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Moving bytes around.

Dalibor Karlović dkarlovi

Moving bytes around.
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michelv / ConsecutiveCallsTrait.php
Last active March 2, 2023 15:07
Replacement for PHPUnit's deprecated method InvocationMocker::withConsecutive
use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Callback;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Constraint;
* This is a replacement for InvocationMocker::withConsecutive() which is
ciaranmcnulty /
Last active March 25, 2024 06:36
Notes on using Docker on ARM Macs (November 2021)

Docker for Mac

On M1 machines, Docker for Mac is running a lightweight linux ARM VM, then running containers within that, so containers are essentially running natively. Don't be fooled by the fact the UI or binary CLI tools (e.g. docker) might require Rosetta.

Within that VM is an emulation layer called QEmu. This can be used by docker to run Intel containers. This does not use Rosetta at all, and has a roughly 5-6X performance penalty. (If you just upgraded your CPU this may result in a similar performance to your old machine!)

Pulling and running with Docker

Many images in public registries are multi-architecture. For instance at the time of writing on Docker Hub the php:8.0-cli image has the following digests:

romaricdrigon / docker-compose.override.yaml
Created August 27, 2020 14:36
Using Mutagen Compose
version: '3.7'
appdata: ~
code: ~
- code:/var/www/html
fail-fast: false
chunk_count: [5]
chunk_number: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
CHUNK_COUNT: ${{matrix.chunk_count}}
CHUNK_NUMBER: ${{matrix.chunk_number}}
vudaltsov / FixPostgreSQLDefaultSchemaListener.php
Last active March 3, 2024 10:08
Doctrine PostgreSQL Default Schema Fix For Symfony
namespace App\Doctrine\EventListener;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\PostgreSQLSchemaManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Event\GenerateSchemaEventArgs;
final class FixPostgreSQLDefaultSchemaListener
jerieljan / How I Do
Last active January 1, 2024 06:23
PlantUML with Style -- How I do PlantUML

I use PlantUML a lot. It's what I use for drawing all sorts of diagrams and it's handy because of its easy markup (once you get used to it) while making things easy to maintain as projects grow (thanks to version control)

This gist explains how I do my PlantUML workspace in a project.

  • The idea is to keep a globals directory for all diagrams to follow (like the "stylesheet" below) to keep things consistent.
  • I use a stylesheet.iuml file that keeps the use of colors consistent through use of basic FOREGROUND, BACKGROUND and ACCENT colors.
  • The style-presets.iuml file defines these colors so you can make "presets" or "themes" out of them.
  • As stated in the stylesheet.iuml, you'll need the Roboto Condensed and Inconsolata fonts for these to work properly.
  • You can choose to either run the PlantUML jar over your file/s, or use an IDE like VSCode with the PlantUML extension. Here's a preview of example-sequence.puml for example:
dunglas / example.php
Created April 19, 2018 06:25
A minimalist GraphQL client for PHP
$query = <<<'GRAPHQL'
query GetUser($user: String!) {
user (login: $user) {
repositoriesContributedTo {
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
if (
extension_loaded( 'xdebug' )
&& version_compare( '2.6.0', phpversion( 'xdebug' ), '<=' )
/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedFunctionInspection */
/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedConstantInspection */
jakzal / QueueScraperTest.php
Last active September 28, 2022 14:55
RabbitMQ integration test
namespace Zalas\Infrastructure\Scraper;
use OldSound\RabbitMqBundle\RabbitMq\Consumer;
use OldSound\RabbitMqBundle\RabbitMq\ConsumerInterface;
use OldSound\RabbitMqBundle\RabbitMq\ProducerInterface;
use PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AbstractConnection;
use PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPLazyConnection;
use PhpAmqpLib\Exception\AMQPTimeoutException;
public class Hello
   public static void Main()
-      System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
+      System.Console.WriteLine("Rock all night long!");