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Created April 2, 2016 23:49
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(ns aoc.day6
(:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
[clojure.set :as cset]
[clojure.string :as s]))
(defn part-1-input []
(.trim (slurp "resources/day6-part1-input")))
(defn str->point
"(str->point \"0,0\") => [0 0]"
(map #(Integer. %)
(s/split point-str #",")))
(defn str->rect
"(str->rect \"toggle 0,0 through 2,2\" 7) => [[0 0] [2 2]]"
[cmd-str start-index]
(let [cmd-range (-> cmd-str
(.substring start-index)
[start-str _ end-str] (s/split cmd-range #" ")]
(map str->point [start-str end-str])))
(defn str->cmd
"(str->cmd \"toggle 0,0 through 2,2\") => [:toggle [[0 0] [2 2]]]"
(condp #(.startsWith %2 %1) s
"turn on" [:on (str->rect s 8)]
"turn off" [:off (str->rect s 9)]
"toggle" [:toggle (str->rect s 7)]))
(defn cmds-from-input [in]
(->> in
(mapv str->cmd)))
(defn apply-cmd
([lights-on [op [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]]]
(let [lights-on (set lights-on)
affected-lights (set (for [x (range x1 (inc x2))
y (range y1 (inc y2))]
[x y]))]
(into []
(case op
:on (cset/union lights-on affected-lights)
:off (cset/difference lights-on affected-lights)
:toggle (let [turn-off (cset/intersection lights-on affected-lights)
turn-on (cset/difference affected-lights lights-on)]
(-> lights-on
(cset/difference turn-off)
(cset/union turn-on))))))))
(defn part-1 []
(let [in (part-1-input)
cmds (cmds-from-input in)]
(count (reduce apply-cmd [] cmds))))
(defn part-1-par [batch-size]
(let [in (part-1-input)
cmds (cmds-from-input in)]
(count (r/fold batch-size apply-cmd apply-cmd cmds))))
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