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Denis Khabarov dkhabarov

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dkhabarov /
Last active March 31, 2019 22:44
1-ое апреля. Разыграть разработчиков? :) Может ваши варианты будут интересней? :)
for d in /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin;
for tool in $(find "$d" -type f);
toolname=$(basename $tool)
cat << EOF >> /etc/profile
alias $toolname='/bin/echo "Segmentation fault (core dumped)";'
if [ $(command -v apt-get) ]; then apt-get update && apt-get install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates && apt-get clean; \
elif [ $(command -v dnf) ]; then dnf makecache && dnf --assumeyes install python sudo python-devel python2-dnf bash && dnf clean all; \
elif [ $(command -v yum) ]; then yum makecache fast && yum install -y python sudo yum-plugin-ovl bash && sed -i 's/plugins=0/plugins=1/g' /etc/yum.conf && yum clean all; \
elif [ $(command -v zypper) ]; then zypper refresh && zypper install -y python sudo bash python-xml && zypper clean -a; \
elif [ $(command -v apk) ]; then apk update && apk add --no-cache python sudo bash ca-certificates; \
elif [ $(command -v xbps-install) ]; then xbps-install -Syu && xbps-install -y python sudo bash ca-certificates && xbps-remove -O; fi
Code that goes along with the Airflow located at:
import airflow
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator
from airflow.operators.latest_only_operator import LatestOnlyOperator
from datetime import datetime, timedelta