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Created December 9, 2024 15:22
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(defvar aoc-year 2024
"The year for which Advent of Code is relevant.")
(defvar aoc-template-dir (expand-file-name "~/dotfiles/templates/")
"Directory where language templates are stored.")
(defvar aoc-session-cookie nil
"Session cookie for Advent of Code. Set this once to avoid repeated prompting.")
(defvar aoc-dir (expand-file-name "~/src/dhruvasagar/comp/")
"Directory where aoc code lives")
(defvar aoc-mode-hook nil)
(define-minor-mode aoc-mode
"Minor mode for Advent Of Code."
:lighter " AoC"
:keymap (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-a d") 'aoc-download-input)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-a r") 'aoc-run-input)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-a t") 'aoc-run-test-input)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-a g") 'aoc-generate-template)
(when (featurep 'evil)
;; Evil Normal Mode bindings
(evil-define-key 'normal aoc-mode-map (kbd "SPC a d") 'aoc-download-input)
(evil-define-key 'normal aoc-mode-map (kbd "SPC a r") 'aoc-run-input)
(evil-define-key 'normal aoc-mode-map (kbd "SPC a t") 'aoc-run-test-input)
(evil-define-key 'normal aoc-mode-map (kbd "SPC a g") 'aoc-generate-template))
(run-hooks 'aoc-mode-hook))
(defun aoc-set-session-cookie ()
"Set the Advent of Code session cookie."
(setq aoc-session-cookie (read-string "Enter your session cookie: "))
(message "Session cookie set."))
(defun aoc-download-input ()
"Download the input for the day as extracted from the file name."
(let* ((file-name (buffer-name))
(day (if (string-match "\\(\\d+\\)" file-name)
(string-to-number (match-string 1 file-name))
(error "File name must contain a day number.")))
(url (format "" aoc-year day))
(output (shell-command-to-string
(format "curl -s -H 'Cookie: session=%s' %s" aoc-session-cookie url))))
(if (string-match-p "not found" output)
(message "No input found for day %d." day)
(insert output)
(write-file "input"))
(message "Input downloaded for day %d." day))))
(defun aoc-compile-command (input-file)
(let* ((file-name (buffer-name))
(day (if (string-match "\\(\\d+\\)" file-name)
(string-to-number (match-string 1 file-name))
(error "File name must contain a day number.")))
(command (cond
((string-match "\\.py$" file-name) (format "python3 %s < %s" file-name input-file))
((string-match "\\.rb$" file-name) (format "ruby %s < %s" file-name input-file))
((string-match "\\.js$" file-name) (format "node %s < %s" file-name input-file))
((string-match "\\.go$" file-name) (format "go run %s < %s" file-name input-file))
((string-match "\\.zig$" file-name) (format "zig run %s < %s" file-name input-file))
((string-match "\\.rs$" file-name) (format "cargo build && target/debug/%s < %s" file-name input-file))
((string-match "\\.c$" file-name) (format "gcc %s -o bin/day%02d-c && bin/day%02d-c < %s" file-name day day input-file))
((string-match "\\.hs$" file-name) (format "ghc %s -o bin/day%02d-hs && bin/day%02d-hs < %s" file-name day day input-file))
((string-match "\\.cpp$" file-name) (format "g++ -std=c++17 %s -o bin/day%02d-cpp && bin/day%02d-cpp < %s" file-name day day input-file))
((string-match "\\.java$" file-name) (format "javac -d bin %s && bin/%s < %s" file-name file-name input-file))
(t (error "Unsupported file type: %s" file-name)))))
(set (make-local-variable 'compile-command) command)
(compile compile-command)))
(defun aoc-run-input ()
"Run the current code file with 'input' as the input file extracted from the file name."
(let* ((input-file "input")) ;; Use 'input' as the input file name
(aoc-compile-command input-file)))
(defun aoc-run-test-input ()
"Run the current code file with 'tinput' as the input file extracted from the file name."
(let* ((input-file "tinput")) ;; Use 'tinput' as the input file name
(aoc-compile-command input-file)))
(defun aoc-language-extension (language)
"Return the file extension corresponding to the given LANGUAGE."
(interactive "sEnter Language (python, ruby, js, golang, haskell, rust, zig, cpp): ")
(let ((extension (cond
((string= language "python") "py")
((string= language "ruby") "rb")
((string= language "js") "js")
((string= language "golang") "go")
((string= language "haskell") "hs")
((string= language "rust") "rs")
((string= language "zig") "zig")
((string= language "cpp") "cpp")
(t (error "Unsupported language: %s" language)))))
(message "The file extension for %s is %s." language extension)
(defun aoc-generate-template (language)
"Generate a template for the specified LANGUAGE from the template directory."
(interactive "sEnter Language (python, ruby, or js): ")
(let* ((day (format "%02d" (read-number "Enter Day (1-25): ")))
(extn (aoc-language-extension language))
(template-file (concat (file-name-as-directory aoc-template-dir)
(format "%s/file.%s" extn extn)))
(template (if (file-exists-p template-file)
(insert-file-contents template-file)
(error "Template file %s does not exist." template-file))))
(insert (format template day))
(write-file (format "day%d.%s" day extn))
(message "Template generated for day %d in %s." day language))))
(defun aoc-mode-enable-if-in-aoc-dir ()
"Enable my-minor-mode if the file is in the specific directory."
(when (and (buffer-file-name)
(string-prefix-p aoc-dir (buffer-file-name)))
(provide 'aoc-mode)
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