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Last active January 13, 2024 04:55
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A giant bot for the community of a small game.



Commands? What?

There's many commands, and most are straightforward to use. Hopefully, having everything here where you can scroll through at your leisure will make things seem a little less scary.

Key Info
Prefix Commands can be prefixed with ! or ?
Aliases ![command|alias]
<argument> This means the argument is required.
[argument=100] This means the argument is optional, and the default value is 100.
[A|B] This means that it can be either A or B.
[argument...] This means you can have multiple arguments.

For example:

The help command has an alias halp, so !help, ?help, !halp, ?halp will all pull up the same help command.

Now that you know the basics, it should be noted that... You do not type in the brackets!

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We have a pin system in r/neopets that lets you advertise what you're buying/selling in #trading, and UFT/UFA pets in #poundchat + #customization.

Input Info
!pin command Allows you to pin the message.
Self-react with 📌 ^ Ditto.

After 24h, or if you pin another message, your previous pinned message will be taken down.

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Food Club System


  • Neobot has a system based upon "subscribing" to your bet set. This allows each member to keep track of their FC bets, and keep records!
  • Neobot can even make bets tailored for your max bet amount, called max TER (or Maximum Total Expected Return).
    • Basically it's the most mathematically profitable set for your bet amount, while still being likely to win.
  • Neobot's bet system uses only + -compatible bet URLs. (sometimes referred to as "NFC URLs")
  • Sending a compatible bet URL will have Neobot show an embed with the bet's details, chances of winning etc.
    • Clicking the reaction provided will subscribe you to that set for the round.
      • Another way to subscribe is using the !bet [foodcluburl] command.
      • Since results will be posted there... Subscribing is only possible if you are in the r/Neopets server.
  • You may only subscribe to one set per round.
    • Subscribing to one and then another will replace your first one.
  • If your subscribed bet wins, you will be pinged in #foodclub in the r/Neopets server when the round ends.
    • If you bust, you'll only be pinged if you have the Food Club Busters role.
    • If you'd like to be reminded to bet at 3 PM NST, you may want the Food Club Remindee role.
    • See Subscribable Roles for more info on those.
  • For more in-depth Food Club info, please refer to the pins in #foodclub in the r/Neopets server!

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Food Club Commands

These commands are powerful + modular in the sense that you can now prefix some of them (please note the "Aliases" column) with any of g, r, or o, for General (generated with bet amount not being in the equation) sets, Reverse (sorted from worst to best) sets, and Opening-odds (will use opening odds instead of current odds to make the set), respectively.

You can mix and match, assuming the aliases are listed. !orgmer for example will give you MER with reverse general bets that use opening odds, and so on. If they're listed below, it's possible.

Command Aliases Info
!arenas [round_number=0] none Displays the current round (or round of your choosing)'s arena stats.
!bet [foodcluburl] none Manually subscribes you to be tagged if the bet URL you submit wins! Any of the bet-making commands, or posting a bet URL alone will allow you to do this with a reaction. Sending this command with no URL shows your current subscribed bet.
!bet random [query] r Makes a randomized set from your 100 best bets. (Based on net expected!)
!bet unsub none Unsubscribe from your current bet.
!betsim [arguments] none An advanced command to simulate previous food club rounds, using bets tweaked with settings you choose.
This command uses a powerful "command line" syntax.

The following options are valid.
--maxbet <amount>: Sets the max bet for the simulator. Default 8,000. Max 500,000. Min 50.
--units <amount>: Sets the ?units amount for the simulator. Default 20. Max 371,293. (Highest possible, 13^5)
--rounds <amount>: Sets the amount of previous rounds to simulate, starting from yesterdays.
--from <bet_round>: Simulator will start calculating from this round.
--to <bet_round>: If --from is set, this will be the round the simulator stops at (inclusive). This does not work without --from. Defaults to current round.

Flag options (no arguments):
--tenbet: Simulator will only do tenbets for each pirate instead of anything else.
--all: Simulator includes all combinations of ?mer.
--debug: Show benchmarking stats for the simulation data.
--nochart: Hide the large table of data, and only show the image.
--month: Simulator will only calculate rounds from this month.
--year: Simulator will only calculate rounds from this calendar year.

You cannot mix and match the flags that change the amount of rounds that will be calculated.
!bustproof [query] bp Generates bust-proof bets for the current FC round, given there are any positive arenas. Be sure to follow the amounts given in the URL!
!compare <pirate1> <pirate2> none Compares two pirates' win rate when they're playing the same arena.
!crazy [max_bet] [query] none Makes a set that has 5 pirates in each bet. Crazy? Yes. Unlikely? Also yes.
!fcage <amount> none Shows the account age required for a specific FC max bet amount.
!fcdata none Sends a spreadsheet-importable file to you of your previous subscribed Food Club bets.
!fcspreadsheet none Generates 5 spreadsheet-importable CSV files in a .zip of previous Food Club round data. Feel free to make fancy graphs or something with this data!

The files included are:
- arenas.csv for arena data (S=Shipwreck, L=Lagoon, T=Treasure Island, C=Hidden Cove, H=Harpoon Harry’s)
- fas.csv for FA (food adjustment) data
- opening_odds.csv for opening odds data
- closing_odds.csv for closing odds data
- results.csv for win/loss (1 for win, 0 for loss) data. Note that early FA data was not available and is left to say None.
!fcstats none Shows win percentage of all pirates.
!foodclub [member] fc Shows statistics of the Food Club Subscriptions of the server as a whole, or a member. Only counts previous rounds.
!foodclub leaderboard lb Shows the leaderboard for subscribed bets. Must have bet 30+ times, and have to have done a bet in the last 30 days to be eligible for calculation.
!gambit [pirates...] [max_bet] [query] ogambit, rgambit Generates a gambit set for the current round. It's basically a set utilizing the top pirate from each arena UNLESS you pass five pirate names (order doesn't matter).
!gambit build [max_bet] [query] none Brings up Discord select menus so you can choose 5 pirates with which to make a gambit.
!gambit random [query] r Generates a random gambit set for the current round. Please don't use this if you want to win.
!gates none Shows the current Food Club gates' status.
!giveround [round_number] none Gives you the JSON file of the desired Food Club round.
!giverounds none Gives you the JSON files of the Food Club rounds in a zip file.
!maxbet <amount> mb Sets your internal bet amount to <amount> NP. The bet-making commands will use this number by default. Override this by passing a [max_bet] parameter to those commands otherwise. Amount must be an even number between 50 and 500,000 inclusive. Set to 0 to un-set. Best to set this before a round ends, as it increments after each round.
!maxter [max_bet] [query] mer, gmer, omer, rmer Generates the top 10 max TER bets for the current FC round. (Override your neobot-held max_bet from !maxbet in this command by using !gmer for general bets or by setting an amount)
!tenbet <pirates...> [max_bet] gtenbet, otenbet, rtenbet Makes a ten-bet set of up to three pirates. First names only, and some nicknames will work.
!tenbet random [query] r Generates a random tenbet set for the current round.
!units <units> [max_bet] [query] ounits Makes a set which is most likely to hit at least the amount of units you enter.
!wgambit [round_number] none Shows the best winning gambit for a given previous round. I know you're curious so the best round so far is 6255.
!ybet [round_number] none Shows your subscribed bet for a previous round.

Food Club Command Queries

All of the bet commands that have a [query] parameter are flexible. The possibilities are powerful, and a bit intermediate in terms of difficulty, but some people will find this all very useful. Resulting bets will be annotated with successful changes, if any occurred. The examples below will be using ?mer, but again these will work with other commands as well.

Query Usage Description
?mer goob 3 dan 5 This changes the odds for Goob to be 3, and for Dan to be 5.
You can do all the pirates if you wanted.
This usually drastically changes bets, so if you need it you'd know.
?mer --round 6969 The usage example will output the MER bet using the closing odds of round 6969.
?mer --round -1 A shorthand way to generate MER for the previous round.
You can do -2 for the day before that, and so on.
?mer --time 4PM The usage example will output the current round's MER output for 4PM.

At the time of writing, that's about 20 minutes after the round started.

This is for when you want odds from a specific time of the day to calculate a bet set.

This has minute precision, so you can do ?mer --time 4:20PM.

Time is in NST, and AM/PM is required!
?mer --round -1 --time 12PM This will give you yesterday's MER using the odds from Noon NST.

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Non-useful, fun commands.

Command Aliases Info
!bigemoji <face> be BIG EMOJIS
!compliment none RANDOM COMPLIMENT.
!conch <words> 8ball ASKETH AWAY.
!cow [moo] cowsay MOO!
!deepfry [to_fry] df, fry Deep-fries a URL, emoji, or attached image.
!dog doggo, pupper, yapper, woof RANDOM DOG PICTURE.
!fakeneoboard <message> fnb Create a fake neoboard post screenshot, because people on Neopets will say anything anyways!
!fancy <text> none FANCIES UP YOUR TEXT.
!fnbc <message> none Create a fake neoboard post screenshot using the classic board look and feel, because people on Neopets will say anything anyways!
!fortune none RANDOM FORTUNE.
!fusepkmn [body=0] fuse, fusion RANDOM FIRST-GEN FUSION
!insult none RANDOM INSULT. 735,907,900 different insults.
!owo <text> none oWo what's this
!pkmn pokemon RANDOM POKEMON. 1% chance of shiny.
!pyramid <character> none MAKES A PYRAMID OF THE CHARACTER GIVEN.
!spongemock <text> mock MaKEs a mockeRY OF yOur TexT
!startext [text] none STAR TEXT. 25 LENGTH MAX
!xkcd [comic_id=0] none XKCD COMICS!
!yell <words> cyell, dyell, shout LOUD NOISES!!!
!zalgo [text] none HE COMES.

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Handles the bot's configuration system.

This is how you disable or enable certain commands for your server or block certain channels or members.

Command Aliases Info
!config none Handles the server or channel permission configuration for the bot.
!config ignore [entities...] plonk Ignores text channels or members from using the bot.

If no channel or member is specified, the current channel is ignored.

Users with Manage Server permissions can still use the bot, regardless of ignore

To use this command you must have Ban Members permissions.
!config ignore all none Ignores every channel in the server from being processed.

This works by adding every channel that the server currently has into
the ignore list. If more channels are added then they will have to be
ignored by using the ignore command.

To use this command you must have Ban Members permissions.
!config ignore clear none Clears all the currently set ignores for the server.

To use this command you must have Ban Members permissions.
!config ignore list none Tells you what channels or members are currently ignored in this server.

To use this command you must have Ban Members permissions.
!config unignore [entities...] unplonk Allows channels or members to use the bot again.

If nothing is specified, it unignores the current channel.

To use this command you must have the Ban Members permission.
!config unignore all none An alias for ignore clear command.

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Host a giveaway in r/Neopets, if you'd like!

Command Aliases Info
!giveaway none Interactively creates a giveaway request, which will be approved/denied by mods ASAP!
!giveaway end <message_id> none End a giveaway using the original giveaway message ID. r/Neopets mods only
!giveaway reroll <message_id> [amount_of_winners] none Reroll a giveaway using the original giveaway message ID. r/Neopets mods only
!giveaway winners <message_id> none Get the winners of a giveaway using the original giveaway message ID. r/Neopets mods only

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Commands for utilities related to Discord or NeoBot itself.

Command Aliases Info
!about info Shows NeoBot's info.
!commandstats [member] cstats Tells you command usage stats for the server or a member.
!help halp Links to the help page.
!ping none Pongs when you ping.
!prefix none Manages the server's custom prefixes.

If called without a subcommand, this will list the currently set
!prefix add <prefix> none Appends a prefix to the list of custom prefixes.

Previously set prefixes are not overridden.
To have a word prefix, you should quote it and end it with
a space, e.g. "hello " to set the prefix to "hello ". This
is because Discord removes spaces when sending messages so
the spaces are not preserved.

Multi-word prefixes must be quoted also.

You must have Manage Server permission to use this command.
!prefix clear none Removes all custom prefixes.

After this, the bot will listen to only mention prefixes.

You must have Manage Server permission to use this command.
!prefix remove <prefix> delete Removes a prefix from the list of custom prefixes.

This is the inverse of the 'prefix add' command. You can
use this to remove prefixes from the default set as well.

You must have Manage Server permission to use this command.
!stats s Shows server stats.
!userinfo [user] ui Shows user info.
!wipe none Wipe PMs from the bot to you!

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Moderation related commands. Completely optional, if you don't want NeoBot to do these things, simply do not grant the permissions.

Command Aliases Info
!ban [members]... [reason] none Bans members from the server. Can be more than one!

You can also ban from ID to ban regardless whether they're in the server or not.

In order for this to work, you AND the bot must have Ban Member permissions.
!kick [members]... [reason] none Kicks members from the server. Can be more than one!

In order for this to work, you AND the bot must have Kick Member permissions.
!listrole <this_role> none Shows a list of members with the role name/ID provided, sorted by join date. This has its uses.

You must have the Kick Members permission to use this.
!newusers [count=5] newmembers Tells you the newest members of the server.
This is useful to check if any suspicious members have
The count parameter can only be up to 25.
!rolestats [this_role] none Shows the amount of people that have each role. These numbers overlap, as it's per role per person.

You may optionally pass a role name/ID to just show that role's stats.

You must have the Kick Members permission to use this.
!softban [members]... [reason] none Soft bans a member from the server.

A softban is basically banning the member from the server but
then unbanning the member as well. This allows you to essentially
kick the member while removing their messages.

In order for this to work, the bot must have Ban Member permissions.

To use this command you must have Kick Members permissions.
!unban <member> [reason] none Unbans a single member from the server.

You can pass either the ID of the banned member or the Name#Discriminator combination of the member. Typically the ID is easiest to use.

In order for this to work, you AND the bot must have Ban Member permissions.

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Neopets-related commands to make life easier.

Command Aliases Info
!ah [itemname] auction Links to the Auction House search for an item. If no item is passed, sends only the Auction House url.
!ahu <username> auctionuser, ahuser Links to the Auction House search for a user
!bank <amount> none Shows the daily interest for a given bank balance.
!bc <petname> beauty Returns pet's Beauty Contest URL. Only works outside of the r/Neopets server.
!bd <item> none Pulls up Jellyneo Battlepedia items!
!bd random none Pulls up random Jellyneo Battlepedia items!
!board <board_id> none Links to a board of your choice, if it exists.
!bt [x=0] [y=0] buriedtreasure Links to Buried Treasure with the optional coordinates
!closet [itemname] c Links to the Closet search for an item. If no item is passed, sends only the Closet url.
!color <color> <species> colour Shows image of the pet with color you want! Allows you to choose pet size, and emotion using reactions!
!color uc <color|species> <species|color> unconverted Shows UC pet image, if it exists
!colors <color|species> colours, neocolours, neocolors, species Returns the Jellyneo Wardrobe Rainbow Pool page (or the page for the species or color you request)
!cure <disease> cures, disease, diseases Sends JN items that'll cure (or might cure!) the sickness you enter.
!dti <item_name> none Searches DTI for that wearable!
!dti stats none Pull up DTI stats (how many pet colors, species, and combinations there are)
!dtipet <pet_name> dtip This is an easy way to pull up a pet's wearables on DTI. May also be useful for when Neo's pet images aren't loading properly.
!gallery <username> gal Links to the gallery of a user
!game <game_id_or_name> none Links to a game of your choice, if it can be found.
!gourmet <petname> none Returns a pet's gourmet food URL.
!hst <game_id_or_name> none Links to a high-score-table of your choice, if it can be found.
!interest <desired> int Shows how much NP you need in your bank to get to your desired daily interest.
!ipeel [species] [color] none From the maker of the peeled command comes interactive peeling! Gather 'round with your friends and peel a pet of your liking.
!item <name> none Shows item image of the item name given.
!items <petname> none Shows items that a pet is wearing!
!jn <item> none Search Jellyneo items!
!jn random none Pulls up random Jellyneo items!
!jn random-petpet random petpet Shows JN data of a random petpet.
!jn stats none Brings up Neobot's internal JN stats.
!jn trivia [amount=4] none Test your item knowledge!
!jne [query] none Links to Jellyneo's editorial database. If no search query is passed, sends the main url.
!jnid <item_id> none Search for a Jellyneo item by ID!
!jnw <jn_username> none Links to a JN user's public wishlists.
!kads k Tags Kads subscribers and links to page. Only works in the NEOPETS channel category.
!keyquest kq Shows counter of when KQ should have been back. :)
!lottery [ref_ck] lotto Generate some randomized, non-overlapping lottery ticket numbers.
!mail <username> neomail, nm Links to neomailing a user
!missing <species|color> none Shows which colors a species is missing, or vice-versa.
!mystic <username> none Outputs the next + previous date of the Island Mystic avatar date for a given username.
!naked <species> [color] none Shows image of the pet with color you want, BUT... NAKED!
!neocashshuffle ncs Tags the NC Shuffle role, and links to the NCC. Only works in the #customization channel.
!neocola none Suggests Neocola Machine actions.
!nerkmid nerks, nerk Suggests Nerkmid button/lever actions.
!nft [preferred_species_or_color] none Create a randomly generated pet for the "blocked chain". Big value, such wow.
!nst none Displays the current Neopets Standard Time.
!nt [article_id=0] neopiantimes Pulls up the link for the associated Neopian Times entry. (Does not check for valid article IDs)
!peeled [species] [color] peel Shows image of the pet with color you want, BUT... PEELED! Accepts no parameters, as well as any color/species (or both).
!pet <petname> none Shows pet image and lookup of the pet name given. Allows you to choose pet size, and emotion using reactions!
!petauction pah, pa Tags the Pet Auction House role, and links to the NCC. Only works in the #poundchat channel.
!petdays none Lists all pet days for each month.
!pound <petname> p Shows pet data + owner of pet name provided
!poundshuffle pcs Tags the Pound Shuffle role, and links to the PC. Only works in the #poundchat channel.
!pp <petname> ~, petpage, petpg Returns petpage URL.
!questlender <item> ql Tags Quest Lender role and links to the Trading Chat and links to the auction search for the item needed.
!rip pepperoni Shows a gravestone image, because RIP.
!sdb [itemname] none Links to SDB search for an item. If no item is passed, sends only the SDB url.
!search <query> none Searches the bot's item db for items partially containing your query. Accepts wildcards.
!shop <shop_id> mainshop, ms, swi Links to a main shop
!shopclear sc Tags the Shop Clear role. Only works in the #restocking channel.
!shopsize <low> [high=0] ss, gallerysize, gs Shows how much NP it takes to get to your desired shop/gallery size.
!stuckcheck <pet_name> stuck Run the pet's name against a list of known stuck prefixes to see if it matches.
!stuckcheck show none Shows the current stuck check prefix list!
!sw [itemname] shopwiz, wiz Links to SW search for an item. If no item is passed, sends only the Shop Wizard url.
!symol hole Outputs the Symol Hole window for the current, next hour, and tomorrow's window minute start time.
!tarla t Tags Tarla subscribers and links to page. Only works in the NEOPETS channel category.
!tp [itemname] tradingpost, trading Links to the TP search for an item. If no item is passed, sends only the Trading Post url.
!tpid <lot_number> lot Links to the TP search for a specific lot.
!tpu <username> tpuser Links to the TP search for a user
!trophy <game_id_or_name> none Shows a trophy of the game of your choice, if it can be found.
!try [gender] [color] <species> [item1 | item2 | item3...] wear Shows the pet you want with the item you chose, if it has been modeled on DTI before!

If you don't provide "female/male", one will be provided at random.

If you don't provide a color, a basic color will be provided at random.

If you have color-specific items (Maraquan etc), you must include the color in the query.
!tryon <pet_name> [items] dtipadd A command to add items to a pet on DTI. Items should be separated with a |.
!turmac turmaculus, turmy Tags Turmac subscribers and links to page. Only works in the NEOPETS channel category.
!uhs <username> none Links to the high scores of a user.
!unconverted uc Cited sources of TNT answering on the topic of UCs returning.
!user <username> un, luser, u, ul Links to the lookup of a user
!usershop <username> us Links to the shop of a user
!wardrobe [itemname] wd Links to the JN Wardrobe search for an item. If no item is passed, sends only the JN Wardrobe url.
!what [species|color] none Ever see the first Toy Story movie? This basically makes Neopets the way Sid made toys.

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These are mostly for the forgetful types.

Command Aliases Info
!pet_bday <pet_name> <pet_age_in_hours> bday Sends you a ping on your pet's birthday.
!raw [when] none Pings you in 24 hours to visit NC Archives Wheel, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.

Due to the nature of how the Archive Cookie works, this command is different than the others. When you hit the Restart button, it will use the time that the reacted message was created. To start fresh, you have to run the command manually.
!rbt [when] none Pings you in 3 hours to visit Buried Treasure, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rcc [when] none Pings you in 4 hours to visit Caption Contest, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rcs [when] none Pings you in 13 hours to visit Coltzan's Shrine, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rds [when] none Pings you in 4 hours to visit Lost Desert Scratchcard, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!remind <when> [note] remindme, r, reminder, alert Reminds you of something after a certain amount of time.
The input can be any direct date (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD) or a human readable offset. Examples:
- "next thursday at 3pm do something funny"
- "do the dishes tomorrow"
- "in 3 days do the thing"
- "2d unmute someone"
Times are in UTC.
!remind cancel [uids...] delete Delete your reminders.
!remind cancel all none Delete all of your reminders.
!remind list none PMs you your reminders.
!rfqc none Sends you a ping every day to remind you to do your Faerie Quests.
!rfs [when] none Pings you in 2 hours to visit Deserted Fairground Scratchcard, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rgd <when> none Pings you in a user-defined amount of time to visit Grave Danger, also provides a link.
!rhs [when] none Pings you in 30 minutes to visit Healing Springs, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rht none Sends you a ping on the Hidden Tower's Discount day! (3rd Wednesday of each month).
!rics [when] none Pings you in 6 hours to visit Ice Caves Scratchcard, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!riq [when] none Pings you in 12 hours to visit Illusen's Quest, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!ris [when] none Pings you in 30 minutes to buy a Icy Snowball from the Healing Springs, also provides a link.
!rit <when> none Pings you in a user-defined amount of time to visit Mystery Island Training, also provides a link.
!rjq [when] none Pings you in 12 hours to visit Jhudora's Quest, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rkad [when] rkads Pings you in 6 minutes to visit Kads, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rmc [when] none Pings you in 1 hour to visit Meteor Crash Site, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rnl <when> none Pings you in a user-defined amount of time to visit NeoLodge, also provides a link.
!rpd <species> none Sends you a ping on the desired Neopet Species' pet day.
!rps none Sends you a ping every friday for premium scratchcards.
!rpt <when> none Pings you in a user-defined amount of time to visit Swashbuckling Academy, also provides a link.
!rqe [when] none Pings you in 7 hours and 7 minutes to visit Qasalan Expellibox, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rsh [when] none Pings you in 1 hour to visit Symol Hole, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rss [when] none Pings you in 30 minutes to buy a Sticky Snowball from the Healing Springs, also provides a link.
!rst <when> none Pings you in a user-defined amount of time to visit Secret Ninja Training, also provides a link.
!rtys [when] none Pings you in 6 hours to visit Test Your Strength, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rwex [when] none Pings you in 24 hours to visit Wheel of Extravagance, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rwk [when] none Pings you in 24 hours to visit Wheel of Knowledge, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rwme [when] none Pings you in 40 minutes to visit Wheel of Mediocrity, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rwmn [when] none Pings you in 24 hours to visit Wheel of Monotony, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rwoe [when] none Pings you in 2 hours to visit Wheel of Excitement, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!rwom [when] none Pings you in 2 hours to visit Wheel of Misfortune, also provides a link. Alternatively, you can provide an amount of time.
!selfmute <duration> selftimeout Temporarily time-outs yourself for the specified duration.

The duration must be in a short time form, e.g. 4h. Can only time-out yourself for a maximum of 24 hours and a minimum of 5 minutes.

In order for this to work, the bot must have Moderate Members permissions.

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A starboard to upvote posts.

There are two ways to make use of this feature, the first is via reactions, react to a message with ⭐ and the bot will automatically add (or remove) it to the starboard.

The second way is via Developer Mode. Enable it under Settings > Appearance > Developer Mode and then you get access to Copy ID and using the star/unstar commands.

Command Aliases Info
!star <message> none Stars a message via message ID.

To star a message you should right click on the on a message and then
click "Copy ID". You must have Developer Mode enabled to get that

It is recommended that you react to a message with ⭐ instead. also works if you add the reaction in the starboard itself!

You can only star a message once.
!star random [channel_or_member] none Shows a random starred message.
!star show <message> none Shows a starred message via its ID.

To get the ID of a message you should right click on the
message and then click "Copy ID". You must have
Developer Mode enabled to get that functionality.
!star stats [member] none Shows statistics on the starboard usage of the server or a member.
!star who <message> none Show who starred a message.

The ID can either be the starred message ID
or the message ID in the starboard channel.
!unstar <message> none Unstars a message via message ID.

To unstar a message you should right click on the on a message and then
click "Copy ID". You must have Developer Mode enabled to get that

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All commands relating to stocks. Shows stock data, and also subscribe to stock tickers! They work in public, or in PM!

Command Aliases Info
!stock <ticker> [period=1d|5d|1m|all] stocks Shows stock data for the ticker provided, with data from!
!stock now none Shows an at-a-glance view of the stocks, with the stocks at 10, 15, 60, and above 60.
!stock sub <ticker...> [target] none Subscribes you to all the stocks you list, at the target price given. When any of those stocks hit that price, you will be PMed for each one individually, once per day until it either goes down or you unsubscribe.

Target can be either one of: 1d, 5d, 1m, all, OR, it can be a low number with an optional high number, like 60 100. Default target = low of 60.
!stock sub all [target] none Subscribes you to all of the stock tickers at the target price given. Default target = low of 60.
!stock subs none PMs you all the stocks you're subscribed to.
!stock unsub <ticker...> none Unsubscribes you from the stocks you list.
!stock unsub all none Unsubscribes you from all stocks you're subscribed to.

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Various utility commands

Command Aliases Info
!charinfo <characters> none Shows you information about a number of unicode characters.
Only up to 15 characters at a time.
!choose [choices...] none Chooses between multiple choices. To denote multiple choices, you should use double quotes.
!choosebestof [times] [choices...] none Chooses between multiple choices N times.
To denote multiple choices, you should use double quotes.
You can only choose up to 10001 times and only the top 10 results are shown.
!coin flip Flips a coin for you.
!hex <hex_color> none Displays the hex color sent.
!isneoup down, isup Tells you if neopets is up or down.
!roll <sides> dice, diceroll Rolls a #-sided die for you. You'll get a number from 1 to #.

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Event Commands

Altador Cup

These commands will only work when the #altador-cup channel is in the Events category of the r/Neopets server.

Command Aliases Info
!ac none Shows AC game score system.
!acstats acs Shows current Altador Cup role standings. This command only works in the r/Neopets Server!
!rank <username> [year] acrank Flaunt your rank! Shows data only if the user has joined a team, obviously.
!suggestteam suggest Suggests your team for this year. Does not change. This command only works in the r/Neopets Server!

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I've put an awful lot of time into NeoBot, and he'll forever be free to use, but if you want to help out, whether it's in terms of server costs, buying me coffee, I accept donations! :)

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