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Created January 28, 2019 03:05
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//sudo crontab -e 里加"* * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/malcolm/set_overcommit_ratio.php"
//MemFree需要保留200MB给系统(否则iowait很高桌面就卡住了), Cached有一部份是释放不掉的, 只能先用drop_caches释放下然后计算剩余内存时就不用算Cached的可释放部分了,
//预算超占率采用130%(firefox新开一个标签页时的超占率130%, chrome新开一个标签页是145%), 这个值是非常保守的, sublime,firefox等程序启动都在190%到220%之间, 也是考虑到每分钟才跑一次预占超出去了后再强行缩小会导致/usr/bin/X挂掉
shell_exec('sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches');
$tmp=explode("\n", trim(shell_exec('cat /proc/meminfo | grep -P "Mem|Commit|Cached"')));
foreach ($tmp as $v)
$v=explode(':', $v);
//echo $overcommit_ratio."\n";
echo shell_exec("/sbin/sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=2"); //拒绝分配超过1.3倍, 第一重预防
echo shell_exec("/sbin/sysctl vm.overcommit_ratio={$overcommit_ratio}");
echo shell_exec('pgrep -f "/usr/bin/X" | while read PID; do echo -17 > /proc/$PID/oom_adj; done'); //lxsession内存利用率高不担心, oom统计默认只排除了systemd-udevd和sshd漏了Xorg
while (time()-$start_time<56) //1分钟还剩不到4秒就不要继续循环了, 避免跟crontab启动的任务重叠
$tmp=explode(':', trim(shell_exec('cat /proc/meminfo | grep -P "MemFree"')), 2);
$tmp=explode(':', trim(shell_exec('cat /proc/meminfo | grep -P "Buffers"')), 2);
$tmp=explode(':', trim(shell_exec('cat /proc/meminfo | grep -P "Cached"')), 2);
$tmp=$free+$buffers+$cached; //这才是真正剩余的内存
//echo $tmp."\n";
if ($tmp>0 && $tmp<200000) //是numeric并且小于200MB才开始预防性杀oom统计的坏进程, 第二重预防
$bad=preg_split("/\s+/", trim(@shell_exec('for proc in $(find /proc -maxdepth 1 -regex "/proc/[0-9]+"); do printf "%2d %5d %s\n" "$(cat $proc/oom_score)" "$(basename $proc)" "$(cat $proc/cmdline | tr "\0" " " | head -c 50)"; done 2>/dev/null | sort -nr | head -n 1')), 3);
echo $bad_name."\n";
if (is_numeric($bad))
echo shell_exec("kill -9 {$bad}");
file_put_contents('/home/malcolm/set_overcommit_ratio.txt', date('Ymd His:').$bad_name."\n", FILE_APPEND);
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