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Created March 25, 2014 19:44
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Monad - Draft that is partially working
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
#include <future>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
using std::declval;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::future;
using std::forward;
using std::move;
using std::result_of;
using std::tuple;
using std::pair;
using std::remove_reference;
using std::is_function;
using std::is_same;
using std::is_class;
using std::enable_if;
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
template <class T>
struct optional {};
template <class T>
struct expected {};
struct just_type {};
struct function_type {};
struct sequence_type {};
struct iterator_type {};
struct optional_type {};
struct expected_type {};
struct monad_type {};
struct pointer_type {};
struct future_type {};
// type deduction, ideas from Pure library
template <typename...>
just_type categorise(...);
// sequences should have begin(), end() member functions
template <typename T>
auto categorise(const T& sequence) -> decltype(begin(sequence), end(sequence), sequence_type());
// optional(maybe) should support dereferencing and conversion to bool (for validation)
template <typename T>
auto categorise(const T& optional) -> decltype(*optional, (bool) optional, optional_type());
// expected should support dereferencing and valid()
template <class T>
static auto categorise(const T& expected) -> decltype(*expected, expected.valid(), expected_type());
// iterator should support dereferencing, next operators and inequality
template <typename Iterator, class Next, class End>
static auto categorise(const tuple<Iterator, Next, End>& iterator)
-> decltype(
// own proposal: pair of (functor, policy)
// futures should support wait(), get() is optional
template <class Future>
auto categorise(const Future& future)
-> decltype(future.wait(), future_type());
template <class T>
auto categorise(const std::pair<std::launch, T>& future)
-> future_type;
// a single std::launch policy flag is also a future
template <class T>
auto categorise(const T& future)
-> typename enable_if<is_same<T, std::launch>::value, future_type>::type;
// pointers should support dereferencing and becoming nullptr
template<class T>
auto categorise(const T& pointer)
-> decltype(*pointer, pointer == nullptr, pointer_type());
// functors are callable
// functions in traditional sense
template <typename T>
auto categorise(const T& functor)
-> typename enable_if<is_function<T>::value, function_type>::type;
// callable objects
template <class Functor>
struct is_callable {
struct success {};
struct Base {
void operator()(){}; // operator() that will be tested against
struct Derived : Functor, Base {};
template <typename T, T t>
struct Compare {};
template <typename T>
static void test(T*, Compare<void (Base::*)(), &T::operator()>* = 0);
// When testing, the combined class is passed in
// If conversion from a pointer to the combined class's operator() to a pointer to Base::operator()
// is successful, there is no operator() in Functor.
static success test(...);
static const bool value = is_same<decltype(test((Derived*)(0))), success>::value;
template<bool, typename>
struct is_functor {
static const bool value = false;
template<typename T>
struct is_functor <true, T> {
static const bool value = is_callable<T>::value;
// currently callable union is not supported
template <typename T>
auto categorise (const T& functor)
-> typename enable_if<is_functor<is_class<T>::value, T>::value, function_type>::type;
// fmaps
template<class Traits, class... Args>
struct fmap_type {
template<class T>
struct fmap_type<just_type, T> {
void operator() () {
template<class T>
struct fmap_type<sequence_type, T> {
template<class T>
struct fmap_type<iterator_type, T> {
template<class T, class Category = decltype(categorise(declval<T>()))>
struct fmap : fmap_type<Category, T> {
typedef Category traits;
typedef T type;
using fmap_type<Category,T>::operator();
// interface open to abstracted functors
template <class Traits> struct monad_species{};
template <class Traits, class Species = typename monad_species<Traits>::species >
struct monad : monad_type {
// deduct type without instantiating that particular monad species, see below
template <class Functor, typename T, class MonadSpecies>
struct mbind_type {
template <class Functor, typename T>
static constexpr auto mbind (Functor&& f, T&& t)
-> typename mbind_type<Functor, T, Species>::type // return type is making a trouble
return Species::mbind(forward<Functor>(f), forward<T>(t));
template <class T, class X, class MonadSpecies>
struct mreturn_type {
typedef decltype(MonadSpecies::template mreturn<T>(forward<X>(declval<X>()))) type;
template <typename T, class X>
static constexpr auto mreturn (X&& x)
-> typename mreturn_type<T, X, Species>::type
// put into a new container, which is determined by
// respective monad species
return Species::template mreturn<T>(forward<X>(x));
// real stuff starts here
// just monad
struct monad_just : monad<just_type, monad_just> {
template <class Functor, typename T, class Ret = typename result_of<Functor(T&&)>::type>
static Ret mbind (Functor&& f, T&& t) {
return forward<Functor>(f)(forward<T>(t));
template <typename T, class X>
static constexpr T mreturn(X&& x) {
return T(forward<X>(x));
template <>
struct monad_species<just_type> {
typedef monad_just species;
struct monad_pointer : monad<pointer_type, monad_pointer> {
// pointer monad
template <
class Functor,
typename Ptr,
class T = decltype(*declval<Ptr>()),
class Ret = typename result_of<Functor(T)>::type>
static Ret mbind (Functor&& f, Ptr&& ptr) {
return ptr ? forward<Functor>(f)(*ptr) : nullptr;
template <typename Ptr, class X, class T = decltype(*declval<Ptr>())>
static constexpr Ptr mreturn (X&& x) {
return Ptr (new T(forward<X>(x)));
template <>
struct monad_species<pointer_type> {
typedef monad_pointer species;
// future monad
struct monad_future : monad<future_type, monad_future> {
// future monad
// initial call to future - plan to abstract the process
// with fmap
/*template <
class Functor,
class T,
class Future = future<typename result_of<Functor(T&&)>::type> >
static Future mbind (Functor&& f, T&& t) {
return std::async (std::launch::async,
[&]{return forward<Functor>(f)(forward<T>(t));});
// with appointed policy
template <
class Functor,
class T,
class Future = future<typename result_of<Functor(T&&)>::type> >
static Future mbind (Functor&& f, std::pair<std::launch, T>&& t) {
return std::async (t.first, forward<Functor>(f), forward<T>(t.second));
template <class Functor, class Future = future<typename result_of<Functor(void)>::type> >
static Future mbind (Functor&& f, std::launch&& t) {
return std::async (t, forward<Functor>(f));
// futures can chain together and may be asynchronous according to
// the indicated policy
template <
class Functor,
class Future,
class Ret = typename result_of<Functor(Future&&)>::type,
class FutureRet = future<Ret> >
static FutureRet mbind (Functor&& f, Future&& ftr) {
// currently no support for then, so ...
// return ftr.then(
// [&](FutureR&& prev) -> Ret {
// return forward<Functor>(f)(forward<FutureR>(ftr));
// });
return std::async (
// functors that does not take in future objects will have
// their parameters lifted out before application and will put
// back into future object
template <
class Functor,
class Future,
class T = decltype(declval<Future>().get()),
class Ret = typename result_of<Functor(T&&)>::type,
class FutureRet = future<Ret> >
static FutureRet mbind (Functor&& f, Future&& ftr) {
!is_same<void, T>::value,
"return type void is not allowed for lifting from future monad");
return std::async (std::launch::async, [&]{
return forward<Functor>(f)(forward<T>(ftr.get()));
template <
class Functor,
class Ret = typename result_of<Functor(void)>::type,
class Future = future<Ret> >
static constexpr Future mreturn (Functor&& f) {
return std::async(std::launch::async, forward<Functor>(f));
template <>
struct monad_species<future_type> {
typedef monad_future species;
struct monad_sequence : monad<sequence_type, monad_sequence> {
template <
class T,
class Sequence,
class Functor,
class Ret = typename result_of<Functor(T)>::type>
static Ret mbind (Functor&& f, Sequence&& s) { // TODO
/*auto& iterator = begin(s);
auto& end = end(s);
Ret m;
while (iterator != end)
m = forward<Functor>(f)(forward<T>(*iterator));
return m;*/
template <class Sequence, class X>
static constexpr Sequence mreturn (X&& x) {
return Sequence(x); // TODO
template <>
struct monad_species<sequence_type> {
typedef monad_sequence species;
// optional (maybe) monard
struct monad_optional : monad<optional_type, monad_optional> {
template <
class Optional,
class Functor,
class T = decltype(*declval<Optional>()),
class Ret = typename result_of<Functor(T&&)>::type>
static Ret mbind (Functor&& f, Optional&& opt) {
return opt ? forward<Functor>(f)(*opt) : Optional();
template <class Optional, class X>
static constexpr Optional mreturn (X&& x) {
return Optional(T(forward<X>(x))); //initialise optional
template <>
struct monad_species<optional_type> {
typedef monad_optional species;
// error-handling expected monad
struct monad_expected : monad<expected_type, monad_expected> {
template <
class Expected,
class Functor,
class T = decltype(*declval<Expected>()),
class Ret = typename result_of<Functor(T&&)>::type>
static Ret mbind (Functor&& f, Expected&& ex) {
return forward<Functor>(f)(*ex);
/*template <
class Expected,
class Functor,
class T = decltype (*declval<Expected>())
class Ret = typename result_of<Functor(T&&)>::type>
static Ret mbind (Functor&& f, const Expected& ex) {
return ex.valid() ? forward<Functor>(f)(*ex) : Ret();
template <class Expected, class X, class T = decltype(*declval<Expected>())>
static constexpr Expected mreturn (X&& x) {
return Expected(T(forward<X>(x)));
template <>
struct monad_species<expected_type> {
typedef monad_expected species;
// public monad bind operation
// Functor: function type
// T: container type
template <class Functor, class T, class Traits = decltype(categorise(declval<T>()))>
constexpr auto mbind (Functor&& f, T&& t)
-> decltype(
monad<Traits, typename monad_species<Traits>::species>
::mbind (forward<Functor>(f), forward<T>(t))) {
return monad<Traits, typename monad_species<Traits>::species>::mbind(forward<Functor>(f), forward<T>(t));
// public monad return operation
// T: container type
// X: contained data type
template <typename T, class X, class Traits = decltype(categorise(declval<T>()))>
constexpr auto mreturn (X&& x)
-> decltype(monad<Traits, typename monad_species<Traits>::species>::template mreturn<T>(forward<X>(x))) {
return monad<Traits, typename monad_species<Traits>::species>::template mreturn<T>(forward<X>(x));
template <class L, class R>
constexpr auto operator>> (L&& left, R&& right)
-> decltype(mbind (forward<R>(right), forward<L>(left))) {
return mbind (forward<R>(right), forward<L>(left));
template<typename T>
void swap(T&& a, T&& b, bool order) {
if (a > b ^ order) {
std::cout << "swapping " << a << " and " << b << std::endl;
typename remove_reference<T>::type t = std::move<T>(a);
a = move<T>(b);
b = move<T>(t);
// my own implementation of wait_for_all for std::future
template<class Rep, class Period, typename ...Types>
constexpr bool check_ready_for_all(
const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& duration,
const std::future<Types>&... rest);
template<class Rep, class Period, typename T, typename ...Types>
constexpr bool check_ready_for_all(
const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& duration,
const std::future<T>& ftr,
const std::future<Types>&... rest) {
return (ftr.wait_for(duration) != std::future_status::ready) ? false : check_ready_for_all(duration, rest...);
template<class Rep, class Period, typename T>
constexpr bool check_ready_for_all(
const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& duration,
const std::future<T>& ftr1,
const std::future<T>& ftr2) {
return ftr1.wait_for(duration) == std::future_status::ready ?
ftr2.wait_for(duration) == std::future_status::ready :
template<typename ...Types>
void wait_for_all(const std::future<Types>&... futures) {
while (!check_ready_for_all(std::chrono::nanoseconds(10),futures...))
int main () {
int N = 16;
scanf ("%d", &N);
int check = N;
while (check > 1)
if (check & 1)
return -1;
check /= 2;
int *arr = new int[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
scanf ("%d", &arr[i]); /* example : {14, 0, 8, 1, 5, 11, 2, 12, 3, 13, 7, 9, 10, 6, 4, 15}; */
std::function<void(const int, const int, int*, const bool)> bitonic_divider, bitonic_merger;
bitonic_divider = [&](const int start, const int end, int *arr, const bool order) {
if (start >= end)
std::cout << "divider: " << start << "-" << end << std::endl;
if (start + 1 == end) {
swap(arr[start], arr[end], order);
// dividing
int middle = (start + end) / 2;
// first divide (asynchronous)
std::future<void> ftr =
std::launch::async >> [&]{
// use boost library's wait_for_all
std::async(std::launch::async, [&]{bitonic_divider(start, middle, arr, false);}),
std::async(std::launch::async, [&]{bitonic_divider(middle + 1, end, arr, true);}));
// mbind operator that automatically passes the function below
// as a parameter to then() method of the former future object and return a future object,
// so bitonic_divider and bitonic_merger are sequentially chained up.
// once the former future has done the job, since it was passed to the second future functor,
// the second future functor then can proceed.
>> [&](std::future<void>&& prev){
// previous job must be done
bitonic_merger(start, end, arr, order);
// block here and wait
bitonic_merger = [&](const int start, const int end, int *arr, const bool order) {
if (start >= end)
std::cout << "merger: " << start << "-" << end << std::endl;
if (start + 1 == end) {
swap(arr[start], arr[end], order);
int middle = (start + end) / 2;
std::future<void> ftr =
std::launch::async >> [&]{
for (int i = start, j = (start + end) / 2 + 1, flag = j - 1; i <= flag && j <= end; i++, j++)
swap(arr[i], arr[j], order);
>> [&](std::future<void>&& prev) {
std::async(std::launch::async, [&]{bitonic_merger(start, middle, arr, order);}),
std::async(std::launch::async, [&]{bitonic_merger(middle + 1, end, arr, order);}));
bitonic_divider(0, N - 1, arr, false);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
std::cout << arr[i] << std::endl;
return 0;
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