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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Black Hole

I'm making a chord layout visualization of all the relationships in David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest, using this. Converting this diagram into a square matrix for the chord layout is taking serious time. Before I got too far I wanted to check if this many chords would render. The result is the above black hole. Hover over the perimiter to see what looks like a black hole. Matrix creation code taken from this Syntagmatic block.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
#circle circle {
fill: none;
pointer-events: all;
.group path {
fill-opacity: .5;
path.chord {
stroke: #000;
stroke-width: .25px;
#circle:hover path.fade {
display: none;
<script src=""></script>
var width = 510,
height = 510
outerRadius = Math.min(width, height) / 2 - 10,
innerRadius = outerRadius - 24;
// the 3 pieces needed for Chord Diagram
// arc generator
var arc = d3.svg.arc()
// chord layout
var layout = d3.layout.chord()
// chord generator
var path = d3.svg.chord()
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.attr("id", "circle") // #circle
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")");
.attr("r", outerRadius);
// the estimated size of my forthcoming infinite jest matrix
var matrix = d3.range(300).map(function(row) {
return d3.range(300).map(function(col) {
return Math.pow(Math.random(),1.5);
// compute the chord layout
// add a group per character
// each group is a row in the matrix
var group = svg.selectAll(".group")
.attr("class", "group")
.on("mouseover", mouseover);
// add the group arc
var groupPath = group.append("path")
.attr("id", function(d, i) { return "group" + i; })
.attr("d", arc)
.style("fill", "black");
// add the chords
var chord = svg.selectAll(".chord")
.attr("class", "chord")
.style("fill", function(d, i){
if ((d.source.value == 2) && ( == 2)) { // family
return "tomato";
} else {
return "#1a9850";
.attr("d", path);
function mouseover(d, i) {
chord.classed("fade", function(p) {
return p.source.index != i && != i;
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