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Last active September 20, 2018 05:30
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Debug Door Attaching
CreateClientConVar("pd2_drill_debug", "0", true, false, "Draw Payday 2 Drill debug information.")
local doors = { ["prop_door_rotating"] = true, ["func_door"] = true, ["func_door_rotating"] = true }
hook.Add("PostDrawTranslucentRenderables", "DoorPos", function()
if not cvars.Bool("pd2_drill_debug") then return end
-- Find the drill we're working with
local drill = NULL
for _, e in ipairs(ents.FindInSphere(LocalPlayer():GetPos(), 500)) do
if e:GetClass() == "pd2_drill" then
drill = e
-- Get rid of all ghost drills no matter what
for _, e in ipairs(ents.FindByClass("pd2_drill")) do
if not IsValid(e) then continue end
if IsValid(e.Ghost) then e.Ghost:Remove() end
-- If we don't have a drill at this point return
if not IsValid(drill) or drill.Attached then return end
-- Find the door we're working with
local door = NULL
for _, e in ipairs(ents.FindInSphere(drill:GetPos(), 100)) do
if doors[e:GetClass()] then
door = e
-- If we don't have a door then make sure our ghost is cleaned up then return
if not IsValid(door) then if IsValid(drill.Ghost) then drill.Ghost:Remove() end return end
-- Unfortunately, there is no way to check if a door is open/closed on the client :/
if not door.Closed then return end
-- Find the attachment point for the drill
local pos, b1, b2 = door:GetPos(), door:LookupBone("handle"), door:LookupBone("handle02")
if b1 or b2 then -- We have something to work with...
if b1 and b2 then -- Pick the closer one!
local p1, p2 = door:GetBonePosition(b1), door:GetBonePosition(b2)
local bone = p1:DistToSqr(drill:GetPos()) < p2:DistToSqr(drill:GetPos()) and b1 or b2
pos = b1 == bone and p1 or p2
else -- Pick whichever we have!
pos = b1 and door:GetBonePosition(b1) or door:GetBonePosition(b2)
-- Run a trace to see how the drill will be positioned
local trace = util.TraceLine({
start = drill:GetPos(),
endpos = pos,
filter = function(e)
return e:EntIndex() == door:EntIndex()
-- Determine best position and angle
local angle, p1, p2 = trace.HitNormal:Angle(), pos + Vector(10, 0, -11), pos + Vector(-10, 0, -11)
pos = drill:GetPos():DistToSqr(p1) < drill:GetPos():DistToSqr(p2) and p1 or p2
-- Create the ghost if it's not valid
if not IsValid(drill.Ghost) then
drill.Ghost = ClientsideModel(drill:GetModel(), RENDERGROUP_BOTH)
drill.Ghost:SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 150))
drill.Ghost:SetRenderMode( RENDERMODE_TRANSALPHA )
-- Be a good citizen and clean up the ghost if the drill gets removed!
drill:CallOnRemove("RemoveGhost", function(ent)
if IsValid(ent.Ghost) then ent.Ghost:Remove() end
-- Actually position the ghost properly
drill.Ghost:SetAngles(angle:Forward():Angle() + Angle(0, 180, 0))
-- Draw some helpful debug lines
render.DrawLine( trace.HitPos, trace.HitPos + 8 * angle:Forward(), Color( 255, 0, 0 ), false )
render.DrawLine( trace.HitPos, trace.HitPos + 8 * -angle:Right(), Color( 0, 255, 0 ), false )
render.DrawLine( trace.HitPos, trace.HitPos + 8 * angle:Up(), Color( 0, 0, 255 ), false )
render.DrawLine(drill:GetPos(), trace.HitPos, Color(255, 255, 255), false)
render.DrawSphere(pos, 1, 30, 30, Color(255, 255, 0))
-- Calculate mass of door
local mass = 0
if not IsValid(door:GetPhysicsObject()) then
local dims = door:OBBMaxs() - door:OBBMins()
mass = dims.x * dims.y * dims.z
mass = door:GetPhysicsObject():GetMass()
-- Generate drill time based on door mass (maybe use thickness?)
draw.SimpleText("MASS: " .. mass .. "\nTIME: " .. math.ceil(-1 / 1237500000 * math.pow(mass, 2) + 199 / 495000 * mass - 305 / 99), "DermaDefault", ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2 - ScrH() / 4, Color(255, 255, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
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