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Created September 8, 2015 17:12
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* MCP23S08 SPI/GPIO gpio expander driver
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/mutex.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/gpio.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/spi/spi.h>
#include <linux/spi/mcp23s08.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <asm/byteorder.h>
#include <linux/of.h>
#include <linux/of_device.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/circ_buf.h>
* MCP types supported by driver
#define MCP_TYPE_S08 0
#define MCP_TYPE_S17 1
#define MCP_TYPE_008 2
#define MCP_TYPE_017 3
/* Registers are all 8 bits wide.
* The mcp23s17 has twice as many bits, and can be configured to work
* with either 16 bit registers or with two adjacent 8 bit banks.
#define MCP_IODIR 0x00 /* init/reset: all ones */
#define MCP_IPOL 0x01
#define MCP_GPINTEN 0x02
#define MCP_DEFVAL 0x03
#define MCP_INTCON 0x04
#define MCP_IOCON 0x05
# define IOCON_SEQOP (1 << 5)
# define IOCON_HAEN (1 << 3)
# define IOCON_ODR (1 << 2)
# define IOCON_INTPOL (1 << 1)
#define MCP_GPPU 0x06
#define MCP_INTF 0x07
#define MCP_INTCAP 0x08
#define MCP_GPIO 0x09
#define MCP_OLAT 0x0a
struct mcp23s08;
struct mcp23s08_ops {
int (*read)(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg);
int (*write)(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg, unsigned val);
int (*read_regs)(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg,
u16 *vals, unsigned n);
struct mcp23s08 {
u8 addr;
u16 cache[11];
/* lock protects the cached values */
struct mutex lock;
struct gpio_chip chip;
const struct mcp23s08_ops *ops;
void *data; /* ops specific data */
struct spi_message message; /* used for non-sleep reads */
u8 tx[4];
u8 rx[2];
/* async spi stuff */
spinlock_t slock;
unsigned long irq_flags;
struct spi_message msg;
u8 _tx[4];
u8 _rx[4];
/* A given spi_device can represent up to eight mcp23sxx chips
* sharing the same chipselect but using different addresses
* (e.g. chips #0 and #3 might be populated, but not #1 or $2).
* Driver data holds all the per-chip data.
struct mcp23s08_driver_data {
unsigned ngpio;
struct mcp23s08 *mcp[8];
struct mcp23s08 chip[];
* Optimized way to get input mask. Otherwise a read on every input
* pin is needed.
#define REVISION "CSI: $Id: gpio-mcp23s08.c 14863 2015-08-26 18:56:55Z daniel.hilst $"
#define LOG_msg(pri, fmt, args...) \
({pr_ ## pri("mcp23s08 [" #pri "] %s@%d: " fmt "\n", __func__, __LINE__, ##args);})
#ifdef DEBUG
# define LOG_debug(fmt, args...) LOG_msg(debug, fmt, ##args)
# define LOG_debug(fmt, args...)
#define LOG_info(fmt, args...) LOG_msg(info, fmt, ##args)
#define LOG_warn(fmt, args...) LOG_msg(warn, fmt, ##args)
#define LOG_err(fmt, args...) LOG_msg(err, fmt, ##args)
static struct mcp23s08 *mcp_global = NULL;
int mcp_getmask(void)
int mask;
if (!mcp_global)
return -1;
mask = mcp_global->ops->read(mcp_global, MCP_GPIO);
if (mask < 0)
return -2;
return (0xff & ~(mask));
static DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(mcp_irq_wq);
static unsigned mcp_input_change = 0;
static unsigned mcp_intf;
static unsigned mcp_intcap;
static unsigned mcp_lost_irq = 0;
static unsigned mcp_total_irq = 0;
static unsigned mcp_waited_irq = 0;
/* Wait MCP interrupt to ocurr. Interrupt is generated when a change
* to inputs state is detected by MCU. The mcp_intf is updated with
* INTERRUPT FLAGS, whichs is an bitmap where the setted bit is the
* input that generated the interrupt. The mcp_intf is "anded" with
* @mask passed as argument.
* Returns 0 (success) if input change before @timeout and input that
* generated the interrupt is in @mask.
* Returns -ETIME if timeout ocurr before the above, or -ERESTARTSYS
* if the wait was interrupted by an signal. The last one can ocurr
* when user press Ctrl+C while application is waiting. If an input
* change ocurr but the input changed isn't in @mask, the timeout is
* updated and new wait is made.
int mcp_wait_irq(unsigned long timeout, unsigned mask, unsigned *intf, unsigned *intcap)
int status;
do {
unsigned long bfwait = jiffies;
mcp_input_change = 0; /* reset condition */
status = wait_event_interruptible_timeout(mcp_irq_wq, /* wait irq */
if (status == 0) /* timeout */
return -ETIME;
if ((status > 0) && /* interrupt happen before timeout */
mcp_input_change && /* the input has changed */
(mask & mcp_intf)) { /* change is in @mask */
*intf = (0xff & mcp_intf);
*intcap = (0xff & ~mcp_intcap);
return 0;
if (status == -ERESTARTSYS)
timeout = (bfwait + timeout) - jiffies;
} while (timeout > 0);
return -ETIME;
/* Circular queue, allocated at _probe()
* NOTE: Applies only to mcp_global!
static struct circ_buf mcp_circ;
static int mcp_circ_hit_full = 0;
static int mcp_circ_new_data = 0;
static DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(mcp_circ_wq);
static spinlock_t mcp_circ_prod_lock;
static struct mutex mcp_circ_cons_lock;
int mcp_getlast(int *msk, unsigned int timeout)
int rc;
unsigned long head, tail;
unsigned long tout = timeout * HZ / 1000; /* convert from ms to jiffies */
LOG_debug("timeout %u", timeout);
LOG_debug("timeout in jiffies %lu", tout);
for (;;) {
head = ACCESS_ONCE(mcp_circ.head); /* read head */
tail = mcp_circ.tail; /* read tail */
if (CIRC_CNT(head, tail, PAGE_SIZE) == 0) { /* queue is empty */
LOG_debug("queue empty waiting");
mcp_circ_new_data = 0;
rc = wait_event_interruptible_timeout(mcp_circ_wq, mcp_circ_new_data, tout);
if (rc == -ERESTARTSYS) { /* interrupted */
break; /* return */
} else if (rc == 0) { /* timeout */
rc = -ETIME;
break; /* return */
} else if (rc > 0) { /* new input mask! */
continue; /* queue is not empty
* anymore, start loop again
* to get a new head and
* tail */
} else { /* queue is not empty */
LOG_debug("retrieving mask from queue");
smp_read_barrier_depends(); /* complete the reads before this line */
*msk = mcp_circ.buf[tail]; /* read the mask from queue */
smp_mb(); /* complete the writes before this line */
mcp_circ.tail = (tail + 1) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1); /* update tail */
LOG_debug("0x%x consumed", *msk);
rc = 0; /* return success */
break; /* break loop */
LOG_debug("returning %d", rc);
return rc;
void mcp_flush_queue(void)
LOG_debug("flushing events queue");
mcp_circ.head = mcp_circ.tail = 0;
memset(mcp_circ.buf, '\0', PAGE_SIZE);
/* Sysfs ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
ssize_t show_queue(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
int head = ACCESS_ONCE(mcp_circ.head);
int tail = ACCESS_ONCE(mcp_circ.tail);
return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE,
"Queue Size: %5lu\n"
"Queue Available: %5lu\n"
"Queue Total: %5lu\n",
CIRC_CNT(head, tail, PAGE_SIZE),
CIRC_SPACE(head, tail, PAGE_SIZE),
static DEVICE_ATTR(queue, 0400, show_queue, NULL);
ssize_t show_lost_irq(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE,
"IRQs: % 5d\n"
"Waited: % 5d\n"
"Lost: % 5d\n",
ssize_t store_lost_irq(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
mcp_lost_irq = 0;
mcp_total_irq = 0;
mcp_waited_irq = 0;
return count;
static DEVICE_ATTR(lost_irq, 0600, show_lost_irq, store_lost_irq);
ssize_t show_reg(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
int addr, reg, off = 0;
struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(dev);
struct mcp23s08_driver_data *data = spi_get_drvdata(spi);
int type = spi_get_device_id(spi)->driver_data;
for (addr = 0; data->mcp[addr]; addr++) {
struct mcp23s08 *mcp = data->mcp[addr];
mcp->ops->read_regs(mcp, 0, mcp->cache, ARRAY_SIZE(mcp->cache));
off += snprintf(buf + off, PAGE_SIZE - off, "CHIP %d:\n--\n", addr);
if (type == MCP_TYPE_S17)
off += snprintf(buf + off, PAGE_SIZE - off, "REG => B A\n");
for (reg = 0; reg < ARRAY_SIZE(mcp->cache); reg++)
off += snprintf(buf + off, PAGE_SIZE - off, "%02xh => %04xh\n",
type == MCP_TYPE_S17 ? reg << 1 : reg,
return off;
ssize_t store_reg(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(dev);
struct mcp23s08_driver_data *data = spi_get_drvdata(spi);
u8 regaddr;
u16 regval;
int chipaddr, status;
struct mcp23s08 *mcp;
int type = spi_get_device_id(spi)->driver_data;
status = sscanf(buf, "%x:%hhx:%hx", &chipaddr, &regaddr, &regval);
if ((chipaddr < 0 ||
chipaddr > 3) ||
(regaddr < 0 ||
regaddr > 22))
return -EINVAL;
if (type == MCP_TYPE_S17)
regaddr >>= 1;
mcp = data->mcp[chipaddr];
mcp->ops->write(mcp, regaddr, regval);
return count;
static DEVICE_ATTR(registers, 0600, show_reg, store_reg);
static struct attribute *mcp_attrs[] = {
static struct attribute_group mcp_attr_group = {
.attrs = mcp_attrs,
/* IRQ ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* called from mcp_hard_irq (interrupt context) */
static void mcp23s17_produce_complete(void *args)
unsigned long flags;
struct mcp23s08 *mcp = args;
if (mcp->message.status == 0) { /* success transfer */
/* begin of mcp_circ producer */
spin_lock_irqsave(&mcp_circ_prod_lock, flags);
do {
int head = mcp_circ.head;
int tail = ACCESS_ONCE(mcp_circ.tail);
/* Check if there is space on buffer. */
if (CIRC_SPACE(head, tail, PAGE_SIZE) >= 1) {
mcp_intcap = mcp->rx[0];
mcp_circ.buf[head] = mcp->rx[0];
mcp_circ_new_data = 1;
mcp_circ.head = (head + 1) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1);
} else {
LOG_debug("queue full");
mcp_circ_hit_full++; /* keep track of full hits */
} while (0);
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mcp_circ_prod_lock, flags);
/* will not sleep */
static int mcp23s17_produce(struct mcp23s08 *mcp)
struct spi_device *spi = mcp->data;
struct spi_transfer t[2] = {
[0] = {
.tx_buf = mcp->tx,
.len = 2,
[1] = {
.rx_buf = mcp->rx,
.len = 2,
memset(mcp->tx, '\0', sizeof(mcp->tx));
memset(mcp->rx, '\0', sizeof(mcp->rx));
mcp->tx[0] = mcp->addr | 0x01;
mcp->tx[1] = MCP_INTCAP << 1;
spi_message_add_tail(&t[0], &mcp->message);
spi_message_add_tail(&t[1], &mcp->message);
mcp->message.complete = mcp23s17_produce_complete;
mcp->message.context = mcp;
return spi_async_locked(spi, &mcp->message);
static void mcp23s17_read_irqsafe_complete(void *context)
struct mcp23s08 *mcp = context;
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mcp->slock, mcp->irq_flags);
static int mcp23s17_read_irqsafe(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg)
unsigned long flags;
struct spi_device *spi = mcp->data;
struct spi_transfer t[2] = {
[0] = {
.tx_buf = mcp->tx,
.len = 2,
[1] = {
.rx_buf = mcp->rx,
.len = 2,
memset(mcp->tx, '\0', sizeof(mcp->tx));
memset(mcp->rx, '\0', sizeof(mcp->rx));
mcp->tx[0] = mcp->addr | 0x01;
mcp->tx[1] = reg << 1;
spi_message_add_tail(&t[0], &mcp->msg);
spi_message_add_tail(&t[1], &mcp->msg);
mcp->msg.complete = mcp23s17_read_irqsafe_complete;
mcp->msg.context = mcp;
spin_lock_irqsave(&mcp->slock, mcp->irq_flags); /* lock */
spi_async_locked(spi, &mcp->msg); /* call async */
spin_lock_irqsave(&mcp->slock, flags); /* wait */
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mcp->slock, flags); /* unlock previous line*/
return (mcp->msg.status == 0 ? ((mcp->rx[0] | (mcp->rx[1] << 8))) : -1);
static irqreturn_t mcp_hard_irq(int irq, void *handle)
static irqreturn_t mcp_irq(int irq, void *handle)
struct mcp23s08 *mcp = handle;
LOG_debug("IRQ triggered");
mcp_intf = mcp->ops->read(mcp, MCP_INTF);
if (list_empty(&mcp_irq_wq.task_list))
mcp_input_change = 1;
/* end of CSI STUFF */
static int mcp23008_read(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg)
return i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(mcp->data, reg);
static int mcp23008_write(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg, unsigned val)
return i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(mcp->data, reg, val);
static int
mcp23008_read_regs(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg, u16 *vals, unsigned n)
while (n--) {
int ret = mcp23008_read(mcp, reg++);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
*vals++ = ret;
return 0;
static int mcp23017_read(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg)
return i2c_smbus_read_word_data(mcp->data, reg << 1);
static int mcp23017_write(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg, unsigned val)
return i2c_smbus_write_word_data(mcp->data, reg << 1, val);
static int
mcp23017_read_regs(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg, u16 *vals, unsigned n)
while (n--) {
int ret = mcp23017_read(mcp, reg++);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
*vals++ = ret;
return 0;
static const struct mcp23s08_ops mcp23008_ops = {
.read = mcp23008_read,
.write = mcp23008_write,
.read_regs = mcp23008_read_regs,
static const struct mcp23s08_ops mcp23017_ops = {
.read = mcp23017_read,
.write = mcp23017_write,
.read_regs = mcp23017_read_regs,
#endif /* CONFIG_I2C */
static int mcp23s08_read(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg)
u8 tx[2], rx[1];
int status;
tx[0] = mcp->addr | 0x01;
tx[1] = reg;
status = spi_write_then_read(mcp->data, tx, sizeof tx, rx, sizeof rx);
return (status < 0) ? status : rx[0];
static int mcp23s08_write(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg, unsigned val)
u8 tx[3];
tx[0] = mcp->addr;
tx[1] = reg;
tx[2] = val;
return spi_write_then_read(mcp->data, tx, sizeof tx, NULL, 0);
static int
mcp23s08_read_regs(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg, u16 *vals, unsigned n)
u8 tx[2], *tmp;
int status;
if ((n + reg) > sizeof mcp->cache)
return -EINVAL;
tx[0] = mcp->addr | 0x01;
tx[1] = reg;
tmp = (u8 *)vals;
status = spi_write_then_read(mcp->data, tx, sizeof tx, tmp, n);
if (status >= 0) {
while (n--)
vals[n] = tmp[n]; /* expand to 16bit */
return status;
static int mcp23s17_read(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg)
u8 tx[2], rx[2];
int status;
tx[0] = mcp->addr | 0x01;
tx[1] = reg << 1;
status = spi_write_then_read(mcp->data, tx, sizeof tx, rx, sizeof rx);
return (status < 0) ? status : (rx[0] | (rx[1] << 8));
static int mcp23s17_write(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg, unsigned val)
u8 tx[4];
tx[0] = mcp->addr;
tx[1] = reg << 1;
tx[2] = val;
tx[3] = val >> 8;
return spi_write_then_read(mcp->data, tx, sizeof tx, NULL, 0);
static int
mcp23s17_read_regs(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned reg, u16 *vals, unsigned n)
u8 tx[2];
int status;
if ((n + reg) > sizeof mcp->cache)
return -EINVAL;
tx[0] = mcp->addr | 0x01;
tx[1] = reg << 1;
status = spi_write_then_read(mcp->data, tx, sizeof tx,
(u8 *)vals, n * 2);
if (status >= 0) {
while (n--)
vals[n] = __le16_to_cpu((__le16)vals[n]);
return status;
static const struct mcp23s08_ops mcp23s08_ops = {
.read = mcp23s08_read,
.write = mcp23s08_write,
.read_regs = mcp23s08_read_regs,
static const struct mcp23s08_ops mcp23s17_ops = {
.read = mcp23s17_read,
.write = mcp23s17_write,
.read_regs = mcp23s17_read_regs,
#endif /* CONFIG_SPI_MASTER */
static int mcp23s08_direction_input(struct gpio_chip *chip, unsigned offset)
struct mcp23s08 *mcp = container_of(chip, struct mcp23s08, chip);
int status;
mcp->cache[MCP_IODIR] |= (1 << offset);
status = mcp->ops->write(mcp, MCP_IODIR, mcp->cache[MCP_IODIR]);
return status;
static int mcp23s08_get(struct gpio_chip *chip, unsigned offset)
struct mcp23s08 *mcp = container_of(chip, struct mcp23s08, chip);
int status;
/* REVISIT reading this clears any IRQ ... */
status = mcp->ops->read(mcp, MCP_GPIO);
if (status < 0)
status = 0;
else {
mcp->cache[MCP_GPIO] = status;
status = !!(status & (1 << offset));
return status;
static int __mcp23s08_set(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, unsigned mask, int value)
unsigned olat = mcp->cache[MCP_OLAT];
if (value)
olat |= mask;
olat &= ~mask;
mcp->cache[MCP_OLAT] = olat;
return mcp->ops->write(mcp, MCP_OLAT, olat);
static void mcp23s08_set(struct gpio_chip *chip, unsigned offset, int value)
struct mcp23s08 *mcp = container_of(chip, struct mcp23s08, chip);
unsigned mask = 1 << offset;
__mcp23s08_set(mcp, mask, value);
static int
mcp23s08_direction_output(struct gpio_chip *chip, unsigned offset, int value)
struct mcp23s08 *mcp = container_of(chip, struct mcp23s08, chip);
unsigned mask = 1 << offset;
int status;
status = __mcp23s08_set(mcp, mask, value);
if (status == 0) {
mcp->cache[MCP_IODIR] &= ~mask;
status = mcp->ops->write(mcp, MCP_IODIR, mcp->cache[MCP_IODIR]);
return status;
#include <linux/seq_file.h>
* This shows more info than the generic gpio dump code:
* pullups, deglitching, open drain drive.
static void mcp23s08_dbg_show(struct seq_file *s, struct gpio_chip *chip)
struct mcp23s08 *mcp;
char bank;
int t;
unsigned mask;
mcp = container_of(chip, struct mcp23s08, chip);
/* NOTE: we only handle one bank for now ... */
bank = '0' + ((mcp->addr >> 1) & 0x7);
t = mcp->ops->read_regs(mcp, 0, mcp->cache, ARRAY_SIZE(mcp->cache));
if (t < 0) {
seq_printf(s, " I/O ERROR %d\n", t);
goto done;
for (t = 0, mask = 1; t < chip->ngpio; t++, mask <<= 1) {
const char *label;
label = gpiochip_is_requested(chip, t);
if (!label)
seq_printf(s, " gpio-%-3d P%c.%d (%-12s) %s %s %s",
chip->base + t, bank, t, label,
(mcp->cache[MCP_IODIR] & mask) ? "in " : "out",
(mcp->cache[MCP_GPIO] & mask) ? "hi" : "lo",
(mcp->cache[MCP_GPPU] & mask) ? "up" : " ");
/* NOTE: ignoring the irq-related registers */
seq_printf(s, "\n");
#define mcp23s08_dbg_show NULL
static int mcp23s08_probe_one(struct mcp23s08 *mcp, struct device *dev,
void *data, unsigned addr,
unsigned type, unsigned base, unsigned pullups)
int status;
LOG_debug("initializing driver data lock");
mcp->data = data;
mcp->addr = addr;
mcp->chip.direction_input = mcp23s08_direction_input;
mcp->chip.get = mcp23s08_get;
mcp->chip.direction_output = mcp23s08_direction_output;
mcp->chip.set = mcp23s08_set;
mcp->chip.dbg_show = mcp23s08_dbg_show;
#ifdef CONFIG_OF
mcp->chip.of_gpio_n_cells = 2;
mcp->chip.of_node = dev->of_node;
switch (type) {
case MCP_TYPE_S08:
mcp->ops = &mcp23s08_ops;
mcp->chip.ngpio = 8;
mcp->chip.label = "mcp23s08";
case MCP_TYPE_S17:
mcp->ops = &mcp23s17_ops;
mcp->chip.ngpio = 16;
mcp->chip.label = "mcp23s17";
#endif /* CONFIG_SPI_MASTER */
case MCP_TYPE_008:
mcp->ops = &mcp23008_ops;
mcp->chip.ngpio = 8;
mcp->chip.label = "mcp23008";
case MCP_TYPE_017:
mcp->ops = &mcp23017_ops;
mcp->chip.ngpio = 16;
mcp->chip.label = "mcp23017";
#endif /* CONFIG_I2C */
dev_err(dev, "invalid device type (%d)\n", type);
return -EINVAL;
LOG_debug("Chip type %s", mcp->chip.label);
mcp->chip.base = base;
mcp->chip.can_sleep = 1;
mcp-> = dev;
mcp->chip.owner = THIS_MODULE;
/* verify MCP_IOCON.SEQOP = 0, so sequential reads work,
* and MCP_IOCON.HAEN = 1, so we work with all chips.
LOG_debug("Configure IOCON");
status = mcp->ops->read(mcp, MCP_IOCON);
if (status < 0)
goto fail;
if ((status & IOCON_SEQOP) || !(status & IOCON_HAEN)) {
/* mcp23s17 has IOCON twice, make sure they are in sync */
status &= ~(IOCON_SEQOP | (IOCON_SEQOP << 8));
status |= IOCON_HAEN | (IOCON_HAEN << 8);
status &= ~(IOCON_INTPOL | (IOCON_INTPOL << 8));
status |= IOCON_ODR | (IOCON_ODR << 8);
status = mcp->ops->write(mcp, MCP_IOCON, status);
if (status < 0)
goto fail;
/* configure ~100K pullups */
LOG_debug("Configure 100k pullups");
status = mcp->ops->write(mcp, MCP_GPPU, 0x00ff);
if (status < 0)
goto fail;
/* Setup I/O directions, GPA is input, GPB is output */
LOG_debug("Configure IODIR");
status = mcp->ops->write(mcp, MCP_IODIR, 0x00ff);
if (status < 0)
goto fail;
/* disable inverter on input */
LOG_debug("Disabling IPOL on input");
status = mcp->ops->write(mcp, MCP_IPOL, 0);
if (status < 0)
goto fail;
/* turn off output */
LOG_debug("Turning output off");
status = mcp->ops->write(mcp, MCP_GPIO, 0xff00);
if (status < 0)
goto fail;
/* enable irqs */
LOG_debug("Enabling IRQ");
status = mcp->ops->write(mcp, MCP_GPINTEN, 0x00ff);
if (status < 0)
goto fail;
/* Update registers cache */
LOG_debug("Updating registers cache");
status = mcp->ops->read_regs(mcp, 0, mcp->cache, ARRAY_SIZE(mcp->cache));
if (status < 0)
goto fail;
/* adding GPIO chip */
LOG_debug("Registering gpio chip %d address %d", (~0x40 & addr), addr);
status = gpiochip_add(&mcp->chip);
if (status < 0)
dev_dbg(dev, "can't setup chip %d, --> %d\n",
addr, status);
LOG_debug("Returning %d", status);
return status;
#ifdef CONFIG_OF
static struct of_device_id mcp23s08_spi_of_match[] = {
.compatible = "mcp,mcp23s08", .data = (void *) MCP_TYPE_S08,
.compatible = "mcp,mcp23s17", .data = (void *) MCP_TYPE_S17,
{ },
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, mcp23s08_spi_of_match);
static struct of_device_id mcp23s08_i2c_of_match[] = {
.compatible = "mcp,mcp23008", .data = (void *) MCP_TYPE_008,
.compatible = "mcp,mcp23017", .data = (void *) MCP_TYPE_017,
{ },
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, mcp23s08_i2c_of_match);
#endif /* CONFIG_OF */
static int mcp230xx_probe(struct i2c_client *client,
const struct i2c_device_id *id)
struct mcp23s08_platform_data *pdata;
struct mcp23s08 *mcp;
int status, base, pullups;
const struct of_device_id *match;
match = of_match_device(of_match_ptr(mcp23s08_i2c_of_match),
if (match) {
base = -1;
pullups = 0;
} else {
pdata = client->dev.platform_data;
if (!pdata || !gpio_is_valid(pdata->base)) {
"invalid or missing platform data\n");
return -EINVAL;
base = pdata->base;
pullups = pdata->chip[0].pullups;
mcp = kzalloc(sizeof *mcp, GFP_KERNEL);
if (!mcp)
return -ENOMEM;
status = mcp23s08_probe_one(mcp, &client->dev, client, client->addr,
id->driver_data, base, pullups);
if (status)
goto fail;
i2c_set_clientdata(client, mcp);
return 0;
return status;
static int mcp230xx_remove(struct i2c_client *client)
struct mcp23s08 *mcp = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
int status;
status = gpiochip_remove(&mcp->chip);
if (status == 0)
return status;
static const struct i2c_device_id mcp230xx_id[] = {
{ "mcp23008", MCP_TYPE_008 },
{ "mcp23017", MCP_TYPE_017 },
{ },
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, mcp230xx_id);
static struct i2c_driver mcp230xx_driver = {
.driver = {
.name = "mcp230xx",
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.of_match_table = of_match_ptr(mcp23s08_i2c_of_match),
.probe = mcp230xx_probe,
.remove = mcp230xx_remove,
.id_table = mcp230xx_id,
static int __init mcp23s08_i2c_init(void)
return i2c_add_driver(&mcp230xx_driver);
static void mcp23s08_i2c_exit(void)
static int __init mcp23s08_i2c_init(void) { return 0; }
static void mcp23s08_i2c_exit(void) { }
#endif /* CONFIG_I2C */
static int mcp23s08_probe(struct spi_device *spi)
struct mcp23s08_platform_data *pdata;
unsigned addr;
unsigned chips = 0;
struct mcp23s08_driver_data *data;
int status, type;
unsigned base = -1,
ngpio = 0,
const struct of_device_id *match;
u32 spi_present_mask = 0;
match = of_match_device(of_match_ptr(mcp23s08_spi_of_match), &spi->dev);
if (match) {
LOG_debug("device tree detected");
type = (int)match->data;
status = of_property_read_u32(spi->dev.of_node,
"mcp,spi-present-mask", &spi_present_mask);
if (status) {
dev_err(&spi->dev, "DT has no spi-present-mask\n");
return -ENODEV;
LOG_debug("spi-present-mask %x", spi_present_mask);
if ((spi_present_mask <= 0) || (spi_present_mask >= 256)) {
dev_err(&spi->dev, "invalid spi-present-mask\n");
return -ENODEV;
for (addr = 0; addr < ARRAY_SIZE(pdata->chip); addr++) {
pullups[addr] = 0;
if (spi_present_mask & (1 << addr))
} else {
LOG_debug("no device tree detected");
type = spi_get_device_id(spi)->driver_data;
pdata = spi->dev.platform_data;
if (!pdata || !gpio_is_valid(pdata->base)) {
"invalid or missing platform data\n");
return -EINVAL;
for (addr = 0; addr < ARRAY_SIZE(pdata->chip); addr++) {
if (!pdata->chip[addr].is_present)
if ((type == MCP_TYPE_S08) && (addr > 3)) {
"mcp23s08 only supports address 0..3\n");
return -EINVAL;
spi_present_mask |= 1 << addr;
pullups[addr] = pdata->chip[addr].pullups;
base = pdata->base;
LOG_debug("%d chips detected", chips);
if (!chips)
return -ENODEV;
LOG_debug("allocating driver data");
data = kzalloc(sizeof *data + chips * sizeof(struct mcp23s08),
if (!data)
return -ENOMEM;
spi_set_drvdata(spi, data);
for (addr = 0; addr < ARRAY_SIZE(pdata->chip); addr++) {
if (!(spi_present_mask & (1 << addr)))
data->mcp[addr] = &data->chip[chips];
status = mcp23s08_probe_one(data->mcp[addr], &spi->dev, spi,
0x40 | (addr << 1), type, base,
if (status < 0)
goto fail;
if (base != -1)
base += (type == MCP_TYPE_S17) ? 16 : 8;
ngpio += (type == MCP_TYPE_S17) ? 16 : 8;
/* optimization for CSI digital IO */
LOG_debug("Setup CSI optimizations");
mcp_global = data->mcp[0];
LOG_debug("Allocating page for mcp_circ");
mcp_circ.buf = (unsigned char *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL); /* alloc circular buffer */
if (!mcp_circ.buf)
return -ENOMEM;
mcp_circ.head = mcp_circ.tail = 0; /* initialize head & tail */
/* enfof: optimization for CSI digital IO */
data->ngpio = ngpio;
LOG_debug("Registering IRQ");
status = request_threaded_irq(spi->irq, mcp_hard_irq, mcp_irq, IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING, "MCP23sXX IRQ", mcp_global);
if (status) {
dev_err(&spi->dev, "can't request IRQ");
goto fail;
LOG_debug("Creating sysfs attributes");
status = sysfs_create_group(&spi->dev.kobj, &mcp_attr_group);
if (status) {
dev_err(&spi->dev, "Can't create sysfs attributes");
goto fail2;
LOG_debug("Returning success");
return 0;
free_irq(spi->irq, mcp_global);
for (addr = 0; addr < ARRAY_SIZE(data->mcp); addr++) {
int tmp;
if (!data->mcp[addr])
LOG_debug("Removing gpio chip %d", addr);
tmp = gpiochip_remove(&data->mcp[addr]->chip);
if (tmp < 0)
dev_err(&spi->dev, "%s --> %d\n", "remove", tmp);
LOG_debug("Freeing driver data");
return status;
static int mcp23s08_remove(struct spi_device *spi)
struct mcp23s08_driver_data *data = spi_get_drvdata(spi);
unsigned addr;
int status = 0;
LOG_debug("Disabling IRQ");
mcp_global->ops->write(mcp_global, MCP_GPINTEN, 0x0000);
LOG_debug("Removing sysfs attributes");
sysfs_remove_group(&spi->dev.kobj, &mcp_attr_group);
LOG_debug("Freeing IRQ");
free_irq(spi->irq, mcp_global);
LOG_debug("Freeing circular buffer");
free_page((unsigned long)mcp_circ.buf);
for (addr = 0; addr < ARRAY_SIZE(data->mcp); addr++) {
int tmp;
if (!data->mcp[addr])
LOG_debug("Removing chip %d", addr);
tmp = gpiochip_remove(&data->mcp[addr]->chip);
if (tmp < 0) {
dev_err(&spi->dev, "%s --> %d\n", "remove", tmp);
status = tmp;
if (status == 0) {
LOG_debug("Freeing driver data");
return status;
static const struct spi_device_id mcp23s08_ids[] = {
{ "mcp23s08", MCP_TYPE_S08 },
{ "mcp23s17", MCP_TYPE_S17 },
{ },
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(spi, mcp23s08_ids);
static struct spi_driver mcp23s08_driver = {
.probe = mcp23s08_probe,
.remove = mcp23s08_remove,
.id_table = mcp23s08_ids,
.driver = {
.name = "mcp23s08",
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.of_match_table = of_match_ptr(mcp23s08_spi_of_match),
static int __init mcp23s08_spi_init(void)
LOG_debug("Registering spi driver");
return spi_register_driver(&mcp23s08_driver);
static void mcp23s08_spi_exit(void)
LOG_debug("Unregistering spi driver");
static int __init mcp23s08_spi_init(void) { return 0; }
static void mcp23s08_spi_exit(void) { }
#endif /* CONFIG_SPI_MASTER */
static int __init mcp23s08_init(void)
int ret;
ret = mcp23s08_spi_init();
if (ret)
goto spi_fail;
ret = mcp23s08_i2c_init();
if (ret)
goto i2c_fail;
return 0;
return ret;
/* register after spi/i2c postcore initcall and before
* subsys initcalls that may rely on these GPIOs
static void __exit mcp23s08_exit(void)
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