUnix.
- crypto/rand: make Read use io.ReadFull
- runtime: handle timer overflow in tsleep
- codereview: update use of promptchoice for Mercurial 2.7
- test: fix build (update for new error message)
- cmd/gofmt: sort more, remove some duplicate imports
- sort: fix Example_sortMultiKeys
- archive/tar: fix a case where USTAR-split is not working correctly.
- cmd/gc: add missing typecheck for walk-generated constants.
- cmd/go: rename go.exe if cannot delete it during clean
- runtime: account for all sys memory in MemStats
- compress/flate: prevent panic when reinitializing huffmanDecoder with bad input
- net: don't error when marshalling nil IP addresses
- sort: add a simpler sort.Interface example
- sort: fix up example expected output formatting
- compress/flate: small documentation fix
- time: allow more time for TestOverflowRuntimeTimer to succeed
- cmd/gc: fix 'internal error: typename ideal bool'
- cmd/gc: show package name in 'imported and not used' error
- cmd/gc: more detail in import conflict error message
- cmd/gc: diagnose '_ = nil' better
- cmd/cgo: record full source path to input .go files
- cmd/gc: allow inlined struct == to mention unsafe.Pointer even in safe mode
- cmd/6g: handle very wide offsets.
- runtime: remove OABI check from ARM startup
- log/syslog: use alternate format for logging to local syslog daemon
- syslog: fix data race on 'crashy' in test function
- encoding/xml: fix panic in Marshal
- path/filepath: fix race with other tests
- container/list: unexpected panic if Next/Prev called outside of list.
- encoding/json: document actual behavior for Unmarshal into interface{}
- os/exec: change windows LookPath so it works like cmd.exe
- libmach: change three more BGET macro invocations back
- go/build: allow $ in cgo LDFLAGS
- cmd/go: implement -x correctly for 'go vet', 'go fmt', and so on
- cmd/go: fix build -n output when using swig
- cmd/go: better error for shadowed directories in GOPATH
- cmd/go: build SWIG shared libraries in work directory
- cmd/go: report real package in errors for go get with wildcard
- cmd/go: fix error for 'go install x.go' when GOBIN is not set
- go/doc: restore handling of multi-paragraph BUG comments
- cmd/go: run benchmarks in sequence
- cmd/go: fix go test using package main_test
- cmd/go: show FAIL for errors during test setup
- libmach: accept OS X binary generated by external linker
- cmd/6l, cmd/8l: fix MOVL MOVQ optab
- build: more "undefined behavior" fixes
- cmd/go: report correct directory for 'no version control'
- cmd/api: make api check directory per-user
- cmd/go: use pattern to prune file tree walk
- net: implement TCP connection setup with fast failover
- cmd/cgo: replace C.malloc with our own wrapper
- net: defend against broken getaddrinfo on Linux
- runtime: show runtime.panic frame in traceback
- go/build: reject directory with only cgo files if cgo not in use
- runtime: keep args and frame in struct Func
- cmd/api: fix tool for recent go/build change
- cmd/5l, cmd/6l, cmd/8l: refactor stack split code
- cmd/8l: fix 386 builds
- doc/go1.2.html: happy eyeballs on net
- net/http: document ServeMux handling of pattern "/"
- net/rpc: document thread safety requirements of codec types.
- runtime, cmd/gc, cmd/ld: ignore method wrappers in recover
- encoding/xml: add Encoder.Flush
- misc/dist: include cover and vet, add -tool flag to specify tag
- text/template/parse: mostly roll back the error detection for unmatched right delimiters
- goyacc: Fix debug printing of the lexed token's ID and name, and add whitespace in the 'stateX saw' message.
- cmd/5l: fix handling of RET.EQ in wrapper function
- syscall: add TCIOFLUSH family of constants
- reflect: document FieldByName shortcoming
- runtime: avoid inconsistent goroutine state in profiler
- os/exec: add more caveats to StdoutPipe, StderrPipe
- fmt: %b for complex64 and complex128
- encoding/xml: document behavior for undefined name space prefixes
- go/build: add ctxt.MatchFile
- runtime: fix CPU profiling on Windows
- encoding/gob: ignore chan and func fields of structures
- doc: add uninstallation instructions
- doc: re-organize site content
- net/rpc: log I/O and internal errors only if debugLog is set.
- cmd/go: document that "main" is a reserved import path
- runtime, syscall: work around FreeBSD/amd64 kernel bug
- runtime: make ARM integer div-by-zero traceback-friendly
- cmd/cgo: allow C.malloc(0) always
- net: make all.bat run for ordinary Windows users
- cmd/cgo: fix build (missing file from earlier CL)
- runtime: fix freebsd build
- cmd/gc: fix divide by zero error in compiler
- runtime: fix uint64 division on 386
- cmd/gc: do not report fields when looking for methods
- crypto/tls: fix TLS 1.2 client certificates.
- effective_go: add a discussion of labeled break and continue
- build: disable precise collection of stack frames
- cmd/6c, cmd/6g, cmd/cc: fix undefined behavior warnings
- text/template/parse, html/template: copy Tree.text during html template clone
- cmd/cgo: rearrange and update documentation
- cmd/gc: eliminate redundant &x.Field nil checks
- cmd/go: add basic docs on calling between Go and C/C++
- cmd/gc: fix set but not used error
- cmd/go: write the WORK=/tmp/... line to stderr
- cmd/ld: handle duplicate static symbols in COFF and Mach-O files.
- cmd/go: fix missing __mingw_fprintf symbol for cgo on windows
- cmd/gc: cleanup SWITCH nodes after walk.
- cmd/ld: fix "ld -s" to not discard pclntab.
- test/fixedbugs/bug295.go: fix test in anticipation of future gc fix
- runtime: avoid allocation of internal panic values
- cmd/gc: fix imported and not used error for import .
- test/run: print command line for running an individual test
- cmd/api: always do API check if hg is available
- runtime/pprof: run TestGoroutineSwitch for longer
- runtime/race: update runtime to r191161.
- misc/notepadplus: fix some number syntax highlight issue
- net/http: send correct time in Date header.
- doc/go1.2.html: fix 3-index slice example
- doc: mention os/exec StdinPipe change in Go 1.2 doc
- fmt: one bad index shouldn't spoil them all
- go/build: add go1.2 build tag
- cmd/ld: fix "_image_base__ not defined" problem for cmd/8l.
- reflect: add example for StructTag
- undo CL 13321048 / 9567c5da6e25
- crypto/tls: document that the package supports TLS 1.2
- runtime/pprof: fix profile parser in test
- misc/pprof: support block profile
- net/http: accept Content-Range for entire file
- reflect: update docs; Interface can return a method value
- net: fix Close of autobind unix listener
- net: ensure that ResolveTCPAddr(addr.String()) reproduces addr
- encoding/json: don't cache value addressability when building first encoder
- net: re-enable raw socket tests on windows
- cmd/dist, cmd/go: embed default C++ compiler into cmd/go
- cmd/cgo: retain Go pointer passed to C call for duration of call
- math/big: Fix variable name in documentation for *Int.Bytes and BitLen.
- html/template: update the Tree field after parsing new templates
- cmd/cgo: fix so that tests pass again when using gccgo
- doc: document installation of commands
- doc: fix typo in install-source.html
- cmd/go: "go test -c -test.bench=XX fmt" shouldn't hang
- runtime, syscall: update freebsd/arm calling convention to match EABI
- doc: update links to spec and memory model
- all: fix some mistakes found by go tool vet .
- syscall: Fix one issue detected by vet.
- race.bash, race.bat: build a race enabled cmd/cgo before trying to use it
- cmd/dist, build: support building statically linked toolchain
- runtime: do not scan stack by frames during garbage collection
- runtime: fix finalizer test on amd64
- net/http: be clear that HTTPS is supported
- doc/effective_go: fix server example that shares var between goroutines
- misc/dist: support building statically linked toolchain.
- runtime: remove syscall.NewCallbackCDecl on Windows
- crypto/tls: document ConnectionState fields
- cmd/go: document relative imports
- net: use original argument in lookup error
- doc/faq: add a FAQ about versioning
- sync/atomic: explain how to subtract an unsigned constant
- spec: fix small typo in comment for example
- runtime: collect profiles even while on g0 stack
- runtime: fix bug in maps at the intersection of iterators, growing, and NaN keys
- os/user: fix user lookups on dragonfly
- spec: unsafe.Pointers are pointers
- math: the trig functions work in radians; document that
- doc/articles/wiki: fix path handling and clean up test process
- doc: fix a few broken links
- encoding/gob: add examples
- lib/time: update time zone files to version 2013g
- compress/flate: fix infinite loop on malformed data
- net: fix typo in failure message in test
- debug/dwarf: handle surprising clang encoding
- cmd/go: add any .c/.cc files to the SWIG shared library
- net: fix TestDialFailPDLeak to work when GOMAXPROCS is large
- misc/emacs: don't treat (foo)(bar) as a function call when preceded by a word character.
- codereview: fix hg sync closing of CLs for subrepositories
- doc/effective_go.html: fix a couple of cosmetic issues
- copy doc.go from to go root
- cmd/gc: re-word some error messages
- misc/cgo/test: fix C panic test to work with gccgo
- go/build: fix test if built with CGO_ENABLED=0
- doc/effective_go.html: fix unescaped less-than character
- doc: fix small HTML problems
- cmd/api: make it work even when cgo is disabled
- net/http: skip content-type sniffing if the header is explicitly unset.
- cmd/gc: fix comment about performing indexing at compile time.
- doc/contrib.html: fix some tags
- cmd/cgo: work around bug in clang debug info for builtins like memset
- misc/cgo/test: fix build (define prototype for alloca)
- misc/cgo/test: cut out non-standard functions
- cmd/cgo: fix Xcode 5 incompatibility for #defined expressions
- undo CL 14231047 / 2f4c2dde2756
- cmd/cgo: print the builtin prolog after the per-file preamble
- doc/effective_go.html: fix code example
- cmd/cgo: simpler fix for issue 6506.
- database/sql: fix double decrement of numOpen count; test for connection leaks
- database/sql: Fix connection leak and potential deadlock
- spec: clarify re-use of underlying arrays in slice operations
- database/sql: fix some test fmt verbs
- encoding/xml: accept chains of interfaces and pointers
- runtime: correct test for when to poll network
- net/url: fix regression when serializing relative URLs
- misc/dist: set default tag
- runtime: remove nomemprof
- net: make sure failed Dial returns nil Conn
- cmd/cgo: stop using compiler error message text to analyze C names
- cmd/cgo: fix line number in an error message
- cmd/yacc: fix stderr on Windows.
- net/mail: fix minor doc typo.
- crypto/tls: advertise support for RSA+SHA1 in TLS 1.2 handshake.
- time: fix ParseDuration overflow when given more than 9 digits on 32-bit arch
- strings: fix Replacer bug with prefix matches
- net/url: fix Encode doc comment
- net: handle single-line non-\n-terminated files correctly in readLine
- runtime: relax preemption assertion during stack split
- cmd/cgo: stop using -fno-eliminate-unused-debug-types
- debug/dwarf: add DWARF 4 form constants
- os: do not return Lstat errors from Readdir
- net/http/httputil: fix DumpRequestOut with ContentLength & false body param
- encoding/xml: fix doc comment
- database/sql: Fix typos in doc
- database/sql: document Result methods
- cmd/5l, runtime: make ARM integer division profiler-friendly
- undo CL 19810043 / 352f3b7c9664
- cmd/5l, runtime: fix divide for profiling tracebacks on ARM
- net/textproto: fix CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey panic
- go/doc: add full stop of Japanese, Chinese and Korean.
- cmd/cgo: fix handling of array of pointers when using clang
- cmd/godoc: document package-level examples
- spec: clarify rules for blank identifiers
- doc/asm.html: new document, a brief guide to the assembler
- encoding/gob: do not use MarshalText, UnmarshalText
- misc/dist: fix file regexp
- doc: update installation instructions
- README: Fix installation instructions
- misc/vim: describe how to get gofmt-on-save behaviour.
- doc/install.html: fix a tag.
- reflect: prevent the callXX routines from calling makeFuncStub
- reflect: fix Zero() implementation - not every type has a
- runtime: fix race detector when map keys/values are passed by pointer.
- cmd/gc: fix special-casing of the printed names of map internal structures.
- liblink: fix Plan 9 build
- cmd/ld: fix linux/386 build
- cmd/6l: fix linux/amd64
- cmd/gc: fix windows build, probably
- runtime: do not use memmove in the Plan 9 signal handler
- cmd/8c, cmd/8g, cmd/8l: fix Plan 9 warnings
- liblink: fix extern register accesses on Plan 9 (386)
- cmd/cgo: use __gcc_struct__ for go exported functions
- runtime: check for signed zero in printfloat
- os: clarify docs for Rename.
- crypto/rand: support generation of 2-5 bit primes, also document the error return for Prime
- os: fix build.
- net: fix nits found by go tool vet
- liblink, cmd/gc: fix incompatible type signatures on Plan 9
- crypto/x509: fix behaviour of KeyUsageAny.
- doc/effective_go.html: close some tags.
- net/http: document that body is closed after (*Request).Write.
- cmd/5a, cmd/6a, cmd/8a: fix .y files to match[ch]
- crypto/cipher: speed up xor operations in CBC, CFB, OBF, CTR
- crypto/x509: fix typo in comment.
- fmt: Fix signed zero-padding for positive floats
- crypto/rc4: fix type errors in pure Go implementation
- doc: add Go 1.2 to release history page
- bytes: fix description of FieldsFunc
- runtime: fix crash in runtime.GoroutineProfile
- crypto/cipher: fix CFB mode.
- crypto/tls: generate random serial numbers.
- runtime: fix test
- database/sql: Check errors in QueryRow.Scan
- cmd/gc: fix comparison order of parameters in mpcmpfltc(a, b)
- misc/vim: use shiftwidth() instead of &sw if available.
- cmd/go: set GOROOT when testing "go install cmd/fix"
- time: fix test error in Chinese edition of Windows
- race.bat: fix env setup
- cmd/ld: maintain correct headstring needed by windows port.
- ld: fix Plan 9 build
- database/sql: fix auto-reconnect in prepared statements
- os, path/filepath: don't ignore Lstat errors in Readdir
- database/sql: fix typo in comment
- runtime: don't crash in SetFinalizer if sizeof *x is zero
- database/sql: Fix inaccurate comment
- liblink: rewrite '\\' in paths to '/' on windows
- net: make TestDNSThreadLimit execute at the end of tests
- log: add example
- log: fix example (fix build)
- crypto/x509: set default signature hash to SHA256 and allow override.
- misc/notepadplus: Fix Function List in Notepad++ 6.5
- liblink: fix Plan 9 warnings
- libmach, cmd/8l: fix Plan 9 warnings
- cmd/6g, cmd/gc, cmd/ld: fix Plan 9 amd64 warnings
- image/gif: respect local color table transparency.
- math/rand: Float32/64 must only return values in [0,1)
- encoding/asn1: Fix parsing of non-printable strings in
- cmd/go: show testflag help for "go test -h"
- net: don't return a nested error when happy eyeballs dialing
- syscall: add NewCallbackCDecl again
- cmd/ld: make hostobj work on newer openbsd
- cmd/yacc: expr example support windows
- runtime: unblock signals when we try to core dump
- runtime: fix build for OpenBSD
- net: ParseIP should return nil if :: doesn't expand in an IPv6 address.
- doc: fix typo in Effective Go
- cmd/gc: address 1½ liveness bottlenecks
- net/http: empty contenty-type treated as application/octet-stream
- cgo/runtime: replace sigprocmask with pthread_sigmask.
- misc/vim: Fix broken quote
- runtime/cgo: include <signal.h> to fix build
- net/http: fix data race in benchmark
- all: fix a few spelling errors in source comments
- net: work around Solaris connect issue when server closes socket
- runtime: load runtime.goarm as a byte, not a word
- reflect: fixed method name in Slice3 error message
- cmd/6g: inline copies of up to 4 words in length.
- spec: example shows wrong value for complex constant
- text/template: don't panic when using AddParseTree with an unparsed template
- net: fix typo
- syscall: handle varied path lengths for unix sockets
- encoding/json: Fix missing error when trying to unmarshal null string into int, for successive ,string option
- cmd/gc: silence assignment errors to undefined symbols
- os: return ErrInvalid if receiver is nil.
- spec: Fix broken type identity link
- runtime: Fix race detector checks to ignore KindNoPointers bit
- runtime: Fix panic when trying to stop CPU profiling with profiler turned off
- hash/fnv: fix overview link currently returning 404.
- archive/zip: fix bug reading zip64 files
- cmd/gc: do not omit wrapper for expression (interface{...}).F
- net/http: fix data race when sharing request body between client and server
- cmd/go: test: do not put object files where later steps will find them
- archive/zip: new test for earlier zip64 fix
- runtime: handle gdb breakpoint in x86 traceback
- runtime: change errorCString to a struct
- runtime: co-exist with NPTL's pthread_cancel.
- testing: document that ResetTimer also zeros the allocation counters.
- go/parser: slightly improved error message by adding hint
- runtime: fix 32-bit malloc for pointers >= 0x80000000
- cmd/gc: mark OGOTO as a statement for formatters.
- liblink: fix comments. Someone was overzealous with search & replace.
- database/sql: avoiding fmt.Sprintf while scanning, avoid allocs with RawBytes
- database/sql: fix test on 32-bit
- runtime, syscall: update for openbsd system ABI break
- net: ignore some errors in windows Accept
- syscall: remove getsockname workaround for openbsd
- syscall: include mmap constants in openbsd zerror* files
- go/scanner: minimal non-terminated literals
- net: fix incorrect internal IPv6 address representation in test
- cmd/link: implement and test automatic symbols
- cmd/link: fix build
- runtime/pprof: fix flaky TestCPUProfileMultithreaded test
- runtime: fix comment
- cmd/gc: return canonical Node* from temp
- net/http: fix another data race when sharing Request.Body
- cmd/gofmt: remove -tabwidth and -tabs flags
- runtime: change map iteration randomization to use intra-bucket offset
- net/http: return UnexpectedEOF instead of EOF on truncated resposne
- runtime: fix data race in GC
- cmd/pack: rewrite in Go
- net/http: add disabled test for Body Read/Close lock granularity
- runtime: use lock-free ring for work queues
- runtime: output how long goroutines are blocked
- cmd/gc: fix race build
- cmd/gc: handle non-escaping address-taken variables better
- fmt: fix bug printing large zero-padded hexadecimal
- net/http: cache transport environment lookup
- net/http: don't allow Content-Type or body on 204 and 1xx
- reflect: Remove imprecise techniques from channel/select operations.
- net: skip TestDualStackTCPListener in short mode
- net/rpc: fix inconsistency in documentation of Service.Register
- syscall: allocate 64 bits of "basep" for Getdirentries
- runtime: fix TestLFStackStress
- syscall: fix build
- runtime: print stack trace when "panic during panic"
- syscall: fix typo
- net/http, net/http/httputil: make chunked reader alloc test more robust
- expvar: sort maps, fix race
- runtime: ensure fair scheduling during frequent GCs
- net: fix data race in test
- runtime: fix test on windows
- runtime: fix specials deadlock
- runtime: fix race detector by recording read by chansend.
- cmd/gc: fix crash in -live debugging output
- cmd/gc: do not follow uintptr passed as function argument
- cmd/gc: fix build
- cmd/link: add testdata/pclntab.6 (fix build)
- syscall: add Flock_t.Lock method
- misc/cgo/testtls: make test less flaky
- liblink: remove use of linkmode on ARM
- cmd/go: do not require a valid archChar when using -compiler gccgo
- cmd/gc: do not typecheck nil types in multiple assignment
- cmd/gc: preserve qualified names of unexported methods in imports.
- runtime: fix and improve CPU profiling
- runtime: fix code formatting
- cmd/gc, cmd/ld: fix Plan 9 warnings
- testing: diagnose buggy tests that panic(nil)
- net: plan9 changes for default net directory
- testing: fix SkipNow and FailNow to avoid panic(nil) check
- runtime: fix typo in ARM code
- bufio: fix benchmarks behavior
- runtime: Print elision message if we skipped frames on traceback.
- liblink, runtime: fix cgo on arm
- sync: scalable Pool
- sync: support Pool under race detector
- runtime: smarter slice grow
- runtime: fix buffer overflow in stringtoslicerune
- runtime: tune P retake logic
- runtime: fix windows build
- runtime/debug: fix incorrect Stack output if package path contains a dot
- httputil: in ReverseProxy, strip hop-by-hop headers from the backend response
- build: fix typos in run.rc
- cmd/go: When linking with gccgo pass .a files in the order they are discovered
- io: clarify MultiReader documentation
- net: make it possible to use FilePacketConn with IPConn
- runtime: adjust malloc race instrumentation for tiny allocs
- runtime: fix buffer overflow in make(chan)
- encoding/asn1: support set tag when unmarshaling.
- net: fix incoming connection's network name handling on unix networks
- net/http: reuse client connections earlier when Content-Length is set
- net/http: read as much as possible (including EOF) during chunked reads
- encoding/gob: fix two crashes on corrupted data.
- cmd/ld: fix bug with "runtime/cgo" in external link mode
- cmd/gc: do not consider length zero arrays as comparable.
- runtime: fix typos in test
- unicode: delete appearance of unused LowerUpper term from comment
- time: use an alternative method of yielding during Overflow timer test
- os/exec: fix Command with relative paths
- liblink, cmd/5a, cmd/5l: restore cgo on older ARM processors
- liblink, cmd/5l: restore flag_shared
- text/tabwriter: improve panic backtraces
- cmd/go, doc/go1.3.txt: misc/benchcmp has been replaced by go tool benchcmp
- encoding/json: mention escaping of '&'
- cmd/go: do not create world-writable files.
- net/mail: correctly handle whitespaces when formatting an email address
- runtime: fix build on freebsd/arm
- runtime/cgo: fix build on freebsd/arm
- syscall: fix build on freebsd/arm
- cmd/gc: fix nil pointer dereference
- cmd/go: fix test.bash
- cmd/go: skip $ORIGIN test on darwin systems
- runtime: fix crash during cpu profiling
- cmd/go: fix comment
- runtime: handle "sys: trap: divide error" note on Plan 9
- doc: restore race detector manual
- cmd/gc: change compile error to "use of package %S without selector"
- doc: remove "Code that grows with grace" video from front page
- archive/zip: actually test uncompressed size
- archive/zip: use correct test, fix 32-bit build
- cmd/6g, cmd/8g, cmd/5g: make the undefined instruction have no successors
- go/parser: check presence of 2nd and 3rd index in 3-index slice
- go/parser: better error messages for if/switch/for conditions/expressions
- debug/pe: delete unnecessary type conversions
- net/http: make responseAndError satisfy the net.Error interface
- crypto/subtle: panic if slices of different lengths are passed to ConstantTimeCompare.
- encoding/json: fix test failure
- runtime: more precise mprof sampling
- cmd/cc, cmd/gc, cmd/ld: consolidate print format routines
- runtime: fix non-concurrent sweep
- debug/macho: Add support for opening fat/universal binaries.
- cmd/5g: fix print format in peephole debugging
- cmd/5g: fix regopt bug in copyprop
- runtime/pprof: fix arm build after CL 61270043
- cmd/gc: fix warnings on Plan 9
- cmd/6c, cmd/8c, cmd/8g: fix print of pc (which is vlong).
- archive/tar: support extended attributes
- runtime: fix concurrent GC sweep
- runtime: introduce MSpan.needzero instead of writing to span data
- cmd/gc: fix windows build
- math/big: add support for general encoding interfaces
- cmd/go, go/build: support .m files
- cmd/gc: for loop init statement misanalyzed by escape analysis
- lib9: fix inconsistencies and warnings on Plan 9
- lib9: fix Solaris build
- cmd/go: fix cgo error output rewrite
- crypto/rsa: explain random parameter for GenerateKey and GenerateMultiPrimeKey.
- cmd/gc: distinguish unnamed vs blank-named return variables better
- cmd/gc: fix liveness for addressed results
- syscall: fix system calls with misaligned arguments on freebsd/arm
- cmd/5g, cmd/8g: fix build
- cmd/gc: handle variable initialization by block move in liveness
- cmd/gc: correct liveness for wrappers containing tail jumps
- runtime: fix windows cpu profiler
- cmd/gc: fix build for 'default unsigned char' compilers
- runtime: fix mem profile when both large and small objects are allocated at the same stack
- net: handle IP interface stack correctly on linux
- runtime: if traceback sees a breakpoint, don't change the PC
- math/big: Add text marshaller interface to Int
- runtime: fix "invalid address in sys call" on Plan 9
- compress/bzip2: support superfluous Huffman levels.
- codereview: fix for Mercurial 2.9
- text/template: don't panic when function call evaluates a nil pointer
- cmd/gc: do not lower copy to a value node in go/defer.
- cmd/gc: correct liveness for fat variables
- cmd/gc: record &x[0] as taking address of x, if x is an array
- net/http: close body in benchmarks
- testing: ease writing parallel benchmarks
- cmd/link: fix comment typo.
- crypto/rc4: test the portable version too
- cmd/link: change cloneProg to return the cloned value
- cmd/gc: reject incorrect use of fallthrough.
- cmd/gc: fix handling of append with -race.
- crypto/x509: add example of using a custom root list.
- cmd/gc: fix array index out of bounds error message
- cmd/addr2line: reimplement in Go
- cmd/gc: fix printf format in typecheck.c
- cmd/gc, runtime: enable precisestack by default
- cmd/pack: don't look for " in output from go env
- cmd/pack: another attempt to fix the build for TestHello
- cmd/pack: provide executable name in TestHello
- os: fix Rename on Plan 9
- cmd/ld: fix off-by-one error in DWARF .debug_line transcription
- cmd/gc: make embedded, unexported fields read-only.
- cmd/pack: fix match
- crypto/tls: enforce that either ServerName or InsecureSkipVerify be given.
- testing: improve introduction to package comment
- cmd/ld: don't emit unreachable dynimport symbols in ELF symtab.
- cmd/gc: diagnose "make([]T, non-integer)" correctly.
- misc/cgo/testso: don't use TLS variables on Darwin and OpenBSD.
- net/http: fix comment in connectMethod's key format
- runtime/race: fix finalizer tests
- gdb: Add partial python3 + go1.2 support to
- runtime: fix double symbol definition
- runtime: fix potential memory corruption
- runtime: fix heap memory corruption
- testing: fix bogus benchmark
- cmd/go: Plan 9 compatible "env" output
- cmd/gc: fix walkcompare bugs.
- cmd/ld: fix build for ARMv5.
- build: comment possible ulimit failure in run.bash
- crypto/tls: report TLS version in ConnectionState.
- go/printer: fix alignment of comments in labeled statements
- cmd/go: fix bug in remote package discovery
- runtime: fix 386, arm build
- spec: clarify default "true" condition/tag in for/switch statements
- crypto/sha1: restore accidental removal of arm build tag
- syscall: fix solaris build
- all: nacl import round 2
- include: fix comment in link.h
- runtime, net: fixes from CL 68490043 review
- cmd/gc: fix bad checknil with ints on 32 bit compilers
- go/printer: refine handling of one-line functions
- cmd/gc: do not nop-convert equivalent but different interface types.
- runtime: fix build on Plan 9
- runtime: fix and improve comments
- spec: slightly rephrased wording on parsing ambiguity for composite literals
- syscall: add mlock, munlock, mlockall, munlockall and mprotect to OSX
- go/printer: measure lines/construct in generated output rather than incoming source
- net/http: make Transport.CancelRequest work for requests blocked in a dial
- syscall: add some paranoia in Linux's Accept4
- image/jpeg: fix progressive decoding when the DC components are split
- go/misc/makerelease: pin go-tour repo to a specific revision
- image/jpeg: return a FormatError when hitting an unexpected io.EOF
- os: don't allow Process.Kill after Process.Release
- cmd/ld: fix misgenerated pcln file numbers
- net/http: add Server.ErrorLog; log and test TLS handshake errors
- runtime: small Native Client fixes
- net/http: ensure ConnState for StateNew fires before Server.Serve returns
- misc/makerelease: use windows installer resources from local goroot
- net/http: add Client.Timeout for end-to-end timeouts
- cmd/ld: fix warning on Plan 9
- crypto/tls: split connErr to avoid read/write races.
- syscall: add support for FreeBSD 10
- os: handle file creation with close-on-exec flag correctly on darwin, freebsd
- net: enable fast socket creation with close-on-exec flag on freebsd
- cmd/gc: fix internal crash
- math/rand: speed up Float32, Float64
- net/http: fix location of StateHijacked and StateActive
- spec: clarify what is considered a function call for len/cap special case
- runtime: fix traceback on Windows
- cmd/gc: use a register to checknil constants.
- cmd/go: fix data race on buildLdflags
- runtime: fix finalizer flakiness
- path/filepath: ensure Glob does not ignore broken symlinks
- crypto/cipher: fix AEAD.Open documentation nit
- cmd/ld: clear unused ctxt before morestack
- runtime: fix arm build (B not JMP)
- net/http: fix test failure on some Windows machines
- net/http: make Request.ParseForm parse form-urlencoded for method PATCH too
- liblink: fix arm build
- net/smtp: set ServerName in StartTLS, as now required by crypto/tls
- go/parser: better error position for non-invoked gp/defer functions
- os: try openFile before openDir in windows os.OpenFile
- net: fix non-blocking connect handling on dragonfly
- syscall: fix
- runtime: handle Go calls C calls Go panic correctly on windows/386
- cmd/gc: allow append and complex builtins to accept 2-result call expression as first argument.
- cmd/dist: use vfprintf on Windows, same as on Unix
- encoding/gob: improve interface assignment error message
- cmd/dist: support building pkg/runtime/*.
- spec: shadowed return parameters may be disallowed
- syscall: add mmap constants for NetBSD/ARM.
- net/http: Add TLS Connection State to Responses.
- net/http: minor fixes and optimization for Response.TLS
- net/http: deflake a test
- doc/go_faq.html: reference the new wiki page titled Go Code Review Comments
- spec: be more precise about underlying types of predeclared types
- cmd/dist: enable GOARM>5 on NetBSD/ARM.
- run.bash: explain why we set GOMAXPROCS for runtime test
- runtime: fix runaway memory usage
- runtime: fix bad g status after copystack
- spec: clarify value passed for final parameter of variadic functions
- net/http/cgi: kill child CGI process on copy error
- runtime: use custom thunks for race calls instead of cgo
- runtime: fix warnings on Plan 9
- cmd/5c: fix arm build
- runtime: fix malloc page alignment + efence
- cmd/go: add test case for cgo coverage
- strconv: document value returned by ParseInt when there is an error
- encoding/gob: document that Decode returns EOF at EOF
- runtime: fix memory leak in runfinq
- runtime: fix memory corruption and leak in recursive panic handling
- runtime: refactor and fix stack management code
- liblink: fix morestack handling on amd64p32.
- runtime: fix windows/386 build
- runtime: comment out breakpoint in windows/386 sighandler
- cmd/gc: enforce register-width alignment for stack sizes.
- runtime: round stack size to power of 2.
- crypto/md5, crypto/sha1: exclude amd64p32 from generic implementations.
- runtime: fix futexsleep test on freebsd/386
- os: document that Process.Wait only works on child processes
- net/rpc/jsonrpc: set exactly one of result or error to non-null in response
- runtime: fix flakiness on futexsleep test
- runtime: fix cgocallback stack size on amd64p32.
- runtime: small Native Client fixes
- runtime: more Native Client fixes
- crypto/rsa: fix docs for PrecomputedValues.Qinv
- liblink: fix bad code generated for MOVFD/MOVDF when reg > 7
- runtime: fix nacl/amd64p32 signal handling
- path/filepath: fixed misaligned comment.
- syscall, net: clean up socket stub for solaris
- cmd/gc: fix crash in -live mode
- runtime: fix empty string handling in garbage collector
- net/http/cgi: serve 500, not 200, on invalid responses from child processes
- cmd/go: respect system CGO_CFLAGS and CGO_CXXFLAGS
- runtime: efence support for growable stacks
- fmt: improve documentation for width and precision
- runtime: fix missing nacl/386 symbol
- cmd/go: use correct libraries during gccgo link
- net: fix TCP keepalive on dragonfly
- cmd/6g: fix stack zeroing preamble on amd64p32.
- cmd/gc: fix spurious type errors in walkselect.
- runtime: avoid runtime·cgocall in functions called by forkAndExecInChild
- runtime: fix stack size check
- runtime: fix signal handling on Plan 9
- debug/macho: handle missing __debug_str section
- runtime: fix use after close race in Solaris network poller
- cmd/gc: replace '·' as '.' in ELF/Mach-O symbol tables
- cmd/gc: fix spurious 'not enough arguments to return' error
- cmd/go: fix invalid go pack command line in the output of go build -x
- runtime: fix a race in bgsweep
- cmd/6g, runtime: alignment fixes for amd64p32.
- runtime: fix spans corruption
- runtime: fix another race in bgsweep
- runtime: fix 386 assembly for syscall.naclWrite
- cmd/gc: fix comment about how GOEXPERIMENT works
- net/http/fcgi: fix handling of request ID reuse
- net/http: Request Body error should not be ignored.
- fmt: document GoStringer and explain application of formats to compound objects
- build: fix race in doc/articles/wiki test
- cmd/gc: fix error check for self-referential array type.
- cmd/go: make the default coverage mode -atomic if -race is set
- expvar: don't recursively acquire Map.RLock
- cmd/go: let build -x output describe CGO_LDFLAGS env variable
- strconv: CanBackquote should reject \x7F
- bytes: fix panic in Map
- cmd/gc: check exponent overflow and underflow in mparith
- runtime: fix stack split detection around fork
- strings, bytes: fix Reader.UnreadRune
- strings, bytes: ReadAt should not mutate receiver
- fmt: make %F a synonym for %f
- base64: fix bug that decoder fails to detect corruption
- cmd/6g, cmd/8g: skip CONVNOP nodes in bgen.
- doc/effective_go.html: fix typo
- doc/go_faq.html: update description of stack management
- encoding/asn1: use GeneralizedTime for times outside the range of UTCTime.
- cmd/ld: fix warnings on Plan 9
- text/scanner: handle non-io.EOF errors
- bufio: fix typo in test
- cmd/gc: round floats with a large negative exponent towards zero
- bufio: fix bug that ReadFrom stops before EOF or error
- cmd/gc: fix spurious 'const initializer is not a constant' error
- doc: allow buffered channel as semaphore without initialization
- regexp: document that it is linear in the input size.
- regexp/syntax: document the upper limit of n in x{n}
- math/cmplx: define Pow(0, x) for problematic values of x.
- runtime: use VEH, not SEH, for windows/386 exception handling
- database/sql: add "defer rows.Close()" to the example code.
- net/http: don't re-use Transport connections if we've seen an EOF
- runtime: redo stack map entries to avoid false retention
- runtime: fix windows build (buggy commit in 19543:d68b79ccbfed)
- runtime: use VEH for windows/amd64 exception handling
- doc/gopher: fix typo in README
- net: avoid multiple calling of syscall connect on Unix variants
- misc/vim: Disable automatic line wrapping by textwidth.
- cmd/go: ensure external test files are presented to the linker first
- fmt: document order of application of %T, %p and the special interfaces
- cmd/go: fix typo in help doc
- runtime: fix yet another race in bgsweep
- runtime: eliminate false retention due to m->moreargp/morebuf
- cmd/dist: set -Wuninitialized only when -O is also set.
- cmd/go: Use exported CgoLDFlags when compiler=gccgo
- misc/bash, misc/zsh: fix completion rules
- cmd/gc: fix spurious 'use of untyped nil' error
- cmd/dist: zero output variables on entry to goc2c functions
- cmd/gc: liveness-related bug fixes
- cmd/cgo: enforce typing of 0-sized types
- crypto/x509: update tests because Windows removed the Verisign root.
- runtime: do not crash when GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx is missing
- cmd/gc: never pass ptr to uninit temp to runtime
- bytes, strings: allow Reader.Seek past 1<<31
- net: tweak the ephemeral port range on dragonfly
- cmd/gc: suppress array index error caused by a previously reported error
- cmd/ld: don't delete output binary if not "ordinary" file.
- cmd/gc: fix spurious "bad negated constant" for complex constants.
- html/template: fix broken links
- runtime: adjust GODEBUG=allocfreetrace=1 and GODEBUG=gcdead=1
- cmd/gc: shorten temporary lifetimes when possible
- cmd/5g, cmd/8g: fix build
- net: make WriteTo, WriteToUnix and WriteMsgUnix fail when connectionless-mode UnixConn is already connected
- cmd/gc: shorten even more temporary lifetimes
- cmd/8g, cmd/gc: fix warnings on Plan 9
- cmd/gc, cmd/ld, runtime: compact liveness bitmaps
- runtime: revert change to PoisonPtr value
- crypto/tls: deflake TestConnReadNonzeroAndEOF
- cmd/pack: fix format string error in log message
- cmd/gc: fix build
- runtime: check that new slice cap doesn't overflow
- net/http: clarify Request fields' client-vs-server semantics
- runtime: fix fault during arm software floating point
- archive/tar: add support for GNU sparse files.
- net/url: add test of "Windows" file URL
- net: accept a few more errors in Accept4 wrapper
- fmt: fix go syntax formatting of []byte(nil)
- go/doc: fix ToText
- cmd/gc: reject builtin function calls in len(fixed array) constants
- runtime: use mincore correctly in addrspace_free
- cmd/gc, runtime: optimize map[string] lookup from []byte key
- runtime: test malformed address fault and fix on OS X
- cmd/dist: reflect local changes to tree in goversion
- cmd/gc, runtime: make GODEBUG=gcdead=1 mode work with liveness
- cmd/gc: fix build
- os/exec: always try appropriate command extensions during Cmd.Start on windows
- net: fix format string in TestAcceptIgnoreSomeErrors
- cmd/gc: check duplicate keys in maps with interface{} key type
- runtime: fix plan9 warning.
- cmd/gc: compute size of keys & values before making map bucket
- syscall: use unsafe.Pointer instead of uintptr on windows when possible
- cmd/8g: fix liveness for 387 build (including plan9)
- net: fix data race in benchmark
- runtime: fix heapdump bugs.
- runtime: make sure associated defers are copyable before trying to copy a stack.
- runtime/race: more precise handling of channel synchronization
- reflect, runtime: fix crash in GC due to + precise GC
- encoding/xml: Makes XML Marshaler take into account XMLName field from anonymous field
- encoding/xml: unmarshal into interfaces
- go/doc: fix URL matched in ToHTML
- crypto/(ec)dsa: use Fermat's inversion.
- reflect: fix variadic arg for funcs created by MakeFunc.
- cmd/go: allow use of Context in 'go list -f'
- runtime: fix GOTRACEBACK on Plan 9
- html/template: fix two unrelated bugs
- cmd/gc: ignore blank (_) labels in label declarations
- cmd/gc: avoid confusing error message "ovf in mpaddxx"
- runtime: fix flaky linux/386 build
- misc/emacs: ignore backquote in comment or string
- cmd/6g: relax constraint on variables that need zeroing.
- sync.Pool: better documentation
- bufio: fix UnreadByte
- bufio: fix potential endless loop in ReadByte
- undo CL 86220044 / 41388e58be65
- syscall: fix Getfsstat() for BSD
- cmd/go: always build package during "go test" command
- runtime: fix semasleep on Plan 9
- runtime: no longer skip stack growth test in short mode
- net/http: don't reuse Transport connection unless Request.Write finished
- sync: fix spurious wakeup from WaitGroup.Wait
- net/http: fix requests failing on short gzip body
- doc/go1.3.html: fix spelling mistakes
- net/http: document, test, define, clean up Request.Trailer
- net/http: fix up Response.Write edge cases
- expvar: fix map key output
- fmt: fix typo in help doc
- bufio: fix potential endless loop in ReadByte
- net/http: don't reject 0-lengthed bodies with Expect 100-continue
- net/http: Return ErrNotMultipart from ParseMultipartForm if content-type isn't multipart/form-data.
- net/http/httptest: add test for issue 7264
- cmd/gc: fix typo in ordermapassign
- cmd/gc: increase specificity of errors in function call context
- net/http: quiet useless warning during shutdown
- undo CL 66510044 / 6c0339d94123
- net/http: close Body in client code always, even on errors, and document
- cmd/dist: mark cmd/link and debug/goobj as unreleased
- net/http: make race detector happy for recently-added test
- cmd/go: do not miss an error if import path contains "cmd/something"
- doc/help.html: fix typo in word order
- crypto/x509: fix Windows build.
- net/http: clarify Response.Body Close responsibility
- undo CL 87300043 / 1dc800571456
- cmd/dist: use GOHOSTARCH/GOHOSTOS instead of GOOS/GOARCH for host libraries and binaries
- runtime: fix program termination when main goroutine calls Goexit
- text/template: say more often that templates are safe for parallel execution
- liblink: introduce TLS register on 386 and amd64
- cmd/ld: use TLS relocations on ELF systems in external linking mode
- math/big: fix doc typos.
- doc/asm.html: remove mention of 6l -a
- doc/install.html: FreeBSD 8 and higher only are supported
- build: remove tmp dir names from objects, support GOROOT_FINAL again
- cmd/ld: record complete path again
- image/png: fix crash when an alleged PNG has too much pixel data,
- crypto/tls: don't block on Read of zero bytes
- doc: edit documentation that uses "satisfies reads" and "satisfies writes"
- run.bash: fix build on netbsd builders.
- doc: remove outdated Makefile
- doc/debugging_with_gdb: use -w to strip debug info.
- cmd/ld: cast PE32 absolute addend to int32.
- reflect: correct type descriptor for call of interface method
- liblink: fix incorrect hash collision in lookup
- runtime: crash when func main calls Goexit and all other goroutines exit
- cmd/5g, cmd/6g, cmd/8g: preserve wide values in large functions
- net/http: fix data race in TestTransportResponseHeaderTimeout
- encoding/base64: don't lose a byte of output when encountering trailing garbage
- go/scanner: interpret //line directives sans filename sensibly
- doc/go1.3.html: fix id anchor for FreeBSD
- go/scanner: interpret //line directives sans filename sensibly, second try.
- liblink: add leaf bit to object file format
- all: fix typos
- flag: document that Bool also accepts "T" and "F"
- encoding/xml: document NewDecoder buffering
- liblink, cmd/ld: reenable nosplit checking and test
- cmd/nm: windows pe handling fixes
- cmd/ld: populate pe symbol table with Go symbols
- cmd/gc: fewer errors for wrong argument count
- encoding/json: document Encoder will terminate each JSON value with '\n'
- compress/gzip: add Reset method to Reader
- test: demo for issue 7695
- cmd/gc: fix segfault in isgoconst.
- cmd/ld: don't pass -rdynamic to external linker if -static is used
- net/http: allow commas and spaces in cookie values
- cmd/pack: avoid ./ import in test (fix Windows build)
- net: fix probabilities in DNS SRV shuffleByWeight
- net/http/httputil: include Content-Length in DumpResponse output
- cmd/go: support -ccflags in 'go test'
- os: change return variable name for Getwd to avoid confusion
- cmd/nm: print symbol sizes for windows pe executables
- cmd/gc: avoid %L in error message
- doc/go1.3.html: fix Goexit link
- cmd/go: handle -ccflags in 'go test'
- runtime, go/build: re-enable cgo on FreeBSD.
- cmd/nm: do not fail TestNM if symbol has less then 3 columns in nm output
- runtime: fix typo in error message
- math/big: fix Int.Exp
- strings: fix off-by-one error in test
- os/exec: deflake a test on Linux
- net: fix confusing typo in comment
- net/http, strings, bytes: fix http race, revert part of Reader behavior change
- bufio: make all read functions UnreadByte-friendly
- net: make WriteMsg{IP,UDP,Unix} return the correct number of bytes transferred
- net/http/httputil: don't leak goroutines in DumpRequestOut
- doc/debugging_with_gdb.html: add introductory disclaimer
- encoding/gob: handle interface types in isZero() by returning true for nil interfaces.
- os: cap reads and writes to 2GB on Darwin and FreeBSD
- src: fix issues found by go vet std
- encoding/ascii85: handle non-data bytes correctly
- cmd/cgo: fix C.CString for strings containing null terminators under gccgo
- syscall: fix handling socket control messages on dragonfly
- doc: fix an article
- net/tcp: fix check for openbsd in test
- doc: fix broken link to RTEMS Go wiki page
- doc: fix link to Mercurial download
- misc/vim/readme.txt: workaround weird OS X vim bug.
- log/syslog: document if network=="" for Dial, it will connect to local syslog server.
- net: make WriteTo, WriteToIP and WriteMsgIP fail when IPConn is already connected
- lib/time: update time zone info to v.2014b
- cmd/go: test: clean up all temporary directories
- go/build: add go1.3 release tag
- html: fix small typo
- runtime: make MemStats.LastGC Unix time again
- runtime: do not set m->locks around memory allocation
- runtime: fix bug in GOTRACEBACK=crash causing suppression of core dumps.
- std lib: fix various typos in comments
- archive/zip: Document ModTime is always UTC
- cmd/go: add go build -i
- cmd/addr2line: works with windows pe executables now
- cmd/addr2line: skip broken TestAddr2Line on plan9 (fixes build)
- race.bash,race.bat: unset GOROOT_FINAL during tests
- net/mail: propagate unsupported charset error
- runtime: fix bug in cpu profiler
- spec: clarify type properties
- spec: remove evaluation order inconsistency
- spec: several clarifications to language on channels
- database/sql: fix accounting of open connections
- runtime: use duff zero and copy to initialize memory
- doc/install.html: update wrt to OS and compiler support.
- cmd/objdump: actually accept hex address without "0x" prefix.
- encoding/json: add example for Indent, clarify the docs.
- net: drop flakey TestDialFailPDLeak
- testing: write profiles on failure
- cmd/go: mark regexp as dependency of testmain
- cmd/gc: don't give credit for NOPs during register allocation
- cmd/gc: fix ... escape analysis bug
- crypto/aes: fix overrun in assembly encrypt/decrypt
- cmd/gc: disable link-time copying of un-Go-initialized globals
- math/cmplx: specify which square root Sqrt returns
- cmd/go: accept build flags in clean and list
- encoding/binary: document that Read requires exported struct fields
- test/bench/shootout: support windows
- bytes: fix typos
- net/url: correct documentation of Values.Add
- runtime: be a lot more lenient on smhasher avalanche test.
- runtime/race: fix the link for the race detector.
- undo CL 100330043 / e4248ed0037c
- net/rpc: do not leak client socket on closed connection
- unicode: fix doc typo
- cmd/objdump: works with windows pe executables now
- runtime: add copy of math.sqrt for use by arm softfloat
- cmd/go: better error for install of 'test-only' package
- net: make use of SO_LINGER_SEC on darwin
- undo CL 92210044 / 5cb21eee2d35
- cmd/gc: record line number for auto-generated wrappers as <autogenerated>:1
- net/http: fix flaky test
- cmd/gc: fix escape analysis for slice of array
- cmd/go: link SWIG objects directly rather than using a shared library
- cmd/go: detect import cycle caused by test code
- cmd/gc: alias more variables during register allocation
- cmd/gc: fix liveness vs regopt mismatch for input variables
- cmd/go: fix 'go test foo_test.go'
- mime/multipart: add NewReader example
- encoding/xml: fix to allow xml declaration with EncodeToken
- encoding/json: document what unmarshal of `null` into non-reference type does
- io: copy slice argument in MultiReader and MultiWriter
- cmd/cgo: omit misaligned struct fields, like we omit bitfields
- runtime: handle decommit failure gracefully on Windows
- cmd/go: fix go test again
- runtime: fix triggering of forced GC
- reflect: fix map type generation
- regexp/syntax: don't waste time checking for one pass algorithm
- net: fix documentation for SetLinger
- cmd/gc: fix out of bounds access
- archive/tar: Fix bug preventing untar
- spec: more precise description of select statement
- doc/effective_go.html: a little more about errors
- test: fix flakey test case for issue 4388
- net: detect changes to /etc/resolv.conf.
- cmd/nm, cmd/objdump: fix elf symbol types
- cmd/addr2line, cmd/objdump: fix pe text section starting address
- misc/pprof: always use go tool objdump on windows
- crypto/sha256, crypto/sha512: fix argument size in assembly
- cmd/gc: fix duplicate map key check
- cmd/gc: correct handling of globals, func args, results
- net/http: fix nits found by go tool vet
- runtime: make scan of pointer-in-interface same as scan of pointer
- sync/atomic: fix unimportant assembly errors found by go vet
- syscall: fix stack frame sizes in assembly
- container/heap: update example code
- cmd/gc: fix two select temporary bugs
- syscall: fix a few Linux system calls
- syscall: fix linux amd64 build
- spec: clarify that newlines are kept in raw string literals
- encoding/xml: fix format in test message
- syscall: fix arm build
- doc/go1.3.html: fix typo
- runtime: fix freeOSMemory to free memory immediately
- reflect: test, fix access to nil maps
- spec: clarify when a program exits
- math/rand: restore Go 1.2 value stream for Float32, Float64
- database/sql: more docs explaining that DB is a pool
- net/http: document that ProxyFromEnvironment special-cases localhost
- cmd/gc: fix <-<-expr
- text/template,html/template: document that partial results may be written on error
- cmd/gc: fix float32 const conversion and printing of big float consts
- runtime: switch default stack size back to 8kB
- liblink: fix field tracking
- misc/makerelease: handle update tour file layout
- cmd/ld: make lldb happy with Mach-O 6.out files
- syscall: fix Write(nil) on NaCl
- test: test issue 7884 (already fixed)
- build: make nacl pass
- doc/go1.3.html: mention cgo [0]byte bug fix fallout
- cmd/go: document file types
- debug/plan9obj: cleanup api
- undo CL 84040045 / 5302b4c58aa0
- runtime: revise the document of Version()
- all: fix "the the" typos.
- doc/install.html: fix duplicate id= tag
- doc/go_spec.html: fix broken anchor tag
- spec: clarify section on package initialization
- reflect: don't panic on delete from nil map.
- cmd/ld: really import runtime/cgo for external link
- database/sql/driver: correct method name in comment
- test/float_lit2.go: fix constants for 386 platforms (fix build)
- cmd/go: check for SWIG version that is too old to use
- cmd/go: fix coverage for 'package foo_test' tests
- fmt: fix floating-point padding once and for all
- cmd/gc: fix floating point rounding again
- test: fix two typos in float_lit2.go
- cmd/objdump: fix dissasembly of Plan 9 object files
- doc: fix typo in sharemem codewalk
- spec: explicitly disallow blank methods in interface types
- os: document that Interrupt might not work on every os
- test: add test for fixed issue 7863
- runtime: stack copier should handle nil defers without faulting.
- cmd/gc: fix conversion of runtime constant
- cmd/go: do not miss an error if import path contains "cmd/something"
- cmd/gc: fix method value closures on nacl amd64p32
- cmd/gc: fix infinite loop in nil check removal
- cmd/gc: fix defer copy(x, <-c)
- cmd/gc: fix race compilation failure 'non-orig name'
- runtime: fix go of nil func value
- mime: sort attributes in FormatMediaType
- spec: clarify that break/continue do not work across function boundaries
- cmd/cgo: given typedef struct S T, make C.T and C.struct_S interchangeable
- cmd/gc: fix x=x crash
- undo CL 102820043 / b0ce6dbafc18
- cmd/gc: fix x=x crash
- cmd/6g: treat vardef-initialized fat variables as live at calls
- cmd/cgo: document the cgo types also follow Go name space rules.
- runtime: fix empty heap dump bug on windows.
- runtime: fix error check in freebsd/386 i386_set_ldt
- cmd/gc: fix handling of for post-condition in -race mode
- runtime: make continuation pc available to stack walk
- runtime: fix correctness test at end of traceback
- misc/goplay: remove program
- cmd/objdump: add arm disassembler
- build: don't build goplay in run.rc.
- misc/makerelease: fix secret
- cmd/cgo: use same Go type for typedef to anonymous struct
- cmd/gc: don't generate zillions of linehists for wrapper functions
- runtime: fix 1-byte return during x.(T) for 0-byte T
- cmd/gc: fix liveness for address-taken variables in inlined functions
- time: support version 3 zone records
- crypto/tls: fix typo referencing the required Config field
- cmd/gc: fix escape analysis of func returning indirect of parameter
- compress/gzip: allow Reset on Reader without NewReader
- doc/install-source.html: document that GO386 will be auto-detected when building on both 386 and amd64.
- doc: fix happens-before rules for buffered channels
- cmd/cgo: for typedef of untagged struct, use typedef name in C code
- cmd/6g: fix stack zeroing on native client
- runtime: fix panic stack during runtime.Goexit during panic
- doc/install.html: fix erroneous HTML annotation
- docs: link to the assembler document from the Documents tab
- cmd/ld: fix PC deltas in DWARF line number table
- net/http: fix double Content-Length in response
- cmd/gc: fix escape analysis for &x inside switch x := v.(type)
- math: implement Nextafter32
- math/big: implement Rat.Float32
- cmd/gc: fix &result escaping into result
- runtime: add test for issue 8047.
- mime/multipart: fix format
- doc: link to release history from /doc/
- time: avoid broken fix for buggy TestOverflowRuntimeTimer
- runtime: fix defer of nil func
- lib/codereview: fix doc/go1.*.txt exception
- runtime: revise CL 105140044 (defer nil) to work on Windows
- image/png: fix compare-to-golden-file test.
- runtime: fix VDSO lookup to use dynamic hash table
- os: disable TestGetppid on plan9
- fmt: don't put 0x on every byte of a compact hex-encoded string
- runtime: reconstitute runetochar for use by gostringw.
- go/parser: don't accept trailing explicit semicolon
- test: speed up chan/select5
- runtime: fix stringw test.
- text/scanner: fix comment
- fmt: fix signs when zero padding.
- runtime: fix gogetcallerpc.
- testing: fix timing format inconsistency
- image: add RGBAAt, Gray16At, etc.
- image/jpeg: encode *image.Gray as grayscale JPEGs.
- sync: detect incorrect usages of RWMutex
- test: add test case for issue 8074.
- syscall: implement setresuid(2) and setresgid(2) on OpenBSD/FreeBSD/DragonflyBSD
- spec: receiver declaration is just a parameter declaration
- fmt: fix typo in help doc
- runtime: fix Plan 9 build
- runtime: fix nacl amd64p32 flakiness
- crypto/cipher: Fix typo in example comment
- runtime: fix GC bitmap corruption
- test/fixedbugs: fix typo in comment
- encoding/gob: remove unsafe, use reflection.
- runtime: stack allocator, separate from mallocgc
- undo CL 104200047 / 318b04f28372
- cmd/8g: don't allocate a register early for cap(CHAN).
- gofmt/main: Added removal of empty declaration groups.
- cmd/gofmt: fix gofmt -s for 3-index slices
- liblink, runtime: preliminary support for plan9/amd64
- bufio: Fixed call to Fatal, should be Fatalf.
- crypto/cipher: fix typo in example comment
- crypto/rsa: fix out-of-bound access with short session keys.
- crypto/x509: fix format strings in test
- cmd/go, cmd/ld, runtime, os/user: TLS emulation for android
- image/gif: fix nil deref in test
- debug/elf: fix nil deref in test
- cmd/ld: fix off-by-one in DWARF frame tables
- undo CL 101670044 / 49a6cbd80cf2
- runtime: fix spurious "[string too long]" error
- cmd/go: fix build -o panic when import path pattern matches 0 pkgs
- os: fix failing test on Plan 9
- debug/plan9obj: fix test build
- runtime: grow heap by 64K instead of 128K
- runtime: ignore exceptions from foreign threads.
- runtime: align stack before calling windows in usleep2
- image/png: interlacing support for png.
- liblink: fix warnings on Plan 9
- make.bat: return exit code to dashboard builder
- spec: permit "for range x" (no index variables)
- go/ast: fix walk to handle "for range x"
- strconv: fix CanBackquote for invalid UTF-8
- cmd/go: skip vcs tests on nacl and android
- net: Don't read beyond end of slice when parsing resolv.conf options.
- compress/bzip2: fix panics on malformed input.
- cmd/go/doc: Fix example domain
- flag: fix typo
- strconv: fix handling of BOMs in CanBackquote
- liblink: fix precedence bug in pcdata comparison
- time: change nsec back to int32
- cmd/gc: implement 'for range x {'
- archive/tar: fix writing of pax headers
- runtime: align gomemeq return value correctly
- os: Implement symlink support for Windows
- sync: fix typo in benchmark name
- undo CL 101570044 / 2c57aaea79c4
- runtime: add throwgo
- runtime: fix gctrace=1
- bufio: fix UnreadSlice followed by UnreadRune
- go/ast: fix typo in comment
- test: add test for issue8347
- cmd/addr2line, cmd/objdump: fix on amd64 Plan 9
- runtime: fix stacks_sys accounting
- sync/atomic: fix data races in tests
- cmd/gc: allocate select descriptor on stack
- test: add test for confusion with dot imports
- make.bat: do not exit builder on successful completion of make.bat (fixes build)
- runtime: round gohash stack frame to multiple of 8 on amd64p32
- liblink: remove some gotos + other fixes
- syscall: fix typo in namei doc comment.
- runtime: make go vet happy
- syscall: allow for mksyscall_windows.go to be used outside of syscall
- testing: add Coverage function
- runtime: fix unexpected return pc for runtime.newstackcall
- runtime: don't lock mheap on user goroutine
- runtime: set sweepgen atomically before updating span state
- syscall: fix handling of bool return values in mksyscall_windows.go
- cmd/gc: don't mark select descriptor as EscNone
- include/u.h: define _DEFAULT_SOURCE for new glibc
- net/http: make ServeContent support dates in If-Range headers
- encoding/asn1: only omit optional elements matching default value.
- cmd/ld: better diagnostics on unaligned symbols
- net: prevent spurious on-connect events via epoll on linux
- fmt: measure width in runes not bytes with %c and %q for ints
- A+C: fixed doubled entry
- bufio: fix rot13Reader bug in test
- runtime: fix freebsd build. Assignment is int32* on 32 bit
- runtime: fix assembler macro definitions to be consistent in use of center-dot
- runtime: fix stack memory test
- runtime: fix cmallocgc's C prototype
- cmd/gc: fix example flag in comment
- runtime: fix 32 bit build.
- runtime: move built-in print routines to go.
- net: fix Dial comment about IPv6 addresses
- archive/zip: accept bogus trailing zeros in extras
- test: add test for function type in function literal
- syscall: fix typo in comment
- spec: comma-ok expressions return untyped boolean 2nd result
- crypto/tls: add ALPN support.
- mime/multipart: fix Writer data race test
- cmd/cgo: fix handling of defs_linux.go
- cmd/cgo: fix recursive type mapping
- runtime: disable aeshash on NaCl at compile time
- cmd/ld: fix operator precedence
- undo CL 114420043 / b613f2acdf69
- dist: fix Plan 9 build
- cmd/cgo: consistently map void* to *byte under -{c,go}defs
- runtime: turn off 'unexpected return pc' print on arm traceback
- debug/dwarf: fix Reader panic on DW_TAG_unspecified_type
- cmd/gc: make liveness ~10x faster
- codereview: fix submit of merge + include branch prefix in submitted message
- debug/dwarf: fix typos in comment for UnspecifiedType
- cmd/go: revise disallowInternal
- encoding/xml: add InputOffset method to Decoder
- doc: document new ParseMultipartForm behavior
- runtime: fix plan9/windows build
- runtime: convert markallocated from C to Go
- os: in Getwd, $PWD override syscall.Getwd
- cmd/fix: mention -help instead of the non-existent -? flag
- go/parser: don't do method receiver checks at parse-time
- runtime: fix nacl/amd64p32 build
- cmd/go: download test dependencies of all named packages
- flag: mention -h in docs
- encoding/json: document coercion of invalid UTF-8 characters
- os: simplify windows Getwd (fixes build)
- misc/nacl/testzip.proto: include cmd/internal/* to fix build
- cmd/go: fix build in airplane mode
- encoding/gob: fix data races in benchmarks
- syscall: ignore EINVAL/ENOENT from readdirent on OS X 10.10
- runtime: fix data race in stackalloc
- time: Fix missing colon when formatting time zone offsets with seconds
- cmd/link: fix zig-zag decoding
- cmd/6g, cmd/8g: fix, test byte-sized magic multiply
- cmd/8g: fix build
- compress/{gzip,zlib}: mention that Close flushes
- cmd/cgo: iterate over names in deterministic order
- cmd/cgo: fix default alignment for empty structs
- cmd/cgo: make C function pointers non-assignable
- runtime/pprof: fix data race
- crypto/rand: use getrandom system call on Linux
- cmd/go, go/build: implement import comment checking
- cmd/go: adjust import comment error
- cmd/cgo, debug/dwarf: fix translation of zero-size arrays
- cmd/cgo: check for compiler errors in the C preamble
- net: fix CNAME resolving on Windows
- cmd/gc: disallow pointer constants
- runtime: fix getgcmask
- fmt: fix size returned on fast path of ReadRune
- cmd/go: fix a couple of errors found by "go vet"
- cmd/dist: goc2c ignores GOROOT_FINAL
- cmd/ld: fix operator precedence
- cmd/ld: fix operator precedence
- runtime: fix dump of data/bss
- fmt: print byte stringers correctly
- cmd/6g: fix undefined behavior in reg.c
- liblink: fix encoding of ASETPC in 6a, 8a
- runtime: fix windows/amd64 build after pc-relative 6l change
- net/http: correct error message for incorrect Body length
- html/template: don't panic on second execution of unescapable template
- runtime: apply KindMask before comparison
- os: make SameFile handle paths like c:a.txt properly
- runtime: fix memstats
- cmd/gc: fix heap buffer overflow
- runtime: fix MemStats on 32-bits
- runtime: fix TestGcLastTime on windows
- runtime: fix typo in comment
- net/http: fix TimeoutHandler data races; hold lock longer
- cmd/api: add missing runtime struct
- runtime: fix deadlock when gctrace
- runtime: init GC later
- cmd/gc: fix undefined behavior
- net: fix typo
- net/http/httputil: Pass a Logger to ReverseProxy, allowing the user to control logging.
- time: removed from tests now obsolete assumption about Australian tz abbreviations
- runtime: give an explicit name to profiling Bucket sub-structs.
- cmd/ld: fix undefined behaviour in pcln.c
- sync: be more explicit in WaitGroup docs
- path/filepath: make Abs handle paths like c:a.txt properly
- syscall: fix nacl build
- misc/nacl: fix build
- path, path/filepath: remove dead code
- cmd/gofmt: fix error on partial Go code ending with line comment.
- runtime: fix futex notes
- cmd/gc: change interface representation: only pointers in data word
- runtime: convert float64toint64, float64touint64 to Go
- undo CL 130240043 / b09f70c301a5
- runtime: fix races on mheap.allspans
- runtime: fix arm build
- cmd/link: fix testdata generation
- cmd/gc: re-enable IfacePointerOnly
- cmd/5g, cmd/8g: registerize small structs and arrays
- cmd/gc: fix build
- runtime: Loosen conditions in TestMemstat in an attempt to fix the nacl/arm build.
- runtime: fix block profile for sync semaphores
- runtime: fix block profile for sync semaphores
- cmd/gc: fix order of channel evaluation of receive channels
- runtime: fix chan alignment on 32 bits
- runtime: fix plan9 HeapSys accounting
- encoding/json: make ,string work when encoding pointer fields
- cmd/go: add GOOS and GOARCH to generate
- cmd/gc, runtime: treat slices and strings like pointers in garbage collection
- crypto/cipher: add CFB test vectors.
- net/http: populate Request.Close in ReadRequest
- strings, bytes: document behavior of Replace when old is empty
- regexp: fix imports in the middle of the license header
- net/http: fix data race in test
- doc/cmd.html: close a tag.
- cmd/gc: fix undefined behaviour warnings in mparith3.c
- runtime: changes to g->atomicstatus (nee status) to support concurrent GC
- runtime: give nosplit functions 32 more bytes of headroom
- runtime: fix windows signal handlers
- runtime: fix solaris build
- runtime: fix plan9 build
- cmd/{ld,link,objdump}, runtime, debug/gosym: move linker-defined symbols into runtime package
- cmd/{addr2line,objdump}: fix finding pclntab and symtab for pe and plan9obj
- cmd/cc, runtime: preserve C runtime type names in generated Go
- runtime: fix arm build
- runtime: fix arm5 softfloat build
- runtime: fix nacl build
- cmd/5l, cmd/6l, cmd/8l: fix nacl binary corruption bug
- debug/elf: support arm64 relocations
- cmd/api: fix for Lock⇒Mutex change
- runtime: fix nacl/386 build
- png: make the encoder configurable
- mime: Make filename extensions case-insensitive
- runtime: fix build
- runtime: fix arm build
- cmd/api: more runtime fixes
- spec: move Method expr/value section near selectors
- go/token: implement PositionFor accessors
- runtime: fix openbsd/386
- cmd/internal/objfile: fix dissassembly of Plan 9 object files
- runtime: fix Plan 9 build for new C calling convention
- runtime: remove holes in FUNCDATA tables
- misc/cgo/test: disable issue 8428 regress test on darwin
- runtime: convert forcegc helper to Go
- runtime: fix sprintf index out of bounds
- text/template: add back pointer to Nodes for better error generation
- text/template/parse: restore pointer-only receivers for Type on Dot and Nil
- net: ensure identical queries are not sent multiple times in builtin stub resolver
- undo CL 107150043 / caa2646daa63
- runtime: fix openbsd build
- net: implement query-response fast failover in builtin dns stub resolver
- undo CL 135230043 / 60812bad3769
- runtime: increase nosplit area to 192
- net/http: add BasicAuth method to *http.Request
- runtime: retry fix openbsd build
- spec: Fix indentation and remove trailing white space characters.
- go/doc/headscan: update script to count headings with an ID attribute
- net/url: make Userinfo.String() escape ? and add test for shouldEscape
- cmd/cc: generate error if #pragma pack off does anything
- runtime: fix Linux build
- net/http: fix typo in comment
- runtime/race: better handling of atomic operations
- runtime: fix windows build
- runtime: fix Stack
- runtime: fix race detector running Go code on g0 of non-main thread
- runtime: fix gogetenv on Plan 9
- cmd/gc: fix runtime print(hex(x))
- runtime: don't allocate a new string in snprintf
- runtime: introduce, use funcPC to convert Go func to PC
- runtime: Start and stop individual goroutines at gc safepoints
- runtime: adopt race detector for runtime written in Go
- text/template: 0xef is an integer, not a floating-point value.
- net: fix parsing literal IP address in builtin dns stub resolver
- runtime: give 2 words back in notetsleep_internal
- net: fix parsing literal IPv6 address with zone identifier in builtin dns stub resolver
- runtime: refactor/fix asmcgocall/asmcgocall_errno
- runtime: reject onM calls from gsignal stack
- runtime: fix sigtrampPC on Windows
- runtime: fix onM test for curg on arm
- runtime: fix int64 reconstruction in semasleep
- runtime: fix nacl/amd64p32 build
- runtime: fix arm build
- runtime: fix Plan 9 build
- runtime: fix typos
- runtime: fix netbsd build
- runtime: fix solaris netpoll
- go/parser: initialize file set even in only some tests are run
- go/parser: fix "zero day" parse error
- runtime: do not stop traceback at onM
- syscall: in linux/arm Syscall, zero R3, R4, R5
- runtime: use cas loop to coordinate with sigprof
- runtime: handle nil ptr load/store in arm software floating point
- runtime: fix panic/wrapper/recover math
- liblink: fix arm build errors
- runtime: fix windows syscalls for copying stacks
- runtime: fix nacl/amd64p32 build
- cmd/dist: remove goc2c
- build: fix windows make.bat
- liblink: fix arm wrapper prologue
- runtime: save g to TLS more aggressively
- net/http/httptest: fix deadlock in TestIssue7264
- runtime: fix semacquire->acquireSudog->malloc->gogc->semacquire loop
- net/http/httptest: delete TestIssue7264
- net/http: add Transport.DialTLS hook
- build: adjustments for move from src/pkg to src
- build: more adjustments for move from src/pkg to src
- cmd/gc: fix undefined behaviour warning in subr.c
- cmd/cc: fix undefined behaviour warning in bv.c
- liblink, runtime: diagnose and fix C code running on Go stack
- runtime: run sighandler on g0 stack on windows
- syscall: keep allocated C string live across call to Syscall
- runtime: enable StackCopyAlways
- doc: amend installation instructions
- runtime: mark freedefer and deferclass go:nosplit
- go/parser: fix (pathological) corner case
- net: don't set wrong option for controlling tcp keepalive on openbsd
- syscall: fix comment in mkall_windows.bat
- runtime: on bigger maps, start iterator at a random bucket.
- runtime: fix build failures after CL 137410043
- strconv: fix documentation for CanBackquote.
- fmt: fix allocation test
- testing: read coverage counters atomically
- runtime: fix windows/386 build
- runtime: fix plan9/amd64 build?
- runtime: map iterators: always use intrabucket randomess
- net: fix inconsistent behavior across platforms in SetKeepAlivePeriod
- runtime: allow crash from gsignal stack
- test: return errors earlier in run.go
- go/printer, gofmt: don't align map entries for irregular inputs
- doc: link directly to
- runtime: make gostringnocopy update maxstring
- runtime: fix cgo to handle the case where the G stack is copied.
- runtime: look up arg stackmap for makeFuncStub/methodValueStub during traceback
- runtime: fix typo in comment
- go/printer: don't reduce nesting depth twice if parentheses are present around an expr
- cmd/gc: fix racewalk after writebarrier change
- runtime: test iteration order of sparse maps
- cmd/8g: remove unused variable (fix build)
- runtime: mark asmcgocall<>(SB) as having no arguments
- runtime: fix traceback of trap on ARM
- image/jpeg: reject invalid Ta and Td values.
- runtime: fix solaris build
- runtime: fix solaris build, part 2
- syscall: add GO_ARGS to Go-called assembly
- runtime: fix parameter checking in syscall.NewCallback
- net/http: don't call FileSystem.Open with unclean index.html path
- cmd/gc: generate type alg after calling dowidth.
- cmd/gc: don't walk static nodes generated by anylit.
- runtime: try harder to get different iteration orders.
- cmd/ld: document that -X overwrites initialized variables
- io: clarify Reader returning 0, nil
- cmd/gc: say 'non-constant array bound' instead of 'invalid array bound'
- runtime: use traceback to traverse defer structures
- runtime: fix 386 build
- net: make TestSelfConnect less fragile
- os/signal: increase timeout from 10ms to 100ms
- sync/once: panicking functions still marked as complete
- liblink: make GO_ARGS the default for functions beginning with ·
- reflect: add Type.Comparable
- net/mail: allow us-ascii encoding
- cmd/go: use pkg-config include pathes in swig and don't double compile c++ files.
- runtime: always run semacquire on the G stack
- liblink, sync/atomic: fix arm build
- sync: fix linux/arm build
- runtime: account for tiny allocs, for testing.AllocsPerRun
- sync/atomic: add more missing Go prototype
- runtime: print more detail in adjustframe crash
- runtime: free stacks of Gdead goroutines at GC time
- image/gif: fix GIF encoding of sub-images.
- fmt: fix allocation tests
- os: avoid error result when dir is removed out from under RemoveAll
- runtime: fix handling of GOTRACEBACK
- go/doc: treat _ consts as exported
- syscall: fix infinite recursion in itoa
- bytes, strings: document that FieldsFunc f must not be stateful
- lib9, cmd/ld: fixes for cross-linking on a Windows host
- runtime: show frames for exported runtime functions
- runtime: fix Windows SysUsed
- runtime: remove useless code around of EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT
- os: handle 'has been removed' error as IsNotExist on Plan 9
- reflect: adjust Value.String to give correct answer for methods
- runtime: allow OutputDebugString to be sent to debugger
- runtime: revise TestSetPanicOnFault
- path/filepath: document that Glob ignores i/o errors
- runtime: fix GOARM<7 build
- runtime: release Windows thread handle in unminit
- syscall: mark ECONNRESET, ECONNABORTED as temporary network errors
- net/http: ensured that proxy errors are returned by Transport.RoundTrip.
- cmd/go, testing: add TestMain support
- net/http: document server recovering panics
- cmd/go: fix typo
- spec: clarify panic behavior when deferring nil functions
- runtime: Fix interaction between Goexit and defers
- image/gif: don't let the per-frame transparent index modify the global
- database/sql: Close per-tx prepared statements when the associated tx ends
- text/template: allow comparison functions to work between any integers
- fmt: document that self-recursive data structures can be fatal
- text/template: type-check chained node as argument
- runtime: fix runtime.Breakpoint on ARMv5
- os: fix another case where RemoveAll should return nil
- cmd/pack: fix c command for existing file
- runtime: keep g->syscallsp consistent after cgo->Go callbacks
- runtime: fix LastGC comment
- cmd/go: prohibit C sources files unless using cgo
- cmd/gc: run escape analysis always (even in -N mode)
- cmd/gc: fix import of package with var func returning _
- debug/dwarf: correct name for clang-generated complex type
- cmd/cc, cmd/ld, runtime: disallow conservative data/bss objects
- fmt: document and fix the handling of precision for strings and byte slices
- build: fix elf builds
- cmd/go: strip -fsanitize= flags when building cgo object
- runtime: more NOPTR
- os: fix Args setup on Windows
- runtime: more NOPTR
- cmd/go: fix bytes and net the right way
- net/http: support https_proxy in ProxyFromEnvironment
- net/http: check for CloseWrite interface, not TCPConn implementation
- net/http: allow double-quotes only on cookie values, not cookie
- cgo: adjust return value location to account for stack copies.
- cmd/gc: avoid infinite recursion on invalid recursive type
- cmd/gc: print x++ (not x += 1) in errors about x++
- cmd/gc: emit error for out-of-bounds slice of constant string
- bufio: fix handling of empty tokens at end of line/file
- spec: clarify embedding of interfaces
- spec: clarify scope and re-use of iteration variables
- cmd/go: install dependencies for 'go build -i' on a command
- encoding/gob: error rather than panic when decoding enormous slices
- encoding/gob: fix 386 build
- cmd/go: fix 'go get vanity/repo/...' in clean GOPATH
- cmd/go: re-resolve and check vcs roots during go get -u
- cmd/go: make malformed import path message more precise
- cmd/go: display program name when reporting crash
- cmd/go: add test -o flag to control where test binary is written
- cmd/go: document that testdata directories are ignored
- liblink: fix cmd/ld -X flag
- cmd/go: handle paths like \x.go on windows
- cmd/go: make build -a skip standard packages in Go releases
- cmd/go: fix -a
- flag: allow CommandLine's Usage function to be set
- cmd/yacc: fix parsing of character tokens
- cmd/go: always build _test.go files and link into test
- math: avoid assumption of denormalized math mode in Sincos
- cmd/ld: don't automatically mark symbols created by -X as reachable
- runtime: fix cgo_topofstack to save clobbered registers
- cmd/ld: close outfile before cleanup
- net: fix misleading package comment example
- crypto/x509: accept CRLs without an expiry.
- spec: specify variable initialization order explicitly
- undo CL 141840043 / 65e21380cb2a
- cmd/yacc: fix handling of tokens that don't start with letters
- net/http: clarify Request.FormValue docs
- liblink: generate MRC replacement in liblink, not tls_arm
- go/format, cmd/gofmt: fix issues with partial Go code with indent
- net/http: make Transport.CloseIdleConnections also close pending dials
- runtime: initialize traceback variables earlier
- runtime: fix throwsplit check
- runtime: fix scanning of gc work buffer
- regexp/syntax: reject large repetitions created by nesting small ones
- log/syslog: try /var/run/log, for FreeBSD
- compress/zlib: mention that NewReaderDict can return ErrDictionary
- compress/*: note that NewReader may introduce buffering
- cmd/gc: fix call order in array literal of slice literal of make chan
- cmd/pprof: add Go implementation
- cmd/go: sometimes name tmp test binary test.test.exe on Windows
- spec: clarify variable declaration type rules
- encoding/asn1: fix unmarshaling of implicitly tagged UTF-8 strings.
- net/http/httputil: ensure DumpRequestOut dumps all of Body
- x509: Fixed ASN.1 encoding in CRL Distribution Points extension
- misc/nacl/README: fix typo
- os, syscall: add Unsetenv
- net/rpc: shut down connection if gob has error
- testing: clearer comment
- reflect: fix IsValid vs Kind mismatch after Elem of nil interface
- fmt: fix internal unknownType function
- encoding/binary: slightly better documentation
- encoding/json: don't panic on incorrect map argument
- time: A Timer must be properly created before use (documentation).
- syscall: fix Setenv for plan 9
- syscall: support UID/GID map files for Linux user namespaces
- encoding/binary: fix error message
- math/big: math.Exp should return result >= 0 for |m| > 0
- cmd/cc, runtime: disallow structs without tags
- fmt: part 2 of the great flag rebuild: make %+v work in formatters
- crypto/x509: add OpenELEC system root location.
- fmt: print &map like &slice and &struct
- cmd/8l: accept R_386_GOT32 in push instruction
- runtime: update docs, code for SetFinalizer
- cmd/go: fix 'go vet' of package with external tests
- regexp/syntax: regenerate doc.go from re2 syntax
- encoding/json: document that embedded interfaces look like non-embedded ones
- net/url: document result of String
- os: make Process.Signal 'process finished' error consistent on Unix
- os: recomment MkdirAll
- cmd/gc: prohibit short variable declarations containing duplicate symbols
- go/build: do not consider "android.go" to be android-specific
- os, syscall: test Chtimes on directories, fix on Windows
- net/http: fix authentication info leakage in Referer header (potential security risk)
- runtime: remove type-punning for Type.gc[0], gc[1]
- encoding/json: fix handling of null with ,string fields
- cmd/gc: fix print format
- math/big: fix doc comments
- runtime: fix _cgo_allocate(0)
- runtime: clear Defer.panic before removing from G.defer list
- runtime: change Windows M.thread from void* to uintptr
- runtime: fix windows/amd64 build
- runtime: clear Defer.fn before removing from the G.defer list
- runtime: faster GC scan
- runtime: zero a few more dead pointers.
- runtime: handle all windows exception
- undo CL 145150043 / 8b3d26697b8d
- net/rpc: fix build
- net: disable SIO_UDP_CONNRESET behavior on windows.
- net: skip new TestReadFromUDP on nacl and plan9 (fixes build)
- encoding/asn1: fix explicitly tagged Times.
- cmd/ld: fix off-by-one error when emitting symbol names
- cmd/ld: do not assume that only pe section names start with '.'
- reflect: generated unrolled GC bitmask directly
- net/rpc: fix mutex comment
- os: handle 'no parent' error as IsNotExist on Plan 9
- math/big: Fixes issue 8920
- crypto/x509: continue to recognise MaxPathLen of zero as "no value".
- cmd/gc: fix 'make' in cmd/gc directory
- math/big: Allow non-prime modulus for ModInverse
- runtime: handle all windows exception (second attempt)
- cmd/gc: check for initialization cycles in method values
- cmd/gc, runtime: fix race, nacl for writebarrier changes
- go/build: Return MultiplePackageError on importing a dir containing multiple packages
- liblink: require DATA lines to be ordered by offset, with no overlap
- crypto/x509: correct field name in comment
- net/http: don't reuse a server connection after any Write errors
- net/http: don't send implicit gzip Accept-Encoding on Range requests
- cmd/gc: blank methods are not permitted in interface types
- os/exec: document that Stdin goroutine must finish in Wait
- database/sql: add Drivers, returning list of registered drivers
- reflect: shorten value to 3 words
- cmd/gc: do not copy via temporary for writebarrierfat{2,3,4}
- cmd/go: add '_go_' suffix to go files compiled by gccgo to avoid naming conflicts
- unicode/utf8: fix docs for DecodeRune(empty) and friends.
- crypto/tls: support TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV as a server.
- runtime: fix memory profiler
- runtime: make pprof a little nicer
- syscall: don't cache environment variables on Plan 9
- reflect: fix struct size calculation to include terminal padding
- spec: define "variable"
- undo CL 159990043 / 421fadcef39a
- runtime/pprof: fix test
- runtime/pprof: fix memory profiler test
- text/template: fix bug in pipelined variadics
- runtime: dequeue the correct SudoG
- encoding/gob: fix print format in generated decoder helpers
- regexp: correct doc comment for ReplaceAllLiteralString
- flag: disallow setting flags multiple times
- compress/flate: add Reset() to allow reusing large buffers to compress multiple buffers
- cmd/gc: emit code for extern = <N>
- regexp/syntax: fix validity testing of zero repeats
- regexp: fix TestOnePassCutoff
- reflect: fix TestAllocations now that interfaces hold only pointers
- os/exec: fix number of expected file descriptors on Plan 9
- runtime: fix flaky TestBlockProfile test
- cmd/cgo: disable clang's integrated assembler
- compress/gzip: allow stopping at end of first stream
- cmd/gc: disallow call of *T method using **T variable
- time: panic with a more helpful error on use of invalid Timer
- cmd/ld: fix addstrdata for big-endian systems
- undo CL 156430044 / 5d69cad4faaf
- misc/makerelease: set version number in Windows installer
- runtime/cgo: encode BLX directly, fixes one clang build error on arm
- sync: release Pool memory during second and later GCs
- spec: minimal documention of unsafe.Pointer conversions
- encoding/csv: for Postgres, unquote empty strings, quote \.
- cmd/gc: synthesize zeroed value for non-assignment context
- doc/go_faq.html: fix a couple of nits
- misc/makerelease/windows: fix 404 help URL in installer
- net: if a DNS lookup times out, forget that it is in flight
- runtime: fix endianness assumption when decoding ftab
- html/template: fix build after encoding/js escaping change
- spec: permit parentheses around builtin function names
- runtime: add fake time support back.
- net: add test for lookupIPDeadline
- cmd/go: add get -f flag
- syscall: fix ParseRoutingSockaddr with unexpected submessages
- runtime: add PauseEnd array to MemStats and GCStats
- os: do not assume syscall i/o funcs return n=0 on error
- os: fix build
- doc/asm: explain coordination with garbage collector
- os: fix write on Plan 9
- cmd/gc: avoid use of goprintf
- runtime: fix unrecovered panic on external thread
- runtime: add GODEBUG invalidptr setting
- fmt: fix documentation for %g and %G
- cmd/gc: fix internal compiler error in struct compare
- cmd/objdump: disassemble local text symbols
- cmd/gc: fix build - remove unused variables in walkprint
- runtime: fix windows build
- fmt: fix one-letter typo in doc.go
- runtime: update comment for Callers
- runtime: fix line number in first stack frame in printed stack trace
- runtime: change top-most return PC from goexit to goexit+PCQuantum
- doc/go1.4.html: fix typo
- cmd/cgo: avoid worklist nondeterminism.
- misc/cgo/test: fix bad C test code that fails on some configurations
- cmd/go: fix minor typo
- sync/atomic: fix comment referencing Value.Store's argument name
- cmd/go: fixed typo in doc and generator
- database/sql: make TestDrivers not crash on second run
- misc/cgo/test: fix freebsd test failure by moving test to its own package.
- gc: abort if given an unknown debug (-d) flag
- test: comment out failing cases from sinit.go
- bufio: don't loop generating empty tokens
- bufio: fix reading of many blank lines in a row
- runtime: avoid gentraceback of self on user goroutine stack
- os: document that users of Fd should keep f alive
- runtime: fix initial gp->sched.pc in newextram
- doc: change "/s/..." links to be on
- cmd/internal/objfile: add Disasm
- cmd/go: disable warnings from cmd/cc when building for SWIG
- net/http: fix benchmark goroutine leak
- lib/codereview: fix with more recent hg revisions.
- runtime: fix sudog leak in syncsemrelease
- test: fix nacl build
- [] runtime: convert softfloat_arm.c to Go + build fixes
- [] runtime/cgo: add missing import _ "unsafe" for //go:linkname
- [] runtime: fix arm5 build
- [] runtime/cgo: fix freebsd build?
- [] runtime: delete scalararg, ptrarg; rename onM to systemstack
- [] [] runtime: fix freebsd cgo __progname export
- [] runtime: fix nil pointer crash handler bug on Solaris
- all: merge default, for codereview fixes
- [dev.power64] cmd/9c: fix switch bug
- [dev.power64] cmd/9l: remove MAXIO (fix build)
- [dev.power64] cmd/9c: fix endian issue in integer to floating point conversion
- [dev.power64] cmd/9g, cmd/gc, cmd/ld: fix build.
- [dev.power64] cmd/9a: use new flag parser
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix morestack
- [dev.power64] liblink: rewrite MOVD $con(Ra), Rb into ADD $con, Ra, Rb; fix stack split prologue
- [dev.power64] cmd/9g: do not ignore move instructions even if from and to are samaddr()
- [dev.power64] cmd/9l, math/big, runtime, syscall: fixes for power64
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix newstackcall
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix build
- [dev.power64] cmd/9g: fix floating-point comparison for NaN
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix C prototype for cmallocgc
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix
- [dev.power64] liblink: fix handling of MOVD with large constants
- [dev.power64] liblink: fix handling of $nnn(reg)
- [dev.power64] liblink: fix $large(SP) for floating point load/store
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix
- [dev.power64] syscall: re-generate using cgo compiled by gc, fix test failures
- [dev.power64] cmd/9c: fix constant truncation in optimizer
- [dev.power64] reflect: fix test not to hang even if TrySend lies
- [dev.power64] syscall: fix power64 page size
- [dev.power64] cmd/ld, runtime: detect, fix nosplit overflows
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix RuntimeGogoBytes on power64
- [dev.power64] runtime: define page size on power64le systems to be 64k
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix usleep not to smash saved LR
- [dev.power64] liblink: fix g->panicwrap update code generation
- [dev.power64] runtime: Fix broken merge of noasm.go
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix early GC of Defer objects
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix SigaltstackT definition for power64le
- [dev.power64] liblink: power64 fixes and ports of changes
- [dev.power64] liblink: fix lost branch target
- [dev.power64] runtime: power64 fixes and ports of changes
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix power64le build
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix cas64 on power64x
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix atomicor8 for power64x
- [dev.power64] runtime: match argument/return type signedness in power64x assembly
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix out-of-date comment in panic
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix a syntax error that slipped in to asm_power64x.s
- [dev.power64] 9g: fix under-zeroing in clearfat
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix fastrand1 on power64x
- [dev.power64] reflect: fix asm on power64x
- [dev.power64] runtime: fix gcinfo_test on power64x
- [dev.power64] 9g: fix nilopt
- [dev.power64] liblink: fix printing of branch targets
- [dev.power64] test: "fix" live.go test on power64x
- [dev.power64] 6g: don't create variables for indirect addresses
- [dev.power64] gc: fix etype of strings
- [dev.power64] 9g: fix addr width calculation; enable MOV* width check
- [dev.power64] 5g: fix etype and width of itable Addrs
- [dev.power64] 5g: fix mistaken bit-wise AND in regopt
- [dev.power64] 9g: fix width check and width calculation for OADDR
- [dev.power64] 9g: proginfo fixes
- [dev.power64] 6g,8g: remove unnecessary and incorrect reg use scanning
- [] runtime: fix linux build
- [] runtime: fix lfstack for amd64 addresses in top half of addr space
- [] runtime: change set_sec to take int64
- [] liblink: fix warnings on Plan 9
- [] runtime: fix bus error accessing auxv random data on arm5
- [] runtime: fix _sfloat thunk
- [] cmd/8g: work around "out of fixed registers" on Plan 9
- [] cmd/gc: fix warning on Plan 9
- [] runtime: catch defs_linux_power64*.go up to other archs
- [dev.power64] liblink: fix Solaris build
- cmd/5g: fix bit mask for div/mod routines clobbering R12
- crypto/x509: add Solaris certificate file location
- spec: method selectors don't auto-deref named pointer types
- hash/crc32: fix comment that the IEEE polynomial applies to MPEG-2.
- doc: fix small typo in doc
- runtime: fix sudog leak
- bump go1.4rc1 tag
- cmd/pprof: fix EOF handling when getting function source
- runtime: fix getcallersp documentation
- runtime: remove assumption that noptrdata data bss noptrbss are ordered and contiguous
- runtime: fix atomic operations on non-heap addresses
- [] liblink: fix Solaris build some more
- [] runtime: fix windows goenvs conversion mistake
- [] cmd/8g: fix warning on Plan 9
- [] liblink: fix warnings on Plan 9
- go/parser: Use test-specific filesets to avoid races.
- cmd/go: fix running pprof on windows.
- image/jpeg: handle Read returning n > 0, err != nil in d.fill
- [] cmd/5g,cmd/6g,cmd/9g: fix warnings on Plan 9
- [] liblink: don't patch jumps to jumps to symbols
- go/build: build $GOOS_test.go always
- reflect: Fix reflect.funcLayout. The GC bitmap has two bits per
- runtime: fix hang in GC due to shrinkstack vs netpoll race
- cmd/pprof: fix symbol resolution for remote profiles
- lib/time: update to ICANN time zone database 2014j
- cmd/pprof/internal/commands: add command to open browser on windows
- cmd/go: avoid use of bufio.Scanner in generate
- cmd/go: fix build
- all: merge (81884b89bd88) into default
- all: power64 is now ppc64
- [dev.garbage] all: merge default into dev.garbage
- [dev.garbage] all: merge default into dev.garbage
- [dev.garbage] runtime: fix TestLFStack on 386
- [dev.garbage] runtime: Fix 386 compiler warnings.
- [dev.garbage] all: merge dev.power64 (5ad5e85cfb99) into dev.garbage
- [dev.garbage] runtime: fix 32-bit build
- [dev.garbage] runtime: fix a few checkmark bugs
- [dev.garbage] runtime: concurrent mark fixes
- [dev.garbage] all: merge (723ca3789b88) into dev.garbage
- [dev.garbage] runtime: Fix constant overflow on 32 bit machines
- runtime: fix missing newline when dumping bad symbol table
- Fix whitespace (use blanks consistently).
- cmd/objdump: Fix error logging
- doc: Fix the canonical location
- test/fixedbugs/bug302: fix test on windows.
- runtime: fix some comment formatting
- all: tighten overly-broad runtime/z* gitignore line
- runtime: fix finalizer iterator
- doc: convert README to markdown and update
- runtime: fix nacl build
- math: Added parity check to ProbablyPrime
- cmd/dist: ignore \r in crlf EOL when splitlines()
- .gitattributes: prevent all magic line ending changes
- net/http: fix timer leak in Transport when using ResponseHeaderTimeout
- net/http: document Response.Body Read+Close interaction with keep-alive
- encoding/json: mention that the "string" tag applies to booleans
- misc/makerelease: fix build
- cmd/go: handle \r in input text
- runtime: shrink initial arena if reservation fails
- crypto/rand: handle EAGAIN reads from /dev/urandom
- runtime: gofmt
- net/http: make Transport send 'Connection: close' when DisableKeepAlives
- net/http/httputil: don't use DisableKeepAlives in DumpRequestOut, fix build
- runtime: fix deadlock in runtime.Stack
- os: handle the sticky bit separately for *BSD and Solaris
- doc: fixes to contributor docs
- cmd/gc: fix warning on Plan 9
- cmd/gc: remove outdated warning from pre-go1.
- path/filepath: remove named result parameter for VolumeName
- cmd/yacc: Prevent index out of range. Fixes #9099.
- crypto/tls: enable TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV in server with default max version
- crypto/tls: change default minimum version to TLS 1.0.
- runtime: fix a minor typo in comments
- runtime/cgo: guard against redefinition of PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX
- cmd/gc: resolve static addresses of the form &x.f at link time
- cmd/ld: set ELF ABI version for ppc64x
- liblink: fail for too-large register offset constants
- test/fixedbugs/issue9355: fix build on windows and skip on nacl
- doc: fix typo in gccgo contribute
- cmd/cgo: don't #include cgo_export.h in gccgo _cgo_main.c
- net/http: make Client.Timeout return net.Error errors indicating timeout
- image/draw: fix crash in clip
- runtime: fix brk_ signature for plan9
- net/http: Fix Range off-by-one error
- flag: Some idiomatic fixes
- flag: Check for Set error
- syscall: clean up TestStdcallAndCDeclCallbacks to have no warnings
- fmt: fix bug in scanning of hex strings
- doc: fix comment type typo
- liblink: remove class from %#D formatter on 6l
- cmd/api: fix race in run.go with multiple builders on a machine
- encoding/binary: check for unsigned integers in intDataSize.
- syscall: check recorded version of ppid instead of 1
- go/build: fix field mismatch in unkeyed struct literal
- go/build: fix test on Windows
- runtime: hashmap: move overflow pointer to end of bucket
- runtime: a better fallback hash
- test: migrate remaining tests to run.go
- test: add test case that gccgo failed to link
- runtime: fix nacl build, hashmap overflow field offset was incorrect.
- syscall: fix the deprecated way of parsing routing message on openbsd
- runtime: make stack frames fixed size by modifying goproc/deferproc.
- test: fix windows build
- net/http/cgi: Correctly pass down the REMOTE_PORT value for CGI requests.
- runtime: run libc SIGSETXID and SIGCANCEL handlers on signal stack
- misc/cgo: fix issue 9400 test on 386
- reflect: add kindNoPointers if a function layout has no pointers.
- runtime: import unsafe in os_windows.go (fixes windows build)
- runtime: fix build for arm and ppc64/ppc64le
- cmd/api: work around Windows rename issue on the builders
- math/rand: fix example_test to show with the correct method
- runtime: fix exit on Plan 9
- mime/multipart: moved some code to mime/internal/quotedprintable
- go/build: add variable expansion to cgo lines
- test/fixedbugs/issue9355: fix build on arm and power64
- reflect: fix func layout test for nacl build
- regexp: fix typo in comment: s/onpass/onepass/
- cmd/ld: put .bss from external objects into real .bss section
- doc/go_spec: fix typo
- encoding/json: address go vet reports
- net/smtp: add TLSConnectionState accessor
- runtime: rename atoi to _atoi on Plan 9
- testing/iotest: fix copy/paste error in comment
- test: add fixed GoSmith bugs reported on the gcc Bugzilla
- cmd/gc: logical operators should produce untyped bool for untyped
- net/http: support for setting trailers from a server Handler
- go/parser: add {map,chan,interface} to expression lookahead tokens
- runtime: ignore SIGPROF to foreign threads before cgocallback is fully initialized
- cmd/gc: fix filename output format verb for -s
- runtime/cgo: initialize our pthread_create wrapper earlier on openbsd
- runtime: provide a dummy value of _SIGPROF on plan9 and windows
- cmd/gc: give an error if only one argument is given to complex()
- include: remove unnecessary stuff on windows
- os: replace itod on posix with general itoa and fix possible infinite recursion
- cmd/go: put user ldflags at the end of the linker invocation
- runtime: skip TestCgoExternalThreadSIGPROF on OS X 10.6
- runtime: fix TestCgoExternalThreadSIGPROF again
- runtime: fix slicecopy return value for zero-width elements
- reflect: set dir when creating a channel via ChanOf
- liblink: fix encoding of SETcc for amd64
- fmt: fix two typos
- log: update doc comment
- crypto/x509: split certFiles definition by GOOS
- crypto/x509: fix nacl build
- reflect: document that Values can't be compared directly
- math/big: panic if n <= 0 for ProbablyPrime
- go/doc: propagate types from unexported constants
- runtime: fix build for ARM
- runtime: do not display Windows Error Reporting dialogue
- runtime: fix two garbage collector bugs
- crypto/rsa: rsa.SignPSS with opts=nil shouldn't crash.
- crypto/tls: fix renegotiation extension.
- runtime: fix build for race detector
- doc/contribute: add necessary <code> tags, remove an extra close parenthesis.
- runtime: increase number of stack orders to 4
- cmd/cgo: remove obsolete -cdefs flag
- misc/swig/stdio: fix broken nil pointer test
- math/big: faster assembly kernels for AddVx/SubVx for 386.
- cmd/gc: pad structs which end in zero-sized fields
- runtime: fix 32-bit build
- runtime: source startupRandomData from auxv AT_RANDOM on linux/arm.
- net/http/httputil: ReverseProxy request cancellation
- cmd/gc: fix ARM build
- cmd/5a, cmd/6a, cmd/8a, cmd/9a: check nerrors before exit
- cmd/gc: fix racewalk after writebarrierfat was renamed to typedmemmove
- cmd/gc: don't recurse infinitely when a recursive type references itself more than once
- log: add global Output function
- syscall: fix nacl builds
- cmd/cgo: also rewrite C.var in selector expressions
- net/http: deflake TestResponseWriterWriteStringAllocs, test interface instead
- crypto/x509: add cert SmartOS cert path
- image/draw: fold TestClipWithNilMP into TestClip.
- runtime: fix a few GC-related bugs
- runtime: rename var checkmark to checkmarkphase
- runtime: fix spurious deadlock in netpoll
- runtime: fix accounting race in printlock
- runtime: fix bugs in previous commit
- runtime: define netpollinited on Plan 9
- runtime: avoid race checking for preemption
- runtime: fix *bsd/amd64 build
- build: fix typo in androidtest.bash
- runtime: fix runtime-gdb script loading
- net: fix some typos in comments
- cmd/5g: make sure we normalize after unary ops on small types
- misc/makerelease: a couple of small fixes
- math/big: bug in AndNot(x,y) for x>0,y<0.
- cmd/dist: fix arm vfp detection
- build: bootstrap on Plan 9
- [] build: fix cross-compilation
- test: generate tests for arithmetic on narrow types
- misc/makerelease: workaround the go install -a restriction on release branches
- runtime, syscall: use SYSCALL instruction on FreeBSD.
- strings: remove overengineered Compare implementation
- fmt: reword the document for [n].
- cmd/dist: fix deadlock when compilation command fails
- net/http/fcgi: Fix resource leaks
- runtime/pprof: ignore CPU profile test failures in QEMU
- cmd/gc: don't unpack struct arguments to append
- path/filepath: make Join handle UNC paths on Windows
- html/template: fix example code
- runtime: fix trigger for concurrent GC
- Revert "runtime: fix trigger for concurrent GC"
- runtime: fix trigger for concurrent GC
- cmd/gc: treat non-local vars inlined into wrapper as escaping
- bytes, strings: improve documentation for Count functions
- runtime: fix incorrectly replaced "_type" in comments
- go/parser: report error for var/const decls with missing init exprs
- go/printer, cmd/gofmt: print import paths in double quotes
- go/printer: update golden file (fix build)
- go/ast: document that ast.FilterFile always filters imports
- math/big: disable some tests on 32bit platforms (fix build)
- database/sql: reduce lock contention in Stmt.connStmt
- image: fix typo in Alpha16 doc comment
- os: emulate plan 9 libc in stat
- cmd/gc: simplify code for c2go (more)
- crypto/ecdsa: make Sign safe with broken entropy sources
- runtime: fix crash during heapdump
- runtime: fix wbshadow mode
- cmd/gc: fix range typecheck order
- unsafe: fix doc strings
- math/big: various fixes, enable tests for 32bit platforms
- crypto/ecdsa: make Sign safe with broken entropy sources
- net: update test cases for network interface API
- net/http: fix goroutine leak in benchmark
- cmd/gc: allow map index expressions in for range statements
- cmd/gc: fix condition for fast pathed interface conversions
- runtime/pprof: skip trace tests on solaris and windows
- net/http: close HTTP response bodies in benchmark
- encoding/json: add UnmarshalTypeError.Offset
- cmd/gc: capture variables by value
- runtime: check alignment of 8-byte atomic loads and stores on 386
- runtime: scanvalid race Fixes #9727
- liblink: bug fixes for ppc64 %P format
- cmd/9g: use nopout in excise
- liblink: fix error message on linux for unknown TLS base
- cmd/5l, cmd/8g: fix build failures
- cmd/5l, cmd/9l: more ucontext.h fixes
- runtime: fix trace ticks frequency on windows
- runtime: fix system memory allocator on plan9
- liblink: fix arm build again
- cmd/pack: make a test less disk-intensive in short mode
- log: add SetOutput method on Logger
- cmd/gc: always treat the output parameters as having been assigned in capturevars.
- os: fix TestMkdirAllAtSlash on Plan 9
- go/printer: set prefix correctly when all comment lines blank
- include: fix arm build one more time
- net: case insensitivity of DNS labels in built-in stub resolver
- runtime: use 2*regSize for saved frame pointer check
- runtime: fix false race report during tracing
- runtime: fix nosplit stack overflow
- cmd/gc: typecheck type switch variables
- cmd/gc: fix capturing by value for range statements
- cmd/9a: fix GLOBL instruction
- liblink: define fixed A-numbers for common instructions
- math/big: fix typos
- include: restore use of signal.h on windows (fixes build)
- cmd/dist: fix whitespace and comment typo in arm vfp detection
- go/doc: don't treat _ consts as exported
- runtime: fix RuntimeGogoBytes on windows/amd64
- cmd/gc: don't copy string in range []byte(str)
- runtime: bound defer pools
- runtime: support panic/print logging in android-L.
- math/big: fix %b format so it matches strconf %b format for non-zero values
- liblink, cmd/5a: fix reglist parsing/printing after changing REG_R0 to 32
- cmd/ld: always set timestamp in PE header to 0
- Revert "liblink, cmd/5a: fix reglist parsing/printing after changing REG_R0 to 32"
- expvar: fix build
- cmd/5a: prepare reglist correctly
- net/http: Fix typo in MaxBytesReader comment
- strconv: fix internal documentation (clarification, typos)
- image: fix obsolete reference in PalettedImage doc comment
- cmd/cgo: detect misuse of generated _cgo_export.h
- misc/ios: add README and wrapper script to ease cross-compiling for darwin/arm
- cmd/gc: eliminate dead code in switch statements
- build: fix race.bat flags
- liblink: fix warnings on Plan 9
- testing: pad benchmark names to align results
- net/smtp: document SendMail more
- include/u.h: fix name clash of REG_R* on solaris
- os, syscall: revert Yosemite readdir workaround
- time: return informative errors when failing to load timezone data.
- Build fix for plan9 after 8bf13838eb21.
- sort: fixed small typo in comments
- cmd/5g, cmd/6g, cmd/8g, cmd/9g: clear Addr parameter in sudoaddable
- liblink, runtime: move all references to runtime.tlsg to tls_arm.s
- cmd/dist: reactivate vfp detection on linux/arm
- net: re-implement Interfaces and InterfaceAddrs for IPNet, IPv6 on Windows
- net/http: fix test to check that requests to 'localhost' are not proxied
- net: permit WriteMsgUDP to connected UDP sockets
- math/big: implemented Frexp, Ldexp, IsInt, Copy, bug fixes, more tests
- cmd/pprof/internal/report: fix typo in recognized output unit
- net: disable WriteMsgUDP tests on nacl, windows (fix build)
- runtime: don't put container symbols in functab
- crypto/x509: allow matchHostnames to work with absolute domain names
- runtime: fix span unusedsince setup
- runtime: never show system goroutines in traceback
- syscall: Readlink doesn't handle junction on windows
- runtime: fix race instrumentation of append
- cmd/gc: allocate non-escaping maps on stack
- runtime: on Plan 9, zero memory returned to the brk by sysFree
- cmd/gc: evaluate concrete == interface without allocating
- cmd/5g, cmd/6g, cmd/8g, cmd/9g: zero more in componentgen
- cmd/go: make consistent use of leading Tabs
- cmd/gc: transform closure calls to function calls
- runtime/race: fix test in preparation for new race runtime
- runtime: fix stack corruption in race mode
- encoding/xml: encoding name spaces correctly
- cmd/gc: avoid writing past end of region array
- cmd/gc: eliminate some pointer arithmetic
- cmd/ld: set alignment for the .rel.plt section on 32-bit architectures
- cmd/ld: always mark tlsg STLSBSS
- test: deflake init1.go test, tighten its bounds
- math/big: fix aliasing error in Add, Sub
- math/big: remove Float.Round (not needed anymore), fix a bug in SetInt64
- math/big: fix aliasing bug in Float.Quo
- cmd/go: remove script and script.txt
- math/big: always round after the sign is set
- cmd/gc: fix noscan maps
- image/jpeg: support decoding CMYK and YCbCrK images.
- os/signal: add ability to ignore signals and restore initial signal handlers
- unicode: Fixed an out of date comment (MaxLatin1, not Latin1Max).
- os: fix typo in doc
- image: fix Rectangle.Overlaps and Rectangle.Union for empty rectangles.
- all: fix typo in doc
- syscall: make mksyscall_windows.go to work even when output does not uses unsafe package
- runtime: fix GDB "info goroutines" for Go 1.5
- runtime: fix runtime-gdb_test on arm
- cmd/gc: generate simpler names for closures
- net/http/cgi: fix REMOTE_ADDR, REMOTE_HOST, add REMOTE_PORT
- image: change Rectangle.Eq to return true for all empty rectangles, even
- encoding/json: Fixed the comment specifying Marshal behavior for maps.
- runtime: fix accidentally exported OpenBSD constants
- image/jpeg: support 16-bit quantization tables and Extended Sequential
- doc: fix broken link in README
- runtime: don't test gdb on darwin
- cmd/dist: show friendlier error message when building outside a Git repo
- cmd/go: simplify/fix handling private github repos
- net, syscall: more accurate parsers for routing messages on BSD variants
- path/filepath: add example for filepath.Split
- runtime: fix cputicks on x86
- runtime/race: update race runtime to rev 229396
- gdb: fix "gdb.error: No struct named reflect.rtype."
- cmd/ld: fix warning on Plan 9
- net/mail: move RFC 2047 code to internal/mime
- go/token: document that column positions and file offsets are in bytes
- math/big: don't return io.EOF on successful call of ParseFloat
- math/big: fix formatting for 'b' format
- [] build: do not 'clean -i std' between dist and go_bootstrap
- [] cmd/new5a etc, cmd/internal/asm: initial C → Go conversion
- [] cmd/asm: changes to get identical output as new6a
- [] cmd/asm: fix the expression parser and add tests
- [] cmd/asm: fix a few minor issues
- [] cmd/6a, etc: fix line number accounting during #ifdef
- [] asm: fix handling of statics (data<>) and symbols
- [] cmd/asm: make 386 work
- cmd/pack: make a test less disk-intensive in short mode
- [] cmd/asm: final fixups for correct assembly of runtime, the last package to verify
- [] cmd/asm: fix 386 build: implement CALL *x(SB)
- [] liblink: fix printing of SHRL CX, DX:AX
- [] liblink, cmd/internal/obj: fix printing of TYPE_REGREG and TYPE_REGREG2
- [] crypto/md5: fix arm assembler in md5block_arm.s
- [] cmd/asm: fix macro definition bug in the lexer
- [] cmd/internal/obj/arm: delete trailing space from AND instruction
- [] cmd/internal/asm: fix build: was mishandling SP reference on amd64
- [] cmd/asm: fix build for x86 architectures
- [] runtime: remove comma at the end of DIVL instruction (fixes windows build)
- [] cmd/asm: fix build: handle g in register lists on ARM
- [] misc/cgo/test: fix PC reference in arm assembler
- [] cmd/asm: clean up jumps
- [] cmd/yacc: introduce yyParser to expose parser state
- [] cmd/asm: make 4(SP) illegal except on 386
- [] cmd/internal/obj/ppc64: set Ctxt when allocating Progs
- [] cmd/9a, cmd/new9a: fix line numbers
- [] runtime: fix FP reference in atomic_ppc64x.s
- [] test: disable rotate tests
- [] runtime,syscall: add symbols for FP and SP references in darwin-arm
- [] runtime,syscall: quiet some more vet errors
- [] cmd/asm: bring asm on ppc64 in sync with 9a
- [] cm/asm: fix up arm after cross-check with 5a
- [] cmd/asm: fix build
- [] cmd/asm: fix build: broken end to end test
- [] cmd/asm/internal/asm: fix test on windows
- [] cmd/asm/internal/asm: fix test on nacl
- [] cmd/go: fix expansion of 'std', add 'cmd'
- [] cmd/go: fix expansion of cmd
- [] misc/nacl: add testdata for cmd/internal/
- [] all: merge master (6a10f72) into
- [] cmd/internal/gc: reconvert to pick up bug fixes
- [] cmd/5g etc: code cleanup: delay var decls and eliminate dead code
- [] cmd/internal/obj: set ctxt.Windows != 0 on windows
- math: Dim, Max, Min - allow more bit patterns for NaN
- crypto/rsa: drop the primality check in crypto/rsa.Validate.
- sync: add active spinning to Mutex
- math/big: fix several issues with string->Float conversion
- crypto/x509: don't reject certs with critical policy extensions.
- crypto/tls: allow larger initial records.
- crypto/x509: allow wildcards only as the first label.
- cmd/asm: fix build for new aliases
- go/ast, go/parser: correct End() position for *ast.EmptyStmt
- math/big: fix test for 32bit platforms (fix build)
- gdb: fix map prettyprinter
- cmd/internal/obj: fix index panic on invalid instruction
- cmd/internal/gc: method selector should not auto-deref named pointer type
- cmd/internal/gc: do not show computed value in type error
- cmd/internal/gc: omit non-explicit capacity in errors with map/chan make
- cmd/internal/obj: make Dconv a portable top-level function
- runtime: handle holes in the heap
- runtime: mark pages we return to kernel as NOHUGEPAGE
- doc/install-source.html: fix cd command, already in go dir.
- runtime: fix build, divide by constant 0 is a compile-time error
- runtime/cgo: fix darwin/arm build
- os: Use GetComputerNameEx to get Hostname on win32
- math/big: fix build for 32bit platforms
- archive/zip: fix size value in ZIP64 end central directory record
- runtime: disable scavenger on 64k page size kernels
- runtime/debug: fix nacl build
- runtime: fix memory allocator on Plan 9
- cmd/internal/gc: add missing verb to Yyerror
- cmd/internal/obj: make ppc64's CR subregisters print as CRn rather than Cn
- os: fix LinkError creation on windows.
- os: fix tests on darwin/arm
- Revert "os: set TMPDIR on darwin/arm"
- syscall: make pwd process-wide on Plan 9
- runtime: fix traceback from goexit1
- runtime: TestGdbPython 'print mapvar' should not need unwinding
46.6309 - doc/go_spec.html
39.2451 - src/pkg/runtime/proc.c
37.6883 - src/cmd/gc/typecheck.c
34.1943 - src/cmd/gc/walk.c
34.0479 - src/cmd/go/build.go
33.9001 - src/cmd/gc/go.h
33.6804 - src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h
31.3537 - src/pkg/runtime/mgc0.c
26.3938 - src/cmd/gc/subr.c
21.8988 - src/cmd/ld/lib.c
20.2201 - src/cmd/ld/data.c
19.8629 - src/cmd/go/test.bash
19.0650 - src/cmd/cgo/gcc.go
18.9912 - src/cmd/go/test.go
18.8903 - src/cmd/gc/lex.c
17.6086 - src/cmd/go/doc.go
16.4284 - src/run.bash
16.3549 - src/cmd/go/pkg.go
15.9313 - src/cmd/dist/build.c
15.1433 - src/pkg/net/http/transport_test.go
15.1097 - src/pkg/net/http/server.go
14.9722 - src/pkg/runtime/asm_arm.s
14.6381 - src/cmd/gc/dcl.c
14.5496 - src/pkg/net/http/transport.go
14.5044 - src/cmd/godoc/godoc.go
14.3972 - src/cmd/gc/fmt.c
13.8105 - src/pkg/net/http/serve_test.go
13.7729 - src/pkg/runtime/stack.c
13.5773 - src/cmd/cgo/out.go
13.5650 - src/cmd/gc/go.y
13.3425 - src/cmd/gc/reflect.c
13.3410 - src/cmd/gc/pgen.c
13.1031 - doc/effective_go.html
13.0731 - src/pkg/database/sql/sql.go
12.3803 - src/pkg/runtime/malloc.goc
11.9752 - src/pkg/runtime/malloc.h
11.8980 - src/pkg/fmt/fmt_test.go
11.8378 - src/cmd/6g/cgen.c
11.6953 - src/cmd/5g/cgen.c
11.6883 - src/pkg/reflect/all_test.go
11.6488 - src/pkg/runtime/mheap.c
11.4905 - src/cmd/8g/cgen.c
11.2705 - src/cmd/5g/gsubr.c
11.1642 - src/cmd/8g/reg.c
11.1491 - src/pkg/reflect/value.go
10.8853 - src/cmd/5g/reg.c
10.7653 - src/cmd/gc/plive.c
10.7408 - misc/cgo/test/cgo_test.go
10.6959 - src/pkg/runtime/asm_386.s
10.6956 - src/cmd/go/main.go
10.6755 - src/cmd/8g/ggen.c
10.5624 - src/cmd/6g/reg.c
10.5205 - src/pkg/go/parser/parser.go
10.5055 - lib/codereview/
10.3024 - src/cmd/gc/racewalk.c
10.0131 - src/pkg/net/fd_windows.go
9.9790 - src/pkg/runtime/asm_amd64.s
9.8757 - src/cmd/6g/gsubr.c
9.8499 - src/cmd/gc/esc.c
9.7567 - src/cmd/ld/dwarf.c
9.7050 - test/golden.out
9.6442 - src/cmd/6g/ggen.c
9.5729 - src/runtime/mgc0.c
9.5354 - src/pkg/net/fd_unix.go
9.2960 - src/cmd/ld/lib.h
9.1987 - src/cmd/gc/const.c
9.1780 - doc/go1.html
9.1605 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_windows.go
9.1327 - src/pkg/go/build/build.go
9.1082 - src/pkg/testing/testing.go
9.0491 - src/pkg/go/printer/nodes.go
8.9510 - src/cmd/5g/ggen.c
8.8835 - src/cmd/gc/sinit.c
8.7855 - src/cmd/8g/gsubr.c
8.7314 - src/runtime/asm_arm.s
8.6909 - src/cmd/8l/asm.c
8.6494 - src/pkg/time/time_test.go
8.5716 - src/cmd/5l/asm.c
8.4056 - src/pkg/time/format.go
8.3955 - include/link.h
8.3924 - doc/install.html
8.3357 - src/cmd/gc/gen.c
8.2559 - src/cmd/ld/symtab.c
8.2452 - src/runtime/proc.c
8.2285 - src/pkg/os/os_test.go
8.1667 - test/escape2.go
8.1345 - src/cmd/6l/asm.c
8.1168 - misc/emacs/go-mode.el
8.0422 - src/pkg/fmt/print.go
8.0189 - src/runtime/runtime.h
7.8638 - test/live.go
7.8091 - doc/go1.1.html
7.7787 - src/runtime/asm_386.s
7.7133 - src/pkg/net/http/client_test.go
7.6847 - src/pkg/database/sql/sql_test.go
7.6711 - src/pkg/os/file_windows.go
7.6584 - src/cmd/go/get.go
7.6505 - src/pkg/bufio/bufio_test.go
7.6129 - src/pkg/go/printer/printer.go
7.5921 - src/cmd/gc/closure.c
7.5557 - src/make.bash
7.4657 - src/pkg/runtime/panic.c
7.4368 - src/runtime/malloc.go
7.4315 - src/pkg/encoding/xml/marshal_test.go
7.3769 - src/pkg/net/http/request.go
7.3451 - src/runtime/asm_amd64.s
7.3198 - src/pkg/runtime/pprof/pprof_test.go
7.1396 - src/pkg/runtime/asm_amd64p32.s
7.1252 - src/pkg/runtime/traceback_arm.c
7.0997 - src/pkg/encoding/json/encode.go
7.0605 - src/cmd/gc/
7.0602 - src/cmd/ld/elf.c
6.9798 - src/pkg/encoding/json/decode_test.go
6.8171 - src/cmd/8l/obj.c
6.8168 - src/pkg/runtime/traceback_x86.c
6.8042 - doc/go1.tmpl
6.7814 - src/pkg/path/filepath/path_test.go
6.7327 - src/runtime/stack.c
6.7144 - src/cmd/gc/range.c
6.7028 - src/liblink/asm5.c
6.6652 - src/pkg/bufio/bufio.go
6.6645 - src/liblink/obj5.c
6.6467 - lib/godoc/package.html
6.5949 - src/pkg/encoding/xml/marshal.go
6.5479 - doc/go_faq.html
6.4910 - src/pkg/reflect/type.go
6.4517 - src/pkg/encoding/json/decode.go
6.4288 - src/cmd/godoc/main.go
6.4230 - src/pkg/fmt/doc.go
6.3730 - src/cmd/gc/order.c
6.3545 - src/runtime/panic.go
6.3455 - src/cmd/6l/obj.c
6.2298 - src/cmd/api/goapi.go
6.2046 - src/pkg/runtime/hashmap.c
6.1206 - src/pkg/runtime/chan.c
6.1087 - src/run.bat
6.0029 - src/liblink/objfile.c
5.9985 - src/reflect/type.go
5.9858 - src/pkg/net/http/transfer.go
5.9778 - src/pkg/path/filepath/path.go
5.9614 - src/cmd/ld/ldelf.c
5.9345 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_windows_386.go
5.9344 - src/runtime/traceback.go
5.8842 - src/pkg/os/file_unix.go
5.8671 - src/cmd/5l/obj.c
5.8487 - src/cmd/cgo/doc.go
5.7642 - src/cmd/gc/export.c
5.7459 - src/cmd/cgo/main.go
5.7430 - src/pkg/runtime/cgocall.c
5.7411 - src/cmd/5l/5.out.h
5.6890 - src/pkg/net/unixsock_posix.go
5.6447 - src/pkg/os/exec/exec_test.go
5.5624 - src/pkg/net/ipraw_test.go
5.5495 - src/cmd/gc/swt.c
5.5388 - src/cmd/gc/inl.c
5.5333 - src/cmd/5g/peep.c
5.4974 - src/pkg/runtime/race.c
5.4936 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_windows_amd64.s
5.4788 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_windows.go
5.4603 - src/reflect/all_test.go
5.4434 - src/pkg/runtime/crash_test.go
5.4399 - src/cmd/go/vcs.go
5.4372 - src/pkg/runtime/os_windows.c
5.4157 - src/cmd/ld/go.c
5.4043 - misc/dist/bindist.go
5.3680 - src/cmd/asm/internal/asm/parse.go
5.3468 - src/pkg/fmt/format.go
5.3419 - src/pkg/runtime/runtime.c
5.2964 - src/cmd/go/help.go
5.2028 - src/pkg/runtime/mprof.goc
5.1461 - src/pkg/database/sql/fakedb_test.go
5.1096 - src/liblink/asm6.c
5.0960 - src/pkg/net/timeout_test.go
5.0843 - src/pkg/text/template/exec.go
5.0588 - src/runtime/asm_amd64p32.s
5.0376 - src/pkg/text/template/exec_test.go
5.0336 - src/pkg/Makefile
5.0014 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_windows_386.s
4.9984 - src/liblink/obj9.c
4.9875 - src/pkg/net/url/url.go
4.9478 - src/liblink/obj6.c
4.9031 - src/cmd/pack/pack_test.go
4.8728 - src/pkg/runtime/stack_test.go
4.8675 - src/math/big/float.go
4.8499 - doc/go1.3.html
4.8239 - src/cmd/gc/popt.c
4.8085 - src/cmd/8l/pass.c
4.7997 - src/cmd/gc/align.c
4.7486 - src/pkg/http/server.go
4.7363 - src/pkg/runtime/proc_test.go
4.6759 - src/liblink/list9.c
4.6454 - src/pkg/net/http/fs_test.go
4.6417 - src/cmd/8g/peep.c
4.6402 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_windows_amd64.go
4.6392 - src/cmd/ld/ldpe.c
4.6338 - src/pkg/regexp/regexp.go
4.6323 - src/cmd/ld/pe.c
4.6173 - src/cmd/5l/noop.c
4.6110 - src/pkg/runtime/os_openbsd.c
4.5739 - src/runtime/asm_power64x.s
4.5476 - src/liblink/asm9.c
4.5388 - src/pkg/net/tcpsock_posix.go
4.5231 - src/runtime/sys_windows_386.s
4.4473 - src/pkg/net/iprawsock_posix.go
4.4450 - src/pkg/runtime/os_plan9.c
4.4282 - misc/pprof
4.4078 - src/cmd/go/testflag.go
4.4037 - src/cmd/dist/buildruntime.c
4.4015 - src/cmd/5a/a.y
4.3866 - src/math/big/float_test.go
4.3850 - src/cmd/6l/pass.c
4.3642 - src/pkg/net/http/response.go
4.3633 - src/cmd/gc/runtime.go
4.3540 - src/cmd/gc/select.c
4.3424 - src/pkg/runtime/extern.go
4.3400 - src/pkg/html/template/template.go
4.3188 - src/make.bat
4.3132 - src/runtime/proc1.go
4.3116 - doc/install-source.html
4.3027 - src/cmd/yacc/yacc.go
4.2954 - src/pkg/runtime/string.goc
4.2883 - src/pkg/time/time.go
4.2480 - test/run.go
4.2471 - src/cmd/objdump/main.go
4.2444 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/handshake_client.go
4.2362 - src/runtime/mgc.go
4.2320 - src/pkg/net/http/client.go
4.2087 - src/pkg/fmt/scan.go
4.1957 - src/pkg/net/dial.go
4.1645 - src/runtime/mgc0.go
4.1616 - src/liblink/asm8.c
4.1390 - doc/contribute.html
4.1237 - src/cmd/dist/unix.c
4.1200 - src/pkg/net/http/response_test.go
4.1166 - src/pkg/runtime/gc_test.go
4.0896 - doc/docs.html
4.0830 - src/runtime/sys_windows_amd64.s
4.0750 - src/pkg/math/big/int.go
4.0598 - src/pkg/net/dial_test.go
4.0571 - src/pkg/encoding/xml/xml.go
4.0570 - src/cmd/5l/l.h
4.0355 - src/cmd/6g/peep.c
4.0352 - src/runtime/os_windows.c
4.0329 - src/liblink/list6.c
4.0181 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_bsd.go
4.0080 - src/pkg/html/template/escape_test.go
3.9946 - src/pkg/runtime/thread_openbsd.c
3.9906 - doc/code.html
3.9723 - src/pkg/math/all_test.go
3.9483 - src/pkg/net/fd.go
3.9392 - src/pkg/flag/flag.go
3.9390 - test/nosplit.go
3.9348 - src/cmd/ld/macho.c
3.9306 - src/Make.pkg
3.9209 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/declarations.golden
3.9091 - src/pkg/net/ipsock.go
3.9065 - src/math/big/floatconv.go
3.9040 - misc/makerelease/makerelease.go
3.9023 - src/pkg/html/template/escape.go
3.8962 - src/cmd/asm/internal/asm/asm.go
3.8788 - src/cmd/gofmt/gofmt.go
3.8325 - src/pkg/net/tcp_test.go
3.8271 - src/pkg/runtime/os_freebsd.c
3.8180 - src/pkg/go/scanner/scanner.go
3.7935 - src/cmd/go/list.go
3.7732 - src/pkg/http/request.go
3.7715 - src/cmd/gc/obj.c
3.7559 - src/pkg/net/url/url_test.go
3.7528 - src/pkg/os/file.go
3.7365 - src/pkg/bytes/bytes.go
3.7301 - src/pkg/runtime/stack.h
3.7278 - src/pkg/http/serve_test.go
3.7207 - src/cmd/ld/pcln.c
3.7162 - src/pkg/text/template/parse/parse_test.go
3.7112 - src/cmd/5a/lex.c
3.6930 - src/go/build/build.go
3.6920 - src/pkg/net/sock_posix.go
3.6781 - src/pkg/encoding/xml/read.go
3.6766 - src/cmd/5a/
3.6579 - src/pkg/runtime/thread_plan9.c
3.6495 - src/fmt/doc.go
3.6478 - src/runtime/proc.go
3.6447 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_openbsd_amd64.s
3.6358 - src/pkg/net/net.go
3.6326 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_freebsd_amd64.s
3.6269 - src/pkg/runtime/symtab.c
3.6111 - src/runtime/stubs.go
3.5895 - src/cmd/dist/a.h
3.5853 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_plan9_386.s
3.5725 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/conn.go
3.5680 - src/cmd/6l/l.h
3.5663 - src/pkg/runtime/runtime_test.go
3.5571 - src/pkg/net/rpc/server_test.go
3.5538 - src/pkg/fmt/scan_test.go
3.5337 - src/pkg/time/sleep_test.go
3.5319 - src/pkg/crypto/x509/x509.go
3.4976 - src/pkg/runtime/Makefile
3.4932 - src/cmd/gc/builtin.c
3.4743 - src/cmd/ld/ldmacho.c
3.4387 - src/cmd/gc/mparith1.c
3.4274 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/decode.go
3.4209 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_freebsd_arm.s
3.4188 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_linux.go
3.4020 - src/pkg/runtime/os_netbsd.c
3.3964 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_linux_arm.go
3.3934 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_freebsd_386.s
3.3892 - src/pkg/archive/zip/reader_test.go
3.3861 - src/cmd/8l/l.h
3.3733 - src/cmd/cc/pgen.c
3.3726 - src/pkg/runtime/heapdump.c
3.3638 - src/pkg/runtime/export_test.go
3.3636 - src/liblink/obj8.c
3.3611 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/declarations.input
3.3545 - src/pkg/net/http/fs.go
3.3521 - src/pkg/text/template/parse/parse.go
3.3410 - src/pkg/net/udpsock_posix.go
3.3392 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_openbsd_386.s
3.3299 - src/runtime/runtime2.go
3.3254 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/encoder_test.go
3.3189 - src/cmd/gc/
3.3071 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_linux_arm.s
3.2833 - src/pkg/os/stat_windows.go
3.2766 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_linux_arm.go
3.2759 - src/pkg/runtime/vlop_arm.s
3.2701 - src/cmd/9a/lex.c
3.2624 - src/cmd/5g/gg.h
3.2623 - src/runtime/malloc.h
3.2529 - lib/godoc/package.txt
3.2456 - src/pkg/runtime/netpoll.goc
3.2428 - src/pkg/crypto/x509/x509_test.go
3.2351 - src/pkg/strings/strings_test.go
3.2301 - src/pkg/time/zoneinfo_windows.go
3.2230 - src/pkg/go/parser/parser_test.go
3.2178 - src/pkg/text/template/parse/lex.go
3.2174 - src/runtime/runtime.c
3.2114 - src/runtime/mprof.go
3.2083 - src/pkg/go/build/deps_test.go
3.2073 - src/pkg/archive/tar/reader.go
3.2032 - src/cmd/8a/lex.c
3.2007 - src/pkg/runtime/thread_linux.c
3.1990 - test/run
3.1963 - src/pkg/net/tcpsock_plan9.go
3.1943 - src/pkg/runtime/pprof/pprof.go
3.1801 - src/runtime/syscall_windows_test.go
3.1791 - src/pkg/runtime/thread_darwin.c
3.1693 - src/cmd/6l/6.out.h
3.1610 - src/runtime/thunk.s
3.1586 - src/cmd/cgo/ast.go
3.1578 - src/cmd/go/run.go
3.1556 - src/runtime/os_windows_386.c
3.1556 - src/runtime/os_windows_amd64.c
3.1476 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_netbsd_386.s
3.1416 - src/fmt/fmt_test.go
3.1398 - src/cmd/vet/print.go
3.1355 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/common.go
3.1254 - src/cmd/cc/lex.c
3.1187 - src/cmd/5g/gobj.c
3.1080 - src/cmd/8c/txt.c
3.1044 - src/pkg/go/scanner/scanner_test.go
3.0980 - src/pkg/net/http/request_test.go
3.0878 - src/pkg/net/ip.go
3.0797 - src/pkg/runtime/os_linux.c
3.0648 - src/pkg/template/template.go
3.0524 - src/pkg/runtime/os_darwin.c
3.0487 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/handshake_server.go
3.0384 - src/cmd/6c/txt.c
3.0376 - src/cmd/vet/main.go
3.0288 - src/pkg/encoding/xml/xml_test.go
3.0286 - src/pkg/net/dnsclient_unix_test.go
3.0264 - src/pkg/net/udpsock_plan9.go
3.0219 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/gobencdec_test.go
3.0161 - src/cmd/objdump/objdump_test.go
3.0084 - src/cmd/6g/gg.h
3.0009 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_linux_amd64.s
2.9963 - src/cmd/6a/lex.c
2.9810 - src/cmd/go/vet.go
2.9659 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_netbsd_amd64.s
2.9630 - src/pkg/runtime/thread_freebsd.c
2.9583 - src/pkg/runtime/os_plan9_amd64.c
2.9572 - src/liblink/sym.c
2.9304 - src/cmd/8l/8.out.h
2.9289 - src/runtime/runtime-gdb_test.go
2.9244 - src/pkg/runtime/print.c
2.9168 - src/cmd/dist/windows.c
2.9082 - src/cmd/asm/internal/lex/input.go
2.9024 - src/pkg/archive/zip/reader.go
2.8964 - src/pkg/net/dialgoogle_test.go
2.8766 - src/pkg/os/file_posix.go
2.8603 - src/pkg/go/parser/interface.go
2.8588 - src/pkg/text/template/doc.go
2.8549 - src/pkg/runtime/race/testdata/mop_test.go
2.8386 - src/runtime/stack1.go
2.8362 - src/pkg/net/sock.go
2.8314 - src/pkg/log/syslog/syslog.go
2.8229 - src/runtime/defs_linux_arm.go
2.8215 - src/pkg/go/doc/example.go
2.7986 - src/pkg/go/doc/doc.go
2.7982 - src/runtime/hashmap.go
2.7969 - src/net/http/serve_test.go
2.7968 - include/u.h
2.7934 - src/cmd/gofmt/gofmt_test.go
2.7921 - src/runtime/noasm.go
2.7915 - src/math/big/int.go
2.7891 - src/pkg/regexp/all_test.go
2.7792 - misc/dashboard/builder/main.go
2.7768 - src/go/build/build_test.go
2.7696 - src/pkg/net/server_test.go
2.7691 - src/runtime/export_test.go
2.7658 - misc/cgo/test/callback.go
2.7653 - src/cmd/cc/cc.h
2.7626 - src/pkg/net/udpsock.go
2.7610 - src/pkg/runtime/thread_netbsd.c
2.7609 - src/pkg/runtime/os_windows_386.c
2.7598 - src/pkg/math/big/int_test.go
2.7564 - src/cmd/9g/gsubr.c
2.7529 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_linux_386.s
2.7520 - src/cmd/5a/
2.7495 - src/pkg/net/tcpsock.go
2.7476 - src/pkg/runtime/slice.c
2.7393 - src/cmd/ld/pobj.c
2.7380 - src/runtime/map_test.go
2.7334 - src/cmd/go/clean.go
2.7325 - src/cmd/godoc/index.go
2.7228 - src/net/http/transport.go
2.7097 - src/runtime/mem.go
2.7072 - src/runtime/panic.c
2.7065 - src/pkg/go/parser/short_test.go
2.7062 - src/pkg/go/printer/printer_test.go
2.7023 - src/pkg/go/doc/reader.go
2.6918 - misc/nacl/testzip.proto
2.6901 - src/runtime/heapdump.c
2.6842 - src/liblink/list5.c
2.6795 - src/pkg/encoding/binary/binary.go
2.6749 - src/cmd/cc/lexbody
2.6734 - src/make.rc
2.6716 - src/pkg/gob/decode.go
2.6620 - src/pkg/gob/encoder_test.go
2.6599 - src/pkg/go/build/build_test.go
2.6553 - src/cmd/go/tool.go
2.6520 - src/pkg/os/file_plan9.go
2.6467 - src/pkg/go/doc/comment.go
2.6459 - src/cmd/5c/txt.c
2.6445 - doc/go1.3.txt
2.6399 - src/pkg/archive/tar/writer.go
2.6320 - src/pkg/math/big/rat.go
2.6304 - src/pkg/net/http/export_test.go
2.6279 - src/pkg/net/rpc/server.go
2.6203 - src/pkg/net/udp_test.go
2.6176 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_darwin_amd64.s
2.6172 - doc/style.css
2.6170 - src/pkg/encoding/binary/binary_test.go
2.6044 - src/pkg/runtime/stubs.go
2.5972 - src/pkg/net/unix_test.go
2.5949 - src/pkg/encoding/json/encode_test.go
2.5924 - src/cmd/6g/gobj.c
2.5871 - src/pkg/runtime/thread_windows.c
2.5813 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_plan9_amd64.s
2.5650 - src/pkg/runtime/os_plan9_386.c
2.5539 - src/pkg/runtime/stubs.goc
2.5438 - doc/root.html
2.5378 - src/pkg/net/protoconn_test.go
2.5356 - src/pkg/net/iprawsock_plan9.go
2.5318 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_darwin_386.s
2.5297 - src/pkg/os/exec/exec.go
2.5198 - doc/go_mem.html
2.5154 - src/cmd/dist/goc2c.c
2.5086 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go
2.5047 - api/go1.txt
2.5023 - src/pkg/runtime/arch_amd64.h
2.4968 - src/cmd/6c/cgen.c
2.4827 - src/pkg/image/jpeg/reader.go
2.4817 - src/pkg/net/smtp/smtp_test.go
2.4763 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_linux_386.go
2.4729 - src/cmd/8l/span.c
2.4729 - src/pkg/archive/tar/reader_test.go
2.4684 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_freebsd.go
2.4673 - src/pkg/encoding/base64/base64_test.go
2.4673 - src/pkg/crypto/rsa/rsa.go
2.4656 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/asm_linux_arm.s
2.4651 - src/pkg/net/unixsock_plan9.go
2.4512 - src/cmd/asm/internal/asm/operand_test.go
2.4477 - src/math/big/floatconv_test.go
2.4451 - src/pkg/math/big/nat.go
2.4388 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/tls.go
2.4343 - src/pkg/sort/sort.go
2.4334 - src/pkg/bytes/bytes_test.go
2.4322 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/doc.go
2.4307 - src/go/build/deps_test.go
2.4246 - src/pkg/os/exec_plan9.go
2.4232 - src/pkg/debug/dwarf/type.go
2.4199 - src/pkg/os/exec_windows.go
2.4145 - src/pkg/os/path_test.go
2.4120 - src/pkg/net/iprawsock.go
2.4048 - src/pkg/runtime/amd64/asm.s
2.4047 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/comments.golden
2.4017 - src/pkg/bytes/buffer_test.go
2.3984 - src/cmd/6l/span.c
2.3953 - src/runtime/mheap.go
2.3895 - doc/progs/run
2.3886 - src/pkg/http/client.go
2.3869 - src/cmd/9a/a.y
2.3862 - src/pkg/archive/tar/common.go
2.3846 - src/runtime/sys_linux_arm.s
2.3830 - src/pkg/debug/elf/file.go
2.3825 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/atomic_test.go
2.3759 - src/pkg/runtime/os_windows_amd64.c
2.3720 - src/pkg/strings/strings.go
2.3709 - src/pkg/net/dnsclient_unix.go
2.3701 - doc/articles/wiki/index.html
2.3679 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go
2.3679 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go
2.3651 - src/crypto/x509/x509_test.go
2.3627 - src/runtime/sigqueue.go
2.3625 - src/pkg/strings/reader.go
2.3609 - src/os/os_test.go
2.3593 - src/cmd/9l/9.out.h
2.3542 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/encode.go
2.3502 - src/runtime/malloc2.go
2.3486 - src/pkg/runtime/race/race_linux_amd64.syso
2.3468 - src/runtime/race_amd64.s
2.3444 - src/pkg/strconv/quote.go
2.3415 - src/pkg/mime/multipart/multipart.go
2.3411 - src/pkg/runtime/map_test.go
2.3380 - src/runtime/defs_linux_386.go
2.3380 - src/runtime/defs_linux_amd64.go
2.3369 - src/pkg/encoding/xml/typeinfo.go
2.3341 - src/runtime/symtab.go
2.3340 - src/runtime/crash_cgo_test.go
2.3328 - src/pkg/testing/benchmark.go
2.3275 - src/cmd/9g/peep.c
2.3244 - src/cmd/6a/a.y
2.3196 - doc/articles/race_detector.html
2.3179 - src/pkg/net/multicast_test.go
2.3171 - src/runtime/os1_linux.go
2.3150 - src/cmd/9g/ggen.c
2.3131 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go
2.3106 - src/pkg/runtime/
2.3055 - src/runtime/softfloat_arm.go
2.3041 - src/cmd/5c/swt.c
2.3040 - src/runtime/crash_test.go
2.2972 - src/pkg/big/nat.go
2.2960 - include/libc.h
2.2928 - src/cmd/go/generate.go
2.2922 - src/cmd/api/run.go
2.2918 - src/pkg/net/net_test.go
2.2879 - src/pkg/net/ip_test.go
2.2848 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_unix.go
2.2829 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_darwin.go
2.2822 - src/cmd/gofmt/rewrite.go
2.2821 - src/pkg/bytes/reader.go
2.2821 - src/pkg/bytes/reader_test.go
2.2821 - src/syscall/asm.s
2.2790 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/statements.golden
2.2725 - src/cmd/9g/cgen.c
2.2681 - .hgignore
2.2675 - src/pkg/net/packetconn_test.go
2.2657 - src/runtime/defs_windows.go
2.2604 - doc/go_tutorial.html
2.2577 - src/runtime/defs_windows_386.h
2.2577 - src/runtime/defs_windows_amd64.h
2.2569 - src/reflect/value.go
2.2542 - src/net/http/transport_test.go
2.2535 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/comments.input
2.2465 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_linux_arm.c
2.2451 - src/pkg/runtime/mem_plan9.c
2.2434 - src/cmd/gc/mparith3.c
2.2418 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/generate_cert.go
2.2406 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/handshake_server_test.go
2.2385 - src/libmach/executable.c
2.2313 - src/pkg/syscall/exec_plan9.go
2.2246 - src/pkg/archive/tar/writer_test.go
2.2242 - src/pkg/runtime/time.goc
2.2165 - src/cmd/8g/gobj.c
2.2137 - src/pkg/net/lookup_plan9.go
2.2123 - src/pkg/net/sockopt_posix.go
2.2120 - src/pkg/runtime/mem.go
2.2102 - test/torture.go
2.2069 - src/pkg/net/http/httputil/dump.go
2.2018 - src/pkg/gob/codec_test.go
2.1873 - src/pkg/runtime/os_freebsd.h
2.1868 - src/pkg/runtime/proc.go
2.1860 - src/pkg/runtime/arm/asm.s
2.1859 - src/pkg/net/rpc/client.go
2.1857 - src/pkg/net/ipsock_plan9.go
2.1806 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/expressions.golden
2.1767 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_netbsd_arm.s
2.1757 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_openbsd.go
2.1750 - src/pkg/runtime/386/asm.s
2.1735 - src/pkg/runtime/mcache.c
2.1734 - src/pkg/runtime/malloc.go
2.1731 - src/liblink/list8.c
2.1696 - src/pkg/template/template_test.go
2.1676 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_plan9.go
2.1648 - src/pkg/http/transport.go
2.1587 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_unix.c
2.1518 - src/cmd/8g/prog.c
2.1516 - src/pkg/expvar/expvar.go
2.1507 - src/pkg/os/exec_posix.go
2.1478 - src/pkg/log/syslog/syslog_test.go
2.1465 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/handshake_client_test.go
2.1408 - src/pkg/math/big/rat_test.go
2.1343 - src/pkg/container/list/list.go
2.1181 - src/pkg/gob/encode.go
2.1117 - src/pkg/archive/zip/struct.go
2.1088 - src/pkg/net/lookup_windows.go
2.1078 - src/cmd/5g/list.c
2.1069 - src/pkg/go/types/check.go
2.1012 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go
2.1001 - src/pkg/runtime/mem_windows.c
2.0999 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/expressions.raw
2.0915 - src/pkg/syscall/exec_linux.go
2.0887 - src/pkg/time/internal_test.go
2.0865 - src/pkg/math/big/nat_test.go
2.0858 - src/pkg/runtime/mfinal_test.go
2.0820 - test/arm-pass.txt
2.0816 - src/race.bat
2.0806 - src/pkg/runtime/race/race_darwin_amd64.syso
2.0806 - src/pkg/runtime/race/race_windows_amd64.syso
2.0736 - src/cmd/8g/opt.h
2.0691 - src/cmd/godoc/doc.go
2.0682 - src/cmd/gc/yerr.h
2.0661 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/timing_test.go
2.0635 - src/pkg/net/mail/message.go
2.0518 - src/pkg/database/sql/convert.go
2.0502 - src/cmd/8a/a.y
2.0499 - src/pkg/container/heap/heap.go
2.0482 - src/cmd/8g/gg.h
2.0378 - src/cmd/link/testdata/pclntab.6
2.0360 - src/cmd/6c/swt.c
2.0356 - src/cmd/link/testdata/autosection.6
2.0344 - src/pkg/encoding/xml/read_test.go
2.0290 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_nacl_386.s
2.0183 - src/pkg/runtime/mcentral.c
2.0181 - src/pkg/net/sockopt_bsd.go
2.0109 - src/pkg/debug/elf/file_test.go
2.0029 - src/pkg/sync/waitgroup.go
2.0001 - src/pkg/net/sendfile_windows.go
1.9988 - src/pkg/runtime/mem_linux.c
1.9930 - src/cmd/5l/span.c
1.9887 - src/pkg/bufio/scan.go
1.9880 - src/pkg/os/getwd.go
1.9844 - src/run.rc
1.9831 - src/pkg/gob/type.go
1.9753 - src/pkg/html/parse.go
1.9744 - src/cmd/gofix/Makefile
1.9719 - src/pkg/go/types/stmt.go
1.9709 - src/pkg/go/types/expr.go
1.9667 - src/cmd/6a/a.h
1.9638 - src/cmd/8a/a.h
1.9638 - src/cmd/internal/gc/fmt.go
1.9589 - src/cmd/asm/internal/arch/arch.go
1.9562 - src/cmd/gc/bits.c
1.9559 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_linux_386.go
1.9534 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/codec_test.go
1.9526 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/thread.c
1.9498 - misc/goplay/goplay.go
1.9496 - src/pkg/runtime/syscall_windows_test.go
1.9487 - src/runtime/
1.9481 - src/pkg/runtime/vlrt_arm.c
1.9412 - src/cmd/ld/doc.go
1.9404 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/type.go
1.9400 - src/pkg/compress/flate/deflate.go
1.9396 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_amd64.c
1.9372 - src/cmd/asm/internal/lex/lex.go
1.9361 - src/cmd/cc/dcl.c
1.9352 - src/pkg/text/template/parse/node.go
1.9343 - misc/cgo/errors/test.bash
1.9283 - src/runtime/mem_plan9.go
1.9246 - src/pkg/runtime/iface.c
1.9232 - misc/vim/readme.txt
1.9134 - src/pkg/exp/gotype/gotype_test.go
1.9097 - src/pkg/net/http/httptest/server.go
1.9059 - test/escape2n.go
1.8967 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_linux_amd64.go
1.8950 - src/cmd/9a/
1.8870 - src/runtime/os1_openbsd.go
1.8859 - src/go/parser/parser.go
1.8841 - src/runtime/heapdump.go
1.8829 - src/pkg/io/io.go
1.8807 - src/pkg/net/dnsclient.go
1.8793 - doc/godocs.js
1.8762 - src/os/signal/sig.s
1.8756 - src/cmd/5a/a.h
1.8733 - src/pkg/runtime/sigqueue.goc
1.8731 - src/cmd/6l/optab.c
1.8726 - src/pkg/text/template/template.go
1.8723 - src/cmd/9g/galign.c
1.8715 - src/pkg/math/rand/rand.go
1.8715 - src/net/udp_test.go
1.8686 - src/pkg/big/int.go
1.8650 - src/pkg/text/template/parse/lex_test.go
1.8637 - src/runtime/os_linux_arm.go
1.8636 - src/runtime/panic1.go
1.8620 - src/cmd/9g/gobj.c
1.8610 - src/pkg/compress/flate/inflate.go
1.8596 - doc/effective_go.tmpl
1.8592 - src/cmd/gc/mparith2.c
1.8572 - src/runtime/os1_freebsd.go
1.8533 - src/pkg/path/filepath/match_test.go
1.8524 - src/math/big/int_test.go
1.8513 - src/encoding/json/decode.go
1.8513 - src/encoding/json/decode_test.go
1.8489 - src/pkg/io/ioutil/ioutil.go
1.8458 - src/runtime/string.go
1.8447 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_darwin_386.go
1.8440 - src/pkg/runtime/os_netbsd.h
1.8440 - src/runtime/cgo/freebsd.go
1.8435 - src/runtime/gcinfo_test.go
1.8435 - src/reflect/asm_power64x.s
1.8423 - src/math/stubs_power64x.s
1.8423 - src/runtime/arch_power64.go
1.8423 - src/runtime/arch_power64le.go
1.8423 - src/runtime/atomic_power64x.s
1.8423 - src/runtime/debug/stubs.s
1.8423 - src/runtime/memclr_power64x.s
1.8423 - src/runtime/memmove_power64x.s
1.8423 - src/runtime/rt0_linux_power64.s
1.8423 - src/runtime/rt0_linux_power64le.s
1.8423 - src/runtime/sys_linux_power64x.s
1.8423 - src/sync/atomic/asm_power64x.s
1.8423 - src/syscall/asm_linux_power64x.s
1.8417 - src/runtime/tls_arm.s
1.8416 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_arm.c
1.8408 - src/runtime/defs3_linux.go
1.8394 - src/flag/flag.go
1.8390 - src/cmd/5g/prog.c
1.8385 - src/crypto/x509/x509.go
1.8381 - src/pkg/rpc/server.go
1.8370 - src/os/file_unix.go
1.8369 - src/syscall/env_plan9.go
1.8357 - src/runtime/extern.go
1.8352 - src/cmd/cc/cc.y
1.8325 - lib/godoc/godoc.html
1.8319 - src/database/sql/sql.go
1.8296 - src/crypto/x509/root_unix.go
1.8270 - src/runtime/select.go
1.8197 - src/cmd/9l/obj.c
1.8177 - src/cmd/ld/elf.h
1.8161 - src/pkg/net/interface_linux.go
1.8158 - src/pkg/html/parse_test.go
1.8123 - src/net/http/server.go
1.8063 - src/runtime/vdso_linux_amd64.c
1.7996 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_linux_amd64.c
1.7994 - src/pkg/time/tick.go
1.7956 - src/cmd/godoc/codewalk.go
1.7929 - src/pkg/encoding/base64/base64.go
1.7897 - src/pkg/mime/mediatype.go
1.7896 - src/fmt/print.go
1.7878 - src/runtime/os_solaris.c
1.7839 - src/net/http/export_test.go
1.7834 - src/pkg/os/doc.go
1.7821 - src/cmd/gotest/gotest.go
1.7772 - src/liblink/pass.c
1.7747 - src/buildscript/
1.7747 - src/buildscript/
1.7716 - src/pkg/image/gif/reader.go
1.7684 - src/cmd/api/testdata/src/pkg/p1/p1.go
1.7678 - src/cmd/cgo/godefs.go
1.7645 - src/pkg/runtime/os_linux.h
1.7641 - src/pkg/bytes/buffer.go
1.7586 - src/pkg/net/file.go
1.7575 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go
1.7551 - src/pkg/big/int_test.go
1.7548 - src/pkg/runtime/os_darwin.h
1.7526 - src/cmd/5g/opt.h
1.7513 - src/cmd/8c/swt.c
1.7473 - src/pkg/exp/template/html/escape_test.go
1.7464 - src/pkg/net/sendfile_freebsd.go
1.7443 - usr/gri/pretty/parser.go
1.7438 - src/pkg/net/http/httputil/reverseproxy.go
1.7402 - src/pkg/html/template/content.go
1.7400 - src/cmd/gofix/fix.go
1.7393 - src/pkg/os/exec_unix.go
1.7369 - src/pkg/image/png/reader.go
1.7328 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_arm.S
1.7309 - src/pkg/syscall/
1.7307 - src/pkg/runtime/slice.go
1.7303 - src/pkg/net/cgo_unix.go
1.7291 - src/pkg/unicode/maketables.go
1.7288 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_linux_power64x.s
1.7278 - src/pkg/runtime/asm_power64x.s
1.7243 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_netbsd_386.c
1.7219 - src/pkg/runtime/string.go
1.7122 - src/pkg/net/sendfile_linux.go
1.7107 - src/cmd/8c/cgen.c
1.7095 - src/pkg/exp/sql/sql_test.go
1.7092 - doc/go1.2.html
1.7041 - src/cmd/goinstall/main.go
1.7014 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/statements.input
1.7009 - src/cmd/gofix/main.go
1.6986 - doc/devel/weekly.html
1.6961 - src/pkg/testing/example.go
1.6951 - doc/debugging_with_gdb.html
1.6890 - src/cmd/6a/
1.6854 - src/pkg/crypto/x509/verify_test.go
1.6849 - src/pkg/runtime/race/race.go
1.6803 - src/pkg/text/template/multi_test.go
1.6801 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_openbsd_386.h
1.6801 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_openbsd_amd64.h
1.6767 - src/pkg/net/sockopt_windows.go
1.6759 - src/pkg/net/http/header_test.go
1.6753 - test/nilptr3.go
1.6739 - src/pkg/json/decode_test.go
1.6732 - src/runtime/malloc.c
1.6717 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/client.go
1.6712 - src/pkg/net/http/httptest/server_test.go
1.6701 - src/cmd/gofmt/doc.go
1.6679 - src/liblink/pcln.c
1.6654 - src/cmd/link/testdata/dead.6
1.6647 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/expressions.input
1.6638 - src/pkg/go/ast/ast.go
1.6638 - src/pkg/exp/types/gcimporter.go
1.6632 - src/cmd/5l/pass.c
1.6613 - src/pkg/net/fd_plan9.go
1.6588 - src/pkg/runtime/lock_futex.c
1.6524 - src/pkg/net/http/sniff_test.go
1.6516 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/example_test.go
1.6513 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_linux_arm.s
1.6491 - src/pkg/net/unicast_test.go
1.6457 - src/runtime/string.c
1.6446 - src/pkg/net/unixsock.go
1.6415 - src/cmd/nm/nm_test.go
1.6352 - src/pkg/net/http/httputil/dump_test.go
1.6328 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/handshake_messages_test.go
1.6296 - src/pkg/net/file_test.go
1.6260 - src/cmd/godoc/dirtrees.go
1.6241 - src/pkg/path/path.go
1.6239 - src/pkg/image/png/writer.go
1.6209 - src/pkg/math/rand/example_test.go
1.6181 - src/pkg/go/ast/filter.go
1.6174 - src/pkg/strconv/quote_test.go
1.6129 - src/cmd/addr2line/main.go
1.6112 - src/cmd/vet/Makefile
1.6073 - src/cmd/5c/reg.c
1.6042 - doc/asm.html
1.6010 - src/cmd/5l/list.c
1.5998 - src/pkg/exp/types/expr.go
1.5996 - src/pkg/runtime/os_plan9.h
1.5993 - src/cmd/link/testdata/autoweak.6
1.5993 - src/cmd/link/testdata/layout.6
1.5974 - src/pkg/go/token/position.go
1.5970 - src/pkg/net/http/httputil/reverseproxy_test.go
1.5964 - src/pkg/path/filepath/path_windows.go
1.5937 - src/pkg/archive/tar/tar_test.go
1.5887 - src/cmd/pack/pack.go
1.5884 - src/pkg/gob/decoder.go
1.5861 - src/pkg/go/parser/error_test.go
1.5841 - src/pkg/archive/zip/zip_test.go
1.5790 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/asm_arm.s
1.5779 - src/cmd/cc/
1.5779 - src/cmd/cc/
1.5777 - src/cmd/gc/print.c
1.5772 - src/buildscript/
1.5772 - src/buildscript/
1.5772 - src/buildscript/
1.5772 - src/buildscript/
1.5772 - src/buildscript/
1.5772 - src/buildscript/
1.5772 - src/buildscript/
1.5772 - src/buildscript/
1.5772 - src/buildscript/
1.5772 - src/buildscript/
1.5724 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_plan9_amd64.s
1.5669 - src/cmd/gofmt/simplify.go
1.5669 - src/cmd/8c/list.c
1.5612 - src/pkg/image/jpeg/writer_test.go
1.5583 - src/pkg/mime/multipart/multipart_test.go
1.5565 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_linux_386.c
1.5552 - src/pkg/log/log.go
1.5552 - src/pkg/net/textproto/reader.go
1.5536 - src/pkg/encoding/asn1/asn1.go
1.5532 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_386.c
1.5531 - src/cmd/dist/buildgc.c
1.5531 - src/pkg/crypto/x509/verify.go
1.5499 - src/cmd/8g/list.c
1.5487 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/handshake_messages.go
1.5484 - src/pkg/runtime/os_openbsd.h
1.5464 - src/cmd/8l/list.c
1.5452 - test/fixedbugs/bug369.go
1.5447 - src/pkg/runtime/malloc_test.go
1.5436 - src/pkg/runtime/race_amd64.s
1.5423 - src/pkg/sort/sort_test.go
1.5397 - src/pkg/path/path_test.go
1.5385 - src/pkg/runtime/debug/stack_test.go
1.5315 - src/pkg/text/template/funcs.go
1.5311 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_freebsd_386.c
1.5311 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_freebsd_amd64.c
1.5286 - src/pkg/os/signal/signal_test.go
1.5259 - src/pkg/flag/flag_test.go
1.5217 - src/cmd/cc/sub.c
1.5216 - src/pkg/database/sql/driver/driver.go
1.5189 - src/pkg/exp/sql/sql.go
1.5158 - src/pkg/syscall/exec_windows.go
1.5139 - src/pkg/net/mail/message_test.go
1.5107 - src/cmd/gc/builtin.c.boot
1.5102 - src/cmd/gc/unsafe.c
1.5088 - src/pkg/expvar/expvar_test.go
1.5078 - lib/time/update.bash
1.5078 - lib/time/
1.5058 - AUTHORS
1.5050 - test/index.go
1.5039 - src/pkg/net/ipsock_posix.go
1.5013 - src/cmd/go/env.go
1.5002 - src/pkg/net/http/cgi/host_test.go
1.4998 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_openbsd.go
1.4962 - src/pkg/builtin/builtin.go
1.4961 - src/pkg/net/interface_test.go
1.4935 - src/pkg/image/png/reader_test.go
1.4897 - src/pkg/runtime/race/README
1.4865 - src/cmd/6l/list.c
1.4853 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_netbsd_amd64.c
1.4816 - src/pkg/net/smtp/smtp.go
1.4814 - src/pkg/reflect/asm_386.s
1.4814 - src/pkg/reflect/asm_amd64.s
1.4814 - src/pkg/reflect/asm_arm.s
1.4776 - src/pkg/path/filepath/path_plan9.go
1.4725 - src/cmd/internal/gc/subr.go
1.4714 - test/cmp.go
1.4713 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_linux_arm.go
1.4692 - src/pkg/exp/template/exec.go
1.4687 - src/pkg/time/sleep.go
1.4675 - src/cmd/dist/build.go
1.4668 - src/pkg/net/http/readrequest_test.go
1.4664 - src/pkg/html/token_test.go
1.4650 - src/pkg/exp/types/check.go
1.4646 - src/cmd/6c/peep.c
1.4595 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_linux_386.s
1.4580 - src/cmd/go/fix.go
1.4556 - src/pkg/runtime/netpoll_epoll.c
1.4540 - src/runtime/mbarrier.go
1.4516 - src/pkg/net/sock_windows.go
1.4510 - src/cmd/6c/sgen.c
1.4491 - src/runtime/pprof/trace_test.go
1.4489 - src/cmd/dist/vfp_arm.s
1.4488 - src/runtime/mem_linux.go
1.4468 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_windows_386.c
1.4422 - src/runtime/arch1_amd64.go
1.4419 - src/pkg/runtime/crash_cgo_test.go
1.4410 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_darwin_amd64.c
1.4407 - doc/articles/godoc_documenting_go_code.html
1.4398 - src/image/jpeg/reader.go
1.4390 - src/runtime/runtime1.go
1.4384 - src/pkg/runtime/env_plan9.c
1.4379 - src/runtime/debug/garbage_test.go
1.4364 - src/log/log.go
1.4321 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/arm/sys.s
1.4306 - src/runtime/os1_windows_386.go
1.4306 - src/runtime/os1_windows_amd64.go
1.4305 - src/sudo.bash
1.4299 - src/pkg/http/transfer.go
1.4296 - src/cmd/cc/funct.c
1.4263 - src/runtime/signal1_unix.go
1.4259 - src/cmd/6g/prog.c
1.4238 - src/os/env.go
1.4234 - src/net/mail/message.go
1.4230 - test/bench/garbage/parser.go
1.4227 - src/runtime/os1_nacl.go
1.4222 - src/cmd/gofmt/long_test.go
1.4218 - src/pkg/runtime/
1.4216 - src/pkg/encoding/asn1/marshal.go
1.4209 - src/pkg/syscall/exec_bsd.go
1.4197 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/builder.go
1.4190 - src/cmd/cc/dpchk.c
1.4178 - src/pkg/os/user/lookup_unix.go
1.4171 - misc/cgo/test/callback_c.c
1.4166 - src/pkg/runtime/arch_arm.h
1.4144 - src/runtime/vlop_arm.s
1.4125 - test/fixedbugs/issue9355.go
1.4121 - src/pkg/go/types/builtins.go
1.4116 - src/runtime/os1_plan9.go
1.4116 - src/cmd/go/fmt.go
1.4108 - src/runtime/sys_darwin_amd64.s
1.4105 - src/cmd/9a/a.h
1.4065 - src/encoding/json/encode.go
1.4059 - src/cmd/9g/opt.h
1.4059 - src/cmd/9a/
1.4044 - src/cmd/6g/galign.c
1.4042 - src/os/file_windows.go
1.4041 - src/pkg/path/filepath/path_unix.go
1.4041 - src/runtime/netpoll.go
1.4040 - src/runtime/os1_windows.go
1.4032 - src/go/doc/exports.go
1.4032 - src/go/doc/testdata/blank.0.golden
1.4032 - src/go/doc/testdata/blank.1.golden
1.4032 - src/go/doc/testdata/blank.2.golden
1.4032 - src/go/doc/testdata/blank.go
1.4031 - src/go/printer/testdata/declarations.golden
1.4014 - src/runtime/atomic_arm.go
1.3992 - src/cmd/govet/govet.go
1.3980 - src/runtime/pprof/pprof_test.go
1.3973 - src/crypto/tls/handshake_server_test.go
1.3972 - src/runtime/os1_darwin.go
1.3971 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_linux_arm.c
1.3962 - src/runtime/runtime_test.go
1.3949 - src/go/parser/short_test.go
1.3938 - src/runtime/defs_linux_power64.go
1.3938 - src/runtime/defs_linux_power64le.go
1.3928 - src/net/http/client_test.go
1.3926 - src/runtime/lfstack_linux_power64x.go
1.3917 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_windows_386.go
1.3917 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/doc.go
1.3907 - src/pkg/net/http/requestwrite_test.go
1.3895 - src/runtime/race.c
1.3892 - doc/Makefile
1.3878 - src/cmd/9a/doc.go
1.3878 - src/cmd/9g/doc.go
1.3878 - src/cmd/9l/asm.c
1.3878 - src/cmd/9l/doc.go
1.3878 - src/debug/elf/elf.go
1.3878 - src/go/build/syslist.go
1.3878 - src/hash/crc32/crc32_generic.go
1.3878 - src/math/abs_power64x.s
1.3878 - src/math/big/arith_power64x.s
1.3878 - src/syscall/
1.3878 - src/syscall/syscall_linux_power64x.go
1.3878 - src/syscall/zerrors_linux_power64.go
1.3878 - src/syscall/zerrors_linux_power64le.go
1.3878 - src/syscall/zsyscall_linux_power64.go
1.3878 - src/syscall/zsyscall_linux_power64le.go
1.3878 - src/syscall/zsysnum_linux_power64.go
1.3878 - src/syscall/zsysnum_linux_power64le.go
1.3878 - src/syscall/ztypes_linux_power64.go
1.3878 - src/syscall/ztypes_linux_power64le.go
1.3869 - src/runtime/defs_dragonfly_amd64.go
1.3869 - src/runtime/defs_freebsd_386.go
1.3869 - src/runtime/defs_freebsd_amd64.go
1.3869 - src/runtime/defs_freebsd_arm.go
1.3869 - src/runtime/defs_openbsd_386.go
1.3869 - src/runtime/defs_openbsd_amd64.go
1.3853 - src/cmd/gofmt/
1.3851 - usr/gri/pretty/printer.go
1.3845 - src/cmd/9g/reg.c
1.3827 - src/cmd/6c/gc.h
1.3807 - src/cmd/9g/prog.c
1.3801 - src/buildscript/
1.3795 - src/buildscript/
1.3776 - src/runtime/os_windows.go
1.3769 - src/runtime/os_plan9.go
1.3761 - src/pkg/websocket/server.go
1.3760 - src/runtime/sys_nacl_amd64p32.s
1.3757 - src/runtime/chan.go
1.3749 - src/pkg/database/sql/convert_test.go
1.3744 - misc/dashboard/godashboard/
1.3744 - src/runtime/noasm_arm.go
1.3739 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/asm_386.s
1.3735 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_linux_amd64.s
1.3734 - src/cmd/5c/gc.h
1.3731 - src/runtime/print1.go
1.3730 - src/pkg/http/transport_test.go
1.3710 - src/cmd/go/generate_test.go
1.3702 - src/runtime/cgocall.go
1.3690 - src/pkg/path/filepath/match.go
1.3679 - src/runtime/debug.go
1.3675 - misc/cgo/test/issue9026.go
1.3673 - src/pkg/runtime/malloc.c
1.3672 - src/os/file_plan9.go
1.3671 - test/interface/explicit.go
1.3660 - src/runtime/sys_dragonfly_386.s
1.3660 - src/runtime/sys_freebsd_386.s
1.3660 - src/runtime/sys_openbsd_386.s
1.3654 - src/runtime/race.go
1.3652 - src/encoding/binary/binary.go
1.3633 - src/cmd/5c/list.c
1.3628 - src/go/printer/nodes.go
1.3627 - src/runtime/defs_linux_power64le.h
1.3617 - src/runtime/os_plan9.h
1.3615 - src/runtime/memclr_386.s
1.3615 - src/runtime/memclr_amd64.s
1.3614 - src/runtime/sys_solaris_amd64.s
1.3614 - src/runtime/sema.go
1.3611 - src/runtime/os_linux.c
1.3610 - src/cmd/8a/
1.3595 - src/bufio/scan.go
1.3595 - src/bufio/scan_test.go
1.3593 - src/cmd/5c/peep.c
1.3563 - src/cmd/gotest/gotest
1.3543 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_freebsd_arm.c
1.3533 - src/cmd/9g/gg.h
1.3531 - src/cmd/9l/l.h
1.3511 - src/pkg/netchan/netchan_test.go
1.3510 - src/compress/gzip/gunzip.go
1.3509 - src/runtime/cgo/callbacks.c
1.3492 - doc/articles/laws_of_reflection.html
1.3464 - src/runtime/sys_plan9_amd64.s
1.3461 - src/runtime/os_freebsd.c
1.3442 - test/live2.go
1.3409 - src/testing/testing.go
1.3404 - src/pkg/json/decode.go
1.3401 - src/fmt/format.go
1.3398 - src/text/template/exec_test.go
1.3388 - src/pkg/unicode/letter.go
1.3353 - src/os/path.go
1.3328 - src/nacltest.bash
1.3221 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/key_agreement.go
1.3204 - src/cmd/5g/galign.c
1.3202 - src/cmd/8l/optab.c
1.3200 - src/pkg/runtime/hashmap_fast.c
1.3182 - src/pkg/exp/sql/fakedb_test.go
1.3168 - doc/go1.4.txt
1.3157 - misc/cgo/test/basic.go
1.3134 - test/bench/shootout/
1.3103 - api/go1.1.txt
1.3103 - src/pkg/runtime/os_openbsd.go
1.3100 - src/pkg/gob/encoder.go
1.3094 - src/pkg/runtime/race.h
1.3084 - src/pkg/runtime/mprof.go
1.3065 - src/pkg/exp/template/exec_test.go
1.3042 - src/pkg/strings/reader_test.go
1.3031 - src/pkg/exp/norm/maketables.go
1.3028 - src/pkg/runtime/arch_386.h
1.3025 - src/pkg/exp/types/gcimporter_test.go
1.2999 - src/pkg/net/dnsconfig_unix.go
1.2999 - src/pkg/net/testdata/resolv.conf
1.2997 - src/pkg/syscall/sockcmsg_unix.go
1.2991 - src/pkg/net/fd_poll_runtime.go
1.2986 - src/pkg/runtime/hashmap.go
1.2968 - src/pkg/html/token.go
1.2904 - misc/notepadplus/userDefineLang.xml
1.2862 - src/pkg/compress/gzip/gunzip.go
1.2861 - src/cmd/go/vcs_test.go
1.2845 - src/pkg/big/rat.go
1.2830 - src/pkg/strconv/atoi.go
1.2824 - doc/reference.html
1.2793 - src/pkg/compress/flate/deflate_test.go
1.2729 - src/cmd/6c/reg.c
1.2722 - src/pkg/net/fd_poll_unix.go
1.2714 - src/pkg/websocket/websocket_test.go
1.2691 - src/pkg/netchan/export.go
1.2677 - src/pkg/net/http/chunked_test.go
1.2677 - src/pkg/net/http/httputil/chunked_test.go
1.2670 - misc/cgo/testso/cgoso_c.c
1.2665 - src/pkg/os/Makefile
1.2661 - src/pkg/syscall/
1.2620 - src/pkg/net/http/transfer_test.go
1.2609 - src/cmd/6c/list.c
1.2605 - src/cmd/5c/cgen.c
1.2602 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_openbsd_amd64.c
1.2573 - misc/cgo/testcdefs/main.c
1.2532 - src/pkg/syscall/mksyscall_windows.go
1.2519 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_darwin_386.c
1.2512 - src/pkg/runtime/string_test.go
1.2506 - src/cmd/8g/galign.c
1.2499 - src/cmd/api/testdata/src/pkg/p1/golden.txt
1.2489 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_dragonfly.go
1.2489 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_dragonfly_386.go
1.2489 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_dragonfly_amd64.go
1.2489 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go
1.2478 - src/cmd/link/pclntab.go
1.2453 - src/pkg/strconv/ftoa.go
1.2438 - src/cmd/vet/doc.go
1.2426 - src/pkg/text/scanner/scanner.go
1.2379 - src/pkg/mime/multipart/quotedprintable_test.go
1.2371 - misc/cgo/test/issue1560.go
1.2364 - src/cmd/fix/fix.go
1.2362 - src/pkg/exp/types/types.go
1.2344 - src/cmd/gc/bv.c
1.2337 - src/race.bash
1.2291 - src/cmd/link/testdata/hello.6
1.2287 - test/return.go
1.2286 - misc/cgo/testcdefs/cdefstest.c
1.2286 - misc/cgo/testcdefs/cdefstest.go
1.2278 - src/pkg/compress/gzip/gunzip_test.go
1.2277 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_linux_arm.go
1.2275 - src/pkg/compress/gzip/gzip.go
1.2275 - src/pkg/compress/zlib/writer.go
1.2275 - src/pkg/runtime/os_dragonfly.c
1.2269 - src/pkg/go/build/doc.go
1.2265 - src/pkg/runtime/callback_windows.c
1.2255 - src/cmd/api/goapi_test.go
1.2222 - test/switch.go
1.2208 - src/cmd/8c/gc.h
1.2208 - test/float_lit2.go
1.2164 - src/pkg/net/conn_test.go
1.2152 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_nacl_amd64p32.s
1.2143 - api/next.txt
1.2137 - src/pkg/http/request_test.go
1.2123 - src/cmd/addr2line/addr2line_test.go
1.2084 - src/pkg/syscall/net_nacl.go
1.2058 - src/pkg/strconv/atof_test.go
1.2041 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_openbsd_386.c
1.2041 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_openbsd_amd64.c
1.2034 - src/pkg/compress/bzip2/bzip2.go
1.2034 - src/pkg/compress/bzip2/bzip2_test.go
1.2007 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/asm_amd64.s
1.2001 - src/cmd/godoc/filesystem.go
1.1984 - src/cmd/6g/opt.h
1.1979 - src/cmd/cc/godefs.c
1.1966 - src/pkg/runtime/hashmap.goc
1.1964 - doc/articles/wiki/test.bash
1.1952 - src/pkg/image/jpeg/reader_test.go
1.1922 - src/pkg/runtime/cpuprof.c
1.1907 - src/pkg/debug/goobj/read.go
1.1897 - src/cmd/gc/doc.go
1.1890 - doc/contrib.html
1.1881 - src/pkg/xml/xml.go
1.1837 - src/cmd/cc/scon.c
1.1782 - src/pkg/net/http/cgi/matryoshka_test.go
1.1750 - src/cmd/gofix/osopen.go
1.1744 - src/pkg/go/doc/comment_test.go
1.1744 - src/
1.1734 - src/pkg/net/lookup.go
1.1723 - src/pkg/go/ast/print.go
1.1706 - src/pkg/sync/pool_test.go
1.1683 - src/pkg/runtime/race/testdata/regression_test.go
1.1683 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_windows_amd64.c
1.1668 - src/pkg/netchan/import.go
1.1610 - src/pkg/json/encode.go
1.1603 - src/pkg/net/rpc/jsonrpc/all_test.go
1.1585 - src/pkg/syscall/route_bsd.go
1.1583 - src/pkg/time/zoneinfo_read.go
1.1570 - doc/articles/image_package.html
1.1563 - src/pkg/mime/multipart/writer_test.go
1.1551 - src/pkg/image/image.go
1.1548 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_netbsd_arm.h
1.1542 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/colelem.go
1.1541 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_linux_arm.h
1.1502 - misc/cgo/testcdefs/main.go
1.1502 - misc/cgo/testcdefs/test.bash
1.1496 - src/pkg/os/signal/signal.go
1.1495 - src/
1.1473 - src/pkg/syscall/passfd_test.go
1.1473 - src/cmd/8c/reg.c
1.1471 - src/cmd/ld/decodesym.c
1.1470 - src/cmd/fix/netipv6zone.go
1.1470 - src/cmd/fix/netipv6zone_test.go
1.1462 - src/pkg/runtime/env_posix.c
1.1461 - src/pkg/mime/type.go
1.1453 - test/cmp6.go
1.1435 - src/pkg/runtime/syscall_windows.goc
1.1422 - src/pkg/reflect/deepequal.go
1.1415 - src/pkg/sync/pool.go
1.1409 - src/pkg/go/types/testdata/expr3.src
1.1406 - src/pkg/net/interface_bsd.go
1.1402 - src/cmd/8c/peep.c
1.1392 - src/pkg/go/types/conversions.go
1.1379 - src/clean.bash
1.1350 - src/pkg/net/net_windows_test.go
1.1341 - src/libmach/5obj.c
1.1341 - src/pkg/go/token/position_test.go
1.1330 - src/pkg/exp/cookiejar/jar_test.go
1.1325 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/interp/external_unix.go
1.1320 - src/pkg/big/rat_test.go
1.1309 - src/pkg/http/fs.go
1.1304 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_freebsd_arm.c
1.1276 - src/cmd/goinstall/download.go
1.1273 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/func.go
1.1240 - src/pkg/xml/xml_test.go
1.1223 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_openbsd_386.go
1.1222 - src/pkg/regexp/exec_test.go
1.1198 - src/pkg/encoding/json/stream.go
1.1144 - src/pkg/mime/mediatype_test.go
1.1116 - src/pkg/http/requestwrite_test.go
1.1107 - src/pkg/runtime/race/doc.go
1.1097 - src/pkg/encoding/asn1/asn1_test.go
1.1075 - src/pkg/runtime/mfinal.c
1.1040 - src/cmd/Makefile
1.1021 - test/fixedbugs/bug345.go
1.1006 - doc/go_spec.txt
1.0984 - test/range.go
1.0978 - test/fixedbugs/bug429.go
1.0976 - src/cmd/pack/doc.go
1.0946 - src/cmd/fix/go1rename.go
1.0946 - src/cmd/fix/go1rename_test.go
1.0930 - src/pkg/mime/type_unix.go
1.0913 - src/pkg/debug/gosym/pclntab_test.go
1.0886 - src/pkg/http/response.go
1.0884 - src/runtime/mheap.c
1.0867 - src/pkg/net/textproto/reader_test.go
1.0857 - src/pkg/runtime/chan_test.go
1.0850 - src/pkg/net/http/responsewrite_test.go
1.0825 - src/pkg/strings/replace_test.go
1.0804 - src/pkg/http/response_test.go
1.0803 - src/pkg/reflect/makefunc.go
1.0795 - src/cmd/gc/cplx.c
1.0781 - src/pkg/runtime/freebsd/thread.c
1.0751 - misc/cgo/test/cgo_linux_test.go
1.0705 - src/pkg/testing/benchmark_test.go
1.0698 - src/pkg/net/dnsmsg.go
1.0694 - doc/go_tutorial.txt
1.0670 - src/pkg/encoding/json/example_test.go
1.0668 - src/cmd/dist/plan9.c
1.0651 - src/libmach/8db.c
1.0636 - src/pkg/runtime/softfloat_arm.c
1.0633 - src/pkg/websocket/websocket.go
1.0632 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_x86.c
1.0631 - src/pkg/exp/types/operand.go
1.0627 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_freebsd_amd64.s
1.0614 - src/pkg/net/http/fcgi/child.go
1.0612 - test/ddd1.go
1.0606 - src/pkg/runtime/futex_test.go
1.0596 - src/pkg/runtime/mgc0.h
1.0574 - lib/godoc/search.html
1.0570 - src/pkg/net/sock_cloexec.go
1.0569 - src/pkg/image/jpeg/writer.go
1.0569 - src/pkg/os/env.go
1.0538 - src/pkg/runtime/alg.c
1.0533 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/amd64/sys.s
1.0496 - src/pkg/html/template/doc.go
1.0491 - src/pkg/net/http/cookie.go
1.0491 - src/pkg/net/http/cookie_test.go
1.0486 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_openbsd_386.c
1.0473 - src/pkg/encoding/asn1/marshal_test.go
1.0463 - misc/cgo/test/backdoor/backdoor.go
1.0463 - misc/cgo/test/backdoor/runtime.c
1.0457 - src/cmd/gopack/ar.c
1.0448 - src/cmd/nm/doc.go
1.0438 - src/pkg/html/template/js.go
1.0418 - doc/devel/release.html
1.0410 - lib/godoc/example.html
1.0409 - src/pkg/runtime/amd64/traceback.c
1.0405 - src/pkg/strconv/strconv_test.go
1.0392 - src/pkg/exp/template/html/escape.go
1.0390 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_freebsd_arm.s
1.0376 - src/pkg/os/os_unix_test.go
1.0376 - src/cmd/godoc/zip.go
1.0347 - misc/cgo/test/issue6506.go
1.0332 - src/pkg/runtime/time_plan9_386.c
1.0324 - src/pkg/unicode/tables.go
1.0315 - src/cmd/5l/optab.c
1.0312 - src/pkg/io/pipe.go
1.0309 - src/pkg/container/list/list_test.go
1.0302 - src/cmd/godoc/parser.go
1.0301 - src/cmd/godefs/main.c
1.0287 - src/pkg/os/exec.go
1.0284 - src/cmd/8c/cgen64.c
1.0249 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/race.go
1.0244 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/cbc.go
1.0216 - src/pkg/encoding/csv/writer.go
1.0215 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/encoder.go
1.0208 - src/pkg/sort/search.go
1.0174 - src/pkg/net/sock_bsd.go
1.0162 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/comments2.golden
1.0162 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/comments2.input
1.0148 - misc/notepadplus/functionList.xml
1.0143 - src/pkg/go/doc/synopsis.go
1.0124 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_plan9_386.s
1.0117 - doc/go_for_cpp_programmers.html
1.0099 - src/pkg/runtime/freebsd/amd64/signal.c
1.0083 - src/pkg/crypto/rand/util.go
1.0061 - src/pkg/os/stat_plan9.go
1.0061 - src/pkg/exp/types/types_test.go
1.0046 - src/pkg/runtime/signals_linux.h
1.0042 - src/pkg/regexp/syntax/doc.go
1.0026 - src/pkg/strconv/ftoa_test.go
1.0022 - src/pkg/asn1/asn1_test.go
1.0018 - src/pkg/regexp/syntax/prog.go
0.9999 - src/pkg/unicode/utf8/utf8_test.go
0.9989 - src/pkg/http/url.go
0.9978 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/cfb_test.go
0.9976 - src/pkg/bufio/scan_test.go
0.9974 - misc/cgo/testso/test.bash
0.9952 - src/pkg/runtime/plan9/thread.c
0.9943 - test/chan/perm.go
0.9941 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/build/builder_test.go
0.9940 - src/cmd/6g/list.c
0.9934 - test/fixedbugs/bug385_64.go
0.9922 - src/pkg/net/sockopt_linux.go
0.9915 - src/pkg/path/filepath/path_windows_test.go
0.9903 - src/cmd/gofix/procattr.go
0.9888 - src/cmd/dist/buildgo.c
0.9851 - src/libmach/sym.c
0.9837 - src/pkg/image/jpeg/huffman.go
0.9831 - src/cmd/asm/internal/asm/testdata/ppc64.out
0.9831 - src/cmd/internal/obj/ppc64/list9.go
0.9825 - src/pkg/websocket/client.go
0.9825 - src/cmd/internal/gc/pgen.go
0.9825 - src/cmd/internal/obj/i386/asm8.go
0.9825 - src/cmd/internal/obj/x86/asm6.go
0.9823 - src/pkg/exp/types/const.go
0.9819 - src/cmd/internal/obj/data.go
0.9819 - src/cmd/internal/gc/typecheck.go
0.9813 - doc/cmd.html
0.9813 - src/cmd/asm/internal/arch/ppc64.go
0.9813 - src/cmd/internal/obj/sym.go
0.9813 - src/cmd/internal/gc/const.go
0.9813 - src/cmd/internal/gc/lex.go
0.9813 - src/cmd/internal/gc/mparith1.go
0.9812 - src/go/token/position.go
0.9812 - src/internal/mime/header.go
0.9811 - src/cmd/asm/internal/asm/testdata/arm.out
0.9808 - src/cmd/internal/obj/ppc64/asm9.go
0.9804 - src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c
0.9802 - src/cmd/internal/obj/ppc64/obj9.go
0.9796 - src/cmd/asm/internal/asm/testdata/arm.s
0.9789 - src/runtime/sys_darwin_arm.s
0.9789 - src/syscall/asm_darwin_arm.s
0.9783 - src/cmd/internal/obj/arm/list5.go
0.9782 - src/cmd/internal/obj/i386/list8.go
0.9782 - src/cmd/internal/obj/x86/list6.go
0.9780 - src/cmd/internal/obj/x86/obj6.go
0.9778 - src/image/geom.go
0.9778 - src/image/geom_test.go
0.9777 - src/internal/syscall/windows/syscall_windows.go
0.9777 - src/internal/syscall/windows/zsyscall_windows.go
0.9777 - src/crypto/x509/verify.go
0.9768 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_netbsd_arm.c
0.9765 - src/crypto/md5/md5block_arm.s
0.9762 - src/pkg/math/rand/rand_test.go
0.9761 - src/os/path_test.go
0.9761 - doc/go_lang.txt
0.9759 - doc/go1.5.txt
0.9755 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/cfb.go
0.9755 - src/pkg/go/types/types.go
0.9751 - src/cmd/gc/reg.c
0.9743 - src/pkg/runtime/netpoll_windows.c
0.9731 - src/pkg/exp/norm/normalize_test.go
0.9722 - src/time/zoneinfo_plan9.go
0.9707 - src/pkg/net/http/cgi/host.go
0.9704 - src/runtime/proc_test.go
0.9701 - src/pkg/unsafe/unsafe.go
0.9699 - src/cmd/asm/internal/lex/tokenizer.go
0.9697 - src/cmd/new9a/a.y
0.9697 - src/cmd/new9a/lex.go
0.9692 - src/runtime/mfinal.go
0.9690 - src/runtime/mcache.c
0.9689 - src/net/interface_test.go
0.9687 - src/cmd/yacc/units.y
0.9677 - src/runtime/trace.go
0.9675 - src/cmd/gc/Makefile
0.9674 - test/closure2.go
0.9671 - src/image/image.go
0.9668 - .hgtags
0.9664 - src/cmd/dist/util.go
0.9655 - src/cmd/asm/main.go
0.9651 - src/cmd/internal/asm/lexbody.go
0.9646 - src/crypto/ecdsa/ecdsa.go
0.9646 - src/crypto/ecdsa/ecdsa_test.go
0.9632 - test/escape5.go
0.9624 - src/pkg/container/heap/example_pq_test.go
0.9619 - src/pkg/http/client_test.go
0.9610 - src/syscall/route_openbsd.go
0.9604 - misc/cgo/test/issue9400/asm_arm.s
0.9596 - src/
0.9596 - src/
0.9596 - src/
0.9596 - src/
0.9596 - src/
0.9593 - src/
0.9591 - src/net/smtp/smtp.go
0.9586 - src/runtime/asm_ppc64x.s
0.9576 - src/runtime/arch1_ppc64.go
0.9576 - src/runtime/arch1_ppc64le.go
0.9576 - src/runtime/defs_linux_ppc64.go
0.9576 - src/runtime/defs_linux_ppc64le.go
0.9575 - src/runtime/arch1_386.go
0.9575 - src/runtime/arch1_amd64p32.go
0.9575 - src/runtime/arch1_arm.go
0.9571 -
0.9561 - src/pkg/exec/exec_test.go
0.9559 - doc/go1.2.txt
0.9556 - src/runtime/atomic_ppc64x.s
0.9549 - src/runtime/race1.go
0.9538 - src/crypto/x509/root_solaris.go
0.9527 - src/go/parser/parser_test.go
0.9527 - src/pkg/crypto/rsa/pkcs1v15.go
0.9515 - src/pkg/runtime/mem_netbsd.c
0.9515 - src/pkg/runtime/mem_openbsd.c
0.9515 - src/pkg/go/build/dir.go
0.9511 - src/pkg/html/template/clone_test.go
0.9506 - src/path/filepath/path.go
0.9503 - src/pkg/time/Makefile
0.9499 - src/env.bash
0.9490 - src/image/draw/clip_test.go
0.9490 - src/image/draw/draw.go
0.9487 - src/pkg/go/ast/walk.go
0.9484 - test/golden-arm.out
0.9472 - src/runtime/type.go
0.9461 - src/pkg/os/exec/lp_windows.go
0.9460 - src/runtime/sys_freebsd_amd64.s
0.9448 - src/runtime/signal_amd64x.go
0.9448 - src/runtime/netpoll_stub.go
0.9443 - src/syscall/route_bsd.go
0.9431 - misc/cgo/test/issue9400_linux.go
0.9431 - test/fixedbugs/bug248.go
0.9424 - src/cmd/godoc/format.go
0.9419 - src/pkg/runtime/race0.c
0.9416 - src/pkg/image/png/writer_test.go
0.9415 - src/runtime/slice.go
0.9414 - src/runtime/time.go
0.9406 - src/runtime/defs_windows_386.go
0.9406 - src/runtime/defs_windows_amd64.go
0.9406 - src/runtime/os2_plan9.go
0.9404 - src/cmd/gofix/import_test.go
0.9397 - doc/articles/wiki/final.go
0.9397 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_openbsd_amd64.go
0.9385 - src/cmd/pack/ar.c
0.9378 - src/runtime/os1_dragonfly.go
0.9378 - src/runtime/os1_netbsd.go
0.9378 - src/runtime/os3_solaris.go
0.9378 - src/runtime/signal_linux.go
0.9378 - src/runtime/alg.go
0.9373 - src/pkg/net/fd_bsd.go
0.9373 - src/runtime/debug/heapdump_test.go
0.9368 - src/syscall/mksyscall_windows.go
0.9368 - src/syscall/zsyscall_windows.go
0.9362 - src/syscall/ztypes_windows.go
0.9359 - src/pkg/runtime/debug/garbage.go
0.9357 - src/runtime/malloc1.go
0.9353 - src/syscall/syscall_windows.go
0.9352 -
0.9349 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/session.go
0.9342 - src/cmd/gc/go.errors
0.9335 - src/sync/atomic/asm_linux_arm.s
0.9334 - doc/go_tutorial.tmpl
0.9334 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/build/colelem.go
0.9334 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/colelem_test.go
0.9333 - test/linkx_run.go
0.9333 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/transport.go
0.9330 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/report/report.go
0.9327 - src/runtime/arch1_power64.go
0.9327 - src/runtime/arch1_power64le.go
0.9327 - src/runtime/atomic_power64x.go
0.9327 - src/runtime/signal_linux_power64x.go
0.9327 - src/runtime/signal_power64x.go
0.9327 - src/runtime/sys_power64x.go
0.9327 - src/runtime/zgoarch_386.go
0.9327 - src/runtime/zgoarch_amd64.go
0.9327 - src/runtime/zgoarch_amd64p32.go
0.9327 - src/runtime/zgoarch_arm.go
0.9327 - src/runtime/zgoarch_power64.go
0.9327 - src/runtime/zgoarch_power64le.go
0.9319 - src/syscall/syscall_plan9.go
0.9319 - src/syscall/zsyscall_plan9_386.go
0.9319 - src/syscall/zsyscall_plan9_amd64.go
0.9317 - test/fixedbugs/issue5493.go
0.9312 - src/net/http/request.go
0.9306 - src/os/signal/signal_test.go
0.9299 - src/image/jpeg/scan.go
0.9298 - src/pkg/time/zoneinfo_plan9.go
0.9290 - src/pkg/go/doc/doc_test.go
0.9288 - src/pkg/debug/pe/file.go
0.9282 - src/cmd/godoc/mapping.go
0.9276 - src/runtime/runtime.go
0.9265 - src/pkg/go/build/path.go
0.9262 - src/runtime/lfstack.go
0.9262 - src/runtime/lfstack_32bit.go
0.9262 - src/runtime/lfstack_amd64.go
0.9262 - src/runtime/signal_solaris_amd64.go
0.9258 - src/pkg/encoding/json/indent.go
0.9256 - src/runtime/cpuprof.go
0.9256 - src/runtime/mcache.go
0.9256 - src/runtime/signal_unix.go
0.9255 - src/runtime/cgo/netbsd.go
0.9255 - src/runtime/cgo/openbsd.go
0.9254 - src/runtime/softfloat64.go
0.9254 - src/runtime/softfloat64_test.go
0.9254 - src/runtime/softfloat_arm.c
0.9254 - src/runtime/sqrt.go
0.9254 - usr/gri/pretty/Makefile
0.9254 - src/runtime/string_test.go
0.9254 - src/runtime/sys_x86.c
0.9253 - src/database/sql/sql_test.go
0.9252 - src/pkg/io/multi.go
0.9247 - src/pkg/http/fs_test.go
0.9247 - src/os/file.go
0.9240 - src/regexp/regexp.go
0.9240 - src/cmd/internal/objfile/disasm.go
0.9239 - src/pkg/http/cookie_test.go
0.9237 - src/bytes/bytes.go
0.9237 - src/strings/strings.go
0.9220 - test/clearfat.go
0.9219 - src/syscall/asm_freebsd_amd64.s
0.9219 - src/go/printer/testdata/declarations.input
0.9214 - src/runtime/os_plan9_386.c
0.9214 - src/runtime/os_plan9_amd64.c
0.9214 - src/runtime/signal_386.c
0.9214 - src/runtime/signal_amd64x.c
0.9214 - src/runtime/signal_arm.c
0.9214 - src/pkg/image/jpeg/scan.go
0.9214 - lib/codereview/codereview.cfg
0.9214 - src/cmd/9a/Makefile
0.9214 - src/cmd/9l/Makefile
0.9214 - src/cmd/9l/list.c
0.9214 - src/debug/elf/file.go
0.9214 - src/debug/elf/file_test.go
0.9214 - src/debug/elf/testdata/go-relocation-test-gcc482-ppc64le.obj
0.9214 - src/liblink/sched9.c
0.9214 - src/runtime/defs1_linux.go
0.9214 - src/runtime/defs_linux.go
0.9214 - src/runtime/mem_linux.c
0.9214 - src/runtime/memclr_plan9_386.s
0.9214 - src/runtime/sys_darwin_386.s
0.9214 - src/runtime/sys_linux_amd64.s
0.9214 - src/runtime/sys_nacl_386.s
0.9214 - src/runtime/sys_nacl_arm.s
0.9214 - src/syscall/
0.9214 - src/syscall/types_linux.go
0.9213 - doc/articles/go_command.html
0.9212 - src/crypto/tls/handshake_server.go
0.9211 - src/runtime/funcdata.h
0.9205 - src/pkg/compress/flate/huffman_bit_writer.go
0.9201 - src/syscall/asm_nacl_386.s
0.9201 - src/syscall/asm_nacl_amd64p32.s
0.9201 - src/syscall/asm_nacl_arm.s
0.9198 - src/pkg/runtime/type.h
0.9194 - src/pkg/asn1/asn1.go
0.9191 - src/net/http/client.go
0.9188 - src/pkg/crypto/rsa/rsa_test.go
0.9185 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/thread.c
0.9185 - src/syscall/exec_linux.go
0.9181 - src/androidtest.bash
0.9174 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_windows_386.c
0.9174 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_windows_amd64.c
0.9160 - test/gc2.go
0.9159 - src/net/http/httputil/dump.go
0.9157 - src/
0.9147 - src/runtime/type.h
0.9136 - src/pkg/net/sockoptip_bsd.go
0.9130 - src/runtime/cgo/setenv.c
0.9130 - src/runtime/env_posix.go
0.9128 - doc/go1.4.html
0.9127 - src/net/http/fs.go
0.9127 - src/net/http/fs_test.go
0.9123 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/commands/commands.go
0.9121 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/symbolizer/symbolizer.go
0.9120 - src/cmd/gc/array.c
0.9118 - src/cmd/gofix/math.go
0.9118 - src/cmd/go/discovery.go
0.9109 - src/runtime/mem_plan9.c
0.9109 - src/runtime/sys_netbsd_386.s
0.9109 - src/runtime/cgo/dragonfly.c
0.9109 - src/runtime/cgo/freebsd.c
0.9109 - src/runtime/cgo/netbsd.c
0.9109 - src/runtime/cgo/openbsd.c
0.9109 - src/runtime/rt0_windows_amd64.s
0.9109 - src/runtime/signals_darwin.h
0.9109 - src/runtime/signals_dragonfly.h
0.9109 - src/runtime/signals_freebsd.h
0.9109 - src/runtime/signals_linux.h
0.9109 - src/runtime/signals_nacl.h
0.9109 - src/runtime/signals_netbsd.h
0.9109 - src/runtime/signals_openbsd.h
0.9109 - src/runtime/signals_plan9.h
0.9109 - src/runtime/signals_solaris.h
0.9102 - src/cmd/fix/doc.go
0.9101 - doc/gccgo_contribute.html
0.9096 - src/runtime/defs_linux_power64.h
0.9091 - src/runtime/mem_windows.c
0.9080 - src/runtime/syscall_windows.go
0.9079 - src/runtime/os_solaris.go
0.9079 - src/runtime/syscall_solaris.go
0.9072 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/report/source.go
0.9071 - misc/dashboard/builder/exec.go
0.9071 - misc/makerelease/windows/installer.wxs
0.9070 - src/pkg/syscall/dll_windows.go
0.9066 - src/database/sql/fakedb_test.go
0.9065 - src/cmd/cc/pswt.c
0.9063 - src/runtime/sys_plan9_386.s
0.9060 - src/runtime/os_darwin.c
0.9060 - src/runtime/os_dragonfly.c
0.9060 - src/runtime/os_nacl.c
0.9060 - src/runtime/os_nacl.go
0.9060 - src/runtime/os_netbsd.c
0.9060 - src/runtime/os_openbsd.c
0.9060 - src/runtime/os_plan9.c
0.9060 - src/runtime/sigpanic_unix.go
0.9059 - src/runtime/thunk_solaris_amd64.s
0.9057 - src/cmd/gofix/url.go
0.9035 - src/pkg/exp/norm/normalize.go
0.9027 - src/runtime/pprof/mprof_test.go
0.9012 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/tls_test.go
0.9011 - src/pkg/archive/zip/writer.go
0.9011 - src/pkg/compress/zlib/reader.go
0.9007 - src/pkg/reflect/export_test.go
0.9004 - src/pkg/runtime/lock_sema.c
0.9001 - src/cmd/gc/init.c
0.8994 - src/time/sleep.go
0.8988 - src/math/big/rat.go
0.8987 - src/regexp/syntax/parse.go
0.8985 - src/compress/flate/inflate.go
0.8985 - src/compress/zlib/reader.go
0.8983 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/asm_arm.s
0.8973 - src/flag/flag_test.go
0.8970 - test/sinit.go
0.8964 - src/runtime/mfinal_test.go
0.8962 - src/cmd/gofix/signal.go
0.8958 - src/text/template/exec.go
0.8955 - src/encoding/asn1/asn1.go
0.8955 - src/encoding/asn1/asn1_test.go
0.8948 - test/fixedbugs/bug302.go
0.8931 - src/os/error_plan9.go
0.8929 - src/pkg/go/ast/import.go
0.8927 - misc/cgo/test/issue7978.go
0.8925 - src/pkg/runtime/freebsd/386/signal.c
0.8920 - misc/goplay/doc.go
0.8918 - src/reflect/makefunc.go
0.8913 - src/syscall/env_unix.go
0.8909 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/mem.c
0.8899 - src/encoding/gob/decode.go
0.8892 - src/os/proc.go
0.8892 - src/net/empty.s
0.8886 - src/pkg/runtime/netpoll_kqueue.c
0.8884 - src/cmd/prof/main.c
0.8883 - src/runtime/cgocallback.go
0.8877 - test/linkx.go
0.8874 - src/cmd/9c/reg.c
0.8868 - src/cmd/9c/txt.c
0.8867 - doc/articles/slices_usage_and_internals.html
0.8858 - src/pkg/runtime/darwin/thread.c
0.8855 - test/errchk
0.8853 - src/cmd/9c/swt.c
0.8847 - src/sync/atomic/64bit_arm.go
0.8844 - src/pkg/runtime/hashmap.h
0.8839 - src/syscall/asm_linux_386.s
0.8839 - src/syscall/asm_linux_amd64.s
0.8839 - src/syscall/asm_linux_arm.s
0.8839 - src/syscall/asm_plan9_386.s
0.8839 - src/syscall/asm_plan9_amd64.s
0.8825 - src/pkg/crypto/subtle/constant_time.go
0.8818 - src/cmd/fix/go1pkgrename_test.go
0.8804 - src/net/tcpsockopt_openbsd.go
0.8803 - src/pkg/exp/norm/triegen.go
0.8798 - src/pkg/go/doc/example_test.go
0.8798 - src/pkg/html/escape.go
0.8795 - src/cmd/fix/reflect.go
0.8785 - src/cmd/fix/go1pkgrename.go
0.8784 - src/pkg/runtime/cgocall.go
0.8772 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/race.s
0.8769 - src/pkg/runtime/netpoll.go
0.8767 - src/pkg/net/dnsconfig_unix_test.go
0.8765 - src/pkg/runtime/cpuprof.go
0.8764 - test/const5.go
0.8747 - src/pkg/runtime/print1.go
0.8745 - src/pkg/runtime/chan.go
0.8745 - src/pkg/runtime/hashmap_fast.go
0.8737 - src/pkg/encoding/json/tagkey_test.go
0.8735 - misc/vim/ftplugin/go/import.vim
0.8728 - src/cmd/internal/objfile/plan9obj.go
0.8727 - src/pkg/runtime/iface.go
0.8725 - src/pkg/runtime/syscall_windows.go
0.8721 - src/pkg/crypto/x509/cert_pool.go
0.8720 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_freebsd_386.s
0.8717 - src/pkg/runtime/sema.go
0.8716 - src/cmd/addr2line/main.c
0.8716 - src/cmd/link/pclntab_test.go
0.8696 - misc/cgo/test/cthread.go
0.8685 - misc/cgo/test/issue8428.go
0.8681 - src/pkg/runtime/gcinfo_test.go
0.8674 - doc/articles/json_and_go.html
0.8667 - src/pkg/net/http/pprof/pprof.go
0.8664 - misc/dist/darwin/scripts/postinstall
0.8656 - src/pkg/asn1/marshal.go
0.8654 - src/cmd/dist/buf.c
0.8654 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_netbsd_386.h
0.8654 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_netbsd_amd64.h
0.8652 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_freebsd_arm.h
0.8649 - src/pkg/time/format_test.go
0.8647 - src/pkg/runtime/arch_power64le.h
0.8645 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_linux_power64x.go
0.8644 - src/pkg/runtime/print.go
0.8643 - src/pkg/runtime/arch_power64.h
0.8640 - test/init1.go
0.8627 - src/pkg/runtime/rt0_linux_arm.s
0.8618 - src/pkg/net/http/z_last_test.go
0.8611 - test/blank.go
0.8602 - src/pkg/runtime/chan.h
0.8593 - src/pkg/runtime/tls_arm.s
0.8590 - test/interface/fail.go
0.8584 - src/pkg/go/types/operand.go
0.8574 - src/pkg/os/os_windows_test.go
0.8566 - usr/gri/pretty/pretty.go
0.8549 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_linux_386.c
0.8549 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_linux_amd64.c
0.8548 - src/pkg/runtime/sema.goc
0.8547 - src/pkg/rpc/server_test.go
0.8543 - src/pkg/http/reverseproxy.go
0.8534 - test/fixedbugs/issue6964.go
0.8528 - misc/cgo/test/issue7234_test.go
0.8527 - src/pkg/go/types/testdata/builtins.src
0.8526 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/interp/external_plan9.go
0.8524 - src/pkg/os/path.go
0.8519 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/promote.go
0.8515 - src/pkg/http/reverseproxy_test.go
0.8512 - src/cmd/cgo/util.go
0.8507 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_freebsd_386.c
0.8507 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_freebsd_amd64.c
0.8499 - src/pkg/go/types/gcimporter.go
0.8493 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/interp/external.go
0.8493 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/interp/external_windows.go
0.8489 - misc/cgo/test/Makefile
0.8481 - src/cmd/vet/taglit.go
0.8475 - src/pkg/exp/cookiejar/jar.go
0.8474 - src/cmd/gofix/httpserver.go
0.8474 - src/cmd/gofix/netdial.go
0.8470 - src/pkg/xml/read.go
0.8461 - src/pkg/runtime/os_solaris.c
0.8461 - src/pkg/go/ast/scope.go
0.8460 - src/cmd/gofix/main_test.go
0.8439 - src/cmd/goinstall/doc.go
0.8431 - src/pkg/go/types/api.go
0.8415 - misc/cgo/test/issue7695_test.go
0.8410 - src/pkg/mime/multipart/quotedprintable.go
0.8388 - src/pkg/runtime/iface.goc
0.8380 - src/pkg/strings/replace.go
0.8357 - doc/codelab/wiki/index.html
0.8354 - src/pkg/net/sock_linux.go
0.8350 - test/fixedbugs/issue4654.go
0.8349 - test/fixedbugs/issue8074.go
0.8329 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/syntax/parse.go
0.8329 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/syntax/parse_test.go
0.8324 - src/cmd/gc/md5.c
0.8320 - src/pkg/go/doc/headscan.go
0.8316 - src/cmd/cc/com.c
0.8306 - src/all.bash
0.8285 - src/pkg/syscall/types_linux.go
0.8283 - src/cmd/cc/com64.c
0.8282 - src/pkg/debug/plan9obj/file_test.go
0.8255 - src/pkg/os/dir_plan9.go
0.8234 - src/pkg/io/io_test.go
0.8228 - README
0.8228 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/a.2.golden
0.8226 - src/pkg/asn1/marshal_test.go
0.8225 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/386/signal.c
0.8222 - test/fixedbugs/bug424.go
0.8215 - src/pkg/exp/winfsnotify/winfsnotify_test.go
0.8198 - src/pkg/time/example_test.go
0.8191 - src/pkg/runtime/chan.goc
0.8187 - doc/articles/c_go_cgo.html
0.8184 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall.go
0.8183 - api/except.txt
0.8175 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/debug.go
0.8165 - doc/articles/concurrency_patterns.html
0.8157 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_linux_386.go
0.8134 - src/pkg/json/scanner_test.go
0.8128 - src/pkg/exp/inotify/inotify_linux_test.go
0.8126 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_nacl_amd64p32.h
0.8111 - src/pkg/runtime/atomic_arm.c
0.8108 - src/liblink/data.c
0.8095 - test/fixedbugs/issue4388.go
0.8089 - misc/cgo/testso/cgoso.go
0.8083 - src/pkg/syscall/fd_nacl.go
0.8074 - src/pkg/runtime/arch_amd64p32.h
0.8073 - src/pkg/os/user/lookup_stubs.go
0.8070 - src/pkg/net/http/cgi/testdata/test.cgi
0.8064 - src/cmd/link/auto.go
0.8064 - src/cmd/link/layout.go
0.8064 - src/cmd/link/testdata/autosection.s
0.8056 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/Makefile
0.8055 - src/cmd/link/testdata/link.hello.darwin.amd64
0.8050 - src/pkg/net/resolv_windows.go
0.8047 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/386/sys.s
0.8039 - src/pkg/mime/type_windows.go
0.8021 - test/named1.go
0.8019 - src/pkg/net/interface.go
0.8010 - src/liblink/obj.c
0.8010 - src/pkg/exp/types/stmt.go
0.8010 - src/pkg/exp/types/testdata/decls1.src
0.8008 - src/pkg/rpc/client.go
0.8006 - src/pkg/net/fd_linux.go
0.7985 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_nacl.go
0.7979 - src/pkg/math/sin.go
0.7969 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_darwin_386.s
0.7969 - src/cmd/cov/main.c
0.7947 - test/run-arm
0.7945 - src/cmd/nm/pe.go
0.7943 - src/pkg/runtime/slice.goc
0.7938 - src/pkg/debug/proc/proc_linux.go
0.7938 - src/pkg/exp/types/testdata/expr3.src
0.7931 - src/pkg/crypto/dsa/dsa.go
0.7923 - misc/cgo/test/callback_c_gc.c
0.7923 - misc/cgo/test/callback_c_gccgo.c
0.7922 - src/pkg/crypto/des/des_test.go
0.7917 - src/pkg/math/cmplx/pow.go
0.7901 - src/pkg/net/fd_posix_test.go
0.7896 - usr/gri/pretty/scanner.go
0.7896 - src/pkg/go/doc/exports.go
0.7892 - src/pkg/mime/type_test.go
0.7892 - test/fixedbugs/bug255.go
0.7891 - src/pkg/net/http/example_test.go
0.7884 - src/pkg/runtime/arm/traceback.c
0.7882 - src/cmd/godoc/utils.go
0.7880 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_unix_test.go
0.7876 - src/cmd/cc/mac.c
0.7857 - src/pkg/syscall/route_freebsd.go
0.7852 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/386/sys.s
0.7843 - src/pkg/syscall/security_windows.go
0.7818 - src/pkg/http/url_test.go
0.7814 - test/fixedbugs/bug392.dir/one.go
0.7814 - test/fixedbugs/bug392.dir/two.go
0.7811 - src/pkg/net/http/header.go
0.7803 - src/cmd/link/prog_test.go
0.7795 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_amd64x.c
0.7785 - src/pkg/debug/macho/file_test.go
0.7781 - misc/dashboard/codereview/dashboard/front.go
0.7773 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_netbsd.go
0.7771 - test/fixedbugs/issue7363.go
0.7752 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_darwin_386.c
0.7752 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_darwin_amd64.c
0.7750 - test/recover.go
0.7749 - src/pkg/runtime/runtime1.goc
0.7721 - src/pkg/net/interface_linux_test.go
0.7716 - src/cmd/yacc/doc.go
0.7714 - src/pkg/runtime/darwin/amd64/sys.s
0.7700 - src/cmd/link/macho_test.go
0.7694 - src/
0.7694 - src/
0.7694 - src/
0.7694 - src/
0.7694 - src/
0.7694 - src/
0.7694 - src/
0.7687 - src/pkg/debug/elf/elf.go
0.7671 - src/cmd/link/load.go
0.7662 - src/pkg/big/nat_test.go
0.7650 - src/pkg/runtime/signals_plan9.h
0.7637 - misc/cgo/testso/cgoso_unix.go
0.7620 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.7620 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.encoder.go.out
0.7620 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.7620 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.export.go.out
0.7620 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.7620 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.print.go.out
0.7602 - src/cmd/go/pkg_test.go
0.7601 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go
0.7601 - src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go
0.7585 - test/live1.go
0.7581 - doc/articles/image_draw.html
0.7579 - src/pkg/net/rpc/debug.go
0.7577 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/benchmark_test.go
0.7572 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/tcpip.go
0.7552 - doc/codewalk/markov.xml
0.7550 - src/libcgo/Makefile
0.7534 - src/libmach/windows.c
0.7534 - src/pkg/net/parse.go
0.7526 - src/pkg/exp/norm/tables.go
0.7514 - test/mallocrep.go
0.7514 - test/mallocrep1.go
0.7510 - src/pkg/os/user/lookup_windows.go
0.7500 - misc/kate/go.xml
0.7492 - src/cmd/5c/Makefile
0.7492 - src/cmd/6c/Makefile
0.7492 - src/cmd/8c/Makefile
0.7490 - src/cmd/5c/doc.go
0.7490 - src/cmd/6c/doc.go
0.7490 - src/cmd/8c/doc.go
0.7490 - src/cmd/cc/doc.go
0.7482 - src/libmach/darwin.c
0.7465 - src/pkg/runtime/msize.c
0.7458 - lib/godoc/search.txt
0.7453 - src/pkg/gob/doc.go
0.7451 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/gcm.go
0.7451 - src/cmd/godoc/appinit.go
0.7451 - doc/articles/defer_panic_recover.html
0.7440 - src/pkg/testing/cover.go
0.7427 - src/pkg/syscall/rlimit_unix_test.go
0.7425 - src/pkg/time/sys_plan9.go
0.7425 - src/pkg/unicode/utf8/utf8.go
0.7414 - src/pkg/crypto/rc4/rc4_ref.go
0.7413 - src/pkg/sync/rwmutex.go
0.7411 - src/pkg/net/file_plan9.go
0.7402 - src/pkg/exp/norm/forminfo.go
0.7398 - doc/all.css
0.7396 - src/pkg/net/Makefile
0.7388 - include/plan9/link.h
0.7379 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/build/trie.go
0.7371 - test/method.go
0.7369 - src/cmd/gofix/httpheaders.go
0.7369 - src/cmd/gofix/imagecolor.go
0.7369 - src/cmd/gofix/reflect.go
0.7360 - usr/gri/pretty/godoc.go
0.7358 - test/fixedbugs/issue3924.go
0.7335 - src/pkg/compress/flate/flate_test.go
0.7331 - doc/help.html
0.7318 - src/pkg/strconv/itoa_test.go
0.7316 - src/cmd/fix/reflect_test.go
0.7315 - src/pkg/scanner/scanner.go
0.7310 - doc/articles/wiki/Makefile
0.7295 - src/lib9/tempdir_windows.c
0.7284 - src/pkg/os/exec/lp_windows_test.go
0.7281 - src/libmach/8obj.c
0.7278 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_netbsd_arm.h
0.7266 - src/pkg/mime/multipart/writer.go
0.7257 - src/cmd/go/bootstrap.go
0.7257 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_darwin_amd64.s
0.7257 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_netbsd_386.s
0.7257 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_netbsd_amd64.s
0.7257 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_openbsd_386.s
0.7257 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_openbsd_amd64.s
0.7251 - src/pkg/log/example_test.go
0.7245 - src/cmd/6c/mul.c
0.7245 - src/cmd/8c/mul.c
0.7245 - src/cmd/gofix/url_test.go
0.7236 - src/cmd/5l/doc.go
0.7235 - doc/gccgo_install.html
0.7235 - test/fixedbugs/issue4232.go
0.7234 - src/pkg/exec/exec.go
0.7214 - src/cmd/gofix/typecheck.go
0.7210 - src/pkg/net/sockoptip_windows.go
0.7203 - src/cmd/ld/textflag.h
0.7183 - src/pkg/go/types/const.go
0.7175 - src/pkg/os/exec/lp_plan9.go
0.7163 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/build/colelem_test.go
0.7156 - src/pkg/os/user/user_test.go
0.7154 - doc/progs/file_windows.go
0.7148 - src/cmd/gofix/filepath.go
0.7148 - src/cmd/gofix/sortslice.go
0.7139 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_linux_amd64.go
0.7135 - src/pkg/net/tcpsockopt_unix.go
0.7132 - src/pkg/net/sockoptip_posix.go
0.7131 - src/cmd/gofix/httpfinalurl.go
0.7107 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/server.go
0.7103 - src/pkg/runtime/debug.go
0.7084 - src/pkg/syscall/consistency_unix_test.go
0.7069 - src/pkg/runtime/error.go
0.7052 - src/pkg/runtime/os_windows.h
0.7052 - src/pkg/runtime/race/testdata/chan_test.go
0.7033 - misc/vim/ftplugin/go.vim
0.7028 - misc/dashboard/godashboard/
0.7026 - src/pkg/encoding/ascii85/ascii85_test.go
0.7025 - test/testlib
0.7022 - test/divmod.go
0.7017 - src/pkg/os/types_windows.go
0.7012 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/linebreaks.golden
0.7002 - src/pkg/json/struct.go
0.6997 - src/pkg/os/stat_netbsd.go
0.6997 - src/pkg/net/unicast_posix_test.go
0.6996 - src/pkg/runtime/append_test.go
0.6989 - usr/gri/gosrc/parser.go
0.6989 - misc/dashboard/app/build/build.go
0.6983 - src/pkg/crypto/aes/cipher.go
0.6977 - src/pkg/encoding/json/scanner_test.go
0.6973 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_netbsd.go
0.6964 - src/pkg/runtime/freebsd/amd64/sys.s
0.6961 - test/fixedbugs/bug340.go
0.6946 - src/pkg/math/nextafter.go
0.6944 - test/fixedbugs/bug302.dir/main.go
0.6939 - doc/codelab/wiki/wiki.html
0.6935 - src/pkg/os/error_plan9.go
0.6933 - test/mallocrand.go
0.6912 - src/pkg/go/types/universe.go
0.6893 - src/cmd/hgpatch/main.go
0.6892 - src/pkg/os/signal/signal_unix.go
0.6884 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_windows_test.go
0.6878 - src/pkg/runtime/darwin/amd64/signal.c
0.6871 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/arm/signal.c
0.6871 - misc/dashboard/codereview/dashboard/cl.go
0.6864 - src/Make.cmd
0.6846 - src/pkg/encoding/base32/base32.go
0.6840 - src/pkg/regexp/syntax/parse.go
0.6827 - src/pkg/net/cgo_bsd.go
0.6825 - src/cmd/cc/Makefile
0.6817 - src/cmd/vet/method.go
0.6816 - src/cmd/fix/error_test.go
0.6814 - src/cmd/fix/httpfs.go
0.6806 - src/pkg/syscall/dir_plan9.go
0.6798 - src/cmd/fix/timefileinfo_test.go
0.6793 - misc/cgo/errors/err1.go
0.6791 - src/pkg/path/match_test.go
0.6791 - src/pkg/exp/ebnflint/doc.go
0.6790 - src/pkg/go/doc/synopsis_test.go
0.6782 - src/pkg/container/heap/example_test.go
0.6773 - src/pkg/crypto/x509/pem_decrypt_test.go
0.6767 - src/libmach/linux.c
0.6760 - src/pkg/runtime/race/race_test.go
0.6755 - src/cmd/gotest/doc.go
0.6753 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/slices1.golden
0.6753 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/slices1.input
0.6749 - src/pkg/io/multi_test.go
0.6720 - src/pkg/net/ipsock_test.go
0.6709 - misc/chrome/gophertool/popup.html
0.6703 - src/pkg/http/readrequest_test.go
0.6703 - src/all.bat
0.6700 - src/version.bash
0.6699 - src/pkg/xml/read_test.go
0.6692 - src/pkg/sort/example_interface_test.go
0.6689 - src/pkg/sort/example_multi_test.go
0.6672 - test/bugs/bug395.go
0.6658 - src/pkg/http/triv.go
0.6649 - src/cmd/gc/popt.h
0.6642 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_linux_386.h
0.6640 - src/pkg/net/sys_cloexec.go
0.6634 - src/pkg/database/sql/example_test.go
0.6623 - src/pkg/runtime/mem_darwin.c
0.6623 - src/pkg/runtime/mem_freebsd.c
0.6616 - src/pkg/crypto/rand/example_test.go
0.6614 - src/pkg/runtime/vlrt_386.c
0.6610 - test/const1.go
0.6595 - src/pkg/deps.bash
0.6573 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_netbsd_386.h
0.6573 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_netbsd_amd64.h
0.6572 - test/fixedbugs/issue5910.dir/a.go
0.6572 - test/fixedbugs/issue5910.dir/main.go
0.6561 - src/pkg/runtime/vdso_linux_amd64.c
0.6561 - src/pkg/runtime/race/output_test.go
0.6556 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/64bit_arm.go
0.6552 - src/pkg/net/fd_mutex.go
0.6552 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/asm_freebsd_arm.s
0.6552 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/asm_netbsd_arm.s
0.6529 - src/cmd/dist/arm.c
0.6528 - src/pkg/os/error_windows.go
0.6526 - src/pkg/testing/quick/quick.go
0.6515 - test/fixedbugs/bug379.go
0.6514 - src/pkg/time/zoneinfo.go
0.6493 - test/fixedbugs/bug346.go
0.6489 - src/cmd/gotype/testdata/test1.go
0.6488 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_netbsd_386.c
0.6488 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_netbsd_amd64.c
0.6486 - misc/notepadplus/README
0.6482 - doc/codewalk/run
0.6477 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/mem.c
0.6470 - src/pkg/net/tcpsockopt_openbsd.go
0.6469 - src/cmd/gc/mkbuiltin
0.6459 - src/libmach/6obj.c
0.6450 - src/pkg/container/heap/heap_test.go
0.6448 - src/pkg/compress/lzw/writer.go
0.6425 - src/pkg/runtime/debug/stack.go
0.6422 - misc/notepadplus/go.xml
0.6417 - misc/zsh/go
0.6396 - misc/cgo/gmp/gmp.go
0.6381 - misc/cgo/test/issue3250.go
0.6378 - src/pkg/net/dial_gen.go
0.6363 - src/pkg/strconv/extfloat.go
0.6352 - src/pkg/net/http/chunked.go
0.6352 - src/pkg/net/http/httputil/chunked.go
0.6335 - test/fixedbugs/bug371.go
0.6333 - src/pkg/strconv/atof.go
0.6329 - src/cmd/5c/sgen.c
0.6325 - src/pkg/path/filepath/symlink_windows.go
0.6320 - src/pkg/crypto/rand/rand_unix.go
0.6316 - src/cmd/goyacc/goyacc.go
0.6311 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_freebsd_386.go
0.6311 - src/pkg/runtime/rt0_plan9_386.s
0.6294 - src/cmd/5g/cgen64.c
0.6280 - src/pkg/text/scanner/scanner_test.go
0.6278 - src/pkg/sync/waitgroup_test.go
0.6275 - src/pkg/net/rpc/jsonrpc/server.go
0.6273 - test/bench/shootout/threadring.c
0.6266 - src/pkg/html/template/error.go
0.6265 - src/cmd/5l/Makefile
0.6260 - doc/play/playground.js
0.6259 - src/cmd/cc/acid.c
0.6259 - src/cmd/cc/bits.c
0.6259 - src/cmd/cc/omachcap.c
0.6254 - src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go
0.6250 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/a.0.golden
0.6250 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/a.1.golden
0.6250 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/template.txt
0.6247 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/prf.go
0.6242 - usr/gri/pretty/
0.6229 - test/malloc1.go
0.6229 - src/pkg/json/struct_test.go
0.6226 - src/pkg/os/stat_freebsd.go
0.6226 - test/fixedbugs/bug406.go
0.6223 - src/pkg/tabwriter/tabwriter.go
0.6219 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_util.c
0.6205 - src/pkg/net/file_unix.go
0.6202 - src/pkg/runtime/signals_netbsd.h
0.6196 - doc/articles/error_handling.html
0.6190 - test/fixedbugs/bug248.dir/bug2.go
0.6188 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_linux.go
0.6187 - src/pkg/crypto/elliptic/elliptic_test.go
0.6184 - misc/dist/windows/installer.wxs
0.6164 - src/pkg/runtime/os_linux_arm.c
0.6154 - src/pkg/scanner/scanner_test.go
0.6152 - doc/codewalk/sharemem.xml
0.6149 - src/pkg/crypto/ecdsa/ecdsa.go
0.6143 - src/pkg/log/syslog/syslog_unix.go
0.6136 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/ctr.go
0.6132 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/cgo_arm.c
0.6129 - src/pkg/runtime/signals_openbsd.h
0.6103 - src/pkg/http/cookie.go
0.6103 - src/pkg/encoding/ascii85/ascii85.go
0.6097 - src/pkg/syscall/exec_unix.go
0.6083 - src/pkg/runtime/darwin/386/sys.s
0.6079 - include/plan9/libc.h
0.6076 - src/pkg/http/cgi/host.go
0.6074 - src/pkg/image/gif/reader_test.go
0.6067 - src/cmd/go/http.go
0.6063 - misc/cgo/life/life.go
0.6055 - misc/vim/autoload/go/complete.vim
0.6054 - test/fixedbugs/bug423.go
0.6036 - src/pkg/container/heap/example_intheap_test.go
0.6030 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/amd64/signal.c
0.6026 - test/map.go
0.6024 - test/blank1.go
0.6023 - src/pkg/time/export_test.go
0.6012 - src/pkg/crypto/sha256/sha256.go
0.6006 - test/method2.go
0.6003 - src/pkg/syscall/zsysnum_linux_arm.go
0.5992 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/dump.go
0.5980 - usr/gri/gosrc/globals.go
0.5979 - test/fixedbugs/issue5348.go
0.5978 - misc/dashboard/app/build/test.go
0.5971 - src/pkg/index/suffixarray/suffixarray_test.go
0.5968 - src/pkg/net/interface_stub.go
0.5966 - src/pkg/html/template/html.go
0.5941 - doc/articles/wiki/part3-errorhandling.go
0.5941 - doc/articles/wiki/part3.go
0.5934 - src/pkg/crypto/aes/aes_test.go
0.5920 - misc/cgo/test/issue5227.go
0.5916 - src/pkg/ebnf/ebnf_test.go
0.5915 - src/pkg/runtime/mkversion.c
0.5904 - src/cmd/gofix/xmlapi.go
0.5904 - src/cmd/gofix/xmlapi_test.go
0.5894 - src/pkg/runtime/parfor_test.go
0.5891 - test/reorder2.go
0.5891 - src/cmd/cov/doc.go
0.5890 - test/mapnan.go
0.5882 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/io.go
0.5880 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/root_test.go
0.5874 - test/fixedbugs/bug392.go
0.5874 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/packet/packet.go
0.5871 - src/pkg/image/format.go
0.5870 - src/cmd/api/clone.go
0.5865 - src/pkg/reflect/example_test.go
0.5860 - doc/codelab/wiki/Makefile
0.5855 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/root_darwin.go
0.5850 - src/pkg/math/gamma.go
0.5848 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_openbsd_386.h
0.5844 - src/pkg/syscall/
0.5842 - src/runtime/mcentral.c
0.5832 - src/pkg/runtime/
0.5831 - usr/gri/pretty/ast.go
0.5831 - src/cmd/godoc/linkify.go
0.5821 - src/cmd/vet/test_asm1.s
0.5821 - src/cmd/vet/test_asm2.s
0.5821 - src/cmd/vet/test_asm3.s
0.5820 - test/fixedbugs/bug460.dir/a.go
0.5820 - test/fixedbugs/bug460.dir/b.go
0.5818 - src/pkg/exp/norm/trie_test.go
0.5815 - src/pkg/exp/draw/draw.go
0.5814 - misc/dashboard/builder/doc.go
0.5802 - misc/dist/darwin/scripts/preinstall
0.5787 - src/pkg/net/cgo_openbsd.go
0.5783 - src/pkg/text/tabwriter/tabwriter.go
0.5783 - src/pkg/net/http/httputil/persist.go
0.5778 - src/pkg/runtime/os_netbsd_arm.c
0.5776 - src/make-arm.bash
0.5776 - test/typeswitch3.go
0.5776 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/root_unix.go
0.5769 - src/pkg/go/types/gcimporter_test.go
0.5769 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_unix.h
0.5768 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_freebsd_386.h
0.5768 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_freebsd_amd64.h
0.5768 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_linux_arm.h
0.5747 - src/pkg/net/interface_darwin.go
0.5747 - src/pkg/net/interface_freebsd.go
0.5745 - test/shift1.go
0.5736 - doc/articles/json_rpc_tale_of_interfaces.html
0.5726 - src/pkg/go/types/testdata/stmt0.src
0.5719 - src/pkg/go/types/testdata/decls1.src
0.5713 - src/cmd/gofix/netdial_test.go
0.5713 - src/cmd/gofix/reflect_test.go
0.5712 - src/cmd/cc/macbody
0.5709 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/amd64/sys.s
0.5709 - src/pkg/sync/rwmutex_test.go
0.5706 - src/pkg/sort/search_test.go
0.5705 - src/pkg/runtime/darwin/386/signal.c
0.5700 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_netbsd_arm.c
0.5700 - src/pkg/net/interface_bsd_test.go
0.5700 - src/pkg/net/interface_unix_test.go
0.5699 - src/pkg/exp/sql/driver/types.go
0.5698 - src/pkg/syscall/zsysnum_openbsd_386.go
0.5698 - src/pkg/syscall/zsysnum_openbsd_amd64.go
0.5698 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_openbsd_386.go
0.5696 - src/cmd/vet/test_print.go
0.5691 - src/cmd/goinstall/make.go
0.5685 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/emit.go
0.5684 - src/cmd/vet/buildtag.go
0.5682 - src/pkg/archive/zip/writer_test.go
0.5681 - test/fixedbugs/bug465.dir/a.go
0.5681 - test/fixedbugs/bug465.dir/b.go
0.5681 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/interp/reflect.go
0.5681 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/interp/testdata/coverage.go
0.5681 - src/pkg/go/build/pkgtest/sqrt_test.go
0.5681 - src/pkg/go/build/pkgtest/xsqrt_test.go
0.5678 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/ssadump.go
0.5677 - test/fixedbugs/bug251.go
0.5673 - src/pkg/runtime/
0.5673 - src/pkg/runtime/parfor.c
0.5666 - src/pkg/net/http/sniff.go
0.5665 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/blockopt.go
0.5665 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/doc.go
0.5665 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/lift.go
0.5665 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/literal.go
0.5665 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/print.go
0.5665 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/ssa.go
0.5665 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/sanity.go
0.5664 - src/cmd/6l/Makefile
0.5659 - src/pkg/encoding/pem/pem.go
0.5645 - src/pkg/go/types/check_test.go
0.5642 - test/fixedbugs/issue4663.go
0.5640 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.5639 - src/pkg/exp/sql/convert_test.go
0.5634 - src/pkg/hash/fnv/fnv.go
0.5632 - src/lib9/goos.c
0.5622 - src/pkg/path/match.go
0.5617 - src/cmd/8c/sgen.c
0.5616 - src/pkg/go/ast/print_test.go
0.5614 - src/cmd/vet/atomic.go
0.5612 - src/pkg/runtime/debug/garbage_test.go
0.5611 - test/float_lit.go
0.5607 - src/pkg/os/error_posix.go
0.5599 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/root_windows.go
0.5595 - src/cmd/gofix/error.go
0.5585 - src/pkg/exp/sql/driver/driver.go
0.5584 - src/pkg/regexp/syntax/parse_test.go
0.5583 - src/pkg/math/Makefile
0.5581 - src/pkg/os/
0.5577 - src/lib9/main.c
0.5575 - src/pkg/go/format/format.go
0.5567 - src/pkg/strconv/decimal.go
0.5561 - usr/gri/pretty/compilation.go
0.5561 - src/cmd/gofix/httpfs.go
0.5561 - src/cmd/gofix/imagenew.go
0.5561 - src/cmd/gofix/iocopyn.go
0.5561 - src/cmd/gofix/netudpgroup.go
0.5561 - src/cmd/gofix/oserrorstring.go
0.5561 - src/cmd/gofix/sorthelpers.go
0.5561 - src/cmd/gofix/stringssplit.go
0.5560 - src/pkg/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_test.go
0.5559 - test/fixedbugs/bug243.go
0.5559 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.5551 - src/cmd/ld/macho.h
0.5545 - src/pkg/syscall/
0.5544 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/libcgo.h
0.5534 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/collate_test.go
0.5523 - src/cmd/yacc/units.txt
0.5519 - src/cmd/5g/Makefile
0.5502 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/doc.go
0.5498 - src/cmd/gofix/math_test.go
0.5497 - test/fixedbugs/issue4585.go
0.5493 - src/pkg/runtime/memmove_arm.s
0.5493 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go
0.5490 - src/pkg/image/names.go
0.5488 - src/pkg/net/multicast_posix_test.go
0.5471 - src/pkg/big/arith.go
0.5466 - src/pkg/runtime/openbsd/thread.c
0.5462 - src/cmd/goyacc/units.y
0.5455 - doc/articles/index.html
0.5431 - src/cmd/gofix/osopen_test.go
0.5426 - src/pkg/html/entity.go
0.5426 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/os.h
0.5422 - src/pkg/runtime/freebsd/mem.c
0.5421 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/messages.go
0.5411 - src/pkg/net/http/doc.go
0.5404 - src/pkg/crypto/elliptic/elliptic.go
0.5389 - test/fixedbugs/bug435.go
0.5383 - src/syscall/syscall.go
0.5379 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/channel.go
0.5368 - src/pkg/compress/lzw/reader.go
0.5364 - src/pkg/exp/types/builtins.go
0.5364 - src/pkg/exp/types/errors.go
0.5364 - src/pkg/exp/types/testdata/expr0.src
0.5357 - src/pkg/exp/datafmt/datafmt.go
0.5341 - src/cmd/gofix/signal_test.go
0.5339 - src/pkg/net/cgo_netbsd.go
0.5338 - src/pkg/exp/types/testdata/stmt0.src
0.5336 - src/cmd/gofix/filepath_test.go
0.5336 - src/cmd/gofix/sortslice_test.go
0.5333 - test/chan/doubleselect.go
0.5327 - test/assign.go
0.5324 - src/pkg/rand/rand_test.go
0.5324 - test/fixedbugs/issue4348.go
0.5323 - test/fixedbugs/issue4097.go
0.5317 - src/pkg/exp/types/predicates.go
0.5315 - src/pkg/exp/types/check_test.go
0.5305 - src/cmd/godoc/httpzip.go
0.5299 - src/pkg/net/textproto/textproto.go
0.5298 - src/cmd/cov/Makefile
0.5298 - doc/progs/slices.go
0.5298 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/collate.go
0.5281 - misc/cgo/test/issue4417.go
0.5271 - src/pkg/net/sockoptip_linux.go
0.5267 - src/pkg/html/template/content_test.go
0.5264 - misc/cgo/test/helpers.go
0.5261 - src/runtime/msize.c
0.5258 - src/pkg/encoding/csv/reader.go
0.5253 - src/pkg/compress/gzip/gzip_test.go
0.5248 - test/stringrange.go
0.5244 - src/pkg/template/exec_test.go
0.5236 - src/pkg/encoding/json/stream_test.go
0.5215 - src/pkg/gob/debug.go
0.5215 - test/nilptr.go
0.5214 - src/pkg/crypto/rsa/pkcs1v15_test.go
0.5214 - src/pkg/html/doc.go
0.5212 - doc/tmpltohtml.go
0.5209 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/386/signal.c
0.5207 - src/pkg/io/pipe_test.go
0.5203 - src/pkg/io/ioutil/blackhole.go
0.5203 - src/pkg/io/ioutil/blackhole_race.go
0.5195 - test/closedchan.go
0.5188 - src/pkg/os/env_plan9.go
0.5177 - src/cmd/gofix/httpserver_test.go
0.5177 - src/cmd/gofix/procattr_test.go
0.5165 - src/pkg/encoding/base32/example_test.go
0.5165 - src/pkg/encoding/base64/example_test.go
0.5153 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/import.golden
0.5153 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/import.input
0.5151 - src/pkg/net/fd_unix_test.go
0.5143 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/cipher_suites.go
0.5143 - src/pkg/runtime/arm/vlop.s
0.5130 - src/cmd/6g/gen.c
0.5125 - src/pkg/os/export_test.go
0.5123 - doc/GoCourseDay1.pdf
0.5103 - src/pkg/crypto/sha512/sha512.go
0.5102 - src/pkg/crypto/x509/root_windows.go
0.5095 - test/zerodivide.go
0.5092 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/gcimporter.go
0.5082 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_netbsd_386.go
0.5082 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_netbsd_amd64.go
0.5071 - src/pkg/runtime/freebsd/386/sys.s
0.5070 - src/pkg/runtime/callback_windows_386.c
0.5070 - src/pkg/runtime/callback_windows_amd64.c
0.5069 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/types_test.go
0.5067 - src/pkg/exp/inotify/inotify_linux.go
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.asn1.go.out
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.datafmt.go.out
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.decode.go.out
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.decoder.go.out
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.dnsmsg.go.out
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.encode.go.out
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.quick.go.out
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.scan.go.out
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.script.go.out
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.template.go.out
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/
0.5061 - src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.type.go.out
0.5060 - test/string_lit.go
0.5059 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/syntax/prog.go
0.5051 - src/pkg/runtime/typekind.h
0.5020 - misc/cgo/test/issue4029.go
0.5019 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/syntax/regexp.go
0.5014 - src/pkg/exp/types/exportdata.go
0.5010 - src/pkg/io/ioutil/tempfile.go
0.5010 - misc/dashboard/builder/package.go
0.5008 - src/pkg/xml/marshal.go
0.5001 - misc/cgo/stdio/test.go
0.5001 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/build/builder.go
0.5001 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/table_test.go
0.5001 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/tables.go
0.4991 - misc/dist/darwin/Distribution
0.4987 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/darwin_386.c
0.4985 - misc/dashboard/builder/http.go
0.4971 - src/cmd/6l/doc.go
0.4971 - src/cmd/8l/doc.go
0.4960 - src/pkg/syscall/types_linux.c
0.4960 - src/pkg/os/env_windows.go
0.4958 - src/pkg/go/ast/resolve.go
0.4943 - src/runtime/chan.c
0.4921 - src/syscall/exec_plan9.go
0.4921 - src/syscall/pwd_plan9.go
0.4919 - src/os/file_darwin_arm.go
0.4919 - src/cmd/9a/lex.go
0.4919 - src/cmd/9a/y.go
0.4919 - src/cmd/internal/obj/ppc64/9.out.go
0.4915 - src/archive/zip/writer.go
0.4915 - src/archive/zip/zip_test.go
0.4913 - src/os/sys_windows.go
0.4913 - src/runtime/cgo/gcc_darwin_arm.c
0.4913 - src/runtime/mbitmap.go
0.4913 - src/cmd/asm/internal/asm/testdata/386.out
0.4913 - src/cmd/asm/internal/asm/testdata/amd64.out
0.4913 - src/cmd/internal/obj/arm/obj5.go
0.4913 - src/cmd/internal/obj/i386/obj8.go
0.4913 - src/cmd/internal/obj/link.go
0.4913 - src/cmd/internal/obj/util.go
0.4912 - test/fixedbugs/issue9083.go
0.4912 - test/fixedbugs/issue9076.go
0.4912 - test/fixedbugs/issue9017.go
0.4911 - src/cmd/go/testdata/errmsg/x.go
0.4911 - src/cmd/go/testdata/errmsg/x1_test.go
0.4911 - src/cmd/go/testdata/errmsg/x_test.go
0.4910 - src/go/ast/ast.go
0.4909 - src/crypto/tls/conn.go
0.4909 - src/pkg/testing/script/script.go
0.4908 - src/sync/mutex.go
0.4908 - src/sync/mutex_test.go
0.4908 - src/sync/runtime.go
0.4907 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_386.S
0.4907 - src/crypto/rsa/rsa.go
0.4907 - src/math/all_test.go
0.4907 - src/math/dim_amd64.s
0.4906 - src/cmd/5g/cgen.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/5g/cgen64.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/5g/ggen.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/5g/gsubr.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/5g/peep.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/6g/cgen.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/6g/ggen.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/6g/gsubr.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/6g/peep.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/6g/reg.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/8g/cgen.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/8g/cgen64.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/8g/ggen.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/8g/gsubr.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/8g/peep.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/8g/reg.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/9g/cgen.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/9g/ggen.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/9g/gsubr.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/9g/peep.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/9g/prog.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/9g/reg.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/align.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/bits.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/bv.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/closure.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/cplx.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/dcl.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/esc.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/export.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/gen.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/gsubr.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/init.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/inl.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/md5.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/mparith2.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/mparith3.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/obj.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/order.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/plive.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/popt.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/racewalk.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/range.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/reflect.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/reg.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/select.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/sinit.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/swt.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/unsafe.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/walk.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/obj/go.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/obj/ld.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/obj/obj.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/obj/objfile.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/obj/pass.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/obj/pcln.go
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/go.y
0.4906 - src/cmd/internal/gc/y.go
0.4906 - src/math/big/natconv.go
0.4900 - src/cmd/asm/internal/asm/endtoend_test.go
0.4898 - src/cmd/go/
0.4898 - src/cmd/asm/internal/arch/arm.go
0.4897 - src/runtime/race/README
0.4897 - src/runtime/race/race_darwin_amd64.syso
0.4897 - src/runtime/race/race_freebsd_amd64.syso
0.4897 - src/runtime/race/race_linux_amd64.syso
0.4897 - src/runtime/race/race_windows_amd64.syso
0.4896 - src/path/filepath/example_unix_test.go
0.4895 - src/net/interface_bsd.go
0.4895 - src/net/interface_darwin.go
0.4895 - src/net/interface_freebsd.go
0.4895 - src/syscall/route_bsd_test.go
0.4895 - src/syscall/route_darwin.go
0.4895 - src/syscall/route_dragonfly.go
0.4895 - src/syscall/route_freebsd.go
0.4895 - src/syscall/route_freebsd_32bit.go
0.4895 - src/syscall/route_freebsd_64bit.go
0.4895 - src/syscall/route_ifma_test.go
0.4895 - src/syscall/route_netbsd.go
0.4895 - src/syscall/route_noifma_test.go
0.4894 - src/pkg/os/signal/signal_stub.go
0.4894 - test/rotate0.go
0.4894 - test/rotate1.go
0.4894 - test/rotate2.go
0.4894 - test/rotate3.go
0.4894 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_plan9_386.c
0.4891 - src/net/http/cgi/host.go
0.4891 - src/net/http/cgi/host_test.go
0.4891 - src/net/http/cgi/matryoshka_test.go
0.4891 - src/cmd/new9a/y.go
0.4889 - src/crypto/rc4/rc4_arm.s
0.4889 - src/crypto/sha1/sha1block_arm.s
0.4888 - src/pkg/os/signal/sig.s
0.4886 - src/net/ip.go
0.4886 - src/cmd/internal/obj/arm/anames5.go
0.4886 - src/cmd/asm/internal/lex/lex_test.go
0.4886 - src/cmd/asm/internal/lex/slice.go
0.4886 - src/cmd/asm/internal/lex/stack.go
0.4886 - src/cmd/gofix/doc.go
0.4885 - src/unicode/graphic.go
0.4885 - test/fixedbugs/bug412.go
0.4884 - src/os/signal/signal.go
0.4884 - src/os/signal/signal_plan9.go
0.4884 - src/os/signal/signal_unix.go
0.4884 - src/runtime/os3_plan9.go
0.4884 - src/runtime/sigqueue_plan9.go
0.4883 - src/pkg/math/big/arith_amd64.s
0.4883 - src/image/decode_test.go
0.4883 - src/image/testdata/video-001.cmyk.jpeg
0.4883 - src/image/testdata/video-001.cmyk.png
0.4879 - src/cmd/go/script
0.4879 - src/cmd/go/script.txt
0.4876 - src/encoding/xml/marshal.go
0.4876 - src/encoding/xml/marshal_test.go
0.4876 - src/encoding/xml/read_test.go
0.4876 - src/encoding/xml/xml.go
0.4875 - src/runtime/race/race_test.go
0.4873 - src/runtime/iface_test.go
0.4873 - test/fixedbugs/issue9370.go
0.4872 - src/runtime/mapspeed_test.go
0.4871 - src/runtime/race/testdata/slice_test.go
0.4871 - src/os/os_windows_test.go
0.4868 - src/cmd/dist/buildtool.go
0.4865 - src/net/udpsock_posix.go
0.4865 - src/net/http/proxy_test.go
0.4864 - src/net/interface_windows.go
0.4864 - src/cmd/dist/vfp_default.s
0.4861 - src/sort/sort.go
0.4861 - src/time/sys_unix.go
0.4861 - src/time/zoneinfo_unix.go
0.4861 - src/time/zoneinfo_windows.go
0.4861 - src/syscall/syscall_bsd.go
0.4858 - src/net/smtp/example_test.go
0.4858 - src/testing/benchmark.go
0.4854 - test/fixedbugs/issue9608.dir/issue9608.go
0.4854 - test/fixedbugs/issue9608.go
0.4854 - src/pkg/debug/macho/file.go
0.4853 - misc/ios/README
0.4853 - misc/ios/
0.4852 - src/strconv/decimal.go
0.4851 - src/expvar/expvar_test.go
0.4849 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/trie.go
0.4849 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_nacl_386.s
0.4849 - src/runtime/print1_write_android.go
0.4849 - src/runtime/stubs_android.go
0.4848 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_freebsd_amd64.go
0.4845 - src/cmd/dist/buildgc.go
0.4845 - test/fixedbugs/issue9731.go
0.4844 - src/net/dnsclient.go
0.4844 - src/net/dnsmsg_test.go
0.4842 - src/cmd/asm/internal/addr/addr.go
0.4842 - src/cmd/asm/internal/flags/flags.go
0.4842 - src/go/printer/printer.go
0.4842 - src/go/printer/testdata/comments.golden
0.4842 - src/go/printer/testdata/comments.input
0.4842 - src/os/os_unix_test.go
0.4842 - test/fixedbugs/issue9738.go
0.4837 - src/cmd/fix/newwriter.go
0.4837 - src/cmd/fix/newwriter_test.go
0.4836 - src/cmd/vet/structtag.go
0.4832 - src/runtime/pprof/trace_parser_test.go
0.4829 - test/closure1.go
0.4827 - src/cmd/asm/internal/asm/expr_test.go
0.4827 - src/net/http/main_test.go
0.4827 - test/fixedbugs/issue9691.go
0.4825 - src/crypto/tls/testdata/Client-TLSv10-ClientCert-ECDSA-ECDSA
0.4825 - src/crypto/tls/testdata/Client-TLSv10-ClientCert-ECDSA-RSA
0.4825 - src/crypto/tls/testdata/Client-TLSv10-ECDHE-ECDSA-AES
0.4825 - src/crypto/tls/testdata/Client-TLSv12-ClientCert-ECDSA-ECDSA
0.4825 - src/crypto/tls/testdata/Client-TLSv12-ClientCert-ECDSA-RSA
0.4825 - src/crypto/tls/testdata/Server-TLSv10-ECDHE-ECDSA-AES
0.4825 - src/crypto/tls/testdata/Server-TLSv12-CipherSuiteCertPreferenceECDSA
0.4825 - src/crypto/tls/testdata/Server-TLSv12-CipherSuiteCertPreferenceRSA
0.4825 - src/crypto/tls/testdata/Server-TLSv12-ECDHE-ECDSA-AES
0.4825 - test/fixedbugs/bug451.go
0.4824 - src/unsafe/unsafe.go
0.4819 - src/os/stat_plan9.go
0.4814 - misc/vim/ftplugin/go/
0.4812 - src/go/ast/filter.go
0.4811 - src/cmd/prof/doc.go
0.4807 - test/fixedbugs/issue9537.dir/a.go
0.4807 - test/fixedbugs/issue9537.dir/b.go
0.4807 - test/fixedbugs/issue9537.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/internal/asm/asm.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/internal/asm/macbody.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/new5a/a.y
0.4806 - src/cmd/new5a/lex.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/new6a/a.y
0.4806 - src/cmd/new6a/lex.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/new8a/a.y
0.4806 - src/cmd/new8a/lex.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/error.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/filepath.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/filepath_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/googlecode.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/googlecode_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/hashsum.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/hashsum_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/hmacnew.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/hmacnew_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/htmlerr.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/htmlerr_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/httpfinalurl.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/httpfinalurl_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/httpfs_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/httpheaders.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/httpheaders_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/httpserver.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/httpserver_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/imagecolor.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/imagecolor_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/imagenew.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/imagenew_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/imageycbcr.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/imageycbcr_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/iocopyn.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/iocopyn_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/mapdelete.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/mapdelete_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/math.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/math_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/netdial.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/netdial_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/netudpgroup.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/netudpgroup_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/oserrorstring.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/oserrorstring_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/osopen.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/osopen_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/procattr.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/procattr_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/signal.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/signal_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/sorthelpers.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/sorthelpers_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/sortslice.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/sortslice_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/strconv.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/strconv_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/stringssplit.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/stringssplit_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/template.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/template_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/timefileinfo.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/url.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/url_test.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/xmlapi.go
0.4806 - src/cmd/fix/xmlapi_test.go
0.4804 - src/html/template/doc.go
0.4803 - src/path/filepath/path_plan9.go
0.4803 - src/path/filepath/path_test.go
0.4803 - src/path/filepath/path_unix.go
0.4803 - src/path/filepath/path_windows.go
0.4803 - test/fixedbugs/issue9634.go
0.4800 - src/net/http/fcgi/child.go
0.4800 - src/net/http/fcgi/fcgi_test.go
0.4798 - src/strings/compare.go
0.4798 - src/strings/strings_decl.go
0.4794 - test/fixedbugs/issue9604b.go
0.4788 - src/pkg/time/zoneinfo_unix.go
0.4788 - test/fixedbugs/issue9604.go
0.4788 - src/net/dnsclient_unix_test.go
0.4787 - src/cmd/ld/pe.h
0.4780 - src/cmd/dist/sys_default.go
0.4779 - misc/cgo/test/issue9557.go
0.4778 - src/pkg/exp/draw/draw_test.go
0.4776 - test/fixedbugs/issue9432.go
0.4776 - test/fixedbugs/bug410.go
0.4769 - src/net/http/httputil/reverseproxy.go
0.4769 - src/net/http/httputil/reverseproxy_test.go
0.4767 - src/math/big/arith_386.s
0.4764 - misc/swig/stdio/file_test.go
0.4760 - src/crypto/tls/handshake_messages.go
0.4760 - src/crypto/rsa/pss.go
0.4760 - src/crypto/rsa/pss_test.go
0.4759 - src/runtime/export_windows_test.go
0.4756 - src/crypto/x509/root_nacl.go
0.4756 - src/crypto/x509/root_bsd.go
0.4756 - src/crypto/x509/root_linux.go
0.4755 - src/pkg/runtime/rt0_windows_amd64.s
0.4752 - test/fixedbugs/issue8620.go
0.4748 - src/pkg/net/http/cgi/child.go
0.4748 - src/os/exec_posix.go
0.4748 - src/os/str.go
0.4748 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_setenv.c
0.4746 - test/fixedbugs/issue8501.go
0.4743 - src/runtime/cgo/gcc_openbsd_386.c
0.4743 - src/runtime/cgo/gcc_openbsd_amd64.c
0.4738 - src/pkg/ebnf/parser.go
0.4737 - src/net/http/http_test.go
0.4737 - src/net/http/transfer.go
0.4737 - test/fixedbugs/issue6671.go
0.4736 - test/fixedbugs/gcc61204.go
0.4736 - test/fixedbugs/gcc61244.go
0.4736 - test/fixedbugs/gcc61246.go
0.4736 - test/fixedbugs/gcc61248.go
0.4736 - test/fixedbugs/gcc61253.go
0.4736 - test/fixedbugs/gcc61254.go
0.4736 - test/fixedbugs/gcc61255.go
0.4736 - test/fixedbugs/gcc61258.go
0.4736 - test/fixedbugs/gcc61264.go
0.4736 - test/fixedbugs/gcc61265.go
0.4736 - test/fixedbugs/gcc61273.go
0.4736 - src/testing/iotest/logger.go
0.4733 - src/net/smtp/smtp_test.go
0.4732 - src/pkg/hash/hash.go
0.4727 - doc/progs/error.go
0.4719 - src/cmd/godefs/stabs.c
0.4718 - src/pkg/unicode/Makefile
0.4718 - src/mime/internal/quotedprintable/quotedprintable.go
0.4718 - src/mime/internal/quotedprintable/quotedprintable_test.go
0.4718 - src/mime/multipart/multipart.go
0.4718 - src/mime/multipart/quotedprintable.go
0.4718 - src/mime/multipart/quotedprintable_test.go
0.4718 - src/math/rand/example_test.go
0.4716 - misc/cgo/test/issue9400/asm_386.s
0.4716 - misc/cgo/test/issue9400/asm_amd64x.s
0.4716 - misc/cgo/test/issue9400/asm_ppc64x.s
0.4716 - misc/cgo/test/issue9400/stubs.go
0.4716 - src/net/http/cgi/child.go
0.4716 - src/net/http/cgi/child_test.go
0.4715 - test/fixedbugs/bug492.dir/a.go
0.4715 - test/fixedbugs/bug492.dir/b.go
0.4715 - test/fixedbugs/bug492.go
0.4715 - test/fixedbugs/bug369.dir/main.go
0.4715 - test/fixedbugs/bug429_run.go
0.4715 - src/runtime/hash32.go
0.4715 - src/runtime/hash64.go
0.4715 - src/runtime/hash_test.go
0.4715 - src/runtime/unaligned1.go
0.4715 - src/runtime/unaligned2.go
0.4715 - src/runtime/hashmap_fast.go
0.4713 - src/pkg/exp/types/universe.go
0.4713 - src/fmt/scan.go
0.4713 - src/fmt/scan_test.go
0.4709 - test/fixedbugs/bug444.go
0.4703 - test/fixedbugs/issue9355.dir/a.go
0.4703 - src/runtime/cgo/gcc_android_arm.c
0.4703 - src/crypto/tls/common.go
0.4701 - api/README
0.4699 - src/os/sticky_bsd.go
0.4699 - src/os/sticky_notbsd.go
0.4696 - test/fixedbugs/issue9321.go
0.4695 - src/crypto/rand/eagain.go
0.4695 - src/crypto/rand/rand_unix.go
0.4686 - src/net/http/response.go
0.4685 - .gitattributes
0.4684 - src/cmd/godoc/snippet.go
0.4682 - src/math/big/nat.go
0.4676 - .gitignore
0.4675 - misc/IntelliJIDEA/Go.xml
0.4673 - src/cmd/gotype/gotype_test.go
0.4673 - test/fibo.go
0.4671 - src/pkg/runtime/plan9/mem.c
0.4668 - src/pkg/sort/example_test.go
0.4667 - misc/cgo/stdio/Makefile
0.4664 - src/cmd/internal/objfile/elf.go
0.4664 - src/cmd/internal/objfile/macho.go
0.4664 - src/math/abs_ppc64x.s
0.4664 - src/math/big/arith_ppc64x.s
0.4664 - src/math/stubs_ppc64x.s
0.4664 - src/reflect/asm_ppc64x.s
0.4664 - src/runtime/arch_ppc64.go
0.4664 - src/runtime/arch_ppc64le.go
0.4664 - src/runtime/atomic_ppc64x.go
0.4664 - src/runtime/lfstack_linux_ppc64x.go
0.4664 - src/runtime/memclr_ppc64x.s
0.4664 - src/runtime/memmove_ppc64x.s
0.4664 - src/runtime/rt0_linux_ppc64.s
0.4664 - src/runtime/rt0_linux_ppc64le.s
0.4664 - src/runtime/signal_linux_ppc64x.go
0.4664 - src/runtime/signal_ppc64x.go
0.4664 - src/runtime/sys_linux_ppc64x.s
0.4664 - src/runtime/sys_ppc64x.go
0.4664 - src/runtime/zgoarch_ppc64.go
0.4664 - src/runtime/zgoarch_ppc64le.go
0.4664 - src/sync/atomic/asm_ppc64x.s
0.4664 - src/syscall/asm_linux_ppc64x.s
0.4664 - src/syscall/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go
0.4664 - src/syscall/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go
0.4664 - src/syscall/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go
0.4664 - src/syscall/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go
0.4664 - src/syscall/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go
0.4664 - src/syscall/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go
0.4664 - src/syscall/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go
0.4664 - src/syscall/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go
0.4664 - src/syscall/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go
0.4663 -
0.4663 - src/cmd/5c/mul.c
0.4663 - src/cmd/6c/div.c
0.4663 - src/cmd/6c/machcap.c
0.4663 - src/cmd/8c/div.c
0.4663 - src/cmd/8c/machcap.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/arch_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/arch_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/arch_amd64p32.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/arch_arm.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/asm.s
0.4663 - src/runtime/atomic.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/atomic_386.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/atomic_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/atomic_amd64x.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/atomic_amd64x.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/cgo.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/cgo/callbacks.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/cgo/dragonfly.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/cgo/iscgo.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/cgo/iscgo.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/cgo/setenv.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/chan.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/chan1.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/complex.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/cputicks.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs1_netbsd_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs1_netbsd_amd64.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs1_netbsd_arm.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs1_solaris_amd64.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_android_arm.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_darwin_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_darwin_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_darwin_amd64.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_darwin_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_dragonfly_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_dragonfly_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_dragonfly_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_freebsd_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_freebsd_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_freebsd_arm.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_linux_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_linux_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_linux_arm.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_nacl_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_nacl_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_nacl_amd64p32.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_nacl_amd64p32.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_nacl_arm.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_nacl_arm.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_netbsd_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_netbsd_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_netbsd_arm.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_openbsd_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_openbsd_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_plan9_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_plan9_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_plan9_amd64.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_plan9_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/defs_solaris_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/env_plan9.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/float.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/futex_test.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/gengoos.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/go_tls.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/lfstack.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/lock_futex.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/lock_sema.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/mcentral.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/mem_bsd.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/mem_darwin.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/mem_darwin.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/mem_dragonfly.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/mem_freebsd.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/mem_nacl.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/mem_netbsd.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/mem_openbsd.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/mem_solaris.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/mem_windows.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/mfixalloc.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/mfixalloc.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/mgc0.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/mgc1.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/msize.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/netpoll_solaris.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/netpoll_solaris.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/netpoll_stub.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/netpoll_windows.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/netpoll_windows.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/norace_test.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os1_netbsd_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os1_netbsd_amd64.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os2_darwin.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os2_dragonfly.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os2_freebsd.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os2_linux.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os2_nacl.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os2_netbsd.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os2_openbsd.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os2_solaris.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os2_windows.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_android.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_android.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_android_arm.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_darwin.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_darwin.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_dragonfly.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_dragonfly.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_freebsd.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_freebsd.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_freebsd_arm.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_freebsd_arm.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_linux.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_linux.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_linux_386.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_linux_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_linux_arm.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_nacl.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_nacl_arm.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_nacl_arm.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_netbsd.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_netbsd.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_netbsd_386.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_netbsd_amd64.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_openbsd.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_openbsd.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_plan9_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_plan9_amd64.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_solaris.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/os_windows.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/parfor.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/parfor.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/race.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/race0.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/rdebug.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/runtime2_windows.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_android_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_android_arm.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_arm.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_darwin.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_darwin_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_darwin_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_darwin_amd64.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_darwin_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_dragonfly.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_dragonfly_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_dragonfly_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_dragonfly_amd64.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_dragonfly_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_freebsd.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_freebsd_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_freebsd_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_freebsd_amd64.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_freebsd_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_freebsd_arm.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_freebsd_arm.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_linux_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_linux_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_linux_amd64.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_linux_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_linux_arm.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_linux_arm.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_nacl.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_nacl_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_nacl_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_nacl_amd64p32.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_nacl_amd64p32.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_nacl_arm.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_nacl_arm.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_netbsd.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_netbsd_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_netbsd_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_netbsd_amd64.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_netbsd_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_openbsd.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_openbsd_386.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_openbsd_386.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_openbsd_amd64.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_openbsd_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_plan9.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_solaris.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_solaris_amd64.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/signal_unix.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/signals_android.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/stack.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/stack.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/stack2.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/string1.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/stubs2.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/stubs3.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/sys_arm.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/sys_arm.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/sys_dragonfly_amd64.s
0.4663 - src/runtime/sys_freebsd_arm.s
0.4663 - src/runtime/sys_linux_386.s
0.4663 - src/runtime/sys_netbsd_amd64.s
0.4663 - src/runtime/sys_netbsd_arm.s
0.4663 - src/runtime/sys_openbsd_amd64.s
0.4663 - src/runtime/sys_x86.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/syscall2_solaris.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/syscall_solaris.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/thunk_windows.s
0.4663 - src/runtime/typekind.h
0.4663 - src/runtime/typekind1.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/vdso_linux_amd64.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/vdso_none.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/vlrt.c
0.4663 - src/runtime/zgoos_android.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/zgoos_darwin.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/zgoos_dragonfly.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/zgoos_freebsd.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/zgoos_linux.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/zgoos_nacl.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/zgoos_netbsd.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/zgoos_openbsd.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/zgoos_plan9.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/zgoos_solaris.go
0.4663 - src/runtime/zgoos_windows.go
0.4651 - src/reflect/export_test.go
0.4650 - src/quietgcc.bash
0.4650 - src/cmd/prof/gopprof
0.4645 - test/const2.go
0.4645 - src/pkg/runtime/mallocrep1.go
0.4631 - test/bugs/bug440.go
0.4630 - src/pkg/exp/html/token_test.go
0.4624 - src/image/jpeg/reader_test.go
0.4618 - src/libmach/freebsd.c
0.4618 - src/go/parser/error_test.go
0.4617 - src/runtime/race/race_unix_test.go
0.4616 - src/cmd/gc/sys.go
0.4612 - src/lib9/fmt/fltfmt.c
0.4606 - test/fixedbugs/issue9110.go
0.4604 - src/pkg/os/dir_unix.go
0.4594 - src/runtime/signal.go
0.4593 - src/pkg/os/dir_windows.go
0.4592 - src/pkg/net/cgo_linux.go
0.4592 - src/hash/crc32/crc32.go
0.4585 - test/sinit_run.go
0.4585 - misc/bbedit/Go.plist
0.4582 - test/reorder.go
0.4575 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/util.c
0.4566 - misc/cgo/test/issue9026/issue9026.go
0.4557 - src/pkg/gob/gobencdec_test.go
0.4555 - src/sync/atomic/value.go
0.4554 - src/pkg/os/proc.go
0.4552 - usr/austin/eval/type.go
0.4551 - test/fixedbugs/issue7690.go
0.4551 - src/cmd/9c/Makefile
0.4551 - src/cmd/9c/Notes
0.4551 - src/cmd/9c/cgen.c
0.4551 - src/cmd/9c/doc.go
0.4551 - src/cmd/9c/gc.h
0.4551 - src/cmd/9c/list.c
0.4551 - src/cmd/9c/machcap.c
0.4551 - src/cmd/9c/mul.c
0.4551 - src/cmd/9c/peep.c
0.4551 - src/cmd/9c/sgen.c
0.4551 - src/runtime/arch_power64.h
0.4551 - src/runtime/arch_power64le.h
0.4551 - src/runtime/signal_linux_power64.h
0.4551 - src/runtime/signal_linux_power64le.h
0.4551 - src/runtime/signal_power64x.c
0.4551 - src/runtime/sys_power64x.c
0.4550 - src/pkg/http/cgi/testdata/test.cgi
0.4549 - test/fixedbugs/issue9006.go
0.4548 - src/os/dir_unix.go
0.4548 - src/os/file_posix.go
0.4548 - src/runtime/debug/garbage.go
0.4548 - src/pkg/crypto/md5/md5.go
0.4547 - src/net/z_last_test.go
0.4546 - src/runtime/rt0_nacl_amd64p32.s
0.4546 - src/html/template/js_test.go
0.4545 - src/runtime/lfstack_test.go
0.4545 - src/net/lookup.go
0.4545 - src/net/singleflight.go
0.4536 - test/fixedbugs/issue8947.go
0.4534 - src/encoding/csv/writer.go
0.4534 - src/encoding/csv/writer_test.go
0.4530 - src/sync/pool.go
0.4530 - src/sync/pool_test.go
0.4529 - src/pkg/testing/quick/quick_test.go
0.4528 - src/runtime/cgo/gcc_arm.S
0.4526 - src/pkg/http/cgi/host_test.go
0.4526 - src/time/sleep_test.go
0.4525 - src/compress/gzip/gunzip_test.go
0.4524 - src/os/exec/exec_test.go
0.4524 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/testing.1.golden
0.4524 - src/regexp/all_test.go
0.4524 - test/fixedbugs/issue8961.go
0.4522 - src/compress/flate/inflate_test.go
0.4520 - src/encoding/gob/dec_helpers.go
0.4520 - src/encoding/gob/decgen.go
0.4519 - src/runtime/chan_test.go
0.4510 - src/crypto/tls/alert.go
0.4510 - src/crypto/tls/cipher_suites.go
0.4510 - src/crypto/tls/testdata/Server-TLSv11-FallbackSCSV
0.4509 - src/unicode/utf8/utf8.go
0.4509 - misc/cgo/test/issue8828.go
0.4509 - misc/cgo/test/issue8828/issue8828.c
0.4509 - misc/cgo/test/issue8828/trivial.go
0.4509 - src/os/exec/exec.go
0.4509 - src/net/http/response_test.go
0.4507 - src/go/build/testdata/empty/dummy
0.4507 - src/go/build/testdata/multi/file.go
0.4507 - src/go/build/testdata/multi/file_appengine.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703a.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703b.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703c.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703d.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703e.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703f.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703g.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703h.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703i.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703j.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703k.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703l.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703m.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703n.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703o.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703p.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703q.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703r.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703s.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703t.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703u.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703v.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703w.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703x.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703y.go
0.4507 - test/fixedbugs/issue6703z.go
0.4503 - src/math/big/rat_test.go
0.4503 - src/net/rpc/client.go
0.4503 - src/pkg/exp/html/parse.go
0.4502 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/packet/symmetrically_encrypted_test.go
0.4501 - test/nil.go
0.4500 - test/escape4.go
0.4496 - misc/cgo/test/issue8811.c
0.4496 - misc/cgo/test/issue8811.go
0.4491 - src/net/fd_windows.go
0.4490 - src/net/rpc/client_test.go
0.4488 - src/pkg/net/net_posix.go
0.4482 - src/os/exec_unix.go
0.4482 - src/os/exec_windows.go
0.4482 - src/net/url/url.go
0.4482 - src/regexp/syntax/doc.go
0.4482 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/vetpkg/a_test.go
0.4482 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/vetpkg/b.go
0.4482 - src/net/unicast_posix_test.go
0.4470 - src/encoding/binary/binary_test.go
0.4467 - src/net/rpc/server.go
0.4467 - src/os/env_test.go
0.4467 - src/runtime/cgo/gcc_setenv.c
0.4467 - src/syscall/env_windows.go
0.4464 - misc/nacl/README
0.4464 - src/net/http/httputil/dump_test.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/driver/driver.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/driver/interactive.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/fetch/fetch.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/plugin/plugin.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/encode.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/filter.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/legacy_profile.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/profile.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/proto.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/prune.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/report/source_html.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/svg/svg.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/symbolz/symbolz.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/internal/tempfile/tempfile.go
0.4464 - src/cmd/pprof/pprof.go
0.4464 - test/fixedbugs/bug491.go
0.4464 - test/fixedbugs/issue8761.go
0.4463 - src/compress/bzip2/bzip2.go
0.4463 - src/compress/lzw/reader.go
0.4463 - src/log/syslog/syslog_unix.go
0.4463 - src/regexp/syntax/parse_test.go
0.4461 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/stdin6.golden
0.4461 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/stdin6.input
0.4461 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/stdin7.golden
0.4461 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/stdin7.input
0.4461 - src/go/format/format.go
0.4461 - src/go/format/format_test.go
0.4461 - src/cmd/yacc/testdata/expr/expr.y
0.4461 - src/crypto/x509/pkix/pkix.go
0.4461 - src/net/net.go
0.4452 - src/math/sincos_amd64.s
0.4452 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/badtest/badexec/x_test.go
0.4452 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/badtest/badsyntax/x.go
0.4452 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/badtest/badsyntax/x_test.go
0.4452 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/badtest/badvar/x.go
0.4452 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/badtest/badvar/x_test.go
0.4452 - src/cmd/go/testgo.go
0.4452 - src/cmd/go/go_windows_test.go
0.4452 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/freebsd_amd64.c
0.4449 - src/encoding/gob/decoder.go
0.4449 - src/encoding/gob/encoder_test.go
0.4449 - test/fixedbugs/issue8311.go
0.4449 - test/fixedbugs/issue8507.go
0.4446 - src/net/http/cookie.go
0.4446 - src/net/http/cookie_test.go
0.4446 - src/bytes/bytes.s
0.4446 - src/runtime/rt0_linux_386.s
0.4446 - src/runtime/rt0_linux_arm.s
0.4446 - src/runtime/rt0_plan9_386.s
0.4446 - src/runtime/rt0_plan9_amd64.s
0.4446 - src/runtime/rt0_solaris_amd64.s
0.4446 - src/sync/atomic/asm_arm.s
0.4446 - src/runtime/rt0_windows_386.s
0.4446 - misc/cgo/test/issue8694.go
0.4446 - src/debug/dwarf/type.go
0.4446 - test/fixedbugs/issue8280.dir/a.go
0.4446 - test/fixedbugs/issue8280.dir/b.go
0.4446 - test/fixedbugs/issue8280.go
0.4446 - misc/cgo/test/backdoor/backdoor_gccgo.go
0.4446 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/badc/x.c
0.4446 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/badc/x.go
0.4446 - src/net/empty.c
0.4446 - src/runtime/debug/debug.c
0.4446 - src/runtime/debug/debug.s
0.4444 - src/pkg/net/interface_windows.go
0.4440 - src/text/template/doc.go
0.4440 - src/text/template/funcs.go
0.4439 - src/pkg/crypto/rand/rand_test.go
0.4438 - src/image/gif/reader.go
0.4438 - src/image/gif/reader_test.go
0.4433 - test/fixedbugs/bug342.go
0.4431 - src/testing/testing_test.go
0.4429 - src/syscall/syscall_unix.go
0.4429 - src/path/filepath/match.go
0.4428 - src/syscall/export_test.go
0.4428 - src/syscall/str.go
0.4428 - src/syscall/syscall_test.go
0.4426 - src/image/gif/writer.go
0.4426 - src/image/gif/writer_test.go
0.4425 - src/testing/allocs_test.go
0.4424 - test/fixedbugs/bug357.go
0.4423 - src/sync/atomic/export_linux_arm_test.go
0.4422 - src/pkg/gob/type_test.go
0.4422 - src/net/mail/message_test.go
0.4422 - src/syscall/asm_darwin_386.s
0.4422 - src/syscall/asm_darwin_amd64.s
0.4422 - src/syscall/asm_dragonfly_386.s
0.4422 - src/syscall/asm_dragonfly_amd64.s
0.4422 - src/syscall/asm_freebsd_386.s
0.4422 - src/syscall/asm_freebsd_arm.s
0.4422 - src/syscall/asm_netbsd_386.s
0.4422 - src/syscall/asm_netbsd_amd64.s
0.4422 - src/syscall/asm_netbsd_arm.s
0.4422 - src/syscall/asm_openbsd_386.s
0.4422 - src/syscall/asm_openbsd_amd64.s
0.4422 - src/sync/once.go
0.4422 - src/sync/once_test.go
0.4422 - src/net/dial_test.go
0.4421 - src/runtime/stack_test.go
0.4421 - src/io/io.go
0.4418 - test/fixedbugs/issue8017.go
0.4418 - test/fixedbugs/issue8060.dir/a.go
0.4418 - test/fixedbugs/issue8060.dir/b.go
0.4418 - test/fixedbugs/issue8060.go
0.4415 - src/pkg/http/persist.go
0.4411 - src/pkg/os/error.go
0.4410 - src/go/printer/testdata/expressions.golden
0.4410 - src/go/printer/testdata/expressions.input
0.4410 - src/go/printer/testdata/expressions.raw
0.4410 - src/go/printer/testdata/statements.golden
0.4409 - src/reflect/asm_386.s
0.4409 - src/reflect/asm_amd64.s
0.4409 - src/reflect/asm_amd64p32.s
0.4409 - src/reflect/asm_arm.s
0.4408 - src/lib/Makefile
0.4405 - src/net/tcpsockopt_darwin.go
0.4405 - src/net/tcpsockopt_dragonfly.go
0.4405 - src/net/tcpsockopt_solaris.go
0.4405 - src/net/tcpsockopt_stub.go
0.4405 - src/net/tcpsockopt_unix.go
0.4405 - src/net/tcpsockopt_windows.go
0.4401 - src/testing/cover.go
0.4401 - src/strconv/quote.go
0.4399 - misc/dashboard/app/build/handler.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/mkall_windows.bat
0.4398 - src/syscall/dll_windows.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/
0.4398 - src/syscall/
0.4398 - src/syscall/so_solaris.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/syscall_darwin.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/syscall_linux.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/syscall_linux_386.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/syscall_linux_arm.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_darwin_386.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_dragonfly_386.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_dragonfly_amd64.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_linux_386.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_linux_arm.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go
0.4398 - src/syscall/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go
0.4398 - test/run-nacl
0.4398 - src/runtime/cgo/cgo.go
0.4396 - src/cmd/cc/bv.c
0.4396 - misc/android/go_android_exec.go
0.4396 - src/pkg/math/sqrt.go
0.4396 - test/stress/parsego.go
0.4393 - src/Make.ccmd
0.4392 - src/pkg/runtime/syscall_windows.c
0.4391 - src/pkg/runtime/panic.go
0.4391 - src/pkg/runtime/panic1.go
0.4387 - src/pkg/runtime/traceback.go
0.4384 - src/pkg/os/types.go
0.4384 - src/pkg/runtime/os_plan9.go
0.4384 - src/pkg/runtime/traceback_windows.go
0.4384 - src/pkg/runtime/lock_sema.go
0.4383 - src/pkg/net/testdata/domain-resolv.conf
0.4383 - src/pkg/net/testdata/empty-resolv.conf
0.4383 - src/pkg/net/testdata/search-resolv.conf
0.4382 - src/cmd/godoc/spec.go
0.4382 - src/pkg/runtime/select.go
0.4378 - src/pkg/runtime/env_plan9.go
0.4376 - src/pkg/runtime/race/race_freebsd_amd64.syso
0.4376 - src/pkg/runtime/race/testdata/atomic_test.go
0.4371 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_linux_amd64.h
0.4369 - src/pkg/runtime/stack.go
0.4367 - src/pkg/html/template/transition.go
0.4366 - src/pkg/runtime/funcdata.h
0.4364 - src/pkg/mime/type_plan9.go
0.4363 - src/pkg/net/file_windows.go
0.4363 - src/pkg/debug/elf/testdata/go-relocation-test-gcc482-aarch64.obj
0.4363 - src/pkg/runtime/os_nacl.go
0.4363 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_nacl_arm.s
0.4363 - src/pkg/runtime/arch_386.go
0.4363 - src/pkg/runtime/arch_amd64.go
0.4363 - src/pkg/runtime/arch_amd64p32.go
0.4363 - src/pkg/runtime/arch_arm.go
0.4363 - src/pkg/runtime/rdebug.go
0.4363 - src/pkg/runtime/sigqueue.go
0.4363 - src/pkg/runtime/thunk.s
0.4363 - src/pkg/runtime/time.go
0.4362 - src/cmd/internal/objfile/pe.go
0.4362 - misc/cgo/test/issue8092.go
0.4362 - src/cmd/link/runtime.go
0.4362 - src/cmd/link/testdata/dead.s
0.4362 - src/cmd/link/testdata/genpcln.go
0.4362 - src/cmd/link/testdata/pclntab.s
0.4362 - src/pkg/debug/gosym/symtab.go
0.4362 - src/pkg/runtime/symtab.go
0.4362 - misc/emacs/go-mode-load.el
0.4362 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_solaris_amd64.s
0.4360 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/386/rt0.s
0.4359 - src/pkg/testing/iotest/reader.go
0.4356 - src/pkg/regexp/onepass.go
0.4356 - test/slice3.go
0.4356 - test/slicecap.go
0.4355 - test/fixedbugs/issue8336.go
0.4353 - src/cmd/link/testdata/Makefile
0.4351 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/setenv.c
0.4350 - src/pkg/runtime/vlrt.go
0.4350 - src/pkg/math/asin.go
0.4347 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/packet/packet_test.go
0.4347 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/stdin5.golden
0.4347 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/stdin5.input
0.4344 - src/pkg/runtime/mprof.h
0.4336 - src/pkg/net/lookup_test.go
0.4333 - test/nul1.go
0.4332 - src/pkg/reflect/set_test.go
0.4327 - src/pkg/http/Makefile
0.4326 - test/fixedbugs/issue7760.go
0.4324 - src/pkg/net/lookup_windows_test.go
0.4323 - misc/cgo/errors/issue8442.go
0.4322 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_linux_power64.go
0.4322 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_linux_power64le.go
0.4322 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_linux_power64.go
0.4322 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_linux_power64le.go
0.4322 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_linux_power64.go
0.4322 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_linux_power64le.go
0.4322 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/prf_test.go
0.4321 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/type_test.go
0.4320 - src/pkg/math/big/arith_power64x.s
0.4320 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_linux_power64x.s
0.4317 - src/cmd/go/testdata/importcom/bad.go
0.4317 - src/cmd/go/testdata/importcom/conflict.go
0.4317 - src/cmd/go/testdata/importcom/src/bad/bad.go
0.4317 - src/cmd/go/testdata/importcom/src/conflict/a.go
0.4317 - src/cmd/go/testdata/importcom/src/conflict/b.go
0.4317 - src/cmd/go/testdata/importcom/src/works/x/x.go
0.4317 - src/cmd/go/testdata/importcom/src/works/x/x1.go
0.4317 - src/cmd/go/testdata/importcom/src/wrongplace/x.go
0.4317 - src/cmd/go/testdata/importcom/works.go
0.4317 - src/cmd/go/testdata/importcom/wrongplace.go
0.4317 - src/pkg/crypto/rand/rand_linux.go
0.4317 - src/pkg/internal/syscall/getrandom_linux.go
0.4317 - misc/cgo/errors/issue7757.go
0.4315 - misc/cgo/test/issue5242.go
0.4314 - test/fixedbugs/issue8325.go
0.4302 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_nacl_amd64p32.h
0.4299 - misc/cgo/testgodefs/issue8478.go
0.4299 - misc/cgo/testgodefs/main.go
0.4299 - misc/cgo/testgodefs/test.bash
0.4297 - src/pkg/runtime/alg.go
0.4297 - misc/cgo/test/issue8441.go
0.4296 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/testdata/Client-TLSv12-ALPN
0.4296 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/testdata/Client-TLSv12-ALPN-NoMatch
0.4296 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/testdata/Server-TLSv12-ALPN
0.4296 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/testdata/Server-TLSv12-ALPN-NoMatch
0.4295 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_netbsd_amd64.go
0.4294 - test/fixedbugs/bug489.go
0.4281 - src/pkg/runtime/alg.goc
0.4281 - test/print.go
0.4281 - test/print.out
0.4277 - src/pkg/encoding/line/line.go
0.4260 - src/pkg/log/log_test.go
0.4259 - src/pkg/encoding/line/line_test.go
0.4252 - src/pkg/syscall/fs_nacl.go
0.4248 - test/fixedbugs/bug488.dir/a.go
0.4248 - test/fixedbugs/bug488.dir/b.go
0.4248 - test/fixedbugs/bug488.go
0.4243 - test/fixedbugs/issue8347.go
0.4238 - src/pkg/path/filepath/symlink.go
0.4238 - src/pkg/path/filepath/symlink_unix.go
0.4237 - test/bench/shootout/chameneosredux.go
0.4237 - test/fixedbugs/bug173.go
0.4237 - test/stress/maps.go
0.4234 - src/pkg/strings/example_test.go
0.4228 - src/pkg/os/stat_darwin.go
0.4228 - src/pkg/os/stat_linux.go
0.4219 - src/pkg/image/png/testdata/benchRGB-interlace.png
0.4219 - src/pkg/image/png/testdata/pngsuite/basn3p04-31i.png
0.4219 - src/pkg/image/png/testdata/pngsuite/basn3p04-31i.sng
0.4203 - src/lib/fmt/print.go
0.4202 - src/pkg/image/gif/writer_test.go
0.4201 - test/fixedbugs/bug358.go
0.4198 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/cgo.go
0.4198 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_android_arm.c
0.4194 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_plan9_amd64.h
0.4194 - src/pkg/runtime/memclr_plan9_amd64.s
0.4194 - src/pkg/runtime/rt0_plan9_amd64.s
0.4192 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/emptydecl.golden
0.4192 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/emptydecl.input
0.4182 - test/switch3.go
0.4169 - src/pkg/syscall/types_netbsd.go
0.4168 - doc/articles/wiki/wiki.html
0.4164 - misc/dashboard/app/build/notify.go
0.4154 - src/pkg/image/ycbcr.go
0.4150 - test/chan/select5.go
0.4149 - src/pkg/runtime/string.c
0.4144 - src/pkg/crypto/md5/md5_test.go
0.4144 - src/pkg/crypto/sha1/sha1_test.go
0.4141 - usr/gri/pretty/selftest2.go
0.4136 - misc/dashboard/godashboard/app.yaml
0.4136 - test/fixedbugs/issue8047b.go
0.4135 - doc/progs/eff_qr.go
0.4133 - test/fixedbugs/issue8047.go
0.4124 - doc/progs/interface2.go
0.4118 - test/fixedbugs/issue8158.go
0.4116 - src/pkg/math/bits.go
0.4115 - test/fixedbugs/issue8155.go
0.4115 - misc/cgo/test/issue8148.go
0.4112 - src/Make.conf
0.4111 - doc/progs/sortmain.go
0.4111 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_darwin_386.go
0.4111 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_darwin_amd64.go
0.4110 - src/pkg/go/ast/Makefile
0.4107 - src/pkg/time/zoneinfo_test.go
0.4107 - test/fixedbugs/issue8139.go
0.4106 - misc/cgo/test/issue8331.h
0.4106 - misc/cgo/test/issue8331a.go
0.4106 - misc/cgo/test/issue8331b.go
0.4104 - src/pkg/container/ring/ring.go
0.4104 - src/cmd/objdump/Makefile
0.4104 - src/cmd/objdump/armasm.go
0.4104 - misc/goplay/Makefile
0.4104 - misc/goplay/README
0.4103 - test/fixedbugs/issue8132.go
0.4101 - src/pkg/syscall/zsysnum_linux_386.go
0.4100 - test/fixedbugs/issue8048.go
0.4099 - src/pkg/runtime/debug/heapdump_test.go
0.4098 - test/fixedbugs/issue8036.go
0.4096 - test/bench/garbage/stats.go
0.4096 - test/bench/garbage/tree2.go
0.4091 - misc/cgo/test/issue7786.go
0.4090 - test/fixedbugs/issue8028.go
0.4090 - test/fixedbugs/issue8039.go
0.4090 - test/fixedbugs/issue8076.go
0.4089 - test/fixedbugs/issue8073.go
0.4089 - test/fixedbugs/issue7863.go
0.4082 - doc/articles/defer_panic_recover.tmpl
0.4078 - doc/makehtml
0.4071 - src/cmd/objdump/plan9obj.go
0.4069 - misc/cgo/nocgo/nocgo.go
0.4069 - misc/cgo/nocgo/nocgo_test.go
0.4068 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/typeswitch.golden
0.4068 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/typeswitch.input
0.4068 - src/pkg/debug/plan9obj/file.go
0.4068 - src/pkg/debug/plan9obj/plan9obj.go
0.4068 - misc/nacl/mkzip.go
0.4068 - misc/nacl/testdata/bin/placeholder
0.4068 - misc/nacl/testdata/empty
0.4068 - misc/nacl/testdata/group
0.4068 - misc/nacl/testdata/hosts
0.4068 - misc/nacl/testdata/mime.types
0.4067 - test/fixedbugs/issue7884.go
0.4067 - test/fixedbugs/issue7050.go
0.4066 - test/float_lit3.go
0.4065 - test/fixedbugs/issue8011.go
0.4065 - src/pkg/math/rand/regress_test.go
0.4059 - src/pkg/crypto/sha256/sha256_test.go
0.4054 - doc/progs/sieve.go
0.4054 - test/fixedbugs/issue7997.go
0.4054 - test/fixedbugs/issue7998.go
0.4053 - src/lib9/_p9dir.c
0.4053 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_nacl_amd64p32.s
0.4053 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/asm_amd64p32.s
0.4053 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/export_linux_arm_test.go
0.4053 - test/fixedbugs/issue8004.go
0.4053 - test/fixedbugs/issue1304.go
0.4053 - test/fixedbugs/issue7995.go
0.4053 - test/fixedbugs/issue7995b.dir/x1.go
0.4053 - test/fixedbugs/issue7995b.dir/x2.go
0.4053 - test/fixedbugs/issue7995b.go
0.4053 - test/fixedbugs/issue7996.go
0.4053 - src/pkg/crypto/sha256/sha256block_amd64.s
0.4053 - src/pkg/crypto/sha512/sha512block_amd64.s
0.4051 - src/cmd/nm/elf.go
0.4051 - src/cmd/objdump/elf.go
0.4050 - src/pkg/archive/tar/testdata/writer-big-long.tar
0.4047 - src/pkg/image/decode_test.go
0.4046 - src/pkg/encoding/xml/example_test.go
0.4046 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/xtestonly/f.go
0.4046 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/xtestonly/f_test.go
0.4045 - misc/cgo/test/issue7560.go
0.4045 - src/pkg/mime/multipart/example_test.go
0.4045 - src/cmd/go/testdata/standalone_test.go
0.4045 - misc/cgo/stdio/file.go
0.4045 - test/fixedbugs/issue7944.go
0.4045 - test/fixedbugs/issue7316.go
0.4045 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/testcycle/p1/p1.go
0.4045 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/testcycle/p1/p1_test.go
0.4045 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/testcycle/p2/p2.go
0.4045 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/testcycle/p3/p3.go
0.4045 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/testcycle/p3/p3_test.go
0.4044 - src/cmd/8l/Makefile
0.4044 - src/cmd/go/testdata/testonly/p_test.go
0.4044 - src/pkg/runtime/sqrt.go
0.4043 - src/lib/template/template.go
0.4042 - src/pkg/net/rpc/client_test.go
0.4041 - src/pkg/net/http/triv.go
0.4041 - doc/progs/cat_rot13.go
0.4036 - src/pkg/runtime/hash_test.go
0.4036 - src/pkg/math/cmplx/sqrt.go
0.4036 - misc/cgo/test/issue7665.go
0.4036 - src/pkg/crypto/aes/cipher_asm.go
0.4035 - test/fixedbugs/issue7867.go
0.4035 - src/cmd/go/testdata/dep_test.go
0.4033 - src/cmd/fix/httputil.go
0.4033 - src/cmd/fix/httputil_test.go
0.4030 - src/pkg/runtime/memmove_test.go
0.4029 - src/pkg/runtime/cpuprof.goc
0.4015 - src/pkg/net/sendfile_dragonfly.go
0.4015 - src/pkg/syscall/route_dragonfly.go
0.4015 - src/pkg/syscall/route_netbsd.go
0.4015 - src/pkg/syscall/route_openbsd.go
0.4015 - src/pkg/runtime/mgc0.go
0.4013 - src/cmd/fix/cryptotype.go
0.4013 - src/cmd/fix/cryptotype_test.go
0.4013 - src/pkg/runtime/signals_darwin.h
0.4013 - src/pkg/runtime/signals_freebsd.h
0.4009 - src/pkg/big/arith_arm.s
0.4008 - test/escape.go
0.3999 - src/cmd/link/dead_test.go
0.3997 - src/cmd/prof/pprof
0.3996 - usr/gri/pretty/astprinter.go
0.3992 - src/pkg/net/port_unix.go
0.3988 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/f.go
0.3984 - src/pkg/exp/signal/signal.go
0.3984 - src/pkg/exp/signal/signal_test.go
0.3983 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/e.go
0.3983 - src/cmd/fix/main.go
0.3982 - test/fixedbugs/bug408.go
0.3981 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/b.2.golden
0.3972 - src/pkg/syslog/syslog_test.go
0.3971 - src/pkg/net/dnsclient_test.go
0.3969 - test/fixedbugs/issue7794.go
0.3969 - test/fixedbugs/issue7675.go
0.3969 - src/pkg/container/list/example_test.go
0.3969 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_linux_386.go
0.3969 - src/pkg/exp/4s/xs.go
0.3958 - src/pkg/net/sockopt.go
0.3953 - test/fixedbugs/issue7129.go
0.3953 - test/fixedbugs/issue7742.go
0.3950 - src/lib9/ctime.c
0.3949 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/notest/hello.go
0.3949 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_bsd_test.go
0.3947 - test/fixedbugs/issue6889.go
0.3947 - test/fixedbugs/issue7538a.go
0.3947 - test/fixedbugs/issue7538b.go
0.3946 - src/cmd/go/context.go
0.3935 - src/pkg/encoding/xml/atom_test.go
0.3934 - test/fixedbugs/issue7547.go
0.3933 - test/fixedbugs/issue7214.go
0.3931 - src/pkg/ebnf/ebnf.go
0.3931 - src/pkg/archive/tar/testdata/sparse-formats.tar
0.3929 - test/fixedbugs/bug401.go
0.3929 - misc/dashboard/app/build/ui.html
0.3929 - test/fixedbugs/issue7550.go
0.3928 - src/cmd/gc/md5.h
0.3923 - src/pkg/html/template/attr.go
0.3923 - src/pkg/html/template/context.go
0.3923 - test/fixedbugs/issue7648.dir/a.go
0.3923 - test/fixedbugs/issue7648.dir/b.go
0.3923 - test/fixedbugs/issue7648.go
0.3923 - src/pkg/exp/terminal/terminal.go
0.3922 - src/pkg/patch/textdiff.go
0.3921 - test/fixedbugs/bug385_32.go
0.3916 - test/fixedbugs/bug176.go
0.3916 - test/fixedbugs/issue7153.go
0.3915 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_arm_linux.go
0.3910 - misc/cgo/errors/err3.go
0.3910 - test/fixedbugs/bug484.go
0.3910 - test/fixedbugs/issue6402.go
0.3909 - misc/bash/go
0.3908 - test/fixedbugs/bug395.go
0.3905 - doc/gopher/README
0.3902 - src/pkg/math/cmplx/cmath_test.go
0.3902 - test/fixedbugs/issue6403.go
0.3901 - test/fixedbugs/issue6902.go
0.3901 - src/pkg/Make.deps
0.3900 - test/fixedbugs/bug297.go
0.3893 - src/lib/fmt.go
0.3890 - test/fixedbugs/issue7405.go
0.3887 - src/pkg/exp/norm/normregtest.go
0.3885 - test/fixedbugs/issue7419.go
0.3883 - src/pkg/compress/lzw/writer_test.go
0.3882 - test/fixedbugs/issue7525.go
0.3875 - test/chan/select3.go
0.3872 - test/fixedbugs/issue6405.go
0.3872 - src/pkg/runtime/netpoll_solaris.c
0.3868 - src/pkg/runtime/syscall_solaris.goc
0.3868 - test/fixedbugs/issue6847.go
0.3868 - src/pkg/net/tcpsockopt_dragonfly.go
0.3865 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/reflect.type.go.out
0.3865 - test/gcstring.go
0.3865 - src/pkg/net/sockoptip_stub.go
0.3865 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_solaris.go
0.3864 - test/fixedbugs/issue7044.go
0.3863 - src/cmd/govet/Makefile
0.3863 - src/cmd/govet/print.go
0.3863 - src/pkg/exp/norm/trie.go
0.3861 - src/pkg/runtime/mem_nacl.c
0.3860 - src/cmd/gofix/httputil.go
0.3860 - src/cmd/gofix/httputil_test.go
0.3859 - src/pkg/os/
0.3859 - src/pkg/os/zsignal_darwin_386.go
0.3859 - src/pkg/os/zsignal_darwin_amd64.go
0.3859 - src/pkg/os/zsignal_freebsd_386.go
0.3859 - src/pkg/os/zsignal_freebsd_amd64.go
0.3859 - src/pkg/os/zsignal_linux_386.go
0.3859 - src/pkg/os/zsignal_linux_amd64.go
0.3859 - src/pkg/os/zsignal_linux_arm.go
0.3859 - src/pkg/os/zsignal_openbsd_386.go
0.3859 - src/pkg/os/zsignal_openbsd_amd64.go
0.3859 - src/pkg/os/zsignal_windows_386.go
0.3859 - src/pkg/os/zsignal_windows_amd64.go
0.3858 - src/cmd/goinstall/parse.go
0.3857 - src/cmd/goinstall/download_test.go
0.3856 - src/pkg/exp/eval/expr.go
0.3853 - src/pkg/crypto/md5/md5block_generic.go
0.3853 - src/pkg/crypto/sha1/sha1block_generic.go
0.3850 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/decoder.go
0.3850 - src/cmd/go/testdata/cgocover/p.go
0.3850 - src/cmd/go/testdata/cgocover/p_test.go
0.3849 - test/fixedbugs/bug382.go
0.3848 - src/cmd/go/Makefile
0.3848 - test/fixedbugs/bug381.go
0.3847 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_netbsd_arm.go
0.3847 - test/fixedbugs/issue5793.go
0.3846 - src/pkg/syscall/
0.3846 - src/runtime/iface.c
0.3845 - src/cmd/gofix/strconv.go
0.3845 - src/cmd/gofix/strconv_test.go
0.3842 - test/fixedbugs/issue7346.go
0.3842 - test/fixedbugs/issue7310.go
0.3842 - src/pkg/os/sys_darwin.go
0.3842 - src/pkg/os/sys_freebsd.go
0.3842 - src/pkg/os/sys_nacl.go
0.3842 - src/pkg/os/sys_unix.go
0.3842 - src/pkg/syscall/route_freebsd_32bit.go
0.3842 - src/pkg/syscall/route_freebsd_64bit.go
0.3840 - src/pkg/net/dnsname_test.go
0.3838 - src/pkg/big/arith_386.s
0.3837 - src/cmd/gofix/timefileinfo.go
0.3837 - src/cmd/gofix/timefileinfo_test.go
0.3837 - src/cmd/gofix/hashsum.go
0.3837 - src/cmd/gofix/hashsum_test.go
0.3830 - src/pkg/image/testdata/video-001.separate.dc.progression.jpeg
0.3830 - src/pkg/image/testdata/
0.3827 - src/pkg/net/http/fcgi/fcgi.go
0.3827 - test/nilptr4.go
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/abs_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/asin_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/atan2_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/atan_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/big/arith_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/dim_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/exp2_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/exp_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/expm1_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/floor_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/frexp_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/hypot_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/ldexp_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/log10_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/log1p_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/log_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/mod_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/modf_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/remainder_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/sin_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/sincos_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/sqrt_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/math/tan_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/runtime/atomic_amd64.c
0.3824 - src/pkg/runtime/atomic_amd64x.c
0.3824 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/asm_nacl_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_nacl_386.h
0.3824 - src/pkg/runtime/memmove_nacl_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/runtime/rt0_nacl_386.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/runtime/rt0_nacl_amd64p32.s
0.3824 - src/pkg/syscall/mmap_unix_test.go
0.3824 - src/pkg/crypto/sha1/sha1block_decl.go
0.3823 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/root_stub.go
0.3821 - test/fixedbugs/issue7366.go
0.3820 - src/pkg/runtime/race/testdata/finalizer_test.go
0.3818 - src/cmd/gofix/go1pkgrename_test.go
0.3818 - test/fixedbugs/issue7223.go
0.3810 - src/pkg/unicode/letter_test.go
0.3807 - src/cmd/godoc/Makefile
0.3806 - test/fixedbugs/issue7150.go
0.3806 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/example_test.go
0.3806 - src/pkg/crypto/x509/example_test.go
0.3805 - test/fixedbugs/issue6500.go
0.3804 - src/pkg/crypto/rc4/rc4.go
0.3804 - src/pkg/crypto/rc4/rc4_test.go
0.3802 - usr/austin/eval/expr.go
0.3799 - src/pkg/strconv/atoi_test.go
0.3799 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/linebreaks.input
0.3798 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/trigger.go
0.3796 - test/fixedbugs/bug483.go
0.3795 - test/fixedbugs/issue7272.go
0.3793 - doc/codelab/wiki/final-template.go
0.3792 - src/pkg/compress/bzip2/huffman.go
0.3789 - src/lib9/utf/utfdef.h
0.3789 - src/lib9/errstr.c
0.3789 - src/lib9/fmt/dorfmt.c
0.3789 - src/lib9/fmt/errfmt.c
0.3789 - src/lib9/fmt/fmtfd.c
0.3789 - src/lib9/utf/utfecpy.c
0.3789 - src/lib9/utf/utflen.c
0.3789 - src/lib9/utf/utfrrune.c
0.3789 - src/lib9/utf/utfrune.c
0.3789 - src/lib9/utf/utfutf.c
0.3788 - src/pkg/exp/terminal/Makefile
0.3788 - src/pkg/archive/tar/testdata/xattrs.tar
0.3787 - src/pkg/debug/macho/fat.go
0.3787 - src/pkg/debug/macho/macho.go
0.3787 - test/fixedbugs/bug377.dir/one.go
0.3787 - test/fixedbugs/bug377.dir/two.go
0.3786 - src/cmd/gofix/mapdelete.go
0.3784 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/reflect.export.go.out
0.3783 - src/cmd/gofix/error_test.go
0.3770 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_freebsd_arm.go
0.3770 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_freebsd_arm.h
0.3770 - src/cmd/6g/Makefile
0.3764 - misc/benchcmp
0.3763 - src/pkg/text/tabwriter/tabwriter_test.go
0.3761 - src/pkg/go/build/cgotest/cgotest.go
0.3761 - src/pkg/debug/dwarf/type_test.go
0.3754 - src/pkg/exp/sql/driver/types_test.go
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/httpfinalurl_test.go
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/httpfs_test.go
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/httpheaders_test.go
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/imagecolor_test.go
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/imagenew_test.go
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/iocopyn_test.go
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/netudpgroup_test.go
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/oserrorstring_test.go
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/sorthelpers_test.go
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/stringssplit_test.go
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.3749 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.3746 - src/pkg/net/http/httputil/httputil.go
0.3740 - src/pkg/exp/terminal/util.go
0.3732 - misc/windows/package.bash
0.3727 - src/pkg/net/sockopt_plan9.go
0.3727 - src/pkg/net/tcpsockopt_plan9.go
0.3726 - src/pkg/go/build/pkgtest/pkgtest.go
0.3725 - test/fixedbugs/issue6295.dir/p0.go
0.3725 - test/fixedbugs/issue6295.dir/p1.go
0.3725 - test/fixedbugs/issue6295.dir/p2.go
0.3725 - test/fixedbugs/issue6295.go
0.3725 - test/fixedbugs/issue6572.go
0.3724 - misc/cgo/testtls/tls.go
0.3724 - src/pkg/syscall/flock.go
0.3724 - src/pkg/syscall/flock_linux_32bit.go
0.3723 - src/pkg/os/env_unix.go
0.3723 - test/env.go
0.3715 - src/pkg/asn1/common.go
0.3714 - src/pkg/crypto/md4/md4.go
0.3713 - src/pkg/runtime/lfstack_test.go
0.3712 - doc/progs/echo.go
0.3710 - src/pkg/go/token/token.go
0.3706 - src/cmd/pack/Makefile
0.3706 - src/pkg/time/sys.go
0.3705 - src/lib/tabwriter/tabwriter.go
0.3703 - test/fixedbugs/issue7083.go
0.3702 - src/pkg/crypto/sha1/sha1.go
0.3702 - src/cmd/link/auto_test.go
0.3702 - src/cmd/link/layout_test.go
0.3702 - src/cmd/link/link_test.go
0.3702 - src/cmd/link/macho.go
0.3702 - src/cmd/link/prog.go
0.3702 - src/cmd/link/scan.go
0.3702 - src/cmd/link/testdata/autoweak.s
0.3702 - src/cmd/link/testdata/layout.s
0.3702 - src/cmd/link/write.go
0.3696 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/windows_386.c
0.3696 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/windows_amd64.c
0.3694 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_openbsd_386.go
0.3694 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_openbsd_amd64.go
0.3694 - src/pkg/syscall/zsysctl_openbsd.go
0.3694 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_openbsd_amd64.go
0.3690 - test/fixedbugs/issue7023.dir/a.go
0.3690 - test/fixedbugs/issue7023.dir/b.go
0.3690 - test/fixedbugs/issue7023.go
0.3689 - misc/cgo/test/issue6997_linux.c
0.3689 - misc/cgo/test/issue6997_linux.go
0.3687 - src/pkg/archive/zip/testdata/
0.3687 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/transport_test.go
0.3683 - test/method4.dir/prog.go
0.3680 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_plan9_386.go
0.3679 - test/fixedbugs/bug378.go
0.3673 - test/fixedbugs/issue6406.go
0.3673 - test/typecheck.go
0.3670 - src/pkg/big/arith_test.go
0.3662 - test/bench/
0.3661 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/arm/defs.h
0.3661 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/defs_arm.c
0.3661 - src/cmd/5g/doc.go
0.3661 - src/cmd/6g/doc.go
0.3661 - src/cmd/8g/doc.go
0.3660 - src/cmd/8l/symtab.c
0.3658 - test/fixedbugs/bug377.go
0.3652 - test/fixedbugs/bug476.go
0.3651 - src/pkg/runtime/malloc.cgo
0.3642 - src/pkg/exp/sql/convert.go
0.3638 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_dragonfly_386.c
0.3638 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_dragonfly_amd64.c
0.3638 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/Makefile
0.3635 - test/ken/cplx2.go
0.3631 - src/pkg/runtime/os_dragonfly.h
0.3630 - src/cmd/yacc/Makefile
0.3630 - src/cmd/yacc/expr.y
0.3626 - src/pkg/net/z_last_test.go
0.3625 - src/pkg/path/filepath/export_test.go
0.3622 - src/cmd/cov/tree.c
0.3622 - src/cmd/cov/tree.h
0.3622 - misc/vim/indent/go.vim
0.3622 - src/pkg/exp/ogle/cmd.go
0.3616 - misc/dashboard/builder/Makefile
0.3613 - src/pkg/runtime/runtime_unix_test.go
0.3608 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/gcm_test.go
0.3608 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/ofb.go
0.3608 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/xor.go
0.3608 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/xor_test.go
0.3606 - src/pkg/exp/norm/readwriter.go
0.3603 - src/pkg/crypto/rand/util_test.go
0.3603 - test/fixedbugs/issue6899.go
0.3603 - test/fixedbugs/issue6899.out
0.3603 - misc/cgo/test/issue6833.go
0.3603 - misc/cgo/test/issue6833_c.c
0.3601 - include/plan9/386/u.h
0.3601 - include/plan9/amd64/u.h
0.3598 - src/pkg/syscall/Makefile
0.3593 - test/fixedbugs/bug364.go
0.3587 - src/all-nacl.bash
0.3582 - src/pkg/mime/grammar.go
0.3580 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/syscall.goc
0.3579 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_plan9_386.go
0.3574 - src/pkg/time/sys_unix.go
0.3563 - src/pkg/sync/cond.go
0.3552 - doc/GoCourseDay3.pdf
0.3548 - src/pkg/net/dnsmsg_test.go
0.3546 - src/pkg/exp/eval/stmt.go
0.3541 - src/pkg/exp/ogle/process.go
0.3536 - src/pkg/compress/zlib/writer_test.go
0.3525 - doc/progs/sieve1.go
0.3516 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/common.go
0.3516 - src/pkg/template/exec.go
0.3509 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/amd64/callback.c
0.3502 - src/pkg/image/geom.go
0.3489 - misc/vim/ftdetect/gofiletype.vim
0.3487 - src/pkg/debug/dwarf/const.go
0.3487 - src/pkg/debug/dwarf/entry.go
0.3486 - src/pkg/net/hosts_test.go
0.3486 - src/pkg/net/testdata/hosts_singleline
0.3478 - src/pkg/runtime/nacl/386/closure.c
0.3471 - src/pkg/http/responsewrite_test.go
0.3463 - misc/cgo/test/runtime.c
0.3463 - src/pkg/template/parse/lex.go
0.3463 - src/pkg/template/parse/lex_test.go
0.3458 - misc/cgo/errors/err2.go
0.3457 - misc/cgo/test/issue6612.go
0.3454 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/amd64/defs.h
0.3454 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/defs.c
0.3452 - src/pkg/database/sql/driver/types_test.go
0.3452 - usr/gri/gosrc/export.go
0.3452 - usr/gri/gosrc/import.go
0.3449 - misc/cgo/test/issue6128.go
0.3446 - usr/gri/gosrc/universe.go
0.3441 - test/fixedbugs/bug365.go
0.3441 - doc/codewalk/codewalk.xml
0.3434 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/exec_test.go
0.3432 - misc/swig/callback/
0.3432 - misc/swig/callback/callback.h
0.3432 - misc/cgo/test/issue6472.go
0.3432 - src/pkg/compress/gzip/testdata/issue6550.gz
0.3430 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/example_encdec_test.go
0.3430 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/example_interface_test.go
0.3430 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/example_test.go
0.3428 - doc/articles/wiki/final-noclosure.go
0.3428 - doc/articles/wiki/final-noerror.go
0.3428 - doc/articles/wiki/final-parsetemplate.go
0.3428 - doc/articles/wiki/final-template.go
0.3428 - doc/articles/wiki/htmlify.go
0.3428 - doc/articles/wiki/notemplate.go
0.3428 - doc/articles/wiki/part2.go
0.3428 - doc/articles/wiki/srcextract.go
0.3428 - src/pkg/math/atan.go
0.3428 - src/pkg/math/tan.go
0.3427 - src/pkg/exp/draw/x11/conn.go
0.3424 - src/pkg/json/encode_test.go
0.3412 - doc/progs/strings.go
0.3412 - doc/codereview_with_mq.html
0.3412 - src/cmd/dist/main.c
0.3403 - misc/dashboard/godashboard/benchmark1.html
0.3403 - misc/dashboard/godashboard/benchmarks.html
0.3396 - src/pkg/csv/reader.go
0.3395 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/darwin_amd64.c
0.3390 - src/cmd/gotest/Makefile
0.3385 - src/pkg/exp/norm/composition.go
0.3384 - src/pkg/exp/gui/x11/conn.go
0.3383 - src/cmd/godefs/a.h
0.3381 - test/import1.go
0.3381 - misc/cgo/test/align.go
0.3380 - test/fixedbugs/bug295.go
0.3378 - test/fixedbugs/bug086.go
0.3376 - misc/cgo/test/issue5986.go
0.3376 - misc/cgo/test/issue5740.go
0.3376 - misc/cgo/test/issue5740a.c
0.3376 - misc/cgo/test/issue5740b.c
0.3370 - src/pkg/runtime/vlop_386.s
0.3370 - test/fixedbugs/issue6399.go
0.3370 - misc/cgo/test/issue6390.go
0.3368 - doc/articles/gobs_of_data.html
0.3368 - doc/articles/gos_declaration_syntax.html
0.3368 - doc/articles/image-20.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/image-2a.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/image-2b.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/image-2c.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/image-2d.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/image-2e.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/image-2f.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/image-package-01.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/image-package-02.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/image-package-03.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/image-package-04.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/image-package-05.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/slice-1.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/slice-2.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/slice-3.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/slice-array.png
0.3368 - doc/articles/slice-struct.png
0.3368 - doc/go1compat.html
0.3365 - src/pkg/xml/marshal_test.go
0.3362 - src/pkg/runtime/export_test.c
0.3356 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/cgotest/m.go
0.3356 - src/pkg/net/mockserver_test.go
0.3356 - src/cmd/go/match_test.go
0.3356 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/badpkg/x.go
0.3353 - src/libbio/bgetc.c
0.3353 - src/libmach/macho.h
0.3353 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/syntaxerror/x.go
0.3353 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/syntaxerror/x_test.go
0.3353 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/main_test/m.go
0.3353 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/main_test/m_test.go
0.3353 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/bugpara.0.golden
0.3353 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/bugpara.1.golden
0.3353 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/bugpara.2.golden
0.3353 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/bugpara.go
0.3353 - src/cmd/go/testdata/shadow/root1/src/foo/foo.go
0.3353 - src/cmd/go/testdata/shadow/root1/src/math/math.go
0.3353 - src/cmd/go/testdata/shadow/root2/src/foo/foo.go
0.3351 - test/fixedbugs/issue6036.go
0.3351 - test/fixedbugs/issue6004.go
0.3350 - test/fixedbugs/issue5957.dir/a.go
0.3350 - test/fixedbugs/issue5957.dir/b.go
0.3350 - test/fixedbugs/issue5957.dir/c.go
0.3350 - test/fixedbugs/issue5957.go
0.3350 - test/fixedbugs/issue6298.go
0.3350 - test/func1.go
0.3346 - src/pkg/sort/example_wrapper_test.go
0.3346 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/exec.go
0.3346 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/find_test.go
0.3346 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/regexp.go
0.3346 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/syntax/compile.go
0.3345 - test/recover2.go
0.3343 - src/pkg/runtime/mfixalloc.c
0.3343 - test/fixedbugs/issue6131.go
0.3343 - test/syntax/chan1.go
0.3343 - src/pkg/crypto/rand/rand.go
0.3338 - lib/godoc/codewalkdir.html
0.3338 - lib/godoc/dirlist.html
0.3338 - doc/progs/helloworld3.go
0.3334 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/packet/private_key.go
0.3322 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/s2k/s2k.go
0.3322 - src/pkg/runtime/plan9/386/sys.s
0.3322 - src/pkg/runtime/plan9/os.h
0.3321 - misc/linkcheck/linkcheck.go
0.3321 - test/fixedbugs/issue6269.go
0.3320 - test/fixedbugs/issue4847.go
0.3320 - test/fixedbugs/issue6140.go
0.3316 - test/fixedbugs/issue6247.go
0.3315 - src/pkg/go/ast/commentmap.go
0.3311 - src/cmd/gc/mkbuiltin1.c
0.3308 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/syntax/simplify_test.go
0.3300 - src/pkg/exp/template/helper.go
0.3298 - usr/gri/pretty/docprinter.go
0.3296 - misc/xcode/4/
0.3294 - src/pkg/net/race.go
0.3294 - src/pkg/net/race0.go
0.3292 - test/slice3err.go
0.3292 - test/syntax/semi1.go
0.3292 - test/syntax/semi2.go
0.3292 - test/syntax/semi3.go
0.3292 - test/syntax/semi4.go
0.3289 - src/pkg/mail/message_test.go
0.3286 - test/closure.go
0.3286 - test/nilptr2.go
0.3284 - src/pkg/image/decode_example_test.go
0.3282 - src/pkg/os/exec/lp_unix.go
0.3280 - src/pkg/runtime/rt0_freebsd_arm.s
0.3280 - src/pkg/runtime/rt0_netbsd_arm.s
0.3272 - test/interface/fake.go
0.3271 - src/lib/os/dir_amd64_linux.go
0.3267 - src/pkg/net/fd_mutex_test.go
0.3267 - src/pkg/net/tcpsockopt_darwin.go
0.3267 - src/pkg/net/tcpsockopt_posix.go
0.3267 - src/pkg/net/tcpsockopt_windows.go
0.3266 - test/fixedbugs/issue4776.go
0.3266 - src/pkg/encoding/csv/reader_test.go
0.3263 - src/pkg/flag/export_test.go
0.3262 - test/fixedbugs/issue6055.go
0.3261 - test/fixedbugs/bug260.go
0.3261 - src/pkg/hash/crc64/crc64.go
0.3260 - src/pkg/html/template/css.go
0.3259 - src/pkg/runtime/arm/atomic.c
0.3259 - src/pkg/os/getwd_darwin.go
0.3257 - src/pkg/debug/gosym/pclinetest.s
0.3257 - src/pkg/strings/strings.s
0.3257 - src/pkg/strings/strings_decl.go
0.3257 - test/fixedbugs/issue5910.go
0.3257 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_no_getwd.go
0.3248 - test/sieve.go
0.3247 - src/pkg/image/draw/draw_test.go
0.3245 - test/bigmap.go
0.3243 - test/vectors.go
0.3242 - src/pkg/runtime/mapspeed_test.go
0.3240 - src/pkg/runtime/norace_test.go
0.3237 - test/char_lit.go
0.3236 - src/pkg/crypto/des/example_test.go
0.3236 - src/pkg/crypto/md5/example_test.go
0.3236 - src/pkg/crypto/sha1/example_test.go
0.3230 - test/fixedbugs/issue5963.go
0.3227 - src/pkg/syscall/rlimit_linux_test.go
0.3227 - test/fixedbugs/issue5841.go
0.3219 - doc/progs/sum.go
0.3216 - src/pkg/http/dump.go
0.3216 - src/pkg/encoding/hex/hex.go
0.3216 - src/pkg/encoding/hex/hex_test.go
0.3212 - src/libmach/netbsd.c
0.3212 - src/libmach/openbsd.c
0.3212 - src/lib9/dirfwstat.c
0.3212 - src/lib9/windows.c
0.3210 - src/pkg/math/log.go
0.3205 - test/fixedbugs/issue5820.go
0.3203 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_netbsd_arm.s
0.3203 - doc/progs/cat.go
0.3202 - test/fixedbugs/issue5358.go
0.3196 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/signals.h
0.3193 - test/fixedbugs/issue5856.go
0.3191 - src/pkg/runtime/atomic_386.c
0.3191 - misc/cgo/test/issue5337.go
0.3191 - test/fixedbugs/issue4517d.go
0.3190 - misc/cgo/test/issue3250w.go
0.3188 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/arm.S
0.3188 - src/pkg/go/format/format_test.go
0.3187 - src/pkg/exp/template/parse.go
0.3186 - src/pkg/os/env_test.go
0.3180 - src/lib/os/dir_amd64_darwin.go
0.3174 - test/fixedbugs/issue5809.go
0.3173 - test/chan/powser1.go
0.3166 - test/fixedbugs/issue5753.go
0.3165 - test/fixedbugs/issue5698.go
0.3164 - test/deferfin.go
0.3162 - misc/vim/compiler/go.vim
0.3159 - test/chan/select4.go
0.3156 - test/fixedbugs/issue5755.dir/a.go
0.3156 - test/fixedbugs/issue5755.dir/main.go
0.3156 - test/fixedbugs/issue5755.go
0.3153 - src/pkg/crypto/elliptic/p256.go
0.3153 - src/pkg/runtime/sys_arm.c
0.3151 - src/pkg/syscall/env_windows.go
0.3151 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_test.go
0.3151 - src/pkg/crypto/sha512/sha512_test.go
0.3150 - src/pkg/runtime/rune.c
0.3138 - test/fixedbugs/issue5704.go
0.3134 - src/pkg/strconv/fp_test.go
0.3127 - src/pkg/os/path_windows.go
0.3123 - src/lib/net/net.go
0.3122 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/freebsd_386.c
0.3115 - src/cmd/nm/nm.c
0.3113 - misc/cgo/testasan/main.go
0.3112 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/linux_arm.c
0.3112 - test/fixedbugs/issue5515.go
0.3111 - test/fixedbugs/issue5244.go
0.3110 - usr/austin/ptrace/ptrace_linux.go
0.3109 - src/pkg/net/cgo_stub.go
0.3109 - src/pkg/runtime/race.go
0.3109 - src/pkg/syscall/race.go
0.3109 - src/pkg/syscall/race0.go
0.3107 - src/pkg/crypto/hmac/hmac.go
0.3107 - src/pkg/crypto/hmac/hmac_test.go
0.3106 - src/lib/net/fd.go
0.3105 - misc/cgo/test/issue5603.go
0.3100 - src/lib/bignum.go
0.3097 - src/pkg/time/export_windows_test.go
0.3097 - src/pkg/time/genzabbrs.go
0.3097 - src/pkg/time/zoneinfo_abbrs_windows.go
0.3097 - src/pkg/time/zoneinfo_windows_test.go
0.3092 - test/fixedbugs/issue5614.dir/rethinkgo.go
0.3092 - test/fixedbugs/issue5614.dir/x.go
0.3092 - test/fixedbugs/issue5614.dir/y.go
0.3092 - test/fixedbugs/issue5614.go
0.3091 - src/cmd/make.bash
0.3090 - test/stress/runstress.go
0.3089 - src/runtime/rt1_amd64_linux.c
0.3088 - test/fixedbugs/issue5607.go
0.3087 - misc/cgo/test/issue4857.go
0.3086 - src/pkg/testing/export_test.go
0.3085 - src/pkg/debug/dwarf/open.go
0.3085 - test/fixedbugs/issue5609.go
0.3084 - src/pkg/io/ioutil/ioutil_test.go
0.3079 - src/cmd/gotype/gotype.go
0.3078 - usr/gri/gosrc/decls.go
0.3069 - src/lib/io/bytebuffer.go
0.3067 - usr/austin/eval/scope.go
0.3063 - misc/cgo/test/issue5548.go
0.3063 - misc/cgo/test/issue5548_c.c
0.3062 - usr/austin/eval/stmt.go
0.3060 - usr/gri/gosrc/scanner.go
0.3059 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/iscgo.c
0.3056 - test/fixedbugs/issue5172.go
0.3045 - test/convlit.go
0.3043 - src/pkg/http/httptest/server.go
0.3042 - test/fixedbugs/issue5470.dir/a.go
0.3042 - test/fixedbugs/issue5470.dir/b.go
0.3042 - test/fixedbugs/issue5470.go
0.3040 - misc/cgo/test/issue5337w.go
0.3039 - src/pkg/runtime/race/testdata/comp_test.go
0.3039 - src/pkg/bytes/bytes_decl.go
0.3039 - src/pkg/bytes/compare_test.go
0.3039 - src/pkg/runtime/noasm_arm.goc
0.3039 - src/cmd/vet/types.go
0.3039 - src/cmd/vet/typestub.go
0.3039 - src/pkg/archive/tar/testdata/nil-uid.tar
0.3033 - usr/gri/gosrc/compilation.go
0.3028 - src/pkg/exp/iterable/iterable.go
0.3024 - test/fixedbugs/bug248.dir/bug3.go
0.3022 - src/pkg/net/dial_gen_test.go
0.3015 - test/fixedbugs/bug309.go
0.3014 - misc/cgo/test/env.go
0.3009 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/gcc_amd64.S
0.3007 - src/pkg/runtime/goc2c.c
0.3006 - src/libmach/8.c
0.3000 - src/pkg/net/http/httptest/example_test.go
0.2996 - src/pkg/math/rand/zipf.go
0.2992 - misc/cgo/life/Makefile
0.2985 - doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go
0.2984 - src/pkg/container/vector/vector_test.go
0.2982 - misc/cgo/testso/cgoso.c
0.2982 - misc/cgo/testso/test.bat
0.2978 - src/pkg/net/http/server_test.go
0.2976 - src/pkg/go/types/testdata/exports.go
0.2969 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/write.go
0.2966 - src/pkg/unicode/casetables.go
0.2958 - test/fixedbugs/issue5259.dir/bug.go
0.2958 - test/fixedbugs/issue5259.dir/main.go
0.2958 - test/fixedbugs/issue5259.go
0.2955 - src/lib/bufio.go
0.2954 - test/fixedbugs/bug329.go
0.2954 - test/fixedbugs/issue5260.dir/a.go
0.2954 - test/fixedbugs/issue5260.dir/b.go
0.2954 - test/fixedbugs/issue5260.go
0.2953 - misc/cgo/test/cflags.go
0.2953 - test/ken/rob2.go
0.2952 - src/pkg/go/ast/filter_test.go
0.2950 - src/pkg/rpc/jsonrpc/all_test.go
0.2949 - src/pkg/exp/eval/Makefile
0.2945 - test/fixedbugs/issue5231.go
0.2945 - src/pkg/archive/zip/testdata/
0.2941 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/packet/literal.go
0.2939 - test/fixedbugs/issue4909a.go
0.2939 - test/fixedbugs/issue4909b.go
0.2939 - test/sizeof.go
0.2935 - src/cmd/gc/sysimport.c
0.2934 - src/pkg/net/smtp/auth.go
0.2934 - src/pkg/bytes/equal_test.go
0.2934 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/rewrite8.golden
0.2934 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/rewrite8.input
0.2933 - test/fixedbugs/issue5125.dir/bug.go
0.2933 - test/fixedbugs/issue5125.dir/main.go
0.2933 - test/fixedbugs/issue5125.go
0.2932 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/rewrite6.golden
0.2932 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/rewrite6.input
0.2932 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/rewrite7.golden
0.2932 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/rewrite7.input
0.2929 - test/fixedbugs/issue5162.go
0.2921 - src/pkg/bytes/export_test.go
0.2920 - src/pkg/http/pprof/pprof.go
0.2920 - src/pkg/net/example_test.go
0.2917 - test/fixedbugs/bug322.go
0.2917 - src/cmd/vet/test_deadcode.go
0.2916 - src/pkg/runtime/race/testdata/slice_test.go
0.2914 - misc/dashboard/builder/hg.go
0.2912 - test/fixedbugs/issue5105.dir/a.go
0.2912 - test/fixedbugs/issue5105.dir/b.go
0.2912 - test/fixedbugs/issue5105.go
0.2911 - src/pkg/go/typechecker/typechecker.go
0.2906 - src/pkg/exp/wingui/Makefile
0.2904 - src/cmd/vet/asmdecl.go
0.2904 - src/cmd/vet/test_asm.go
0.2903 - src/cmd/clean.bash
0.2902 - test/fixedbugs/issue4813.go
0.2902 - src/pkg/bufio/example_test.go
0.2900 - test/fixedbugs/bug474.go
0.2899 - test/fixedbugs/issue5089.go
0.2896 - src/cmd/ld/dwarf_defs.h
0.2896 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/a0.go
0.2896 - test/bench/timing.log
0.2894 - test/fixedbugs/issue5056.go
0.2894 - src/pkg/runtime/export_futex_test.go
0.2894 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_netbsd_arm.go
0.2887 - src/pkg/go/doc/filter.go
0.2886 - test/fixedbugs/bug040.go
0.2886 - test/fixedbugs/bug469.go
0.2886 - test/funcdup.go
0.2886 - test/funcdup2.go
0.2886 - src/pkg/net/empty.c
0.2885 - test/fixedbugs/issue4964.dir/a.go
0.2885 - test/fixedbugs/issue4964.dir/b.go
0.2885 - test/fixedbugs/issue4964.go
0.2884 - src/pkg/runtime/os_freebsd_arm.c
0.2884 - src/pkg/runtime/os_linux_386.c
0.2884 - src/pkg/runtime/os_netbsd_386.c
0.2884 - src/pkg/runtime/os_netbsd_amd64.c
0.2884 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_darwin_386.h
0.2884 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_darwin_amd64.h
0.2884 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_linux_386.h
0.2884 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_linux_amd64.h
0.2884 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_openbsd_amd64.h
0.2884 - src/pkg/runtime/signal_plan9_amd64.c
0.2882 - src/cmd/go/go11.go
0.2879 - src/pkg/runtime/netpoll_stub.c
0.2878 - src/pkg/net/rpc/jsonrpc/client.go
0.2877 - src/pkg/encoding/base32/base32_test.go
0.2876 - src/pkg/go/types/testdata/shifts.src
0.2876 - src/lib9/run_plan9.c
0.2876 - src/lib9/tempdir_plan9.c
0.2876 - src/cmd/gobuild/util.go
0.2871 - src/pkg/http/proxy_test.go
0.2869 - src/pkg/runtime/memmove_amd64.s
0.2869 - src/pkg/runtime/memmove_linux_amd64_test.go
0.2867 - test/fixedbugs/issue5002.go
0.2866 - src/pkg/net/newpollserver_unix.go
0.2864 - src/pkg/go/types/testdata/conversions.src
0.2864 - src/pkg/runtime/rt0_netbsd_amd64.s
0.2864 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/ocfb.go
0.2861 - doc/progs/sort.go
0.2861 - src/pkg/strconv/atob.go
0.2859 - test/fixedbugs/issue4932.dir/foo.go
0.2859 - test/fixedbugs/issue4932.dir/state.go
0.2859 - test/fixedbugs/issue4932.dir/state2.go
0.2859 - test/fixedbugs/issue4932.go
0.2858 - src/runtime/print.c
0.2856 - test/convert.go
0.2851 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/interp/interp_test.go
0.2851 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/interp/ops.go
0.2849 - src/pkg/exp/cookiejar/punycode.go
0.2849 - src/pkg/exp/cookiejar/punycode_test.go
0.2849 - src/pkg/net/http/cookiejar/jar.go
0.2849 - src/pkg/net/http/cookiejar/jar_test.go
0.2849 - src/pkg/net/http/cookiejar/punycode.go
0.2849 - src/pkg/net/http/cookiejar/punycode_test.go
0.2849 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/callbacks.c
0.2848 - src/pkg/net/interface_netbsd.go
0.2848 - src/pkg/net/interface_openbsd.go
0.2847 - src/pkg/go/scanner/errors.go
0.2847 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/interp/interp.go
0.2847 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/interp/value.go
0.2845 - src/pkg/net/http/filetransport_test.go
0.2844 - misc/xcode/go.xclangspec
0.2843 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/importer.go
0.2843 - src/pkg/go/types/sizes.go
0.2842 - test/fixedbugs/issue4879.dir/a.go
0.2842 - test/fixedbugs/issue4879.dir/b.go
0.2842 - test/fixedbugs/issue4879.go
0.2839 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/armor/encode.go
0.2837 - test/fixedbugs/bug270.go
0.2837 - src/cmd/vet/print_unsafe.go
0.2836 - src/pkg/runtime/darwin/os.h
0.2835 - src/cmd/6l/prof.c
0.2835 - src/cmd/5l/prof.c
0.2834 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/lvalue.go
0.2831 - src/cmd/fix/url2.go
0.2831 - src/cmd/fix/url2_test.go
0.2831 - src/pkg/exp/ssa/dom.go
0.2830 - misc/cgo/test/cthread_unix.c
0.2830 - misc/cgo/test/cthread_windows.c
0.2829 - src/cmd/5a/Makefile
0.2829 - src/cmd/6a/Makefile
0.2829 - src/cmd/8a/Makefile
0.2829 - src/cmd/8g/Makefile
0.2829 - src/pkg/bufio/export_test.go
0.2828 - src/pkg/os/exec/lp_unix_test.go
0.2827 - src/cmd/5a/doc.go
0.2827 - src/cmd/6a/doc.go
0.2827 - src/cmd/8a/doc.go
0.2827 - src/pkg/exp/gotype/doc.go
0.2826 - test/fixedbugs/bug222.dir/chanbug.go
0.2826 - test/fixedbugs/bug222.dir/chanbug2.go
0.2822 - test/fixedbugs/bug325.go
0.2820 - src/pkg/patch/Makefile
0.2814 - test/fixedbugs/issue4785.go
0.2813 - src/pkg/database/sql/doc.txt
0.2808 - src/pkg/patch/git.go
0.2808 - src/pkg/patch/patch.go
0.2807 - src/pkg/debug/dwarf/testdata/typedef.macho
0.2805 - src/pkg/archive/tar/testdata/pax.tar
0.2805 - src/pkg/archive/tar/testdata/ustar.tar
0.2805 - misc/vim/syntax/go.vim
0.2798 - test/fixedbugs/bug250.go
0.2798 - src/cmd/godoc/play-appengine.go
0.2798 - test/fixedbugs/issue887.go
0.2797 - src/pkg/crypto/md5/md5block.go
0.2795 - src/pkg/net/fd_darwin.go
0.2795 - src/pkg/testing/Makefile
0.2794 - src/pkg/hash/adler32/adler32.go
0.2794 - src/pkg/hash/crc32/crc32.go
0.2792 - test/fixedbugs/issue4099.go
0.2791 - src/pkg/runtime/race/testdata/cgo_test_main.go
0.2791 - src/pkg/runtime/arm/cas5.s
0.2791 - src/pkg/runtime/arm/cas6.s
0.2789 - test/ken/chan1.go
0.2788 - test/fixedbugs/issue4752.go
0.2788 - src/pkg/runtime/debug/debug.c
0.2787 - test/fixedbugs/issue4085a.go
0.2787 - test/fixedbugs/issue4085b.go
0.2787 - test/fixedbugs/issue4748.go
0.2787 - src/pkg/runtime/darwin/mem.c
0.2786 - test/fixedbugs/bug205.go
0.2786 - test/const6.go
0.2786 - test/fixedbugs/issue4162.go
0.2786 - test/fixedbugs/issue4618.go
0.2786 - test/fixedbugs/issue4667.go
0.2786 - src/pkg/testing/allocs.go
0.2785 - src/cmd/go/testdata/example1_test.go
0.2785 - src/cmd/go/testdata/example2_test.go
0.2784 - test/fixedbugs/issue4620.go
0.2783 - test/fixedbugs/issue4452.go
0.2783 - test/fixedbugs/issue4463.go
0.2782 - src/pkg/sort/example_reverse_test.go
0.2782 - misc/cgo/test/issue3775.go
0.2780 - src/cmd/vet/buildtag_bad.go
0.2779 - src/pkg/os/stat_openbsd.go
0.2779 - src/pkg/os/types_notwin.go
0.2778 - src/pkg/math/log1p.go
0.2778 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/cipher_test.go
0.2778 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/tools/colcmp/colcmp.go
0.2778 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/tools/colcmp/gen.go
0.2778 - test/64bit.go
0.2778 - test/fixedbugs/issue4264.go
0.2777 - src/cmd/dist/README
0.2775 - doc/codelab/wiki/final-noclosure.go
0.2775 - doc/codelab/wiki/final-noerror.go
0.2775 - doc/codelab/wiki/final-parsetemplate.go
0.2772 - test/fixedbugs/bug229.go
0.2769 - src/pkg/runtime/reflect.goc
0.2769 - misc/dashboard/
0.2764 - src/pkg/syscall/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go
0.2757 - test/fixedbugs/bug298.go
0.2752 - src/pkg/exp/eval/gen.go
0.2752 - test/sigchld.go
0.2749 - test/fixedbugs/issue4610.go
0.2745 - src/cmd/6g/align.c
0.2739 - src/pkg/go/types/resolve.go
0.2739 - src/pkg/go/types/resolver_test.go
0.2724 - test/nacl-pass.txt
0.2723 - src/pkg/net/http/cgi/child_test.go
0.2722 - test/fixedbugs/issue4614.go
0.2720 - src/pkg/image/testdata/video-005.gray.q50.2x2.jpeg
0.2720 - src/pkg/image/testdata/
0.2719 - doc/codelab/wiki/
0.2719 - doc/GoCourseDay2.pdf
0.2718 - src/pkg/tabwriter/tabwriter_test.go
0.2715 - doc/codelab/wiki/test_edit.good
0.2714 - test/fixedbugs/issue4066.go
0.2712 - misc/cgo/stdio/test1.go
0.2710 - test/fixedbugs/issue4590.dir/pkg1.go
0.2710 - test/fixedbugs/issue4590.dir/pkg2.go
0.2710 - test/fixedbugs/issue4590.dir/prog.go
0.2710 - test/fixedbugs/issue4590.go
0.2710 - test/fixedbugs/issue4510.dir/f1.go
0.2710 - test/fixedbugs/issue4510.dir/f2.go
0.2710 - test/fixedbugs/issue4510.go
0.2710 - src/pkg/go/types/errors.go
0.2710 - src/pkg/go/types/predicates.go
0.2704 - src/pkg/exp/eval/bridge.go
0.2704 - src/pkg/exp/eval/type.go
0.2693 - src/pkg/exp/gotype/gotype.go
0.2693 - src/pkg/exp/types/api.go
0.2693 - src/pkg/exp/types/testdata/builtins.src
0.2693 - src/pkg/exp/types/testdata/decls2a.src
0.2693 - src/pkg/regexp/find_test.go
0.2688 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/build/order.go
0.2688 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/build/order_test.go
0.2688 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/contract.go
0.2688 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/export_test.go
0.2688 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/table.go
0.2687 - src/pkg/runtime/race/testdata/map_test.go
0.2684 - src/pkg/net/http/proxy_test.go
0.2684 - test/fixedbugs/issue3705.go
0.2684 - test/fixedbugs/issue4517a.go
0.2684 - test/fixedbugs/issue4517b.go
0.2684 - test/fixedbugs/issue4517c.go
0.2684 - test/fixedbugs/issue4313.go
0.2683 - test/bugs/bug434.dir/one.go
0.2683 - test/bugs/bug434.dir/two.go
0.2683 - test/bugs/bug434.go
0.2683 - test/fixedbugs/issue3552.dir/one.go
0.2683 - test/fixedbugs/issue3552.dir/two.go
0.2683 - test/fixedbugs/issue3552.go
0.2683 - test/fixedbugs/issue4458.go
0.2683 - test/fixedbugs/issue4470.go
0.2683 - test/fixedbugs/issue4562.go
0.2679 - src/pkg/math/fdim.go
0.2679 - test/fixedbugs/issue4529.go
0.2678 - src/pkg/math/log10.go
0.2678 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/openbsd.c
0.2678 - src/cmd/cgo/Makefile
0.2678 - src/cmd/godefs/Makefile
0.2677 - src/lib/template/template_test.go
0.2674 - src/pkg/exp/norm/iter.go
0.2672 - test/fixedbugs/issue4518.go
0.2672 - src/pkg/debug/elf/testdata/hello-world-core.gz
0.2671 - src/pkg/exp/types/testdata/expr2.src
0.2671 - src/pkg/math/fabs.go
0.2671 - src/pkg/math/fmod_386.s
0.2671 - src/pkg/math/fmod_decl.go
0.2671 - misc/cgo/test/issue3729.go
0.2671 - misc/cgo/test/issue3729w.go
0.2670 - src/cmd/fix/printerconfig.go
0.2670 - src/cmd/fix/printerconfig_test.go
0.2667 - test/fixedbugs/issue4545.go
0.2663 - src/cmd/go/signal.go
0.2663 - src/cmd/go/signal_notunix.go
0.2663 - src/cmd/go/signal_unix.go
0.2662 - test/fixedbugs/issue4535.go
0.2659 - test/fixedbugs/issue3925.go
0.2657 - src/pkg/encoding/csv/writer_test.go
0.2657 - test/fixedbugs/issue4495.go
0.2656 - test/fixedbugs/bug273.go
0.2652 - src/cmd/go/version.go
0.2650 - src/pkg/math/fmod.go
0.2649 - test/fixedbugs/issue4252.dir/a.go
0.2649 - test/fixedbugs/issue4252.dir/main.go
0.2649 - test/fixedbugs/issue4252.go
0.2648 - src/pkg/compress/flate/huffman_code.go
0.2644 - test/fixedbugs/issue2615.go
0.2643 - test/fixedbugs/issue4396a.go
0.2643 - test/fixedbugs/issue4396b.go
0.2642 - src/cmd/5l/softfloat.c
0.2638 - test/fixedbugs/issue4167.go
0.2627 - test/fixedbugs/bug195.go
0.2624 - test/fixedbugs/issue4448.go
0.2622 - test/fixedbugs/issue4316.go
0.2622 - src/pkg/exp/types/testdata/decls0.src
0.2622 - src/pkg/exp/types/testdata/decls3.src
0.2621 - test/fixedbugs/issue4429.go
0.2609 - test/fixedbugs/issue4399.go
0.2605 - doc/articles/wiki/get.go
0.2605 - test/fixedbugs/issue4405.go
0.2602 - src/pkg/netchan/common.go
0.2597 - src/runtime/rt1_amd64_darwin.c
0.2593 - src/pkg/debug/elf/testdata/gcc-amd64-openbsd-debug-with-rela.obj
0.2591 - src/pkg/runtime/type.go
0.2590 - src/lib/go/scanner.go
0.2590 - src/lib/go/scanner_test.go
0.2587 - src/pkg/math/pow10.go
0.2582 - test/test0.go
0.2580 - test/fixedbugs/issue4370.dir/p1.go
0.2580 - test/fixedbugs/issue4370.dir/p2.go
0.2580 - test/fixedbugs/issue4370.dir/p3.go
0.2580 - test/fixedbugs/issue4370.go
0.2577 - test/fixedbugs/issue4359.go
0.2577 - test/fixedbugs/issue4353.go
0.2577 - test/fixedbugs/bug468.dir/p1.go
0.2577 - test/fixedbugs/bug468.dir/p2.go
0.2577 - test/fixedbugs/bug468.go
0.2577 - src/pkg/crypto/x509/pem_decrypt.go
0.2577 - test/fixedbugs/issue4326.dir/p1.go
0.2577 - test/fixedbugs/issue4326.dir/p2.go
0.2577 - test/fixedbugs/issue4326.dir/q1.go
0.2577 - test/fixedbugs/issue4326.dir/q2.go
0.2577 - test/fixedbugs/issue4326.dir/z.go
0.2577 - test/fixedbugs/issue4326.go
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/builtins.go
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/check.go
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/const.go
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/conversions.go
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/errors.go
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/exportdata.go
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/expr.go
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/operand.go
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/predicates.go
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/stmt.go
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/testdata/const0.src
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/testdata/decls2b.src
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/testdata/expr0.src
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/testdata/expr2.src
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/testdata/expr3.src
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/testdata/stmt0.src
0.2563 - src/pkg/exp/types/staging/types.go
0.2563 - test/fixedbugs/bug467.dir/p1.go
0.2563 - test/fixedbugs/bug467.dir/p2.go
0.2563 - test/fixedbugs/bug467.dir/p3.go
0.2563 - test/fixedbugs/bug467.go
0.2563 - test/fixedbugs/issue4323.go
0.2561 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/slices2.golden
0.2561 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/slices2.input
0.2561 - src/lib9/utf/Makefile
0.2561 - src/lib9/utf/runetype.c
0.2561 - src/lib9/utf/runetypebody-6.0.0.h
0.2561 - src/lib9/utf/runetypebody-6.2.0.h
0.2561 - src/pkg/strconv/isprint.go
0.2558 - misc/cgo/test/issue4273.c
0.2558 - misc/cgo/test/issue4273b.c
0.2556 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_freebsd_arm.go
0.2556 - src/pkg/net/http/jar.go
0.2555 - misc/vim/ftplugin/go/fmt.vim
0.2555 - misc/vim/ftplugin/go/godoc.vim
0.2553 - src/lib/net/net_linux.go
0.2549 - src/pkg/syscall/creds_test.go
0.2543 - usr/gri/pretty/typechecker.go
0.2539 - test/fixedbugs/bug465.go
0.2538 - test/fixedbugs/issue3783.go
0.2538 - misc/chrome/gophertool/popup.js
0.2534 - src/pkg/utf8/utf8.go
0.2528 - test/fixedbugs/bug466.dir/a.go
0.2528 - test/fixedbugs/bug466.dir/b.go
0.2528 - test/fixedbugs/bug466.go
0.2528 - src/pkg/cmath/cmath_test.go
0.2522 - src/pkg/image/testdata/
0.2522 - src/pkg/image/testdata/video-001.q50.420.jpeg
0.2522 - src/pkg/image/testdata/
0.2522 - src/pkg/image/testdata/video-001.q50.422.jpeg
0.2522 - src/pkg/image/testdata/
0.2522 - src/pkg/image/testdata/video-001.q50.444.jpeg
0.2522 - src/pkg/image/testdata/
0.2522 - src/pkg/image/testdata/video-005.gray.q50.jpeg
0.2522 - src/pkg/image/testdata/
0.2522 - src/lib/net/dialgoogle_test.go
0.2521 - src/lib/bignum_test.go
0.2520 - test/literal.go
0.2518 - misc/cgo/stdio/align.go
0.2518 - misc/cgo/stdio/hello.go
0.2511 - doc/codelab/wiki/srcextract.go
0.2511 - src/pkg/exp/html/entity.go
0.2510 - misc/cgo/test/issue4029w.go
0.2508 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/benchmark.go
0.2505 - src/pkg/net/http/httptest/recorder.go
0.2505 - src/pkg/net/http/httptest/recorder_test.go
0.2505 - test/fixedbugs/bug463.go
0.2505 - test/fixedbugs/bug464.go
0.2505 - test/fixedbugs/bug462.go
0.2504 - test/fixedbugs/bug460.go
0.2504 - test/fixedbugs/bug461.go
0.2504 - test/fixedbugs/bug459.go
0.2504 - test/fixedbugs/bug458.go
0.2502 - test/fixedbugs/bug457.go
0.2502 - src/lib/http/server.go
0.2491 - src/lib/io/io.go
0.2487 - test/fixedbugs/bug454.go
0.2477 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_linux_amd64.go
0.2477 - src/lib/http/Makefile
0.2477 - src/pkg/bytes/asm_amd64.s
0.2477 - src/pkg/hash/crc32/crc32_amd64.s
0.2476 - src/lib9/fmt/test.c
0.2475 - src/pkg/rpc/debug.go
0.2473 - test/fixedbugs/bug453.go
0.2465 - misc/cgo/test/issue4054a.go
0.2465 - misc/cgo/test/issue4054b.go
0.2465 - src/cmd/vet/rangeloop.go
0.2464 - misc/cgo/stdio/stdio.go
0.2464 - misc/cgo/stdio/stdio_netbsd.go
0.2463 - src/cmd/api/testdata/src/pkg/p3/golden.txt
0.2463 - src/cmd/api/testdata/src/pkg/p3/p3.go
0.2460 - test/fixedbugs/bug141.go
0.2459 - src/pkg/strings/export_test.go
0.2456 - src/pkg/strconv/internal_test.go
0.2444 - test/bom.go
0.2444 - test/bombad.go
0.2442 - src/pkg/exp/ogle/rruntime.go
0.2438 - src/cmd/5l/symtab.c
0.2438 - src/cmd/6l/symtab.c
0.2434 - usr/gri/pretty/untab.go
0.2432 - src/pkg/runtime/freebsd/amd64/defs.h
0.2432 - src/pkg/runtime/freebsd/os.h
0.2429 - src/pkg/net/port_test.go
0.2427 - misc/cgo/test/issue3945.go
0.2424 - test/fixedbugs/bug440_32.go
0.2424 - test/fixedbugs/bug440_64.go
0.2420 - src/lib9/utf/rune.c
0.2417 - misc/cgo/test/issue1635.go
0.2417 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_windows_386.s
0.2417 - src/pkg/syscall/asm_windows_amd64.s
0.2416 - misc/dashboard/godashboard/main.html
0.2416 - test/bench/shootout/timing.log
0.2413 - misc/vim/plugin/godoc.vim
0.2403 - test/fixedbugs/bug447.go
0.2402 - src/lib/math/Makefile
0.2396 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/build/contract.go
0.2392 - src/lib/http/url.go
0.2389 - misc/cgo/test/issue3261.go
0.2389 - misc/cgo/test/sleep_windows.go
0.2389 - misc/cgo/test/sleep_windows_386.go
0.2388 - src/cmd/prof/Makefile
0.2386 - usr/austin/ogle/cmd.go
0.2374 - src/pkg/net/hosts.go
0.2373 - test/stack.go
0.2371 - usr/gri/pretty/platform.go
0.2369 - misc/dashboard/codereview/index.yaml
0.2367 - src/pkg/runtime/float.c
0.2367 - src/pkg/exp/html/parse_test.go
0.2367 - src/pkg/exp/html/testlogs/tests26.dat.log
0.2367 - src/pkg/exp/html/testlogs/tricky01.dat.log
0.2365 - test/fixedbugs/bug084.go
0.2360 - test/fixedbugs/bug450.go
0.2354 - test/fixedbugs/bug449.go
0.2354 - src/pkg/os/error_windows_test.go
0.2354 - test/fixedbugs/bug448.dir/pkg1.go
0.2354 - test/fixedbugs/bug448.dir/pkg2.go
0.2354 - test/fixedbugs/bug448.go
0.2350 - src/lib/regexp/regexp.go
0.2350 - test/fixedbugs/bug446.go
0.2350 - test/declbad.go
0.2349 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/netbsd.c
0.2347 - misc/cgo/test/setgid_linux.go
0.2333 - src/cmd/6g/obj.c
0.2328 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_darwin_386.go
0.2328 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_darwin_amd64.go
0.2325 - src/cmd/gofmt/Makefile
0.2319 - src/pkg/compress/flate/reader_test.go
0.2315 - usr/austin/eval/compiler.go
0.2308 - src/pkg/encoding/asn1/common.go
0.2308 - src/lib/flag.go
0.2303 - test/bugs/bug187.go
0.2299 - test/cmplx.go
0.2297 - misc/chrome/gophertool/manifest.json
0.2297 - src/pkg/nntp/nntp_test.go
0.2289 - test/fixedbugs/bug445.go
0.2288 - test/ken/divconst.go
0.2288 - test/ken/modconst.go
0.2285 - src/pkg/exp/nacl/av/av.go
0.2285 - misc/cgo/test/issue3741.go
0.2284 - src/pkg/net/http/range_test.go
0.2280 - src/libcgo/darwin_amd64.c
0.2274 - src/pkg/exp/eval/stmt_test.go
0.2273 - src/pkg/runtime/memset_arm.s
0.2270 - src/pkg/exp/eval/main.go
0.2268 - src/pkg/path/Makefile
0.2264 - src/pkg/strconv/atob_test.go
0.2259 - src/cmd/goyacc/Makefile
0.2245 - src/pkg/exp/types/resolver_test.go
0.2244 - test/bugs/bug136.go
0.2238 - test/recover3.go
0.2237 - test/bench/shootout/binary-tree.c
0.2237 - test/bench/shootout/k-nucleotide.c
0.2236 - test/fixedbugs/bug443.go
0.2236 - test/map1.go
0.2236 - test/fixedbugs/bug442.go
0.2236 - test/fixedbugs/bug441.go
0.2231 - src/lib9/getwd.c
0.2231 - src/pkg/math/big/calibrate_test.go
0.2230 - test/bench/go1/gob_test.go
0.2230 - test/bench/go1/json_test.go
0.2226 - src/pkg/time/tick_test.go
0.2219 - src/pkg/runtime/rt0_windows_386.s
0.2218 - src/pkg/exp/types/testdata/exports.go
0.2214 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/ca_set.go
0.2208 - misc/dist/stat_darwin.go
0.2208 - misc/dist/stat_linux.go
0.2208 - src/pkg/strconv/itoa.go
0.2208 - src/pkg/archive/tar/stat_atim.go
0.2208 - src/pkg/archive/tar/stat_atimespec.go
0.2208 - src/pkg/archive/tar/stat_unix.go
0.2203 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/64bit_linux_arm.go
0.2195 - usr/gri/bignum/bignum.go
0.2191 - misc/chrome/gophertool/gopher.js
0.2187 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_netbsd_386.go
0.2187 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_netbsd_amd64.go
0.2187 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_netbsd_386.go
0.2187 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_netbsd_386.go
0.2187 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_netbsd_amd64.go
0.2185 - test/ken/cplx4.go
0.2178 - src/pkg/runtime/complex_test.go
0.2177 - test/int_lit.go
0.2172 - src/pkg/crypto/aes/const.go
0.2162 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/build/trie_test.go
0.2162 - src/pkg/exp/locale/collate/trie_test.go
0.2162 - src/pkg/exp/norm/triedata_test.go
0.2161 - src/pkg/utf8/utf8_test.go
0.2161 - test/fixedbugs/bug135.go
0.2159 - src/pkg/exp/eval/typec.go
0.2152 - misc/dashboard/codereview/app.yaml
0.2149 - doc/articles/wiki/edit.html
0.2149 - doc/articles/wiki/view.html
0.2138 - src/pkg/compress/zlib/example_test.go
0.2136 - src/pkg/exp/html/testlogs/tests19.dat.log
0.2126 - test/fixedbugs/bug143.go
0.2121 - src/pkg/encoding/pem/pem_test.go
0.2119 - src/pkg/exp/html/escape.go
0.2119 - src/pkg/exp/html/render_test.go
0.2119 - test/bugs/bug285.go
0.2119 - test/bugs/bug284.go
0.2106 - src/pkg/runtime/nacl/mem.c
0.2103 - src/libmach_amd64/sym.c
0.2101 - src/runtime/386/asm.s
0.2097 - src/pkg/syscall/
0.2088 - src/cmd/go/testdata/src/go-cmd-test/helloworld.go
0.2087 - doc/reference-cmd.html
0.2083 - src/pkg/exp/draw/arith.go
0.2083 - doc/progs/eff_bytesize.go
0.2079 - doc/progs/image_draw.go
0.2078 - test/fixedbugs/bug428.go
0.2078 - usr/gri/pretty/symboltable.go
0.2077 - test/method1.go
0.2073 - test/fixedbugs/bug427.go
0.2066 - src/pkg/testing/iotest/logger.go
0.2063 - doc/play/fib.go
0.2063 - doc/play/hello.go
0.2063 - doc/play/peano.go
0.2063 - doc/play/pi.go
0.2063 - doc/play/sieve.go
0.2063 - doc/play/solitaire.go
0.2063 - doc/play/tree.go
0.2059 - src/pkg/os/error_test.go
0.2055 - src/all-arm.bash
0.2054 - src/runtime/rt0_amd64.s
0.2053 - test/fixedbugs/bug053.go
0.2053 - src/pkg/archive/zip/testdata/
0.2053 - src/pkg/archive/zip/testdata/
0.2053 - src/pkg/exp/spacewar/spacewar.go
0.2052 - usr/gri/gosrc/go.go
0.2050 - misc/cgo/testso/Makefile
0.2050 - misc/cgo/testso/main.go
0.2049 - test/const4.go
0.2049 - doc/articles/wiki/
0.2049 - src/pkg/go/parser/testdata/commas.src
0.2049 - src/pkg/go/parser/testdata/issue3106.src
0.2048 - src/pkg/crypto/x509/root.go
0.2048 - src/pkg/crypto/x509/root_darwin.go
0.2048 - src/pkg/crypto/x509/root_stub.go
0.2048 - src/pkg/crypto/x509/root_unix.go
0.2048 - test/bugs/424.dir/lib.go
0.2048 - test/bugs/424.dir/main.go
0.2048 - test/bugs/424.go
0.2048 - test/fixedbugs/bug424.dir/lib.go
0.2047 - doc/articles/laws_of_reflection.tmpl
0.2047 - doc/progs/interface.go
0.2047 - doc/progs/helloworld.go
0.2047 - doc/progs/print.go
0.2047 - doc/progs/print_string.go
0.2047 - doc/progs/server.go
0.2047 - doc/progs/server1.go
0.2045 - misc/xcode/3/README
0.2045 - misc/xcode/4/README
0.2045 - src/pkg/syscall/
0.2043 - doc/progs/go1.go
0.2039 - src/cmd/go/testdata/local/easysub/main.go
0.2039 - src/cmd/go/testdata/testimport/p.go
0.2039 - src/cmd/go/testdata/testimport/p1/p1.go
0.2039 - src/cmd/go/testdata/testimport/p2/p2.go
0.2039 - src/cmd/go/testdata/testimport/p_test.go
0.2039 - src/cmd/go/testdata/testimport/x_test.go
0.2037 - src/pkg/exp/html/node.go
0.2037 - src/pkg/exp/proxy/per_host.go
0.2037 - src/cmd/go/testdata/local/easy.go
0.2037 - src/cmd/go/testdata/local/easysub/easysub.go
0.2037 - src/cmd/go/testdata/local/hard.go
0.2037 - src/cmd/go/testdata/local/sub/sub.go
0.2037 - src/cmd/go/testdata/local/sub/sub/subsub.go
0.2037 - src/pkg/go/build/cgotest/cgotest.c
0.2037 - src/pkg/go/build/cgotest/cgotest.h
0.2037 - src/pkg/go/build/cmdtest/main.go
0.2037 - src/pkg/go/build/pkgtest/sqrt_386.s
0.2037 - src/pkg/go/build/pkgtest/sqrt_386_test.go
0.2037 - src/pkg/go/build/pkgtest/sqrt_amd64.s
0.2037 - src/pkg/go/build/pkgtest/sqrt_amd64_test.go
0.2037 - src/pkg/go/build/pkgtest/sqrt_arm.s
0.2037 - src/pkg/go/build/pkgtest/sqrt_arm_test.go
0.2037 - src/pkg/go/build/syslist_test.go
0.2037 - src/pkg/go/build/testdata/other/file/file.go
0.2037 - src/pkg/go/build/testdata/other/main.go
0.2037 - src/pkg/runtime/runtime_linux_test.go
0.2035 - src/pkg/text/template/examplefiles_test.go
0.2035 - test/fixedbugs/bug425.go
0.2034 - test/bench/pidigits.go
0.2033 - src/cmd/objdump/main.c
0.2032 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/Makefile
0.2031 - doc/progs/file.go
0.2031 - doc/talks/go_talk-20100323.html
0.2031 - src/pkg/net/sockoptip_netbsd.go
0.2025 - test/import5.go
0.2024 - test/rename.go
0.2024 - test/rename1.go
0.2021 - src/lib/hash/Makefile
0.2021 - src/pkg/net/testdata/igmp
0.2021 - src/pkg/net/testdata/igmp6
0.2021 - src/pkg/exp/proxy/socks5.go
0.2021 - src/pkg/go/scanner/example_test.go
0.2020 - src/cmd/fix/oswait.go
0.2020 - src/cmd/fix/oswait_test.go
0.2020 - misc/dist/windows/LICENSE
0.2020 - misc/dist/windows/LICENSE.rtf
0.2020 - misc/dist/windows/README
0.2020 - misc/dist/windows/README.txt
0.2020 - misc/dist/windows/images/gopher.ico
0.2019 - src/pkg/text/tabwriter/example_test.go
0.2018 - src/cmd/api/testdata/src/pkg/p2/golden.txt
0.2018 - src/cmd/api/testdata/src/pkg/p2/p2.go
0.2017 - test/fixedbugs/bug024.go
0.2016 - src/pkg/database/sql/driver/types.go
0.2016 - src/clean.bat
0.2015 - src/pkg/debug/dwarf/testdata/typedef.c
0.2015 - src/pkg/debug/dwarf/testdata/typedef.elf
0.2014 - src/pkg/runtime/malloc1.go
0.2014 - src/pkg/runtime/mallocrand.go
0.2014 - src/pkg/runtime/mallocrep.go
0.2014 - src/pkg/runtime/sema_test.go
0.2014 - src/pkg/sync/export_test.go
0.2014 - src/pkg/sync/mutex.go
0.2014 - src/pkg/sync/mutex_test.go
0.2014 - src/pkg/sync/runtime.go
0.2014 - src/pkg/sync/runtime_sema_test.go
0.2011 - src/pkg/go/ast/example.go
0.2010 - src/lib/go/Makefile
0.2009 - test/fixedbugs/bug418.go
0.2008 - src/pkg/os/stat_mingw.go
0.2007 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/rewrite4.golden
0.2007 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/rewrite4.input
0.2006 - doc/codewalk/markov.go
0.2005 - src/pkg/exp/norm/maketesttables.go
0.2005 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/error1.0.golden
0.2005 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/error1.1.golden
0.2005 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/error1.2.golden
0.2005 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/error1.go
0.2005 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/error2.0.golden
0.2005 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/error2.1.golden
0.2005 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/error2.2.golden
0.2005 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/error2.go
0.2004 - src/pkg/net/sockoptip.go
0.2004 - src/pkg/net/sockoptip_darwin.go
0.2004 - src/pkg/net/sockoptip_freebsd.go
0.2004 - src/pkg/net/sockoptip_openbsd.go
0.2004 - src/pkg/os/signal/signal_windows_test.go
0.2004 - src/pkg/syscall/
0.2004 - src/runtime/rt2_amd64.c
0.2004 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_freebsd_386.go
0.2004 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_freebsd_amd64.go
0.2003 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/b.0.golden
0.2003 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/b.1.golden
0.2003 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/b.go
0.2003 - src/pkg/runtime/sig.go
0.2003 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/cbc_aes_test.go
0.2003 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/common_test.go
0.2003 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/ctr_aes_test.go
0.2003 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/ofb_test.go
0.2003 - src/pkg/crypto/des/block.go
0.2003 - src/pkg/crypto/des/cipher.go
0.1998 - test/fixedbugs/bug416.go
0.1998 - test/fixedbugs/bug415.dir/main.go
0.1998 - test/fixedbugs/bug415.dir/p.go
0.1998 - test/fixedbugs/bug415.go
0.1998 - test/fixedbugs/bug414.dir/main.go
0.1998 - test/fixedbugs/bug414.dir/p1.go
0.1998 - test/fixedbugs/bug414.go
0.1998 - test/fixedbugs/bug413.go
0.1998 - test/fixedbugs/bug411.go
0.1996 - src/pkg/math/const.go
0.1996 - src/pkg/testing/script/script_test.go
0.1996 - src/pkg/unicode/graphic.go
0.1996 - src/pkg/net/newpollserver.go
0.1994 - test/fixedbugs/bug392.dir/three.go
0.1993 - test/fixedbugs/bug409.go
0.1993 - test/fixedbugs/bug409.out
0.1990 - test/chan/select2.go
0.1989 - test/fixedbugs/bug407.dir/one.go
0.1989 - test/fixedbugs/bug407.dir/two.go
0.1989 - test/fixedbugs/bug407.go
0.1988 - src/pkg/encoding/gob/error.go
0.1984 - test/fixedbugs/bug405.go
0.1984 - src/pkg/exp/ebnflint/ebnflint.go
0.1983 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/f.0.golden
0.1983 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/f.1.golden
0.1983 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/f.2.golden
0.1982 - src/pkg/syscall/types_darwin.go
0.1982 - src/pkg/syscall/types_freebsd.go
0.1982 - src/pkg/syscall/types_openbsd.go
0.1980 - src/pkg/crypto/elliptic/p224.go
0.1978 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/c.2.golden
0.1978 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/d.2.golden
0.1978 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/e.0.golden
0.1978 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/e.1.golden
0.1978 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/e.2.golden
0.1978 - src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/testing.2.golden
0.1977 - src/pkg/strconv/decimal_test.go
0.1976 - src/Make.tool
0.1976 - src/cmd/gomake/doc.go
0.1976 - src/cmd/gotest/flag.go
0.1976 - test/bench/go1/Makefile
0.1976 - src/pkg/os/user/Makefile
0.1976 - src/pkg/os/user/user.go
0.1975 - src/cmd/goapi/goapi.go
0.1975 - src/cmd/goapi/goapi_test.go
0.1975 - src/cmd/goapi/testdata/p1/golden.txt
0.1975 - src/cmd/goapi/testdata/p1/p1.go
0.1975 - src/cmd/goapi/testdata/src/pkg/p1/golden.txt
0.1975 - src/cmd/goapi/testdata/src/pkg/p1/p1.go
0.1975 - src/cmd/goapi/testdata/src/pkg/p2/golden.txt
0.1975 - src/cmd/goapi/testdata/src/pkg/p2/p2.go
0.1975 - src/syscall/syscall_amd64_linux.s
0.1974 - src/cmd/fix/Makefile
0.1974 - src/cmd/fix/imagetiled.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/fix/imagetiled_test.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/fix/import_test.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/fix/main_test.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/fix/typecheck.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/go1pkgrename.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/googlecode.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/googlecode_test.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/hmacnew.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/hmacnew_test.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/htmlerr.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/htmlerr_test.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/imagetiled.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/imagetiled_test.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/imageycbcr.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/imageycbcr_test.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/mapdelete_test.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/template.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/template_test.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/reflect.asn1.go.out
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/reflect.datafmt.go.out
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/reflect.decode.go.out
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/reflect.decoder.go.out
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/reflect.dnsmsg.go.out
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/reflect.encode.go.out
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/reflect.encoder.go.out
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/reflect.print.go.out
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/reflect.quick.go.out
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/reflect.scan.go.out
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/reflect.script.go.out
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/
0.1974 - src/cmd/gofix/testdata/reflect.template.go.out
0.1974 - src/cmd/govet/doc.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/govet/method.go
0.1974 - src/cmd/govet/structtag.go
0.1971 - src/pkg/fmt/Makefile
0.1971 - src/pkg/os/zsignal_netbsd_386.go
0.1971 - src/pkg/os/zsignal_netbsd_amd64.go
0.1969 - usr/gri/gosrc/type.go
0.1967 - test/func8.go
0.1967 - src/pkg/net/dict/Makefile
0.1967 - src/pkg/net/dict/dict.go
0.1967 - src/pkg/patch/apply.go
0.1967 - src/pkg/patch/patch_test.go
0.1965 - test/fixedbugs/bug248.dir/bug0.go
0.1965 - test/fixedbugs/bug248.dir/bug1.go
0.1965 - test/fixedbugs/bug367.dir/main.go
0.1965 - test/fixedbugs/bug367.dir/p.go
0.1963 - test/complit.go
0.1963 - src/pkg/net/dnsconfig.go
0.1962 - test/fixedbugs/bug399.go
0.1962 - test/fixedbugs/bug398.go
0.1957 - src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint_test.go
0.1957 - test/fixedbugs/bug397.go
0.1955 - src/pkg/exp/gotype/testdata/test1.go
0.1955 - src/pkg/old/regexp/regexp.go
0.1955 - src/pkg/regexp/exec.go
0.1955 - src/pkg/regexp/syntax/compile.go
0.1955 - src/pkg/regexp/syntax/prog_test.go
0.1954 - src/pkg/regexp/syntax/regexp.go
0.1954 - test/floatcmp.go
0.1954 - src/pkg/net/pipe.go
0.1953 - test/fixedbugs/bug396.dir/one.go
0.1953 - test/fixedbugs/bug396.dir/two.go
0.1953 - test/fixedbugs/bug396.go
0.1953 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/canonical_text.go
0.1953 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/canonical_text_test.go
0.1953 - src/pkg/crypto/ripemd160/ripemd160.go
0.1950 - src/pkg/old/netchan/common.go
0.1950 - src/pkg/exp/proxy/proxy.go
0.1950 - test/fixedbugs/bug394.go
0.1945 - test/fixedbugs/bug393.go
0.1945 - src/lib/os/os_test.go
0.1944 - src/lib/os/file.go
0.1943 - src/pkg/encoding/xml/Makefile
0.1943 - src/pkg/encoding/xml/embed_test.go
0.1942 - src/pkg/testing/wrapper.go
0.1941 - doc/progs/defer.go
0.1941 - doc/progs/defer2.go
0.1937 - test/fixedbugs/bug388.go
0.1936 - src/pkg/runtime/nacl/386/sys.s
0.1936 - src/pkg/runtime/nacl/thread.c
0.1936 - src/pkg/syscall/env_unix.go
0.1936 - test/fixedbugs/bug391.go
0.1935 - test/const3.go
0.1931 - test/fixedbugs/bug390.go
0.1928 - src/lib/net/tcpserver_test.go
0.1923 - doc/codewalk/functions.xml
0.1923 - doc/codewalk/pig.go
0.1921 - src/lib/reflect/type.go
0.1904 - src/pkg/exp/norm/input.go
0.1904 - test/ken/cplx0.go
0.1904 - test/ken/cplx1.go
0.1898 - src/
0.1898 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/386.S
0.1898 - src/pkg/encoding/json/bench_test.go
0.1898 - src/pkg/image/draw/bench_test.go
0.1898 - src/pkg/image/tiff/reader_test.go
0.1898 - src/pkg/old/regexp/all_test.go
0.1898 - misc/cgo/test/issue2462.go
0.1897 - src/pkg/old/template/template_test.go
0.1896 - src/pkg/crypto/crypto.go
0.1895 - src/lib/io/Makefile
0.1892 - src/cmd/6g/cplx.c
0.1891 - test/235.go
0.1891 - test/fixedbugs/bug075.go
0.1891 - src/pkg/runtime/defs1_linux.go
0.1891 - src/pkg/runtime/defs2_linux.go
0.1891 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_darwin.go
0.1891 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_freebsd.go
0.1891 - src/pkg/runtime/defs_windows.go
0.1891 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/keys.go
0.1891 - src/pkg/runtime/traceback_amd64.c
0.1889 - test/fixedbugs/bug389.go
0.1887 - test/fixedbugs/bug386.go
0.1887 - test/fixedbugs/bug387.go
0.1886 - test/fixedbugs/bug383.go
0.1886 - test/fixedbugs/bug384.go
0.1886 - src/pkg/exp/winfsnotify/winfsnotify.go
0.1885 - test/bench/shootout/Makefile
0.1885 - src/pkg/math/export_test.go
0.1885 - src/pkg/math/hypot.go
0.1885 - src/pkg/math/hypot_arm.s
0.1884 - test/fixedbugs/bug382.dir/pkg.go
0.1883 - src/pkg/archive/zip/testdata/
0.1883 - src/pkg/archive/zip/testdata/
0.1882 - src/pkg/math/erf.go
0.1876 - test/bugs/bug250.go
0.1876 - test/bugs/bug251.go
0.1874 - test/fixedbugs/bug380.go
0.1874 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/client_func_test.go
0.1874 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/session_test.go
0.1873 - usr/gri/pretty/gds.go
0.1858 - misc/dashboard/app/app.yaml
0.1852 - src/pkg/math/expm1.go
0.1852 - src/pkg/math/hypot_386.s
0.1849 - src/lib/syscall/file_darwin.go
0.1848 - test/fixedbugs/bug208.go
0.1848 - test/interface/pointer.go
0.1848 - test/interface/receiver1.go
0.1846 - test/convert1.go
0.1841 - src/lib/testing.go
0.1841 - src/runtime/Makefile
0.1840 - src/libmach/5db.c
0.1840 - src/libmach/machdata.c
0.1839 - misc/osx/README
0.1839 - misc/osx/ReadMe.txt
0.1839 - misc/osx/etc/paths.d/go
0.1839 - misc/osx/etc/profile.go
0.1839 - misc/osx/image.bash
0.1839 - misc/osx/package.bash
0.1839 - misc/osx/scripts/postinstall
0.1839 - misc/osx/utils.bash
0.1839 - src/pkg/syscall/env_plan9.go
0.1838 - lib/codereview/
0.1837 - src/pkg/mime/Makefile
0.1836 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/client_auth_test.go
0.1835 - src/pkg/net/http/fcgi/fcgi_test.go
0.1833 - test/fixedbugs/bug011.go
0.1830 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/client_auth.go
0.1829 - src/pkg/strconv/Makefile
0.1828 - src/pkg/template/format.go
0.1826 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/rewrite3.golden
0.1826 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/rewrite3.input
0.1825 - src/cmd/godefs/doc.go
0.1825 - src/cmd/godefs/
0.1825 - src/cmd/godefs/testdata.c
0.1825 - src/cmd/godefs/testdata_darwin_386.golden
0.1825 - src/cmd/godefs/testdata_darwin_amd64.golden
0.1825 - src/cmd/godefs/testdata_linux_arm.golden
0.1825 - src/cmd/godefs/util.c
0.1823 - misc/windows/README
0.1823 - misc/windows/installer.iss
0.1823 - misc/windows/installer.wxs
0.1823 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/linux_386.c
0.1823 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/linux_amd64.c
0.1822 - test/fixedbugs/bug376.go
0.1822 - test/fixedbugs/bug375.go
0.1820 - test/fixedbugs/bug058.go
0.1819 - test/fixedbugs/bug374.go
0.1819 - src/pkg/runtime/openbsd/386/defs.h
0.1819 - src/pkg/runtime/openbsd/amd64/defs.h
0.1819 - src/pkg/runtime/openbsd/defs.c
0.1813 - test/fixedbugs/bug200.go
0.1813 - test/fixedbugs/bug213.go
0.1813 - test/fixedbugs/bug373.go
0.1813 - src/pkg/runtime/openbsd/amd64/sys.s
0.1812 - test/fixedbugs/bug372.go
0.1811 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/os.h
0.1805 - src/lib/tabwriter/tabwriter_test.go
0.1801 - src/pkg/big/arith_amd64.s
0.1800 - test/import.go
0.1794 - src/pkg/http/doc.go
0.1789 - src/lib/fmt/format.go
0.1783 - test/cmp1.go
0.1783 - src/pkg/exp/template/html/css.go
0.1783 - src/pkg/exp/template/html/css_test.go
0.1783 - src/pkg/exp/ssh/server_shell.go
0.1781 - src/pkg/csv/reader_test.go
0.1776 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/comments.golden
0.1776 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/comments.input
0.1776 - src/pkg/http/transport_windows.go
0.1774 - src/pkg/exp/gui/x11/auth.go
0.1772 - test/append.go
0.1763 - src/pkg/debug/proc/proc.go
0.1761 - test/fixedbugs/bug370.go
0.1761 - src/pkg/crypto/md4/md4_test.go
0.1760 - src/pkg/websocket/hybi.go
0.1760 - src/pkg/websocket/hybi_test.go
0.1757 - test/fixedbugs/bug369.dir/pkg.go
0.1756 - test/initcomma.go
0.1753 - test/fixedbugs/bug012.go
0.1753 - test/if.go
0.1751 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/386/defs.h
0.1749 - src/pkg/cmath/asin.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/cmath/sin.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/cmath/sqrt.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/cmath/tan.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/abs.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/abs_386.s
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/abs_amd64.s
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/abs_decl.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/dim.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/dim_amd64.s
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/dim_decl.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/fabs_386.s
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/fabs_amd64.s
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/fabs_decl.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/fdim_amd64.s
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/fdim_decl.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/jn.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/lgamma.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/mod.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/mod_386.s
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/mod_decl.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/pow.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/math/remainder.go
0.1749 - test/fixedbugs/bug368.go
0.1749 - src/pkg/runtime/darwin/signals.h
0.1749 - src/pkg/runtime/freebsd/signals.h
0.1749 - src/pkg/runtime/sigqueue.cgo
0.1745 - test/chan/select7.go
0.1743 - src/pkg/exp/template/html/transition.go
0.1734 - src/pkg/index/suffixarray/suffixarray.go
0.1727 - src/pkg/template/helper.go
0.1726 - test/chan/sieve.go
0.1722 - src/pkg/exp/template/html/Makefile
0.1722 - src/pkg/exp/template/html/clone.go
0.1722 - src/pkg/exp/template/html/clone_test.go
0.1722 - src/pkg/exp/template/html/context.go
0.1720 - test/syntax/else.go
0.1718 - src/pkg/exp/template/html/js.go
0.1718 - src/pkg/exp/template/html/js_test.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/linedirectives.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/main.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z1.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z10.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z11.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z12.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z13.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z14.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z15.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z16.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z17.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z18.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z19.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z2.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z20.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z3.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z4.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z5.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z6.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z7.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z8.go
0.1714 - test/dwarf/z9.go
0.1711 - src/pkg/crypto/md4/Makefile
0.1711 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/re2.txt.gz
0.1711 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/syntax/prog_test.go
0.1711 - src/pkg/sort/export_test.go
0.1709 - src/pkg/url/url.go
0.1709 - src/pkg/url/url_test.go
0.1708 - test/struct0.go
0.1708 - src/pkg/runtime/386/traceback.c
0.1707 - src/pkg/runtime/openbsd/386/sys.s
0.1707 - src/pkg/syscall/netlink_linux.go
0.1703 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/amd64/signal.c
0.1702 - test/escape3.go
0.1702 - src/pkg/exp/norm/Makefile
0.1702 - src/pkg/exp/norm/readwriter_test.go
0.1701 - src/pkg/json/parse.go
0.1698 - src/pkg/http/filetransport.go
0.1698 - src/pkg/http/filetransport_test.go
0.1697 - test/fixedbugs/bug366.go
0.1697 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/386/callback.c
0.1696 - include/mach.h
0.1695 - src/pkg/exp/draw/Makefile
0.1695 - src/pkg/container/vector/vector.go
0.1691 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/amd64.S
0.1690 - src/pkg/time/sys_posix.go
0.1690 - src/pkg/time/sys_windows.go
0.1689 - src/lib9/exitcode.c
0.1689 - src/libmach/fakeobj.c
0.1689 - src/libmach/map.c
0.1689 - src/pkg/template/doc.go
0.1683 - src/pkg/json/indent.go
0.1682 - include/mach_amd64.h
0.1678 - src/libmach_amd64/linux.c
0.1675 - src/pkg/net/parse_test.go
0.1673 - test/ken/array.go
0.1666 - lib/godoc/codewalk.html
0.1666 - lib/godoc/error.html
0.1666 - src/pkg/strings/Makefile
0.1663 - test/fixedbugs/bug054.go
0.1663 - test/ken/string.go
0.1657 - usr/gri/pretty/Makefile.iant
0.1653 - src/pkg/exp/norm/norm_test.go
0.1651 - src/pkg/bignum/bignum.go
0.1651 - src/pkg/bignum/bignum_test.go
0.1650 - src/pkg/debug/proc/Makefile
0.1648 - usr/gri/bignum/bignum_test.go
0.1643 - src/pkg/runtime/symtab_test.go
0.1642 - src/pkg/json/generic.go
0.1642 - test/fixedbugs/bug356.go
0.1641 - test/divide.go
0.1641 - src/cmd/gotry/gotry
0.1641 - test/fixedbugs/bug363.go
0.1641 - test/fixedbugs/bug274.go
0.1641 - test/fixedbugs/bug353.go
0.1641 - test/fixedbugs/bug359.go
0.1640 - test/fixedbugs/bug355.go
0.1640 - test/fixedbugs/bug354.go
0.1640 - src/cmd/godoc/appconfig.go
0.1640 - test/fixedbugs/bug350.go
0.1640 - test/fixedbugs/bug351.go
0.1640 - test/fixedbugs/bug352.go
0.1640 - test/fixedbugs/bug362.go
0.1640 - test/fixedbugs/bug349.go
0.1639 - test/fixedbugs/bug059.go
0.1637 - test/fixedbugs/bug348.go
0.1637 - test/fixedbugs/bug347.go
0.1636 - src/lib9/fmt/dofmt.c
0.1636 - src/libmach/5.c
0.1636 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/statements.go
0.1635 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/Makefile
0.1635 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/all_test.go
0.1632 - test/fixedbugs/bug045.go
0.1631 - src/cmd/gotype/doc.go
0.1631 - src/pkg/debug/gosym/Makefile
0.1630 - src/pkg/http/sniff_test.go
0.1629 - test/utf.go
0.1628 - src/pkg/html/entity_test.go
0.1626 - src/pkg/runtime/arm/vlrt.c
0.1625 - test/chan/select6.go
0.1624 - src/pkg/reflect/tostring_test.go
0.1624 - test/chan/zerosize.go
0.1624 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/expressions.go
0.1622 - src/libmach_amd64/darwin.c
0.1621 - src/pkg/runtime/reflect.cgo
0.1620 - usr/gri/pretty/node.go
0.1618 - src/pkg/big/Makefile
0.1617 - src/libbio/Makefile
0.1617 - src/pkg/exp/template/funcs.go
0.1617 - src/pkg/exp/template/doc.go
0.1617 - src/pkg/http/testdata/style.css
0.1616 - src/pkg/runtime/386/atomic.c
0.1616 - src/pkg/runtime/amd64/atomic.c
0.1615 - src/pkg/csv/writer.go
0.1612 - src/pkg/exp/eval/eval
0.1611 - src/pkg/image/draw/draw.go
0.1611 - src/pkg/image/image_test.go
0.1609 - test/chan/nonblock.go
0.1606 - test/fixedbugs/bug067.go
0.1605 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/read.go
0.1604 - src/pkg/exp/template/lex.go
0.1604 - src/pkg/exp/template/lex_test.go
0.1604 - src/pkg/exp/template/set.go
0.1600 - src/pkg/container/ring/Makefile
0.1597 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/declarations.go
0.1596 - src/pkg/crypto/rand/rand_windows.go
0.1595 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/syntax/Makefile
0.1595 - src/pkg/exp/regexp/syntax/simplify.go
0.1594 - usr/austin/ogle/rtype.go
0.1594 - usr/austin/ogle/rvalue.go
0.1594 - usr/austin/ogle/vars.go
0.1593 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/linebreaks.go
0.1592 - src/pkg/exp/template/Makefile
0.1591 - test/fixedbugs/bug345.dir/io.go
0.1591 - test/fixedbugs/bug345.dir/main.go
0.1589 - usr/austin/ogle/goroutine.go
0.1589 - usr/austin/ogle/process.go
0.1586 - test/escape1.go
0.1584 - src/pkg/gob/Makefile
0.1583 - src/pkg/archive/tar/Makefile
0.1582 - src/pkg/exp/template/parse_test.go
0.1582 - src/pkg/exec/lp_windows.go
0.1579 - test/ken/rob1.go
0.1579 - test/ken/robfunc.go
0.1578 - test/chan/fifo.go
0.1572 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/nacl_386.c
0.1571 - usr/gri/gosrc/verifier.go
0.1569 - src/pkg/mail/message.go
0.1569 - src/pkg/os/str.go
0.1569 - src/pkg/syscall/types_plan9.c
0.1569 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_plan9_386.go
0.1568 - src/pkg/io/Makefile
0.1567 - test/goprint.go
0.1567 - test/fixedbugs/bug202.go
0.1563 - src/lib9/fmt/fmtnull.c
0.1556 - test/bugs/bug196.go
0.1555 - src/pkg/crypto/twofish/twofish.go
0.1555 - src/pkg/go/build/cgotest/file.go
0.1553 - test/fixedbugs/bug057.go
0.1550 - src/pkg/exp/draw/clip_test.go
0.1550 - src/lib/make.bash
0.1549 - src/pkg/sync/cond_test.go
0.1548 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/packet/symmetric_key_encrypted.go
0.1548 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/packet/symmetric_key_encrypted_test.go
0.1548 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/packet/symmetrically_encrypted.go
0.1548 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/s2k/s2k_test.go
0.1548 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/write_test.go
0.1547 - src/cmd/goinstall/path.go
0.1547 - src/pkg/http/spdy/framer.go
0.1547 - src/pkg/http/spdy/framer_test.go
0.1547 - test/fixedbugs/bug343.go
0.1545 - test/func.go
0.1544 - src/pkg/math/sqrt_port.go
0.1543 - usr/austin/eval/typec.go
0.1543 - src/pkg/os/path_plan9.go
0.1543 - src/pkg/os/path_unix.go
0.1537 - test/fixedbugs/bug179.go
0.1536 - test/bugs/bug322.dir/lib.go
0.1536 - test/bugs/bug322.dir/main.go
0.1536 - test/fixedbugs/bug226.dir/y.go
0.1536 - test/bugs/bug322.go
0.1536 - test/fixedbugs/bug322.dir/lib.go
0.1536 - test/fixedbugs/bug322.dir/main.go
0.1536 - src/pkg/container/ring/ring_test.go
0.1535 - src/libmach_amd64/8db.c
0.1535 - src/pkg/encoding/line/Makefile
0.1534 - usr/austin/ptrace/ptrace-nptl.txt
0.1532 - src/pkg/runtime/arm/closure.c
0.1531 - src/pkg/syscall/
0.1529 - src/pkg/mime/multipart/Makefile
0.1527 - src/pkg/crypto/rand/Makefile
0.1525 - src/pkg/image/testdata/video-005.gray.jpeg
0.1525 - src/pkg/image/testdata/video-005.gray.png
0.1524 - test/fixedbugs/bug056.go
0.1524 - test/fixedbugs/bug341.go
0.1520 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/packet/public_key_test.go
0.1520 - src/pkg/mime/multipart/formdata_test.go
0.1519 - src/pkg/go/types/testdata/test0.src
0.1517 - misc/dashboard/godashboard/index.yaml
0.1516 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/golden1.go
0.1514 - test/fixedbugs/bug338.go
0.1514 - test/fixedbugs/bug339.go
0.1512 - src/pkg/http/spdy/protocol.go
0.1512 - src/pkg/runtime/softfloat64.go
0.1510 - src/runtime/sys_amd64_linux.s
0.1510 - usr/gri/gosrc/base.go
0.1507 - src/pkg/exp/wingui/zwinapi.go
0.1498 - src/syscall/errstr_darwin.go
0.1496 - usr/austin/eval/decls.go
0.1495 - test/fixedbugs/bug337.go
0.1494 - test/fixedbugs/bug336.go
0.1493 - usr/austin/eval/func.go
0.1492 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/golden1.x
0.1491 - test/func7.go
0.1491 - misc/dashboard/godashboard/package.html
0.1491 - misc/dashboard/godashboard/project.html
0.1490 - src/pkg/try/try.go
0.1490 - test/fixedbugs/bug177.go
0.1490 - test/ken/cplx3.go
0.1490 - test/fixedbugs/bug335.dir/a.go
0.1490 - test/fixedbugs/bug335.dir/b.go
0.1490 - test/fixedbugs/bug335.go
0.1490 - test/fixedbugs/bug334.go
0.1489 - test/fixedbugs/bug028.go
0.1488 - test/bugs/bug170.go
0.1487 - test/fixedbugs/bug333.go
0.1487 - test/fixedbugs/bug331.go
0.1487 - test/fixedbugs/bug332.go
0.1485 - test/fixedbugs/bug154.go
0.1484 - test/bugs/bug324.dir/main.go
0.1484 - test/bugs/bug324.dir/p.go
0.1484 - test/bugs/bug324.go
0.1484 - test/fixedbugs/bug324.dir/main.go
0.1484 - test/fixedbugs/bug324.dir/p.go
0.1484 - test/fixedbugs/bug324.go
0.1483 - test/fixedbugs/bug330.go
0.1480 - usr/gri/gosrc/utils.go
0.1475 - test/bugs/bug054.go
0.1475 - src/pkg/http/export_test.go
0.1474 - src/libmach/obj.c
0.1474 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/rewrite1.golden
0.1474 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/rewrite1.input
0.1474 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/rewrite2.golden
0.1474 - src/cmd/gofmt/testdata/rewrite2.input
0.1473 - src/pkg/syscall/PORT
0.1473 - src/pkg/syscall/mksyscall
0.1473 - src/lib9/create.c
0.1472 - test/func6.go
0.1468 - usr/gri/gosrc/object.go
0.1463 - src/pkg/go/types/Makefile
0.1463 - src/pkg/go/types/exportdata.go
0.1463 - test/fixedbugs/bug327.go
0.1457 - test/simassign.go
0.1454 - test/bigalg.go
0.1449 - src/pkg/crypto/ecdsa/ecdsa_test.go
0.1448 - src/pkg/go/typechecker/scope.go
0.1448 - src/pkg/go/typechecker/universe.go
0.1447 - src/all-qemu.bash
0.1443 - test/fixedbugs/bug117.go
0.1440 - src/pkg/runtime/freebsd/defs.c
0.1438 - test/fixedbugs/bug131.go
0.1437 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/slow.golden
0.1437 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/slow.input
0.1428 - src/pkg/debug/proc/proc_darwin.go
0.1428 - src/pkg/debug/proc/proc_freebsd.go
0.1428 - src/pkg/debug/proc/proc_windows.go
0.1427 - src/cmd/5l/thumb.c
0.1422 - src/pkg/go/typechecker/testdata/test1.src
0.1422 - src/pkg/go/typechecker/testdata/test4.src
0.1422 - src/pkg/os/inotify/inotify_linux_test.go
0.1419 - src/pkg/http/cgi/child.go
0.1419 - src/pkg/http/cgi/matryoshka_test.go
0.1419 - src/pkg/http/httptest/recorder.go
0.1417 - test/fixedbugs/bug326.go
0.1416 - src/cmd/gc/unsafe.go
0.1416 - src/cmd/goinstall/syslist_test.go
0.1416 - misc/cgo/test/issue1222.go
0.1416 - misc/cgo/test/issue1328.go
0.1416 - src/pkg/runtime/cgocall.h
0.1415 - src/cmd/ebnflint/ebnflint.go
0.1415 - src/pkg/path/filepath/Makefile
0.1415 - src/pkg/path/path_unix.go
0.1415 - src/pkg/path/path_windows.go
0.1409 - test/init.go
0.1406 - src/cmd/goyacc/doc.go
0.1403 - test/fixedbugs/bug127.go
0.1402 - src/pkg/compress/lzw/reader_test.go
0.1402 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/read_test.go
0.1402 - src/pkg/sync/atomic/Makefile
0.1400 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/signals.h
0.1398 - src/pkg/compress/bzip2/move_to_front.go
0.1393 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/packet/encrypted_key.go
0.1392 - test/fixedbugs/bug130.go
0.1390 - misc/dashboard/godashboard/
0.1390 - misc/dashboard/godashboard/fail-notify.txt
0.1389 - test/fixedbugs/bug1515.go
0.1386 - src/lib/crypto/hmac/hmac.go
0.1386 - src/lib/crypto/hmac/hmac_test.go
0.1385 - src/pkg/archive/zip/testdata/
0.1385 - src/lib/go/doc/doc.go
0.1381 - src/pkg/os/inotify/inotify_linux.go
0.1379 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/ocfb_test.go
0.1374 - src/lib/syscall/types_amd64_linux.go
0.1370 - test/fixedbugs/bug069.go
0.1370 - test/fixedbugs/bug071.go
0.1370 - test/hashmap.go
0.1369 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/armor/armor.go
0.1369 - src/pkg/crypto/openpgp/armor/armor_test.go
0.1369 - test/fixedbugs/bug321.go
0.1368 - test/fixedbugs/bug320.go
0.1368 - test/bugs/bug132.go
0.1367 - src/lib/syscall/socket_linux.go
0.1367 - test/syntax/typesw.go
0.1366 - test/chan/sendstmt.go
0.1365 - src/pkg/index/suffixarray/qsufsort.go
0.1364 - src/lib/os/proc.go
0.1361 - doc/codelab/wiki/get.go
0.1357 - doc/codelab/wiki/edit.html
0.1357 - doc/codelab/wiki/final.go
0.1357 - doc/codelab/wiki/htmlify.go
0.1357 - doc/codelab/wiki/notemplate.go
0.1357 - doc/codelab/wiki/part1-noerror.go
0.1357 - doc/codelab/wiki/part1.go
0.1357 - doc/codelab/wiki/part2.go
0.1357 - doc/codelab/wiki/view.html
0.1352 - usr/gri/pretty/format.go
0.1349 - test/fixedbugs/bug319.go
0.1348 - src/pkg/runtime/debug/Makefile
0.1347 - src/pkg/crypto/cipher/Makefile
0.1347 - test/fixedbugs/bug318.go
0.1345 - test/chan/select.go
0.1345 - test/fixedbugs/bug118.go
0.1341 - src/pkg/runtime/runtime_defs.go
0.1340 - src/pkg/go/typechecker/typechecker_test.go
0.1338 - src/lib/exvar.go
0.1337 - src/lib/io/pipe_test.go
0.1336 - src/lib/go/parser.go
0.1336 - lib/godoc/source.html
0.1333 - src/lib/container/iterable.go
0.1333 - src/lib/container/iterable_test.go
0.1330 - test/fixedbugs/bug317.go
0.1330 - src/lib/container/Makefile
0.1330 - src/lib/fmt/Makefile
0.1330 - src/lib/json/Makefile
0.1330 - src/lib/os/Makefile
0.1330 - src/lib/reflect/Makefile
0.1330 - src/lib/regexp/Makefile
0.1330 - src/lib/strconv/Makefile
0.1330 - src/lib/sync/Makefile
0.1330 - src/lib/syscall/Makefile
0.1330 - src/lib/tabwriter/Makefile
0.1330 - src/lib/template/Makefile
0.1330 - src/lib/time/Makefile
0.1330 - src/lib/unicode/Makefile
0.1329 - test/fixedbugs/bug096.go
0.1328 - test/fixedbugs/bug316.go
0.1327 - test/fixedbugs/bug315.go
0.1323 - test/fixedbugs/bug094.go
0.1315 - test/fixedbugs/bug097.go
0.1315 - test/fixedbugs/bug109.go
0.1314 - test/fixedbugs/bug088.dir/bug1.go
0.1310 - test/hilbert.go
0.1305 - test/fixedbugs/bug106.dir/bug0.go
0.1305 - test/fixedbugs/bug106.dir/bug1.go
0.1303 - test/fixedbugs/bug092.go
0.1302 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/conn_test.go
0.1302 - misc/cgo/life/c-life.c
0.1302 - misc/cgo/life/life.h
0.1302 - test/fixedbugs/bug070.go
0.1302 - misc/cgo/life/golden.out
0.1302 - misc/cgo/life/test.bash
0.1299 - src/pkg/runtime/cgo/freebsd.c
0.1298 - misc/dashboard/godashboard/project-notify.txt
0.1298 - misc/dashboard/godashboard/
0.1297 - test/bugs/bug260.go
0.1294 - usr/gri/pretty/dir_template.html
0.1294 - usr/gri/pretty/error_template.html
0.1291 - test/syntax/chan.go
0.1289 - test/ken/robif.go
0.1289 - test/ken/simpvar.go
0.1289 - usr/gri/pretty/template.html
0.1288 - src/pkg/container/vector/intvector_test.go
0.1288 - src/pkg/container/vector/stringvector_test.go
0.1288 - src/pkg/json/stream_test.go
0.1288 - src/pkg/utf8/string_test.go
0.1288 - test/fixedbugs/bug313.dir/a.go
0.1288 - test/fixedbugs/bug313.dir/b.go
0.1288 - test/fixedbugs/bug313.go
0.1288 - test/fixedbugs/bug314.go
0.1288 - src/pkg/sync/asm_arm5.s
0.1287 - src/pkg/runtime/plan9/386/signal.c
0.1287 - src/pkg/runtime/plan9/runtime_defs.go
0.1284 - src/lib/net/fd_darwin.go
0.1279 - src/pkg/runtime/windows/runtime_defs.go
0.1278 - src/lib/reflect/value.go
0.1252 - test/fixedbugs/bug008.go
0.1252 - test/fixedbugs/bug009.go
0.1252 - test/fixedbugs/bug013.go
0.1252 - test/fixedbugs/bug017.go
0.1252 - test/fixedbugs/bug031.go
0.1246 - src/lib/net/fd_linux.go
0.1246 - src/lib/json/generic.go
0.1246 - src/lib/net/net_darwin.go
0.1244 - src/pkg/net/srv_test.go
0.1241 - src/lib/http/triv.go
0.1234 - src/lib/net/parse_test.go
0.1232 - test/bugs/bug117.go
0.1231 - test/fail-arm-native.txt
0.1231 - test/golden-arm-native.out
0.1224 - test/fixedbugs/bug312.go
0.1222 - doc/ExpressivenessOfGo.pdf
0.1215 - src/cmd/8l/prof.c
0.1214 - src/pkg/exp/eval/eval_test.go
0.1214 - src/pkg/exp/eval/expr1.go
0.1214 - src/pkg/exp/eval/scope.go
0.1214 - src/pkg/exp/nacl/av/event.go
0.1214 - src/pkg/exp/nacl/srpc/client.go
0.1214 - src/pkg/exp/nacl/srpc/server.go
0.1214 - src/pkg/exp/ogle/rtype.go
0.1214 - src/pkg/exp/ogle/vars.go
0.1214 - src/pkg/syslog/syslog.go
0.1207 - src/pkg/runtime/tiny/mem.c
0.1207 - misc/cgo/life/main.go
0.1206 - test/fixedbugs/bug311.go
0.1206 - test/ddd.go
0.1203 - src/pkg/syscall/
0.1203 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_windows_386.go
0.1202 - src/lib/once.go
0.1202 - src/lib/time/time.go
0.1202 - src/lib/time/zoneinfo.go
0.1202 - src/lib/net/dnsclient.go
0.1202 - src/lib/net/dnsconfig.go
0.1202 - src/lib/net/dnsmsg.go
0.1202 - src/lib/net/ip.go
0.1202 - src/lib/net/port.go
0.1202 - test/fixedbugs/bug310.go
0.1199 - test/const.go
0.1198 - test/fixedbugs/bug308.go
0.1195 - src/pkg/math/logb.go
0.1194 - usr/gri/pretty/universe.go
0.1193 - src/lib/bufio_test.go
0.1192 - src/lib/syscall/mksignal
0.1192 - src/lib/net/Makefile
0.1190 - src/pkg/syscall/
0.1190 - src/pkg/crypto/ocsp/ocsp.go
0.1189 - test/bugs/bug046.go
0.1188 - src/pkg/unicode/digit_test.go
0.1188 - src/pkg/unicode/script_test.go
0.1187 - doc/frontpage.css
0.1186 - src/pkg/exp/nacl/av/image.go
0.1184 - src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_nacl_386.go
0.1180 - test/fixedbugs/bug090.go
0.1179 - test/bugs/bug305.go
0.1179 - test/fixedbugs/bug305.go
0.1179 - src/runtime/mem.c
0.1177 - doc/go_programming_faq.html
0.1176 - test/fixedbugs/bug306.dir/p1.go
0.1176 - test/fixedbugs/bug306.dir/p2.go
0.1176 - test/fixedbugs/bug306.go
0.1176 - src/lib/os/os_file.go
0.1176 - src/libcgo/nacl_386.c
0.1176 - src/pkg/os/dir_nacl.go
0.1173 - src/pkg/net/fd_freebsd.go
0.1172 - src/libcgo/arm.S
0.1171 - src/pkg/exp/draw/event.go
0.1168 - test/bugs/bug108.go
0.1163 - test/fixedbugs/bug027.go
0.1152 - src/Make.clib
0.1150 - usr/gri/pretty/htmlwriter.go
0.1143 - src/pkg/rpc/jsonrpc/client.go
0.1143 - src/pkg/rpc/jsonrpc/server.go
0.1142 - src/lib/strconv/atof.go
0.1142 - src/lib/strconv/decimal.go
0.1142 - test/garbage/parser.go
0.1134 - test/fixedbugs/bug302.dir/p.go
0.1134 - src/libbio/bprint.c
0.1134 - src/cmd/gopack/doc.go
0.1131 - src/libmach_amd64/obj.c
0.1129 - src/pkg/math/exp_amd64.s
0.1129 - src/pkg/math/hypot_amd64.s
0.1127 - src/libcgo/amd64.S
0.1127 - src/libcgo/freebsd_amd64.c
0.1127 - src/libcgo/libcgo.h
0.1127 - src/libcgo/linux_amd64.c
0.1126 - src/lib/strconv/ftoa.go
0.1125 - test/fixedbugs/bug301.go
0.1122 - src/lib/io.go
0.1120 - test/parentype.go
0.1116 - test/fixedbugs/bug296.go
0.1116 - src/lib/http/conn.go
0.1116 - src/lib/http/request.go
0.1114 - test/fixedbugs/bug026.go
0.1108 - test/cmplxdivide.go
0.1105 - src/libcgo/linux_386.c
0.1105 - src/pkg/utf16/utf16_test.go
0.1105 - test/ken/chan.go
0.1103 - test/fixedbugs/bug294.go
0.1103 - test/fixedbugs/bug293.go
0.1103 - test/fixedbugs/bug292.go
0.1103 - test/fixedbugs/bug291.go
0.1103 - test/bugs/bug286.go
0.1103 - test/fixedbugs/bug286.go
0.1103 - test/fixedbugs/bug290.go
0.1102 - misc/cgo/stdio/chain.go
0.1102 - misc/cgo/stdio/fib.go
0.1100 - src/cmd/ar/ar.c
0.1089 - src/lib/strings.go
0.1085 - test/fixedbugs/bug287.go
0.1085 - test/fixedbugs/bug288.go
0.1085 - src/pkg/io/ioutil/tempfile_test.go
0.1083 - src/pkg/runtime/nacl/386/signal.c
0.1083 - src/pkg/runtime/tiny/thread.c
0.1081 - test/ken/interfun.go
0.1081 - test/ken/intervar.go
0.1081 - test/ken/ptrfun.go
0.1081 - test/ken/simparray.go
0.1081 - test/ken/simpbool.go
0.1081 - test/peano.go
0.1078 - usr/gri/gosrc/ast.go
0.1078 - usr/gri/gosrc/test_scanner.go
0.1071 - src/pkg/exp/nacl/srpc/msg.go
0.1061 - src/pkg/exp/eval/expr_test.go
0.1060 - src/pkg/math/fltasm_amd64.s
0.1060 - test/assign1.go
0.1060 - test/convert3.go
0.1060 - test/fixedbugs/bug284.go
0.1060 - test/fixedbugs/bug285.go
0.1060 - test/named.go
0.1057 - test/fixedbugs/bug020.go
0.1049 - src/libcgo/util.c
0.1042 - test/fixedbugs/bug283.go
0.1042 - test/fixedbugs/bug282.dir/p1.go
0.1042 - test/fixedbugs/bug282.dir/p2.go
0.1042 - test/fixedbugs/bug282.go
0.1042 - test/fixedbugs/bug281.go
0.1042 - test/fixedbugs/bug280.go
0.1042 - test/fixedbugs/bug278.go
0.1042 - test/fixedbugs/bug279.go
0.1041 - test/bugs/bug074.go
0.1040 - test/ken/shift.go
0.1038 - test/varerr.go
0.1034 - test/sorting.go
0.1033 - test/bugs/bug060.go
0.1025 - test/bugs/bug092.go
0.1019 - test/bugs/bug086.go
0.1019 - src/pkg/bignum/integer.go
0.1019 - test/bugs/bug264.go
0.1019 - test/fixedbugs/bug264.go
0.1019 - test/bugs/bug091.go
0.1018 - src/pkg/math/cbrt.go
0.1015 - test/fixedbugs/bug272.go
0.1015 - test/fixedbugs/bug271.go
0.1014 - test/fixedbugs/bug269.go
0.1014 - test/fixedbugs/bug268.go
0.1014 - test/bugs/bug070.go
0.1011 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_mingw_386.go
0.1011 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/alert.go
0.1011 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/record_process.go
0.1011 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/record_process_test.go
0.1011 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/record_read.go
0.1011 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/record_read_test.go
0.1011 - src/pkg/crypto/tls/record_write.go
0.1009 - src/libmach_amd64/map.c
0.1007 - misc/nacl/naclrun
0.1007 - src/pkg/os/stat_nacl.go
0.1007 - test/nilptr/arrayindex.go
0.1007 - test/nilptr/arrayindex1.go
0.1007 - test/nilptr/arraytoslice.go
0.1007 - test/nilptr/arraytoslice1.go
0.1007 - test/nilptr/arraytoslice2.go
0.1007 - test/nilptr/slicearray.go
0.1007 - test/nilptr/structfield.go
0.1007 - test/nilptr/structfield1.go
0.1007 - test/nilptr/structfield2.go
0.1007 - test/nilptr/structfieldaddr.go
0.1006 - test/iota.go
0.1006 - test/ken/robiota.go
0.1001 - test/fmt.go
0.0997 - src/pkg/os/file_mingw.go
0.0997 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_mingw.go
0.0996 - test/bugs/bug026.go
0.0993 - src/runtime/amd64_linux.h
0.0993 - src/runtime/sys_amd64_darwin.s
0.0991 - src/pkg/runtime/freebsd/386/defs.h
0.0991 - usr/gri/gosrc/printer.go
0.0988 - src/pkg/runtime/386/arch.h
0.0988 - src/pkg/runtime/amd64/arch.h
0.0988 - src/pkg/runtime/arm/arch.h
0.0986 - src/syscall/file_amd64_linux.go
0.0986 - src/syscall/syscall_amd64_darwin.s
0.0985 - src/syscall/errstr_linux.go
0.0980 - test/bugs/bug265.go
0.0980 - test/fixedbugs/bug265.go
0.0979 - test/bugs/bug064.go
0.0977 - src/pkg/testing/regexp.go
0.0977 - src/cmd/8a/l.s
0.0977 - src/pkg/xgb/
0.0977 - src/pkg/xgb/xproto.go
0.0975 - test/fixedbugs/bug262.go
0.0975 - test/fixedbugs/bug263.go
0.0975 - src/pkg/runtime/mingw/thread.c
0.0965 - test/bugs/bug065.go
0.0964 - test/bugs/bug027.go
0.0964 - test/if1.go
0.0963 - usr/gri/src/scanner.go
0.0963 - usr/gri/src/parser.go
0.0961 - src/pkg/math/ldexp.go
0.0958 - test/fixedbugs/bug261.go
0.0954 - src/pkg/http/status.go
0.0954 - src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_nacl_386.go
0.0953 - test/import4.go
0.0949 - test/bugs/bug058.go
0.0949 - test/turing.go
0.0948 - test/integer.go
0.0944 - src/pkg/crypto/xtea/cipher.go
0.0943 - src/pkg/xgb/example.go
0.0938 - test/fixedbugs/bug258.go
0.0937 - test/fixedbugs/bug256.go
0.0937 - test/fixedbugs/bug257.go
0.0936 - src/pkg/fmt/stringer_test.go
0.0935 - src/libmach_amd64/Makefile
0.0935 - src/libmach_amd64/executable.c
0.0933 - test/bugs/bug028.go
0.0933 - test/fixedbugs/bug254.go
0.0933 - src/pkg/runtime/mingw/386/sys.s
0.0930 - src/cmd/gc/mkopnames
0.0930 - test/garbage/Makefile
0.0930 - src/pkg/math/log_386.s
0.0930 - src/pkg/math/log_decl.go
0.0928 - test/bugs/bug016.go
0.0928 - test/bugs/bug024.go
0.0925 - misc/dashboard/
0.0923 - src/pkg/encoding/git85/git_test.go
0.0922 - src/pkg/math/acosh.go
0.0922 - src/pkg/math/asinh.go
0.0922 - src/pkg/math/atanh.go
0.0922 - src/pkg/math/copysign.go
0.0922 - src/pkg/math/exp.go
0.0922 - src/pkg/math/floor.go
0.0922 - src/pkg/math/floor_386.s
0.0922 - src/pkg/math/floor_decl.go
0.0921 - test/bugs/bug242.go
0.0917 - test/deferprint.go
0.0915 - test/bugs/bug249.go
0.0915 - test/fixedbugs/bug249.go
0.0915 - test/import2.go
0.0915 - test/import3.go
0.0911 - src/pkg/xgb/Makefile
0.0911 - src/pkg/xgb/auth.go
0.0911 - src/pkg/xgb/xgb.go
0.0908 - test/fixedbugs/bug245.go
0.0908 - test/fixedbugs/bug244.go
0.0900 - src/pkg/math/sqrt_test.go
0.0897 - test/bugs/bug238.go
0.0897 - test/fixedbugs/bug238.go
0.0897 - test/bugs/bug219.go
0.0897 - test/bugs/bug239.go
0.0897 - test/bugs/bug240.go
0.0897 - test/fixedbugs/bug219.go
0.0897 - test/fixedbugs/bug239.go
0.0897 - test/fixedbugs/bug240.go
0.0897 - test/fixedbugs/bug241.go
0.0876 - test/fixedbugs/bug235.go
0.0875 - src/pkg/image/jpeg/Makefile
0.0875 - src/pkg/image/jpeg/idct.go
0.0874 - src/pkg/os/signal/Makefile
0.0874 - src/pkg/rand/rand.go
0.0874 - test/fixedbugs/bug234.go
0.0874 - test/fixedbugs/bug233.go
0.0874 - test/fixedbugs/bug230.go
0.0874 - test/fixedbugs/bug231.go
0.0874 - test/fixedbugs/bug228.go
0.0874 - test/fixedbugs/bug227.go
0.0869 - src/pkg/runtime/arm/memmove.s
0.0866 - test/bench/fasta.go
0.0864 - test/bench/reverse-complement.go
0.0863 - src/pkg/exp/4s/4s.go
0.0863 - src/pkg/exp/4s/4s.html
0.0863 - src/pkg/exp/4s/5s.go
0.0863 - src/pkg/exp/4s/5s.html
0.0863 - src/pkg/exp/4s/Makefile
0.0863 - src/pkg/exp/nacl/README
0.0863 - src/pkg/exp/spacewar/pdp1.go
0.0863 - src/pkg/exp/spacewar/spacewar.html
0.0863 - src/pkg/syscall/types_nacl.c
0.0863 - src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_nacl_386.go
0.0862 - src/pkg/malloc/malloc.go
0.0862 - src/pkg/runtime/mem.c
0.0862 - test/bugs/bug218.go
0.0862 - test/fixedbugs/bug218.go
0.0862 - test/fixedbugs/bug225.go
0.0862 - test/fixedbugs/bug224.go
0.0862 - test/fixedbugs/bug223.go
0.0862 - test/fixedbugs/bug222.go
0.0862 - test/fixedbugs/bug221.go
0.0859 - src/pkg/websocket/Makefile
0.0859 - src/pkg/exp/draw/x11/Makefile
0.0857 - src/c/dcl.c
0.0857 - src/c/go.y
0.0854 - test/fixedbugs/bug220.go
0.0854 - src/pkg/container/vector/intvector.go
0.0854 - src/pkg/container/vector/stringvector.go
0.0854 - src/pkg/exp/datafmt/parser.go
0.0854 - src/pkg/exp/eval/world.go
0.0854 - test/bench/chameneosredux.go
0.0853 - src/pkg/crypto/md4/md4block.go
0.0853 - misc/cgo/gmp/Makefile
0.0853 - src/cmd/ebnflint/Makefile
0.0853 - src/cmd/gopack/Makefile
0.0853 - src/cmd/hgpatch/Makefile
0.0853 - src/cmd/nm/Makefile
0.0853 - src/lib9/Makefile
0.0853 - src/libmach/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/asn1/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/bignum/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/bufio/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/bytes/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/compress/flate/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/compress/gzip/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/compress/zlib/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/container/heap/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/container/list/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/container/vector/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/crypto/aes/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/crypto/rc4/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/crypto/block/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/crypto/hmac/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/crypto/md5/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/crypto/rsa/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/crypto/sha1/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/crypto/subtle/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/crypto/x509/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/debug/dwarf/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/debug/elf/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/debug/macho/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/ebnf/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/encoding/ascii85/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/encoding/base64/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/encoding/binary/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/encoding/git85/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/encoding/hex/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/encoding/pem/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/exec/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/exp/datafmt/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/exp/eval/test.bash
0.0853 - src/pkg/exp/exception/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/exp/iterable/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/exp/nacl/av/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/exp/nacl/srpc/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/exp/ogle/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/expvar/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/flag/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/go/doc/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/go/parser/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/go/printer/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/go/scanner/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/go/token/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/hash/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/hash/adler32/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/hash/crc32/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/image/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/image/png/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/json/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/log/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/malloc/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/once/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/rand/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/reflect/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/regexp/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/rpc/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/sort/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/sync/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/tabwriter/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/template/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/testing/iotest/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/testing/quick/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/testing/script/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/utf8/Makefile
0.0853 - src/pkg/xml/Makefile
0.0847 - src/pkg/math/atan2.go
0.0845 - test/fixedbugs/bug214.go
0.0845 - test/fixedbugs/bug215.go
0.0845 - test/fixedbugs/bug216.go
0.0845 - test/fixedbugs/bug217.go
0.0842 - src/cmd/hgpatch/doc.go
0.0842 - src/pkg/encoding/git85/git.go
0.0842 - src/pkg/json/generic_test.go
0.0837 - src/pkg/exp/ogle/abort.go
0.0836 - doc/go_gccgo_setup.html
0.0833 - doc/go_talk-20091030.pdf
0.0833 - src/pkg/debug/elf/testdata/go-relocation-test-gcc424-x86-64.o
0.0833 - src/pkg/debug/elf/testdata/go-relocation-test-gcc441-x86-64.o
0.0833 - src/pkg/debug/elf/testdata/go-relocation-test-gcc441-x86.o
0.0827 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/386/defs.h
0.0827 - src/pkg/runtime/linux/defs2.c
0.0824 - src/pkg/debug/proc/regs_linux_arm.go
0.0823 - src/lib9/fmt/strtod.c
0.0823 - src/lib9/nan.c
0.0823 - src/lib9/time.c
0.0823 - src/lib9/utf/runetypebody-5.0.0.c
0.0823 - test/bench/fannkuch.go
0.0821 - doc/go_lang_faq.html
0.0820 - test/bugs/bug211.go
0.0820 - test/fixedbugs/bug211.go
0.0820 - test/interface/embed.go
0.0820 - test/interface/embed1.go
0.0810 - test/bugs/bug198.go
0.0810 - test/fixedbugs/bug198.go
0.0809 - test/fixedbugs/bug207.go
0.0798 - usr/austin/eval/eval_test.go
0.0797 - src/cmd/8l/elf.c
0.0797 - src/pkg/runtime/nacl/defs.c
0.0797 - test/compos.go
0.0797 - usr/austin/ogle/arch.go
0.0797 - usr/austin/ogle/event.go
0.0797 - usr/austin/ogle/frame.go
0.0797 - usr/austin/ogle/rruntime.go
0.0797 - usr/austin/ptrace/Makefile
0.0797 - usr/austin/ptrace/process.go
0.0797 - usr/austin/ptrace/regs_linux_amd64.go
0.0797 - usr/austin/eval/util.go
0.0797 - usr/austin/eval/world.go
0.0797 - usr/austin/sym/binary.go
0.0797 - usr/austin/sym/elf.go
0.0797 - usr/austin/sym/gosymtab.go
0.0792 - usr/austin/eval/bridge.go
0.0792 - usr/austin/ogle/Makefile
0.0792 - usr/austin/ogle/main.go
0.0789 - test/decl.go
0.0789 - test/fixedbugs/bug023.go
0.0789 - test/fixedbugs/bug055.go
0.0789 - test/fixedbugs/bug061.go
0.0789 - test/fixedbugs/bug077.go
0.0789 - test/fixedbugs/bug087.go
0.0789 - test/fixedbugs/bug098.go
0.0789 - test/fixedbugs/bug129.go
0.0789 - test/fixedbugs/bug144.go
0.0789 - test/fixedbugs/bug145.go
0.0789 - test/fixedbugs/bug187.go
0.0789 - test/gc.go
0.0789 - test/gc1.go
0.0789 - test/interface/convert.go
0.0789 - src/pkg/base64/base64_test.go
0.0789 - src/pkg/datafmt/parser.go
0.0789 - src/pkg/syscall/exec.go
0.0789 - test/bench/k-nucleotide.go
0.0789 - test/bench/regex-dna.go
0.0785 - test/bugs/bug206.go
0.0785 - test/fixedbugs/bug206.go
0.0779 - src/pkg/debug/proc/regs_linux_386.go
0.0779 - test/bugs/bug204.go
0.0779 - test/fixedbugs/bug204.go
0.0778 - test/fixedbugs/bug203.go
0.0778 - usr/austin/eval/expr1.go
0.0778 - usr/austin/eval/gen.go
0.0774 - src/pkg/testing/regexp_test.go
0.0770 - src/libcgo/cgocall.c
0.0770 - usr/rsc/gmp/6c.c
0.0770 - usr/rsc/gmp/Makefile
0.0770 - usr/rsc/gmp/gcc.c
0.0770 - usr/rsc/gmp/go.go
0.0770 - usr/rsc/gmp/main.go
0.0770 - src/pkg/syscall/types_darwin.c
0.0770 - src/pkg/syscall/types_darwin_386.c
0.0770 - src/pkg/syscall/types_darwin_amd64.c
0.0770 - src/pkg/syscall/types_linux_386.c
0.0770 - src/pkg/syscall/types_linux_amd64.c
0.0768 - test/bugs/bug195.go
0.0766 - test/fixedbugs/bug191.dir/a.go
0.0766 - test/fixedbugs/bug191.dir/b.go
0.0766 - test/fixedbugs/bug191.go
0.0765 - src/pkg/big/defs.go
0.0764 - test/fixedbugs/bug030.go
0.0764 - test/fixedbugs/bug039.go
0.0764 - test/fixedbugs/bug051.go
0.0764 - test/fixedbugs/bug052.go
0.0764 - test/fixedbugs/bug062.go
0.0764 - test/fixedbugs/bug107.go
0.0764 - test/fixedbugs/bug113.go
0.0764 - test/fixedbugs/bug123.go
0.0764 - test/interface/struct.go
0.0764 - test/varinit.go
0.0761 - src/Make.386
0.0761 - src/Make.amd64
0.0761 - src/Make.arm
0.0761 - src/pkg/syscall/mkerrors
0.0761 - src/pkg/syscall/mksysnum_darwin
0.0761 - src/pkg/syscall/
0.0761 - src/pkg/syscall/mksysnum_linux
0.0761 - src/pkg/syscall/zsysnum_darwin_386.go
0.0761 - src/pkg/syscall/zsysnum_darwin_amd64.go
0.0757 - src/pkg/archive/tar/testdata/v7.tar
0.0753 - test/fixedbugs/bug180.go
0.0748 - test/fixedbugs/bug136.go
0.0748 - test/fixedbugs/bug178.go
0.0746 - test/bugs/bug148.go
0.0746 - test/fixedbugs/bug148.go
0.0746 - test/fixedbugs/bug170.go
0.0746 - usr/austin/eval/value.go
0.0741 - test/initsyscall.go
0.0731 - src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/source1.go
0.0731 - test/fixedbugs/bug168.go
0.0731 - src/pkg/archive/tar/untar.go
0.0731 - src/pkg/archive/tar/untar_test.go
0.0726 - test/cmp3.go
0.0726 - test/cmp5.go
0.0718 - src/cmd/gobuild/gobuild.go
0.0718 - src/pkg/io/bytebuffer.go
0.0713 - src/pkg/runtime/amd64/asm.h
0.0713 - src/pkg/runtime/mkasmh
0.0713 - src/pkg/syscall/syscall_darwin_386.go
0.0712 - src/libmach_amd64/5obj.c
0.0706 - src/lib/syscall/mksyscall
0.0706 - src/lib/syscall/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go
0.0706 - src/lib/syscall/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go
0.0706 - src/lib/datafmt/datafmt.go
0.0706 - src/lib/datafmt/datafmt_test.go
0.0706 - src/lib/datafmt/parser.go
0.0706 - src/lib/runtime/darwin/thread.c
0.0706 - src/lib/runtime/Makefile
0.0705 - test/bugs/bug140.go
0.0705 - test/fixedbugs/bug140.go
0.0705 - src/lib/Make.deps
0.0704 - src/lib/malloc/malloc.go
0.0704 - src/lib/runtime/runtime.go
0.0704 - src/runtime/386/traceback.c
0.0703 - src/runtime/hashmap.h
0.0703 - test/fixedbugs/bug161.go
0.0703 - src/cmd/gobuild/Makefile
0.0703 - src/lib/syscall/asm_darwin_386.s
0.0703 - src/lib/syscall/syscall_darwin_386.go
0.0703 - src/lib/syscall/syscall_darwin_amd64.go
0.0703 - src/runtime/darwin/386/sys.s
0.0703 - src/runtime/darwin/amd64/sys.s
0.0703 - src/runtime/darwin/thread.c
0.0703 - test/fixedbugs/bug160.dir/x.go
0.0703 - test/fixedbugs/bug160.dir/y.go
0.0703 - test/fixedbugs/bug160.go
0.0702 - src/lib/syscall/syscall_darwin.go
0.0702 - src/runtime/amd64/asm.s
0.0702 - src/cmd/6l/go.c
0.0702 - src/cmd/8l/go.c
0.0701 - src/lib/http/url_test.go
0.0697 - src/cmd/5g/align.c
0.0697 - src/cmd/5g/gen.c
0.0697 - src/cmd/5g/obj.c
0.0696 - test/bugs/bug154.go
0.0696 - src/runtime/386/closure.c
0.0696 - src/runtime/386/vlrt.c
0.0696 - test/bugs/bug150.go
0.0696 - test/fixedbugs/bug150.go
0.0693 - src/lib/crypto/md5/md5_test.go
0.0693 - src/lib/crypto/sha1/sha1.go
0.0693 - src/lib/crypto/sha1/sha1_test.go
0.0693 - src/lib/crypto/hmac/Makefile
0.0693 - src/lib/crypto/md5/md5.go
0.0692 - src/lib/exvar/exvar.go
0.0692 - src/lib/hash/hash.go
0.0689 - src/lib/rand/rand.go
0.0687 - src/runtime/symtab.c
0.0687 - src/lib/syscall/types_amd64_darwin.go
0.0686 - usr/gri/pretty/dirlist.html
0.0682 - src/cmd/gobuild/makefile.go
0.0682 - src/lib/bufio/bufio.go
0.0682 - src/lib/bufio/bufio_test.go
0.0682 - src/lib/go/parser/parser.go
0.0682 - src/lib/io/pipe.go
0.0682 - src/lib/log/log.go
0.0682 - src/lib/template/format.go
0.0682 - usr/gri/pretty/comment.go
0.0681 - src/lib/syscall/socket_darwin.go
0.0680 - src/lib/os/error.go
0.0675 - src/runtime/darwin/signals.h
0.0675 - src/runtime/linux/signals.h
0.0674 - test/bugs/bug131.go
0.0670 - usr/gri/pretty/ast.txt
0.0669 - usr/gri/pretty/packagelist.txt
0.0669 - usr/gri/pretty/package.html
0.0669 - usr/gri/pretty/utils.go
0.0669 - test/bugs/bug143.go
0.0665 - src/lib/container/intvector.go
0.0665 - src/lib/container/vector_test.go
0.0665 - src/lib/go/ast.go
0.0665 - src/lib/go/parser_test.go
0.0665 - src/lib/hash/adler32_test.go
0.0665 - src/lib/hash/crc32_test.go
0.0665 - src/lib/hash/md5_test.go
0.0665 - src/lib/hash/md5block.go
0.0665 - src/lib/hash/sha1_test.go
0.0665 - src/lib/hash/sha1block.go
0.0665 - src/lib/net/timeout_test.go
0.0663 - src/lib/exec.go
0.0662 - src/runtime/rune.c
0.0660 - test/bugs/bug142.go
0.0660 - test/fixedbugs/bug142.go
0.0655 - usr/gri/pretty/packages_template.html
0.0653 - test/interface7.go
0.0648 - src/runtime/darwin/amd64/defs.h
0.0648 - src/runtime/darwin/signal.c
0.0646 - test/bugs/bug141.go
0.0640 - usr/gri/pretty/template.go
0.0639 - test/bugs/bug125.go
0.0639 - test/fixedbugs/bug108.go
0.0639 - test/fixedbugs/bug125.go
0.0639 - src/lib/syscall/errstr_darwin.go
0.0639 - src/lib/syscall/errstr_linux.go
0.0628 - test/bugs/bug130.go
0.0622 - src/lib/time/sleep.go
0.0621 - src/lib/os/exec.go
0.0621 - src/lib/os/env.go
0.0621 - src/lib/syscall/mkdarwin
0.0621 - src/lib/syscall/mklinux
0.0621 - src/lib/time/time_test.go
0.0621 - src/lib/net/ip_test.go
0.0621 - src/lib/net/parse.go
0.0613 - src/lib/http/status.go
0.0613 - src/lib/log_test.go
0.0613 - src/lib/strconv/fp_test.go
0.0608 - test/bugs/bug135.go
0.0604 - src/lib/math/runtime.go
0.0595 - test/bugs/bug080.go
0.0595 - test/fixedbugs/bug046.go
0.0595 - test/fixedbugs/bug080.go
0.0595 - test/interface2.go
0.0595 - test/interface4.go
0.0595 - test/interface5.go
0.0595 - test/method3.go
0.0593 - test/newfn.go
0.0593 - test/bugs/bug020.go
0.0584 - src/lib/fmt/fmt_test.go
0.0581 - src/lib/malloc.go
0.0581 - src/lib/container/array/array.go
0.0581 - src/lib/container/array/intarray.go
0.0581 - src/lib/hash/adler32.go
0.0581 - src/lib/hash/crc32.go
0.0581 - src/lib/hash/md5.go
0.0581 - src/lib/hash/sha1.go
0.0581 - src/lib/json/parse.go
0.0581 - src/lib/json/struct_test.go
0.0581 - src/lib/sync/mutex_test.go
0.0581 - src/lib/syscall/file_linux.go
0.0581 - src/lib/time/tick.go
0.0581 - test/bugs/bug121.go
0.0581 - test/chan/goroutines.go
0.0581 - test/chan/powser2.go
0.0581 - test/fixedbugs/bug038.go
0.0581 - test/fixedbugs/bug066.go
0.0581 - test/fixedbugs/bug078.go
0.0581 - test/fixedbugs/bug099.go
0.0581 - test/fixedbugs/bug111.go
0.0581 - test/interface1.go
0.0581 - test/ken/embed.go
0.0581 - test/ken/range.go
0.0581 - usr/gri/pretty/globals.go
0.0579 - test/bugs/bug119.go
0.0579 - test/fixedbugs/bug119.go
0.0575 - src/lib/reflect/all_test.go
0.0575 - src/lib/strconv/quote.go
0.0575 - src/lib/strconv/quote_test.go
0.0571 - usr/rsc/mem/Makefile
0.0571 - usr/rsc/mem/allocator.go
0.0571 - usr/rsc/mem/malloc.c
0.0571 - usr/rsc/mem/malloc.h
0.0571 - usr/rsc/mem/stack.c
0.0571 - usr/rsc/mem/triv.c
0.0571 - test/bugs/bug128.go
0.0571 - test/fixedbugs/bug128.go
0.0571 - src/lib/syscall/signal_amd64_darwin.go
0.0571 - src/lib/syscall/signal_amd64_linux.go
0.0565 - src/lib/syscall/asm_amd64_darwin.s
0.0565 - src/lib/syscall/asm_amd64_linux.s
0.0565 - test/dialgoogle.go
0.0565 - test/tcpserver.go
0.0564 - src/lib/strconv/ftoa_test.go
0.0561 - src/lib/strconv/itoa.go
0.0561 - src/lib/strconv/testatof.go
0.0561 - src/lib/strconv/testatoi.go
0.0561 - src/lib/strconv/testdecimal.go
0.0561 - src/lib/strconv/testftoa.go
0.0561 - src/lib/strconv/testitoa.go
0.0560 - test/bugs/bug120.go
0.0560 - test/fmt_test.go
0.0558 - src/cmd/gobuild/gobuild.c
0.0558 - test/math.go
0.0558 - test/mathtest.go
0.0558 - src/runtime/hashmap.c
0.0557 - test/bugs/bug083.dir/bug0.go
0.0557 - test/bugs/bug083.dir/bug1.go
0.0557 - test/bugs/bug083.go
0.0557 - test/fixedbugs/bug083.dir/bug0.go
0.0557 - test/fixedbugs/bug083.dir/bug1.go
0.0557 - test/fixedbugs/bug083.go
0.0552 - src/lib/reflect/test.go
0.0551 - test/bugs/bug097.go
0.0551 - test/bugs/bug109.go
0.0541 - usr/gri/pretty/selftest.go
0.0540 - test/bugs/bug079.go
0.0540 - test/bugs/bug090.go
0.0540 - test/bugs/bug093.go
0.0540 - test/bugs/bug096.go
0.0540 - test/bugs/bug106.dir/bug0.go
0.0540 - test/bugs/bug106.dir/bug1.go
0.0540 - test/bugs/bug106.go
0.0540 - test/fixedbugs/bug074.go
0.0540 - test/fixedbugs/bug093.go
0.0540 - test/fixedbugs/bug106.go
0.0539 - test/bugs/bug110.go
0.0539 - test/fixedbugs/bug110.go
0.0539 - usr/r/regexp/main.go
0.0539 - usr/r/regexp/regexp.go
0.0534 - test/bugs/bug094.go
0.0533 - test/fixedbugs/bug060.go
0.0525 - test/bugs/bug102.go
0.0525 - test/bugs/bug088.dir/bug0.go
0.0525 - test/bugs/bug088.dir/bug1.go
0.0525 - test/bugs/bug088.go
0.0525 - test/fixedbugs/bug088.dir/bug0.go
0.0525 - test/fixedbugs/bug088.go
0.0524 - test/bugs/bug103.go
0.0524 - test/fixedbugs/bug103.go
0.0523 - usr/gri/gosrc/platform.go
0.0522 - test/printbig.go
0.0522 - test/bufiolib.go
0.0522 - test/bugs/bug075.go
0.0522 - test/bugs/bug101.go
0.0522 - test/fixedbugs/bug101.go
0.0519 - src/lib/math/hypot.go
0.0519 - src/lib/math/pow.go
0.0519 - src/lib/os/os_error.go
0.0519 - src/pkg/integer.go
0.0517 - src/lib/sort.go
0.0515 - src/lib/math/clean.bash
0.0515 - src/lib/math/make.bash
0.0515 - src/syscall/Makefile
0.0513 - test/fixedbugs/bug091.go
0.0501 - src/lib/container/vector.go
0.0501 - test/bugs/bug089.go
0.0501 - test/fixedbugs/bug089.go
0.0500 - test/args.go
0.0500 - test/bugs/bug053.go
0.0500 - test/bugs/bug085.go
0.0500 - test/fixedbugs/bug006.go
0.0500 - test/fixedbugs/bug082.go
0.0500 - test/for.go
0.0500 - test/helloworld.go
0.0500 - test/ken/for.go
0.0500 - test/ken/label.go
0.0500 - test/ken/litfun.go
0.0500 - test/ken/mfunc.go
0.0500 - test/ken/ptrvar.go
0.0500 - test/ken/robfor.go
0.0500 - test/ken/simpconv.go
0.0500 - test/ken/simpfun.go
0.0500 - test/ken/simpprint.go
0.0500 - test/ken/simpswitch.go
0.0500 - test/ken/strvar.go
0.0500 - test/readfile.go
0.0497 - usr/gri/gosrc/test/d.go
0.0497 - src/runtime/map.c
0.0495 - test/bugs/bug084.go
0.0493 - src/syscall/file_amd64_darwin.go
0.0492 - src/syscall/stat_amd64_darwin.go
0.0492 - src/syscall/stat_amd64_linux.go
0.0492 - test/bugs/bug057.go
0.0484 - test/bugs/bug067.go
0.0484 - test/bugs/bug068.go
0.0484 - usr/gri/gosrc/test_parser.go
0.0484 - usr/gri/gosrc/list.go
0.0481 - src/lib/math/exp.go
0.0481 - src/lib/math/fmod.go
0.0481 - src/lib/math/log.go
0.0481 - src/lib/math/main.go
0.0481 - src/lib/math/sqrt.go
0.0480 - test/fixedbugs/bug065.go
0.0478 - test/bugs/bug056.go
0.0478 - test/simasign.go
0.0477 - src/lib/sys.go
0.0475 - src/runtime/make.bash
0.0474 - test/test_integer.go
0.0470 - test/bugs/bug045.go
0.0468 - src/libmach_amd64/macho.h
0.0467 - src/libmach_amd64/6.c
0.0467 - src/libmach_amd64/6obj.c
0.0467 - src/libmach_amd64/8.c
0.0467 - src/libmach_amd64/access.c
0.0467 - src/libmach_amd64/elf.h
0.0467 - src/libmach_amd64/machdata.c
0.0467 - src/libmach_amd64/obj.h
0.0467 - src/libmach_amd64/setmach.c
0.0467 - src/libmach_amd64/swap.c
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/6.c
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/6obj.c
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/8.c
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/8db.c
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/Makefile
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/access.c
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/elf.h
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/executable.c
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/machdata.c
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/sym.c
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/map.c
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/obj.c
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/obj.h
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/setmach.c
0.0467 - src/libmachamd64/swap.c
0.0465 - test/fixedbugs/bug016.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug032.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug033.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug034.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug001.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug002.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug003.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug004.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug006.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug010.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug014.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug015.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug022.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug023.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug025.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug029.go
0.0463 - test/bugs/bug030.go
0.0463 - test/fixedbugs/bug000.go
0.0463 - test/fixedbugs/bug005.go
0.0463 - test/fixedbugs/bug007.go
0.0463 - test/fixedbugs/bug021.go
0.0463 - test/ken/robliteral.go
0.0463 - test/switch1.go
0.0463 - src/runtime/rt0_amd64_linux.s
0.0428 - src/c/gen.c
0.0428 - src/c/go.h
0.0426 - test/
0.0419 - tests/hashmap.go
0.0419 - tests/
0.0419 - tests/test0.go
0.0419 - tests/sieve.go
0.0000 - src/pkg/debug/macho/testdata/hello.c
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