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Created November 20, 2019 20:01
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final class RateLimiter[F[_]: Sync: Timer] private (chunks: Int, window: FiniteDuration, now: FiniteDuration, caution: Double) {
import RateLimiter.nowF
private val state = Ref.of[F, (Int, FiniteDuration)]((0, now))
// implements hard limiting, rather than graceful and cooperative backoff
def limiter[A]: Pipe[F, A, A] = { in =>
val actualKey = (key, window)
val cap = math.max((chunks * caution).toInt, 1)
def checkAndNext(in: Stream[F, A]): Pull[F, A, Stream[F, A]] = {
val pullF = for {
(count, start) <- state.get
now <- nowF
_ <- if (start + window < now)
state.tryUpdate(_ => (0, now))
(count, start) <- state.get
pull <- if (count >= chunks) {
Timer[F].sleep((start + window) - now) >> checkAndNext(in)
} else {
state tryUpdate {
case (count, start) => (count + 1, start)
} map { success =>
if (success) {
in.pull.uncons flatMap {
case Some((head, tail)) =>
case None =>
} else {
} yield pull
def loop(in: Stream[F, A]): Pull[F, A, Nothing] =
object RateLimiter {
// only use 80% of the available rate limit
def apply[F[_]: Concurrent: Timer](chunks: Int, window: FiniteDuration, caution: Double = 0.8): RateLimiter[F] =
nowF[F] flatMap { now =>
Sync[F].delay(new RateLimiter[F](chunks, window, now, caution))
def nowF[F[_]: Timer: Functor]: F[FiniteDuration] =
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