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Created January 10, 2019 17:01
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Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.6.0;
import 'browser/Condition.sol';
contract AgreementStore {
struct Agreement {
bool exists;
bytes32 templateId;
bool state;
bytes32 did;
mapping(bytes32 => Agreement) _agreements;
contract TemplateStore {
struct Template {
bool exists;
bytes32[] conditionTypes;
bytes32 rewardType;
mapping(bytes32 => Template) _templates;
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.6.0;
import '';
import 'browser/OceanToken.sol';
contract ConditionStore {
enum ConditionState { Uninitialized, Unfufilled, Fulfilled, Aborted }
struct Condition {
ConditionState state;
bytes32 dependency;
mapping(bytes32 => Condition) internal _conditions;
function exists(bytes32 id) public view returns (bool) {
return _conditions[id].state != ConditionState.Uninitialized;
function getState(bytes32 id) public view returns (ConditionState) {
return _conditions[id].state;
function getDependency(bytes32 id) public view returns (bytes32) {
return _conditions[id].dependency;
function create(bytes32 id) public returns (bool) {
if (!exists(id)) _conditions[id].state = ConditionState.Unfufilled;
function updateState(bytes32 id, ConditionState state) public returns (bool) {
// can only be executed by Condition contract
if (getDependency(id) > 0x0) {
if (!(getState(getDependency(id)) == ConditionState.Fulfilled)) return false;
_conditions[id].state = state;
return true;
function updateDependency(bytes32 id, bytes32 dependentId) public returns (bool) {
// can only be executed by Condition owner
_conditions[id].dependency = dependentId;
return true;
contract Condition {
ConditionStore internal conditionStore;
event ConditionFulfilled(bytes32 indexed agreementId, address indexed _type, bytes32 id);
function generateId(bytes32 agreementId, bytes32 valueHash) public pure returns (bytes32){
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(agreementId, valueHash));
function create(bytes32 id) internal returns (bool) {
return conditionStore.create(id);
function update(bytes32 id, ConditionStore.ConditionState state) internal returns (bool) {
return conditionStore.updateState(id, state);
contract HashCondition is Condition {
constructor(address conditionStoreAddress) public {
conditionStore = ConditionStore(conditionStoreAddress);
function hashValues(uint256 preimage) public pure returns (bytes32) {
return hashValues(abi.encodePacked(preimage));
function hashValues(string memory preimage) public pure returns (bytes32) {
return hashValues(abi.encodePacked(preimage));
function hashValues(bytes32 preimage) public pure returns (bytes32) {
return hashValues(abi.encodePacked(preimage));
function hashValues(bytes memory preimage) public pure returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(preimage);
function create(bytes32 agreementId, bytes32 hash) public returns (bool){
bytes32 id = generateId(agreementId, hash);
return super.create(id);
function fulfill(bytes32 agreementId, uint256 preimage) public returns (bool) {
bytes32 id = generateId(agreementId, hashValues(preimage));
return _fulfill(agreementId, id);
function fulfill(bytes32 agreementId, string memory preimage) public returns (bool) {
bytes32 id = generateId(agreementId, hashValues(preimage));
return _fulfill(agreementId, id);
function fulfill(bytes32 agreementId, bytes32 preimage) public returns (bool) {
bytes32 id = generateId(agreementId, hashValues(preimage));
return _fulfill(agreementId, id);
function _fulfill(bytes32 agreementId, bytes32 id) private returns (bool) {
bool result = update(id, ConditionStore.ConditionState.Fulfilled);
emit ConditionFulfilled(agreementId, address(this), id);
return result;
contract SignCondition is Condition {
constructor(address conditionStoreAddress) public {
conditionStore = ConditionStore(conditionStoreAddress);
function hashValues(bytes32 message, address publicKey) public pure returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(message, publicKey));
function hashValues(string memory message, address publicKey) public pure returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(message, publicKey));
function hashValues(bytes memory message, address publicKey) public pure returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(message, publicKey));
function create(bytes32 agreementId, bytes32 message, address publicKey) public returns (bool){
bytes32 id = generateId(agreementId, hashValues(message, publicKey));
return super.create(id);
function fulfill(bytes32 agreementId, bytes32 message, address publicKey, bytes memory signature) public returns (bool) {
bytes32 id = generateId(agreementId, hashValues(message, publicKey));
bool fulfills = ECDSA.recover(message, signature) == publicKey;
if (fulfills) {
bool result = update(id, ConditionStore.ConditionState.Fulfilled);
if (result) emit ConditionFulfilled(agreementId, address(this), id);
return false;
contract LockPaymentCondition is Condition {
ERC20 private token;
constructor(address conditionStoreAddress, address tokenAddress) public {
conditionStore = ConditionStore(conditionStoreAddress);
token = OceanToken(tokenAddress);
function hashValues(address rewardContract, uint256 amount) public pure returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(rewardContract, amount));
function create(bytes32 agreementId, address rewardContract, uint256 amount) public returns (bool){
bytes32 id = generateId(agreementId, hashValues(rewardContract, amount));
return super.create(id);
function fulfill(bytes32 agreementId, address rewardContract, uint256 amount) public returns (bool) {
if (token.transferFrom(msg.sender, rewardContract, amount)) {
bytes32 id = generateId(agreementId, hashValues(rewardContract, amount));
bool result = update(id, ConditionStore.ConditionState.Fulfilled);
if (result) emit ConditionFulfilled(agreementId, address(this), id);
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.6.0;
import '';
import '';
import '';
@title Ocean Protocol ERC20 Token Contract
@author Team: Fang Gong
contract OceanToken is ERC20 {
using SafeMath for uint256;
// ============
// ============
string public constant name = 'OceanToken'; // Set the token name for display
string public constant symbol = 'OCN'; // Set the token symbol for display
uint8 public constant decimals = 18; // Set the number of decimals for display
uint256 public constant TOTAL_SUPPLY = 1400000000 * 10 ** 18; // OceanToken total supply
address public receiver = address(0); // address to receive TOKENS
uint256 public _totalSupply; // total supply of Ocean tokens including
// initial tokens plus block rewards
* @dev OceanToken Constructor
* Runs only on initial contract creation.
constructor() public {
_totalSupply = TOTAL_SUPPLY;
* @dev setReceiver set the address to receive the emitted tokens
* @param to The address to send tokens
* @return success setting is successful.
function setReceiver(address to) public returns (bool success){
// make sure receiver is not set already
require(receiver == address(0), 'Receiver address already set.');
// Creator address is assigned initial available tokens
super._mint(to, TOTAL_SUPPLY);
// set receiver
receiver = to;
return true;
* @dev Transfer token for a specified address when not paused
* @param to The address to transfer to.
* @param value The amount to be transferred.
function transfer(
address to,
uint256 value
returns (bool)
to != address(0),
'To address is 0x0.'
return super.transfer(to, value);
* @dev Transfer tokens from one address to another when not paused
* @param _from address The address which you want to send tokens from
* @param to address The address which you want to transfer to
* @param value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred
function transferFrom(
address _from,
address to,
uint256 value
returns (bool)
to != address(0),
'To address is 0x0.'
return super.transferFrom(_from, to, value);
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.6.0;
import "browser/Condition.sol";
contract EscrowRewardStore {
struct EscrowReward {
uint256 amount;
address receiver;
address sender;
bytes32 lockCondition; // 0xLOCK
bytes32 rewardCondition; // 0xACCESS
mapping(bytes32 => EscrowReward) _rewards;
ConditionStore internal conditionStore;
constructor(address conditionStoreAddress) public {
conditionStore = ConditionStore(conditionStoreAddress);
function reward(bytes32 agreementId) public returns (bool) {
if (conditionStore.getState(_rewards[agreementId].lockCondition) == ConditionStore.ConditionState.Fulfilled) {
if (conditionStore.getState(_rewards[agreementId].rewardCondition) == ConditionStore.ConditionState.Fulfilled) {
return true; // transfer amount to receiver
} else if (conditionStore.getState(_rewards[agreementId].rewardCondition) == ConditionStore.ConditionState.Aborted) {
return true; // transfer amount to sender
return false;
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