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Created October 12, 2021 13:12
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Generates a SIE accounting file from WooCommerce sales orders.
# Provided as-is, without any warranty, implied or express.
# General:
$file = "Precon-" + (Get-Date).toString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss") + ".se"
$baseUri = ""
# WooCommerce authentication:
$key = "cs_aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
$secret = "cs_aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $key, $secret)))
# Stripe fees:
# Accounting settings:
$voucherSeries = "WC"
$costCenter = "XXX"
$companyName = "Company name goes here"
# Chart of accounts
$acctPrepaid = "2973" # Prepaid pre-conference revenues
$acctVAT = "2610" # Outgoing VAT
#$acctStripe = "6571" # Transaction fees, Stripe
$acctStripe = "2974" # Accrued costs, Stripe fees (invoiced by Stripe next month)
$acctSales = "3002" # Pre-conference sales
$acctCorr = "3790" # Correction, sales
# Get all outstanding orders (processing, not yet completed)
$orders = Invoke-RestMethod `
-Method "GET" `
-Uri ($baseUri + "orders?status=processing") `
-Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)}
# SIE header:
$sie = "#FLAGGA 0`n" + `
"`#FORMAT PC8`n" + `
"`#SIETYP 4`n" + `
"`#PROGRAM `"WooCommerce`" "+$orders[0].version+"`n" + `
"`#GEN " + ((Get-Date).tostring($dateFormat)) + "`n" + `
"`#FNAMN `"" + $companyName + "`"`n" + `
# Create the file:
# Note: SIE is kind of picky about the 1980s file encoding
$sie | Out-File -Encoding 437 -FilePath $file
# We only want to export a single year for each file, so as to not confuse the receiving system!
$year = $orders[0].date_paid.Year
"Processing transactions paid in $year."
# Loop through all of the orders, checking that they are in the correct year:
foreach ($order in $orders) {
if ($order.date_paid.Year -eq $year) {
$sie = ""
# Customer name: use company if there is one, otherwise first and last name:
$customer = ""
if ($ {
$customer = $
} else {
$customer = $order.billing.first_name + " " + $order.billing.last_name
# Voucher header:
$sie = $sie + `
"#VER " + $voucherSeries + " " + $order.number + " " + `
($order.date_paid.tostring($dateFormat)) + " " + `
"`"" + $order.line_items[0].name + ": " + $customer.replace("`"", "") + "`"`n" + `
# Line items:
foreach ($item in $order.line_items) {
# Sales account:
$sie = $sie + "`#TRANS " + $acctSales + " {1 `""+$costCenter+"`"} " + (0-$item.subtotal).toString("0.00") + " `"`" `"" + $ + "`"`n"
# Periodization:
$sie = $sie + "`#TRANS " + $acctPrepaid + " {1 `""+$costCenter+"`"} " + (0-$item.subtotal).toString("0.00") + " `"`" `"`"`n"
$sie = $sie + "`#TRANS " + $acctCorr + " {1 `""+$costCenter+"`"} " + ($item.subtotal -as [double]).toString("0.00") + " `"`" `"`"`n"
# VAT:
foreach ($tax in $order.tax_lines) {
$sie = $sie + "`#TRANS " + $acctVAT + " {1 `""+$costCenter+"`"} " + (0-$tax.tax_total).toString("0.00") + " `"`" `"`"`n"
# Stripe fee:
$fee = ($ -as [double]) * $feePercent + $feeFixed
$sie = $sie + "`#TRANS " + $acctStripe + " {1 `""+$costCenter+"`"} " + $fee.toString("0.00") + " `"`" `"`"`n"
# Amount receivable:
$total = ($ -as [double]) - $fee
$sie = $sie + "`#TRANS 1942 {1 `""+$costCenter+"`"} " + $total.toString("0.00") + " `"`" `"`"`n"
$sie = $sie + "`}"
$res = Invoke-RestMethod `
-Method "PUT" `
-Uri ($order._links.self[0].href) `
-Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Body (@{ status="completed" } | ConvertTo-Json)
"Order " + $ + ": " + $res.status
if ($res.status -eq "completed") {
$sie | Out-File -Encoding 437 -FilePath $file -Append
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