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Created October 8, 2016 01:43
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object SuffixTree extends App {
case class TreeNode(children: Map[Char, TreeNode] = Map.empty, end: Boolean = false) {
def addString(string: CharSequence): TreeNode = {
if(string.length() == 0) {
this.copy(end = true)
} else {
val c = string.charAt(0)
val existingNode = children.getOrElse(c, TreeNode())
this.copy(children = children.updated(c, existingNode.addString(string.subSequence(1, string.length()))))
def print(indent: Int = 0): Unit = {
val indentString = List.fill(indent)(' ').mkString
children.foreach { case (char, node) =>
val endString = if(node.end) "$" else ""
node.print(indent + 1)
def naiveConstruction(string: CharSequence): TreeNode = {
val suffixes = (0 to string.length()).map(string.subSequence(_, string.length()))
suffixes.foldLeft(TreeNode()) { case (rootNode, s) => rootNode.addString(s) }
val testString = "babas"
val result = naiveConstruction(testString)
object UkkonenSuffixTree extends App {
trait State {
def suffixLink: State
def links: Map[Char, State]
case class RealState(links: Map[Char, State], suffixLink: State)
class BottomState extends State {
override def suffixLink = ???
override val links = Map('∑' -> RealState(Map.empty, this))
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