This is a small tool using Tinyscript and pypdf or pikepdf to bruteforce the password of a PDF given an alphabet (defaults to printables) and a length (default is 8).
$ pip install pypdf tinyscript
$ tsm pdf-password-bruteforcer
This is a small tool using Tinyscript and pypdf or pikepdf to bruteforce the password of a PDF given an alphabet (defaults to printables) and a length (default is 8).
$ pip install pypdf tinyscript
$ tsm pdf-password-bruteforcer
This is a small tool using Tinyscript for finding the organization associated with a given OUI or MAC address.
$ pip install tinyscript
$ tsm install oui
This Tinyscript-based tool allows to apply steganography based on PVD (Pixel Value Differencing) in order to retrieve hidden data from an image.
$ pip install tinyscript
$ tsm install stegopvd
This Tinyscript-based tool allows to apply steganography based on LSB (Least Significant Bit) in order to retrieve hidden data from an image.
$ pip install tinyscript
$ tsm install stegolsb
This Tinyscript-based tool allows to apply steganography based on PIT (Pixel Indicator Technique) in order to retrieve hidden data from an image.
$ pip install tinyscript
$ tsm install stegopit
This is a set of tools using Tinyscript in order to download resources from and compress videos.
: allows to download resources given some course identifiers while compressing downloaded videos if
: allows to compress videos a posteriori.$ pip install tinyscript
$ tsm install pta-downloader
This Tinyscript-based tool allows to unhide data hidden in base32/base64 strings. It can take a PNG or JPG in input to retrieve an EXIF value as the input data.
This can be installed using:
$ pip install tinyscript
$ tsm install paddinganograph
This Tinyscript-based tool implements the Solitaire Encryption Algorithm of Bruce Schneier.
$ pip install tinyscript
$ tsm install solitaire-cipher
This is a variation of this exploit using Tinyscript and Pybots for uploading a shell.
$ pip install tinyscript
$ tsm install clippercms-shell-uploader
This is a Tinyscript wrapper for this Gist, working with Python 2 and 3.
$ pip install tinyscript
$ tsm install evil-pickle-maker